/*! \page measurements_page Measurements Mesh module provides the possibility to perform different measurements of the selected mesh data. All measurement operations are available via \b Measurements top-level menu. Access to the measurements operations is implemented via a single dialog box, where each operation is represented as a separate tab page. \section min_distance_anchor Minimum Distance This operation allows measuring the distance between two objects. Currently only node-to-node and node-to-origin operations are available, but this operation will be extended in the future to support other mesh objects - elements, meshes, sub-meshes and groups. To start <b>Minimum Distance</b> operation, select <b>Minimum Distance</b> item from \b Measurements menu. \image html min_distance.png In the dialog box choose the first target and the second target mode by switching the corresponding radio buttons, then select the objects the distance between which is to be calculated (or input their IDs directly in case of nodes/elements) and press \em Compute button. The following types of targets are supported: - \em Node: single mesh node; - \em Element: single mesh element (not available in this version); - \em Object: mesh, sub-mesh or group object (not available in this version); - \em Origin: origin of the global co-ordinate system. The result will be shown in the bottom area of the dialog box. In addition, a simple preview will be shown in the 3D viewer. \image html min_distance_preview.png \section bounding_box_anchor Bounding Box This operation allows to calculate the bounding box of the selected object(s). To start <b>Bounding Box</b> operation, select <b>Bounding Box</b> item from \b Measurements menu. \image html bnd_box.png In the dialog box choose the required type of the object by switching the corresponding radio button, select the object(s) and press \em Compute button. The following types of input are available: - \em Objects: select one or several mesh, sub-mesh or group objects; - \em Nodes: select a set of mesh nodes; - \em Elements: select a set of mesh elements. The result of calculation will be shown in the bottom area of the dialog box. In addition, a simple preview will be shown in the 3D viewer. \image html bnd_box_preview.png <b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_measurements_page "Measurement operations". */