// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com #include "SMESHGUI_HypothesesUtils.h" #include "SMESHGUI.h" #include "SMESHGUI_Hypotheses.h" #include "SMESHGUI_XmlHandler.h" #include "SMESHGUI_Utils.h" #include "SMESHGUI_GEOMGenUtils.h" #include "SUIT_Tools.h" #include "SUIT_Desktop.h" #include "SUIT_MessageBox.h" #include "SUIT_OverrideCursor.h" #include "SUIT_ResourceMgr.h" #include "SUIT_Session.h" #include "OB_Browser.h" #include "SalomeApp_Study.h" #include "SalomeApp_Tools.h" #include "SalomeApp_Application.h" #include #include #include "SALOMEconfig.h" #include CORBA_CLIENT_HEADER(SALOMEDS_Attributes) #include #include #ifdef WNT #include #else #include #endif #ifdef WNT #define LibHandle HMODULE #define LoadLib( name ) LoadLibrary( name ) #define GetProc GetProcAddress #define UnLoadLib( handle ) FreeLibrary( handle ); #else #define LibHandle void* #define LoadLib( name ) dlopen( name, RTLD_LAZY ) #define GetProc dlsym #define UnLoadLib( handle ) dlclose( handle ); #endif #ifdef _DEBUG_ static int MYDEBUG = 0; #else static int MYDEBUG = 0; #endif namespace SMESH{ using namespace std; typedef map THypothesisDataMap; THypothesisDataMap myHypothesesMap; THypothesisDataMap myAlgorithmsMap; typedef map THypCreatorMap; THypCreatorMap myHypCreatorMap; list myListOfHypothesesSets; void processHypothesisStatus(const int theHypStatus, SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_ptr theHyp, const bool theIsAddition) { if (theHypStatus > SMESH::HYP_OK) { // get Hyp name QString aHypName ("NULL Hypothesis"); if (!CORBA::is_nil(theHyp)) { _PTR(SObject) Shyp = SMESH::FindSObject(theHyp); if (Shyp) // name in study aHypName = Shyp->GetName().c_str(); else // label in xml file aHypName = GetHypothesisData(theHyp->GetName())->Label; } // message bool isFatal = (theHypStatus >= SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL); QString aMsg; if (theIsAddition) aMsg = (isFatal ? "SMESH_CANT_ADD_HYP" : "SMESH_ADD_HYP_WRN"); else aMsg = (isFatal ? "SMESH_CANT_RM_HYP" : "SMESH_RM_HYP_WRN"); aMsg = QObject::tr(aMsg).arg(aHypName) + QObject::tr(QString("SMESH_HYP_%1").arg(theHypStatus)); SUIT_MessageBox::warn1(SMESHGUI::desktop(), QObject::tr("SMESH_WRN_WARNING"), aMsg, QObject::tr("SMESH_BUT_OK")); } } void InitAvailableHypotheses() { SUIT_OverrideCursor wc; if (myHypothesesMap.empty() && myAlgorithmsMap.empty()) { // Resource manager SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr(); if (!resMgr) return; // Find name of a resource XML file ("SMESH_Meshers.xml"); QString HypsXml; char* cenv = getenv("SMESH_MeshersList"); if (cenv) HypsXml.sprintf("%s", cenv); QStringList HypsXmlList = QStringList::split(":", HypsXml, false); if (HypsXmlList.count() == 0) { SUIT_MessageBox::error1(SMESHGUI::desktop(), QObject::tr("SMESH_WRN_WARNING"), QObject::tr("MESHERS_FILE_NO_VARIABLE"), QObject::tr("SMESH_BUT_OK")); return; } // loop on files in HypsXml QString aNoAccessFiles; for (int i = 0; i < HypsXmlList.count(); i++) { QString HypsXml = HypsXmlList[ i ]; // Find full path to the resource XML file QString xmlFile = resMgr->path("resources", "SMESH", HypsXml + ".xml"); if ( xmlFile.isEmpty() ) // try PLUGIN resources xmlFile = resMgr->path("resources", HypsXml, HypsXml + ".xml"); QFile file (xmlFile); if (file.exists() && file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { file.close(); SMESHGUI_XmlHandler* aXmlHandler = new SMESHGUI_XmlHandler(); ASSERT(aXmlHandler); QXmlInputSource source (file); QXmlSimpleReader reader; reader.setContentHandler(aXmlHandler); reader.setErrorHandler(aXmlHandler); bool ok = reader.parse(source); file.close(); if (ok) { myHypothesesMap.insert( aXmlHandler->myHypothesesMap.begin(), aXmlHandler->myHypothesesMap.end() ); myAlgorithmsMap.insert( aXmlHandler->myAlgorithmsMap.begin(), aXmlHandler->myAlgorithmsMap.end() ); myListOfHypothesesSets.splice( myListOfHypothesesSets.begin(), aXmlHandler->myListOfHypothesesSets ); } else { SUIT_MessageBox::error1(SMESHGUI::desktop(), QObject::tr("INF_PARSE_ERROR"), QObject::tr(aXmlHandler->errorProtocol()), QObject::tr("SMESH_BUT_OK")); } } else { if (aNoAccessFiles.isEmpty()) aNoAccessFiles = xmlFile; else aNoAccessFiles += ", " + xmlFile; } } // end loop if (!aNoAccessFiles.isEmpty()) { QString aMess = QObject::tr("MESHERS_FILE_CANT_OPEN") + " " + aNoAccessFiles + "\n"; aMess += QObject::tr("MESHERS_FILE_CHECK_VARIABLE"); wc.suspend(); SUIT_MessageBox::warn1(SMESHGUI::desktop(), QObject::tr("SMESH_WRN_WARNING"), aMess, QObject::tr("SMESH_BUT_OK")); wc.resume(); } } } QStringList GetAvailableHypotheses( const bool isAlgo, const int theDim, const bool isAux ) { QStringList aHypList; // Init list of available hypotheses, if needed InitAvailableHypotheses(); // fill list of hypotheses/algorithms THypothesisDataMap* pMap = isAlgo ? &myAlgorithmsMap : &myHypothesesMap; THypothesisDataMap::iterator anIter; for ( anIter = pMap->begin(); anIter != pMap->end(); anIter++ ) { HypothesisData* aData = (*anIter).second; if ( ( theDim < 0 || aData->Dim.contains( theDim ) ) && aData->IsAux == isAux ) aHypList.append(((*anIter).first).c_str()); } return aHypList; } QStringList GetHypothesesSets() { QStringList aSetNameList; // Init list of available hypotheses, if needed InitAvailableHypotheses(); list::iterator hypoSet = myListOfHypothesesSets.begin(); for ( ; hypoSet != myListOfHypothesesSets.end(); ++hypoSet ) { HypothesesSet* aSet = *hypoSet; if ( aSet && aSet->AlgoList.count() ) { aSetNameList.append( aSet->HypoSetName ); } } return aSetNameList; } HypothesesSet* GetHypothesesSet(const QString theSetName) { list::iterator hypoSet = myListOfHypothesesSets.begin(); for ( ; hypoSet != myListOfHypothesesSets.end(); ++hypoSet ) { HypothesesSet* aSet = *hypoSet; if ( aSet && aSet->HypoSetName == theSetName ) return aSet; } return 0; } HypothesisData* GetHypothesisData (const char* aHypType) { HypothesisData* aHypData = 0; // Init list of available hypotheses, if needed InitAvailableHypotheses(); THypothesisDataMap::iterator type_data = myHypothesesMap.find(aHypType); if (type_data != myHypothesesMap.end()) { aHypData = type_data->second; } else { type_data = myAlgorithmsMap.find(aHypType); if (type_data != myAlgorithmsMap.end()) aHypData = type_data->second; } return aHypData; } bool IsAvailableHypothesis(const HypothesisData* algoData, const QString& hypType, bool& isAuxiliary) { isAuxiliary = false; if ( !algoData ) return false; if ( algoData->NeededHypos.contains( hypType )) return true; if ( algoData->OptionalHypos.contains( hypType)) { isAuxiliary = true; return true; } return false; } bool IsCompatibleAlgorithm(const HypothesisData* algo1Data, const HypothesisData* algo2Data) { if ( !algo1Data || !algo2Data ) return false; const HypothesisData* algoIn = algo1Data, *algoMain = algo2Data; if ( algoIn->Dim.first() > algoMain->Dim.first() ) { algoIn = algo2Data; algoMain = algo1Data; } // look for any output type of algoIn between input types of algoMain QStringList::const_iterator inElemType = algoIn->OutputTypes.begin(); for ( ; inElemType != algoIn->OutputTypes.end(); ++inElemType ) if ( algoMain->InputTypes.contains( *inElemType )) return true; return false; } SMESHGUI_GenericHypothesisCreator* GetHypothesisCreator(const char* aHypType) { if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("Get HypothesisCreator for " << aHypType); SMESHGUI_GenericHypothesisCreator* aCreator = 0; // check, if creator for this hypothesis type already exists if (myHypCreatorMap.find(aHypType) != myHypCreatorMap.end()) { aCreator = myHypCreatorMap[aHypType]; } else { // 1. Init list of available hypotheses, if needed InitAvailableHypotheses(); // 2. Get names of plugin libraries HypothesisData* aHypData = GetHypothesisData(aHypType); if (!aHypData) return aCreator; QString aClientLibName = aHypData->ClientLibName; QString aServerLibName = aHypData->ServerLibName; // 3. Load Client Plugin Library try { // load plugin library if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("Loading client meshers plugin library ..."); LibHandle libHandle = LoadLib( aClientLibName ); if (!libHandle) { // report any error, if occured if ( MYDEBUG ) { #ifdef WIN32 const char* anError = "Can't load client meshers plugin library"; #else const char* anError = dlerror(); #endif MESSAGE(anError); } } else { // get method, returning hypothesis creator if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("Find GetHypothesisCreator() method ..."); typedef SMESHGUI_GenericHypothesisCreator* (*GetHypothesisCreator) \ ( const QString& ); GetHypothesisCreator procHandle = (GetHypothesisCreator)GetProc(libHandle, "GetHypothesisCreator"); if (!procHandle) { if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("bad hypothesis client plugin library"); UnLoadLib(libHandle); } else { // get hypothesis creator if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("Get Hypothesis Creator for " << aHypType); aCreator = procHandle( aHypType ); if (!aCreator) { if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("no such a hypothesis in this plugin"); } else { // map hypothesis creator to a hypothesis name myHypCreatorMap[aHypType] = aCreator; } } } } catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& S_ex) { SalomeApp_Tools::QtCatchCorbaException(S_ex); } } return aCreator; } SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_ptr CreateHypothesis(const char* aHypType, const char* aHypName, const bool isAlgo) { if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("Create " << aHypType << " with name " << aHypName); SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_var Hyp; HypothesisData* aHypData = GetHypothesisData(aHypType); QString aServLib = aHypData->ServerLibName; try { Hyp = SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGen()->CreateHypothesis(aHypType, aServLib); if (!Hyp->_is_nil()) { _PTR(SObject) SHyp = SMESH::FindSObject(Hyp.in()); if (SHyp) { //if (strcmp(aHypName,"") != 0) if (strlen(aHypName) > 0) SMESH::SetName(SHyp, aHypName); //SalomeApp_Application* app = // dynamic_cast(SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()); //if (app) // app->objectBrowser()->updateTree(); SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI()->updateObjBrowser(); return Hyp._retn(); } } } catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception & S_ex) { SalomeApp_Tools::QtCatchCorbaException(S_ex); } return SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis::_nil(); } bool AddHypothesisOnMesh (SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr aMesh, SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_ptr aHyp) { if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE ("SMESHGUI::AddHypothesisOnMesh"); int res = SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL; SUIT_OverrideCursor wc; if (!aMesh->_is_nil()) { _PTR(SObject) SM = SMESH::FindSObject(aMesh); GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aShapeObject = SMESH::GetShapeOnMeshOrSubMesh(SM); try { res = aMesh->AddHypothesis(aShapeObject, aHyp); if (res < SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL) { _PTR(SObject) aSH = SMESH::FindSObject(aHyp); if (SM && aSH) { SMESH::ModifiedMesh(SM, false); } } if (res > SMESH::HYP_OK) { wc.suspend(); processHypothesisStatus(res, aHyp, true); wc.resume(); } } catch(const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& S_ex) { wc.suspend(); SalomeApp_Tools::QtCatchCorbaException(S_ex); res = SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL; } } return res < SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL; } bool AddHypothesisOnSubMesh (SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_ptr aSubMesh, SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_ptr aHyp) { if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("SMESHGUI::AddHypothesisOnSubMesh() "); int res = SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL; SUIT_OverrideCursor wc; if (!aSubMesh->_is_nil() && ! aHyp->_is_nil()) { try { SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = aSubMesh->GetFather(); _PTR(SObject) SsubM = SMESH::FindSObject(aSubMesh); GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aShapeObject = SMESH::GetShapeOnMeshOrSubMesh(SsubM); if (!aMesh->_is_nil() && SsubM && !aShapeObject->_is_nil()) { res = aMesh->AddHypothesis(aShapeObject, aHyp); if (res < SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL) { _PTR(SObject) meshSO = SMESH::FindSObject(aMesh); if (meshSO) SMESH::ModifiedMesh(meshSO, false); } if (res > SMESH::HYP_OK) { wc.suspend(); processHypothesisStatus(res, aHyp, true); wc.resume(); } } else { SCRUTE(aHyp->_is_nil()); SCRUTE(aMesh->_is_nil()); SCRUTE(!SsubM); SCRUTE(aShapeObject->_is_nil()); } } catch(const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& S_ex) { wc.suspend(); SalomeApp_Tools::QtCatchCorbaException(S_ex); res = SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL; } } else { SCRUTE(aSubMesh->_is_nil()); SCRUTE(aHyp->_is_nil()); } return res < SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL; } bool RemoveHypothesisOrAlgorithmOnMesh (const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& IObject) { int res = SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL; SUIT_OverrideCursor wc; try { _PTR(Study) aStudy = GetActiveStudyDocument(); _PTR(SObject) aHypObj = aStudy->FindObjectID( IObject->getEntry() ); if( aHypObj ) { _PTR(SObject) MorSM = SMESH::GetMeshOrSubmesh( aHypObj ); _PTR(SObject) aRealHypo; if( aHypObj->ReferencedObject( aRealHypo ) ) { SMESH_Hypothesis_var hypo = SMESH_Hypothesis::_narrow( SObjectToObject( aRealHypo ) ); RemoveHypothesisOrAlgorithmOnMesh( MorSM, hypo ); } else { SMESH_Hypothesis_var hypo = SMESH_Hypothesis::_narrow( SObjectToObject( aHypObj ) ); SObjectList meshList = GetMeshesUsingAlgoOrHypothesis( hypo ); for( int i = 0; i < meshList.size(); i++ ) RemoveHypothesisOrAlgorithmOnMesh( meshList[ i ], hypo ); } } } catch(const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& S_ex) { wc.suspend(); SalomeApp_Tools::QtCatchCorbaException(S_ex); res = SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL; } return res < SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL; } bool RemoveHypothesisOrAlgorithmOnMesh (_PTR(SObject) MorSM, SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_ptr anHyp) { SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr; SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR_var anIOR; int res = SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL; SUIT_OverrideCursor wc; if (MorSM) { try { GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aShapeObject = SMESH::GetShapeOnMeshOrSubMesh(MorSM); if (!aShapeObject->_is_nil()) { SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::SObjectToInterface(MorSM); SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var aSubMesh = SMESH::SObjectToInterface(MorSM); if (!aSubMesh->_is_nil()) aMesh = aSubMesh->GetFather(); if (!aMesh->_is_nil()) { res = aMesh->RemoveHypothesis(aShapeObject, anHyp); if (res < SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL) { _PTR(SObject) meshSO = SMESH::FindSObject(aMesh); if (meshSO) SMESH::ModifiedMesh(meshSO, false); } if (res > SMESH::HYP_OK) { wc.suspend(); processHypothesisStatus(res, anHyp, false); wc.resume(); } } } } catch(const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& S_ex) { wc.suspend(); SalomeApp_Tools::QtCatchCorbaException(S_ex); res = SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL; } } return res < SMESH::HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL; } SObjectList GetMeshesUsingAlgoOrHypothesis(SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_ptr AlgoOrHyp) { SObjectList listSOmesh; listSOmesh.resize(0); unsigned int index = 0; if (!AlgoOrHyp->_is_nil()) { _PTR(SObject) SO_Hypothesis = SMESH::FindSObject(AlgoOrHyp); if (SO_Hypothesis) { SObjectList listSO = SMESHGUI::activeStudy()->studyDS()->FindDependances(SO_Hypothesis); if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("SMESHGUI::GetMeshesUsingAlgoOrHypothesis(): dependency number ="<GetFather(); if (aFather) { _PTR(SObject) SOfatherFather = aFather->GetFather(); if (SOfatherFather) { if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("SMESHGUI::GetMeshesUsingAlgoOrHypothesis(): dependency added to list"); index++; listSOmesh.resize(index); listSOmesh[index - 1] = SOfatherFather; } } } } } } if (MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("SMESHGUI::GetMeshesUsingAlgoOrHypothesis(): completed"); return listSOmesh; } #define CASE2MESSAGE(enum) case SMESH::enum: msg = QObject::tr( #enum ); break; QString GetMessageOnAlgoStateErrors(const algo_error_array& errors) { QString resMsg = QObject::tr("SMESH_WRN_MISSING_PARAMETERS") + ":\n"; for ( int i = 0; i < errors.length(); ++i ) { const SMESH::AlgoStateError & error = errors[ i ]; QString msg; switch( error.name ) { CASE2MESSAGE( MISSING_ALGO ); CASE2MESSAGE( MISSING_HYPO ); CASE2MESSAGE( NOT_CONFORM_MESH ); CASE2MESSAGE( BAD_PARAM_VALUE ); default: continue; } // apply args to message: // %1 - algo name if ( error.algoName.in() != 0 ) msg = msg.arg( error.algoName.in() ); // %2 - dimention msg = msg.arg( error.algoDim ); // %3 - global/local msg = msg.arg( QObject::tr( error.isGlobalAlgo ? "GLOBAL_ALGO" : "LOCAL_ALGO" )); // %4 - hypothesis dim == algoDim msg = msg.arg( error.algoDim ); if ( i ) resMsg += ";\n"; resMsg += msg; } return resMsg; } }