@default ADAPT_WITH_HOMARD Adaptation with HOMARD HOM_WARNING Warning HOM_ERROR Error HOM_INACTIVE_BUTTON Inactive button HOM_SELECT_OBJECT_1 Select an object. HOM_SELECT_OBJECT_2 Select only one object. HOM_SELECT_OBJECT_3 Select an object with type %1. HOM_SELECT_OBJECT_4 The name of the object is already selected. Modify it or cancel. HOM_SELECT_FILE_0 File selection HOM_SELECT_FILE_1 Select a file. HOM_SELECT_FILE_2 Select only one file. HOM_SELECT_FILE_3 This file cannot be opened. HOM_SCRIPT_FILE A script file must be given. HOM_MED_FILE_1 This MED file cannot be read. HOM_MED_FILE_2 No mesh in this MED file. HOM_MED_FILE_3 More than one mesh in this MED file. HOM_MED_FILE_4 The mesh in this MED file cannot be read. HOM_SELECT_STUDY Select a study object with associated MED file \n or select a MED file. HOM_CASE_NAME The case must be named. HOM_CASE_DIRECTORY_1 A directory for the case must be selected. HOM_CASE_DIRECTORY_2 This directory is already used by the case HOM_CASE_DIRECTORY_3 A valid directory for the case must be selected. HOM_CASE_DIRECTORY_4 A directory for the computation must be selected. HOM_START_DIRECTORY_1 A starting directory for the pursuit must be selected. HOM_START_DIRECTORY_3 A valid directory for the pursuit must be selected. HOM_CASE_MESH The file of the initial mesh must be selected. HOM_CASE_GROUP The group "%1" cannot be given for more than 1 boundary. HOM_CASE_EDIT_WINDOW_TITLE Edition of a case HOM_CASE_EDIT_STATE_0 Initial mesh. HOM_CASE_EDIT_STATE Pursuit of an iteration. HOM_CASE_PURSUE_WINDOW_TITLE Case: pursuit of a stored iteration HOM_ITER_NAME The iteration must be named. HOM_ITER_STARTING_POINT The previous iteration must be given. HOM_ITER_MESH Give a name for the final mesh. HOM_ITER_HYPO A hypothesis must be selected. HOM_ITER_STARTING_POINT_0 Mesh HOM_ITER_STARTING_POINT_1 First iteration of the case. HOM_ITER_STARTING_POINT_2 First iteration of the case for the pursuit. HOM_ITER_EDIT_WINDOW_TITLE Edition of an iteration HOM_HYPO_NAME The hypothesis must be named. HOM_HYPO_NORM_L2 L2 norm HOM_HYPO_NORM_INF Infinite norm HOM_HYPO_NORM_ABS Absolute HOM_HYPO_NORM_REL Relative HOM_HYPO_COMP At least, one component must be selected. HOM_HYPO_EDIT_WINDOW_TITLE Edition of a hypothesis HOM_BOUN_NAME The boundary must be named. HOM_BOUN_MESH The file for the mesh of the boundary must be selected. HOM_BOUN_CAO The file for the CAO must be selected. HOM_BOUN_CASE The meshfile of the case is unknown. HOM_AXE The axis must be a non 0 vector. HOM_BOUN_C_EDIT_WINDOW_TITLE Edition of a CAO based boundary HOM_BOUN_A_EDIT_WINDOW_TITLE Edition of an analytical boundary HOM_BOUN_D_EDIT_WINDOW_TITLE Edition of a discrete boundary HOM_GROU_EDIT_WINDOW_TITLE Selected groups HOM_MESH_INFO_0 Mesh analysis HOM_MESH_INFO_1 Select at least one option. HOM_MESH_INFO_2 Analysis in the object browser, file PREF_TAB_GENERAL General PREF_PUBLICATION Publication PREF_PUBLICATION_MAILLAGE_IN IN meshes PREF_PUBLICATION_MAILLAGE_OUT OUT meshes