/*! \page moving_nodes_page Moving nodes \n In MESH you can change the location of any node of your mesh. In this case all adjacent elements (edges) will be also transformed right after the displaced node. To displace a node:
  1. From the \b Modification menu choose the Move node item or click "Move Node" button in the toolbar. \image html image67.png
    "Move Node" button
    The following dialog box shall appear: \image html movenodes.png
  2. Enter the ID of the required node in the Node ID field or select this node in the 3D viewer. The coordinates of your node will be automatically displayed in the \b Coordinates set of fields.
  3. Set new coordinates for your node in the \b Coordinates set of fields.
  4. Click the \b Apply or Apply and Close button.
\image html moving_nodes1.png "The initial mesh" \image html moving_nodes2.png "The node has been moved, transforming all adjacent edges"
See Also a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_moving_nodes "Moving Nodes" operation. */