.. _tools_page: ******* Plugins ******* The following plugins are accessible via **Mesh > SMESH pligins** menu: * `SpherePadder plugin `_ * `MGSurfOpt plugin `_ * `MGCleaner plugin `_ * `Z-cracks plugin `_ * `MacMesh plugin `_ * `blocFissure plugin `_ * **MeshCut plugin** - allows to cut a mesh constituted of linear tetrahedrons by a plane. * **Get min or max value of control** - a sample plugin whose sources are located in **${GUI_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/plugins/gui/demo** directory (files **minmax_plugin.py, minmax_ui.py and smesh_plugins.py**). You can find a detailed description of how to create your own plugin in documentation: **Help > GUI module > User's Guide > How-To's and Best Practices > Extend SALOME gui functions using python plugins**.