/*! \page merging_nodes_page Merging nodes This functionality allows user to detect groups of coincident nodes with specified tolerance; each group of the coincident nodes can be then converted to the single node. \image html mergenodes_ico.png "Merge nodes menu button" To merge nodes of your mesh:
  1. Choose \b Modification -> \b Transformation -> Merge nodes menu item. The following dialog box shall appear:

  2. \image html mergenodes_auto.png
  3. Automatic mode:

  4. The \b Manual mode gives you full control of what the operation will do. In this mode additional controls are available:
  5. To confirm your choice click \b Apply or Apply and Close button.
\image html merging_nodes1.png "The initial obgect" \image html merging_nodes2.png "The object has been merged with a very big tolerance"
See Also a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_merging_nodes "Merge Nodes" operation. */