
\page tui_viewing_meshes_page Viewing Meshes

\anchor tui_viewing_mesh_infos
<h2>Viewing Mesh Infos</h2>

import geompy
import smesh
import SMESH

# create a box
box = geompy.MakeBox(0., 0., 0., 20., 20., 20.)
geompy.addToStudy(box, "box")
[Face_1,Face_2,Face_3,Face_4,Face_5,Face_5] = geompy.SubShapeAll(box, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])

# create a mesh
tetra = smesh.Mesh(box, "MeshBox")

algo1D = tetra.Segment()

algo2D = tetra.Triangle()

algo3D = tetra.Tetrahedron(smesh.NETGEN)

# Creation of SubMesh
Regular_1D_1_1 = tetra.Segment(geom=Face_1)
Nb_Segments_1 = Regular_1D_1_1.NumberOfSegments(5)
Nb_Segments_1.SetDistrType( 0 )
Quadrangle_2D = tetra.Quadrangle(geom=Face_1)
isDone = tetra.Compute()
submesh = Regular_1D_1_1.GetSubMesh()

# compute the mesh

# Creation of group
group = tetra.CreateEmptyGroup( SMESH.FACE, 'Group' )
nbAdd = group.Add( [ 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 ] )

# Print information about the mesh
print "Information about mesh:" 
print "Number of nodes       : ", tetra.NbNodes()
print "Number of edges       : ", tetra.NbEdges()
print "Number of faces       : ", tetra.NbFaces()
print "          triangles   : ", tetra.NbTriangles()
print "          quadrangles : ", tetra.NbQuadrangles()
print "          polygons    : ", tetra.NbPolygons()
print "Number of volumes     : ", tetra.NbVolumes()
print "          tetrahedrons: ", tetra.NbTetras()
print "          hexahedrons : ", tetra.NbHexas()
print "          prisms      : ", tetra.NbPrisms()
print "          pyramids    : ", tetra.NbPyramids()
print "          polyhedrons : ", tetra.NbPolyhedrons() 

# Get Information About Mesh by GetMeshInfo
print "\nInformation about mesh by GetMeshInfo:"
info = smesh.GetMeshInfo(tetra)
keys = info.keys(); keys.sort()
for i in keys:
  print "  %s   :  %d" % ( i, info[i] )

# Get Information About Group by GetMeshInfo
print "\nInformation about group by GetMeshInfo:"
info = smesh.GetMeshInfo(group)
keys = info.keys(); keys.sort()
for i in keys:
  print "  %s  :  %d" % ( i, info[i] )

# Get Information About SubMesh by GetMeshInfo
print "\nInformation about Submesh by GetMeshInfo:"
info = smesh.GetMeshInfo(submesh)
keys = info.keys(); keys.sort()
for i in keys:
  print "  %s  :  %d" % ( i, info[i] )

\anchor tui_find_element_by_point
<h2>Find Element by Point</h2>

import geompy
import smesh
import SMESH

# Create a geometry to mesh
box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,100,100)

# Create a mesh
mesh = Mesh(box,"Mesh")

# Create a point
x,y,z = 0, 0, 1

# Find all elements (except 0D ones) located at the point
all_elems_except_0D = mesh.FindElementsByPoint(x,y,z)
assert( len(all_elems_except_0D) == 4)

# Find nodes at the point
nodes = mesh.FindElementsByPoint(x,y,z, SMESH.NODE )
assert( len(nodes) == 0)
assert( len( mesh.FindElementsByPoint(x,y,0, SMESH.NODE)) == 1)

# Find an edge at the point
edges = mesh.FindElementsByPoint(x,y,z, SMESH.EDGE )
assert( len(edges) == 1)

# Find faces at the point
edges = mesh.FindElementsByPoint(x,y,z, SMESH.FACE )
assert( len(edges) == 2)

# Find a volume at the point
vols = mesh.FindElementsByPoint(x,y,z, SMESH.VOLUME )
assert( len(vols) == 1)

# Find 0D elements at the point
edges = mesh.FindElementsByPoint(x,y,z, SMESH.ELEM0D )
assert( len(edges) == 0)

