# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2007-2022 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE # # Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, # CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com # import salome salome.salome_init() import GEOM from salome.geom import geomBuilder geompy = geomBuilder.New() import SMESH, SALOMEDS from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder smesh = smeshBuilder.New() import math def GetNewNodes(mesh,Elems,OldNodes): """ Auxiliary function, which return list of nodes from given Elems avoided nodes from OldNodes """ newnodes = [] for i in Elems: nbn = mesh.GetElemNbNodes(i) for j in range(0,nbn): nn = mesh.GetElemNode(i,j) isold = 0 for k in range(0,len(newnodes)): if nn==newnodes[k]: isold = 1 break pass if isold: continue for k in range(0,len(OldNodes)): if nn==OldNodes[k]: isold = 1 break pass if isold: continue newnodes.append(nn) pass pass return newnodes # create empty mesh mesh = smesh.Mesh() tol = 0.001 # create a cross from quadrangle faces # 1. create first edge and make extrusion along 0x n1 = mesh.AddNode(55,-5,0) n2 = mesh.AddNode(55,5,0) e1 = mesh.AddEdge([n1,n2]) dir1 = SMESH.DirStruct(SMESH.PointStruct(-10,0,0)) mesh.ExtrusionSweep([e1],dir1,11) # 2. create second edge and make extrusion along 0y n3 = mesh.AddNode(-5,-55,0) n4 = mesh.AddNode(5,-55,0) e2 = mesh.AddEdge([n3,n4]) dir2 = SMESH.DirStruct(SMESH.PointStruct(0,10,0)) mesh.ExtrusionSweep([e2],dir2,11) # since result has coincident nodes and faces # we have to make merge nodes = mesh.FindCoincidentNodes(0.001) mesh.MergeNodes(nodes) mesh.MergeEqualElements() # make extrusion faces along 0z faces = mesh.GetElementsByType(SMESH.FACE) nbf = len(faces) maxang = 2.0 zstep = 5 nbzsteps = 50 dir3 = SMESH.DirStruct(SMESH.PointStruct(0,0,zstep)) newfaces = [] # list for keeping created top faces # during extrusion for i in range(0,nbzsteps): mesh.ExtrusionSweep(faces,dir3,1) # find top faces after each extrusion and keep them res = mesh.GetLastCreatedElems() nbr = len(res) nfaces = [] for j in res: nbn = mesh.GetElemNbNodes(j) if nbn!=4: continue nn1 = mesh.GetElemNode(j,0) xyz1 = mesh.GetNodeXYZ(nn1) nn2 = mesh.GetElemNode(j,1) xyz2 = mesh.GetNodeXYZ(nn2) nn3 = mesh.GetElemNode(j,2) xyz3 = mesh.GetNodeXYZ(nn3) if abs(xyz1[2]-xyz2[2])<tol and abs(xyz1[2]-xyz3[2])<tol : # this face is a top face nfaces.append(j) pass pass if len(nfaces)!=nbf: print("len(nfaces)!=nbf") break newfaces.append(nfaces) # update faces for before next step of extrusion faces = nfaces pass # rotate faces from newfaces axisr1 = SMESH.AxisStruct(0,0,0,0,0,1) for i in range(0,nbzsteps): ang = maxang*(1-math.cos((i+1)*math.pi/nbzsteps)) mesh.Rotate(newfaces[i],axisr1,ang,0) # create circles # create two edges and rotate them for creation # full circle n5 = mesh.AddNode(65,0,0) n6 = mesh.AddNode(67.5,0,0) n7 = mesh.AddNode(70,0,0) e56 = mesh.AddEdge([n5,n6]) e67 = mesh.AddEdge([n6,n7]) axisr2 = SMESH.AxisStruct(65,0,0,0,1,0) mesh.RotationSweep([e56,e67],axisr2, math.pi/6, 12, tol) res = mesh.GetLastCreatedElems() faces1 = [] for i in res: nbn = mesh.GetElemNbNodes(i) if nbn>2: faces1.append(i) pass nbf1 = len(faces1) # create other two edges and rotate them for creation # other full circle n8 = mesh.AddNode(-65,0,0) n9 = mesh.AddNode(-67.5,0,0) n10 = mesh.AddNode(-70,0,0) e8 = mesh.AddEdge([n8,n9]) e9 = mesh.AddEdge([n9,n10]) axisr3 = SMESH.AxisStruct(-65,0,0,0,-1,0) mesh.RotationSweep([e8,e9],axisr3, math.pi/6, 12, tol) res = mesh.GetLastCreatedElems() faces2 = [] for i in res: nbn = mesh.GetElemNbNodes(i) if nbn>2: faces2.append(i) pass nbf2 = len(faces2) # there are coincident nodes after rotation # therefore we have to merge nodes nodes = mesh.FindCoincidentNodes(0.001) mesh.MergeNodes(nodes) nbcircs = 2 nbrsteps = 24 nbrs = nbcircs*nbrsteps dz = nbzsteps*zstep/nbrs # create first spiral oldnodes = [] newnodes = GetNewNodes(mesh,faces1,oldnodes) oldnodes = newnodes nodes = [] mesh.RotationSweep(faces1,axisr1, math.pi*2/nbrsteps, nbrs, tol) res = mesh.GetLastCreatedElems() for i in range(0,nbrs): volumes = [] for j in range(0,nbf1): volumes.append(res[i+j*nbrs]) newnodes = GetNewNodes(mesh,volumes,oldnodes) for j in newnodes: xyz = mesh.GetNodeXYZ(j) mesh.MoveNode(j,xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2]+dz*(i+1)) pass oldnodes = newnodes pass # create second spiral oldnodes = [] newnodes = GetNewNodes(mesh,faces2,oldnodes) oldnodes = newnodes nodes = [] mesh.RotationSweep(faces2,axisr1, math.pi*2/nbrsteps, nbrs, tol) res = mesh.GetLastCreatedElems() for i in range(0,nbrs): volumes = [] for j in range(0,nbf2): volumes.append(res[i+j*nbrs]) newnodes = GetNewNodes(mesh,volumes,oldnodes) for j in newnodes: xyz = mesh.GetNodeXYZ(j) mesh.MoveNode(j,xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2]+dz*(i+1)) pass oldnodes = newnodes pass salome.sg.updateObjBrowser()