/*! \page cutting_quadrangles_page Cutting quadrangles \n This operation allows to cut one or several quadrangle elements by addition of a supplementary edge which will connect two opposite corners. To cut quadrangles:
  1. Display a mesh or a sub-mesh in the 3D viewer.
  2. In the \b Modification menu select the Cutting of quadrangles item or click "Cutting of quadrangles" button in the toolbar. \image html image82.png
    "Cutting of quadrangles" button
    The following dialog box will appear: \image html a-cuttingofquadrangles.png \par
  3. Click the \b Apply or Apply and Close button to confirm the operation.
\image html image52.jpg "The chosen quadrangular element" \image html image51.jpg "Two resulting triangular elements"
See Also a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_cutting_quadrangles "Cutting Quadrangles" operation. */