/*! \page creating_groups_page Creating groups \n In MESH you can create a \ref grouping_elements_page "group" of elements of a certain type. The main way to create a group, is to select in the \b Mesh menu Create Group item (also available in the context menu of the mesh).
To create a group you should define the following: Mesh module distinguishes between the three Group types: Standalone Group, Group on Geometry and Group on Filter. \anchor standalone_group

"Standalone Group"

Standalone Group contains a list of mesh elements, which you can define in the following ways: In the manual edition mode you can \image html creategroup.png For example, to create a new group containing all faces of an existing group and some other faces selected in the viewer: Please note that the new group does not have references to the source group. It contains only the list of face IDs. So if the source group is changed, the new one is not updated accordingly. \image html image130.gif
In this picture the brown cells belong to a group defined manually.
See Also a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_create_standalone_group "Create a Standalone Group" operation. \anchor group_on_geom

"Group on Geometry"

To create a group on geometry check Group on geometry in the \b Group \b type field. The group on geometry contains the elements of a certain type generated on the selected geometrical object. Group contents are dynamically updated if the mesh is modified. The group on geometry can be created only if the mesh is based on geometry. To define a group, click a \a Selection button and chose - Direct geometry selection to select a shape in the Object Browser or in the Viewer; - Find geometry by mesh element selection to activate a dialog which retrieves a shape by a selected element generated on this shape. Note that this choice is available only if the mesh elements are already generated. \image html a-creategroup.png After confirmation of the operation a new group of mesh elements will be created. \image html image132.gif
In this picture the cells which belong to a certain geometrical face are selected in green.
See Also a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_create_group_on_geometry "Create a Group on Geometry" operation. \anchor group_on_filter

"Group on Filter"

To create a group on filter check Group on filter in the Group type field. The group on filter contains the elements of a certain type satisfying the defined filter. Group contents are dynamically updated if the mesh is modified. To define a group, click the Set filter button and define criteria of the filter in the opened dialog. After confirmation of the operation a new group of mesh elements will be created. See more about filters on the \ref selection_filter_library_page "Selection filter library" page. \image html creategroup_on_filter.png See Also a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_create_group_on_filter "Create a Group on Filter" operation. */