// Copyright (C) 2007-2023 CEA, EDF, OPEN CASCADE // // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // File : SMESH_MAT2d.hxx // Created : Thu May 28 17:49:53 2015 // Author : Edward AGAPOV (eap) #ifndef __SMESH_MAT2d_HXX__ #define __SMESH_MAT2d_HXX__ #include "SMESH_Utils.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include class Adaptor3d_Curve; // Medial Axis Transform 2D namespace SMESH_MAT2d { class MedialAxis; // MedialAxis is the entry point class Branch; class BranchEnd; class Boundary; struct BoundaryPoint; typedef boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram TVD; typedef TVD::cell_type TVDCell; typedef TVD::edge_type TVDEdge; typedef TVD::vertex_type TVDVertex; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // type of Branch end point enum BranchEndType { BE_UNDEF, BE_ON_VERTEX, // branch ends at a convex VERTEX BE_BRANCH_POINT, // branch meats 2 or more other branches BE_END // branch end equidistant from several adjacent segments }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * \brief End point of MA Branch */ struct SMESHUtils_EXPORT BranchEnd { const TVDVertex* _vertex; BranchEndType _type; std::vector< const Branch* > _branches; BranchEnd(): _vertex(0), _type( BE_UNDEF ) {} }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * \brief Point on MA Branch */ struct SMESHUtils_EXPORT BranchPoint { const Branch* _branch; std::size_t _iEdge; // MA edge index within the branch double _edgeParam; // normalized param within the MA edge BranchPoint( const Branch* b = 0, std::size_t e = 0, double u = -1 ): _branch(b), _iEdge(e), _edgeParam(u) {} }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * \brief Branch is a set of MA edges enclosed between branch points and/or MA ends. * It's main feature is to return two BoundaryPoint's per a point on it. * Points on a Branch are defined by [0,1] parameter */ class SMESHUtils_EXPORT Branch { public: bool getBoundaryPoints(double param, BoundaryPoint& bp1, BoundaryPoint& bp2 ) const; bool getBoundaryPoints(std::size_t iMAEdge, double maEdgeParam, BoundaryPoint& bp1, BoundaryPoint& bp2 ) const; bool getBoundaryPoints(const BranchPoint& p, BoundaryPoint& bp1, BoundaryPoint& bp2 ) const; bool getParameter(const BranchPoint& p, double & u ) const; std::size_t nbEdges() const { return _maEdges.size(); } const BranchEnd* getEnd(bool the2nd) const { return & ( the2nd ? _endPoint2 : _endPoint1 ); } bool hasEndOfType(BranchEndType type) const; void getPoints( std::vector< gp_XY >& points, const double scale[2]) const; void getGeomEdges( std::vector< std::size_t >& edgeIDs1, std::vector< std::size_t >& edgeIDs2 ) const; void getOppositeGeomEdges( std::vector< std::size_t >& edgeIDs1, std::vector< std::size_t >& edgeIDs2, std::vector< BranchPoint >& divPoints) const; bool isRemoved() const { return _proxyPoint._branch; } public: // internal: construction void init( std::vector& maEdges, const Boundary* boundary, std::map< const TVDVertex*, BranchEndType >& endType); void setBranchesToEnds( const std::vector< Branch >& branches); BranchPoint getPoint( const TVDVertex* vertex ) const; void setRemoved( const BranchPoint& proxyPoint ); static void setGeomEdge ( std::size_t geomIndex, const TVDEdge* maEdge ); static std::size_t getGeomEdge ( const TVDEdge* maEdge ); static void setBndSegment( std::size_t segIndex, const TVDEdge* maEdge ); static std::size_t getBndSegment( const TVDEdge* maEdge ); private: bool addDivPntForConcaVertex( std::vector< std::size_t >& edgeIDs1, std::vector< std::size_t >& edgeIDs2, std::vector< BranchPoint >& divPoints, const std::vector& maEdges, const std::vector& maEdgesTwin, int & i) const; // association of _maEdges with boundary segments is stored in this way: // index of an EDGE: TVDEdge->cell()->color() // index of a segment on EDGE: TVDEdge->color() std::vector _maEdges; // MA edges ending at points located at _params std::vector _params; // params of points on MA, normalized [0;1] within this branch const Boundary* _boundary; // face boundary BranchEnd _endPoint1; BranchEnd _endPoint2; BranchPoint _proxyPoint; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * \brief Data of a discretized EDGE allowing to get a point on MA by a parameter on EDGE */ struct BndPoints { std::vector< double > _params; // params of discretization points on an EDGE std::vector< std::pair< const Branch*, int > > _maEdges; /* index of TVDEdge in branch; index sign means orientation; index == Branch->nbEdges() means end point of a Branch */ }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * \brief Face boundary is discretized so that each its segment to correspond to * an edge of MA */ class SMESHUtils_EXPORT Boundary { public: Boundary( std::size_t nbEdges ): _pointsPerEdge( nbEdges ) {} BndPoints& getPoints( std::size_t iEdge ) { return _pointsPerEdge[ iEdge ]; } std::size_t nbEdges() const { return _pointsPerEdge.size(); } bool getPoint( std::size_t iEdge, std::size_t iSeg, double u, BoundaryPoint& bp ) const; bool getBranchPoint( const std::size_t iEdge, double u, BranchPoint& p ) const; bool getBranchPoint( const BoundaryPoint& bp, BranchPoint& p ) const; bool isConcaveSegment( std::size_t iEdge, std::size_t iSeg ) const; bool moveToClosestEdgeEnd( BoundaryPoint& bp ) const; private: std::vector< BndPoints > _pointsPerEdge; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * \brief Point on FACE boundary */ struct SMESHUtils_EXPORT BoundaryPoint { std::size_t _edgeIndex; // index of an EDGE in a sequence passed to MedialAxis() double _param; // parameter of this EDGE }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * \brief Medial axis (MA) is defined as the loci of centres of locally * maximal balls inside 2D representation of a face. This class * implements a piecewise approximation of MA. */ class SMESHUtils_EXPORT MedialAxis { public: MedialAxis(const TopoDS_Face& face, const std::vector< TopoDS_Edge >& edges, const double minSegLen, const bool ignoreCorners = false ); std::size_t nbBranches() const { return _nbBranches; } const Branch* getBranch(size_t i) const; const std::vector< const BranchEnd* >& getBranchPoints() const { return _branchPnt; } const Boundary& getBoundary() const { return _boundary; } void getPoints( const Branch* branch, std::vector< gp_XY >& points) const; Adaptor3d_Curve* make3DCurve(const Branch& branch) const; private: private: TopoDS_Face _face; TVD _vd; std::vector< Branch > _branch; std::size_t _nbBranches; // removed branches ignored std::vector< const BranchEnd* > _branchPnt; Boundary _boundary; double _scale[2]; }; } #endif