# Radial Quadrangle 1D2D example from smesh import * SetCurrentStudy(salome.myStudy) # Create face from the wire and add to study Face = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F 0 0:TT 20 0:R 90:C 20 90:WF", [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) geompy.addToStudy(Face,"Face") edges = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Face, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"]) circle, radius1, radius2 = edges geompy.addToStudyInFather(Face, radius1,"radius1") geompy.addToStudyInFather(Face, radius2,"radius2") geompy.addToStudyInFather(Face, circle,"circle") # Define geometry for mesh, and Radial Quadrange algorithm mesh = smesh.Mesh(Face) radial_Quad_algo = mesh.Quadrangle(algo=RADIAL_QUAD) # The Radial Quadrange algorithm can work without any hypothesis # In this case it uses "Default Nb of Segments" preferences parameter to discretize edges mesh.Compute() # The Radial Quadrange uses global or local 1d hypotheses if it does # not have its own hypotheses. # Define global hypotheses to discretize radial edges and a local one for circular edge global_Nb_Segments = mesh.Segment().NumberOfSegments(5) local_Nb_Segments = mesh.Segment(circle).NumberOfSegments(10) mesh.Compute() # Define own parameters of Radial Quadrange algorithm radial_Quad_algo.NumberOfLayers( 4 ) mesh.Compute()