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As well, a pattern specifies the so-called key-points, i.e. nodes that will be located at geometrical vertices. Pattern description is stored in <pattern_name>.smp file.</p> <p> </p> <p>The smp file contains 4 sections:</p> <p> </p> <p class="whs2">1. The first line holds the number of nodes (N).</p> <p class="whs2"> </p> <p class="whs2">2. The next N lines describe nodes coordinates. Each line holds 2 coordinates of a node.</p> <p class="whs2"> </p> <p class="whs2">3. A key-points line: indices of nodes to be mapped on geometrical vertices. An index n refers to a node described on an n-th line of section 2. The first node index is zero.</p> <p class="whs2"> </p> <p class="whs2">4. The rest lines describe nodal connectivity of elements, one line for an element. A line holds indices of nodes forming an element. An index n refers to a node described on an n-th line of the section 2. The first node index is zero. There must be 3 or 4 indices on a line: only 2d elements are allowed.</p> <p class="whs2"> </p> <p>The 2D pattern must contain at least one element and at least one key-point. All key-points must lay on boundaries.</p> <p> </p> <p>An example of a simple smp file and a preview of a pattern described in this file:</p> <p> </p> <p><img src="image94.gif" width="626px" height="471px" border="0" class="img_whs3"></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <h3>Application of pattern mapping</h3> <p class=TODO>To apply pattern mapping to a geometrical object:</p> <p class=TODO> </p> <p class="whs2">1. From the <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Modification </B></span>menu choose the <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Pattern Mapping </B></span>item or click <img src="image98.gif" width="22px" height="28px" border="0" class="img_whs4"> button in the toolbar. The following dialog box shall appear:</p> <p class="whs2"> </p> <table x-use-null-cells cellspacing="0" width="64.066%" class="whs5"> <col class="whs6"> <col class="whs7"> <tr valign="top" class="whs8"> <td width="56.089%" class="whs9"> <p class="whs10"><img src="pics/patternmapping1.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="306px" height="632px" border="0" class="img_whs11"></td> <td width="43.911%" class="whs12"> <p><img src="pics/patternmapping2.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="306px" height="670px" border="0" class="img_whs13"></td></tr> </table> <p class="whs2"> </p> <p>To apply a pattern to a geometrical object, you should specify:</p> <p class="whs2">- a face having the number of vertices equal to the number of key-points in the pattern; the number of key-points on internal boundaries of a pattern must also be equal to the number of vertices on internal boundaries of a face;</p> <p class="whs2">- a vertex to which the first key-point should be mapped,</p> <p class="whs2">- reverse or not the order of key-points. (The order of vertices of a face is counterclockwise looking from outside).</p> <p> </p> <p>Then you either load a .smp pattern file previously created manually by clicking on the <img src="image108.gif" width="34px" height="34px" border="0" class="img_whs14"> button, or click on the <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>New</B></span> button for automatic generation.</p> <p>For an automatic generation you just specify a geometrical face having a mesh built on it. Mesh nodes lying on face vertices become key-points. Additionally, you may choose the way of getting nodes coordinates by <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>projecting nodes on the face</B></span> instead of using "positions on face" generated by mesher (if there is any). Faces having a seam edge can�t be used for automatic pattern creation.</p> <p> </p> <p>When creating a pattern from an existing mesh, there are two possible cases:</p> <p> </p> <p>1. A sub-mesh on face is selected. A pattern is created from the 2d elements bound to a face by mesher. Node coordinates are either "positions on face" computed by mesher, or coordinates got by node projection on a geometrical surface, according to your choice.</p> <p>2. A mesh where the main shape is a face, is selected. A pattern is created from all the 2d elements in a mesh. If all mesh elements are build by mesher, the user can select the way of getting nodes coordinates, else all nodes are projected on a face surface.</p> <table x-use-null-cells cellspacing="0" width="68.686%" class="whs15"> <col class="whs16"> <col class="whs17"> <tr valign="top" class="whs8"> <td width="50.224%" class="whs18"> <p><img src="pics/a-patterntype.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="306px" height="428px" border="0" class="img_whs19"></td> <td width="49.776%" class="whs20"> <p><img src="pics/a-patterntype1.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="306px" height="248px" border="0" class="img_whs21"></td></tr> </table> <p> </p> <h3>Mapping algorithm:</h3> <p class="whs22">The mapping algorithm is as follows:</p> <p class="whs22"> </p> <p class="whs2">1. Key-points are set in the order that they are encountered when walking along a pattern boundary so that elements are on the left. The first key-point is preserved.</p> <p class="whs2">2. Find geometrical vertices corresponding to key-points by vertices order in a face boundary; here, "Reverse order of key-points" flag is taken into account.</p> <p class="whs2"> </p> <p class="whs2"><img src="image95.gif" width="554px" height="279px" border="0" class="img_whs23"></p> <p class="whs2"> </p> <p class="whs2">3. Boundary nodes of a pattern are mapped onto edges of a face: a node located between certain key-points on a pattern boundary is mapped on a geometrical edge limited by corresponding geometrical vertices. Node position on an edge reflects its distance from two key-points.</p> <p class="whs2"> </p> <p class="whs2"><img src="image96.gif" width="572px" height="233px" border="0" class="img_whs24"></p> <p class="whs2"> </p> <p class="whs2">4. Coordinates of a non-boundary node in a parametric space of a face are defined as following. In a parametric space of a pattern, a node lays at the intersection of two iso-lines, each of which intersects a pattern boundary at least at two points. Knowing mapped positions of boundary nodes, we find where isoline-boundary intersection points are mapped to, and hence we can find mapped isolines direction and then, two node positions on two mapped isolines. The eventual mapped position of a node is found as an average of positions on mapped isolines.</p> <p class="whs2"> </p> <p class="whs2"><img src="image97.gif" width="606px" height="249px" border="0" class="img_whs25"></p> <p class="whs2"> </p> <p> <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>See Also</B></span> a sample TUI Script of a <a href="modifying_meshes.htm#bookmark13">Pattern Mapping</a><a href="modifying_meshes.htm#bookmark11"> </a>operation. </p> <p> </p> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2"> <!-- if (window.writeIntopicBar) writeIntopicBar(0); //--> </script> </body> </html>