// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org // File : SMESH_Pattern.hxx // Created : Mon Aug 2 10:30:00 2004 // Author : Edward AGAPOV (eap) #include "SMESH_Pattern.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SMDS_EdgePosition.hxx" #include "SMDS_FacePosition.hxx" #include "SMDS_MeshElement.hxx" #include "SMDS_MeshFace.hxx" #include "SMDS_MeshNode.hxx" #include "SMDS_VolumeTool.hxx" #include "SMESHDS_Group.hxx" #include "SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx" #include "SMESHDS_SubMesh.hxx" #include "SMESH_Block.hxx" #include "SMESH_Mesh.hxx" #include "SMESH_MeshEditor.hxx" #include "SMESH_subMesh.hxx" #include "utilities.h" using namespace std; typedef map< const SMDS_MeshElement*, int > TNodePointIDMap; //======================================================================= //function : SMESH_Pattern //purpose : //======================================================================= SMESH_Pattern::SMESH_Pattern () { } //======================================================================= //function : getInt //purpose : //======================================================================= static inline int getInt( const char * theSring ) { if ( *theSring < '0' || *theSring > '9' ) return -1; char *ptr; int val = strtol( theSring, &ptr, 10 ); if ( ptr == theSring || // there must not be neither '.' nor ',' nor 'E' ... (*ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\n' && *ptr != '\0')) return -1; return val; } //======================================================================= //function : getDouble //purpose : //======================================================================= static inline double getDouble( const char * theSring ) { char *ptr; return strtod( theSring, &ptr ); } //======================================================================= //function : readLine //purpose : Put token starting positions in theFields until '\n' or '\0' // Return the number of the found tokens //======================================================================= static int readLine (list & theFields, const char* & theLineBeg, const bool theClearFields ) { if ( theClearFields ) theFields.clear(); // algo: /* loop */ /* switch ( symbol ) { */ /* case white-space: */ /* look for a non-space symbol; */ /* case string-end: */ /* case line-end: */ /* exit; */ /* case comment beginning: */ /* skip all till a line-end; */ /* case a number */ /* put its position in theFields, skip till a white-space;*/ /* default: */ /* abort; */ /* till line-end */ int nbRead = 0; bool stopReading = false; do { bool goOn = true; bool isNumber = false; switch ( *theLineBeg ) { case ' ': // white space case '\t': // tab case 13: // ^M break; case '\n': // a line ends stopReading = ( nbRead > 0 ); break; case '!': // comment do theLineBeg++; while ( *theLineBeg != '\n' && *theLineBeg != '\0' ); goOn = false; break; case '\0': // file ends return nbRead; case '-': // real number case '+': case '.': isNumber = true; default: // data isNumber = isNumber || ( *theLineBeg >= '0' && *theLineBeg <= '9' ); if ( isNumber ) { theFields.push_back( theLineBeg ); nbRead++; do theLineBeg++; while (*theLineBeg != ' ' && *theLineBeg != '\n' && *theLineBeg != '\0'); goOn = false; } else return 0; // incorrect file format } if ( goOn ) theLineBeg++; } while ( !stopReading ); return nbRead; } //======================================================================= //function : Load //purpose : Load a pattern from //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::Load (const char* theFileContents) { MESSAGE("Load( file ) "); // file structure: // ! This is a comment // NB_POINTS ! 1 integer - the number of points in the pattern. // X1 Y1 [Z1] ! 2 or 3 reals - nodes coordinates within 2D or 3D domain: // X2 Y2 [Z2] ! the pattern dimention is defined by the number of coordinates // ... // [ ID1 ID2 ... IDn ] ! Indices of key-points for a 2D pattern (only). // ! elements description goes after all // ID1 ID2 ... IDn ! 2-4 or 4-8 integers - nodal connectivity of a 2D or 3D element. // ... Clear(); const char* lineBeg = theFileContents; list fields; const bool clearFields = true; // NB_POINTS ! 1 integer - the number of points in the pattern. if ( readLine( fields, lineBeg, clearFields ) != 1 ) { MESSAGE("Error reading NB_POINTS"); return setErrorCode( ERR_READ_NB_POINTS ); } int nbPoints = getInt( fields.front() ); // X1 Y1 [Z1] ! 2 or 3 reals - nodes coordinates within 2D or 3D domain: // read the first point coordinates to define pattern dimention int dim = readLine( fields, lineBeg, clearFields ); if ( dim == 2 ) myIs2D = true; else if ( dim == 3 ) myIs2D = false; else { MESSAGE("Error reading points: wrong nb of coordinates"); return setErrorCode( ERR_READ_POINT_COORDS ); } if ( nbPoints <= dim ) { MESSAGE(" Too few points "); return setErrorCode( ERR_READ_TOO_FEW_POINTS ); } // read the rest points int iPoint; for ( iPoint = 1; iPoint < nbPoints; iPoint++ ) if ( readLine( fields, lineBeg, !clearFields ) != dim ) { MESSAGE("Error reading points : wrong nb of coordinates "); return setErrorCode( ERR_READ_POINT_COORDS ); } // store point coordinates myPoints.resize( nbPoints ); list ::iterator fIt = fields.begin(); for ( iPoint = 0; iPoint < nbPoints; iPoint++ ) { TPoint & p = myPoints[ iPoint ]; for ( int iCoord = 1; iCoord <= dim; iCoord++, fIt++ ) { double coord = getDouble( *fIt ); if ( !myIs2D && ( coord < 0.0 || coord > 1.0 )) { MESSAGE("Error reading 3D points, value should be in [0,1]: " << coord); Clear(); return setErrorCode( ERR_READ_3D_COORD ); } p.myInitXYZ.SetCoord( iCoord, coord ); if ( myIs2D ) p.myInitUV.SetCoord( iCoord, coord ); } } // [ ID1 ID2 ... IDn ] ! Indices of key-points for a 2D pattern (only). if ( myIs2D ) { if ( readLine( fields, lineBeg, clearFields ) == 0 ) { MESSAGE("Error: missing key-points"); Clear(); return setErrorCode( ERR_READ_NO_KEYPOINT ); } set idSet; for ( fIt = fields.begin(); fIt != fields.end(); fIt++ ) { int pointIndex = getInt( *fIt ); if ( pointIndex >= nbPoints || pointIndex < 0 ) { MESSAGE("Error: invalid point index " << pointIndex ); Clear(); return setErrorCode( ERR_READ_BAD_INDEX ); } if ( idSet.insert( pointIndex ).second ) // unique? myKeyPointIDs.push_back( pointIndex ); } } // ID1 ID2 ... IDn ! 2-4 or 4-8 integers - nodal connectivity of a 2D or 3D element. while ( readLine( fields, lineBeg, clearFields )) { myElemPointIDs.push_back( TElemDef() ); TElemDef& elemPoints = myElemPointIDs.back(); for ( fIt = fields.begin(); fIt != fields.end(); fIt++ ) { int pointIndex = getInt( *fIt ); if ( pointIndex >= nbPoints || pointIndex < 0 ) { MESSAGE("Error: invalid point index " << pointIndex ); Clear(); return setErrorCode( ERR_READ_BAD_INDEX ); } elemPoints.push_back( pointIndex ); } // check the nb of nodes in element bool Ok = true; switch ( elemPoints.size() ) { case 3: if ( !myIs2D ) Ok = false; break; case 4: break; case 5: case 6: case 8: if ( myIs2D ) Ok = false; break; default: Ok = false; } if ( !Ok ) { MESSAGE("Error: wrong nb of nodes in element " << elemPoints.size() ); Clear(); return setErrorCode( ERR_READ_ELEM_POINTS ); } } if ( myElemPointIDs.empty() ) { MESSAGE("Error: no elements"); Clear(); return setErrorCode( ERR_READ_NO_ELEMS ); } findBoundaryPoints(); // sort key-points return setErrorCode( ERR_OK ); } //======================================================================= //function : Save //purpose : Save the loaded pattern into the file //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::Save (ostream& theFile) { MESSAGE(" ::Save(file) " ); if ( !IsLoaded() ) { MESSAGE(" Pattern not loaded "); return setErrorCode( ERR_SAVE_NOT_LOADED ); } theFile << "!!! SALOME Mesh Pattern file" << endl; theFile << "!!!" << endl; theFile << "!!! Nb of points:" << endl; theFile << myPoints.size() << endl; // point coordinates const int width = 8; // theFile.width( 8 ); // theFile.setf(ios::fixed);// use 123.45 floating notation // theFile.setf(ios::right); // theFile.flags( theFile.flags() & ~ios::showpoint); // do not show trailing zeros // theFile.setf(ios::showpoint); // do not show trailing zeros vector< TPoint >::const_iterator pVecIt = myPoints.begin(); for ( int i = 0; pVecIt != myPoints.end(); pVecIt++, i++ ) { const gp_XYZ & xyz = (*pVecIt).myInitXYZ; theFile << " " << setw( width ) << xyz.X() << " " << setw( width ) << xyz.Y(); if ( !myIs2D ) theFile << " " << setw( width ) << xyz.Z(); theFile << " !- " << i << endl; // point id to ease reading by a human being } // key-points if ( myIs2D ) { theFile << "!!! Indices of " << myKeyPointIDs.size() << " key-points:" << endl; list< int >::const_iterator kpIt = myKeyPointIDs.begin(); for ( ; kpIt != myKeyPointIDs.end(); kpIt++ ) theFile << " " << *kpIt; if ( !myKeyPointIDs.empty() ) theFile << endl; } // elements theFile << "!!! Indices of points of " << myElemPointIDs.size() << " elements:" << endl; list::const_iterator epIt = myElemPointIDs.begin(); for ( ; epIt != myElemPointIDs.end(); epIt++ ) { const TElemDef & elemPoints = *epIt; TElemDef::const_iterator iIt = elemPoints.begin(); for ( ; iIt != elemPoints.end(); iIt++ ) theFile << " " << *iIt; theFile << endl; } theFile << endl; return setErrorCode( ERR_OK ); } //======================================================================= //function : sortBySize //purpose : sort theListOfList by size //======================================================================= template struct TSizeCmp { bool operator ()( const list < T > & l1, const list < T > & l2 ) const { return l1.size() < l2.size(); } }; template void sortBySize( list< list < T > > & theListOfList ) { if ( theListOfList.size() > 2 ) { TSizeCmp< T > SizeCmp; theListOfList.sort( SizeCmp ); } } //======================================================================= //function : getOrderedEdges //purpose : return nb wires and a list of oredered edges //======================================================================= static int getOrderedEdges (const TopoDS_Face& theFace, const TopoDS_Vertex& theFirstVertex, list< TopoDS_Edge >& theEdges, list< int > & theNbVertexInWires) { // put wires in a list, so that an outer wire comes first list aWireList; TopoDS_Wire anOuterWire = BRepTools::OuterWire( theFace ); aWireList.push_back( anOuterWire ); for ( TopoDS_Iterator wIt (theFace); wIt.More(); wIt.Next() ) if ( !anOuterWire.IsSame( wIt.Value() )) aWireList.push_back( TopoDS::Wire( wIt.Value() )); // loop on edges of wires theNbVertexInWires.clear(); list::iterator wlIt = aWireList.begin(); for ( ; wlIt != aWireList.end(); wlIt++ ) { int iE; BRepTools_WireExplorer wExp( *wlIt, theFace ); for ( iE = 0; wExp.More(); wExp.Next(), iE++ ) { TopoDS_Edge edge = wExp.Current(); edge = TopoDS::Edge( edge.Oriented( wExp.Orientation() )); theEdges.push_back( edge ); } theNbVertexInWires.push_back( iE ); iE = 0; if ( wlIt == aWireList.begin() && theEdges.size() > 1 ) { // the outer wire // orient closed edges list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator eIt, eIt2; for ( eIt = theEdges.begin(); eIt != theEdges.end(); eIt++ ) { TopoDS_Edge& edge = *eIt; if ( TopExp::FirstVertex( edge ).IsSame( TopExp::LastVertex( edge ) )) { eIt2 = eIt; bool isNext = ( eIt2 == theEdges.begin() ); TopoDS_Edge edge2 = isNext ? *(++eIt2) : *(--eIt2); double f1,l1,f2,l2; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) c1 = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( edge, theFace, f1,l1 ); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) c2 = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( edge2, theFace, f2,l2 ); gp_Pnt2d pf = c1->Value( edge.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD ? f1 : l1 ); gp_Pnt2d pl = c1->Value( edge.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD ? l1 : f1 ); bool isFirst = ( edge2.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD ? isNext : !isNext ); gp_Pnt2d p2 = c2->Value( isFirst ? f2 : l2 ); isFirst = ( p2.SquareDistance( pf ) < p2.SquareDistance( pl )); if ( isNext ? isFirst : !isFirst ) edge.Reverse(); } } // rotate theEdges until it begins from theFirstVertex if ( ! theFirstVertex.IsNull() ) while ( !theFirstVertex.IsSame( TopExp::FirstVertex( theEdges.front(), true ))) { theEdges.splice(theEdges.end(), theEdges, theEdges.begin(), ++ theEdges.begin()); if ( iE++ > theNbVertexInWires.back() ) break; // break infinite loop } } } return aWireList.size(); } //======================================================================= //function : project //purpose : //======================================================================= static gp_XY project (const SMDS_MeshNode* theNode, Extrema_GenExtPS & theProjectorPS) { gp_Pnt P( theNode->X(), theNode->Y(), theNode->Z() ); theProjectorPS.Perform( P ); if ( !theProjectorPS.IsDone() ) { MESSAGE( "SMESH_Pattern: point projection FAILED"); return gp_XY(0.,0.); } double u, v, minVal = DBL_MAX; for ( int i = theProjectorPS.NbExt(); i > 0; i-- ) if ( theProjectorPS.Value( i ) < minVal ) { minVal = theProjectorPS.Value( i ); theProjectorPS.Point( i ).Parameter( u, v ); } return gp_XY( u, v ); } //======================================================================= //function : isMeshBoundToShape //purpose : return true if all 2d elements are bound to shape //======================================================================= static bool isMeshBoundToShape(SMESH_Mesh* theMesh) { // check faces binding SMESHDS_Mesh * aMeshDS = theMesh->GetMeshDS(); SMESHDS_SubMesh * aMainSubMesh = aMeshDS->MeshElements( aMeshDS->ShapeToMesh() ); if ( aMeshDS->NbFaces() != aMainSubMesh->NbElements() ) return false; // check face nodes binding SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr fIt = aMeshDS->facesIterator(); while ( fIt->more() ) { SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nIt = fIt->next()->nodesIterator(); while ( nIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* node = static_cast( nIt->next() ); SMDS_PositionPtr pos = node->GetPosition(); if ( !pos || !pos->GetShapeId() ) return false; } } return true; } //======================================================================= //function : Load //purpose : Create a pattern from the mesh built on . // ==true makes override nodes positions // on computed by mesher //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::Load (SMESH_Mesh* theMesh, const TopoDS_Face& theFace, bool theProject) { MESSAGE(" ::Load(face) " ); Clear(); myIs2D = true; SMESHDS_Mesh * aMeshDS = theMesh->GetMeshDS(); SMESHDS_SubMesh * fSubMesh = aMeshDS->MeshElements( theFace ); int nbNodes = ( !fSubMesh ? 0 : fSubMesh->NbNodes() ); int nbElems = ( !fSubMesh ? 0 : fSubMesh->NbElements() ); if ( nbElems == 0 && aMeshDS->NbFaces() == 0 ) { MESSAGE( "No elements bound to the face"); return setErrorCode( ERR_LOAD_EMPTY_SUBMESH ); } TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face( theFace.Oriented( TopAbs_FORWARD )); // check that face is not closed TopoDS_Vertex bidon; list eList; getOrderedEdges( face, bidon, eList, myNbKeyPntInBoundary ); list::iterator elIt = eList.begin(); for ( ; elIt != eList.end() ; elIt++ ) if ( BRep_Tool::IsClosed( *elIt , face )) return setErrorCode( ERR_LOADF_CLOSED_FACE ); Extrema_GenExtPS projector; GeomAdaptor_Surface aSurface( BRep_Tool::Surface( face )); if ( theProject || nbElems == 0 ) projector.Initialize( aSurface, 20,20, 1e-5,1e-5 ); int iPoint = 0; TNodePointIDMap nodePointIDMap; if ( nbElems == 0 || (theProject && theMesh->IsMainShape( face ) && !isMeshBoundToShape( theMesh ))) { MESSAGE("Project the whole mesh"); // --------------------------------------------------------------- // The case where the whole mesh is projected to theFace // --------------------------------------------------------------- // put nodes of all faces in the nodePointIDMap and fill myElemPointIDs SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr fIt = aMeshDS->facesIterator(); while ( fIt->more() ) { myElemPointIDs.push_back( TElemDef() ); TElemDef& elemPoints = myElemPointIDs.back(); SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nIt = fIt->next()->nodesIterator(); while ( nIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* node = nIt->next(); TNodePointIDMap::iterator nIdIt = nodePointIDMap.find( node ); if ( nIdIt == nodePointIDMap.end() ) { elemPoints.push_back( iPoint ); nodePointIDMap.insert( make_pair( node, iPoint++ )); } else elemPoints.push_back( (*nIdIt).second ); } } myPoints.resize( iPoint ); // project all nodes of 2d elements to theFace TNodePointIDMap::iterator nIdIt = nodePointIDMap.begin(); for ( ; nIdIt != nodePointIDMap.end(); nIdIt++ ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* node = static_cast( (*nIdIt).first ); TPoint * p = & myPoints[ (*nIdIt).second ]; p->myInitUV = project( node, projector ); p->myInitXYZ.SetCoord( p->myInitUV.X(), p->myInitUV.Y(), 0 ); } // find key-points: the points most close to UV of vertices TopExp_Explorer vExp( face, TopAbs_VERTEX ); set foundIndices; for ( ; vExp.More(); vExp.Next() ) { const TopoDS_Vertex v = TopoDS::Vertex( vExp.Current() ); gp_Pnt2d uv = BRep_Tool::Parameters( v, face ); double minDist = DBL_MAX; int index; vector< TPoint >::const_iterator pVecIt = myPoints.begin(); for ( iPoint = 0; pVecIt != myPoints.end(); pVecIt++, iPoint++ ) { double dist = uv.SquareDistance( (*pVecIt).myInitUV ); if ( dist < minDist ) { minDist = dist; index = iPoint; } } if ( foundIndices.insert( index ).second ) // unique? myKeyPointIDs.push_back( index ); } myIsBoundaryPointsFound = false; } else { // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // The case where a pattern is being made from the mesh built by mesher // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Load shapes in the consequent order and count nb of points // vertices for ( elIt = eList.begin(); elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ ) { myShapeIDMap.Add( TopExp::FirstVertex( *elIt, true )); SMESHDS_SubMesh * eSubMesh = aMeshDS->MeshElements( *elIt ); if ( eSubMesh ) nbNodes += eSubMesh->NbNodes() + 1; } // edges for ( elIt = eList.begin(); elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ ) myShapeIDMap.Add( *elIt ); // the face myShapeIDMap.Add( face ); myPoints.resize( nbNodes ); // Load U of points on edges for ( elIt = eList.begin(); elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ ) { TopoDS_Edge & edge = *elIt; list< TPoint* > & ePoints = getShapePoints( edge ); double f, l; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2d; if ( !theProject ) C2d = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( edge, face, f, l ); bool isForward = ( edge.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD ); // the forward key-point TopoDS_Shape v = TopExp::FirstVertex( edge, true ); list< TPoint* > & vPoint = getShapePoints( v ); if ( vPoint.empty() ) { SMESHDS_SubMesh * vSubMesh = aMeshDS->MeshElements( v ); if ( vSubMesh && vSubMesh->NbNodes() ) { myKeyPointIDs.push_back( iPoint ); SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = vSubMesh->GetNodes(); const SMDS_MeshNode* node = nIt->next(); nodePointIDMap.insert( make_pair( node, iPoint )); TPoint* keyPoint = &myPoints[ iPoint++ ]; vPoint.push_back( keyPoint ); if ( theProject ) keyPoint->myInitUV = project( node, projector ); else keyPoint->myInitUV = C2d->Value( isForward ? f : l ).XY(); keyPoint->myInitXYZ.SetCoord (keyPoint->myInitUV.X(), keyPoint->myInitUV.Y(), 0); } } if ( !vPoint.empty() ) ePoints.push_back( vPoint.front() ); // on-edge points SMESHDS_SubMesh * eSubMesh = aMeshDS->MeshElements( edge ); if ( eSubMesh && eSubMesh->NbNodes() ) { // loop on nodes of an edge: sort them by param on edge typedef map < double, const SMDS_MeshNode* > TParamNodeMap; TParamNodeMap paramNodeMap; SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = eSubMesh->GetNodes(); while ( nIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* node = static_cast( nIt->next() ); const SMDS_EdgePosition* epos = static_cast(node->GetPosition().get()); double u = epos->GetUParameter(); paramNodeMap.insert( TParamNodeMap::value_type( u, node )); } // put U in [0,1] so that the first key-point has U==0 double du = l - f; TParamNodeMap::iterator unIt = paramNodeMap.begin(); TParamNodeMap::reverse_iterator unRIt = paramNodeMap.rbegin(); while ( unIt != paramNodeMap.end() ) { TPoint* p = & myPoints[ iPoint ]; ePoints.push_back( p ); const SMDS_MeshNode* node = isForward ? (*unIt).second : (*unRIt).second; nodePointIDMap.insert ( make_pair( node, iPoint )); if ( theProject ) p->myInitUV = project( node, projector ); else { double u = isForward ? (*unIt).first : (*unRIt).first; p->myInitU = isForward ? (( u - f ) / du ) : ( 1.0 - ( u - f ) / du ); p->myInitUV = C2d->Value( u ).XY(); } p->myInitXYZ.SetCoord( p->myInitUV.X(), p->myInitUV.Y(), 0 ); unIt++; unRIt++; iPoint++; } } // the reverse key-point v = TopExp::LastVertex( edge, true ).Reversed(); list< TPoint* > & vPoint2 = getShapePoints( v ); if ( vPoint2.empty() ) { SMESHDS_SubMesh * vSubMesh = aMeshDS->MeshElements( v ); if ( vSubMesh && vSubMesh->NbNodes() ) { myKeyPointIDs.push_back( iPoint ); SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = vSubMesh->GetNodes(); const SMDS_MeshNode* node = nIt->next(); nodePointIDMap.insert( make_pair( node, iPoint )); TPoint* keyPoint = &myPoints[ iPoint++ ]; vPoint2.push_back( keyPoint ); if ( theProject ) keyPoint->myInitUV = project( node, projector ); else keyPoint->myInitUV = C2d->Value( isForward ? l : f ).XY(); keyPoint->myInitXYZ.SetCoord( keyPoint->myInitUV.X(), keyPoint->myInitUV.Y(), 0 ); } } if ( !vPoint2.empty() ) ePoints.push_back( vPoint2.front() ); // compute U of edge-points if ( theProject ) { double totalDist = 0; list< TPoint* >::iterator pIt = ePoints.begin(); TPoint* prevP = *pIt; prevP->myInitU = totalDist; for ( pIt++; pIt != ePoints.end(); pIt++ ) { TPoint* p = *pIt; totalDist += ( p->myInitUV - prevP->myInitUV ).Modulus(); p->myInitU = totalDist; prevP = p; } if ( totalDist > DBL_MIN) for ( pIt = ePoints.begin(); pIt != ePoints.end(); pIt++ ) { TPoint* p = *pIt; p->myInitU /= totalDist; } } } // loop on edges of a wire // Load in-face points and elements if ( fSubMesh && fSubMesh->NbElements() ) { list< TPoint* > & fPoints = getShapePoints( face ); SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = fSubMesh->GetNodes(); while ( nIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* node = static_cast( nIt->next() ); nodePointIDMap.insert( make_pair( node, iPoint )); TPoint* p = &myPoints[ iPoint++ ]; fPoints.push_back( p ); if ( theProject ) p->myInitUV = project( node, projector ); else { const SMDS_FacePosition* pos = static_cast(node->GetPosition().get()); p->myInitUV.SetCoord( pos->GetUParameter(), pos->GetVParameter() ); } p->myInitXYZ.SetCoord( p->myInitUV.X(), p->myInitUV.Y(), 0 ); } // load elements SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt = fSubMesh->GetElements(); while ( elemIt->more() ) { SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nIt = elemIt->next()->nodesIterator(); myElemPointIDs.push_back( TElemDef() ); TElemDef& elemPoints = myElemPointIDs.back(); while ( nIt->more() ) elemPoints.push_back( nodePointIDMap[ nIt->next() ]); } } myIsBoundaryPointsFound = true; } // Assure that U range is proportional to V range Bnd_Box2d bndBox; vector< TPoint >::iterator pVecIt = myPoints.begin(); for ( ; pVecIt != myPoints.end(); pVecIt++ ) bndBox.Add( gp_Pnt2d( (*pVecIt).myInitUV )); double minU, minV, maxU, maxV; bndBox.Get( minU, minV, maxU, maxV ); double dU = maxU - minU, dV = maxV - minV; if ( dU <= DBL_MIN || dV <= DBL_MIN ) { Clear(); return setErrorCode( ERR_LOADF_NARROW_FACE ); } double ratio = dU / dV, maxratio = 3, scale; int iCoord = 0; if ( ratio > maxratio ) { scale = ratio / maxratio; iCoord = 2; } else if ( ratio < 1./maxratio ) { scale = maxratio / ratio; iCoord = 1; } if ( iCoord ) { SCRUTE( scale ); for ( pVecIt = myPoints.begin(); pVecIt != myPoints.end(); pVecIt++ ) { TPoint & p = *pVecIt; p.myInitUV.SetCoord( iCoord, p.myInitUV.Coord( iCoord ) * scale ); p.myInitXYZ.SetCoord( p.myInitUV.X(), p.myInitUV.Y(), 0 ); } } if ( myElemPointIDs.empty() ) { MESSAGE( "No elements bound to the face"); return setErrorCode( ERR_LOAD_EMPTY_SUBMESH ); } return setErrorCode( ERR_OK ); } //======================================================================= //function : computeUVOnEdge //purpose : compute coordinates of points on theEdge //======================================================================= void SMESH_Pattern::computeUVOnEdge (const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge, const list< TPoint* > & ePoints ) { bool isForward = ( theEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD ); double f, l; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2d = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( theEdge, TopoDS::Face( myShape ), f, l ); ePoints.back()->myInitU = 1.0; list< TPoint* >::const_iterator pIt = ePoints.begin(); for ( pIt++; pIt != ePoints.end(); pIt++ ) { TPoint* point = *pIt; // U double du = ( isForward ? point->myInitU : 1 - point->myInitU ); point->myU = ( f * ( 1 - du ) + l * du ); // UV point->myUV = C2d->Value( point->myU ).XY(); } } //======================================================================= //function : intersectIsolines //purpose : //======================================================================= static bool intersectIsolines(const gp_XY& uv11, const gp_XY& uv12, const double r1, const gp_XY& uv21, const gp_XY& uv22, const double r2, gp_XY& resUV, bool& isDeformed) { gp_XY loc1 = uv11 * ( 1 - r1 ) + uv12 * r1; gp_XY loc2 = uv21 * ( 1 - r2 ) + uv22 * r2; resUV = 0.5 * ( loc1 + loc2 ); isDeformed = ( loc1 - loc2 ).SquareModulus() > 1e-8; // double len1 = ( uv11 - uv12 ).Modulus(); // double len2 = ( uv21 - uv22 ).Modulus(); // resUV = loc1 * len2 / ( len1 + len2 ) + loc2 * len1 / ( len1 + len2 ); // return true; // gp_Lin2d line1( uv11, uv12 - uv11 ); // gp_Lin2d line2( uv21, uv22 - uv21 ); // double angle = Abs( line1.Angle( line2 ) ); // IntAna2d_AnaIntersection inter; // inter.Perform( line1.Normal( loc1 ), line2.Normal( loc2 ) ); // if ( inter.IsDone() && inter.NbPoints() == 1 ) // { // gp_Pnt2d interUV = inter.Point(1).Value(); // resUV += interUV.XY(); // inter.Perform( line1, line2 ); // interUV = inter.Point(1).Value(); // resUV += interUV.XY(); // resUV /= 2.; // } return true; } //======================================================================= //function : compUVByIsoIntersection //purpose : //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::compUVByIsoIntersection (const list< list< TPoint* > >& theBndPoints, const gp_XY& theInitUV, gp_XY& theUV, bool & theIsDeformed ) { // compute UV by intersection of 2 iso lines //gp_Lin2d isoLine[2]; gp_XY uv1[2], uv2[2]; double ratio[2]; const double zero = DBL_MIN; for ( int iIso = 0; iIso < 2; iIso++ ) { // to build an iso line: // find 2 pairs of consequent edge-points such that the range of their // initial parameters encloses the in-face point initial parameter gp_XY UV[2], initUV[2]; int nbUV = 0, iCoord = iIso + 1; double initParam = theInitUV.Coord( iCoord ); list< list< TPoint* > >::const_iterator bndIt = theBndPoints.begin(); for ( ; bndIt != theBndPoints.end(); bndIt++ ) { const list< TPoint* > & bndPoints = * bndIt; TPoint* prevP = bndPoints.back(); // this is the first point list< TPoint* >::const_iterator pIt = bndPoints.begin(); bool coincPrev = false; // loop on the edge-points for ( ; pIt != bndPoints.end(); pIt++ ) { double paramDiff = initParam - (*pIt)->myInitUV.Coord( iCoord ); double prevParamDiff = initParam - prevP->myInitUV.Coord( iCoord ); double sumOfDiff = Abs(prevParamDiff) + Abs(paramDiff); if (!coincPrev && // ignore if initParam coincides with prev point param sumOfDiff > zero && // ignore if both points coincide with initParam prevParamDiff * paramDiff <= zero ) { // find UV in parametric space of theFace double r = Abs(prevParamDiff) / sumOfDiff; gp_XY uvInit = (*pIt)->myInitUV * r + prevP->myInitUV * ( 1 - r ); int i = nbUV++; if ( i >= 2 ) { // throw away uv most distant from gp_XY vec0 = initUV[0] - theInitUV; gp_XY vec1 = initUV[1] - theInitUV; gp_XY vec = uvInit - theInitUV; bool isBetween = ( vec0 * vec1 < 0 ); // is theInitUV between initUV[0] and initUV[1] double dist0 = vec0.SquareModulus(); double dist1 = vec1.SquareModulus(); double dist = vec .SquareModulus(); if ( !isBetween || dist < dist0 || dist < dist1 ) { i = ( dist0 < dist1 ? 1 : 0 ); if ( isBetween && vec.Dot( i ? vec1 : vec0 ) < 0 ) i = 3; // theInitUV must remain between } } if ( i < 2 ) { initUV[ i ] = uvInit; UV[ i ] = (*pIt)->myUV * r + prevP->myUV * ( 1 - r ); } coincPrev = ( Abs(paramDiff) <= zero ); } else coincPrev = false; prevP = *pIt; } } if ( nbUV < 2 || (UV[0]-UV[1]).SquareModulus() <= DBL_MIN*DBL_MIN ) { MESSAGE(" consequent edge-points not found, nb UV found: " << nbUV << ", for point: " << theInitUV.X() <<" " << theInitUV.Y() ); return setErrorCode( ERR_APPLF_BAD_TOPOLOGY ); } // an iso line should be normal to UV[0] - UV[1] direction // and be located at the same relative distance as from initial ends //gp_Lin2d iso( UV[0], UV[0] - UV[1] ); double r = (initUV[0]-theInitUV).Modulus() / (initUV[0]-initUV[1]).Modulus(); //gp_Pnt2d isoLoc = UV[0] * ( 1 - r ) + UV[1] * r; //isoLine[ iIso ] = iso.Normal( isoLoc ); uv1[ iIso ] = UV[0]; uv2[ iIso ] = UV[1]; ratio[ iIso ] = r; } if ( !intersectIsolines( uv1[0], uv2[0], ratio[0], uv1[1], uv2[1], ratio[1], theUV, theIsDeformed )) { MESSAGE(" Cant intersect isolines for a point "<myNext[ dir ]; if ( n && !n->IsUVComputed()/* && node->IsMovable()*/ ) { n = 0;//node->myBndNodes[ dir ]; // MESSAGE("getNextNode: use bnd for node "<< // node->myInitUV.X()<<" "<myInitUV.Y()); } return n; } //======================================================================= //function : checkQuads //purpose : check if newUV destortes quadrangles around node, // and if ( crit == FIX_OLD ) fix newUV in this case //======================================================================= enum { CHECK_NEW_IN, CHECK_NEW_OK, FIX_OLD }; static bool checkQuads (const TIsoNode* node, gp_XY& newUV, const bool reversed, const int crit = FIX_OLD, double fixSize = 0.) { gp_XY oldUV = node->myUV, oldUVFixed[4], oldUVImpr[4]; int nbOldFix = 0, nbOldImpr = 0; double newBadRate = 0, oldBadRate = 0; bool newIsOk = true, newIsIn = true, oldIsIn = true, oldIsOk = true; int i, dir1 = 0, dir2 = 3; for ( ; dir1 < 4; dir1++, dir2++ ) // loop on 4 quadrangles around { if ( dir2 > 3 ) dir2 = 0; TIsoNode* n[3]; // walking counterclockwise around a quad, // nodes are in the order: node, n[0], n[1], n[2] n[0] = getNextNode( node, dir1 ); n[2] = getNextNode( node, dir2 ); if ( !n[0] || !n[2] ) continue; n[1] = getNextNode( n[0], dir2 ); if ( !n[1] ) n[1] = getNextNode( n[2], dir1 ); bool isTriangle = ( !n[1] ); if ( reversed ) { TIsoNode* tmp = n[0]; n[0] = n[2]; n[2] = tmp; } // if ( fixSize != 0 ) { // cout<<"NODE: "<myInitUV.X()<<" "<myInitUV.Y()<<" UV: "<myUV.X()<<" "<myUV.Y()<myInitUV.X()<<" "<myInitUV.Y()<<" UV: "<myUV.X()<<" "<myUV.Y()<myInitUV.X()<<" "<myInitUV.Y()<<" UV: "<myUV.X()<<" "<myUV.Y()<myInitUV.X()<<" "<myInitUV.Y()<<" UV: "<myUV.X()<<" "<myUV.Y()<myUV - n[1]->myUV ).SquareModulus() <= DBL_MIN ) || (( n[2]->myUV - n[1]->myUV ).SquareModulus() <= DBL_MIN ))) isTriangle = true; if ( isTriangle && ( n[0]->myUV - n[2]->myUV ).SquareModulus() <= DBL_MIN ) continue; // find min size of the diagonal node-n[1] double minDiag = fixSize; if ( minDiag == 0. ) { double maxLen2 = ( node->myUV - n[0]->myUV ).SquareModulus(); if ( !isTriangle ) { maxLen2 = Max( maxLen2, ( n[0]->myUV - n[1]->myUV ).SquareModulus() ); maxLen2 = Max( maxLen2, ( n[1]->myUV - n[2]->myUV ).SquareModulus() ); } maxLen2 = Max( maxLen2, ( n[2]->myUV - node->myUV ).SquareModulus() ); minDiag = sqrt( maxLen2 ) * PI / 60.; // ~ maxLen * Sin( 3 deg ) } // check if newUV is behind 3 dirs: n[0]-n[1], n[1]-n[2] and n[0]-n[2] // ( behind means "to the right of") // it is OK if // 1. newUV is not behind 01 and 12 dirs // 2. or newUV is not behind 02 dir and n[2] is convex bool newIn[3] = { true, true, true }, newOk[3] = { true, true, true }; bool wasIn[3] = { true, true, true }, wasOk[3] = { true, true, true }; gp_Vec2d moveVec[3], outVec[3]; for ( i = isTriangle ? 2 : 0; i < 3; i++ ) { bool isDiag = ( i == 2 ); if ( isDiag && newOk[0] && newOk[1] && !isTriangle ) break; gp_Vec2d sideDir; if ( isDiag ) sideDir = gp_Vec2d( n[0]->myUV, n[2]->myUV ); else sideDir = gp_Vec2d( n[i]->myUV, n[i+1]->myUV ); gp_Vec2d outDir( sideDir.Y(), -sideDir.X() ); // to the right outDir.Normalize(); gp_Vec2d newDir( n[i]->myUV, newUV ); gp_Vec2d oldDir( n[i]->myUV, oldUV ); outVec[i] = outDir; if ( newIsOk ) newOk[i] = ( outDir * newDir < -minDiag ); if ( newIsIn ) newIn[i] = ( outDir * newDir < 0 ); if ( crit == FIX_OLD ) { wasIn[i] = ( outDir * oldDir < 0 ); wasOk[i] = ( outDir * oldDir < -minDiag ); if ( !newOk[i] ) newBadRate += outDir * newDir; if ( !wasOk[i] ) oldBadRate += outDir * oldDir; // push node inside if ( !wasOk[i] ) { double oldDist = - outDir * oldDir;//, l2 = outDir * newDir; // double r = ( l1 - minDiag ) / ( l1 + l2 ); // moveVec[i] = r * gp_Vec2d( node->myUV, newUV ); moveVec[i] = ( oldDist - minDiag ) * outDir; } } } // check if n[2] is convex bool convex = true; if ( !isTriangle ) convex = ( outVec[0] * gp_Vec2d( n[1]->myUV, n[2]->myUV ) < 0 ); bool isNewOk = ( newOk[0] && newOk[1] ) || ( newOk[2] && convex ); bool isNewIn = ( newIn[0] && newIn[1] ) || ( newIn[2] && convex ); newIsOk = ( newIsOk && isNewOk ); newIsIn = ( newIsIn && isNewIn ); if ( crit != FIX_OLD ) { if ( crit == CHECK_NEW_OK && !newIsOk ) break; if ( crit == CHECK_NEW_IN && !newIsIn ) break; continue; } bool isOldIn = ( wasIn[0] && wasIn[1] ) || ( wasIn[2] && convex ); bool isOldOk = ( wasOk[0] && wasOk[1] ) || ( wasOk[2] && convex ); oldIsIn = ( oldIsIn && isOldIn ); oldIsOk = ( oldIsOk && isOldIn ); if ( !isOldIn ) { // node is outside a quadrangle // move newUV inside a quadrangle //MESSAGE("Quad "<< dir1 << " WAS IN " << wasIn[0]<<" "<myUV + n[2]->myUV ) - minDiag * outVec[2].XY(); } else { gp_Vec2d out = outVec[0].Normalized() + outVec[1].Normalized(); double outSize = out.Magnitude(); if ( outSize > DBL_MIN ) out /= outSize; else out.SetCoord( -outVec[1].Y(), outVec[1].X() ); uv = n[1]->myUV - minDiag * out.XY(); } oldUVFixed[ nbOldFix++ ] = uv; //node->myUV = newUV; } else if ( !isOldOk ) { // try to fix old UV: move node inside as less as possible //MESSAGE("Quad "<< dir1 << " old is BAD, try to fix old, minDiag: "<< minDiag); gp_XY uv1, uv2 = node->myUV; for ( i = isTriangle ? 2 : 0; i < 3; i++ ) // mark not computed vectors if ( wasOk[i] ) moveVec[ i ].SetCoord( 1, 2e100); // not use this vector while ( !isOldOk ) { // find the least moveVec int i, iMin = 4; double minMove2 = 1e100; for ( i = isTriangle ? 2 : 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( moveVec[i].Coord(1) < 1e100 ) { double move2 = moveVec[i].SquareMagnitude(); if ( move2 < minMove2 ) { minMove2 = move2; iMin = i; } } } if ( iMin == 4 ) { break; } // move node to newUV uv1 = node->myUV + moveVec[ iMin ].XY(); uv2 += moveVec[ iMin ].XY(); moveVec[ iMin ].SetCoord( 1, 2e100); // not use this vector more // check if uv1 is ok for ( i = isTriangle ? 2 : 0; i < 3; i++ ) wasOk[i] = ( outVec[i] * gp_Vec2d( n[i]->myUV, uv1 ) < -minDiag ); isOldOk = ( wasOk[0] && wasOk[1] ) || ( wasOk[2] && convex ); if ( isOldOk ) oldUVImpr[ nbOldImpr++ ] = uv1; else { // check if uv2 is ok for ( i = isTriangle ? 2 : 0; i < 3; i++ ) wasOk[i] = ( outVec[i] * gp_Vec2d( n[i]->myUV, uv2 ) < -minDiag ); isOldOk = ( wasOk[0] && wasOk[1] ) || ( wasOk[2] && convex ); if ( isOldOk ) oldUVImpr[ nbOldImpr++ ] = uv2; } } } } // loop on 4 quadrangles around if ( crit == CHECK_NEW_OK ) return newIsOk; if ( crit == CHECK_NEW_IN ) return newIsIn; if ( newIsOk ) return true; if ( oldIsOk ) newUV = oldUV; else { if ( oldIsIn && nbOldImpr ) { // MESSAGE(" Try to improve UV, init: "<myInitUV.X()<<" "<myInitUV.Y()<< // " uv: "<myInitUV.X()<<" "<myInitUV.Y()<< // " uv: "< >& theBndPoints, const list< TPoint* >& thePntToCompute) { //cout << "============================== KEY POINTS =============================="<::iterator kpIt = myKeyPointIDs.begin(); // for ( ; kpIt != myKeyPointIDs.end(); kpIt++ ) { // TPoint& p = myPoints[ *kpIt ]; // cout << "INIT: " << p.myInitUV.X() << " " << p.myInitUV.Y() << // " UV: " << p.myUV.X() << " " << p.myUV.Y() << endl; // } //cout << "=============================="< paramSet[ 2 ]; list< list< TPoint* > >::const_iterator pListIt; list< TPoint* >::const_iterator pIt; for ( pListIt = theBndPoints.begin(); pListIt != theBndPoints.end(); pListIt++ ) { const list< TPoint* > & pList = * pListIt; for ( pIt = pList.begin(); pIt != pList.end(); pIt++ ) { paramSet[0].insert( (*pIt)->myInitUV.X() ); paramSet[1].insert( (*pIt)->myInitUV.Y() ); } } for ( pIt = thePntToCompute.begin(); pIt != thePntToCompute.end(); pIt++ ) { paramSet[0].insert( (*pIt)->myInitUV.X() ); paramSet[1].insert( (*pIt)->myInitUV.Y() ); } // unite close parameters and split too long segments int iDir; double tol[ 2 ]; for ( iDir = 0; iDir < 2; iDir++ ) { set< double > & params = paramSet[ iDir ]; double range = ( *params.rbegin() - *params.begin() ); double toler = range / 1e6; tol[ iDir ] = toler; // double maxSegment = range / params.size() / 2.; // // set< double >::iterator parIt = params.begin(); // double prevPar = *parIt; // for ( parIt++; parIt != params.end(); parIt++ ) // { // double segLen = (*parIt) - prevPar; // if ( segLen < toler ) // ;//params.erase( prevPar ); // unite // else if ( segLen > maxSegment ) // params.insert( prevPar + 0.5 * segLen ); // split // prevPar = (*parIt); // } } // Make nodes of a grid of iso-poly-lines list < TIsoNode > nodes; typedef list < TIsoNode *> TIsoLine; map < double, TIsoLine > isoMap[ 2 ]; set< double > & params0 = paramSet[ 0 ]; set< double >::iterator par0It = params0.begin(); for ( ; par0It != params0.end(); par0It++ ) { TIsoLine & isoLine0 = isoMap[0][ *par0It ]; // vertical isoline with const U set< double > & params1 = paramSet[ 1 ]; set< double >::iterator par1It = params1.begin(); for ( ; par1It != params1.end(); par1It++ ) { nodes.push_back( TIsoNode( *par0It, *par1It ) ); isoLine0.push_back( & nodes.back() ); isoMap[1][ *par1It ].push_back( & nodes.back() ); } } // Compute intersections of boundaries with iso-lines: // only boundary nodes will have computed UV so far Bnd_Box2d uvBnd; list< list< TPoint* > >::const_iterator bndIt = theBndPoints.begin(); list< TIsoNode* > bndNodes; // nodes corresponding to outer theBndPoints for ( ; bndIt != theBndPoints.end(); bndIt++ ) { const list< TPoint* > & bndPoints = * bndIt; TPoint* prevP = bndPoints.back(); // this is the first point list< TPoint* >::const_iterator pIt = bndPoints.begin(); // loop on the edge-points for ( ; pIt != bndPoints.end(); pIt++ ) { TPoint* point = *pIt; for ( iDir = 0; iDir < 2; iDir++ ) { const int iCoord = iDir + 1; const int iOtherCoord = 2 - iDir; double par1 = prevP->myInitUV.Coord( iCoord ); double par2 = point->myInitUV.Coord( iCoord ); double parDif = par2 - par1; if ( Abs( parDif ) <= DBL_MIN ) continue; // find iso-lines intersecting a bounadry double toler = tol[ 1 - iDir ]; double minPar = Min ( par1, par2 ); double maxPar = Max ( par1, par2 ); map < double, TIsoLine >& isos = isoMap[ iDir ]; map < double, TIsoLine >::iterator isoIt = isos.begin(); for ( ; isoIt != isos.end(); isoIt++ ) { double isoParam = (*isoIt).first; if ( isoParam < minPar || isoParam > maxPar ) continue; double r = ( isoParam - par1 ) / parDif; gp_XY uv = ( 1 - r ) * prevP->myUV + r * point->myUV; gp_XY initUV = ( 1 - r ) * prevP->myInitUV + r * point->myInitUV; double otherPar = initUV.Coord( iOtherCoord ); // along isoline // find existing node with otherPar or insert a new one TIsoLine & isoLine = (*isoIt).second; double nodePar; TIsoLine::iterator nIt = isoLine.begin(); for ( ; nIt != isoLine.end(); nIt++ ) { nodePar = (*nIt)->myInitUV.Coord( iOtherCoord ); if ( nodePar >= otherPar ) break; } TIsoNode * node; if ( Abs( nodePar - otherPar ) <= toler ) node = ( nIt == isoLine.end() ) ? isoLine.back() : (*nIt); else { nodes.push_back( TIsoNode( initUV.X(), initUV.Y() ) ); node = & nodes.back(); isoLine.insert( nIt, node ); } node->SetNotMovable(); node->myUV = uv; uvBnd.Add( gp_Pnt2d( uv )); // cout << "bnd: "<myInitUV.X()<<" "<myInitUV.Y()<<" UV: "<myUV.X()<<" "<myUV.Y()<myUV - prevP->myUV ); if ( ::IsEqual( r, 1. )) node->myDir[ 0 ] = tgt; else if ( ::IsEqual( r, 0. )) node->myDir[ 1 ] = tgt; else node->myDir[ 1 ] = node->myDir[ 0 ] = tgt; // keep boundary nodes corresponding to boundary points if ( bndIt == theBndPoints.begin() && ::IsEqual( r, 1. )) if ( bndNodes.empty() || bndNodes.back() != node ) bndNodes.push_back( node ); } // loop on isolines } // loop on 2 directions prevP = point; } // loop on boundary points } // loop on boundaries // Define orientation // find the point with the least X double leastX = DBL_MAX; TIsoNode * leftNode; list < TIsoNode >::iterator nodeIt = nodes.begin(); for ( ; nodeIt != nodes.end(); nodeIt++ ) { TIsoNode & node = *nodeIt; if ( node.IsUVComputed() && node.myUV.X() < leastX ) { leastX = node.myUV.X(); leftNode = &node; } // if ( node.IsUVComputed() ) { // cout << "bndNode INIT: " << node.myInitUV.X()<<" "<myDir[0].Y() + leftNode->myDir[1].Y() > 0 ); //SCRUTE( reversed ); // Prepare internal nodes: // 1. connect nodes // 2. compute ratios // 3. find boundary nodes for each node // 4. remove nodes out of the boundary for ( iDir = 0; iDir < 2; iDir++ ) { const int iCoord = 2 - iDir; // coord changing along an isoline map < double, TIsoLine >& isos = isoMap[ iDir ]; map < double, TIsoLine >::iterator isoIt = isos.begin(); for ( ; isoIt != isos.end(); isoIt++ ) { TIsoLine & isoLine = (*isoIt).second; bool firstCompNodeFound = false; TIsoLine::iterator lastCompNodePos, nPrevIt, nIt, nNextIt, nIt2; nPrevIt = nIt = nNextIt = isoLine.begin(); nIt++; nNextIt++; nNextIt++; while ( nIt != isoLine.end() ) { // 1. connect prev - cur TIsoNode* node = *nIt, * prevNode = *nPrevIt; if ( !firstCompNodeFound && prevNode->IsUVComputed() ) { firstCompNodeFound = true; lastCompNodePos = nPrevIt; } if ( firstCompNodeFound ) { node->SetNext( prevNode, iDir, 0 ); prevNode->SetNext( node, iDir, 1 ); } // 2. compute ratio if ( nNextIt != isoLine.end() ) { double par1 = prevNode->myInitUV.Coord( iCoord ); double par2 = node->myInitUV.Coord( iCoord ); double par3 = (*nNextIt)->myInitUV.Coord( iCoord ); node->myRatio[ iDir ] = ( par2 - par1 ) / ( par3 - par1 ); } // 3. find boundary nodes if ( node->IsUVComputed() ) lastCompNodePos = nIt; else if ( firstCompNodeFound && nNextIt != isoLine.end() ) { TIsoNode* bndNode1 = *lastCompNodePos, *bndNode2 = 0; for ( nIt2 = nNextIt; nIt2 != isoLine.end(); nIt2++ ) if ( (*nIt2)->IsUVComputed() ) break; if ( nIt2 != isoLine.end() ) { bndNode2 = *nIt2; node->SetBoundaryNode( bndNode1, iDir, 0 ); node->SetBoundaryNode( bndNode2, iDir, 1 ); // cout << "--------------------------------------------------"<myUV.X()<<" "<myUV.Y()<myDir[0].X()<<" "<myDir[0].Y() << // " dir1: "<myDir[1].X()<<" "<myDir[1].Y() << endl; // cout << "bndNode2: " << bndNode2->myUV.X()<<" "<myUV.Y()<myDir[0].X()<<" "<myDir[0].Y() << // " dir1: "<myDir[1].X()<<" "<myDir[1].Y() << endl; } } nIt++; nPrevIt++; if ( nNextIt != isoLine.end() ) nNextIt++; // 4. remove nodes out of the boundary if ( !firstCompNodeFound ) isoLine.pop_front(); } // loop on isoLine nodes // remove nodes after the boundary // for ( nIt = ++lastCompNodePos; nIt != isoLine.end(); nIt++ ) // (*nIt)->SetNotMovable(); isoLine.erase( ++lastCompNodePos, isoLine.end() ); } // loop on isolines } // loop on 2 directions // Compute local isoline direction for internal nodes /* map < double, TIsoLine >& isos = isoMap[ 0 ]; // vertical isolines with const U map < double, TIsoLine >::iterator isoIt = isos.begin(); for ( ; isoIt != isos.end(); isoIt++ ) { TIsoLine & isoLine = (*isoIt).second; TIsoLine::iterator nIt = isoLine.begin(); for ( ; nIt != isoLine.end(); nIt++ ) { TIsoNode* node = *nIt; if ( node->IsUVComputed() || !node->IsMovable() ) continue; gp_Vec2d aTgt[2], aNorm[2]; double ratio[2]; bool OK = true; for ( iDir = 0; iDir < 2; iDir++ ) { TIsoNode* bndNode1 = node->GetBoundaryNode( iDir, 0 ); TIsoNode* bndNode2 = node->GetBoundaryNode( iDir, 1 ); if ( !bndNode1 || !bndNode2 ) { OK = false; break; } const int iCoord = 2 - iDir; // coord changing along an isoline double par1 = bndNode1->myInitUV.Coord( iCoord ); double par2 = node->myInitUV.Coord( iCoord ); double par3 = bndNode2->myInitUV.Coord( iCoord ); ratio[ iDir ] = ( par2 - par1 ) / ( par3 - par1 ); gp_Vec2d tgt1( bndNode1->myDir[0].XY() + bndNode1->myDir[1].XY() ); gp_Vec2d tgt2( bndNode2->myDir[0].XY() + bndNode2->myDir[1].XY() ); if ( bool( iDir ) == reversed ) tgt2.Reverse(); // along perpend. isoline else tgt1.Reverse(); //cout<<" tgt: " << tgt1.X()<<" "< PI / 2. ) { // check direction of the last but one perpendicular isoline TIsoNode* prevNode = bndNode2->GetNext( iDir, 0 ); bndNode1 = prevNode->GetBoundaryNode( 1 - iDir, 0 ); bndNode2 = prevNode->GetBoundaryNode( 1 - iDir, 1 ); gp_Vec2d isoDir( bndNode1->myUV, bndNode2->myUV ); if ( isoDir * tgt2 < 0 ) isoDir.Reverse(); double angle2 = tgt1.Angle( isoDir ); //cout << " isoDir: "<< isoDir.X() <<" "< Abs( angle ) || ( angle2 * angle < 0 && Abs( angle2 ) > Abs( angle - angle2 ))) { //MESSAGE("Add PI"); // cout << "NODE: "<myInitUV.X()<<" "<myInitUV.Y()<myUV.X()<<" "<myUV.Y()<< endl; // cout << "bndNode2: " << bndNode2->myUV.X()<<" "<myUV.Y()<myDir[iDir] = //aTgt[iDir]; aNorm[1-iDir] * r + aTgt[iDir] * ( 1. - r ); } // cout << "NODE: "<myInitUV.X()<<" "<myInitUV.Y()<myDir[0].X() <<" "<myDir[0].Y()<<" | " // << node->myDir[1].X() <<" "<myDir[1].Y()< startNodes; list< TIsoNode* >::iterator nIt = bndNodes.end(); TIsoNode* node = *(--nIt); TIsoNode* prevNode = *(--nIt); for ( nIt = bndNodes.begin(); nIt != bndNodes.end(); nIt++ ) { TIsoNode* nextNode = *nIt; gp_Vec2d initTgt1( prevNode->myInitUV, node->myInitUV ); gp_Vec2d initTgt2( node->myInitUV, nextNode->myInitUV ); double initAngle = initTgt1.Angle( initTgt2 ); double angle = node->myDir[0].Angle( node->myDir[1] ); if ( reversed ) angle = -angle; if ( initAngle > angle && initAngle - angle > PI / 2.1 ) { // find a close internal node TIsoNode* nClose = 0; list< TIsoNode* > testNodes; testNodes.push_back( node ); list< TIsoNode* >::iterator it = testNodes.begin(); for ( ; !nClose && it != testNodes.end(); it++ ) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { nClose = (*it)->myNext[ i ]; if ( nClose ) { if ( !nClose->IsUVComputed() ) break; else { testNodes.push_back( nClose ); nClose = 0; } } } } startNodes.push_back( nClose ); // cout << "START: "<myInitUV.X()<<" "<myInitUV.Y()<<" UV: "<< // node->myUV.X()<<" "<myUV.Y()<myDir[ 0 ].X() <<" "<myDir[ 0 ].Y()<<" | "<< // node->myDir[ 1 ].X() <<" "<myDir[ 1 ].Y()<myInitUV.X()<<" "<myInitUV.Y()< internNodes; bool needIteration = true; if ( startNodes.empty() ) { MESSAGE( " Starting UV by compUVByIsoIntersection()"); needIteration = false; map < double, TIsoLine >& isos = isoMap[ 0 ]; map < double, TIsoLine >::iterator isoIt = isos.begin(); for ( ; isoIt != isos.end(); isoIt++ ) { TIsoLine & isoLine = (*isoIt).second; TIsoLine::iterator nIt = isoLine.begin(); for ( ; !needIteration && nIt != isoLine.end(); nIt++ ) { TIsoNode* node = *nIt; if ( !node->IsUVComputed() && node->IsMovable() ) { internNodes.push_back( node ); //bool isDeformed; if ( !compUVByIsoIntersection(theBndPoints, node->myInitUV, node->myUV, needIteration )) node->myUV = node->myInitUV; } } } if ( needIteration ) for ( nIt = bndNodes.begin(); nIt != bndNodes.end(); nIt++ ) { TIsoNode* node = *nIt, *nClose = 0; list< TIsoNode* > testNodes; testNodes.push_back( node ); list< TIsoNode* >::iterator it = testNodes.begin(); for ( ; !nClose && it != testNodes.end(); it++ ) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { nClose = (*it)->myNext[ i ]; if ( nClose ) { if ( !nClose->IsUVComputed() && nClose->IsMovable() ) break; else { testNodes.push_back( nClose ); nClose = 0; } } } } startNodes.push_back( nClose ); } } double aMin[2], aMax[2], step[2]; uvBnd.Get( aMin[0], aMin[1], aMax[0], aMax[1] ); double minUvSize = Min ( aMax[0]-aMin[0], aMax[1]-aMin[1] ); step[0] = minUvSize / paramSet[ 0 ].size() / 10; step[1] = minUvSize / paramSet[ 1 ].size() / 10; //cout << "STEPS: " << step[0] << " " << step[1]<< endl; for ( nIt = startNodes.begin(); nIt != startNodes.end(); nIt++ ) { TIsoNode* prevN[2], *node = *nIt; if ( node->IsUVComputed() || !node->IsMovable() ) continue; gp_XY newUV( 0, 0 ), sumDir( 0, 0 ); int nbComp = 0, nbPrev = 0; for ( iDir = 0; iDir < 2; iDir++ ) { TIsoNode* prevNode1 = 0, *prevNode2 = 0; TIsoNode* n = node->GetNext( iDir, 0 ); if ( n->IsUVComputed() ) prevNode1 = n; else startNodes.push_back( n ); n = node->GetNext( iDir, 1 ); if ( n->IsUVComputed() ) prevNode2 = n; else startNodes.push_back( n ); if ( !prevNode1 ) { prevNode1 = prevNode2; prevNode2 = 0; } if ( prevNode1 ) nbPrev++; if ( prevNode2 ) nbPrev++; if ( prevNode1 ) { gp_XY dir; double prevPar = prevNode1->myInitUV.Coord( 2 - iDir ); double par = node->myInitUV.Coord( 2 - iDir ); bool isEnd = ( prevPar > par ); // dir = node->myDir[ 1 - iDir ].XY() * ( isEnd ? -1. : 1. ); //cout << "__________"<myInitUV.X()<<" "<myInitUV.Y()<GetBoundaryNode( iDir, isEnd ); gp_XY tgt( bndNode->myDir[0].XY() + bndNode->myDir[1].XY() ); dir.SetCoord( 1, tgt.Y() * ( reversed ? 1 : -1 )); dir.SetCoord( 2, tgt.X() * ( reversed ? -1 : 1 )); //cout << "bndNode UV: " << bndNode->myUV.X()<<" "<myUV.Y()<< endl; // cout << " tgt: "<< bndNode->myDir[ 0 ].X() <<" "<myDir[ 0 ].Y()<<" | "<< // bndNode->myDir[ 1 ].X() <<" "<myDir[ 1 ].Y()<myUV.X()<<" "<myUV.Y()<< //" par: " << prevPar << endl; // cout <<" tgt: " << tgt.X()<<" "<myInitUV.X()<<" "<myInitUV.Y()<myUV; gp_XY & uv2 = prevNode2->myUV; // dir = ( uv2 - uv1 ); // double len = dir.Modulus(); // if ( len > DBL_MIN ) // dir /= len * 0.5; double r = node->myRatio[ iDir ]; newUV += uv1 * ( 1 - r ) + uv2 * r; } else { newUV += prevNode1->myUV + dir * step[ iDir ]; } sumDir += dir; prevN[ iDir ] = prevNode1; nbComp++; } } newUV /= nbComp; node->myUV = newUV; //cout << "NODE: "<myInitUV.X()<<" "<myInitUV.Y()< 1 ) { //int crit = ( nbPrev == 4 ) ? FIX_OLD : CHECK_NEW_IN; if ( !checkQuads( node, newUV, reversed, FIX_OLD, step[0] + step[1] )) { //cout <<" newUV: " << node->myUV.X() << " "<myUV.Y() << " nbPrev: "<myUV = newUV; } } internNodes.push_back( node ); } // Move nodes static int maxNbIter = 100; #ifdef DEB_COMPUVBYELASTICISOLINES // maxNbIter++; bool useNbMoveNode = 0; static int maxNbNodeMove = 100; maxNbNodeMove++; int nbNodeMove = 0; if ( !useNbMoveNode ) maxNbIter = ( maxNbIter < 0 ) ? 100 : -1; #endif double maxMove; int nbIter = 0; do { if ( !needIteration) break; #ifdef DEB_COMPUVBYELASTICISOLINES if ( nbIter >= maxNbIter ) break; #endif maxMove = 0.0; list < TIsoNode* >::iterator nIt = internNodes.begin(); for ( ; nIt != internNodes.end(); nIt++ ) { #ifdef DEB_COMPUVBYELASTICISOLINES if (useNbMoveNode ) cout << nbNodeMove <<" =================================================="<GetNext( iDir, 0 )->myUV; gp_XY & uv2 = node->GetNext( iDir, 1 )->myUV; double r = node->myRatio[ iDir ]; loc[ iDir ] = uv1 * ( 1 - r ) + uv2 * r; // line[ iDir ].SetLocation( loc[ iDir ] ); // line[ iDir ].SetDirection( node->myDir[ iDir ] ); } // define ratio double locR[2] = { 0, 0 }; for ( iDir = 0; iDir < 2; iDir++ ) { const int iCoord = 2 - iDir; // coord changing along an isoline TIsoNode* bndNode1 = node->GetBoundaryNode( iDir, 0 ); TIsoNode* bndNode2 = node->GetBoundaryNode( iDir, 1 ); double par1 = bndNode1->myInitUV.Coord( iCoord ); double par2 = node->myInitUV.Coord( iCoord ); double par3 = bndNode2->myInitUV.Coord( iCoord ); double r = ( par2 - par1 ) / ( par3 - par1 ); r = Abs ( r - 0.5 ) * 2.0; // [0,1] - distance from the middle locR[ iDir ] = ( 1 - r * r ) * 0.25; } //locR[0] = locR[1] = 0.25; // intersect the 2 lines and move a node //IntAna2d_AnaIntersection inter( line[0], line[1] ); if ( /*inter.IsDone() && inter.NbPoints() ==*/ 1 ) { // double intR = 1 - locR[0] - locR[1]; // gp_XY newUV = inter.Point(1).Value().XY(); // if ( !checkQuads( node, newUV, reversed, CHECK_NEW_IN )) // newUV = ( locR[0] * loc[0] + locR[1] * loc[1] ) / ( 1 - intR ); // else // newUV = intR * newUV + locR[0] * loc[0] + locR[1] * loc[1]; gp_XY newUV = 0.5 * ( loc[0] + loc[1] ); // avoid parallel isolines intersection checkQuads( node, newUV, reversed ); maxMove = Max( maxMove, ( newUV - node->myUV ).SquareModulus()); node->myUV = newUV; } // intersection found #ifdef DEB_COMPUVBYELASTICISOLINES if (useNbMoveNode && ++nbNodeMove >= maxNbNodeMove ) break; #endif } // loop on internal nodes #ifdef DEB_COMPUVBYELASTICISOLINES if (useNbMoveNode && nbNodeMove >= maxNbNodeMove ) break; #endif } while ( maxMove > 1e-8 && nbIter++ < maxNbIter ); MESSAGE( "compUVByElasticIsolines(): Nb iterations " << nbIter << " dist: " << sqrt( maxMove )); if ( nbIter >= maxNbIter && sqrt(maxMove) > minUvSize * 0.05 ) { MESSAGE( "compUVByElasticIsolines() failed: "<"<myUV; double minDist = DBL_MAX; list < TIsoNode >::iterator nIt = nodes.begin(); for ( ; nIt != nodes.end(); nIt++ ) { double dist = ( (*nIt).myInitUV - point->myInitUV ).SquareModulus(); if ( dist < minDist ) { minDist = dist; point->myUV = (*nIt).myUV; } } } return true; } //======================================================================= //function : setFirstEdge //purpose : choose the best first edge of theWire; return the summary distance // between point UV computed by isolines intersection and // eventual UV got from edge p-curves //======================================================================= //#define DBG_SETFIRSTEDGE double SMESH_Pattern::setFirstEdge (list< TopoDS_Edge > & theWire, int theFirstEdgeID) { int iE, nbEdges = theWire.size(); if ( nbEdges == 1 ) return 0; // Transform UVs computed by iso to fit bnd box of a wire // max nb of points on an edge int maxNbPnt = 0; int eID = theFirstEdgeID; for ( iE = 0; iE < nbEdges; iE++ ) maxNbPnt = Max ( maxNbPnt, getShapePoints( eID++ ).size() ); // compute bnd boxes TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face( myShape ); Bnd_Box2d bndBox, eBndBox; eID = theFirstEdgeID; list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator eIt; list< TPoint* >::iterator pIt; for ( eIt = theWire.begin(); eIt != theWire.end(); eIt++ ) { // UV by isos stored in TPoint.myXYZ list< TPoint* > & ePoints = getShapePoints( eID++ ); for ( pIt = ePoints.begin(); pIt != ePoints.end(); pIt++ ) { TPoint* p = (*pIt); bndBox.Add( gp_Pnt2d( p->myXYZ.X(), p->myXYZ.Y() )); } // UV by an edge p-curve double f, l; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2d = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( *eIt, face, f, l ); double dU = ( l - f ) / ( maxNbPnt - 1 ); for ( int i = 0; i < maxNbPnt; i++ ) eBndBox.Add( C2d->Value( f + i * dU )); } // transform UVs by isos double minPar[2], maxPar[2], eMinPar[2], eMaxPar[2]; bndBox.Get( minPar[0], minPar[1], maxPar[0], maxPar[1] ); eBndBox.Get( eMinPar[0], eMinPar[1], eMaxPar[0], eMaxPar[1] ); #ifdef DBG_SETFIRSTEDGE cout << "EDGES: X: " << eMinPar[0] << " - " << eMaxPar[0] << " Y: " << eMinPar[1] << " - " << eMaxPar[1] << endl; #endif for ( int iC = 1, i = 0; i < 2; iC++, i++ ) // loop on 2 coordinates { double dMin = eMinPar[i] - minPar[i]; double dMax = eMaxPar[i] - maxPar[i]; double dPar = maxPar[i] - minPar[i]; eID = theFirstEdgeID; for ( iE = 0; iE < nbEdges; iE++ ) // loop on edges of a boundary { list< TPoint* > & ePoints = getShapePoints( eID++ ); for ( pIt = ++ePoints.begin(); pIt != ePoints.end(); pIt++ ) // loop on edge points { double par = (*pIt)->myXYZ.Coord( iC ); double r = ( par - minPar[i] ) / dPar; par += ( 1 - r ) * dMin + r * dMax; (*pIt)->myXYZ.SetCoord( iC, par ); } } } TopoDS_Edge eBest; double minDist = DBL_MAX; for ( iE = 0 ; iE < nbEdges; iE++ ) { #ifdef DBG_SETFIRSTEDGE cout << " VARIANT " << iE << endl; #endif // evaluate the distance between UV computed by the 2 methods: // by isos intersection ( myXYZ ) and by edge p-curves ( myUV ) double dist = 0; int eID = theFirstEdgeID; for ( eIt = theWire.begin(); eIt != theWire.end(); eIt++ ) { list< TPoint* > & ePoints = getShapePoints( eID++ ); computeUVOnEdge( *eIt, ePoints ); for ( pIt = ++ePoints.begin(); pIt != ePoints.end(); pIt++ ) { TPoint* p = (*pIt); dist += ( p->myUV - gp_XY( p->myXYZ.X(), p->myXYZ.Y() )).SquareModulus(); #ifdef DBG_SETFIRSTEDGE cout << " ISO : ( " << p->myXYZ.X() << ", "<< p->myXYZ.Y() << " ) PCURVE : ( " << p->myUV.X() << ", " << p->myUV.Y() << ") " << endl; #endif } } #ifdef DBG_SETFIRSTEDGE cout << "dist -- " << dist << endl; #endif if ( dist < minDist ) { minDist = dist; eBest = theWire.front(); } // check variant with another first edge theWire.splice( theWire.begin(), theWire, --theWire.end(), theWire.end() ); } // put the best first edge to the theWire front if ( eBest != theWire.front() ) { eIt = find ( theWire.begin(), theWire.end(), eBest ); theWire.splice( theWire.begin(), theWire, eIt, theWire.end() ); } return minDist; } //======================================================================= //function : sortSameSizeWires //purpose : sort wires in theWireList from theFromWire until theToWire, // the wires are set in the order to correspond to the order // of boundaries; after sorting, edges in the wires are put // in a good order, point UVs on edges are computed and points // are appended to theEdgesPointsList //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::sortSameSizeWires (TListOfEdgesList & theWireList, const TListOfEdgesList::iterator& theFromWire, const TListOfEdgesList::iterator& theToWire, const int theFirstEdgeID, list< list< TPoint* > >& theEdgesPointsList ) { TopoDS_Face F = TopoDS::Face( myShape ); int iW, nbWires = 0; TListOfEdgesList::iterator wlIt = theFromWire; while ( wlIt++ != theToWire ) nbWires++; // Recompute key-point UVs by isolines intersection, // compute CG of key-points for each wire and bnd boxes of GCs bool aBool; gp_XY orig( gp::Origin2d().XY() ); vector< gp_XY > vGcVec( nbWires, orig ), gcVec( nbWires, orig ); Bnd_Box2d bndBox, vBndBox; int eID = theFirstEdgeID; list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator eIt; for ( iW = 0, wlIt = theFromWire; wlIt != theToWire; wlIt++, iW++ ) { list< TopoDS_Edge > & wire = *wlIt; for ( eIt = wire.begin(); eIt != wire.end(); eIt++ ) { list< TPoint* > & ePoints = getShapePoints( eID++ ); TPoint* p = ePoints.front(); if ( !compUVByIsoIntersection( theEdgesPointsList, p->myInitUV, p->myUV, aBool )) { MESSAGE("cant sortSameSizeWires()"); return false; } gcVec[iW] += p->myUV; bndBox.Add( gp_Pnt2d( p->myUV )); TopoDS_Vertex V = TopExp::FirstVertex( *eIt, true ); gp_Pnt2d vXY = BRep_Tool::Parameters( V, F ); vGcVec[iW] += vXY.XY(); vBndBox.Add( vXY ); // keep the computed UV to compare against by setFirstEdge() p->myXYZ.SetCoord( p->myUV.X(), p->myUV.Y(), 0. ); } gcVec[iW] /= nbWires; vGcVec[iW] /= nbWires; // cout << " Wire " << iW << " iso: " << gcVec[iW].X() << " " << gcVec[iW].Y() << endl << // " \t vertex: " << vGcVec[iW].X() << " " << vGcVec[iW].Y() << endl; } // Transform GCs computed by isos to fit in bnd box of GCs by vertices double minPar[2], maxPar[2], vMinPar[2], vMaxPar[2]; bndBox.Get( minPar[0], minPar[1], maxPar[0], maxPar[1] ); vBndBox.Get( vMinPar[0], vMinPar[1], vMaxPar[0], vMaxPar[1] ); for ( int iC = 1, i = 0; i < 2; iC++, i++ ) // loop on 2 coordinates { double dMin = vMinPar[i] - minPar[i]; double dMax = vMaxPar[i] - maxPar[i]; double dPar = maxPar[i] - minPar[i]; if ( Abs( dPar ) <= DBL_MIN ) continue; for ( iW = 0; iW < nbWires; iW++ ) { // loop on GCs of wires double par = gcVec[iW].Coord( iC ); double r = ( par - minPar[i] ) / dPar; par += ( 1 - r ) * dMin + r * dMax; gcVec[iW].SetCoord( iC, par ); } } // Define boundary - wire correspondence by GC closeness TListOfEdgesList tmpWList; tmpWList.splice( tmpWList.end(), theWireList, theFromWire, theToWire ); typedef map< int, TListOfEdgesList::iterator > TIntWirePosMap; TIntWirePosMap bndIndWirePosMap; vector< bool > bndFound( nbWires, false ); for ( iW = 0, wlIt = tmpWList.begin(); iW < nbWires; iW++, wlIt++ ) { // cout << " TRSF Wire " << iW << " iso: " << gcVec[iW].X() << " " << gcVec[iW].Y() << endl << // " \t vertex: " << vGcVec[iW].X() << " " << vGcVec[iW].Y() << endl; double minDist = DBL_MAX; gp_XY & wGc = vGcVec[ iW ]; int bIndex; for ( int iB = 0; iB < nbWires; iB++ ) { if ( bndFound[ iB ] ) continue; double dist = ( wGc - gcVec[ iB ] ).SquareModulus(); if ( dist < minDist ) { minDist = dist; bIndex = iB; } } bndFound[ bIndex ] = true; bndIndWirePosMap.insert( TIntWirePosMap::value_type( bIndex, wlIt )); } // Treat each wire TIntWirePosMap::iterator bIndWPosIt = bndIndWirePosMap.begin(); eID = theFirstEdgeID; for ( ; bIndWPosIt != bndIndWirePosMap.end(); bIndWPosIt++ ) { TListOfEdgesList::iterator wirePos = (*bIndWPosIt).second; list < TopoDS_Edge > & wire = ( *wirePos ); // choose the best first edge of a wire setFirstEdge( wire, eID ); // compute eventual UV and fill theEdgesPointsList theEdgesPointsList.push_back( list< TPoint* >() ); list< TPoint* > & edgesPoints = theEdgesPointsList.back(); for ( eIt = wire.begin(); eIt != wire.end(); eIt++ ) { list< TPoint* > & ePoints = getShapePoints( eID++ ); computeUVOnEdge( *eIt, ePoints ); edgesPoints.insert( edgesPoints.end(), ePoints.begin(), (--ePoints.end())); } // put wire back to theWireList wlIt = wirePos++; theWireList.splice( theToWire, tmpWList, wlIt, wirePos ); } return true; } //======================================================================= //function : Apply //purpose : Compute nodes coordinates applying // the loaded pattern to . The first key-point // will be mapped into //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::Apply (const TopoDS_Face& theFace, const TopoDS_Vertex& theVertexOnKeyPoint1, const bool theReverse) { MESSAGE(" ::Apply(face) " ); TopoDS_Face face = theReverse ? TopoDS::Face( theFace.Reversed() ) : theFace; if ( !setShapeToMesh( face )) return false; // find points on edges, it fills myNbKeyPntInBoundary if ( !findBoundaryPoints() ) return false; // Define the edges order so that the first edge starts at // theVertexOnKeyPoint1 list< TopoDS_Edge > eList; list< int > nbVertexInWires; int nbWires = getOrderedEdges( face, theVertexOnKeyPoint1, eList, nbVertexInWires); if ( !theVertexOnKeyPoint1.IsSame( TopExp::FirstVertex( eList.front(), true ))) { MESSAGE( " theVertexOnKeyPoint1 not found in the outer wire "); return setErrorCode( ERR_APPLF_BAD_VERTEX ); } // check nb wires and edges list< int > l1 = myNbKeyPntInBoundary, l2 = nbVertexInWires; l1.sort(); l2.sort(); if ( l1 != l2 ) { MESSAGE( "Wrong nb vertices in wires" ); return setErrorCode( ERR_APPL_BAD_NB_VERTICES ); } // here shapes get IDs, for the outer wire IDs are OK list::iterator elIt = eList.begin(); for ( ; elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ ) { myShapeIDMap.Add( TopExp::FirstVertex( *elIt, true )); if ( BRep_Tool::IsClosed( *elIt, theFace ) ) myShapeIDMap.Add( TopExp::LastVertex( *elIt, true )); } int nbVertices = myShapeIDMap.Extent(); for ( elIt = eList.begin(); elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ ) myShapeIDMap.Add( *elIt ); myShapeIDMap.Add( face ); if ( myShapeIDToPointsMap.size() != myShapeIDMap.Extent()/* + nbSeamShapes*/ ) { MESSAGE( myShapeIDToPointsMap.size() <<" != " << myShapeIDMap.Extent()); return setErrorCode( ERR_APPLF_INTERNAL_EEROR ); } // points on edges to be used for UV computation of in-face points list< list< TPoint* > > edgesPointsList; edgesPointsList.push_back( list< TPoint* >() ); list< TPoint* > * edgesPoints = & edgesPointsList.back(); list< TPoint* >::iterator pIt; // compute UV of points on the outer wire int iE, nbEdgesInOuterWire = nbVertexInWires.front(); for (iE = 0, elIt = eList.begin(); iE < nbEdgesInOuterWire && elIt != eList.end(); iE++, elIt++ ) { list< TPoint* > & ePoints = getShapePoints( *elIt ); // compute UV computeUVOnEdge( *elIt, ePoints ); // collect on-edge points (excluding the last one) edgesPoints->insert( edgesPoints->end(), ePoints.begin(), --ePoints.end()); } // If there are several wires, define the order of edges of inner wires: // compute UV of inner edge-points using 2 methods: the one for in-face points // and the one for on-edge points and then choose the best edge order // by the best correspondance of the 2 results if ( nbWires > 1 ) { // compute UV of inner edge-points using the method for in-face points // and devide eList into a list of separate wires bool aBool; list< list< TopoDS_Edge > > wireList; list::iterator eIt = elIt; list::iterator nbEIt = nbVertexInWires.begin(); for ( nbEIt++; nbEIt != nbVertexInWires.end(); nbEIt++ ) { int nbEdges = *nbEIt; wireList.push_back( list< TopoDS_Edge >() ); list< TopoDS_Edge > & wire = wireList.back(); for ( iE = 0 ; iE < nbEdges; eIt++, iE++ ) { list< TPoint* > & ePoints = getShapePoints( *eIt ); pIt = ePoints.begin(); for ( pIt++; pIt != ePoints.end(); pIt++ ) { TPoint* p = (*pIt); if ( !compUVByIsoIntersection( edgesPointsList, p->myInitUV, p->myUV, aBool )) { MESSAGE("cant Apply(face)"); return false; } // keep the computed UV to compare against by setFirstEdge() p->myXYZ.SetCoord( p->myUV.X(), p->myUV.Y(), 0. ); } wire.push_back( *eIt ); } } // remove inner edges from eList eList.erase( elIt, eList.end() ); // sort wireList by nb edges in a wire sortBySize< TopoDS_Edge > ( wireList ); // an ID of the first edge of a boundary int id1 = nbVertices + nbEdgesInOuterWire + 1; // if ( nbSeamShapes > 0 ) // id1 += 2; // 2 vertices more // find points - edge correspondence for wires of unique size, // edge order within a wire should be defined only list< list< TopoDS_Edge > >::iterator wlIt = wireList.begin(); while ( wlIt != wireList.end() ) { list< TopoDS_Edge >& wire = (*wlIt); int nbEdges = wire.size(); wlIt++; if ( wlIt == wireList.end() || (*wlIt).size() != nbEdges ) // a unique size wire { // choose the best first edge of a wire setFirstEdge( wire, id1 ); // compute eventual UV and collect on-edge points edgesPointsList.push_back( list< TPoint* >() ); edgesPoints = & edgesPointsList.back(); int eID = id1; for ( eIt = wire.begin(); eIt != wire.end(); eIt++ ) { list< TPoint* > & ePoints = getShapePoints( eID++ ); computeUVOnEdge( *eIt, ePoints ); edgesPoints->insert( edgesPoints->end(), ePoints.begin(), (--ePoints.end())); } } id1 += nbEdges; } // find boundary - wire correspondence for several wires of same size id1 = nbVertices + nbEdgesInOuterWire + 1; wlIt = wireList.begin(); while ( wlIt != wireList.end() ) { int nbSameSize = 0, nbEdges = (*wlIt).size(); list< list< TopoDS_Edge > >::iterator wlIt2 = wlIt; wlIt2++; while ( wlIt2 != wireList.end() && (*wlIt2).size() == nbEdges ) { // a same size wire nbSameSize++; wlIt2++; } if ( nbSameSize > 0 ) if (!sortSameSizeWires(wireList, wlIt, wlIt2, id1, edgesPointsList)) return false; wlIt = wlIt2; id1 += nbEdges * ( nbSameSize + 1 ); } // add well-ordered edges to eList for ( wlIt = wireList.begin(); wlIt != wireList.end(); wlIt++ ) { list< TopoDS_Edge >& wire = (*wlIt); eList.splice( eList.end(), wire, wire.begin(), wire.end() ); } // re-fill myShapeIDMap - all shapes get good IDs myShapeIDMap.Clear(); for ( elIt = eList.begin(); elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ ) myShapeIDMap.Add( TopExp::FirstVertex( *elIt, true )); for ( elIt = eList.begin(); elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ ) myShapeIDMap.Add( *elIt ); myShapeIDMap.Add( face ); } // there are inner wires // Compute XYZ of on-edge points TopLoc_Location loc; for ( iE = nbVertices + 1, elIt = eList.begin(); elIt != eList.end(); elIt++ ) { double f,l; Handle(Geom_Curve) C3d = BRep_Tool::Curve( *elIt, loc, f, l ); const gp_Trsf & aTrsf = loc.Transformation(); list< TPoint* > & ePoints = getShapePoints( iE++ ); pIt = ePoints.begin(); for ( pIt++; pIt != ePoints.end(); pIt++ ) { TPoint* point = *pIt; point->myXYZ = C3d->Value( point->myU ); if ( !loc.IsIdentity() ) aTrsf.Transforms( point->myXYZ.ChangeCoord() ); } } // Compute UV and XYZ of in-face points // try to use a simple algo list< TPoint* > & fPoints = getShapePoints( face ); bool isDeformed = false; for ( pIt = fPoints.begin(); !isDeformed && pIt != fPoints.end(); pIt++ ) if ( !compUVByIsoIntersection( edgesPointsList, (*pIt)->myInitUV, (*pIt)->myUV, isDeformed )) { MESSAGE("cant Apply(face)"); return false; } // try to use a complex algo if it is a difficult case if ( isDeformed && !compUVByElasticIsolines( edgesPointsList, fPoints )) { for ( ; pIt != fPoints.end(); pIt++ ) // continue with the simple algo if ( !compUVByIsoIntersection( edgesPointsList, (*pIt)->myInitUV, (*pIt)->myUV, isDeformed )) { MESSAGE("cant Apply(face)"); return false; } } Handle(Geom_Surface) aSurface = BRep_Tool::Surface( face, loc ); const gp_Trsf & aTrsf = loc.Transformation(); for ( pIt = fPoints.begin(); pIt != fPoints.end(); pIt++ ) { TPoint * point = *pIt; point->myXYZ = aSurface->Value( point->myUV.X(), point->myUV.Y() ); if ( !loc.IsIdentity() ) aTrsf.Transforms( point->myXYZ.ChangeCoord() ); } myIsComputed = true; return setErrorCode( ERR_OK ); } //======================================================================= //function : Apply //purpose : Compute nodes coordinates applying // the loaded pattern to . The first key-point // will be mapped into -th node //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::Apply (const SMDS_MeshFace* theFace, const int theNodeIndexOnKeyPoint1, const bool theReverse) { // MESSAGE(" ::Apply(MeshFace) " ); if ( !IsLoaded() ) { MESSAGE( "Pattern not loaded" ); return setErrorCode( ERR_APPL_NOT_LOADED ); } // check nb of nodes if (theFace->NbNodes() != myNbKeyPntInBoundary.front() ) { MESSAGE( myKeyPointIDs.size() << " != " << theFace->NbNodes() ); return setErrorCode( ERR_APPL_BAD_NB_VERTICES ); } // find points on edges, it fills myNbKeyPntInBoundary if ( !findBoundaryPoints() ) return false; // check that there are no holes in a pattern if (myNbKeyPntInBoundary.size() > 1 ) { return setErrorCode( ERR_APPL_BAD_NB_VERTICES ); } // Define the nodes order list< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodes; list< const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator n = nodes.end(); SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr noIt = theFace->nodesIterator(); int iSub = 0; while ( noIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* node = static_cast( noIt->next() ); nodes.push_back( node ); if ( iSub++ == theNodeIndexOnKeyPoint1 ) n = --nodes.end(); } if ( n != nodes.end() ) { if ( theReverse ) { if ( n != --nodes.end() ) nodes.splice( nodes.begin(), nodes, ++n, nodes.end() ); nodes.reverse(); } else if ( n != nodes.begin() ) nodes.splice( nodes.end(), nodes, nodes.begin(), n ); } list< gp_XYZ > xyzList; myOrderedNodes.resize( theFace->NbNodes() ); for ( iSub = 0, n = nodes.begin(); n != nodes.end(); ++n ) { xyzList.push_back( gp_XYZ( (*n)->X(), (*n)->Y(), (*n)->Z() )); myOrderedNodes[ iSub++] = *n; } // Define a face plane list< gp_XYZ >::iterator xyzIt = xyzList.begin(); gp_Pnt P ( *xyzIt++ ); gp_Vec Vx( P, *xyzIt++ ), N; do { N = Vx ^ gp_Vec( P, *xyzIt++ ); } while ( N.SquareMagnitude() <= DBL_MIN && xyzIt != xyzList.end() ); if ( N.SquareMagnitude() <= DBL_MIN ) return setErrorCode( ERR_APPLF_BAD_FACE_GEOM ); gp_Ax2 pos( P, N, Vx ); // Compute UV of key-points on a plane for ( xyzIt = xyzList.begin(), iSub = 1; xyzIt != xyzList.end(); xyzIt++, iSub++ ) { gp_Vec vec ( pos.Location(), *xyzIt ); TPoint* p = getShapePoints( iSub ).front(); p->myUV.SetX( vec * pos.XDirection() ); p->myUV.SetY( vec * pos.YDirection() ); p->myXYZ = *xyzIt; } // points on edges to be used for UV computation of in-face points list< list< TPoint* > > edgesPointsList; edgesPointsList.push_back( list< TPoint* >() ); list< TPoint* > * edgesPoints = & edgesPointsList.back(); list< TPoint* >::iterator pIt; // compute UV and XYZ of points on edges for ( xyzIt = xyzList.begin(); xyzIt != xyzList.end(); iSub++ ) { gp_XYZ& xyz1 = *xyzIt++; gp_XYZ& xyz2 = ( xyzIt != xyzList.end() ) ? *xyzIt : xyzList.front(); list< TPoint* > & ePoints = getShapePoints( iSub ); ePoints.back()->myInitU = 1.0; list< TPoint* >::const_iterator pIt = ++ePoints.begin(); while ( *pIt != ePoints.back() ) { TPoint* p = *pIt++; p->myXYZ = xyz1 * ( 1 - p->myInitU ) + xyz2 * p->myInitU; gp_Vec vec ( pos.Location(), p->myXYZ ); p->myUV.SetX( vec * pos.XDirection() ); p->myUV.SetY( vec * pos.YDirection() ); } // collect on-edge points (excluding the last one) edgesPoints->insert( edgesPoints->end(), ePoints.begin(), --ePoints.end()); } // Compute UV and XYZ of in-face points // try to use a simple algo to compute UV list< TPoint* > & fPoints = getShapePoints( iSub ); bool isDeformed = false; for ( pIt = fPoints.begin(); !isDeformed && pIt != fPoints.end(); pIt++ ) if ( !compUVByIsoIntersection( edgesPointsList, (*pIt)->myInitUV, (*pIt)->myUV, isDeformed )) { MESSAGE("cant Apply(face)"); return false; } // try to use a complex algo if it is a difficult case if ( isDeformed && !compUVByElasticIsolines( edgesPointsList, fPoints )) { for ( ; pIt != fPoints.end(); pIt++ ) // continue with the simple algo if ( !compUVByIsoIntersection( edgesPointsList, (*pIt)->myInitUV, (*pIt)->myUV, isDeformed )) { MESSAGE("cant Apply(face)"); return false; } } for ( pIt = fPoints.begin(); pIt != fPoints.end(); pIt++ ) { (*pIt)->myXYZ = ElSLib::PlaneValue( (*pIt)->myUV.X(), (*pIt)->myUV.Y(), pos ); } myIsComputed = true; return setErrorCode( ERR_OK ); } //======================================================================= //function : undefinedXYZ //purpose : //======================================================================= static const gp_XYZ& undefinedXYZ() { static gp_XYZ xyz( 1.e100, 0., 0. ); return xyz; } //======================================================================= //function : isDefined //purpose : //======================================================================= inline static bool isDefined(const gp_XYZ& theXYZ) { return theXYZ.X() < 1.e100; } //======================================================================= //function : Apply //purpose : Compute nodes coordinates applying // the loaded pattern to . The first key-point // will be mapped into -th node //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::Apply (std::set& theFaces, const int theNodeIndexOnKeyPoint1, const bool theReverse) { MESSAGE(" ::Apply(set) " ); if ( !IsLoaded() ) { MESSAGE( "Pattern not loaded" ); return setErrorCode( ERR_APPL_NOT_LOADED ); } // find points on edges, it fills myNbKeyPntInBoundary if ( !findBoundaryPoints() ) return false; // check that there are no holes in a pattern if (myNbKeyPntInBoundary.size() > 1 ) { return setErrorCode( ERR_APPL_BAD_NB_VERTICES ); } myShape.Nullify(); myXYZ.clear(); myElemXYZIDs.clear(); myXYZIdToNodeMap.clear(); myElements.clear(); myIdsOnBoundary.clear(); myReverseConnectivity.clear(); myXYZ.resize( myPoints.size() * theFaces.size(), undefinedXYZ() ); myElements.reserve( theFaces.size() ); // to find point index map< TPoint*, int > pointIndex; for ( int i = 0; i < myPoints.size(); i++ ) pointIndex.insert( make_pair( & myPoints[ i ], i )); int ind1 = 0; // lowest point index for a face // apply to each face in theFaces set set::iterator face = theFaces.begin(); for ( ; face != theFaces.end(); ++face ) { if ( !Apply( *face, theNodeIndexOnKeyPoint1, theReverse )) { MESSAGE( "Failed on " << *face ); continue; } myElements.push_back( *face ); // store computed points belonging to elements list< TElemDef >::iterator ll = myElemPointIDs.begin(); for ( ; ll != myElemPointIDs.end(); ++ll ) { myElemXYZIDs.push_back(TElemDef()); TElemDef& xyzIds = myElemXYZIDs.back(); TElemDef& pIds = *ll; for ( TElemDef::iterator id = pIds.begin(); id != pIds.end(); id++ ) { int pIndex = *id + ind1; xyzIds.push_back( pIndex ); myXYZ[ pIndex ] = myPoints[ *id ].myXYZ.XYZ(); myReverseConnectivity[ pIndex ].push_back( & xyzIds ); } } // put points on links to myIdsOnBoundary, // they will be used to sew new elements on adjacent refined elements int nbNodes = (*face)->NbNodes(), eID = nbNodes + 1; for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++ ) { list< TPoint* > & linkPoints = getShapePoints( eID++ ); const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = myOrderedNodes[ i ]; const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = myOrderedNodes[ i + 1 == nbNodes ? 0 : i + 1 ]; // make a link and a node set TNodeSet linkSet, node1Set; linkSet.insert( n1 ); linkSet.insert( n2 ); node1Set.insert( n1 ); list< TPoint* >::iterator p = linkPoints.begin(); { // map the first link point to n1 int nId = pointIndex[ *p ] + ind1; myXYZIdToNodeMap[ nId ] = n1; list< list< int > >& groups = myIdsOnBoundary[ node1Set ]; groups.push_back(list< int > ()); groups.back().push_back( nId ); } // add the linkSet to the map list< list< int > >& groups = myIdsOnBoundary[ linkSet ]; groups.push_back(list< int > ()); list< int >& indList = groups.back(); // add points to the map excluding the end points for ( p++; *p != linkPoints.back(); p++ ) indList.push_back( pointIndex[ *p ] + ind1 ); } ind1 += myPoints.size(); } return !myElemXYZIDs.empty(); } //======================================================================= //function : Apply //purpose : Compute nodes coordinates applying // the loaded pattern to . The (0,0,0) key-point // will be mapped into -th node. The // (0,0,1) key-point will be mapped into -th // node. //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::Apply (std::set & theVolumes, const int theNode000Index, const int theNode001Index) { MESSAGE(" ::Apply(set) " ); if ( !IsLoaded() ) { MESSAGE( "Pattern not loaded" ); return setErrorCode( ERR_APPL_NOT_LOADED ); } // bind ID to points if ( !findBoundaryPoints() ) return false; // check that there are no holes in a pattern if (myNbKeyPntInBoundary.size() > 1 ) { return setErrorCode( ERR_APPL_BAD_NB_VERTICES ); } myShape.Nullify(); myXYZ.clear(); myElemXYZIDs.clear(); myXYZIdToNodeMap.clear(); myElements.clear(); myIdsOnBoundary.clear(); myReverseConnectivity.clear(); myXYZ.resize( myPoints.size() * theVolumes.size(), undefinedXYZ() ); myElements.reserve( theVolumes.size() ); // to find point index map< TPoint*, int > pointIndex; for ( int i = 0; i < myPoints.size(); i++ ) pointIndex.insert( make_pair( & myPoints[ i ], i )); int ind1 = 0; // lowest point index for an element // apply to each element in theVolumes set set::iterator vol = theVolumes.begin(); for ( ; vol != theVolumes.end(); ++vol ) { if ( !Apply( *vol, theNode000Index, theNode001Index )) { MESSAGE( "Failed on " << *vol ); continue; } myElements.push_back( *vol ); // store computed points belonging to elements list< TElemDef >::iterator ll = myElemPointIDs.begin(); for ( ; ll != myElemPointIDs.end(); ++ll ) { myElemXYZIDs.push_back(TElemDef()); TElemDef& xyzIds = myElemXYZIDs.back(); TElemDef& pIds = *ll; for ( TElemDef::iterator id = pIds.begin(); id != pIds.end(); id++ ) { int pIndex = *id + ind1; xyzIds.push_back( pIndex ); myXYZ[ pIndex ] = myPoints[ *id ].myXYZ.XYZ(); myReverseConnectivity[ pIndex ].push_back( & xyzIds ); } } // put points on edges and faces to myIdsOnBoundary, // they will be used to sew new elements on adjacent refined elements for ( int Id = SMESH_Block::ID_V000; Id <= SMESH_Block::ID_F1yz; Id++ ) { // make a set of sub-points TNodeSet subNodes; vector< int > subIDs; if ( SMESH_Block::IsVertexID( Id )) { subNodes.insert( myOrderedNodes[ Id - 1 ]); } else if ( SMESH_Block::IsEdgeID( Id )) { SMESH_Block::GetEdgeVertexIDs( Id, subIDs ); subNodes.insert( myOrderedNodes[ subIDs.front() - 1 ]); subNodes.insert( myOrderedNodes[ subIDs.back() - 1 ]); } else { SMESH_Block::GetFaceEdgesIDs( Id, subIDs ); int e1 = subIDs[ 0 ], e2 = subIDs[ 1 ]; SMESH_Block::GetEdgeVertexIDs( e1, subIDs ); subNodes.insert( myOrderedNodes[ subIDs.front() - 1 ]); subNodes.insert( myOrderedNodes[ subIDs.back() - 1 ]); SMESH_Block::GetEdgeVertexIDs( e2, subIDs ); subNodes.insert( myOrderedNodes[ subIDs.front() - 1 ]); subNodes.insert( myOrderedNodes[ subIDs.back() - 1 ]); } // add points list< TPoint* > & points = getShapePoints( Id ); list< TPoint* >::iterator p = points.begin(); list< list< int > >& groups = myIdsOnBoundary[ subNodes ]; groups.push_back(list< int > ()); list< int >& indList = groups.back(); for ( ; p != points.end(); p++ ) indList.push_back( pointIndex[ *p ] + ind1 ); if ( subNodes.size() == 1 ) // vertex case myXYZIdToNodeMap[ indList.back() ] = myOrderedNodes[ Id - 1 ]; } ind1 += myPoints.size(); } return !myElemXYZIDs.empty(); } //======================================================================= //function : Load //purpose : Create a pattern from the mesh built on //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::Load (SMESH_Mesh* theMesh, const TopoDS_Shell& theBlock) { MESSAGE(" ::Load(volume) " ); Clear(); myIs2D = false; SMESHDS_SubMesh * aSubMesh; // load shapes in myShapeIDMap SMESH_Block block; TopoDS_Vertex v1, v2; if ( !block.LoadBlockShapes( theBlock, v1, v2, myShapeIDMap )) return setErrorCode( ERR_LOADV_BAD_SHAPE ); // count nodes int nbNodes = 0, shapeID; for ( shapeID = 1; shapeID <= myShapeIDMap.Extent(); shapeID++ ) { const TopoDS_Shape& S = myShapeIDMap( shapeID ); aSubMesh = getSubmeshWithElements( theMesh, S ); if ( aSubMesh ) nbNodes += aSubMesh->NbNodes(); } myPoints.resize( nbNodes ); // load U of points on edges TNodePointIDMap nodePointIDMap; int iPoint = 0; for ( shapeID = 1; shapeID <= myShapeIDMap.Extent(); shapeID++ ) { const TopoDS_Shape& S = myShapeIDMap( shapeID ); list< TPoint* > & shapePoints = getShapePoints( shapeID ); aSubMesh = getSubmeshWithElements( theMesh, S ); if ( ! aSubMesh ) continue; SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = aSubMesh->GetNodes(); if ( !nIt->more() ) continue; // store a node and a point while ( nIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* node = static_cast( nIt->next() ); nodePointIDMap.insert( make_pair( node, iPoint )); if ( block.IsVertexID( shapeID )) myKeyPointIDs.push_back( iPoint ); TPoint* p = & myPoints[ iPoint++ ]; shapePoints.push_back( p ); p->myXYZ.SetCoord( node->X(), node->Y(), node->Z() ); p->myInitXYZ.SetCoord( 0,0,0 ); } list< TPoint* >::iterator pIt = shapePoints.begin(); // compute init XYZ switch ( S.ShapeType() ) { case TopAbs_VERTEX: case TopAbs_EDGE: { for ( ; pIt != shapePoints.end(); pIt++ ) { double * coef = block.GetShapeCoef( shapeID ); for ( int iCoord = 1; iCoord <= 3; iCoord++ ) if ( coef[ iCoord - 1] > 0 ) (*pIt)->myInitXYZ.SetCoord( iCoord, 1. ); } if ( S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX ) break; const TopoDS_Edge& edge = TopoDS::Edge( S ); double f,l; BRep_Tool::Range( edge, f, l ); int iCoord = SMESH_Block::GetCoordIndOnEdge( shapeID ); bool isForward = SMESH_Block::IsForwardEdge( edge, myShapeIDMap ); pIt = shapePoints.begin(); nIt = aSubMesh->GetNodes(); for ( ; nIt->more(); pIt++ ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* node = static_cast( nIt->next() ); const SMDS_EdgePosition* epos = static_cast(node->GetPosition().get()); double u = ( epos->GetUParameter() - f ) / ( l - f ); (*pIt)->myInitXYZ.SetCoord( iCoord, isForward ? u : 1 - u ); } break; } default: for ( ; pIt != shapePoints.end(); pIt++ ) { if ( !block.ComputeParameters( (*pIt)->myXYZ, (*pIt)->myInitXYZ, shapeID )) { MESSAGE( "!block.ComputeParameters()" ); return setErrorCode( ERR_LOADV_COMPUTE_PARAMS ); } } } } // loop on block sub-shapes // load elements aSubMesh = getSubmeshWithElements( theMesh, theBlock ); if ( aSubMesh ) { SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt = aSubMesh->GetElements(); while ( elemIt->more() ) { SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nIt = elemIt->next()->nodesIterator(); myElemPointIDs.push_back( TElemDef() ); TElemDef& elemPoints = myElemPointIDs.back(); while ( nIt->more() ) elemPoints.push_back( nodePointIDMap[ nIt->next() ]); } } myIsBoundaryPointsFound = true; return setErrorCode( ERR_OK ); } //======================================================================= //function : getSubmeshWithElements //purpose : return submesh containing elements bound to theBlock in theMesh //======================================================================= SMESHDS_SubMesh * SMESH_Pattern::getSubmeshWithElements(SMESH_Mesh* theMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& theShape) { SMESHDS_SubMesh * aSubMesh = theMesh->GetMeshDS()->MeshElements( theShape ); if ( aSubMesh && ( aSubMesh->GetElements()->more() || aSubMesh->GetNodes()->more() )) return aSubMesh; if ( theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL ) { // look for submesh of VOLUME TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it( theMesh->GetAncestors( theShape )); for (; it.More(); it.Next()) { aSubMesh = theMesh->GetMeshDS()->MeshElements( it.Value() ); if ( aSubMesh && ( aSubMesh->GetElements()->more() || aSubMesh->GetNodes()->more() )) return aSubMesh; } } return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : Apply //purpose : Compute nodes coordinates applying // the loaded pattern to . The (0,0,0) key-point // will be mapped into . The (0,0,1) // fifth key-point will be mapped into . //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::Apply (const TopoDS_Shell& theBlock, const TopoDS_Vertex& theVertex000, const TopoDS_Vertex& theVertex001) { MESSAGE(" ::Apply(volume) " ); if (!findBoundaryPoints() || // bind ID to points !setShapeToMesh( theBlock )) // check theBlock is a suitable shape return false; SMESH_Block block; // bind ID to shape if (!block.LoadBlockShapes( theBlock, theVertex000, theVertex001, myShapeIDMap )) return setErrorCode( ERR_APPLV_BAD_SHAPE ); // compute XYZ of points on shapes for ( int shapeID = 1; shapeID <= myShapeIDMap.Extent(); shapeID++ ) { list< TPoint* > & shapePoints = getShapePoints( shapeID ); list< TPoint* >::iterator pIt = shapePoints.begin(); const TopoDS_Shape& S = myShapeIDMap( shapeID ); switch ( S.ShapeType() ) { case TopAbs_VERTEX: { for ( ; pIt != shapePoints.end(); pIt++ ) block.VertexPoint( shapeID, (*pIt)->myXYZ.ChangeCoord() ); break; } case TopAbs_EDGE: { for ( ; pIt != shapePoints.end(); pIt++ ) block.EdgePoint( shapeID, (*pIt)->myInitXYZ, (*pIt)->myXYZ.ChangeCoord() ); break; } case TopAbs_FACE: { for ( ; pIt != shapePoints.end(); pIt++ ) block.FacePoint( shapeID, (*pIt)->myInitXYZ, (*pIt)->myXYZ.ChangeCoord() ); break; } default: for ( ; pIt != shapePoints.end(); pIt++ ) block.ShellPoint( (*pIt)->myInitXYZ, (*pIt)->myXYZ.ChangeCoord() ); } } // loop on block sub-shapes myIsComputed = true; return setErrorCode( ERR_OK ); } //======================================================================= //function : Apply //purpose : Compute nodes coordinates applying // the loaded pattern to . The (0,0,0) key-point // will be mapped into -th node. The // (0,0,1) key-point will be mapped into -th // node. //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::Apply (const SMDS_MeshVolume* theVolume, const int theNode000Index, const int theNode001Index) { //MESSAGE(" ::Apply(MeshVolume) " ); if (!findBoundaryPoints()) // bind ID to points return false; SMESH_Block block; // bind ID to shape if (!block.LoadMeshBlock( theVolume, theNode000Index, theNode001Index, myOrderedNodes )) return setErrorCode( ERR_APPLV_BAD_SHAPE ); // compute XYZ of points on shapes for ( int ID = SMESH_Block::ID_V000; ID <= SMESH_Block::ID_Shell; ID++ ) { list< TPoint* > & shapePoints = getShapePoints( ID ); list< TPoint* >::iterator pIt = shapePoints.begin(); if ( block.IsVertexID( ID )) for ( ; pIt != shapePoints.end(); pIt++ ) { block.VertexPoint( ID, (*pIt)->myXYZ.ChangeCoord() ); } else if ( block.IsEdgeID( ID )) for ( ; pIt != shapePoints.end(); pIt++ ) { block.EdgePoint( ID, (*pIt)->myInitXYZ, (*pIt)->myXYZ.ChangeCoord() ); } else if ( block.IsFaceID( ID )) for ( ; pIt != shapePoints.end(); pIt++ ) { block.FacePoint( ID, (*pIt)->myInitXYZ, (*pIt)->myXYZ.ChangeCoord() ); } else for ( ; pIt != shapePoints.end(); pIt++ ) block.ShellPoint( (*pIt)->myInitXYZ, (*pIt)->myXYZ.ChangeCoord() ); } // loop on block sub-shapes myIsComputed = true; return setErrorCode( ERR_OK ); } //======================================================================= //function : mergePoints //purpose : Merge XYZ on edges and/or faces. //======================================================================= void SMESH_Pattern::mergePoints (const bool uniteGroups) { map< TNodeSet, list< list< int > > >::iterator idListIt = myIdsOnBoundary.begin(); for ( ; idListIt != myIdsOnBoundary.end(); idListIt++ ) { list >& groups = idListIt->second; if ( groups.size() < 2 ) continue; // find tolerance const TNodeSet& nodes = idListIt->first; double tol2 = 1.e-10; if ( nodes.size() > 1 ) { Bnd_Box box; TNodeSet::const_iterator n = nodes.begin(); for ( ; n != nodes.end(); ++n ) box.Add( gp_Pnt( (*n)->X(), (*n)->Y(), (*n)->Z() )); double x, y, z, X, Y, Z; box.Get( x, y, z, X, Y, Z ); gp_Pnt p( x, y, z ), P( X, Y, Z ); tol2 = 1.e-4 * p.SquareDistance( P ); } // to unite groups on link bool unite = ( uniteGroups && nodes.size() == 2 ); map< double, int > distIndMap; const SMDS_MeshNode* node = *nodes.begin(); gp_Pnt P( node->X(), node->Y(), node->Z() ); // compare points, replace indices list< int >::iterator ind1, ind2; list< list< int > >::iterator grpIt1, grpIt2; for ( grpIt1 = groups.begin(); grpIt1 != groups.end(); grpIt1++ ) { list< int >& indices1 = *grpIt1; grpIt2 = grpIt1; for ( grpIt2++; grpIt2 != groups.end(); grpIt2++ ) { list< int >& indices2 = *grpIt2; for ( ind1 = indices1.begin(); ind1 != indices1.end(); ind1++ ) { gp_XYZ& p1 = myXYZ[ *ind1 ]; ind2 = indices2.begin(); while ( ind2 != indices2.end() ) { gp_XYZ& p2 = myXYZ[ *ind2 ]; //MESSAGE("COMP: " << *ind1 << " " << *ind2 << " X: " << p2.X() << " tol2: " << tol2); if ( ( p1 - p2 ).SquareModulus() <= tol2 ) { ASSERT( myReverseConnectivity.find( *ind2 ) != myReverseConnectivity.end() ); list< TElemDef* > & elemXYZIDsList = myReverseConnectivity[ *ind2 ]; list< TElemDef* >::iterator elemXYZIDs = elemXYZIDsList.begin(); for ( ; elemXYZIDs != elemXYZIDsList.end(); elemXYZIDs++ ) { //MESSAGE( " Replace " << *ind2 << " with " << *ind1 ); myXYZ[ *ind2 ] = undefinedXYZ(); replace( (*elemXYZIDs)->begin(), (*elemXYZIDs)->end(), *ind2, *ind1 ); } ind2 = indices2.erase( ind2 ); } else ind2++; } } } if ( unite ) { // sort indices using distIndMap for ( ind1 = indices1.begin(); ind1 != indices1.end(); ind1++ ) { ASSERT( isDefined( myXYZ[ *ind1 ] )); double dist = P.SquareDistance( myXYZ[ *ind1 ]); distIndMap.insert( make_pair( dist, *ind1 )); } } } if ( unite ) { // put all sorted indices into the first group list< int >& g = groups.front(); g.clear(); map< double, int >::iterator dist_ind = distIndMap.begin(); for ( ; dist_ind != distIndMap.end(); dist_ind++ ) g.push_back( dist_ind->second ); } } // loop on myIdsOnBoundary } //======================================================================= //function : makePolyElements //purpose : prepare intermediate data to create Polygons and Polyhedrons //======================================================================= void SMESH_Pattern:: makePolyElements(const vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& theNodes, const bool toCreatePolygons, const bool toCreatePolyedrs) { myPolyElemXYZIDs.clear(); myPolyElems.clear(); myPolyElems.reserve( myIdsOnBoundary.size() ); // make a set of refined elements set< const SMDS_MeshElement* > avoidSet, elemSet; avoidSet.insert( myElements.begin(), myElements.end() ); map< TNodeSet, list< list< int > > >::iterator indListIt, nn_IdList; if ( toCreatePolygons ) { int lastFreeId = myXYZ.size(); // loop on links of refined elements indListIt = myIdsOnBoundary.begin(); for ( ; indListIt != myIdsOnBoundary.end(); indListIt++ ) { const TNodeSet & linkNodes = indListIt->first; if ( linkNodes.size() != 2 ) continue; // skip face const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = * linkNodes.begin(); const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = * linkNodes.rbegin(); list >& idGroups = indListIt->second; // ids of nodes to build if ( idGroups.empty() || idGroups.front().empty() ) continue; // find not refined face having n1-n2 link while (true) { const SMDS_MeshElement* face = SMESH_MeshEditor::FindFaceInSet( n1, n2, elemSet, avoidSet ); if ( face ) { avoidSet.insert ( face ); myPolyElems.push_back( face ); // some links of are split; // make list of xyz for myPolyElemXYZIDs.push_back(TElemDef()); TElemDef & faceNodeIds = myPolyElemXYZIDs.back(); // loop on links of a SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nIt = face->nodesIterator(); int i = 0, nbNodes = face->NbNodes(); vector nodes( nbNodes + 1 ); while ( nIt->more() ) nodes[ i++ ] = static_cast( nIt->next() ); nodes[ i ] = nodes[ 0 ]; for ( i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i ) { // look for point mapped on a link TNodeSet faceLinkNodes; faceLinkNodes.insert( nodes[ i ] ); faceLinkNodes.insert( nodes[ i + 1 ] ); if ( faceLinkNodes == linkNodes ) nn_IdList = indListIt; else nn_IdList = myIdsOnBoundary.find( faceLinkNodes ); // add face point ids faceNodeIds.push_back( ++lastFreeId ); myXYZIdToNodeMap.insert( make_pair( lastFreeId, nodes[ i ])); if ( nn_IdList != myIdsOnBoundary.end() ) { // there are points mapped on a link list< int >& mappedIds = nn_IdList->second.front(); if ( isReversed( nodes[ i ], mappedIds )) faceNodeIds.insert (faceNodeIds.end(),mappedIds.rbegin(), mappedIds.rend() ); else faceNodeIds.insert (faceNodeIds.end(),mappedIds.begin(), mappedIds.end() ); } } // loop on links of a } // if ( face ) else break; } // while (true) if ( myIs2D && idGroups.size() > 1 ) { // sew new elements on 2 refined elements sharing n1-n2 link list< int >& idsOnLink = idGroups.front(); // temporarily add ids of link nodes to idsOnLink bool rev = isReversed( n1, idsOnLink ); for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) { TNodeSet nodeSet; nodeSet.insert( i ? n2 : n1 ); ASSERT( myIdsOnBoundary.find( nodeSet ) != myIdsOnBoundary.end() ); list >& groups = myIdsOnBoundary[ nodeSet ]; int nodeId = groups.front().front(); bool append = i; if ( rev ) append = !append; if ( append ) idsOnLink.push_back( nodeId ); else idsOnLink.push_front( nodeId ); } list< int >::iterator id = idsOnLink.begin(); for ( ; id != idsOnLink.end(); ++id ) // loop on XYZ ids on a link { list< TElemDef* >& elemDefs = myReverseConnectivity[ *id ]; // elems sharing id list< TElemDef* >::iterator pElemDef = elemDefs.begin(); for ( ; pElemDef != elemDefs.end(); pElemDef++ ) // loop on elements sharing id { TElemDef* pIdList = *pElemDef; // ptr on list of ids making element up // look for in element definition TElemDef::iterator idDef = find( pIdList->begin(), pIdList->end(), *id ); ASSERT ( idDef != pIdList->end() ); // look for 2 neighbour ids of in element definition for ( int prev = 0; prev < 2; ++prev ) { TElemDef::iterator idDef2 = idDef; if ( prev ) idDef2 = ( idDef2 == pIdList->begin() ) ? --pIdList->end() : --idDef2; else idDef2 = ( ++idDef2 == pIdList->end() ) ? pIdList->begin() : idDef2; // look for idDef2 on a link starting from id list< int >::iterator id2 = find( id, idsOnLink.end(), *idDef2 ); if ( id2 != idsOnLink.end() && id != --id2 ) { // found not next to id // insert ids located on link between and // into the element definition between idDef and idDef2 if ( prev ) for ( ; id2 != id; --id2 ) pIdList->insert( idDef, *id2 ); else { list< int >::iterator id1 = id; for ( ++id1, ++id2; id1 != id2; ++id1 ) pIdList->insert( idDef2, *id1 ); } } } } } // remove ids of link nodes idsOnLink.pop_front(); idsOnLink.pop_back(); } } // loop on myIdsOnBoundary } // if ( toCreatePolygons ) if ( toCreatePolyedrs ) { // check volumes adjacent to the refined elements SMDS_VolumeTool volTool; vector::iterator refinedElem = myElements.begin(); for ( ; refinedElem != myElements.end(); ++refinedElem ) { // loop on nodes of refinedElem SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nIt = (*refinedElem)->nodesIterator(); while ( nIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* node = static_cast( nIt->next() ); // loop on inverse elements of node SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr eIt = node->GetInverseElementIterator(); while ( eIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = eIt->next(); if ( !volTool.Set( elem ) || !avoidSet.insert( elem ).second ) continue; // skip faces or refined elements // add polyhedron definition myPolyhedronQuantities.push_back(vector ()); myPolyElemXYZIDs.push_back(TElemDef()); vector& quantity = myPolyhedronQuantities.back(); TElemDef & elemDef = myPolyElemXYZIDs.back(); // get definitions of new elements on volume faces bool makePoly = false; for ( int iF = 0; iF < volTool.NbFaces(); ++iF ) { if ( getFacesDefinition(volTool.GetFaceNodes( iF ), volTool.NbFaceNodes( iF ), theNodes, elemDef, quantity)) makePoly = true; } if ( makePoly ) myPolyElems.push_back( elem ); else { myPolyhedronQuantities.pop_back(); myPolyElemXYZIDs.pop_back(); } } } } } } //======================================================================= //function : getFacesDefinition //purpose : return faces definition for a volume face defined by theBndNodes //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern:: getFacesDefinition(const SMDS_MeshNode** theBndNodes, const int theNbBndNodes, const vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& theNodes, list< int >& theFaceDefs, vector& theQuantity) { bool makePoly = false; // cout << "FROM FACE NODES: " < bndNodeSet; for ( int i = 0; i < theNbBndNodes; ++i ) bndNodeSet.insert( theBndNodes[ i ]); map< TNodeSet, list< list< int > > >::iterator nn_IdList; // make a set of all nodes on a face set< int > ids; if ( !myIs2D ) { // for 2D, merge only edges nn_IdList = myIdsOnBoundary.find( bndNodeSet ); if ( nn_IdList != myIdsOnBoundary.end() ) { makePoly = true; list< int > & faceIds = nn_IdList->second.front(); ids.insert( faceIds.begin(), faceIds.end() ); } } //bool hasIdsInFace = !ids.empty(); // add ids on links and bnd nodes int lastFreeId = Max( myXYZIdToNodeMap.rbegin()->first, theNodes.size() ); TElemDef faceDef; // definition for the case if there is no new adjacent volumes for ( int iN = 0; iN < theNbBndNodes; ++iN ) { // add id of iN-th bnd node TNodeSet nSet; nSet.insert( theBndNodes[ iN ] ); nn_IdList = myIdsOnBoundary.find( nSet ); int bndId = ++lastFreeId; if ( nn_IdList != myIdsOnBoundary.end() ) { bndId = nn_IdList->second.front().front(); ids.insert( bndId ); } else myXYZIdToNodeMap.insert( make_pair( bndId, theBndNodes[ iN ] )); faceDef.push_back( bndId ); // add ids on a link TNodeSet linkNodes; linkNodes.insert( theBndNodes[ iN ]); linkNodes.insert( theBndNodes[ iN + 1 == theNbBndNodes ? 0 : iN + 1 ]); nn_IdList = myIdsOnBoundary.find( linkNodes ); if ( nn_IdList != myIdsOnBoundary.end() ) { makePoly = true; list< int > & linkIds = nn_IdList->second.front(); ids.insert( linkIds.begin(), linkIds.end() ); if ( isReversed( theBndNodes[ iN ], linkIds )) faceDef.insert( faceDef.end(), linkIds.begin(), linkIds.end() ); else faceDef.insert( faceDef.end(), linkIds.rbegin(), linkIds.rend() ); } } // find faces definition of new volumes bool defsAdded = false; if ( !myIs2D ) { // for 2D, merge only edges SMDS_VolumeTool vol; set< TElemDef* > checkedVolDefs; set< int >::iterator id = ids.begin(); for ( ; id != ids.end(); ++id ) { // definitions of volumes sharing id list< TElemDef* >& defList = myReverseConnectivity[ *id ]; ASSERT( !defList.empty() ); // loop on volume definitions list< TElemDef* >::iterator pIdList = defList.begin(); for ( ; pIdList != defList.end(); ++pIdList) { if ( !checkedVolDefs.insert( *pIdList ).second ) continue; // skip already checked volume definition vector< int > idVec; idVec.reserve( (*pIdList)->size() ); idVec.insert( idVec.begin(), (*pIdList)->begin(), (*pIdList)->end() ); // loop on face defs of a volume SMDS_VolumeTool::VolumeType volType = vol.GetType( idVec.size() ); if ( volType == SMDS_VolumeTool::UNKNOWN ) continue; int nbFaces = vol.NbFaces( volType ); for ( int iF = 0; iF < nbFaces; ++iF ) { const int* nodeInds = vol.GetFaceNodesIndices( volType, iF, true ); int iN, nbN = vol.NbFaceNodes( volType, iF ); // check if all nodes of a faces are in bool all = true; for ( iN = 0; iN < nbN && all; ++iN ) { int nodeId = idVec[ nodeInds[ iN ]]; all = ( ids.find( nodeId ) != ids.end() ); } if ( all ) { // store a face definition for ( iN = 0; iN < nbN; ++iN ) { theFaceDefs.push_back( idVec[ nodeInds[ iN ]]); } theQuantity.push_back( nbN ); defsAdded = true; } } } } } if ( !defsAdded ) { theQuantity.push_back( faceDef.size() ); theFaceDefs.splice( theFaceDefs.end(), faceDef, faceDef.begin(), faceDef.end() ); } return makePoly; } //======================================================================= //function : clearMesh //purpose : clear mesh elements existing on myShape in theMesh //======================================================================= void SMESH_Pattern::clearMesh(SMESH_Mesh* theMesh) const { if ( !myShape.IsNull() ) { if ( SMESH_subMesh * aSubMesh = theMesh->GetSubMesh/*Containing*/( myShape )) { aSubMesh->ComputeStateEngine( SMESH_subMesh::CLEAN ); } else { SMESHDS_Mesh* aMeshDS = theMesh->GetMeshDS(); if ( SMESHDS_SubMesh* aSubMeshDS = aMeshDS->MeshElements( myShape )) { SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr eIt = aSubMeshDS->GetElements(); while ( eIt->more() ) aMeshDS->RemoveElement( eIt->next() ); SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = aSubMeshDS->GetNodes(); while ( nIt->more() ) aMeshDS->RemoveNode( static_cast( nIt->next() )); } } } } //======================================================================= //function : MakeMesh //purpose : Create nodes and elements in using nodes // coordinates computed by either of Apply...() methods //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::MakeMesh(SMESH_Mesh* theMesh, const bool toCreatePolygons, const bool toCreatePolyedrs) { MESSAGE(" ::MakeMesh() " ); if ( !myIsComputed ) return setErrorCode( ERR_MAKEM_NOT_COMPUTED ); mergePoints( toCreatePolygons ); SMESHDS_Mesh* aMeshDS = theMesh->GetMeshDS(); // clear elements and nodes existing on myShape clearMesh(theMesh); bool onMeshElements = ( !myElements.empty() ); // Create missing nodes vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodesVector; // i-th point/xyz -> node if ( onMeshElements ) { nodesVector.resize( Max( myXYZ.size(), myXYZIdToNodeMap.rbegin()->first ), 0 ); map< int, const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator i_node = myXYZIdToNodeMap.begin(); for ( ; i_node != myXYZIdToNodeMap.end(); i_node++ ) { nodesVector[ i_node->first ] = i_node->second; } for ( int i = 0; i < myXYZ.size(); ++i ) { if ( !nodesVector[ i ] && isDefined( myXYZ[ i ] ) ) nodesVector[ i ] = aMeshDS->AddNode (myXYZ[ i ].X(), myXYZ[ i ].Y(), myXYZ[ i ].Z()); } } else { nodesVector.resize( myPoints.size(), 0 ); // to find point index map< TPoint*, int > pointIndex; for ( int i = 0; i < myPoints.size(); i++ ) pointIndex.insert( make_pair( & myPoints[ i ], i )); // loop on sub-shapes of myShape: create nodes map< int, list< TPoint* > >::iterator idPointIt = myShapeIDToPointsMap.begin(); for ( ; idPointIt != myShapeIDToPointsMap.end(); idPointIt++ ) { TopoDS_Shape S; SMESHDS_SubMesh * subMeshDS = 0; if ( !myShapeIDMap.IsEmpty() ) { S = myShapeIDMap( idPointIt->first ); subMeshDS = aMeshDS->MeshElements( S ); } list< TPoint* > & points = idPointIt->second; list< TPoint* >::iterator pIt = points.begin(); for ( ; pIt != points.end(); pIt++ ) { TPoint* point = *pIt; int pIndex = pointIndex[ point ]; if ( nodesVector [ pIndex ] ) continue; SMDS_MeshNode* node = aMeshDS->AddNode (point->myXYZ.X(), point->myXYZ.Y(), point->myXYZ.Z()); nodesVector [ pIndex ] = node; if ( subMeshDS ) { switch ( S.ShapeType() ) { case TopAbs_VERTEX: { aMeshDS->SetNodeOnVertex( node, TopoDS::Vertex( S )); break; } case TopAbs_EDGE: { aMeshDS->SetNodeOnEdge( node, TopoDS::Edge( S )); SMDS_EdgePosition* epos = dynamic_cast(node->GetPosition().get()); epos->SetUParameter( point->myU ); break; } case TopAbs_FACE: { aMeshDS->SetNodeOnFace( node, TopoDS::Face( S )); SMDS_FacePosition* pos = dynamic_cast(node->GetPosition().get()); pos->SetUParameter( point->myUV.X() ); pos->SetVParameter( point->myUV.Y() ); break; } default: aMeshDS->SetNodeInVolume( node, TopoDS::Shell( S )); } } } } } // create elements if ( onMeshElements ) { // prepare data to create poly elements makePolyElements( nodesVector, toCreatePolygons, toCreatePolyedrs ); // refine elements createElements( theMesh, nodesVector, myElemXYZIDs, myElements ); // sew old and new elements createElements( theMesh, nodesVector, myPolyElemXYZIDs, myPolyElems ); } else { createElements( theMesh, nodesVector, myElemPointIDs, myElements ); } // const map& sm = aMeshDS->SubMeshes(); // map::const_iterator i_sm = sm.begin(); // for ( ; i_sm != sm.end(); i_sm++ ) // { // cout << " SM " << i_sm->first << " "; // TopAbs::Print( aMeshDS->IndexToShape( i_sm->first ).ShapeType(), cout)<< " "; // //SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr GetElements(); // SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nit = i_sm->second->GetNodes(); // while ( nit->more() ) // cout << nit->next()->GetID() << " "; // cout << endl; // } return setErrorCode( ERR_OK ); } //======================================================================= //function : createElements //purpose : add elements to the mesh //======================================================================= void SMESH_Pattern::createElements(SMESH_Mesh* theMesh, const vector& theNodesVector, const list< TElemDef > & theElemNodeIDs, const vector& theElements) { SMESHDS_Mesh* aMeshDS = theMesh->GetMeshDS(); SMESH_MeshEditor editor( theMesh ); bool onMeshElements = !theElements.empty(); // shapes and groups theElements are on vector< int > shapeIDs; vector< list< SMESHDS_Group* > > groups; set< const SMDS_MeshNode* > shellNodes; if ( onMeshElements ) { shapeIDs.resize( theElements.size() ); groups.resize( theElements.size() ); const set& allGroups = aMeshDS->GetGroups(); set::const_iterator grIt; for ( int i = 0; i < theElements.size(); i++ ) { shapeIDs[ i ] = editor.FindShape( theElements[ i ] ); for ( grIt = allGroups.begin(); grIt != allGroups.end(); grIt++ ) { SMESHDS_Group* group = dynamic_cast( *grIt ); if ( group && group->SMDSGroup().Contains( theElements[ i ] )) groups[ i ].push_back( group ); } } // get all nodes bound to shells because their SpacePosition is not set // by SMESHDS_Mesh::SetNodeInVolume() TopoDS_Shape aMainShape = aMeshDS->ShapeToMesh(); if ( !aMainShape.IsNull() ) { TopExp_Explorer shellExp( aMainShape, TopAbs_SHELL ); for ( ; shellExp.More(); shellExp.Next() ) { SMESHDS_SubMesh * sm = aMeshDS->MeshElements( shellExp.Current() ); if ( sm ) { SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = sm->GetNodes(); while ( nIt->more() ) shellNodes.insert( nIt->next() ); } } } } // nb new elements per a refined element int nbNewElemsPerOld = 1; if ( onMeshElements ) nbNewElemsPerOld = theElemNodeIDs.size() / theElements.size(); bool is2d = myIs2D; list< TElemDef >::const_iterator enIt = theElemNodeIDs.begin(); list< vector >::iterator quantity = myPolyhedronQuantities.begin(); for ( int iElem = 0; enIt != theElemNodeIDs.end(); enIt++, iElem++ ) { const TElemDef & elemNodeInd = *enIt; // retrieve nodes vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodes( elemNodeInd.size() ); TElemDef::const_iterator id = elemNodeInd.begin(); int nbNodes; for ( nbNodes = 0; id != elemNodeInd.end(); id++ ) { if ( *id < theNodesVector.size() ) nodes[ nbNodes++ ] = theNodesVector[ *id ]; else nodes[ nbNodes++ ] = myXYZIdToNodeMap[ *id ]; } // dim of refined elem int elemIndex = iElem / nbNewElemsPerOld; // refined element index if ( onMeshElements ) { is2d = ( theElements[ elemIndex ]->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Face ); } // add an element const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = 0; if ( is2d ) { switch ( nbNodes ) { case 3: elem = aMeshDS->AddFace( nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2] ); break; case 4: elem = aMeshDS->AddFace( nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2], nodes[3] ); break; default: elem = aMeshDS->AddPolygonalFace( nodes ); } } else { switch ( nbNodes ) { case 4: elem = aMeshDS->AddVolume (nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2], nodes[3] ); break; case 5: elem = aMeshDS->AddVolume (nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2], nodes[3], nodes[4] ); break; case 6: elem = aMeshDS->AddVolume (nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2], nodes[3], nodes[4], nodes[5] ); break; case 8: elem = aMeshDS->AddVolume (nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2], nodes[3], nodes[4], nodes[5], nodes[6], nodes[7] ); break; default: elem = aMeshDS->AddPolyhedralVolume( nodes, *quantity++ ); } } // set element on a shape if ( elem && onMeshElements ) // applied to mesh elements { int shapeID = shapeIDs[ elemIndex ]; if ( shapeID > 0 ) { aMeshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape( elem, shapeID ); // set nodes on a shape TopoDS_Shape S = aMeshDS->IndexToShape( shapeID ); if ( S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID ) { TopoDS_Iterator shellIt( S ); if ( shellIt.More() ) shapeID = aMeshDS->ShapeToIndex( shellIt.Value() ); } SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr noIt = elem->nodesIterator(); while ( noIt->more() ) { SMDS_MeshNode* node = const_cast ( static_cast( noIt->next() )); if (!node->GetPosition()->GetShapeId() && shellNodes.find( node ) == shellNodes.end() ) { if ( S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE ) aMeshDS->SetNodeOnFace( node, shapeID ); else { aMeshDS->SetNodeInVolume( node, shapeID ); shellNodes.insert( node ); } } } } // add elem in groups list< SMESHDS_Group* >::iterator g = groups[ elemIndex ].begin(); for ( ; g != groups[ elemIndex ].end(); ++g ) (*g)->SMDSGroup().Add( elem ); } if ( elem && !myShape.IsNull() ) // applied to shape aMeshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape( elem, myShape ); } // make that SMESH_subMesh::_computeState == COMPUTE_OK // so that operations with hypotheses will erase the mesh being built SMESH_subMesh * subMesh; if ( !myShape.IsNull() ) { subMesh = theMesh->GetSubMeshContaining( myShape ); if ( subMesh ) subMesh->ComputeStateEngine( SMESH_subMesh::CHECK_COMPUTE_STATE ); } if ( onMeshElements ) { list< int > elemIDs; for ( int i = 0; i < theElements.size(); i++ ) { subMesh = theMesh->GetSubMeshContaining( shapeIDs[ i ] ); if ( subMesh ) subMesh->ComputeStateEngine( SMESH_subMesh::CHECK_COMPUTE_STATE ); elemIDs.push_back( theElements[ i ]->GetID() ); } // remove refined elements editor.Remove( elemIDs, false ); } } //======================================================================= //function : isReversed //purpose : check xyz ids order in theIdsList taking into account // theFirstNode on a link //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::isReversed(const SMDS_MeshNode* theFirstNode, const list< int >& theIdsList) const { if ( theIdsList.size() < 2 ) return false; gp_Pnt Pf ( theFirstNode->X(), theFirstNode->Y(), theFirstNode->Z() ); gp_Pnt P[2]; list::const_iterator id = theIdsList.begin(); for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i, ++id ) { if ( *id < myXYZ.size() ) P[ i ] = myXYZ[ *id ]; else { map< int, const SMDS_MeshNode*>::const_iterator i_n; i_n = myXYZIdToNodeMap.find( *id ); ASSERT( i_n != myXYZIdToNodeMap.end() ); const SMDS_MeshNode* n = i_n->second; P[ i ].SetCoord( n->X(), n->Y(), n->Z() ); } } return Pf.SquareDistance( P[ 1 ] ) < Pf.SquareDistance( P[ 0 ] ); } //======================================================================= //function : arrangeBoundaries //purpose : if there are several wires, arrange boundaryPoints so that // the outer wire goes first and fix inner wires orientation // update myKeyPointIDs to correspond to the order of key-points // in boundaries; sort internal boundaries by the nb of key-points //======================================================================= void SMESH_Pattern::arrangeBoundaries (list< list< TPoint* > >& boundaryList) { typedef list< list< TPoint* > >::iterator TListOfListIt; TListOfListIt bndIt; list< TPoint* >::iterator pIt; int nbBoundaries = boundaryList.size(); if ( nbBoundaries > 1 ) { // sort boundaries by nb of key-points if ( nbBoundaries > 2 ) { // move boundaries in tmp list list< list< TPoint* > > tmpList; tmpList.splice( tmpList.begin(), boundaryList, boundaryList.begin(), boundaryList.end()); // make a map nb-key-points to boundary-position-in-tmpList, // boundary-positions get ordered in it typedef map< int, TListOfListIt > TNbKpBndPosMap; TNbKpBndPosMap nbKpBndPosMap; bndIt = tmpList.begin(); list< int >::iterator nbKpIt = myNbKeyPntInBoundary.begin(); for ( ; nbKpIt != myNbKeyPntInBoundary.end(); nbKpIt++, bndIt++ ) { int nb = *nbKpIt * nbBoundaries; while ( nbKpBndPosMap.find ( nb ) != nbKpBndPosMap.end() ) nb++; nbKpBndPosMap.insert( TNbKpBndPosMap::value_type( nb, bndIt )); } // move boundaries back to boundaryList TNbKpBndPosMap::iterator nbKpBndPosIt = nbKpBndPosMap.begin(); for ( ; nbKpBndPosIt != nbKpBndPosMap.end(); nbKpBndPosIt++ ) { TListOfListIt & bndPos2 = (*nbKpBndPosIt).second; TListOfListIt bndPos1 = bndPos2++; boundaryList.splice( boundaryList.end(), tmpList, bndPos1, bndPos2 ); } } // Look for the outer boundary: the one with the point with the least X double leastX = DBL_MAX; TListOfListIt outerBndPos; for ( bndIt = boundaryList.begin(); bndIt != boundaryList.end(); bndIt++ ) { list< TPoint* >& boundary = (*bndIt); for ( pIt = boundary.begin(); pIt != boundary.end(); pIt++) { TPoint* point = *pIt; if ( point->myInitXYZ.X() < leastX ) { leastX = point->myInitXYZ.X(); outerBndPos = bndIt; } } } if ( outerBndPos != boundaryList.begin() ) boundaryList.splice( boundaryList.begin(), boundaryList, outerBndPos, ++outerBndPos ); } // if nbBoundaries > 1 // Check boundaries orientation and re-fill myKeyPointIDs set< TPoint* > keyPointSet; list< int >::iterator kpIt = myKeyPointIDs.begin(); for ( ; kpIt != myKeyPointIDs.end(); kpIt++ ) keyPointSet.insert( & myPoints[ *kpIt ]); myKeyPointIDs.clear(); // update myNbKeyPntInBoundary also list< int >::iterator nbKpIt = myNbKeyPntInBoundary.begin(); for ( bndIt = boundaryList.begin(); bndIt != boundaryList.end(); bndIt++, nbKpIt++ ) { // find the point with the least X double leastX = DBL_MAX; list< TPoint* >::iterator xpIt; list< TPoint* >& boundary = (*bndIt); for ( pIt = boundary.begin(); pIt != boundary.end(); pIt++) { TPoint* point = *pIt; if ( point->myInitXYZ.X() < leastX ) { leastX = point->myInitXYZ.X(); xpIt = pIt; } } // find points next to the point with the least X TPoint* p = *xpIt, *pPrev, *pNext; if ( p == boundary.front() ) pPrev = *(++boundary.rbegin()); else { xpIt--; pPrev = *xpIt; xpIt++; } if ( p == boundary.back() ) pNext = *(++boundary.begin()); else { xpIt++; pNext = *xpIt; } // vectors of boundary direction near

gp_Vec2d v1( pPrev->myInitUV, p->myInitUV ), v2( p->myInitUV, pNext->myInitUV ); double sqMag1 = v1.SquareMagnitude(), sqMag2 = v2.SquareMagnitude(); if ( sqMag1 > DBL_MIN && sqMag2 > DBL_MIN ) { double yPrev = v1.Y() / sqrt( sqMag1 ); double yNext = v2.Y() / sqrt( sqMag2 ); double sumY = yPrev + yNext; bool reverse; if ( bndIt == boundaryList.begin() ) // outer boundary reverse = sumY > 0; else reverse = sumY < 0; if ( reverse ) boundary.reverse(); } // Put key-point IDs of a well-oriented boundary in myKeyPointIDs (*nbKpIt) = 0; // count nb of key-points again pIt = boundary.begin(); for ( ; pIt != boundary.end(); pIt++) { TPoint* point = *pIt; if ( keyPointSet.find( point ) == keyPointSet.end() ) continue; // find an index of a keypoint int index = 0; vector< TPoint >::const_iterator pVecIt = myPoints.begin(); for ( ; pVecIt != myPoints.end(); pVecIt++, index++ ) if ( &(*pVecIt) == point ) break; myKeyPointIDs.push_back( index ); (*nbKpIt)++; } myKeyPointIDs.pop_back(); // remove the first key-point from the back (*nbKpIt)--; } // loop on a list of boundaries ASSERT( myKeyPointIDs.size() == keyPointSet.size() ); } //======================================================================= //function : findBoundaryPoints //purpose : if loaded from file, find points to map on edges and faces and // compute their parameters //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::findBoundaryPoints() { if ( myIsBoundaryPointsFound ) return true; MESSAGE(" findBoundaryPoints() "); if ( myIs2D ) { set< TPoint* > pointsInElems; // Find free links of elements: // put links of all elements in a set and remove links encountered twice typedef pair< TPoint*, TPoint*> TLink; set< TLink > linkSet; list::iterator epIt = myElemPointIDs.begin(); for ( ; epIt != myElemPointIDs.end(); epIt++ ) { TElemDef & elemPoints = *epIt; TElemDef::iterator pIt = elemPoints.begin(); int prevP = elemPoints.back(); for ( ; pIt != elemPoints.end(); pIt++ ) { TPoint* p1 = & myPoints[ prevP ]; TPoint* p2 = & myPoints[ *pIt ]; TLink link(( p1 < p2 ? p1 : p2 ), ( p1 < p2 ? p2 : p1 )); ASSERT( link.first != link.second ); pair::iterator,bool> itUniq = linkSet.insert( link ); if ( !itUniq.second ) linkSet.erase( itUniq.first ); prevP = *pIt; pointsInElems.insert( p1 ); } } // Now linkSet contains only free links, // find the points order that they have in boundaries // 1. make a map of key-points set< TPoint* > keyPointSet; list< int >::iterator kpIt = myKeyPointIDs.begin(); for ( ; kpIt != myKeyPointIDs.end(); kpIt++ ) keyPointSet.insert( & myPoints[ *kpIt ]); // 2. chain up boundary points list< list< TPoint* > > boundaryList; boundaryList.push_back( list< TPoint* >() ); list< TPoint* > * boundary = & boundaryList.back(); TPoint *point1, *point2, *keypoint1; kpIt = myKeyPointIDs.begin(); point1 = keypoint1 = & myPoints[ *kpIt++ ]; // loop on free links: look for the next point int iKeyPoint = 0; set< TLink >::iterator lIt = linkSet.begin(); while ( lIt != linkSet.end() ) { if ( (*lIt).first == point1 ) point2 = (*lIt).second; else if ( (*lIt).second == point1 ) point2 = (*lIt).first; else { lIt++; continue; } linkSet.erase( lIt ); lIt = linkSet.begin(); if ( keyPointSet.find( point2 ) == keyPointSet.end() ) // not a key-point { boundary->push_back( point2 ); } else // a key-point found { keyPointSet.erase( point2 ); // keyPointSet contains not found key-points only iKeyPoint++; if ( point2 != keypoint1 ) // its not the boundary end { boundary->push_back( point2 ); } else // the boundary end reached { boundary->push_front( keypoint1 ); boundary->push_back( keypoint1 ); myNbKeyPntInBoundary.push_back( iKeyPoint ); if ( keyPointSet.empty() ) break; // all boundaries containing key-points are found // prepare to search for the next boundary boundaryList.push_back( list< TPoint* >() ); boundary = & boundaryList.back(); point2 = keypoint1 = (*keyPointSet.begin()); } } point1 = point2; } // loop on the free links set if ( boundary->empty() ) { MESSAGE(" a separate key-point"); return setErrorCode( ERR_READ_BAD_KEY_POINT ); } // if there are several wires, arrange boundaryPoints so that // the outer wire goes first and fix inner wires orientation; // sort myKeyPointIDs to correspond to the order of key-points // in boundaries arrangeBoundaries( boundaryList ); // Find correspondence shape ID - points, // compute points parameter on edge keyPointSet.clear(); for ( kpIt = myKeyPointIDs.begin(); kpIt != myKeyPointIDs.end(); kpIt++ ) keyPointSet.insert( & myPoints[ *kpIt ]); set< TPoint* > edgePointSet; // to find in-face points int vertexID = 1; // the first index in TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape int edgeID = myKeyPointIDs.size() + 1; list< list< TPoint* > >::iterator bndIt = boundaryList.begin(); for ( ; bndIt != boundaryList.end(); bndIt++ ) { boundary = & (*bndIt); double edgeLength = 0; list< TPoint* >::iterator pIt = boundary->begin(); getShapePoints( edgeID ).push_back( *pIt ); getShapePoints( vertexID++ ).push_back( *pIt ); for ( pIt++; pIt != boundary->end(); pIt++) { list< TPoint* > & edgePoints = getShapePoints( edgeID ); TPoint* prevP = edgePoints.empty() ? 0 : edgePoints.back(); TPoint* point = *pIt; edgePointSet.insert( point ); if ( keyPointSet.find( point ) == keyPointSet.end() ) // inside-edge point { edgePoints.push_back( point ); edgeLength += ( point->myInitUV - prevP->myInitUV ).Modulus(); point->myInitU = edgeLength; } else // a key-point { // treat points on the edge which ends up: compute U [0,1] edgePoints.push_back( point ); if ( edgePoints.size() > 2 ) { edgeLength += ( point->myInitUV - prevP->myInitUV ).Modulus(); list< TPoint* >::iterator epIt = edgePoints.begin(); for ( ; epIt != edgePoints.end(); epIt++ ) (*epIt)->myInitU /= edgeLength; } // begin the next edge treatment edgeLength = 0; edgeID++; if ( point != boundary->front() ) { // not the first key-point again getShapePoints( edgeID ).push_back( point ); getShapePoints( vertexID++ ).push_back( point ); } } } } // find in-face points list< TPoint* > & facePoints = getShapePoints( edgeID ); vector< TPoint >::iterator pVecIt = myPoints.begin(); for ( ; pVecIt != myPoints.end(); pVecIt++ ) { TPoint* point = &(*pVecIt); if ( edgePointSet.find( point ) == edgePointSet.end() && pointsInElems.find( point ) != pointsInElems.end()) facePoints.push_back( point ); } } // 2D case else // 3D case { // bind points to shapes according to point parameters vector< TPoint >::iterator pVecIt = myPoints.begin(); for ( int i = 0; pVecIt != myPoints.end(); pVecIt++, i++ ) { TPoint* point = &(*pVecIt); int shapeID = SMESH_Block::GetShapeIDByParams( point->myInitXYZ ); getShapePoints( shapeID ).push_back( point ); // detect key-points if ( SMESH_Block::IsVertexID( shapeID )) myKeyPointIDs.push_back( i ); } } myIsBoundaryPointsFound = true; return myIsBoundaryPointsFound; } //======================================================================= //function : Clear //purpose : clear fields //======================================================================= void SMESH_Pattern::Clear() { myIsComputed = myIsBoundaryPointsFound = false; myPoints.clear(); myKeyPointIDs.clear(); myElemPointIDs.clear(); myShapeIDToPointsMap.clear(); myShapeIDMap.Clear(); myShape.Nullify(); myNbKeyPntInBoundary.clear(); } //======================================================================= //function : setShapeToMesh //purpose : set a shape to be meshed. Return True if meshing is possible //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::setShapeToMesh(const TopoDS_Shape& theShape) { if ( !IsLoaded() ) { MESSAGE( "Pattern not loaded" ); return setErrorCode( ERR_APPL_NOT_LOADED ); } TopAbs_ShapeEnum aType = theShape.ShapeType(); bool dimOk = ( myIs2D ? aType == TopAbs_FACE : aType == TopAbs_SHELL ); if ( !dimOk ) { MESSAGE( "Pattern dimention mismatch" ); return setErrorCode( ERR_APPL_BAD_DIMENTION ); } // check if a face is closed int nbNodeOnSeamEdge = 0; if ( myIs2D ) { TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face( theShape ); TopExp_Explorer eExp( theShape, TopAbs_EDGE ); for ( ; eExp.More() && nbNodeOnSeamEdge == 0; eExp.Next() ) if ( BRep_Tool::IsClosed( TopoDS::Edge( eExp.Current() ), face )) nbNodeOnSeamEdge = 2; } // check nb of vertices TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape vMap; TopExp::MapShapes( theShape, TopAbs_VERTEX, vMap ); if ( vMap.Extent() + nbNodeOnSeamEdge != myKeyPointIDs.size() ) { MESSAGE( myKeyPointIDs.size() << " != " << vMap.Extent() ); return setErrorCode( ERR_APPL_BAD_NB_VERTICES ); } myElements.clear(); // not refine elements myElemXYZIDs.clear(); myShapeIDMap.Clear(); myShape = theShape; return true; } //======================================================================= //function : GetMappedPoints //purpose : Return nodes coordinates computed by Apply() method //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::GetMappedPoints ( list< const gp_XYZ * > & thePoints ) const { thePoints.clear(); if ( !myIsComputed ) return false; if ( myElements.empty() ) { // applied to shape vector< TPoint >::const_iterator pVecIt = myPoints.begin(); for ( ; pVecIt != myPoints.end(); pVecIt++ ) thePoints.push_back( & (*pVecIt).myXYZ.XYZ() ); } else { // applied to mesh elements const gp_XYZ * definedXYZ = & myPoints[ myKeyPointIDs.front() ].myXYZ.XYZ(); vector::const_iterator xyz = myXYZ.begin(); for ( ; xyz != myXYZ.end(); ++xyz ) if ( !isDefined( *xyz )) thePoints.push_back( definedXYZ ); else thePoints.push_back( & (*xyz) ); } return !thePoints.empty(); } //======================================================================= //function : GetPoints //purpose : Return nodes coordinates of the pattern //======================================================================= bool SMESH_Pattern::GetPoints ( list< const gp_XYZ * > & thePoints ) const { thePoints.clear(); if ( !IsLoaded() ) return false; vector< TPoint >::const_iterator pVecIt = myPoints.begin(); for ( ; pVecIt != myPoints.end(); pVecIt++ ) thePoints.push_back( & (*pVecIt).myInitXYZ ); return ( thePoints.size() > 0 ); } //======================================================================= //function : getShapePoints //purpose : return list of points located on theShape //======================================================================= list< SMESH_Pattern::TPoint* > & SMESH_Pattern::getShapePoints(const TopoDS_Shape& theShape) { int aShapeID; if ( !myShapeIDMap.Contains( theShape )) aShapeID = myShapeIDMap.Add( theShape ); else aShapeID = myShapeIDMap.FindIndex( theShape ); return myShapeIDToPointsMap[ aShapeID ]; } //======================================================================= //function : getShapePoints //purpose : return list of points located on the shape //======================================================================= list< SMESH_Pattern::TPoint* > & SMESH_Pattern::getShapePoints(const int theShapeID) { return myShapeIDToPointsMap[ theShapeID ]; } //======================================================================= //function : DumpPoints //purpose : Debug //======================================================================= void SMESH_Pattern::DumpPoints() const { #ifdef _DEBUG_ vector< TPoint >::const_iterator pVecIt = myPoints.begin(); for ( int i = 0; pVecIt != myPoints.end(); pVecIt++, i++ ) cout << i << ": " << *pVecIt; #endif } //======================================================================= //function : TPoint() //purpose : //======================================================================= SMESH_Pattern::TPoint::TPoint() { #ifdef _DEBUG_ myInitXYZ.SetCoord(0,0,0); myInitUV.SetCoord(0.,0.); myInitU = 0; myXYZ.SetCoord(0,0,0); myUV.SetCoord(0.,0.); myU = 0; #endif } //======================================================================= //function : operator << //purpose : //======================================================================= ostream & operator <<(ostream & OS, const SMESH_Pattern::TPoint& p) { gp_XYZ xyz = p.myInitXYZ; OS << "\tinit( xyz( " << xyz.X() << " " << xyz.Y() << " " << xyz.Z() << " )"; gp_XY xy = p.myInitUV; OS << " uv( " << xy.X() << " " << xy.Y() << " )"; double u = p.myInitU; OS << " u( " << u << " )) " << &p << endl; xyz = p.myXYZ.XYZ(); OS << "\t ( xyz( " << xyz.X() << " " << xyz.Y() << " " << xyz.Z() << " )"; xy = p.myUV; OS << " uv( " << xy.X() << " " << xy.Y() << " )"; u = p.myU; OS << " u( " << u << " ))" << endl; return OS; }