/*! \page merging_elements_page Merging Elements \n This functionality allows to merge coincident elements of a mesh object selectable in the dialog box. Two elements are considered coincident if they are based on the same set of nodes. \image html mergeelems_ico.png "Merge elements menu button"
  1. Choose in the main menu \b Modification -> \b Transformation -> Merge elements item. The following dialog box shall appear:
  2. \image html mergeelems_auto.png
  3. Automatic mode:
  4. If the \b Manual Mode is selected, additional controls are available: \image html mergeelems.png
In this picture you see a triangle which coincides with one of the elements of the mesh. After we apply Merge Elements functionality, the triangle will be completely merged with the mesh. \image html meshtrianglemergeelem1.png
See Also a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_merging_elements "Merge Elements" operation. */