Defining Hypotheses and Algorithms

Defining 1D Hypotheses

1D Arithmetic


from geompy import *

import smesh


# create vertices

Point111 = MakeVertex( 0,  0,  0)

Point211 = MakeVertex(10,  0,  0)

Point121 = MakeVertex( 0, 10,  0)

Point221 = MakeVertex(10, 10,  0)

Point112 = MakeVertex( 0,  0, 10)

Point212 = MakeVertex(10,  0, 10)

Point122 = MakeVertex( 0, 10, 10)

Point222 = MakeVertex(10, 10, 10)


# create edges

EdgeX111 = MakeEdge(Point111, Point211)

EdgeX121 = MakeEdge(Point121, Point221)

EdgeX112 = MakeEdge(Point112, Point212)

EdgeX122 = MakeEdge(Point122, Point222)

EdgeY11 = MakeEdge(Point111, Point121)

EdgeY21 = MakeEdge(Point211, Point221)

EdgeY12 = MakeEdge(Point112, Point122)

EdgeY22 = MakeEdge(Point212, Point222)

EdgeZ111 = MakeEdge(Point111, Point112)

EdgeZ211 = MakeEdge(Point211, Point212)

EdgeZ121 = MakeEdge(Point121, Point122)

EdgeZ221 = MakeEdge(Point221, Point222)


# create faces

FaceX11 = MakeQuad(EdgeY11, EdgeZ111, EdgeY12, EdgeZ121)

FaceX21 = MakeQuad(EdgeY21, EdgeZ211, EdgeY22, EdgeZ221)

FaceY111 = MakeQuad(EdgeX111, EdgeZ111, EdgeX112, EdgeZ211)

FaceY121 = MakeQuad(EdgeX121, EdgeZ121, EdgeX122, EdgeZ221)

FaceZ11 = MakeQuad(EdgeX111, EdgeY11, EdgeX121, EdgeY21)

FaceZ12 = MakeQuad(EdgeX112, EdgeY12, EdgeX122, EdgeY22)


# create a solid

Block = MakeHexa(FaceX11, FaceX21, FaceY111, FaceY121, FaceZ11, FaceZ12)


# create a compound

box = MakeCompound([Block])


# add in the study

box_id = addToStudy(box, "Box compound")


# create a hexahedral mesh on the box

hexa = smesh.Mesh(box, "Box compound : hexahedrical mesh")

algo = hexa.Segment()


# define "NumberOfSegments" hypothesis to cut an edge in a fixed number of segments



# create a quadrangle 2D algorithm for faces



# create a hexahedron 3D algorithm for solids



# create a local hypothesis

algo = hexa.Segment(EdgeX111)


# define "Arithmetic1D" hypothesis to cut an edge in several segments with arithmetic length increasing

algo.Arithmetic1D(1, 4)


# define "Propagation" hypothesis that propagates all other hypothesis on all edges on the opposite side in case of quadrangular faces



# compute the mesh



Deflection 1D and Number of Segments


import smesh

import geompy

import salome

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")


# create vertices

px   = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0.  , 0.  )

py   = geompy.MakeVertex(0.  , 100., 0.  )

pz   = geompy.MakeVertex(0.  , 0.  , 100.)


# create a vector from two points

vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, py)


# create an arc from three points

arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, pz, px)


# create a wire

wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, arc])

isPlanarFace = 1


# create a face from the wire

face1 = geompy.MakeFace(wire, isPlanarFace)


# get edges from the face

vxy,arc = geompy.SubShapeAll(face1,geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])


# add objects in the study

id_face1 = geompy.addToStudy(face1,"Face1")

id_arc = geompy.addToStudyInFather(face1,arc,"Arc Edge")


# display faces





# create hexahedral mesh

hexa = smesh.Mesh(face1, "Face compound : hexahedrical mesh")

algo = hexa.Triangle()


# define "MaxElementArea" hypothesis



# create a local hypothesis on the wire

algo = hexa.Segment(wire)


# define "NumberOfSegments" hypothesis to cut a straight edge in a fixed number of segments



# define a local "Deflection1D" hypothesis on the arc

algo = hexa.Segment(arc)




# compute the mesh



Start and End Length

from geompy import *

import smesh


# create vertices

Point111 = MakeVertex( 0,  0,  0)

Point211 = MakeVertex(10,  0,  0)

Point121 = MakeVertex( 0, 10,  0)

Point221 = MakeVertex(10, 10,  0)

Point112 = MakeVertex( 0,  0, 10)

Point212 = MakeVertex(10,  0, 10)

Point122 = MakeVertex( 0, 10, 10)

Point222 = MakeVertex(10, 10, 10)


# create edges

EdgeX111 = MakeEdge(Point111, Point211)

EdgeX121 = MakeEdge(Point121, Point221)

EdgeX112 = MakeEdge(Point112, Point212)

EdgeX122 = MakeEdge(Point122, Point222)

EdgeY11 = MakeEdge(Point111, Point121)

EdgeY21 = MakeEdge(Point211, Point221)

EdgeY12 = MakeEdge(Point112, Point122)

EdgeY22 = MakeEdge(Point212, Point222)

EdgeZ111 = MakeEdge(Point111, Point112)

EdgeZ211 = MakeEdge(Point211, Point212)

EdgeZ121 = MakeEdge(Point121, Point122)

EdgeZ221 = MakeEdge(Point221, Point222)


# create faces

FaceX11 = MakeQuad(EdgeY11, EdgeZ111, EdgeY12, EdgeZ121)

FaceX21 = MakeQuad(EdgeY21, EdgeZ211, EdgeY22, EdgeZ221)

FaceY111 = MakeQuad(EdgeX111, EdgeZ111, EdgeX112, EdgeZ211)

FaceY121 = MakeQuad(EdgeX121, EdgeZ121, EdgeX122, EdgeZ221)

FaceZ11 = MakeQuad(EdgeX111, EdgeY11, EdgeX121, EdgeY21)

FaceZ12 = MakeQuad(EdgeX112, EdgeY12, EdgeX122, EdgeY22)


# create a solid

Block = MakeHexa(FaceX11, FaceX21, FaceY111, FaceY121, FaceZ11, FaceZ12)


# create a compound

box = MakeCompound([Block])


# add in the study

box_id = addToStudy(box, "Box compound")


# create a hexahedral mesh on the box

hexa = smesh.Mesh(box, "Box compound : hexahedrical mesh")

algo = hexa.Segment()


# define "NumberOfSegments" hypothesis to cut an edge in a fixed number of segments



# create a quadrangle 2D algorithm for faces



# create a hexahedron 3D algorithm for solids



# create a local hypothesis

algo = hexa.Segment(EdgeX111)


# define "StartEndLength" hypothesis to cut an edge in several segments with increasing geometric length

algo.StartEndLength(1, 6)


# define "Propagation" hypothesis that propagates all other hypothesis on all edges on the opposite side in case of quadrangular faces



# compute the mesh



Average Length

from geompy import *

import smesh


# create vertices

Point111 = MakeVertex( 0,  0,  0)

Point211 = MakeVertex(10,  0,  0)

Point121 = MakeVertex( 0, 10,  0)

Point221 = MakeVertex(10, 10,  0)

Point112 = MakeVertex( 0,  0, 10)

Point212 = MakeVertex(10,  0, 10)

Point122 = MakeVertex( 0, 10, 10)

Point222 = MakeVertex(10, 10, 10)


# create edges

EdgeX111 = MakeEdge(Point111, Point211)

EdgeX121 = MakeEdge(Point121, Point221)

EdgeX112 = MakeEdge(Point112, Point212)

EdgeX122 = MakeEdge(Point122, Point222)

EdgeY11 = MakeEdge(Point111, Point121)

EdgeY21 = MakeEdge(Point211, Point221)

EdgeY12 = MakeEdge(Point112, Point122)

EdgeY22 = MakeEdge(Point212, Point222)

EdgeZ111 = MakeEdge(Point111, Point112)

EdgeZ211 = MakeEdge(Point211, Point212)

EdgeZ121 = MakeEdge(Point121, Point122)

EdgeZ221 = MakeEdge(Point221, Point222)


# create faces

FaceX11 = MakeQuad(EdgeY11, EdgeZ111, EdgeY12, EdgeZ121)

FaceX21 = MakeQuad(EdgeY21, EdgeZ211, EdgeY22, EdgeZ221)

FaceY111 = MakeQuad(EdgeX111, EdgeZ111, EdgeX112, EdgeZ211)

FaceY121 = MakeQuad(EdgeX121, EdgeZ121, EdgeX122, EdgeZ221)

FaceZ11 = MakeQuad(EdgeX111, EdgeY11, EdgeX121, EdgeY21)

FaceZ12 = MakeQuad(EdgeX112, EdgeY12, EdgeX122, EdgeY22)


# create a solid

Block = MakeHexa(FaceX11, FaceX21, FaceY111, FaceY121, FaceZ11, FaceZ12)


# create a compound

box = MakeCompound([Block])


# add in the study

box_id = addToStudy(box, "Box compound")


# create a hexahedral mesh on the box

hexa = smesh.Mesh(box, "Box compound : hexahedrical mesh")

algo = hexa.Segment()


# define "NumberOfSegments" hypothesis to cut an edge in a fixed number of segments



# create a quadrangle 2D algorithm for faces



# create a hexahedron 3D algorithm for solids



# create a local hypothesis

algo = hexa.Segment(EdgeX111)


# define "LocalLength" hypothesis to cut an edge in several segments with the same length



# define "Propagation" hypothesis that propagates all other hypothesis on all edges on the opposite side in case of quadrangular faces



# compute the mesh




Defining 2D and 3D hypotheses

Maximum Element Area

import smesh

import geompy

import salome


# create a face

px   = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0.  , 0.  )

py   = geompy.MakeVertex(0.  , 100., 0.  )

pz   = geompy.MakeVertex(0.  , 0.  , 100.)


vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, py)

arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, pz, px)

wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, arc])


isPlanarFace = 1

face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, isPlanarFace)


# add the face in the study

id_face = geompy.addToStudy(face, "Face to be meshed")


# create a mesh

tria_mesh = smesh.Mesh(face, "Face : triangulation")


# define 1D meshing:

algo = tria_mesh.Segment()



# define 2D meshing:


# assign triangulation algorithm

algo = tria_mesh.Triangle()


# apply "Max Element Area" hypothesis to each triangle



# compute the mesh



Maximum Element Volume

Attention! This script was written using old approach, based on direct usage of SMESH idl interface. To be updated for version 3.2.1 to use smesh package.

import salome

import geompy

import StdMeshers

import NETGENPlugin


smesh = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "SMESH")

smeshgui = salome.ImportComponentGUI("SMESH")



# create a box

box = geompy.MakeCylinderRH(30, 50) #MakeBox(0., 0., 0.,

100., 200., 300.)


# add the box in the study

idbox = geompy.addToStudy(box, "box")


# create a set of hypotheses


# Number of Segments

numberOfSegments = 7

hypNbSeg = smesh.CreateHypothesis("NumberOfSegments", "")


print hypNbSeg.GetName()

print hypNbSeg.GetNumberOfSegments()

smeshgui.SetName(salome.ObjectToID(hypNbSeg), "NumberOfSegments_7")


# Max Element Area

maxElementArea = 800

hypArea = smesh.CreateHypothesis("MaxElementArea", "")


print hypArea.GetName()

print hypArea.GetMaxElementArea()

smeshgui.SetName(salome.ObjectToID(hypArea), "MaxElementArea_800")


# Max Element Volume

maxElementVolume = 900

hypVolume = smesh.CreateHypothesis("MaxElementVolume", "")


print hypVolume.GetName()

print hypVolume.GetMaxElementVolume()

smeshgui.SetName(salome.ObjectToID(hypVolume), "MaxElementVolume_900")


# create a set of algorithms


# Regular_1D

regular1D = smesh.CreateHypothesis("Regular_1D", "")

smeshgui.SetName(salome.ObjectToID(regular1D), "Wire Discretisation")



mefisto2D = smesh.CreateHypothesis("MEFISTO_2D", "")

smeshgui.SetName(salome.ObjectToID(mefisto2D), "MEFISTO_2D")


# NETGEN_3D (Tetrahedron meshing algorithm)

tetra3D = smesh.CreateHypothesis("NETGEN_3D", "")

smeshgui.SetName(salome.ObjectToID(tetra3D), "NETGEN_3D")


# initialize a mesh with the box

mesh = smesh.CreateMesh(box)

smeshgui.SetName(salome.ObjectToID(mesh), "MeshBox")


# add hypotheses and algorithms to the box








# compute the mesh

ret = smesh.Compute(mesh,box)

if ret == 0:

    print "probleme when computing the mesh"


    print "Computation succeded"


Length from Edges

import salome

import geompy

import smesh


# create sketchers

sketcher1 = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F 0 0:TT 70 0:TT 70 70:TT 0 70:WW")

sketcher2 = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F 20 20:TT 50 20:TT 50 50:TT 20 50:WW")

isPlanarFace = 1


# create a face from two wires

face1 = geompy.MakeFaces([sketcher1, sketcher2],isPlanarFace)


# add object in the study

id_face1 = geompy.addToStudy(face1,"Face1")


# create a mesh

tria = smesh.Mesh(face1, "Face : triangle 2D mesh")


# Define 1D meshing

algo = tria.Segment()



# create and assign the algorithm for 2D meshing with triangles

algo = tria.Triangle()


# create and assign "LengthFromEdges" hypothesis to build triangles

# based on the length of the edges taken from the wire



# compute the mesh



Defining Additional Hypotheses


from geompy import *

import smesh


# create vertices

Point111 = MakeVertex( 0,  0,  0)

Point211 = MakeVertex(10,  0,  0)

Point121 = MakeVertex( 0, 10,  0)

Point221 = MakeVertex(10, 10,  0)

Point112 = MakeVertex( 0,  0, 10)

Point212 = MakeVertex(10,  0, 10)

Point122 = MakeVertex( 0, 10, 10)

Point222 = MakeVertex(10, 10, 10)


# create edges

EdgeX111 = MakeEdge(Point111, Point211)

EdgeX121 = MakeEdge(Point121, Point221)

EdgeX112 = MakeEdge(Point112, Point212)

EdgeX122 = MakeEdge(Point122, Point222)

EdgeY11 = MakeEdge(Point111, Point121)

EdgeY21 = MakeEdge(Point211, Point221)

EdgeY12 = MakeEdge(Point112, Point122)

EdgeY22 = MakeEdge(Point212, Point222)

EdgeZ111 = MakeEdge(Point111, Point112)

EdgeZ211 = MakeEdge(Point211, Point212)

EdgeZ121 = MakeEdge(Point121, Point122)

EdgeZ221 = MakeEdge(Point221, Point222)


# create faces

FaceX11 = MakeQuad(EdgeY11, EdgeZ111, EdgeY12, EdgeZ121)

FaceX21 = MakeQuad(EdgeY21, EdgeZ211, EdgeY22, EdgeZ221)

FaceY111 = MakeQuad(EdgeX111, EdgeZ111, EdgeX112, EdgeZ211)

FaceY121 = MakeQuad(EdgeX121, EdgeZ121, EdgeX122, EdgeZ221)

FaceZ11 = MakeQuad(EdgeX111, EdgeY11, EdgeX121, EdgeY21)

FaceZ12 = MakeQuad(EdgeX112, EdgeY12, EdgeX122, EdgeY22)


# create a solid

box = MakeHexa(FaceX11, FaceX21, FaceY111, FaceY121, FaceZ11, FaceZ12)


# add in the study

box_id = addToStudy(box, "Box")


# create a hexahedral mesh on the box

hexa = smesh.Mesh(box, "Box : hexahedrical mesh")


# create an 1D algorithm for edges

algo = hexa.Segment()


# define "NumberOfSegments" hypothesis to cut an edge in a fixed number of segments



# create a quadrangle 2D algorithm for faces



# create a hexahedron 3D algorithm for solids



# create a local hypothesis

algo = hexa.Segment(EdgeX111)


# define "Arithmetic1D" hypothesis to cut an edge in several segments with increasing length

algo.Arithmetic1D(1, 4)


# define "Propagation" hypothesis that propagates all other 1D hypotheses

# from all edges on the opposite side of a face in case of quadrangular faces



# compute the mesh


Defining Meshing Algorithms

Attention! This script was written using old approach, based on direct usage of SMESH idl interface. To be updated for version 3.2.1 to use smesh package.

import salome

import StdMeshers

import NETGENPlugin


smesh = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "SMESH")

smeshgui = salome.ImportComponentGUI("SMESH")



# create algorithms

print "-------------------------- create Algorithms"

print "-------------------------- Regular_1D (Wire discretisation)"

regular1D = smesh.CreateHypothesis("Regular_1D", "")

smeshgui.SetName(salome.ObjectToID(regular1D), "Wire Discretisation")


print "-------------------------- MEFISTO_2D (Triangle meshing algorithm)"

mefisto2D = smesh.CreateHypothesis("MEFISTO_2D", "")

smeshgui.SetName(salome.ObjectToID(mefisto2D), "MEFISTO_2D")


print "-------------------------- Quadrangle_2D (Quadrangle meshing algorithm)"

quad2D = smesh.CreateHypothesis( "Quadrangle_2D", "" )

smeshgui.SetName(salome.ObjectToID(quad2D), "Quadrangle_2D")


print "-------------------------- Hexa_3D (Hexahedron meshing algorithm)"

hexa3D = smesh.CreateHypothesis("Hexa_3D", "")

smeshgui.SetName(salome.ObjectToID(hexa3D), "HEXA_3D")


print "-------------------------- NETGEN_3D (Tetrahedron meshing algorithm)"

netgen3D = smesh.CreateHypothesis("NETGEN_3D", "")

smeshgui.SetName(salome.ObjectToID(netgen3D), "NETGEN_3D")