/*! \page ghs3dprl_hypo_page GHS3DPRL Parameters hypothesis \n GHS3DPRL Parameters hypothesis works only with Tetrahedron (Tepal with TetMesh-GHS3D) algorithm. \n \n This algorithm is a commercial software, its use requires a licence (http://www.distene.com/fr/build/offer.html). \n Tepal gives the possibility to generate a partitioned mesh with 200 million tetrahedrons on a computer with average memory size (2Go RAM) in about 50 hours on one CPU (Xeon, 2008). This is a serious alternative to GHS3D, which requires a much less common configuration with 64Go RAM to only try to make a partition of a mesh with 200 million tetrahedrons, no result guaranteed. \n \note The Plugin doesn't load in the Memory the supposedly large resulting meshes. The meshes are saved in MED files and can be imported in the user-defined location via menu File-Import-MED Files. \n Pay attention, that Salome GUI needs 2Go RAM. to load a MED file with 5 million tetrahedrons. \image html ghs3dprl_parameters_basic.png */