/*! \page tui_creating_meshes_page Creating Meshes \n First of all see \ref example_3d_mesh "Example of 3d mesh generation", which is an example of good python script style for Mesh module.

Construction of a Mesh

\include creating_meshes_ex01.py Download this script
\anchor tui_construction_submesh

Construction of a Submesh

\include creating_meshes_ex02.py Download this script

Change priority of submeshes in Mesh

\include creating_meshes_ex03.py Download this script
\anchor tui_editing_mesh

Editing of a mesh

\include creating_meshes_ex04.py Download this script
\anchor tui_export_mesh

Export of a Mesh

\include creating_meshes_ex05.py Download this script

How to mesh a cylinder with hexahedrons?

Here you can see an example of python script, creating a hexahedral mesh on a cylinder. And a picture below the source code of the script, demonstrating the resulting mesh. \include creating_meshes_ex06.py Download this script \image html mesh_cylinder_hexa.png
\anchor tui_building_compound

Building a compound of meshes

\include creating_meshes_ex07.py Download this script
\anchor tui_copy_mesh

Mesh Copying

\include creating_meshes_ex08.py Download this script */