/*! \page merging_nodes_page Merging nodes \n This functionality allows user to detect groups of coincident nodes with desirable tolerance, edit these groups and merge. \image html mergenodes_ico.png "Merge nodes button" <em>To merge nodes of your mesh:</em> <ol> <li>From the \b Modification choose \b Transformation and from its sub-menu select the <b>Merge nodes</b> item. The following dialog box shall appear:</li> \image html mergenodes_auto.png <br> <ul> <li>\b Name is the name of the mesh whose nodes will be merged.</li> <li>\b Automatic or \b Manual Mode allows choosing how the nodes are processed. <li>\b Tolerance is a maximum distance between nodes sufficient for merging.</li> </ul> <li><b>Automatic mode:</b> <br> <ul> <li>In the \b Automatic Mode all Nodes within the indicated tolerance will be merged.</li> </ul> </li><br> <li>If the \b Manual Mode is selected, additional controls are available: <ul> <li>\b Detect button generates the list of coincident nodes for the given \b Tolerance.</li> <li><b>Coincident nodes</b> is a list of groups of nodes for merging. All nodes of each group will form one after the operation. <ul> <li>\b Remove button deletes the selected group from the list.</li> <li>\b Add button adds to the list a group of nodes selected in the viewer with pressed "Shift" key.</li> <li><b>Select all</b> checkbox selects all groups.</li> </ul> \image html mergenodes.png </li> <li><b>Edit selected group</b> list allows editing the selected group: <br><br> \image html add.png <center>adds to the group the node selected in the viewer.</center> <br> \image html remove.png <center>removes from the group the selected node.</center> <br> \image html sort.png <center>moves the selected node to the first position in the group. This means that all other nodes will be merged into this one.</center><br> </li> </ul> </li> <li>To confirm your choice click \b Apply or <b>Apply and Close</b> button.</li> </ol> \image html merging_nodes1.png "The initial obgect" \image html merging_nodes2.png "The object has been merged with a very big tolerance" <br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_merging_nodes "Merge Nodes" operation. */