/*! \page a2d_meshing_hypo_page 2D Meshing Hypotheses <br> <ul> <li>\ref max_element_area_anchor "Max Element Area"</li> <li>\ref length_from_edges_anchor "Length from Edges"</li> <li>\ref quadrangle_preference_anchor "Quadrangle Preference"</li> </ul> <br> \anchor max_element_area_anchor <h2>Max Element Area</h2> <b>Max Element Area</b> hypothesis is applied for meshing of 2D faces composing your geometrical object. Definition of this hypothesis consists of setting the <b>maximum area</b> of meshing elements (depending on the chosen meshing algorithm it can be <b>triangles</b> or <b>quadrangles</b>), which will compose the mesh of these 2D faces. \image html a-maxelarea.png \image html max_el_area.png <b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_max_element_area "Maximum Element Area" hypothesis operation. <br> \anchor length_from_edges_anchor <h2>Length from Edges</h2> <b>Length from edges</b> hypothesis builds 2D mesh segments having a length calculated as an average edge length for a given wire. <b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_length_from_edges "Length from Edges" hypothesis operation. <br> \anchor quadrangle_preference_anchor <h2>Quadrangle Preference</h2> This algorithm can be used only together with Quadrangle (Mapping) algorithm. It allows to build quadrangular meshes even if the number of nodes at the opposite edges of a meshed face is not equal, otherwise this mesh will contain some triangular elements. <br> This hypothesis has one restriction on its work: the total quantity of segments on all four sides of the face must be even (divisible by 2). */