.. _scaled_jacobian_page: *************** Scaled Jacobian *************** The **Scaled Jacobian** mesh quality criteria is a scalar measure of the deviation from the perfect element in the geometrical sense. This measure normalizes the range of reported values between [0,1] for a normal element, the value of 1 is considered a perfect element and 0 a element with a collapsed side. Negative values are also accepted for invalid elements. The **Scaled Jacobian** is implemented for all volumetric elements (except for polyhedrons, returning 0). For tetrahedrons and hexahedrons, the formulas are defined in `The Verdict Library Reference Manual [1] `_. For pyramid, the minimum scaled jacobian of the four tetrahedrons formed in the four vertices of the pyramid base is reported. For pentahedron, a decomposition into tetrahedron is also done. For hexahedron prisms, the minimum scaled jacobian between two pentahedrons and one hexahedron is reported. * Geometrically the Scaled Jacobian of a **tetrahedron** can be understood by the follow figure: .. image:: ../images/scaled_jacobian_tetra.png :align: center The reported Scaled Jacobian will be 1 if :math:`\alpha=45^{\circ}` * For **hexadrons** this measure return 1 for the perfect non rotated elements: .. image:: ../images/scaled_jacobian_hexa.png :align: center The reported Scaled Jacobian will be 1 if :math:`\alpha=0^{\circ}` for all the vertices *To visualize the Scaled Jacobian quality criterion in your mesh:* .. |img| image:: ../images/scaled_jacobian.png #. Display your mesh in the viewer. #. Choose **Controls > Volume Controls > Scaled Jacobian** or click *"Scaled Jacobian"* button |img| of the toolbar. Your mesh will be displayed in the viewer with its elements colored according to the applied mesh quality control criterion: .. image:: ../images/scaled_jacobian_mesh_hexa.png :align: center **See Also** a sample TUI Script of a :ref:`tui_scaled_jacobian` filter.