/*! \page basic_meshing_algos_page Basic meshing algorithms \n The MESH module contains a set of meshing algorithms, which are used for meshing entities (1D, 2D, 3D) composing geometrical objects. Some 3D meshing algorithms, such as Hexahedron(i,j,k) and some commercial ones, also can generate 3D meshes from 2D meshes, working without geometrical objects. There is also a number of more specific algorithms: \ref use_existing_anchor "Use Edges to be Created Manually" and \ref use_existing_anchor "Use Faces to be Created Manually" algorithms can be used to create a 1D or a 2D mesh in a python script. \ref constructing_meshes_page "Constructing meshes" page describes in detail how to apply meshing algorithms.
See Also a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_defining_meshing_algos "Define Meshing Algorithm" operation. */