/*! \page split_to_tetra_page Splitting volumes \n This operation allows to split either any volumic elements into tetrahedra or hexahedra into prisms. 2D mesh is modified accordingly. To split volumes:
  1. Display a mesh, a sub-mesh or a group in the 3D viewer.
  2. In the \b Modification menu select the Split Volumes item or click "Split Volumes" button in the toolbar. \image html split_into_tetra_icon.png
    "Split Volumes" button
    The following dialog box will appear: \image html split_into_tetra.png
    Target element type group of radio-buttons allows to select a type of operation. If \b Tetrahedron button is checked, then the operation will split volumes of any type into tetrahedra. If \b Prism button is checked, then the operation will split hexahedra into prisms, and the dialog will look as follows: \image html split_into_prisms.png
  3. Click the \b Apply or Apply and Close button to confirm the operation.