// Copyright (C) 2007-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // File : SMDS_ElementFactory.cxx // Module : SMESH // #include "SMDS_ElementFactory.hxx" #include "ObjectPool.hxx" #include "SMDS_EdgePosition.hxx" #include "SMDS_FacePosition.hxx" #include "SMDS_Mesh.hxx" #include "SMDS_SpacePosition.hxx" #include "SMDS_VertexPosition.hxx" namespace { // nb of elements allocated by SMDS_ElementChunk at once const int theChunkSize = 1024; const int theDefaultShapeDim = 3; // classes allowing to modify parameters of SMDS_Position stored in SMDS_ElementFactory struct _EdgePosition : public SMDS_EdgePosition { TParam* myUParameter; _EdgePosition( TParam* aUParam ) : myUParameter( aUParam ) { SMDS_EdgePosition::SetUParameter( aUParam[0]); } virtual void SetUParameter(double aUparam) { *myUParameter = (TParam) aUparam; SMDS_EdgePosition::SetUParameter( aUparam ); } }; struct _FacePosition : public SMDS_FacePosition { TParam* myParameter; _FacePosition(TParam* aParam) : myParameter( aParam ) { SMDS_FacePosition::SetParameters( aParam[0], aParam[1] ); } virtual void SetUParameter(double aUparam) { myParameter[0] = (TParam) aUparam; SMDS_FacePosition::SetUParameter( aUparam ); } virtual void SetVParameter(double aVparam) { myParameter[1] = (TParam) aVparam; SMDS_FacePosition::SetVParameter( aVparam ); } virtual void SetParameters(double aU, double aV) { myParameter[0] = aU; myParameter[1] = aV; SMDS_FacePosition::SetParameters( aU, aV ); } }; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Create a factory of cells or nodes in a given mesh */ //================================================================================ SMDS_ElementFactory::SMDS_ElementFactory( SMDS_Mesh* mesh, const bool isNodal ) : myIsNodal( isNodal ), myMesh( mesh ), myNbUsedElements( 0 ) { } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Destructor */ //================================================================================ SMDS_ElementFactory::~SMDS_ElementFactory() { myChunksWithUnused.clear(); myChunks.clear(); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return a number of elements in a chunk * \return int - chunk size */ //================================================================================ int SMDS_ElementFactory::ChunkSize() { return theChunkSize; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return minimal ID of a non-used element * \return int - minimal element ID */ //================================================================================ smIdType SMDS_ElementFactory::GetFreeID() { if ( myChunksWithUnused.empty() ) { smIdType id0 = myChunks.size() * theChunkSize + 1; myChunks.push_back( new SMDS_ElementChunk( this, id0 )); } SMDS_ElementChunk * chunk = (*myChunksWithUnused.begin()); return chunk->GetUnusedID(); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return maximal ID of an used element * \return smIdType - element ID */ //================================================================================ smIdType SMDS_ElementFactory::GetMaxID() { smIdType id = 0; TIndexRanges usedRanges; for ( smIdType i = myChunks.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) if ( myChunks[i].GetUsedRanges().GetIndices( true, usedRanges )) { smIdType index = usedRanges.back().second-1; id = myChunks[i].Get1stID() + index; break; } return id; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return minimal ID of an used element * \return smIdType - element ID */ //================================================================================ smIdType SMDS_ElementFactory::GetMinID() { int id = 0; TIndexRanges usedRanges; for ( size_t i = 0; i < myChunks.size(); ++i ) if ( myChunks[i].GetUsedRanges().GetIndices( true, usedRanges )) { int index = usedRanges[0].first; id = myChunks[i].Get1stID() + index; break; } return id; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return an element by ID. NULL if the element with the given ID is already used * \param [in] id - element ID * \return SMDS_MeshElement* - element pointer */ //================================================================================ SMDS_MeshElement* SMDS_ElementFactory::NewElement( const smIdType id ) { smIdType iChunk = ( id - 1 ) / theChunkSize; smIdType index = ( id - 1 ) % theChunkSize; while ((int) myChunks.size() <= iChunk ) { smIdType id0 = myChunks.size() * theChunkSize + 1; myChunks.push_back( new SMDS_ElementChunk( this, id0 )); } SMDS_MeshElement* e = myChunks[iChunk].Element( index ); if ( !e->IsNull() ) return 0; // element with given ID already exists myChunks[iChunk].UseElement( index ); ++myNbUsedElements; e->myHolder = & myChunks[iChunk]; myMesh->setMyModified(); return e; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return an used element by ID. NULL if the element with the given ID is not yet used * \param [in] id - element ID * \return const SMDS_MeshElement* - element pointer */ //================================================================================ const SMDS_MeshElement* SMDS_ElementFactory::FindElement( const smIdType id ) const { if ( id > 0 ) { smIdType iChunk = ( id - 1 ) / theChunkSize; smIdType index = ( id - 1 ) % theChunkSize; if ( iChunk < (int) myChunks.size() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* e = myChunks[iChunk].Element( index ); return e->IsNull() ? 0 : e; } } return 0; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return an SMDS ID by a Vtk one * \param [inout] vtkID - Vtk ID * \return smIdType - SMDS ID */ //================================================================================ smIdType SMDS_ElementFactory::FromVtkToSmds( vtkIdType vtkID ) { if ( vtkID >= 0 && vtkID < (vtkIdType)mySmdsIDs.size() ) return mySmdsIDs[vtkID] + 1; return vtkID + 1; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Mark the element as non-used * \param [in] e - element */ //================================================================================ void SMDS_ElementFactory::Free( const SMDS_MeshElement* e ) { if ( e != FindElement( e->GetID() )) SALOME_Exception("SMDS_ElementFactory::Free(): element of other mesh"); if ( !myVtkIDs.empty() ) { size_t id = e->GetID() - 1; size_t vtkID = e->GetVtkID(); if ( id < myVtkIDs.size() ) myVtkIDs[ id ] = -1; if ( vtkID < mySmdsIDs.size() ) mySmdsIDs[ vtkID ] = -1; } e->myHolder->Free( e ); const_cast< SMDS_MeshElement*>( e )->myHolder = 0; --myNbUsedElements; myMesh->setMyModified(); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief De-allocate all elements */ //================================================================================ void SMDS_ElementFactory::Clear() { myChunksWithUnused.clear(); clearVector( myChunks ); clearVector( myVtkIDs ); clearVector( mySmdsIDs ); myNbUsedElements = 0; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Remove unused elements located not at the end of the last chunk. * Minimize allocated memory * \param [out] theVtkIDsNewToOld - theVtkIDsNewToOld[ new VtkID ] = old VtkID */ //================================================================================ void SMDS_ElementFactory::Compact( std::vector& theVtkIDsNewToOld ) { smIdType newNbCells = NbUsedElements(); smIdType maxCellID = GetMaxID(); smIdType newNbChunks = newNbCells / theChunkSize + bool ( newNbCells % theChunkSize ); theVtkIDsNewToOld.resize( newNbCells ); if ( newNbCells == 0 ) // empty mesh { clearVector( myChunks ); } else if ( newNbCells == maxCellID ) // no holes { smIdType newID, minLastID = std::min( myVtkIDs.size(), theVtkIDsNewToOld.size() ); for ( newID = 0; newID < minLastID; ++newID ) theVtkIDsNewToOld[ newID ] = myVtkIDs[ newID ]; for ( ; newID < newNbCells; ++newID ) theVtkIDsNewToOld[ newID ] = newID; } else // there are holes in SMDS IDs { int newVtkID = 0; // same as new smds ID (-1) for ( int oldID = 1; oldID <= maxCellID; ++oldID ) // smds IDs { const SMDS_MeshElement* oldElem = FindElement( oldID ); if ( !oldElem ) continue; theVtkIDsNewToOld[ newVtkID++ ] = oldElem->GetVtkID(); // now newVtkID == new smds ID if ( oldID != newVtkID ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* newElem = FindElement( newVtkID ); if ( !newElem ) newElem = NewElement( newVtkID ); if ( smIdType shapeID = oldElem->GetShapeID() ) const_cast< SMDS_MeshElement* >( newElem )->setShapeID( shapeID ); if ( oldID > newNbCells ) Free( oldElem ); } } } myChunks.resize( newNbChunks ); myChunksWithUnused.clear(); if ( !myChunks.empty() && myChunks.back().GetUsedRanges().Size() > 1 ) myChunksWithUnused.insert( & myChunks.back() ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < myChunks.size(); ++i ) myChunks[i].Compact(); clearVector( myVtkIDs ); clearVector( mySmdsIDs ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return true if Compact() will change IDs of elements */ //================================================================================ bool SMDS_ElementFactory::CompactChangePointers() { // there can be VTK_EMPTY_CELL's in the VTK grid as well as "holes" in SMDS numeration return ( NbUsedElements() != GetMaxID() ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Create a factory of nodes in a given mesh */ //================================================================================ SMDS_NodeFactory::SMDS_NodeFactory( SMDS_Mesh* mesh ) : SMDS_ElementFactory( mesh, /*isNodal=*/true ) { } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Destructor */ //================================================================================ SMDS_NodeFactory::~SMDS_NodeFactory() { Clear(); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Remove unused nodes located not at the end of the last chunk. * Minimize allocated memory * \param [out] theVtkIDsOldToNew - vector storing change of vtk IDs */ //================================================================================ void SMDS_NodeFactory::Compact( std::vector& theVtkIDsOldToNew ) { // IDs of VTK nodes always correspond to SMDS IDs but there can be "holes" // in the chunks. So we remove holes and report relocation in theVtkIDsOldToNew: // theVtkIDsOldToNew[ old VtkID ] = new VtkID smIdType oldNbNodes = myMesh->GetGrid()->GetNumberOfPoints(); smIdType newNbNodes = NbUsedElements(); smIdType newNbChunks = newNbNodes / theChunkSize + bool ( newNbNodes % theChunkSize ); smIdType maxNodeID = GetMaxID(); theVtkIDsOldToNew.resize( oldNbNodes, -1 ); if ( newNbNodes == 0 ) // empty mesh { clearVector( myChunks ); } else if ( maxNodeID > newNbNodes ) // there are holes { size_t newID = 0; for ( size_t oldID = 0; oldID < theVtkIDsOldToNew.size(); ++oldID ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* oldNode = FindNode( oldID+1 ); if ( !oldNode ) continue; theVtkIDsOldToNew[ oldID ] = newID; if ( oldID != newID ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* newNode = FindElement( newID+1 ); if ( !newNode ) newNode = NewElement( newID+1 ); smIdType shapeID = oldNode->GetShapeID(); int shapeDim = GetShapeDim( shapeID ); smIdType iChunk = newID / theChunkSize; myChunks[ iChunk ].SetShapeID( newNode, shapeID ); if ( shapeDim == 2 || shapeDim == 1 ) { smIdType iChunkOld = oldID / theChunkSize; TParam* oldPos = myChunks[ iChunkOld ].GetPositionPtr( oldNode ); TParam* newPos = myChunks[ iChunk ].GetPositionPtr( newNode, /*allocate=*/true ); if ( oldPos ) { newPos[0] = oldPos[0]; newPos[1] = oldPos[1]; } } if ( oldNode->GetID() > newNbNodes ) Free( oldNode ); } ++newID; } } else // no holes { for ( int i = 0; i < newNbNodes; ++i ) theVtkIDsOldToNew[ i ] = i; } myChunks.resize( newNbChunks ); myChunksWithUnused.clear(); if ( !myChunks.empty() && myChunks.back().GetUsedRanges().Size() > 1 ) myChunksWithUnused.insert( & myChunks.back() ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < myChunks.size(); ++i ) myChunks[i].Compact(); ASSERT( newNbNodes == GetMaxID() ); ASSERT( newNbNodes == NbUsedElements() ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return true if Compact() will change IDs of elements */ //================================================================================ bool SMDS_NodeFactory::CompactChangePointers() { // IDs of VTK nodes always correspond to SMDS IDs but there can be "holes" in SMDS numeration return ( NbUsedElements() != GetMaxID() ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief De-allocate all nodes */ //================================================================================ void SMDS_NodeFactory::Clear() { SMDS_ElementFactory::Clear(); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Set a total number of sub-shapes in the main shape */ //================================================================================ void SMDS_NodeFactory::SetNbShapes( size_t nbShapes ) { clearVector( myShapeDim ); myShapeDim.resize( nbShapes+1, theDefaultShapeDim ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return a dimension of a shape */ //================================================================================ int SMDS_NodeFactory::GetShapeDim( int shapeID ) const { return shapeID < (int)myShapeDim.size() ? myShapeDim[ shapeID ] : theDefaultShapeDim; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Set a dimension of a shape */ //================================================================================ void SMDS_NodeFactory::SetShapeDim( int shapeID, int dim ) { if ( shapeID >= (int)myShapeDim.size() ) myShapeDim.resize( shapeID + 10, theDefaultShapeDim ); myShapeDim[ shapeID ] = dim; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief SMDS_ElementChunk constructor * \param [in] factory - the factory * \param [in] id0 - ID of the 1st element */ //================================================================================ SMDS_ElementChunk::SMDS_ElementChunk( SMDS_ElementFactory* factory, smIdType id0 ): myFactory( factory ), my1stID( id0 )//, //mySubIDSet( 0 ) // myMinSubID( std::numeric_limits::max() ), // myMaxSubID( 0 ) { if ( !myFactory ) return; if ( myFactory->myIsNodal ) myElements = new SMDS_MeshNode[ theChunkSize ]; else myElements = new SMDS_MeshCell[ theChunkSize ]; myUsedRanges.mySet.reserve(2); mySubIDRanges.mySet.insert( _ShapeIDRange( 0, 0 )); myUsedRanges.mySet.insert( _UsedRange( 0, false )); myFactory->myChunksWithUnused.insert( this ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief SMDS_ElementChunk destructor */ //================================================================================ SMDS_ElementChunk::~SMDS_ElementChunk() { delete [] myElements; myFactory->myChunksWithUnused.erase( this ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Mark an element as used */ //================================================================================ void SMDS_ElementChunk::UseElement( const int index ) { myUsedRanges.SetValue( index, true ); if ( myUsedRanges.Size() == 1 ) // all elements used myFactory->myChunksWithUnused.erase( this ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return ID of the first non-used element */ //================================================================================ smIdType SMDS_ElementChunk::GetUnusedID() const { TUsedRangeSet::set_iterator r = myUsedRanges.mySet.begin(); for ( ; r != myUsedRanges.mySet.end(); ++r ) if ( !IsUsed( *r )) break; return my1stID + r->my1st; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Mark an element as non-used */ //================================================================================ void SMDS_ElementChunk::Free( const SMDS_MeshElement* e ) { bool hasHoles = ( myUsedRanges.Size() > 1 ); myUsedRanges.SetValue( Index( e ), false ); SetShapeID( e, 0 ); // sub-mesh must do it? SetIsMarked( e, false ); if ( !hasHoles ) myFactory->myChunksWithUnused.insert( this ); if ( myUsedRanges.Size() == 1 ) { clearVector( myMarkedSet ); clearVector( myPositions ); } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return an SMDS ID of an element */ //================================================================================ smIdType SMDS_ElementChunk::GetID( const SMDS_MeshElement* e ) const { return my1stID + Index( e ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Set a Vtk ID of an element */ //================================================================================ void SMDS_ElementChunk::SetVTKID( const SMDS_MeshElement* e, const vtkIdType vtkID ) { if ( e->GetID() - 1 != vtkID ) { if ((int) myFactory->myVtkIDs.size() <= e->GetID() - 1 ) { size_t i = myFactory->myVtkIDs.size(); myFactory->myVtkIDs.resize( e->GetID() + 100 ); for ( ; i < myFactory->myVtkIDs.size(); ++i ) myFactory->myVtkIDs[i] = FromIdType(i); } myFactory->myVtkIDs[ e->GetID() - 1 ] = vtkID; if ((vtkIdType) myFactory->mySmdsIDs.size() <= vtkID ) { size_t i = myFactory->mySmdsIDs.size(); myFactory->mySmdsIDs.resize( vtkID + 100 ); for ( ; i < myFactory->mySmdsIDs.size(); ++i ) myFactory->mySmdsIDs[i] = i; } myFactory->mySmdsIDs[ vtkID ] = e->GetID() - 1; } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return a Vtk ID of an element */ //================================================================================ int SMDS_ElementChunk::GetVtkID( const SMDS_MeshElement* e ) const { size_t dfltVtkID = e->GetID() - 1; return ( dfltVtkID < myFactory->myVtkIDs.size() ) ? FromIdType(myFactory->myVtkIDs[ dfltVtkID ]) : FromIdType(dfltVtkID); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return ID of a shape an element is assigned to */ //================================================================================ int SMDS_ElementChunk::GetShapeID( const SMDS_MeshElement* e ) const { return mySubIDRanges.GetValue( Index( e )); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Set ID of a shape an element is assigned to */ //================================================================================ void SMDS_ElementChunk::SetShapeID( const SMDS_MeshElement* e, int shapeID ) const { //const size_t nbRanges = mySubIDRanges.Size(); SMDS_ElementChunk* me = const_cast( this ); int oldShapeID = me->mySubIDRanges.SetValue( Index( e ), shapeID ); if ( oldShapeID == shapeID ) return; if ( const SMDS_MeshNode* n = dynamic_cast< const SMDS_MeshNode* >( e )) if ( TParam* uv = me->GetPositionPtr( n )) { uv[0] = 0.; uv[1] = 0.; } // update min/max // if (( nbRanges > mySubIDRanges.Size() ) && // ( myMinSubID == oldShapeID || myMaxSubID == oldShapeID )) // { // me->myMinSubID = ( std::numeric_limits::max() ); // me->myMaxSubID = 0; // TSubIDRangeSet::set_iterator it; // for ( it = mySubIDRanges.mySet.begin(); it < mySubIDRanges.mySet.end(); ++it ) // if ( it->myValue > 0 ) // { // me->myMinSubID = std::min( myMinSubID, it->myValue ); // me->myMaxSubID = std::max( myMaxSubID, it->myValue ); // } // } // else if ( shapeID > 0 ) // { // me->myMinSubID = std::min( myMinSubID, shapeID ); // me->myMaxSubID = std::max( myMaxSubID, shapeID ); // } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Set isMarked flag of an element */ //================================================================================ bool SMDS_ElementChunk::IsMarked( const SMDS_MeshElement* e ) const { return ( !myMarkedSet.empty() && myMarkedSet[ Index( e )]); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return isMarked flag of an element */ //================================================================================ void SMDS_ElementChunk::SetIsMarked( const SMDS_MeshElement* e, bool is ) { if ( !is && myMarkedSet.empty() ) return; if ( myMarkedSet.empty() ) myMarkedSet.resize( theChunkSize, false ); myMarkedSet[ Index( e )] = is; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return SMDS_Position of a node on a shape */ //================================================================================ SMDS_PositionPtr SMDS_ElementChunk::GetPosition( const SMDS_MeshNode* n ) const { int shapeID = GetShapeID( n ); int shapeDim = static_cast< SMDS_NodeFactory* >( myFactory )->GetShapeDim( shapeID ); SMDS_ElementChunk* me = const_cast< SMDS_ElementChunk* >( this ); switch ( shapeDim ) { case 2: { return SMDS_PositionPtr( new _FacePosition( me->GetPositionPtr( n ))); } case 1: { return SMDS_PositionPtr( new _EdgePosition( me->GetPositionPtr( n ))); } case 0: return SMDS_VertexPosition::StaticPosition(); } return SMDS_SpacePosition::originSpacePosition(); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Set SMDS_Position of a node on a shape */ //================================================================================ void SMDS_ElementChunk::SetPosition( const SMDS_MeshNode* n, const SMDS_PositionPtr& pos, int shapeID ) { int shapeDim = pos ? pos->GetDim() : theDefaultShapeDim; if ( shapeID < 1 ) { if ( shapeDim == theDefaultShapeDim ) return; shapeID = GetShapeID( n ); if ( shapeID < 1 ) throw SALOME_Exception("SetPosition() No shape ID provided"); } static_cast< SMDS_NodeFactory* >( myFactory )->SetShapeDim( shapeID, shapeDim ); switch ( shapeDim ) { case 2: { TParam* uv = GetPositionPtr( n, /*allocate=*/true ); uv[0] = (TParam) pos->GetParameters()[0]; uv[1] = (TParam) pos->GetParameters()[1]; break; } case 1: { GetPositionPtr( n, /*allocate=*/true )[0] = (TParam) pos->GetParameters()[0]; break; } } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return pointer to on-shape-parameters of a node */ //================================================================================ TParam* SMDS_ElementChunk::GetPositionPtr( const SMDS_MeshElement* n, bool allocate ) { if ( myPositions.empty() && !allocate ) return 0; myPositions.resize( theChunkSize * 2 ); return myPositions.data() + 2 * Index( n ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Minimize allocated memory */ //================================================================================ void SMDS_ElementChunk::Compact() { mySubIDRanges.mySet.shrink_to_fit(); if ( myUsedRanges.mySet.capacity() > 2 ) myUsedRanges.mySet.shrink_to_fit(); clearVector( myMarkedSet ); if ( !myPositions.empty() ) { // look for the last position that must be kept TSubIDRangeSet::set_t::reverse_iterator it; for ( it = mySubIDRanges.mySet.rbegin(); it != mySubIDRanges.mySet.rend(); ++it ) { int shapeDim = static_cast< SMDS_NodeFactory* >( myFactory )->GetShapeDim( it->myValue ); if ( shapeDim == 1 || shapeDim == 2 ) break; } if ( it == mySubIDRanges.mySet.rend() ) { clearVector( myPositions ); } else if ( it != mySubIDRanges.mySet.rbegin() ) { int nbNodes = (it-1)->my1st; myPositions.resize( nbNodes * 2 ); std::vector newPos( myPositions.begin(), myPositions.end() ); myPositions.swap( newPos ); } } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Print some data for debug purposes */ //================================================================================ void SMDS_ElementChunk::Dump() const { std::cout << "1stID: " << my1stID << std::endl; //std::cout << "SubID min/max: " << myMinSubID << ", " << myMaxSubID << std::endl; std::cout << "SubIDRanges: " << mySubIDRanges.Size() << " "; { TSubIDRangeSet::set_iterator i = mySubIDRanges.mySet.begin(); for ( int cnt = 0; i != mySubIDRanges.mySet.end(); ++i, ++cnt ) std::cout << "|" << cnt << " - (" << i->my1st << ", " << i->myValue << ") "; std::cout << std::endl; } { std::cout << "UsedRanges: " << myUsedRanges.Size() << " "; TUsedRangeSet::set_iterator i = myUsedRanges.mySet.begin(); for ( int cnt = 0; i != myUsedRanges.mySet.end(); ++i, ++cnt ) std::cout << cnt << " - (" << i->my1st << ", " << i->myValue << ") "; std::cout << std::endl; } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Compare SMDS_ElementChunk's */ //================================================================================ bool _ChunkCompare::operator () (const SMDS_ElementChunk* e1, const SMDS_ElementChunk* e2) const { return e1->Get1stID() < e2->Get1stID(); }