// Copyright (C) 2007-2011 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // File : StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D.cxx // Author : Edward AGAPOV // Module : SMESH // #include "StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D.hxx" #include "StdMeshers_NumberOfSegments.hxx" #include "StdMeshers_Distribution.hxx" #include "SMESH_Gen.hxx" #include "utilities.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; //======================================================================= //function : StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D //purpose : Constructor //======================================================================= StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D::StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D(int hypId, int studyId, SMESH_Gen * gen) : SMESH_Hypothesis(hypId, studyId, gen), _sizeThreshold( 4.0 ) // default according to the customer specification { _name = "CartesianParameters3D"; // used by "Cartesian_3D" _param_algo_dim = 3; // 3D } namespace { const char* axisName[3] = { "X", "Y", "Z" }; //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Checks validity of an axis index, throws in case of invalidity */ //================================================================================ void checkAxis(const int axis) { if ( axis < 0 || axis > 2 ) throw SALOME_Exception(SMESH_Comment("Invalid axis index ") << axis << ". Valid axis indices are 0, 1 and 2"); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Checks validity of spacing data, throws in case of invalidity */ //================================================================================ void checkGridSpacing(std::vector& spaceFunctions, std::vector& internalPoints, const std::string& axis) throw ( SALOME_Exception ) { if ( spaceFunctions.empty() ) throw SALOME_Exception(SMESH_Comment("Empty space function for ") << axis ); for ( size_t i = 1; i < internalPoints.size(); ++i ) if ( internalPoints[i] - internalPoints[i-1] < 0 ) throw SALOME_Exception(SMESH_Comment("Wrong order of internal points along ") << axis); else if ( internalPoints[i] - internalPoints[i-1] < 1e-3 ) throw SALOME_Exception(SMESH_Comment("Too close internal points along ") << axis ); const double tol = Precision::Confusion(); if ( !internalPoints.empty() && ( internalPoints.front() < -tol || internalPoints.back() > 1 + tol )) throw SALOME_Exception(SMESH_Comment("Invalid internal points along ") << axis); if ( internalPoints.empty() || internalPoints.front() > tol ) internalPoints.insert( internalPoints.begin(), 0. ); if ( internalPoints.size() < 2 || internalPoints.back() < 1 - tol ) internalPoints.push_back( 1. ); if ( internalPoints.size() != spaceFunctions.size() + 1 ) throw SALOME_Exception (SMESH_Comment("Numbre of internal points mismatch number of functions for ") << axis); for ( size_t i = 0; i < spaceFunctions.size(); ++i ) spaceFunctions[i] = StdMeshers_NumberOfSegments::CheckExpressionFunction( spaceFunctions[i], -1 ); } } //======================================================================= //function : SetGrid //purpose : Sets coordinates of node positions along an axes //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D::SetGrid(std::vector& coords, int axis) throw ( SALOME_Exception ) { checkAxis( axis ); if ( coords.size() < 2 ) throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("Wrong number of grid coordinates")); std::sort( coords.begin(), coords.end() ); bool changed = ( _coords[axis] != coords ); if ( changed ) { _coords[axis] = coords; NotifySubMeshesHypothesisModification(); } _spaceFunctions[axis].clear(); _internalPoints[axis].clear(); } //======================================================================= //function : SetGridSpacing //purpose : Set grid spacing along the three axes //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D::SetGridSpacing(std::vector& xSpaceFuns, std::vector& xInternalPoints, const int axis) throw ( SALOME_Exception ) { checkAxis( axis ); checkGridSpacing( xSpaceFuns, xInternalPoints, axisName[axis] ); bool changed = ( xSpaceFuns != _spaceFunctions[axis] || xInternalPoints != _internalPoints[axis] ); _spaceFunctions[axis] = xSpaceFuns; _internalPoints[axis] = xInternalPoints; _coords[axis].clear(); if ( changed ) NotifySubMeshesHypothesisModification(); } //======================================================================= //function : SetSizeThreshold //purpose : Set size threshold //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D::SetSizeThreshold(const double threshold) throw ( SALOME_Exception ) { if ( threshold <= 1.0 ) throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("threshold must be > 1.0")); bool changed = fabs( _sizeThreshold - threshold ) > 1e-6; _sizeThreshold = threshold; if ( changed ) NotifySubMeshesHypothesisModification(); } //======================================================================= //function : GetGridSpacing //purpose : return spacing //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D::GetGridSpacing(std::vector& spaceFunctions, std::vector& internalPoints, const int axis) const throw ( SALOME_Exception ) { if ( !IsGridBySpacing(axis) ) throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("The grid is defined by coordinates and not by spacing")); spaceFunctions = _spaceFunctions[axis]; internalPoints = _internalPoints[axis]; } //======================================================================= //function : IsGridBySpacing //======================================================================= bool StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D::IsGridBySpacing(const int axis) const throw ( SALOME_Exception ) { checkAxis(axis); return !_spaceFunctions[axis].empty(); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeCoordinates //purpose : Computes node coordinates by spacing functions //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D::ComputeCoordinates(const double x0, const double x1, vector& spaceFuns, vector& points, vector& coords, const std::string& axis ) throw ( SALOME_Exception ) { checkGridSpacing( spaceFuns, points, axis ); coords.clear(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < spaceFuns.size(); ++i ) { FunctionExpr fun( spaceFuns[i].c_str(), /*convMode=*/-1 ); const double p0 = x0 * ( 1. - points[i]) + x1 * points[i]; const double p1 = x0 * ( 1. - points[i+1]) + x1 * points[i+1]; const double length = p1 - p0; const size_t nbSections = 1000; const double sectionLen = ( p1 - p0 ) / nbSections; vector< double > nbSegments( nbSections + 1 ); nbSegments[ 0 ] = 0.; double t, spacing = 0; for ( size_t i = 1; i <= nbSections; ++i ) { t = double( i ) / nbSections; if ( !fun.value( t, spacing ) || spacing < std::numeric_limits::min() ) throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("Invalid spacing function")); nbSegments[ i ] = nbSegments[ i-1 ] + std::min( 1., sectionLen / spacing ); } const int nbCells = max (1, int(floor(nbSegments.back()+0.5))); const double corr = nbCells / nbSegments.back(); if ( coords.empty() ) coords.push_back( p0 ); for ( size_t iCell = 1, i = 1; i <= nbSections; ++i ) { if ( nbSegments[i]*corr >= iCell ) { t = (i - ( nbSegments[i] - iCell/corr )/( nbSegments[i] - nbSegments[i-1] )) / nbSections; coords.push_back( p0 + t * length ); ++iCell; } } const double lastCellLen = coords.back() - coords[ coords.size() - 2 ]; if ( fabs( coords.back() - p1 ) > 0.5 * lastCellLen ) coords.push_back ( p1 ); } } //======================================================================= //function : GetCoordinates //purpose : Return coordinates of node positions along the three axes. // If the grid is defined by spacing functions, the coordinates are computed //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D::GetCoordinates(std::vector& xNodes, std::vector& yNodes, std::vector& zNodes, const Bnd_Box& bndBox) const throw ( SALOME_Exception ) { double x0,y0,z0, x1,y1,z1; if ( IsGridBySpacing(0) || IsGridBySpacing(1) || IsGridBySpacing(2)) { if ( bndBox.IsVoid() || bndBox.IsXThin( Precision::Confusion() ) || bndBox.IsYThin( Precision::Confusion() ) || bndBox.IsZThin( Precision::Confusion() ) ) throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("Invalid bounding box")); bndBox.Get(x0,y0,z0, x1,y1,z1); } StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D* me = const_cast(this); if ( IsGridBySpacing(0) ) ComputeCoordinates( x0, x1, me->_spaceFunctions[0], me->_internalPoints[0], xNodes, "X" ); else xNodes = _coords[0]; if ( IsGridBySpacing(1) ) ComputeCoordinates( y0, y1, me->_spaceFunctions[1], me->_internalPoints[1], yNodes, "Y" ); else yNodes = _coords[1]; if ( IsGridBySpacing(2) ) ComputeCoordinates( z0, z1, me->_spaceFunctions[2], me->_internalPoints[2], zNodes, "Z" ); else zNodes = _coords[2]; } //======================================================================= //function : GetGrid //purpose : Return coordinates of node positions along the three axes //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D::GetGrid(std::vector& coords, int axis) const throw ( SALOME_Exception ) { if ( IsGridBySpacing(axis) ) throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("The grid is defined by spacing and not by coordinates")); coords = _coords[axis]; } //======================================================================= //function : GetSizeThreshold //purpose : Return size threshold //======================================================================= double StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D::GetSizeThreshold() const { return _sizeThreshold; } //======================================================================= //function : IsDefined //purpose : Return true if parameters are well defined //======================================================================= bool StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D::IsDefined() const { for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) if (_coords[i].empty() && (_spaceFunctions[i].empty() || _internalPoints[i].empty())) return false; return ( _sizeThreshold > 1.0 ); } //======================================================================= //function : SaveTo //purpose : store my parameters into a stream //======================================================================= std::ostream & StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D::SaveTo(std::ostream & save) { save << _sizeThreshold << " "; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { save << _coords[i].size() << " "; for ( size_t j = 0; j < _coords[i].size(); ++j ) save << _coords[i][j] << " "; save << _internalPoints[i].size() << " "; for ( size_t j = 0; j < _internalPoints[i].size(); ++j ) save << _internalPoints[i][j] << " "; save << _spaceFunctions[i].size() << " "; for ( size_t j = 0; j < _spaceFunctions[i].size(); ++j ) save << _spaceFunctions[i][j] << " "; } return save; } //======================================================================= //function : LoadFrom //purpose : resore my parameters from a stream //======================================================================= std::istream & StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D::LoadFrom(std::istream & load) { bool ok; ok = (load >> _sizeThreshold ); for ( int ax = 0; ax < 3; ++ax ) { if (ok) { size_t i = 0; ok = (load >> i ); if ( i > 0 && ok ) { _coords[ax].resize( i ); for ( i = 0; i < _coords[ax].size() && ok; ++i ) ok = (load >> _coords[ax][i] ); } } if (ok) { size_t i = 0; ok = (load >> i ); if ( i > 0 && ok ) { _internalPoints[ax].resize( i ); for ( i = 0; i < _internalPoints[ax].size() && ok; ++i ) ok = (load >> _internalPoints[ax][i] ); } } if (ok) { size_t i = 0; ok = (load >> i ); if ( i > 0 && ok ) { _spaceFunctions[ax].resize( i ); for ( i = 0; i < _spaceFunctions[ax].size() && ok; ++i ) ok = (load >> _spaceFunctions[ax][i] ); } } } return load; } //======================================================================= //function : SetParametersByMesh //======================================================================= bool StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D::SetParametersByMesh(const SMESH_Mesh* , const TopoDS_Shape& ) { return false; } //======================================================================= //function : SetParametersByDefaults //======================================================================= bool StdMeshers_CartesianParameters3D::SetParametersByDefaults(const TDefaults& dflts, const SMESH_Mesh* /*theMesh*/) { if ( dflts._elemLength > 1e-100 ) { vector spacing( 1, SMESH_Comment(dflts._elemLength)); vector intPnts; GetGridSpacing( spacing, intPnts, 0 ); GetGridSpacing( spacing, intPnts, 1 ); GetGridSpacing( spacing, intPnts, 2 ); return true; } return false; }