/*! \page tui_cartesian_algo Usage of Body Fitting algorithm \code from smesh import * SetCurrentStudy(salome.myStudy) # create a sphere sphere = geompy.MakeSphereR( 50 ) geompy.addToStudy( sphere, "sphere" ) # create a mesh and assign a "Body Fitting" algo mesh = Mesh( sphere ) cartAlgo = mesh.BodyFitted() # define a cartesian grid using Coordinates coords = range(-100,100,10) cartHyp = cartAlgo.SetGrid( coords,coords,coords, 1000000) # compute the mesh mesh.Compute() print "nb hexahedra",mesh.NbHexas() print "nb tetrahedra",mesh.NbTetras() print "nb polyhedra",mesh.NbPolyhedrons() print # define the grid by sitting constant spacing cartHyp = cartAlgo.SetGrid( "10","10","10", 1000000) mesh.Compute() print "nb hexahedra",mesh.NbHexas() print "nb tetrahedra",mesh.NbTetras() print "nb polyhedra",mesh.NbPolyhedrons() # define the grid by sitting different spacing in 2 sub-ranges of geometry spaceFuns = ["5","10+10*t"] cartAlgo.SetGrid( [spaceFuns, [0.5]], [spaceFuns, [0.5]], [spaceFuns, [0.25]], 2 ) mesh.Compute() print "nb hexahedra",mesh.NbHexas() print "nb tetrahedra",mesh.NbTetras() print "nb polyhedra",mesh.NbPolyhedrons() print \endcode */