/*! \page symmetry_page Symmetry \n This geometrical operation allows to perform a symmetrical copy of your mesh or some of its elements. To create a symmetrical copy of the mesh:
  1. From the \b Modification menu choose \b Transformation -> \b Symmetry item or click "Symmetry" button in the toolbar. \image html symmetry.png "Symmetry button" One of the following dialogs will appear: It is possible to mirror a mesh or some of its elements through: \image html symmetry1.png "a point (defined by a point and a vector)" \image html symmetry2.png "an axis" \image html symmetry3.png "a plane (defined by a point and a normal to the plane)"
  2. In the dialog:

See Also a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_symmetry "Symmetry" operation. */