/*! \page tui_quality_controls_page Quality Controls <br> \anchor tui_free_borders <h2>Free Borders</h2> \code import salome import geompy import smesh # create open shell: a box without one plane box = geompy.MakeBox(0., 0., 0., 20., 20., 15.) FaceList = geompy.SubShapeAll(box, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) FaceList.remove(FaceList[5]) box = geompy.MakeShell(FaceList) idbox = geompy.addToStudy(box, "box") # create a mesh mesh = smesh.Mesh(box, "Mesh_free_borders") algo = mesh.Segment() algo.NumberOfSegments(5) algo = mesh.Triangle() algo.MaxElementArea(20.) mesh.Compute() # criterion : free borders aFilter = smesh.GetFilter(smesh.EDGE, smesh.FT_FreeBorders) anIds = mesh.GetIdsFromFilter(aFilter) # print the result print "Criterion: Free borders Nb = ", len(anIds) j = 1 for i in range(len(anIds)): if j > 20: j = 1; print "" print anIds[i], j = j + 1 pass print "" # create a group aGroup = mesh.CreateGroup(SMESH.EDGE, "Free borders") aGroup.Add(anIds) salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) \endcode <br> \anchor tui_borders_at_multiconnection <h2>Borders at Multiconnection</h2> \code import salome import geompy import smesh import SMESH # create open shell: a box without one plane box = geompy.MakeBox(0., 0., 0., 20., 20., 15.) FaceList = geompy.SubShapeAll(box, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) FaceList.remove(FaceList[5]) box = geompy.MakeShell(FaceList) idbox = geompy.addToStudy(box, "box") # create a mesh mesh = smesh.Mesh(box, "Mesh_borders_at_multi-connections") algo = mesh.Segment() algo.NumberOfSegments(5) algo = mesh.Triangle() algo.MaxElementArea(20.) mesh.Compute() # Criterion : Borders at multi-connection nb_conn = 2 aFilter = smesh.GetFilter(smesh.EDGE, smesh.FT_MultiConnection, smesh.FT_EqualTo, nb_conn) anIds = mesh.GetIdsFromFilter(aFilter) # print the result print "Criterion: Borders at multi-connections Nb = ", len(anIds) j = 1 for i in range(len(anIds)): if j > 20: j = 1; print "" print anIds[i], j = j + 1 pass print "" # create a group aGroup = mesh.CreateGroup(SMESH.EDGE, "Borders at multi-connections") aGroup.Add(anIds) salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) \endcode <br> \anchor tui_length_1d <h2>Length 1D</h2> \code import salome import geompy import smesh # create open shell: a box without one plane box = geompy.MakeBox(0., 0., 0., 20., 20., 15.) FaceList = geompy.SubShapeAll(box, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) FaceList.remove(FaceList[5]) box = geompy.MakeShell(FaceList) idbox = geompy.addToStudy(box, "box") # create a mesh mesh = smesh.Mesh(box, "Mesh_Length_1D") algo = mesh.Segment() algo.NumberOfSegments(5) algo = mesh.Triangle() algo.MaxElementArea(20.) mesh.Compute() # Criterion : Length > 3. length_margin = 3. aFilter = smesh.GetFilter(smesh.EDGE, smesh.FT_Length, smesh.FT_MoreThan, length_margin) anIds = mesh.GetIdsFromFilter(aFilter) # print the result print "Criterion: Edges length > ", length_margin, " Nb = ", len(anIds) j = 1 for i in range(len(anIds)): if j > 20: j = 1; print "" print anIds[i], j = j + 1 pass print "" # create a group aGroup = mesh.CreateGroup(SMESH.EDGE, "Edges with length > " + `length_margin`) aGroup.Add(anIds) salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) \endcode <br> \anchor tui_free_edges <h2>Free Edges</h2> \code import SMESH_mechanic smesh = SMESH_mechanic.smesh mesh = SMESH_mechanic.mesh salome = SMESH_mechanic.salome aFilterMgr = smesh.CreateFilterManager() # Remove some elements to obtain free edges # Criterion : AREA > 95. area_margin = 95. aFilter = smesh.GetFilter(smesh.FACE, smesh.FT_Area, smesh.FT_MoreThan, area_margin) anIds = mesh.GetIdsFromFilter(aFilter) mesh.RemoveElements(anIds) # Criterion : Free Edges aBorders = mesh.GetFreeBorders() # create groups aGroupF = mesh.CreateGroup(SMESH.FACE, "Faces with free edges") aGroupN = mesh.CreateGroup(SMESH.NODE, "Nodes on free edges") # fill groups with elements, corresponding to the criterion print "" print "Criterion: Free edges Nb = ", len(aBorders) for i in range(len(aBorders)): aBorder = aBorders[i] print "Face # ", aBorder.myElemId, " : Edge between nodes (", print aBorder.myPnt1, ", ", aBorder.myPnt2, ")" aGroupF.Add([aBorder.myElemId]) aGroupN.Add([aBorder.myPnt1, aBorder.myPnt2]) salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) \endcode <br> \anchor tui_length_2d <h2>Length 2D</h2> \code import salome import geompy import smesh # create open shell: a box without one plane box = geompy.MakeBox(0., 0., 0., 20., 20., 15.) FaceList = geompy.SubShapeAll(box, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) FaceList.remove(FaceList[5]) box = geompy.MakeShell(FaceList) idbox = geompy.addToStudy(box, "box") # create a mesh mesh = smesh.Mesh(box, "Mesh_Length_2D") algo = mesh.Segment() algo.NumberOfSegments(5) algo = mesh.Triangle() algo.MaxElementArea(20.) mesh.Compute() # Criterion : Length 2D > 5.7 length_margin = 5.7 aFilter = smesh.GetFilter(smesh.FACE, smesh.FT_Length2D, smesh.FT_MoreThan, length_margin) anIds = mesh.GetIdsFromFilter(aFilter) # print the result print "Criterion: Edges length 2D > ", length_margin, " Nb = ", len(anIds) j = 1 for i in range(len(anIds)): if j > 20: j = 1; print "" print anIds[i], j = j + 1 pass print "" # create a group aGroup = mesh.CreateEmptyGroup(smesh.FACE, "Faces with length 2D > " + `length_margin`) aGroup.Add(anIds) salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) \endcode <br> \anchor tui_borders_at_multiconnection_2d <h2>Borders at Multiconnection 2D</h2> \code import salome import geompy import smesh # create a compound of two glued boxes box1 = geompy.MakeBox(0., 0., 0., 20., 20., 15.) box2 = geompy.MakeTranslation(box1, 0., 20., 0) comp = geompy.MakeCompound([box1, box2]) box = geompy.MakeGlueFaces(comp, 0.000001) idbox = geompy.addToStudy(box, "box") # create a mesh mesh = smesh.Mesh(box, "Box compound : 2D triangle mesh") algo = mesh.Segment() algo.NumberOfSegments(5) algo = mesh.Triangle() algo.MaxElementArea(20.) mesh.Compute() # Criterion : MULTI-CONNECTION 2D = 3 nb_conn = 3 aFilter = smesh.GetFilter(smesh.FACE, smesh.FT_MultiConnection2D, smesh.FT_EqualTo, nb_conn) anIds = mesh.GetIdsFromFilter(aFilter) # print the result print "Criterion: Borders at multi-connection 2D = ", nb_conn, " Nb = ", len(anIds) j = 1 for i in range(len(anIds)): if j > 20: j = 1; print "" print anIds[i], j = j + 1 pass print "" # create a group aGroup = mesh.CreateEmptyGroup(smesh.FACE, "Borders at multi-connection 2D = " + `nb_conn`) aGroup.Add(anIds) salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) \endcode <br> \anchor tui_area <h2>Area</h2> \code import SMESH_mechanic smesh = SMESH_mechanic.smesh mesh = SMESH_mechanic.mesh salome = SMESH_mechanic.salome # Criterion : AREA > 100. area_margin = 100. aFilter = smesh.GetFilter(smesh.FACE, smesh.FT_Area, smesh.FT_MoreThan, area_margin) anIds = mesh.GetIdsFromFilter(aFilter) # print the result print "Criterion: Area > ", area_margin, " Nb = ", len(anIds) j = 1 for i in range(len(anIds)): if j > 20: j = 1; print "" print anIds[i], j = j + 1 pass print "" # create a group aGroup = mesh.CreateEmptyGroup(smesh.FACE, "Area > " + `area_margin`) aGroup.Add(anIds) salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) \endcode <br> \anchor tui_taper <h2>Taper</h2> \code import SMESH_mechanic smesh = SMESH_mechanic.smesh mesh = SMESH_mechanic.mesh salome = SMESH_mechanic.salome # Criterion : Taper > 3e-20 taper_margin = 3e-20 aFilter = smesh.GetFilter(smesh.FACE, smesh.FT_Taper, smesh.FT_MoreThan, taper_margin) anIds = mesh.GetIdsFromFilter(aFilter) # print the result print "Criterion: Taper > ", taper_margin, " Nb = ", len(anIds) j = 1 for i in range(len(anIds)): if j > 20: j = 1; print "" print anIds[i], j = j + 1 pass print "" # create a group aGroup = mesh.CreateEmptyGroup(smesh.FACE, "Taper > " + `taper_margin`) aGroup.Add(anIds) salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) \endcode <br> \anchor tui_aspect_ratio <h2>Aspect Ratio</h2> \code import SMESH_mechanic smesh = SMESH_mechanic.smesh mesh = SMESH_mechanic.mesh salome = SMESH_mechanic.salome # Criterion : ASPECT RATIO > 1.8 ar_margin = 1.8 aFilter = smesh.GetFilter(smesh.FACE, smesh.FT_AspectRatio, smesh.FT_MoreThan, ar_margin) anIds = mesh.GetIdsFromFilter(aFilter) # print the result print "Criterion: Aspect Ratio > ", ar_margin, " Nb = ", len(anIds) j = 1 for i in range(len(anIds)): if j > 20: j = 1; print "" print anIds[i], j = j + 1 pass print "" # create a group aGroup = mesh.CreateEmptyGroup(smesh.FACE, "Aspect Ratio > " + `ar_margin`) aGroup.Add(anIds) salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) \endcode <br> \anchor tui_minimum_angle <h2>Minimum Angle</h2> \code import SMESH_mechanic smesh = SMESH_mechanic.smesh mesh = SMESH_mechanic.mesh salome = SMESH_mechanic.salome # Criterion : MINIMUM ANGLE < 35. min_angle = 35. aFilter = smesh.GetFilter(smesh.FACE, smesh.FT_MinimumAngle, smesh.FT_LessThan, min_angle) anIds = mesh.GetIdsFromFilter(aFilter) # print the result print "Criterion: Minimum Angle < ", min_angle, " Nb = ", len(anIds) j = 1 for i in range(len(anIds)): if j > 20: j = 1; print "" print anIds[i], j = j + 1 pass print "" # create a group aGroup = mesh.CreateEmptyGroup(smesh.FACE, "Minimum Angle < " + `min_angle`) aGroup.Add(anIds) salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) \endcode <br> \anchor tui_warping <h2>Warping</h2> \code import SMESH_mechanic smesh = SMESH_mechanic.smesh mesh = SMESH_mechanic.mesh salome = SMESH_mechanic.salome # Criterion : WARP ANGLE > 1e-15 wa_margin = 1e-15 aFilter = smesh.GetFilter(smesh.FACE, smesh.FT_Warping, smesh.FT_MoreThan, wa_margin) anIds = mesh.GetIdsFromFilter(aFilter) # print the result print "Criterion: Warp > ", wa_margin, " Nb = ", len(anIds) j = 1 for i in range(len(anIds)): if j > 20: j = 1; print "" print anIds[i], j = j + 1 pass print "" # create a group aGroup = mesh.CreateEmptyGroup(smesh.FACE, "Warp > " + `wa_margin`) aGroup.Add(anIds) salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) \endcode <br> \anchor tui_skew <h2>Skew</h2> \code import SMESH_mechanic smesh = SMESH_mechanic.smesh mesh = SMESH_mechanic.mesh salome = SMESH_mechanic.salome # Criterion : Skew > 38. skew_margin = 38. aFilter = smesh.GetFilter(smesh.FACE, smesh.FT_Skew, smesh.FT_MoreThan, skew_margin) anIds = mesh.GetIdsFromFilter(aFilter) # print the result print "Criterion: Skew > ", skew_margin, " Nb = ", len(anIds) j = 1 for i in range(len(anIds)): if j > 20: j = 1; print "" print anIds[i], j = j + 1 pass print "" # create a group aGroup = mesh.CreateEmptyGroup(smesh.FACE, "Skew > " + `skew_margin`) aGroup.Add(anIds) salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) \endcode <br> \anchor tui_aspect_ratio_3d <h2>Aspect Ratio 3D</h2> \code import SMESH_mechanic_tetra smesh = SMESH_mechanic_tetra.smesh mesh = SMESH_mechanic_tetra.mesh salome = SMESH_mechanic_tetra.salome # Criterion : ASPECT RATIO 3D > 4.5 ar_margin = 4.5 aFilter = smesh.GetFilter(smesh.VOLUME, smesh.FT_AspectRatio3D, smesh.FT_MoreThan, ar_margin) anIds = mesh.GetIdsFromFilter(aFilter) # print the result print "Criterion: Aspect Ratio 3D > ", ar_margin, " Nb = ", len(anIds) j = 1 for i in range(len(anIds)): if j > 20: j = 1; print "" print anIds[i], j = j + 1 pass print "" # create a group aGroup = mesh.CreateEmptyGroup(smesh.VOLUME, "Aspect Ratio 3D > " + `ar_margin`) aGroup.Add(anIds) salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) \endcode <br> \anchor tui_volume <h2>Volume</h2> \code import SMESH_mechanic_tetra smesh = SMESH_mechanic_tetra.smesh mesh = SMESH_mechanic_tetra.mesh salome = SMESH_mechanic_tetra.salome # Criterion : VOLUME < 7. volume_margin = 7. aFilter = smesh.GetFilter(smesh.VOLUME, smesh.FT_Volume3D, smesh.FT_LessThan, volume_margin) anIds = mesh.GetIdsFromFilter(aFilter) # print the result print "" print "Criterion: Volume < ", volume_margin, " Nb = ", len(anIds) j = 1 for i in range(len(anIds)): if j > 20: j = 1; print "" print anIds[i], j = j + 1 pass print "" # create a group aGroup = mesh.CreateEmptyGroup(smesh.VOLUME, "Volume < " + `volume_margin`) aGroup.Add(anIds) salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) \endcode */