/*! \page a2d_meshing_hypo_page 2D Meshing Hypotheses

\anchor max_element_area_anchor

Max Element Area

Max Element Area hypothesis is applied for meshing of faces composing your geometrical object. Definition of this hypothesis consists of setting the maximum area of mesh elements, which will compose the mesh of these faces. \image html a-maxelarea.png \n \image html max_el_area.png "In this example, Max. element area is very small compared to the 1D hypothesis" See Also a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_max_element_area "Maximum Element Area" hypothesis operation.
\anchor length_from_edges_anchor

Length from Edges

Length from edges hypothesis builds 2D mesh elements having a maximum linear size calculated as an average segment length for a wire of a given face. See Also a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_length_from_edges "Length from Edges" hypothesis operation.
\anchor hypo_quad_params_anchor

Quadrangle parameters

\image html hypo_quad_params_dialog.png "Quadrangle parameters creation/edition dialog" Quadrangle parameters is a hypothesis for Quadrangle (Mapping). Base vertex parameter allows using Quadrangle (Mapping) algorithm for meshing of trilateral faces. In this case it is necessary to select the vertex, which will be used as the fourth edge (degenerated). \image html hypo_quad_params_1.png "A face built from 3 edges" \image html hypo_quad_params_res.png "The resulting mesh" This parameter can be also used to mesh a segment of a circular face. Please, consider that there is a limitation on the selection of the vertex for the faces built with the angle > 180 degrees (see the picture). \image html hypo_quad_params_2.png "3/4 of a circular face" In this case, selection of a wrong vertex for the Base vertex parameter will generate a wrong mesh. The picture below shows the good (left) and the bad (right) results of meshing. \image html hypo_quad_params_res_2.png "The resulting meshes" Type parameter is used on faces with a different number of segments on opposite sides to define the algorithm of transition between them. The following types are available: See Also a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_quadrangle_parameters "Quadrangle Parameters" hypothesis.