// Copyright (C) 2007-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // SMESH SMESHGUI : reading of xml file with list of available hypotheses and algorithms // File : SMESHGUI_XmlHandler.cxx // Author : Julia DOROVSKIKH, Open CASCADE S.A.S. // SMESH includes // #include "SMESHGUI_XmlHandler.h" #include "SMESHGUI.h" #include "SMESHGUI_Hypotheses.h" // SALOME GUI includes #include "SUIT_ResourceMgr.h" // SALOME KERNEL includes #include #define BAD_HYP_FLAG "NOT_FOUND" /*! Constructor */ SMESHGUI_XmlHandler::SMESHGUI_XmlHandler() { } /*! Destructor */ SMESHGUI_XmlHandler::~SMESHGUI_XmlHandler() { } /*! Starts parsing of document. Does some initialization Reimplemented from QXmlDefaultHandler. */ bool SMESHGUI_XmlHandler::startDocument() { myErrorProt = ""; return true; } /*! Does different actions depending on the name of the tag and the state you are in document. Reimplemented from QXmlDefaultHandler. */ bool SMESHGUI_XmlHandler::startElement (const QString&, const QString&, const QString& qName, const QXmlAttributes& atts) { if (qName == "meshers") { myHypothesesMap.clear(); myAlgorithmsMap.clear(); } else if (qName == "meshers-group") // group of hypotheses and algorithms { // if (atts.value("server-lib") != "") { myPluginName = atts.value("name"); myServerLib = atts.value("server-lib"); myClientLib = atts.value("gui-lib"); /* It's Need to tranlate lib name for WIN32 or X platform * (only client lib, because server lib translates in SMESH_Gen_i::createHypothesis * for normal work of *.py files ) */ if( !myClientLib.isEmpty() ) { #if defined(WIN32) //myServerLib += ".dll"; myClientLib += ".dll"; #elif defined(__APPLE__) myClientLib = "lib" + myClientLib + ".dylib"; #else myClientLib = "lib" + myClientLib + ".so"; #endif } QString aResName = atts.value("resources"); if (aResName != "") { //MESSAGE("Loading Resources " << aResName.toLatin1().data()); SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr(); QString lang = resMgr->stringValue( resMgr->langSection(), "language", "en" ); resMgr->loadTranslator( "resources", QString( "%1_msg_%2.qm" ).arg( aResName, lang ) ); resMgr->loadTranslator( "resources", QString( "%1_images.qm" ).arg( aResName, lang ) ); } } } else if (qName == "hypotheses") // group of hypotheses { } else if (qName == "algorithms") // group of algorithms { } else if (qName == "hypothesis" || qName == "algorithm") // hypothesis or algorithm { if (atts.value("type") != "") { QString aHypAlType = atts.value("type"); QString aLabel = atts.value("label-id"); QString anIcon = atts.value("icon-id"); bool isAuxOrNeedHyp = ( qName == "hypothesis" ? atts.value("auxiliary") == "true" : atts.value("need-hyp" ) == "true" ); int isNeedGeom = 1; bool isSupportSubmeshes = false; QString aNeedGeom = atts.value("need-geom"); if ( !aNeedGeom.isEmpty() ) isNeedGeom = (aNeedGeom == "true") ? 1 : (aNeedGeom == "never") ? -1 : 0; QString suppSub = atts.value("support-submeshes"); if ( !suppSub.isEmpty() ) isSupportSubmeshes = (suppSub == "true"); QString context = atts.value("context"); if ( context.isEmpty() ) context = "ANY"; else context = context.toUpper(); bool isOk; QString groupIDStr = atts.value("group-id"); int groupID = groupIDStr.toUInt( &isOk ); if ( !isOk ) groupID = -1; QString priorityStr = atts.value("priority"); int priority = priorityStr.toUInt( &isOk ); if ( !isOk ) priority = -1; QString aDimStr = atts.value("dim"); aDimStr = aDimStr.remove( ' ' ); QStringList aDimList = aDimStr.split( ',', QString::SkipEmptyParts ); QStringList::iterator anIter; QList aDim; for ( anIter = aDimList.begin(); anIter != aDimList.end(); ++anIter ) { int aVal = (*anIter).toInt( &isOk ); if ( isOk ) aDim.append( aVal ); } // for algo enum { HYPOS = 0, OPT_HYPOS, INPUT, OUTPUT, NB_ATTRIBUTES }; const char* name [NB_ATTRIBUTES] = { "hypos", "opt-hypos", "input", "output" }; QStringList attr [NB_ATTRIBUTES]; for ( int i = 0; i < NB_ATTRIBUTES; ++i ) { QString aStr = atts.value( name[i] ); if ( !aStr.isEmpty() ) { attr[i] = aStr.split( ',', QString::SkipEmptyParts ); for ( int j = 0; j < attr[i].count(); ++j ) attr[i][j] = attr[i][j].trimmed(); } } if ( !aHypAlType.contains( BAD_HYP_FLAG ) ) { HypothesisData* aHypData = new HypothesisData (aHypAlType, myPluginName, myServerLib, myClientLib, aLabel, anIcon, context, groupID, priority, aDim, isAuxOrNeedHyp, attr[ HYPOS ], attr[ OPT_HYPOS ], attr[ INPUT ], attr[ OUTPUT ], isNeedGeom, isSupportSubmeshes ); if (qName == "algorithm") { myAlgorithmsMap.insert(aHypAlType,aHypData); } else { myHypothesesMap.insert(aHypAlType,aHypData); } } } } else if (qName == "hypotheses-set-group") // group of sets of hypotheses { } else if (qName == "hypotheses-set") // a set of hypotheses { if (atts.value("name") != "") { QString hypos = atts.value("hypos").remove( ' ' ); QString algos = atts.value("algos").remove( ' ' ); bool badSet = hypos.contains( BAD_HYP_FLAG ) || algos.contains( BAD_HYP_FLAG ); if ( !badSet ) myListOfHypothesesSets.append( new HypothesesSet ( atts.value("name"), hypos.split( ',', QString::SkipEmptyParts ), algos.split( ',', QString::SkipEmptyParts ) ) ); } } else if ( qName == "python-wrap" || qName == "algo" || qName == "hypo" || qName == "accumulative-methods") { // elements used in SMESH_2smeshpy return true; } else { // error return false; } return true; } /*! Reimplemented from QXmlDefaultHandler. */ bool SMESHGUI_XmlHandler::endElement (const QString&, const QString&, const QString&) { return true; } /*! Reimplemented from QXmlDefaultHandler. */ bool SMESHGUI_XmlHandler::characters (const QString& ch) { // we are not interested in whitespaces QString ch_simplified = ch.simplified(); if ( ch_simplified.isEmpty() ) return true; return true; } /*! Returns the default error string. Reimplemented from QXmlDefaultHandler. */ QString SMESHGUI_XmlHandler::errorString() { return "the document is not in the quote file format"; } /*! Returns the error protocol if parsing failed Reimplemented from QXmlDefaultHandler. */ QString SMESHGUI_XmlHandler::errorProtocol() { return myErrorProt; } /*! Returns exception Reimplemented from QXmlDefaultHandler. */ bool SMESHGUI_XmlHandler::fatalError (const QXmlParseException& exception) { myErrorProt += QString("fatal parsing error: %1 in line %2, column %3\n") .arg(exception.message()) .arg(exception.lineNumber()) .arg(exception.columnNumber()); return QXmlDefaultHandler::fatalError( exception ); }