/*! \page ghs3d_hypo_page GHS3D Parameters hypothesis \anchor ghs3d_top \n GHS3D Parameters hypothesis works only with <b>Tetrahedron (GHS3D)</b> algorithm. This algorithm is a commercial software. \n To get a licence, visit http://www.distene.com/corp/eval-distene.html <ol> <li>\ref ghs3d_general_parameters "General parameters"</li> <li>\ref ghs3d_advanced_parameters "Advanced parameters"</li> <li>\ref ghs3d_enforced_vertices "Enforced vertices"</li> <li>\ref ghs3d_enforced_meshes "Enforced meshes"</li> </ol> \anchor ghs3d_general_parameters <h1>General parameters</h1> \image html ghs3d_parameters_basic.png <ul> <li><b>Name</b> - allows to define the name of the hypothesis (GHS3D Parameters by default).</li> <li><b>To mesh holes</b> - if checked, the algorithm will create mesh in the holes inside a solid shape, else only the outermost shape will be meshed. Volumic elements created within holes are bound to the solid.</li> <li><b>Optimization level</b> - allows choosing the required optimization level: <ul> <li>none,</li> <li>light,</li> <li>medium (standard),</li> <li>standard+,</li> <li>strong.</li> </ul> Higher level of optimisation provides better mesh, but can be time-consuming. </li> </ul> \ref ghs3d_top "Back to top" \anchor ghs3d_advanced_parameters <h1>Advanced parameters</h1> \image html ghs3d_parameters_advanced.png <li><b>Maximum memory size</b> - launches ghs3d software with work space limited to the specified amount of RAM, in Mbytes. If this option is checked off, the software will be launched with 7O% of the total RAM space. </li> <li><b>Initial memory size</b> - starts ghs3d software with the specified amount of work space, in Mbytes. If this option is checked off, the software will be started with 100 Megabytes of working space. </li> <li><b>Working directory</b> - allows defining the folder for input and output files of ghs3d software, which are the files starting with "GHS3D_" prefix. </li> <li><b>Keep working files</b> - allows checking input and output files of ghs3d software, while usually these files are removed after the launch of the mesher.</li> <li><b>Verbose level</b> - to choose verbosity level in the range from 0 to 10. <ul> <li>0, no standard output, </li><li>2, prints the data, quality statistics of the skin and final meshes and indicates when the final mesh is being saved. In addition the software gives indication regarding the CPU time. </li><li>10, same as 2 plus the main steps in the computation, quality statistics histogram of the skin mesh, quality statistics histogram together with the characteristics of the final mesh. </li></ul></li> <li><b>To create new nodes</b> - if this option is checked off, ghs3d tries to create tetrahedrons using only the nodes of the 2D mesh.</li> <li><b>To remove the initial central point</b> TetMesh-GHS3D adds an internal point at the gravity centre of the bounding box to speed up and to simplify the meshing process. However, it is possible to refrain from creating this point by using the command line option -no initial central point. This can be particularly useful to generate a volume mesh without internal points at all and in some rare cases at the boundary regeneration phase when it is impossible to proceed with the standard options (for example, when one dimension of the domain is more than 20 times greater than the other two). Use this option if the boundary regeneration has failed with the standard parameters and before using the recovery version (command line option -C). Note: when using this option, the speed of the meshing process may decrease, and the quality may change. Note: the boundary regeneration may fail with this option, in some rare cases.</li> <li><b>To use boundary recovery version</b> - enables using a boundary recovery module which tries to create volume meshes starting from very poor quality surface meshes (almost flat triangles on the surface, high density propagation, extreme aspect ratios, etc.) which fails with the standard version. The resulting volume mesh will however most likely have a very poor quality (poor aspect ratio of elements, tetrahedra with a very small positive volume).</li> <li><b>To use FEM correction</b> - Applies finite-element correction by replacing overconstrained elements where it is possible. At first the process slices the overconstrained edges and at second the overconstrained facets. This ensures that there are no edges with two boundary vertices and that there are no facets with three boundary vertices. TetMesh-GHS3D gives the initial and final overconstrained edges and facets. It also gives the facets which have three edges on the boundary. Note: when using this option, the speed of the meshing process may decrease, quality may change, and the smallest volume may be smaller. By default, the FEM correction is not used.</li> <li><b>Option as text</b> - allows to input in the command line any text for ghs3d, for example, advanced options. </li> </ul> \ref ghs3d_top "Back to top" \anchor ghs3d_enforced_vertices <h1>Enforced vertices</h1> \note This feature is currently only available on meshes with no geometry attached. Such meshes can be obtained by <ul> <li>Copying an existing mesh</li> <li>Importing a mesh from file</li> <li>Applying a transformation to a mesh a get result in a new mesh</li> </ul> \image html ghs3d_enforced_vertices.png GHS3D algorithm can locally make the mesh finer. It is possible to define enforced vertices in the volume where the mesh will be detailed. A node will be created at the enforced vertex coordinates. An enforced vertex is defined by: <ul> <li>A vertex</li> <ul> <li>from GEOM (Vertex, Compound)</li> <li>or from (x,y,z) cartesian coordinates</li> </ul> <li>A constant physical size</li> <li>If a group name is given, the created node will be added to the group. If the group does not exist, it is created.</li> </ul> \ref ghs3d_top "Back to top" \anchor ghs3d_enforced_meshes <h1>Enforced Meshes</h1> \note This feature is currently only available on meshes with no geometry attached. Such meshes can be obtained by <ul> <li>Copying an existing mesh</li> <li>Importing a mesh from file</li> <li>Applying a transformation to a mesh a get result in a new mesh</li> </ul> \image html ghs3d_enforced_meshes.png GHS3D algorithm can be forced by other meshes, sub-meshes or groups. The constraint elements should be contained entirely into the solid meshed. <ul> <li>The constraint element types are: <ul> <li>NODE</li> <li>EDGE</li> <li>FACE</li> </ul></li> <li>If a size is given, the meshe will be refined around the enforced elements given the size</li> <li>If a group name is given, the enforced elements will be added to the group. If the group does not exist, it is created.</li> </ul> <br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of the \ref tui_ghs3d "creation of a Ghs3D hypothesis", including enforced vertices. \ref ghs3d_top "Back to top" */