<html> <head> <title>Search Form</title> <meta name="generator" content="RoboHelp by eHelp Corporation www.ehelp.com"> <meta name="description" content="WebHelp 5.50"> </head> <style> <!-- body {margin:0;} --> </style> <body bgcolor="#c0c0c0"> <script language="javascript" src="whver.js"></script> <script language="javascript1.2" src="whmsg.js"></script> <script language="javascript1.2" src="whproxy.js"></script> <script language="javascript1.2" src="whutils.js"></script> <script language="javascript1.2" src="whform.js"></script> <script language="javascript1.2"> <!-- var gstrInput = ""; function ftsLookup(bCR) { if (bCR) { var strInput = document.FtsInputForm.keywordField.value.toUpperCase(); if (strInput != "") { var oMsg = new whMessage(WH_MSG_SEARCHFTSKEY, this, 1, strInput); if (!SendMessage(oMsg)) { gstrInput = strInput; } else gstrInput = ""; } if (gbMac) { document.FtsInputForm.keywordField.focus(); } } return; } function beforeInit() { var oParam = new Object(); oParam.sValue = ""; var oMsg = new whMessage(WH_MSG_GETSEARCHS, this, 1, oParam); if (SendMessage(oMsg)) { if (oParam.sValue != "" && oParam.sValue != "- Search -") { document.FtsInputForm.keywordField.value = oParam.sValue; gfunLookUp(true); } } init(); } function window_unload() { UnRegisterListener2(this, WH_MSG_SHOWTOC); UnRegisterListener2(this, WH_MSG_SHOWIDX); UnRegisterListener2(this, WH_MSG_SHOWFTS); UnRegisterListener2(this, WH_MSG_SHOWGLO); UnRegisterListener2(this, WH_MSG_SEARCHTHIS); UnRegisterListener2(this, WH_MSG_BACKUPSEARCH); } function onSendMessage(oMsg) { if (oMsg.nMessageId == WH_MSG_SHOWFTS) { document.FtsInputForm.keywordField.focus(); } else if (oMsg.nMessageId == WH_MSG_SHOWIDX || oMsg.nMessageId == WH_MSG_SHOWTOC || oMsg.nMessageId == WH_MSG_SHOWGLO) { document.FtsInputForm.keywordField.blur(); } else if (oMsg.nMessageId == WH_MSG_SEARCHTHIS) { if (oMsg.oParam != "- Search -") { document.FtsInputForm.keywordField.value = oMsg.oParam; gfunLookUp(true); } } else if (oMsg.nMessageId == WH_MSG_BACKUPSEARCH) { if (gstrInput) { oMsg.oParam = gstrInput; gstrInput = ""; return false; } } return true; } if (window.gbWhForm) { RegisterListener2(this, WH_MSG_SHOWTOC); RegisterListener2(this, WH_MSG_SHOWIDX); RegisterListener2(this, WH_MSG_SHOWFTS); RegisterListener2(this, WH_MSG_SHOWGLO); RegisterListener2(this, WH_MSG_SEARCHTHIS); RegisterListener2(this, WH_MSG_BACKUPSEARCH); gfunLookUp = ftsLookup; gfunInit = null; gstrFormName = "FtsInputForm" gsTitle = "Type in the word(s) to search for:"; gsTitle = "Type in the word(s) to search for:"; setGoImage1(""); setGoText("Go"); setFont("Title", "Arial","9pt","#000000","normal","normal","none"); document.write(getFormHTML()); writeFormStyle(); window.onload = beforeInit; window.onunload=window_unload; } else document.location.reload(); //--> </script> </body> </html>