.. _aspect_ratio_page: 

Aspect Ratio

The **Aspect Ratio** quality criterion for mesh elements reveals the degree of conformity of a mesh element to the regular element of its type (with all edges having the same length).

* The **Aspect Ratio** of a **triangle** 2D element consisting of 3 nodes is calculated by the formula:

	.. image:: ../images/formula4.png
		:align: center

* The **Aspect Ratio** of a **quadrangle** 2D element consisting of 4 nodes is calculated using The Verdict Geometric Quality Library available within VTK. The calculation formula is:

	.. image:: ../images/formula5.png
		:align: center

*To apply the Aspect Ratio quality criterion to your mesh:*

.. |img| image:: ../images/image37.png

#. Display your mesh in the viewer.
#. Choose **Controls > Face Controls > Aspect Ratio** or click *Aspect Ratio* button |img| in the toolbar.
   Your mesh will be displayed in the viewer with its elements colored according to the applied mesh quality control criterion:

	.. image:: ../images/image94.jpg
		:align: center

**See Also** a sample TUI Script of an :ref:`tui_aspect_ratio` filter.