/*! \page adding_quadratic_elements_page Adding Quadratic Elements \n MESH module allows you to work with <b>Quadratic Elements</b>. Quadratic Edge is not a straight but a broken line and can be defined by three points: first, middle and last. All more complex \b Quadratic \b Elements differ from ordinary ones in that they consist of Quadratic Edges. <em>To add a quadratic element to your mesh:</em> <ol> <li>Select your mesh in the Object Browser or in the 3D viewer.</li> <li>From the \b Modification menu choose the \b Add item and select one of the following: \image html image152.png \note All dialogs for adding quadratic element to the mesh provide a possibility to add new element automatically to the specified group or to create it anew using <b>Add to group</b> box, that allows to choose an existing group for the created node or element or to give the name to a new group. By default, the <b>Add to group</b> check box is switched off. If user swiches this check box on, the combo box listing all currently existing groups of the corresponding type becomes available. By default, no any group is selected. In such a case, when user presses <b>Apply</b> or <b>Apply & Close</b> button, the warning message box informing the user about the necessity to input new group name is shown. The combo box lists both \ref standalone_group "standalone groups" and \ref group_on_geom "groups on geometry". If the user has chosen the group on geometry, he is warned and proposed to \ref convert_to_standalone "convert this group to the standalone". If user refuses converting operation, an operation is cancelled and new node/element is not created! To create any <b>Quadratic Element</b> specify the nodes which will form your triangle by selecting them in the 3D viewer with pressed Shift button. Their numbers will appear in the dialog box as <b>Corner Nodes</b> (alternatively you can just input numbers in this field without selection).The edges formed by the corner nodes will appear in the table. To define the middle nodes for each edge double-click on the respective field and input the number of the node. All edges and the object formed by them will be displayed in the Object browser. When all edges are defined you will be able to click \b Apply or <b>Apply and Close</b> button to add the element to the mesh. \image html aqt.png \b Reverse button for Quadratic Edges switches the first and the last nodes. For all other elements it reverses the element. </li> </ol> */