// Copyright (C) 2007-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // File : SMESH_PreMeshInfo.cxx // Created : Fri Feb 10 17:36:39 2012 // Author : Edward AGAPOV (eap) // #include "SMESH_PreMeshInfo.hxx" #include "DriverMED.hxx" #include "DriverMED_R_SMESHDS_Mesh.h" #include "MED_Factory.hxx" #include "SMDS_EdgePosition.hxx" #include "SMDS_FacePosition.hxx" #include "SMDS_SpacePosition.hxx" #include "SMDS_VertexPosition.hxx" #include "SMESHDS_Group.hxx" #include "SMESHDS_GroupOnFilter.hxx" #include "SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx" #include "SMESH_Gen_i.hxx" #include "SMESH_Group_i.hxx" #include "SMESH_Mesh_i.hxx" #include "SMESH_subMesh_i.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SMESH_TryCatch.hxx" #include CORBA_SERVER_HEADER(SALOME_Session) using namespace std; #define MYDEBUGOUT(msg) //std::cout << msg << std::endl; namespace { enum { GroupOnFilter_OutOfDate = -777 }; // count not yet loaded meshes static int theMeshCounter = 0; //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Counts not fully loaded meshes */ //================================================================================ void meshInfoLoaded( SMESH_Mesh_i* /*mesh*/ ) { theMeshCounter++; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Removes temporary files if none of meshes needs them */ //================================================================================ void filesNoMoreNeeded(SMESH_Mesh_i* /*mesh*/, std::string medFile, std::string hdfFile) { if ( --theMeshCounter == 0 ) { std::string tmpDir = SALOMEDS_Tool::GetDirFromPath( hdfFile ); SALOMEDS_Tool::ListOfFiles aFiles; aFiles.reserve(2); medFile = SALOMEDS_Tool::GetNameFromPath( medFile ) + ".med"; hdfFile = SALOMEDS_Tool::GetNameFromPath( hdfFile ) + ".hdf"; aFiles.push_back(medFile.c_str()); aFiles.push_back(hdfFile.c_str()); SALOMEDS_Tool::RemoveTemporaryFiles( tmpDir.c_str(), aFiles, true ); } } //============================================================================= /*! * \brief Class sending signals on start and finish of loading */ //============================================================================= class SignalToGUI { std::string _messagePrefix; SALOME::Session_var _session; public: SignalToGUI( SMESH_Mesh_i* mesh ) { SMESH_Gen_i* gen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen(); SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap meshSO = gen->ObjectToSObject( mesh->_this() ); CORBA::Object_var obj = gen->GetNS()->Resolve( "/Kernel/Session" ); _session = SALOME::Session::_narrow( obj ); if ( !meshSO->_is_nil() && !_session->_is_nil() ) { CORBA::String_var meshEntry = meshSO->GetID(); _messagePrefix = "SMESH/mesh_loading/"; _messagePrefix += meshEntry.in(); std::string msgToGUI = _messagePrefix + "/"; msgToGUI += SMESH_Comment( mesh->NbNodes() ); msgToGUI += "/"; msgToGUI += SMESH_Comment( mesh->NbElements() ); _session->emitMessageOneWay( msgToGUI.c_str()); } } void sendStop() { if ( !_messagePrefix.empty() ) { std::string msgToGUI = _messagePrefix + "/stop"; _session->emitMessageOneWay( msgToGUI.c_str()); _messagePrefix.clear(); } } ~SignalToGUI() { sendStop(); } }; //============================================================================= /*! * \brief Creates SMDS_Position according to shape type */ //============================================================================= class PositionCreator { public: SMDS_PositionPtr MakePosition(const TopAbs_ShapeEnum type) { return (this->*myFuncTable[ type ])(); } PositionCreator() { myFuncTable.resize( (size_t) TopAbs_SHAPE, & PositionCreator::defaultPosition ); myFuncTable[ TopAbs_SOLID ] = & PositionCreator::volumePosition; myFuncTable[ TopAbs_FACE ] = & PositionCreator::facePosition; myFuncTable[ TopAbs_EDGE ] = & PositionCreator::edgePosition; myFuncTable[ TopAbs_VERTEX ] = & PositionCreator::vertexPosition; } private: SMDS_PositionPtr edgePosition() const { return SMDS_PositionPtr( new SMDS_EdgePosition ); } SMDS_PositionPtr facePosition() const { return SMDS_PositionPtr( new SMDS_FacePosition ); } SMDS_PositionPtr volumePosition() const { return SMDS_PositionPtr( new SMDS_SpacePosition ); } SMDS_PositionPtr vertexPosition() const { return SMDS_PositionPtr( new SMDS_VertexPosition); } SMDS_PositionPtr defaultPosition() const { return SMDS_SpacePosition::originSpacePosition(); } typedef SMDS_PositionPtr (PositionCreator:: * FmakePos)() const; std::vector myFuncTable; }; //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Returns ids of simple shapes composing a complex one */ //================================================================================ std::vector getSimpleSubMeshIds( SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS, int shapeId ) { std::vector ids; std::list shapeQueue( 1, meshDS->IndexToShape( shapeId )); std::list::iterator shape = shapeQueue.begin(); for ( ; shape != shapeQueue.end(); ++shape ) { if ( shape->IsNull() ) continue; if ( shape->ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND || shape->ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPSOLID ) { for ( TopoDS_Iterator it( *shape ); it.More(); it.Next() ) shapeQueue.push_back( it.Value() ); } else { ids.push_back( meshDS->ShapeToIndex( *shape )); } } return ids; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return EEntiteMaillage by EGeometrieElement */ //================================================================================ MED::EEntiteMaillage entityByGeom(const MED::EGeometrieElement geom ) { return geom == MED::eBALL ? MED::eSTRUCT_ELEMENT : MED::eMAILLE; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return a map< EGeometrieElement, SMDSAbs_EntityType > */ //================================================================================ typedef std::map< MED::EGeometrieElement, SMDSAbs_EntityType > Tmed2smeshElemTypeMap; const Tmed2smeshElemTypeMap& med2smeshElemTypeMap() { static Tmed2smeshElemTypeMap med2smeshTypes; if ( med2smeshTypes.empty() ) { for ( int iG = 0; iG < SMDSEntity_Last; ++iG ) { SMDSAbs_EntityType smdsType = (SMDSAbs_EntityType) iG; MED::EGeometrieElement medType = (MED::EGeometrieElement) DriverMED::GetMedGeoType( smdsType ); med2smeshTypes.insert( std::make_pair( medType, smdsType )); } } return med2smeshTypes; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Writes meshInfo into a HDF file */ //================================================================================ void meshInfo2hdf( SMESH::long_array_var meshInfo, const std::string& name, HDFgroup* hdfGroup) { // we use med identification of element (MED::EGeometrieElement) types // but not enum SMDSAbs_EntityType because values of SMDSAbs_EntityType may // change at insertion of new items in the middle. //const vector& medTypes = mesh2medElemType(); std::vector data; for ( size_t i = 0; i < meshInfo->length(); ++i ) if ( meshInfo[i] > 0 || meshInfo[i] == GroupOnFilter_OutOfDate ) { data.push_back( DriverMED::GetMedGeoType( SMDSAbs_EntityType( i ))); //medTypes[ i ] ); data.push_back( meshInfo[ i ] ); } if ( !data.empty() ) { hdf_size datasetSize[] = { data.size() }; HDFarray* anArray = new HDFarray(0, HDF_INT32, 1, datasetSize); anArray->CreateOnDisk(); datasetSize[0] = 1; HDFdataset* dataset = new HDFdataset( name.c_str(), hdfGroup, HDF_ARRAY, datasetSize, 1 ); dataset->SetArrayId(anArray->GetId()); dataset->CreateOnDisk(); dataset->WriteOnDisk( & data[0] ); dataset->CloseOnDisk(); anArray->CloseOnDisk(); } } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Reads meshInfo from a HDF file */ //================================================================================ void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::hdf2meshInfo( const std::string& name, HDFgroup* hdfGroup, const TColStd_MapOfAsciiString& allHdfNames) { //if ( hdfGroup->ExistInternalObject( name.c_str()) ) PAL23514 if ( allHdfNames.Contains( name.c_str() )) { HDFdataset* dataset = new HDFdataset( name.c_str(), hdfGroup ); dataset->OpenOnDisk(); // // hdf_size datasetSize[ 1 ]; // // HDFarray *array = new HDFarray(dataset); // // array->GetDim( datasetSize ); // int size = dataset->GetSize(); std::vector info( SMDSEntity_Last * 2, 0 ); dataset->ReadFromDisk( &info[0] ); dataset->CloseOnDisk(); const Tmed2smeshElemTypeMap& med2smesh = med2smeshElemTypeMap(); Tmed2smeshElemTypeMap::const_iterator me2sme, me2smeEnd = med2smesh.end(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < info.size(); ) { int medType = info[i++]; int nbElems = info[i++]; if ( !nbElems ) break; me2sme = med2smesh.find( (MED::EGeometrieElement) medType ); if ( me2sme != me2smeEnd ) setNb( me2sme->second, nbElems ); } } _isInfoOk = true; if ( NbNodes() == GroupOnFilter_OutOfDate ) // case of !SMESHDS_GroupOnFilter::IsUpToDate() { _isInfoOk = false; setNb( SMDSEntity_Node, 0 ); } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Constructor callable by SMESH_PreMeshInfo only */ //================================================================================ SMESH_PreMeshInfo::SMESH_PreMeshInfo(SMESH_Mesh_i* mesh, const int meshID, const std::string& medFile, const std::string& hdfFile) : _medFileName( medFile ), _hdfFileName( hdfFile ), _toRemoveFiles( false ), _meshID( meshID ), _mesh( mesh ), _isInfoOk( false ), _elemCounter( 0 ) { } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Release temporary files */ //================================================================================ SMESH_PreMeshInfo::~SMESH_PreMeshInfo() { if ( _toRemoveFiles ) // it can be true only for SMESH_PreMeshInfo of the mesh filesNoMoreNeeded( _mesh, _medFileName, _hdfFileName ); _toRemoveFiles = false; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief fills SMESH_PreMeshInfo field of all objects of mesh */ //================================================================================ void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::LoadFromFile( SMESH_Mesh_i* mesh, const int meshID, const std::string& medFile, const std::string& hdfFile, const bool toRemoveFiles) { SMESH_TRY; SMESH_PreMeshInfo* meshPreInfo = new SMESH_PreMeshInfo( mesh,meshID,medFile,hdfFile ); mesh->changePreMeshInfo() = meshPreInfo; meshPreInfo->_toRemoveFiles = toRemoveFiles; if ( toRemoveFiles ) meshInfoLoaded( mesh ); if ( meshPreInfo->readPreInfoFromHDF() ) // all SMESH_PreMeshInfo's are stored in HDF file (written after // implementing SMESH_PreMeshInfo) return; // try to read SMESH_PreMeshInfo from med file (as study is older than SMESH_PreMeshInfo) if ( meshPreInfo->readMeshInfo() ) { meshPreInfo->readGroupInfo(); meshPreInfo->readSubMeshInfo(); } else { meshPreInfo->FullLoadFromFile(); } SMESH_CATCH( SMESH::doNothing ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Tries to read all SMESH_PreMeshInfo from a HDF file * \retval bool - true if succeeded * * This method is symmetrical to SaveToFile() */ //================================================================================ bool SMESH_PreMeshInfo::readPreInfoFromHDF() { HDFfile* aFile = new HDFfile( (char*) _hdfFileName.c_str() ); aFile->OpenOnDisk( HDF_RDONLY ); SMESH_Comment hdfGroupName("SMESH_PreMeshInfo"); hdfGroupName << _meshID; const bool infoAvailable = aFile->ExistInternalObject( hdfGroupName ); if ( infoAvailable ) { HDFgroup* infoHdfGroup = new HDFgroup( hdfGroupName, aFile ); infoHdfGroup->OpenOnDisk(); // PAL23514: get all names from the HDFgroup to avoid iteration on its contents // within aGroup->ExistInternalObject( name ) TColStd_MapOfAsciiString mapOfNames; { std::vector< std::string > subNames; infoHdfGroup->GetAllObjects( subNames ); for ( size_t iN = 0; iN < subNames.size(); ++iN ) mapOfNames.Add( subNames[ iN ].c_str() ); } _mesh->changePreMeshInfo()->hdf2meshInfo( "Mesh", infoHdfGroup, mapOfNames ); // read SMESH_PreMeshInfo of groups map::const_iterator i2group = _mesh->_mapGroups.begin(); for ( ; i2group != _mesh->_mapGroups.end(); ++i2group ) { if ( SMESH_GroupBase_i* group_i = SMESH::DownCast( i2group->second )) { group_i->changePreMeshInfo() = newInstance(); if ( SMESHDS_GroupBase* group = group_i->GetGroupDS() ) { const std::string name = group->GetStoreName(); group_i->changePreMeshInfo()->hdf2meshInfo( name, infoHdfGroup, mapOfNames ); } } } // read SMESH_PreMeshInfo of sub-meshes map::iterator id2sm = _mesh->_mapSubMeshIor.begin(); for ( ; id2sm != _mesh->_mapSubMeshIor.end(); ++id2sm ) { if ( SMESH_subMesh_i* sm = SMESH::DownCast( id2sm->second )) { sm->changePreMeshInfo() = newInstance(); sm->changePreMeshInfo()->hdf2meshInfo( SMESH_Comment( sm->GetId()), infoHdfGroup, mapOfNames ); } } infoHdfGroup->CloseOnDisk(); } aFile->CloseOnDisk(); delete aFile; return infoAvailable; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Reads mesh info of mesh from the med file */ //================================================================================ bool SMESH_PreMeshInfo::readMeshInfo() { _isInfoOk = true; MED::PWrapper aMed = MED::CrWrapperR(_medFileName); MED::PMeshInfo medMeshInfo = aMed->CrMeshInfo(3,3,SMESH_Comment( _meshID )); // read nb nodes int nbNodes = Max( 0, aMed->GetNbNodes( medMeshInfo )); if ( nbNodes > 0 ) { setNb( SMDSEntity_Node, nbNodes); // read nb of elements Tmed2smeshElemTypeMap::const_iterator me2sme = med2smeshElemTypeMap().begin(); Tmed2smeshElemTypeMap::const_iterator me2smeEnd = med2smeshElemTypeMap().end(); for ( ; me2sme != me2smeEnd; ++me2sme ) { int nbElems = aMed->GetNbCells( medMeshInfo, entityByGeom(me2sme->first), me2sme->first ); if ( nbElems > 0 ) setNb( me2sme->second, nbElems ); } } return true; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Reads info of groups from the med file */ //================================================================================ void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::readGroupInfo() { if ( _mesh->_mapGroups.empty() ) return; // make SMESH_PreMeshInfo of groups map< std::string, SMESH_PreMeshInfo* > name2GroupInfo; map::const_iterator i2group = _mesh->_mapGroups.begin(); for ( ; i2group != _mesh->_mapGroups.end(); ++i2group ) { if ( SMESH_GroupBase_i* group_i = SMESH::DownCast( i2group->second )) { SMESH_PreMeshInfo* info = newInstance(); group_i->changePreMeshInfo() = info; if ( SMESHDS_Group* group = dynamic_cast< SMESHDS_Group* >( group_i->GetGroupDS() )) { std::string name = group->GetStoreName(); name2GroupInfo.insert( std::make_pair( name, info )); info->_isInfoOk = true; } } } map< int, vector< SMESH_PreMeshInfo* > > famId2grInfo; MED::PWrapper aMed = MED::CrWrapperR(_medFileName); MED::PMeshInfo medMeshInfo = aMed->CrMeshInfo(3,3,SMESH_Comment( _meshID )); // read families to fill in famId2grInfo int nbFams = aMed->GetNbFamilies( medMeshInfo ); if ( nbFams <= 1 ) return; // zero family is always present for ( int iF = 0; iF <= nbFams; ++iF ) { int nbGroups = aMed->GetNbFamGroup( iF, medMeshInfo ); if ( nbGroups < 1 ) continue; MED::PFamilyInfo medFamInfo = aMed->CrFamilyInfo( medMeshInfo, nbGroups, nbGroups ); aMed->GetFamilyInfo( iF, medFamInfo ); // read groups of a family vector< SMESH_PreMeshInfo* >& grInfoVec = famId2grInfo[ medFamInfo->GetId() ]; for ( int iG = 0; iG < nbGroups; ++iG ) { const std::string grName = medFamInfo->GetGroupName( iG ); map< std::string, SMESH_PreMeshInfo* >::iterator n2i = name2GroupInfo.find( grName ); if ( n2i != name2GroupInfo.end() ) grInfoVec.push_back( n2i->second ); } } // read family numbers of elements Tmed2smeshElemTypeMap::const_iterator me2sme = med2smeshElemTypeMap().begin(); Tmed2smeshElemTypeMap::const_iterator me2smeEnd = med2smeshElemTypeMap().end(); MED::PElemInfo medElemInfo = aMed->CrElemInfo( medMeshInfo, 0 ); MED::TIntVector& famNums = medElemInfo->myFamNum; for ( ; me2sme != me2smeEnd; ++me2sme ) // loop on elem types { famNums.resize( NbEntities( me2sme->second )); if ( famNums.empty() ) continue; aMed->GetFamilies( medElemInfo, famNums.size(), entityByGeom(me2sme->first), me2sme->first ); // distribute elements of a type among groups map< int, vector< SMESH_PreMeshInfo* > >::iterator f2infos = famId2grInfo.begin(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < famNums.size(); ++i ) { if ( famNums[i] != f2infos->first ) { f2infos = famId2grInfo.find( famNums[i] ); if ( f2infos == famId2grInfo.end() ) f2infos = famId2grInfo.insert ( std::make_pair( famNums[i], vector< SMESH_PreMeshInfo*>())).first; } vector< SMESH_PreMeshInfo* >& infoVec = f2infos->second ; for ( size_t j = 0; j < infoVec.size(); ++j ) infoVec[j]->_elemCounter++; } // pass _elemCounter to a real elem type map< std::string, SMESH_PreMeshInfo* >::iterator n2i = name2GroupInfo.begin(); for ( ; n2i != name2GroupInfo.end(); ++n2i ) { SMESH_PreMeshInfo* info = n2i->second; info->setNb( me2sme->second, info->_elemCounter ); info->_elemCounter = 0; } } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Reads info of sub-meshes from hdf file of old study */ //================================================================================ void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::readSubMeshInfo() { if ( _mesh->_mapSubMeshIor.empty() ) return; // create SMESH_PreMeshInfo of sub-meshes map::iterator id2sm = _mesh->_mapSubMeshIor.begin(); for ( ; id2sm != _mesh->_mapSubMeshIor.end(); ++id2sm ) { if ( SMESH_subMesh_i* sm = SMESH::DownCast( id2sm->second )) { sm->changePreMeshInfo() = newInstance(); sm->changePreMeshInfo()->_isInfoOk = true; } } // try to read HDFfile* aFile = new HDFfile( (char*) _hdfFileName.c_str() ); aFile->OpenOnDisk( HDF_RDONLY ); char meshGrpName[ 30 ]; sprintf( meshGrpName, "Mesh %d", _meshID ); if ( aFile->ExistInternalObject( meshGrpName ) ) { HDFgroup* aTopGroup = new HDFgroup( meshGrpName, aFile ); aTopGroup->OpenOnDisk(); if ( aTopGroup->ExistInternalObject( "Submeshes" )) { HDFgroup* aGroup = new HDFgroup( "Submeshes", aTopGroup ); aGroup->OpenOnDisk(); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = _mesh->GetImpl().GetMeshDS(); int maxSmId = Max( meshDS->MaxSubMeshIndex(), meshDS->MaxShapeIndex() ); for ( int isNode = 0; isNode < 2; ++isNode ) { std::string aDSName( isNode ? "Node Submeshes" : "Element Submeshes"); if ( aGroup->ExistInternalObject( (char*) aDSName.c_str() )) { // read sub-mesh id of all nodes or elems HDFdataset* aDataset = new HDFdataset( (char*) aDSName.c_str(), aGroup ); aDataset->OpenOnDisk(); int nbElems = aDataset->GetSize(); int* smIDs = new int [ nbElems ]; aDataset->ReadFromDisk( smIDs ); aDataset->CloseOnDisk(); // count nb elems in each sub-mesh vector nbBySubmeshId( maxSmId + 1, 0 ); for ( int i = 0; i < nbElems; ++i ) { const int smID = smIDs[ i ]; if ( smID < (int) nbBySubmeshId.size() ) nbBySubmeshId[ smID ]++; } delete [] smIDs; // store nb elems in SMESH_PreMeshInfo of sub-meshes map::iterator id2sm = _mesh->_mapSubMeshIor.begin(); for ( ; id2sm != _mesh->_mapSubMeshIor.end(); ++id2sm ) { if ( SMESH_subMesh_i* sm = SMESH::DownCast( id2sm->second )) { SMESH_PreMeshInfo* & info = sm->changePreMeshInfo(); vector smIds = getSimpleSubMeshIds( meshDS, id2sm->first ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < smIds.size(); ++i ) info->_elemCounter += nbBySubmeshId[ smIds[i] ]; SMDSAbs_EntityType elemType; if ( isNode ) { elemType = SMDSEntity_Node; } else { bool koElemType = false; const TopoDS_Shape& shape = meshDS->IndexToShape( smIds[0] ); elemType = getElemType( shape.ShapeType(), info->_elemCounter, koElemType ); info->_isInfoOk = !koElemType; } info->setNb( elemType, info->_elemCounter ); } } } // if ( aGroup->ExistInternalObject( aDSName )) } // for ( int isNode = 0; isNode < 2; ++isNode ) aGroup->CloseOnDisk(); } // if ( aTopGroup->ExistInternalObject( "Submeshes" )) aTopGroup->CloseOnDisk(); } // if ( aFile->ExistInternalObject( meshGrpName ) ) aFile->CloseOnDisk(); delete aFile; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return type of element for sub-mesh on a shape of given type */ //================================================================================ SMDSAbs_EntityType SMESH_PreMeshInfo::getElemType( const TopAbs_ShapeEnum shapeType, const int nbElemsInSubMesh, bool& isKoType) const { isKoType = false; int type, typeEnd; SMESH_PreMeshInfo* meshInfo = _mesh->changePreMeshInfo(); switch ( shapeType ) { case TopAbs_SOLID: type = SMDSEntity_Tetra; typeEnd = SMDSEntity_Last; isKoType = ( meshInfo->NbVolumes() != nbElemsInSubMesh ); break; case TopAbs_FACE: case TopAbs_SHELL: type = SMDSEntity_Triangle; typeEnd = SMDSEntity_Tetra; isKoType = ( meshInfo->NbFaces() != nbElemsInSubMesh ); break; case TopAbs_WIRE: case TopAbs_EDGE: return SMDSEntity_Edge; case TopAbs_VERTEX: return SMDSEntity_0D; default: return SMDSEntity_Last; } if ( !isKoType ) { for ( int t = type; t < typeEnd; ++t ) if ( nbElemsInSubMesh == meshInfo->NbEntities( SMDSAbs_EntityType( t ))) return SMDSAbs_EntityType( t ); } isKoType = true; return SMDSAbs_EntityType( type ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Saves SMESH_PreMeshInfo to the study file */ //================================================================================ void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::SaveToFile( SMESH_Mesh_i* mesh, const int meshID, HDFfile* hdfFile) { // create a HDF group for SMESH_PreMeshInfo of this mesh SMESH_Comment hdfGroupName("SMESH_PreMeshInfo"); hdfGroupName << meshID; HDFgroup* infoHdfGroup = new HDFgroup( hdfGroupName, hdfFile ); infoHdfGroup->CreateOnDisk(); SMESH_TRY; // info of mesh meshInfo2hdf( mesh->GetMeshInfo(), "Mesh", infoHdfGroup ); // info of groups SMESH_PreMeshInfo incompleteInfo( 0,0,"",""); incompleteInfo.setNb( SMDSEntity_Node, GroupOnFilter_OutOfDate ); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh->GetImpl().GetMeshDS(); map::const_iterator i2group = mesh->_mapGroups.begin(); for ( ; i2group != mesh->_mapGroups.end(); ++i2group ) { if ( SMESH_GroupBase_i* group_i = SMESH::DownCast( i2group->second )) { SMESHDS_GroupBase * group = group_i->GetGroupDS(); if ( SMESHDS_GroupOnFilter* gof = dynamic_cast(group)) { // prevent too long storage time due to applying filter to many elements if ( !gof->IsUpToDate() && meshDS->GetMeshInfo().NbElements( gof->GetType() ) > 1e5 ) { meshInfo2hdf( incompleteInfo.GetMeshInfo(), group->GetStoreName(), infoHdfGroup); continue; } } meshInfo2hdf( group_i->GetMeshInfo(), group->GetStoreName(), infoHdfGroup); } } // info of sub-meshes map::iterator id2sm = mesh->_mapSubMeshIor.begin(); for ( ; id2sm != mesh->_mapSubMeshIor.end(); ++id2sm ) { if ( SMESH_subMesh_i* sm = SMESH::DownCast( id2sm->second )) { meshInfo2hdf( sm->GetMeshInfo(), SMESH_Comment( sm->GetId() ), infoHdfGroup); } } SMESH_CATCH( SMESH::doNothing ); infoHdfGroup->CloseOnDisk(); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Reads all data and remove all SMESH_PreMeshInfo fields from objects */ //================================================================================ void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::FullLoadFromFile() const { SignalToGUI signalOnLoading( _mesh ); SMESH_PreMeshInfo* meshInfo = _mesh->changePreMeshInfo(); _mesh->changePreMeshInfo() = NULL; // to allow GUI accessing to real info ::SMESH_Mesh& mesh = _mesh->GetImpl(); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh.GetMeshDS(); SMESH_TRY; MYDEBUGOUT( "BEG FullLoadFromFile() " << _meshID ); // load mesh DriverMED_R_SMESHDS_Mesh myReader; myReader.SetFile( _medFileName.c_str() ); myReader.SetMesh( meshDS ); myReader.SetMeshId( _meshID ); myReader.Perform(); // load groups const set& groups = meshDS->GetGroups(); set::const_iterator groupIt = groups.begin(); for ( ; groupIt != groups.end(); ++groupIt ) if ( SMESHDS_Group* aGrp = dynamic_cast( *groupIt )) myReader.GetGroup( aGrp ); // load sub-meshes readSubMeshes( &myReader ); SMESH_CATCH( SMESH::doNothing ); _mesh->changePreMeshInfo() = meshInfo; ForgetAllData(); signalOnLoading.sendStop(); meshDS->Modified(); // load dependent meshes referring/referred via hypotheses SMESH_subMesh* mainSub = mesh.GetSubMesh( mesh.GetShapeToMesh() ); mainSub->ComputeStateEngine (SMESH_subMesh::SUBMESH_RESTORED); // #16648 mainSub->ComputeStateEngine (SMESH_subMesh::SUBMESH_LOADED); MYDEBUGOUT( "END FullLoadFromFile()" ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Reads full data of sub-meshes */ //================================================================================ void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::readSubMeshes(DriverMED_R_SMESHDS_Mesh* reader) const { HDFfile* aFile = new HDFfile( (char*) _hdfFileName.c_str() ); aFile->OpenOnDisk( HDF_RDONLY ); char meshGrpName[ 30 ]; sprintf( meshGrpName, "Mesh %d", _meshID ); if ( aFile->ExistInternalObject( meshGrpName ) ) { HDFgroup* aTopGroup = new HDFgroup( meshGrpName, aFile ); aTopGroup->OpenOnDisk(); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = _mesh->GetImpl().GetMeshDS(); // issue 0020693. Restore _isModified flag if ( aTopGroup->ExistInternalObject( "_isModified" )) { HDFdataset* aDataset = new HDFdataset( "_isModified", aTopGroup ); aDataset->OpenOnDisk(); hdf_size size = aDataset->GetSize(); int* isModified = new int[ size ]; aDataset->ReadFromDisk( isModified ); aDataset->CloseOnDisk(); _mesh->GetImpl().SetIsModified( bool(*isModified)); delete [] isModified; } bool submeshesInFamilies = ( ! aTopGroup->ExistInternalObject( "Submeshes" )); if ( submeshesInFamilies ) // from MED { // old way working before fix of PAL 12992 reader->CreateAllSubMeshes(); } else { // open a group HDFgroup* aGroup = new HDFgroup( "Submeshes", aTopGroup ); aGroup->OpenOnDisk(); int maxID = Max( meshDS->MaxSubMeshIndex(), meshDS->MaxShapeIndex() ); vector< SMESHDS_SubMesh * > subMeshes( maxID + 1, (SMESHDS_SubMesh*) 0 ); vector< TopAbs_ShapeEnum > smType ( maxID + 1, TopAbs_SHAPE ); PositionCreator aPositionCreator; SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = meshDS->nodesIterator(); SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr eIt = meshDS->elementsIterator(); for ( int isNode = 0; isNode < 2; ++isNode ) { std::string aDSName( isNode ? "Node Submeshes" : "Element Submeshes"); if ( aGroup->ExistInternalObject( (char*) aDSName.c_str() )) { HDFdataset* aDataset = new HDFdataset( (char*) aDSName.c_str(), aGroup ); aDataset->OpenOnDisk(); // read submesh IDs for all elements sorted by ID size_t nbElems = aDataset->GetSize(); int* smIDs = new int [ nbElems ]; aDataset->ReadFromDisk( smIDs ); aDataset->CloseOnDisk(); // get elements sorted by ID TIDSortedElemSet elemSet; if ( isNode ) while ( nIt->more() ) elemSet.insert( elemSet.end(), nIt->next() ); else while ( eIt->more() ) elemSet.insert( elemSet.end(), eIt->next() ); //ASSERT( elemSet.size() == nbElems ); -- issue 20182 // -- Most probably a bad study was saved when there were // not fixed bugs in SMDS_MeshInfo if ( elemSet.size() < nbElems ) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ cout << "SMESH_Gen_i::Load(), warning: Node position data is invalid" << endl; #endif nbElems = elemSet.size(); } // add elements to sub-meshes TIDSortedElemSet::iterator iE = elemSet.begin(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < nbElems; ++i, ++iE ) { int smID = smIDs[ i ]; if ( smID == 0 ) continue; const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = *iE; if ( smID > maxID ) { // corresponding subshape no longer exists: maybe geom group has been edited if ( _mesh->GetImpl().HasShapeToMesh() ) meshDS->RemoveElement( elem ); continue; } // get or create submesh SMESHDS_SubMesh* & sm = subMeshes[ smID ]; if ( ! sm ) { sm = meshDS->NewSubMesh( smID ); smType[ smID ] = meshDS->IndexToShape( smID ).ShapeType(); } // add if ( isNode ) { SMDS_PositionPtr pos = aPositionCreator.MakePosition( smType[ smID ]); SMDS_MeshNode* node = const_cast( static_cast( elem )); node->SetPosition( pos, sm->GetID() ); sm->AddNode( node ); } else { sm->AddElement( elem ); } } delete [] smIDs; } } } // end reading submeshes // Read node positions on sub-shapes (SMDS_Position) if ( aTopGroup->ExistInternalObject( "Node Positions" )) { // There are 5 datasets to read: // "Nodes on Edges" - ID of node on edge // "Edge positions" - U parameter on node on edge // "Nodes on Faces" - ID of node on face // "Face U positions" - U parameter of node on face // "Face V positions" - V parameter of node on face const char* aEid_DSName = "Nodes on Edges"; const char* aEu_DSName = "Edge positions"; const char* aFu_DSName = "Face U positions"; //char* aFid_DSName = "Nodes on Faces"; //char* aFv_DSName = "Face V positions"; // data to retrieve int nbEids = 0, nbFids = 0; int *aEids = 0, *aFids = 0; double *aEpos = 0, *aFupos = 0, *aFvpos = 0; // open a group HDFgroup* aGroup = new HDFgroup( "Node Positions", aTopGroup ); aGroup->OpenOnDisk(); // loop on 5 data sets int aNbObjects = aGroup->nInternalObjects(); for ( int i = 0; i < aNbObjects; i++ ) { // identify dataset char aDSName[ HDF_NAME_MAX_LEN+1 ]; aGroup->InternalObjectIndentify( i, aDSName ); // read data HDFdataset* aDataset = new HDFdataset( aDSName, aGroup ); aDataset->OpenOnDisk(); if ( aDataset->GetType() == HDF_FLOAT64 ) // Positions { double* pos = new double [ aDataset->GetSize() ]; aDataset->ReadFromDisk( pos ); // which one? if ( strncmp( aDSName, aEu_DSName, strlen( aEu_DSName )) == 0 ) aEpos = pos; else if ( strncmp( aDSName, aFu_DSName, strlen( aFu_DSName )) == 0 ) aFupos = pos; else aFvpos = pos; } else // NODE IDS { int aSize = aDataset->GetSize(); // for reading files, created from 18.07.2005 till 10.10.2005 if (aDataset->GetType() == HDF_STRING) aSize /= sizeof(int); int* ids = new int [aSize]; aDataset->ReadFromDisk( ids ); // on face or nodes? if ( strncmp( aDSName, aEid_DSName, strlen( aEid_DSName )) == 0 ) { aEids = ids; nbEids = aSize; } else { aFids = ids; nbFids = aSize; } } aDataset->CloseOnDisk(); } // loop on 5 datasets // Set node positions on edges or faces for ( int onFace = 0; onFace < 2; onFace++ ) { int nbNodes = ( onFace ? nbFids : nbEids ); if ( nbNodes == 0 ) continue; int* aNodeIDs = ( onFace ? aFids : aEids ); double* aUPos = ( onFace ? aFupos : aEpos ); double* aVPos = ( onFace ? aFvpos : 0 ); // loop on node IDs for ( int iNode = 0; iNode < nbNodes; iNode++ ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* node = meshDS->FindNode( aNodeIDs[ iNode ]); if ( !node ) continue; // maybe removed while Loading() if geometry changed SMDS_PositionPtr aPos = node->GetPosition(); ASSERT( aPos ); if ( onFace ) { // ASSERT( aPos->GetTypeOfPosition() == SMDS_TOP_FACE );-- issue 20182 // -- Most probably a bad study was saved when there were // not fixed bugs in SMDS_MeshInfo if ( aPos->GetTypeOfPosition() == SMDS_TOP_FACE ) { SMDS_FacePositionPtr fPos = aPos; fPos->SetUParameter( aUPos[ iNode ]); fPos->SetVParameter( aVPos[ iNode ]); } } else { // ASSERT( aPos->GetTypeOfPosition() == SMDS_TOP_EDGE );-- issue 20182 if ( aPos->GetTypeOfPosition() == SMDS_TOP_EDGE ) { SMDS_EdgePositionPtr ePos = aPos; ePos->SetUParameter( aUPos[ iNode ]); } } } } if ( aEids ) delete [] aEids; if ( aFids ) delete [] aFids; if ( aEpos ) delete [] aEpos; if ( aFupos ) delete [] aFupos; if ( aFvpos ) delete [] aFvpos; aGroup->CloseOnDisk(); } // if ( aTopGroup->ExistInternalObject( "Node Positions" ) ) aTopGroup->CloseOnDisk(); } // if ( aFile->ExistInternalObject( meshGrpName ) ) aFile->CloseOnDisk(); delete aFile; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Remove all SMESH_PreMeshInfo fields from objects w/o data loading */ //================================================================================ void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::ForgetAllData() const { SMESH_TRY; if ( _mesh->changePreMeshInfo() != this ) return _mesh->changePreMeshInfo()->ForgetAllData(); // remove SMESH_PreMeshInfo from groups map::const_iterator i2group = _mesh->_mapGroups.begin(); for ( ; i2group != _mesh->_mapGroups.end(); ++i2group ) { if ( SMESH_GroupBase_i* group_i = SMESH::DownCast( i2group->second )) { SMESH_PreMeshInfo* & info = group_i->changePreMeshInfo(); delete info; info = NULL; } } // remove SMESH_PreMeshInfo from sub-meshes map::iterator id2sm = _mesh->_mapSubMeshIor.begin(); for ( ; id2sm != _mesh->_mapSubMeshIor.end(); ++id2sm ) { if ( SMESH_subMesh_i* sm_i = SMESH::DownCast( id2sm->second )) { SMESH_PreMeshInfo* & info = sm_i->changePreMeshInfo(); delete info; info = NULL; } } // remove SMESH_PreMeshInfo from the mesh _mesh->changePreMeshInfo() = NULL; delete this; SMESH_CATCH( SMESH::doNothing ); // Finalize loading // SMESH_TRY; // ::SMESH_Mesh& mesh = _mesh->GetImpl(); // // update hyps needing full mesh data restored (issue 20918) // // map::iterator id2hyp= _mesh->_mapHypo.begin(); // // for ( ; id2hyp != _mesh->_mapHypo.end(); ++id2hyp ) // // if ( SMESH_Hypothesis_i* hyp = SMESH::DownCast( id2hyp->second )) // // hyp->UpdateAsMeshesRestored(); // SMESH_CATCH( SMESH::doNothing ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief remove all SMESH_PreMeshInfo fields from mesh and its child objects w/o data loading */ //================================================================================ void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::ForgetAllData( SMESH_Mesh_i* mesh ) { if ( mesh && mesh->changePreMeshInfo() ) mesh->changePreMeshInfo()->ForgetAllData(); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Calls either FullLoadFromFile() or ForgetAllData() depending on preferences */ //================================================================================ void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::ForgetOrLoad() const { if ( SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen()->ToForgetMeshDataOnHypModif() && _mesh->HasShapeToMesh()) ForgetAllData(); else FullLoadFromFile(); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Method of SMESH_IDSource interface */ //================================================================================ SMESH::array_of_ElementType* SMESH_PreMeshInfo::GetTypes() const { SMESH::array_of_ElementType_var types = new SMESH::array_of_ElementType; types->length( 4 ); int nbTypes = 0; if (NbEdges()) types[nbTypes++] = SMESH::EDGE; if (NbFaces()) types[nbTypes++] = SMESH::FACE; if (NbVolumes()) types[nbTypes++] = SMESH::VOLUME; if (Nb0DElements()) types[nbTypes++] = SMESH::ELEM0D; if (NbBalls()) types[nbTypes++] = SMESH::BALL; types->length( nbTypes ); return types._retn(); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Method of SMESH_IDSource interface returning nb elements by element type */ //================================================================================ SMESH::long_array* SMESH_PreMeshInfo::GetMeshInfo() const { SMESH::long_array_var aRes = new SMESH::long_array(); aRes->length(SMESH::Entity_Last); for (int i = SMESH::Entity_Node; i < SMESH::Entity_Last; i++) aRes[i] = 0; for (int i = SMESH::Entity_Node; i < SMESH::Entity_Last; i++) aRes[i] = NbEntities((SMDSAbs_EntityType)i); return aRes._retn(); } //================================================================================ /*! * Returns false if GetMeshInfo() returns incorrect information that may * happen if mesh data is not yet fully loaded from the file of study. */ //================================================================================ bool SMESH_PreMeshInfo::IsMeshInfoCorrect() const { return _isInfoOk; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief TEMPORARY method to remove study files on closing study; * RIGHT WAY: study files are remove automatically when meshes are destroyed */ //================================================================================ void SMESH_PreMeshInfo::RemoveStudyFiles_TMP_METHOD(SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr smeshComp) { if ( theMeshCounter > 0 ) { SALOMEDS::ChildIterator_wrap itBig = SMESH_Gen_i::getStudyServant()->NewChildIterator( smeshComp ); for ( ; itBig->More(); itBig->Next() ) { SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap gotBranch = itBig->Value(); CORBA::Object_var anObject = SMESH_Gen_i::SObjectToObject( gotBranch ); if ( SMESH_Mesh_i* mesh = SMESH::DownCast( anObject )) { if ( mesh->changePreMeshInfo() ) { mesh->changePreMeshInfo()->ForgetAllData(); } } } } }