/*! \page building_compounds_page Building Compound Meshes \n Compound Mesh is a combination of several meshes. All elements and groups present in input meshes are present in the compound mesh. Neither geometry nor hypotheses of initial meshes are used by the compound mesh. No link between input meshes and a compound mesh is supported, so that modification of an input mesh does not lead to update of the compound mesh. To Build a compound mesh: \par From the \b Mesh menu select Build Compound or click "Build Compound Mesh" button in the toolbar. \image html image161.png
"Build Compound Mesh" button
\par The following dialog box will appear: \image html buildcompound.png \par \image html image160.gif "Example of a compound of two meshed cubes" See Also a sample \ref tui_building_compound "TUI Example of building compounds." */