cconopoima 964c854356 bos #32735 [CEA] Create 2D Mesh from 3D elements.
Adding test and icon to cmake. Adding the keyword MakeBoundaryOfEachElement to the 2smeshpy util class.

Add missing french translations of dialog box and operations results. Update copyright message of SMESHGUI_MakeFull2DFrom3DOp new class.
2023-08-10 17:08:57 +01:00

48 lines
1.8 KiB

# Create 2D mesh from 3D elements
import salome
import SMESH
from salome.geom import geomBuilder
from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder
geom_builder = geomBuilder.New()
smesh_builder = smeshBuilder.New()
box = geom_builder.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100, 100, 100)
gFaces = geom_builder.SubShapeAllSorted(box, geom_builder.ShapeType["FACE"])
f1,f2 = gFaces[0],gFaces[1]
twoFaces = geom_builder.MakeCompound([f1,f2])
## -----------
## Create 2D from 3D elements
## -----------
init_mesh = smesh_builder.Mesh(box, "box")
init_mesh.AutomaticHexahedralization() # it makes 3 x 3 x 3 hexahedrons
mesh_1 = smesh_builder.CopyMesh(init_mesh, "Mesh_1")
#Return the number of created faces in the original mesh.
nb, new_mesh, new_group = mesh_1.MakeBoundaryOfEachElement()
if nb != 54: raise Exception("Error on MakeBoundaryOfEachElement call. The number of created elements does not match.")
if new_mesh.GetId() != mesh_1.GetId(): raise Exception("The mesh created from MakeBoundaryElements should be the same of the call")
if new_group: raise Exception("The group created from MakeBoundaryElements should be undefined")
mesh_2 = smesh_builder.CopyMesh(init_mesh, "Mesh_2")
#Return the number of created faces and a new_mesh and new_group
nb, new_mesh, new_group = mesh_2.MakeBoundaryOfEachElement("MyFacesElements", "Face_Mesh")
if nb != 54: raise Exception("Error on MakeBoundaryOfEachElement call. The number of created elements does not match.")
if new_mesh.GetId() == mesh_2.GetId(): raise Exception("The mesh created from MakeBoundaryElements should be the different of the call")
if not new_group: raise Exception("The group created from MakeBoundaryElements should be defined")