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// Copyright (C) 2016-2024 CEA, EDF
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : DriverStructuredCGNS_Write.cxx
// Created : Tuesday March 19 2024
// Author : Cesar Conopoima (cce)
#include "DriverStructuredCGNS_Write.hxx"
#include "SMDS_IteratorOnIterators.hxx"
#include "SMDS_MeshNode.hxx"
#include "SMDS_VolumeTool.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_GroupBase.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Block.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Comment.hxx"
#include <TopoDS_Solid.hxx>
#include <TopExp.hxx>
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <TopTools_DataMapOfShapeReal.hxx>
#include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_MapOfShape.hxx>
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <cgnslib.h>
#if CGNS_VERSION < 3100
# define cgsize_t int
std::string DriverStructuredCGNS_Write::GetGroupName( const int shapeToIndex, int dim )
auto groupBase = myMesh->GetGroups();
for( auto grp : groupBase )
/*associate the group based on geometry*/
if ( dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom*>( grp ))
SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom * geomGrp = dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom*>( grp );
TopoDS_Shape shape = geomGrp->GetShape();
if( myMesh->ShapeToIndex(shape) == shapeToIndex )
return std::string(geomGrp->GetStoreName());
if ( dim==3 && (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPSOLID || shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND ))
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_SOLID ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
if( myMesh->ShapeToIndex(fEx.Current()) == shapeToIndex )
return std::string(geomGrp->GetStoreName());
if ( dim==2 && (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL || shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND) )
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_FACE, TopAbs_SOLID ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
if( myMesh->ShapeToIndex(fEx.Current()) == shapeToIndex )
return std::string(geomGrp->GetStoreName());
return std::string("");
void DriverStructuredCGNS_Write::CheckForGroupNameOnFaceInterfaces( const SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid* grid, std::vector<std::string>& boundaryNames )
auto groupBase = myMesh->GetGroups();
for( auto grp : groupBase )
if ( dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom*>( grp ) )
SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom * geomGrp = dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom*>( grp );
TopoDS_Shape shape = geomGrp->GetShape();
if( shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE )
SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType f = grid->getFaceTypeByGeomFace( shape );
if ( f != SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_NONE )
boundaryNames[ int(f) ] = geomGrp->GetStoreName();
if ( shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL || shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND )
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_FACE, TopAbs_SOLID ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::FaceType f = grid->getFaceTypeByGeomFace( fEx.Current() );
if ( f != SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::B_NONE )
boundaryNames[ int(f) ] = geomGrp->GetStoreName();
void DriverStructuredCGNS_Write::CheckForGroupNameOnEdgeInterfaces( const SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid* grid, std::vector<std::string>& boundaryNames )
auto groupBase = myMesh->GetGroups();
for( auto grp : groupBase )
if ( dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom*>( grp ) )
SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom * geomGrp = dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom*>( grp );
TopoDS_Shape shape = geomGrp->GetShape();
if( shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE )
SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType e = grid->getEdgeTypeByGeomEdge( shape );
if ( e != SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::NONE )
boundaryNames[ int(e) ] = geomGrp->GetStoreName();
if ( shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND )
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_EDGE ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::EdgeType e = grid->getEdgeTypeByGeomEdge( fEx.Current() );
if ( e != SMESHUtils::SMESH_RegularGrid::NONE )
boundaryNames[ int(e) ] = geomGrp->GetStoreName();
* \brief Write the mesh into the CGNS file
Driver_Mesh::Status DriverStructuredCGNS_Write::Perform()
if ( !myMesh || myMesh->GetMeshInfo().NbElements() < 1 )
return addMessage( !myMesh ? "NULL mesh" : "Empty mesh (no elements)", /*fatal = */true );
if ( Driver_Mesh::IsMeshTooLarge< cgsize_t >( myMesh, /*checkIDs =*/ false))
// open the file
if ( cg_open(myFile.c_str(), CG_MODE_MODIFY, &_fn) != CG_OK &&
cg_open(myFile.c_str(), CG_MODE_WRITE, &_fn) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// create a Base
// --------------
const int spaceDim = 3;
int meshDim = 1;
if ( myMesh->NbFaces() > 0 ) meshDim = 2;
if ( myMesh->NbVolumes() > 0 ) meshDim = 3;
if ( myMeshName.empty() )
int nbases = 0;
if ( cg_nbases( _fn, &nbases) == CG_OK )
myMeshName = ( SMESH_Comment("Base_") << nbases+1 );
myMeshName = "Base_0";
int iBase;
if ( cg_base_write( _fn, myMeshName.c_str(), meshDim, spaceDim, &iBase ) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
if ( cg_goto(_fn, iBase, "end") != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
if ( cg_descriptor_write("About", "Created by SMESH") != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// create a structured Zone
// --------------
TopoDS_Shape shape = myMesh->ShapeToMesh();
if ( meshDim == 3 )
std::set<std::string> zNames;
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_SOLID ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
TopoDS_Solid currentSolid = TopoDS::Solid(fEx.Current());
if ( myMesh->HasStructuredGridFilled(currentSolid) )
auto grid = myMesh->GetTheGrid(currentSolid).get();
int imax = grid->nx();
int jmax = grid->ny();
int kmax = grid->nz();
cgsize_t size[9] = {imax, jmax, kmax, imax - 1, jmax - 1, kmax - 1, 0, 0, 0};
std::string zoneName = GetGroupName(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(currentSolid),meshDim);
zoneName = zoneName.empty() ? "ZONESOLID" + std::to_string(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(currentSolid)) : zoneName;
if ( zNames.count(zoneName) != 0 )
zoneName = zoneName + "_" + std::to_string(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(currentSolid));
zNames.insert( zoneName );
// write Zone
int iZone;
if(cg_zone_write(_fn, iBase, zoneName.c_str(), size,
CGNS_ENUMV(Structured), &iZone) != CG_OK)
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write Grid
int iGrid=0;
if(cg_grid_write(_fn, iBase, iZone, "GridCoordinates", &iGrid) != CG_OK)
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write the Coordinates
std::vector< double > coords( grid->Size() /*nx*ny*nz*/);
// write X-Coordinates
auto coordIter = grid->CoordinateBegin();
for ( int i = 0; i < grid->Size(); coordIter.Next(), i++ )
coords[i] = coordIter.Value()->X();
if ( cg_coord_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, CGNS_ENUMV(RealDouble),
"CoordinateX", &coords[0], &iGrid) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write Y-Coordinates
coordIter = grid->CoordinateBegin();
for ( int i = 0; i < grid->Size(); coordIter.Next(), i++ )
coords[i] = coordIter.Value()->Y();
if ( cg_coord_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, CGNS_ENUMV(RealDouble),
"CoordinateY", &coords[0], &iGrid) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write Z-Coordinates
coordIter = grid->CoordinateBegin();
for ( int i = 0; i < grid->Size(); coordIter.Next(), i++ )
coords[i] = coordIter.Value()->Z();
if ( cg_coord_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, CGNS_ENUMV(RealDouble),
"CoordinateZ", &coords[0], &iGrid) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
//end write Coordinates
// Write Boundary condition for the grid faces
std::vector<std::vector<cgsize_t>> allRanges;
std::vector<std::string> boundaryNames(6,"");
grid->getAllFaceIndexLimits( allRanges );
int faceId = 0;
std::set<std::string> bNames;
for (auto pRange : allRanges)
if(pRange[3] < pRange[0]) {std::swap(pRange[0],pRange[3]);}
if(pRange[4] < pRange[1]) {std::swap(pRange[1],pRange[4]);}
if(pRange[5] < pRange[2]) {std::swap(pRange[2],pRange[5]);}
int cgIndexBoco = 0;
std::string boundaryName = boundaryNames[faceId];
std::string boundaryNameOrig(boundaryName);
bool isInGroup = false;
if (boundaryName.empty())
boundaryName = zoneName + "_" + std::to_string(faceId);
isInGroup = true;
if ( bNames.count(boundaryName)!=0 )
boundaryName = boundaryName + "_" + std::to_string(faceId);
bNames.insert( boundaryName );
if(cg_boco_write(_fn, iBase, iZone, boundaryName.c_str(), CGNS_ENUMV(BCTypeNull),
CGNS_ENUMV(PointRange), 2, &pRange[0], &cgIndexBoco) != CG_OK) return addMessage(cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true);
// write also the group name as FamilyName in the same node
if (isInGroup)
// go to the BC node
if(cg_goto(_fn, iBase, "Zone_t", iZone, "ZoneBC_t", 1,
"BC_t", cgIndexBoco, "end") != CG_OK)
return addMessage(cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true);
// write the family name
if(cg_famname_write(boundaryNameOrig.c_str()) != CG_OK)
return addMessage(cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true);
// End write boundary
// Write Interfaces
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_SOLID ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
TopoDS_Solid neighbourSolid = TopoDS::Solid(fEx.Current());
if ( !currentSolid.IsSame( neighbourSolid ) && myMesh->HasStructuredGridFilled(neighbourSolid))
std::vector<int> interface;
grid->GetFaceInterfaces(myMesh->GetTheGrid(neighbourSolid).get(), interface);
if ( !interface.empty() )
std::vector<cgsize_t> interfacecgns( 12 );
for (size_t i = 0; i < 12; i++)
interfacecgns[i] = cgsize_t(interface[i+1]);
int iConn;
std::string neigbourZoneName = GetGroupName(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(neighbourSolid),meshDim);
neigbourZoneName = neigbourZoneName.empty() ? "ZONESOLID" + std::to_string(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(neighbourSolid)) : neigbourZoneName;
std::string interfaceName = zoneName + "_" + neigbourZoneName + "_" + std::to_string(interface[0]);
if(cg_1to1_write(_fn, iBase, iZone, interfaceName.c_str(), neigbourZoneName.c_str(),
&interfacecgns[0], &interfacecgns[6], &interface[13], &iConn) != CG_OK) return addMessage(cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true);
else if ( meshDim == 2 )
std::set<std::string> zNames;
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_FACE ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
TopoDS_Face currentFace = TopoDS::Face(fEx.Current());
if ( myMesh->HasStructuredGridFilled(currentFace) )
auto grid = myMesh->GetTheGrid(currentFace).get();
int imax = grid->nx();
int jmax = grid->ny();
int iZone;
cgsize_t size[6] = {imax, jmax, imax - 1, jmax - 1, 0, 0};
std::string zoneName = GetGroupName(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(currentFace),meshDim);
zoneName = zoneName.empty() ? "ZONEFACE" + std::to_string(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(currentFace)) : zoneName;
if ( zNames.count(zoneName) != 0 )
zoneName = zoneName + "_" + std::to_string(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(currentFace));
zNames.insert( zoneName );
// write Zone
if(cg_zone_write(_fn, iBase, zoneName.c_str(), size,
CGNS_ENUMV(Structured), &iZone) != CG_OK)
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write Grid
int iGrid;
if(cg_grid_write(_fn, iBase, iZone, "GridCoordinates", &iGrid) != CG_OK)
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write the Coordinates
std::vector< double > coords( grid->Size() /*nx*ny*nz*/);
// write X-Coordinates
auto coordIter = grid->CoordinateBegin();
for ( int i = 0; i < grid->Size(); coordIter.Next(), i++ )
coords[i] = coordIter.Value()->X();
if ( cg_coord_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, CGNS_ENUMV(RealDouble),
"CoordinateX", &coords[0], &iGrid) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write Y-Coordinates
coordIter = grid->CoordinateBegin();
for ( int i = 0; i < grid->Size(); coordIter.Next(), i++ )
coords[i] = coordIter.Value()->Y();
if ( cg_coord_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, CGNS_ENUMV(RealDouble),
"CoordinateY", &coords[0], &iGrid) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// write Z-Coordinates
coordIter = grid->CoordinateBegin();
for ( int i = 0; i < grid->Size(); coordIter.Next(), i++ )
coords[i] = coordIter.Value()->Z();
if ( cg_coord_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, CGNS_ENUMV(RealDouble),
"CoordinateZ", &coords[0], &iGrid) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
//End write Coordinates
// Write Boundary condition for the grid edges
std::vector<std::vector<cgsize_t>> allRanges;
std::vector<std::string> boundaryNames(4,"");
grid->getAllEdgeIndexLimits( allRanges );
int edgeId = 0;
std::set<std::string> bNames;
for (auto pRange : allRanges)
if(pRange[2] < pRange[0]) {std::swap(pRange[0],pRange[2]);}
if(pRange[1] < pRange[3]) {std::swap(pRange[1],pRange[3]);}
int cgIndexBoco = 0;
std::string boundaryName = boundaryNames[edgeId];
std::string boundaryNameOrig(boundaryName);
bool isInGroup = false;
if (boundaryName.empty())
boundaryName = zoneName + "_" + std::to_string(edgeId);
isInGroup = true;
if ( bNames.count(boundaryName)!=0)
boundaryName = boundaryName + "_" + std::to_string(edgeId);
bNames.insert( boundaryName );
if(cg_boco_write(_fn, iBase, iZone, boundaryName.c_str(), CGNS_ENUMV(BCTypeNull),
CGNS_ENUMV(PointRange), 2, &pRange[0], &cgIndexBoco) != CG_OK) return addMessage(cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true);
// write also the group name as FamilyName in the same node
if (isInGroup)
// go to the BC node
if(cg_goto(_fn, iBase, "Zone_t", iZone, "ZoneBC_t", 1,
"BC_t", cgIndexBoco, "end") != CG_OK)
return addMessage(cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true);
// write the family name
if(cg_famname_write(boundaryNameOrig.c_str()) != CG_OK)
return addMessage(cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true);
// End write Boundary
// Write Interfaces
for ( TopExp_Explorer fEx( shape, TopAbs_FACE ); fEx.More(); fEx.Next() )
TopoDS_Face neighbourFace = TopoDS::Face(fEx.Current());
if ( !currentFace.IsSame( neighbourFace ) && myMesh->HasStructuredGridFilled(neighbourFace) )
std::vector<int> interface;
grid->GetEdgeInterfaces(myMesh->GetTheGrid(neighbourFace).get(), interface);
if ( !interface.empty() )
std::vector<cgsize_t> interfacecgns( 8 );
for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
interfacecgns[i] = cgsize_t(interface[i+1]);
int iConn;
std::string neigbourZoneName = GetGroupName(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(neighbourFace),meshDim);
neigbourZoneName = neigbourZoneName.empty() ? "ZONEFACE" + std::to_string(myMesh->ShapeToIndex(neighbourFace)) : neigbourZoneName;
std::string interfaceName = zoneName + "_" + neigbourZoneName + "_" + std::to_string(interface[0]);
if(cg_1to1_write(_fn, iBase, iZone, interfaceName.c_str(), neigbourZoneName.c_str(),
&interfacecgns[0], &interfacecgns[4], &interface[9], &iConn) != CG_OK) return addMessage(cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true);
} /*end if grid filled*/
} /*foreach face*/
return DRS_OK;
* \brief Constructor
DriverStructuredCGNS_Write::DriverStructuredCGNS_Write(): _fn(0)
* \brief Close the cgns file at destruction
if ( _fn > 0 )
cg_close( _fn );