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// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 EDF R&D
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See or email :
// Authors : Guillaume Boulant (EDF) - 01/03/2011
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "MeshJobManager_i.hxx"
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
#include "Basics_Utils.hxx" // For standard logging
#undef LOG
#include "SALOME_KernelServices.hxx" // For CORBA logging
#undef LOG
#define LOG STDLOG
// ====================================================================
// General purpose helper functions (to put elsewhere at least)
// ====================================================================
* This function must be used to associate a datetime tag to a job
#ifndef WIN32
static long timetag() {
timeval tv;
long tag = tv.tv_usec + tv.tv_sec*1000000;
return tag;
* This function returns true if the string text starts with the string
* token.
static bool myStartsWith(const std::string& text,const std::string& token){
if(text.length() < token.length())
return false;
return (, token.length(), token) == 0);
// ====================================================================
// Constructor/Destructor
// ====================================================================
MeshJobManager_i::MeshJobManager_i(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
const char *instanceName,
const char *interfaceName)
: Engines_Component_i(orb, poa, contId, instanceName, interfaceName)
LOG("Activating MESHJOB::MeshJobManager object");
_thisObj = this ;
_id = _poa->activate_object(_thisObj);
_salomeLauncher = KERNEL::getSalomeLauncher();
LOG("The SALOME launcher can't be reached ==> STOP");
throw KERNEL::createSalomeException("SALOME launcher can't be reached");
_resourcesManager = KERNEL::getResourcesManager();
LOG("The SALOME resource manager can't be reached ==> STOP");
throw KERNEL::createSalomeException("The SALOME resource manager can't be reached");
_lastErrorMessage = "";
MeshJobManager_i::~MeshJobManager_i() {
// ====================================================================
// Helper functions to deals with the local and remote file systems
// ====================================================================
#include <fstream> // to get the file streams
#ifdef WNT
#include <stdlib.h> // to get _splitpath
#include <direct.h> // to get _mkdir
#include <unistd.h> // to get basename
#include <sys/stat.h> // to get mkdir
#include <sys/types.h> // to get mkdir options
#include <stdlib.h> // to get system and getenv
static std::string OUTPUTFILE("");
static std::string DATAFILE("data.txt");
static std::string SCRIPTFILE("");
static std::string SEPARATOR(" ");
static std::string USER(getenv("USER"));
static std::string LOCAL_INPUTDIR("/tmp/spadder.local.inputdir."+USER);
static std::string LOCAL_RESULTDIR("/tmp/spadder.local.resultdir."+USER);
static std::string REMOTE_WORKDIR("/tmp/spadder.remote.workdir."+USER);
* This function creates the padder text input file containing the
* input data (list of filenames and groupnames) and returns the path
* of the created file. This function is the one that knows the format
* of the padder input file. If the input file format changes, then
* this function (and only this one) should be updated.
const char * MeshJobManager_i::_writeDataFile(std::vector<MESHJOB::MeshJobParameter> listConcreteMesh,
std::vector<MESHJOB::MeshJobParameter> listSteelBarMesh) {
#ifdef WIN32
// Make it static so that it's allocated once (constant name)
static std::string * dataFilename = new std::string(LOCAL_INPUTDIR+"/"+DATAFILE);
std::ofstream dataFile(dataFilename->c_str());
// We first specify the concrete mesh data (filename and groupname)
std::string line;
#ifdef WIN32
char fname[ _MAX_FNAME ];
_splitpath( listConcreteMesh[0].file_name, NULL, NULL, fname, NULL );
char* bname = &fname[0];
char* bname = basename(listConcreteMesh[0].file_name);
line = std::string(bname) + " " + std::string(listConcreteMesh[0].group_name);
dataFile << line.c_str() << std::endl;
// Note that we use here the basename because the files are supposed
// to be copied in the REMOTE_WORKDIR for execution.
// The, we can specify the steelbar mesh data, starting by the
// number of meshes
int nbSteelBarMesh=listSteelBarMesh.size();
line = std::string("nbSteelbarMesh") + SEPARATOR + ToString(nbSteelBarMesh);
dataFile << line.c_str() << std::endl;
for (int i=0; i<nbSteelBarMesh; i++) {
#ifdef WIN32
char fname[ _MAX_FNAME ];
_splitpath( listSteelBarMesh[i].file_name, NULL, NULL, fname, NULL );
char* bname = &fname[0];
char* bname = basename(listSteelBarMesh[i].file_name);
line = std::string(bname) + " " + std::string(listSteelBarMesh[i].group_name);
dataFile << line.c_str() << std::endl;
// Finally, we conclude with the name of the output file
dataFile << line.c_str() << std::endl;
return dataFilename->c_str();
* This function creates a shell script that runs padder whith the
* specified data file, and returns the path of the created script
* file. The config id is used to retrieve the path to the binary file
* and other required files.
const char* MeshJobManager_i::_writeScriptFile(const char * dataFileName, const char * configId) {
#ifdef WIN32
// Make it static so that it's allocated once (constant name)
static std::string * scriptFilename = new std::string(LOCAL_INPUTDIR+"/"+SCRIPTFILE);
char * binpath = _configMap[configId].binpath;
char * envpath = _configMap[configId].envpath;
#ifdef WIN32
char fname[ _MAX_FNAME ];
_splitpath( dataFileName, NULL, NULL, fname, NULL );
const char* bname = &fname[0];
const char* bname = basename(dataFileName);
std::ofstream script(scriptFilename->c_str());
script << "#!/bin/sh" << std::endl;
script << "here=$(dirname $0)" << std::endl;
script << ". " << envpath << std::endl;
script << binpath << " $here/" << bname << std::endl;
// Note that we use the basename of the datafile because all data
// files are supposed to have been copied in the REMOTE_WORKDIR.
return scriptFilename->c_str();
// ====================================================================
// Functions to initialize and supervise the mesh computation job
// ====================================================================
bool MeshJobManager_i::configure(const char *configId,
const MESHJOB::ConfigParameter & configParameter)
_configMap[configId] = configParameter;
LOG("Adding configuration for " << configId);
LOG("- binpath = " << _configMap[configId].binpath);
LOG("- envpath = " << _configMap[configId].envpath);
return true;
long MeshJobManager_i::JOBID_UNDEFINED = -1;
/*! Initialize a smesh computation job and return the job identifier */
CORBA::Long MeshJobManager_i::initialize(const MESHJOB::MeshJobParameterList & meshJobParameterList,
const char * configId)
std::cerr << "##################################### initialize" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "#####################################" << std::endl;
// We first analyse the CORBA sequence to store data in C++ vectors
std::vector<MESHJOB::MeshJobParameter> listConcreteMesh;
std::vector<MESHJOB::MeshJobParameter> listSteelBarMesh;
for(CORBA::ULong i=0; i<meshJobParameterList.length(); i++) {
MESHJOB::MeshJobParameter currentMesh = meshJobParameterList[i];
switch ( currentMesh.file_type ) {
LOG("The type of the file is not recognized");
if ( listConcreteMesh.size() != 1 ) {
// Not consistent with the specification
LOG("You specify more than one concrete mesh");
LOG("Nb. concrete mesh = " << listConcreteMesh.size());
LOG("Nb. steelbar mesh = " << listSteelBarMesh.size());
// We initiate here a datetime to tag the files and folder
// associated to this job.
#ifdef WIN32
DWORD jobDatetimeTag = timeGetTime();
long jobDatetimeTag = timetag();
// And a MESHJOB::MeshJobPaths structure to hold the directories
// where to find data
MESHJOB::MeshJobPaths * jobPaths = new MESHJOB::MeshJobPaths();
jobPaths->local_inputdir = LOCAL_INPUTDIR.c_str();
jobPaths->local_resultdir = (LOCAL_RESULTDIR + "." + ToString(jobDatetimeTag)).c_str();
jobPaths->remote_workdir = (REMOTE_WORKDIR + "." + ToString(jobDatetimeTag)).c_str();
// Then, we have to create the padder input data file. This input
// data is a text file containing the list of file names and group
// names.
const char * dataFilename = this->_writeDataFile(listConcreteMesh, listSteelBarMesh);
LOG("dataFilename = " << dataFilename);
const char * scriptFilename = this->_writeScriptFile(dataFilename, configId);
LOG("scriptFilename = " << scriptFilename);
// Then, the following instructions consists in preparing the job
// parameters to request the SALOME launcher for creating a new
// job.
Engines::JobParameters_var jobParameters = new Engines::JobParameters;
jobParameters->job_type = CORBA::string_dup("command");
// CAUTION: the job_file must be a single filename specifying a
// self-consistent script to be executed without any argument on the
// remote host.
jobParameters->job_file = CORBA::string_dup(scriptFilename);
// Specification of the working spaces:
// - local_directory: can be used to specify where to find the input
// files on the local resource. It's optionnal if you specify the
// absolute path name of input files.
// - result_directory: must be used to specify where to download the
// output files on the local resources
// - work_directory: must be used to specify the remote directory
// where to put all the stuff to run the job. Note that the job
// will be executed from within this directory, i.e. a change
// directory toward this working directory is done by the batch
// system before running the specified job script.
jobParameters->local_directory = CORBA::string_dup("");
jobParameters->result_directory = CORBA::string_dup(jobPaths->local_resultdir);
jobParameters->work_directory = CORBA::string_dup(jobPaths->remote_workdir);
// We specify the input files that are required to execute the
// job_file. If basenames are specified, then the files are supposed
// to be located in local_directory.
int nbFiles = listSteelBarMesh.size()+2;
// The number of input file is:
// (nb. of steelbar meshfile)
// + (1 concrete meshfile)
// + (1 padder input file)
// = nb steelbar meshfile + 2
jobParameters->in_files[0] = CORBA::string_dup(listConcreteMesh[0].file_name);
for (int i=0; i<listSteelBarMesh.size(); i++) {
jobParameters->in_files[1+i] = CORBA::string_dup(listSteelBarMesh[i].file_name);
jobParameters->in_files[1+listSteelBarMesh.size()] = CORBA::string_dup(dataFilename);
// Note that all these input files will be copied in the
// REMOTE_WORKDIR on the remote host
// Then, we have to specify the existance of an output
// filenames. The path is supposed to be a path on the remote
// resource, i.e. where the job is executed.
std::string outputfile_name = std::string(jobPaths->remote_workdir)+"/"+OUTPUTFILE;
jobParameters->out_files[0] = CORBA::string_dup(outputfile_name.c_str());
// CAUTION: the maximum duration has to be set with a format like "hh:mm"
jobParameters->maximum_duration = CORBA::string_dup("01:00");
jobParameters->queue = CORBA::string_dup("");
// Setting resource and additionnal properties (if needed)
// The resource parameters can be initiated from scratch, for
// example by specifying the values in hard coding:
// >>>
//jobParameters-> = CORBA::string_dup("localhost");
//jobParameters->resource_required.hostname = CORBA::string_dup("localhost");
//jobParameters->resource_required.mem_mb = 1024 * 10;
//jobParameters->resource_required.nb_proc = 1;
// <<<
// But it's better to initiate these parameters from a resource
// definition known by the resource manager. This ensures that the
// resource will be available:
//const char * resourceName = "localhost";
//const char * resourceName = "boulant@claui2p1";
//const char * resourceName = "nepal@nepal";
const char * resourceName = _configMap[configId].resname;
Engines::ResourceDefinition * resourceDefinition;
try {
resourceDefinition = _resourcesManager->GetResourceDefinition(resourceName);
catch (const CORBA::SystemException& ex) {
_lastErrorMessage = std::string("We can not access to the ressource ") + std::string(resourceName);
_lastErrorMessage+= std::string("(check the file CatalogResource.xml)");
// CAUTION: This resource should have been defined in the
// CatalogResource.xml associated to the SALOME application.
// Then, the values can be used to initiate the resource parameters
// of the job:
jobParameters-> = CORBA::string_dup(resourceDefinition->;
// CAUTION: the additionnal two following parameters MUST be
// specified explicitly, because they are not provided by the
// resource definition:
jobParameters->resource_required.mem_mb = resourceDefinition->mem_mb;
jobParameters->resource_required.nb_proc = resourceDefinition->nb_proc_per_node;
// CAUTION: the parameter mem_mb specifies the maximum memory value
// that could be allocated for executing the job. This takes into
// account not only the data that could be loaded by the batch
// process but also the linked dynamic library.
// A possible problem, for exemple in the case where you use the ssh
// emulation of a batch system, is to get an error message as below
// when libBatch try to run the ssh command:
// ## /usr/bin/ssh: error while loading shared libraries: failed
// ## to map segment from shared object: Cannot allocate memory
// In this exemple, the mem_mb was set to 1MB, value that is not
// sufficient to load the dynamic libraries linked to the ssh
// executable ( in the error message).
// So, even in the case of a simple test shell script, you should
// set this value at least to a standard threshold as 500MB
try {
jobId = _salomeLauncher->createJob(jobParameters);
// We register the datetime tag of this job
_jobPathsMap[jobId] = jobPaths;
catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception & ex) {
LOG("SALOME Exception at initialization step !" <<;
_lastErrorMessage =;
catch (const CORBA::SystemException& ex) {
LOG("Receive SALOME System Exception: "<<ex);
LOG("Check SALOME servers...");
_lastErrorMessage = "Check the SALOME servers (or try to restart SALOME)";
return jobId;
/*! Submit the job execution and return true if submission is OK */
bool MeshJobManager_i::start(CORBA::Long jobId) {
try {
catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception & ex) {
LOG("SALOME Exception in launchjob !" <<;
_lastErrorMessage =;
return false;
catch (const CORBA::SystemException& ex) {
LOG("Receive SALOME System Exception: "<<ex);
LOG("Check SALOME servers...");
_lastErrorMessage = "Check the SALOME servers (or try to restart SALOME)";
return false;
return true;
/*! Request the launch manager for the state of the specified job */
char* MeshJobManager_i::getState(CORBA::Long jobId) {
std::string state;
state = _salomeLauncher->getJobState(jobId);
catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception & ex)
LOG("SALOME Exception in getJobState !");
_lastErrorMessage =;
state = ex.details.text;
catch (const CORBA::SystemException& ex)
LOG("Receive SALOME System Exception: " << ex);
state="SALOME System Exception - see logs";
LOG("jobId="<<ToString(jobId)<<" state="<<state);
return CORBA::string_dup(state.c_str());
MESHJOB::MeshJobPaths * MeshJobManager_i::getPaths(CORBA::Long jobId) {
MESHJOB::MeshJobPaths * jobPaths = _jobPathsMap[jobId];
if ( jobPaths == NULL ) {
LOG("You request the working paths for an undefined job (jobId="<<ToString(jobId)<<")");
return NULL; // Maybe raise an exception?
return jobPaths;
MESHJOB::MeshJobResults * MeshJobManager_i::finalize(CORBA::Long jobId) {
MESHJOB::MeshJobResults * result = new MESHJOB::MeshJobResults();
MESHJOB::MeshJobPaths * jobPaths = this->getPaths(jobId);
std::string local_resultdir(jobPaths->local_resultdir);
result->results_dirname = local_resultdir.c_str();
_salomeLauncher->getJobResults(jobId, local_resultdir.c_str());
// __BUG__: to prevent from a bug of the MED driver (SALOME
// 5.1.5), we change the basename of the output file to force the
// complete reloading of data by the med driver.
long jobDatetimeTag = _jobDateTimeMap[jobId];
std::string outputFileName = "output"+ToString(jobDatetimeTag)+".med";
rename((local_resultdir+"/"+OUTPUTFILE).c_str(), (local_resultdir+"/"+outputFileName).c_str());
result->outputmesh_filename = outputFileName.c_str();
result->status = "OK";
catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception & ex)
LOG("SALOME Exception in getResults !");
result->status = "SALOME Exception in getResults !";
_lastErrorMessage =;
catch (const CORBA::SystemException& ex)
LOG("Receive CORBA System Exception: " << ex);
result->status = "Receive CORBA System Exception: see log";
return result;
/*! Clean all data associated to this job and remove the job from the launch manager */
bool MeshJobManager_i::clean(CORBA::Long jobId) {
// __GBO__ WORK IN PROGRESS: we just clean the temporary local
// directories. The remote working directories are tag with the
// execution datetime and the we prevent the task from conflict
// with files of another task.
MESHJOB::MeshJobPaths * jobPaths = this->getPaths(jobId);
if ( jobPaths == NULL ) return false;
// WARN: !!!!!
// For safety reason (and prevent from bug that could erase the
// filesystem), we cancel the operation in the case where the
// directories to delete are not in the /tmp folder.
std::string shell_command("rm -rf ");
std::string inputdir(jobPaths->local_inputdir);
std::string resultdir(jobPaths->local_resultdir);
if ( !myStartsWith(inputdir,"/tmp/") ) {
LOG("WRN: The directory "<<inputdir<<" is not in /tmp. NO DELETE is done");
} else {
shell_command+=inputdir+" ";
if ( !myStartsWith(resultdir,"/tmp/")) {
LOG("WRN: The directory "<<resultdir<<" is not in /tmp. NO DELETE is done");
} else {
LOG("DBG: clean shell command = "<<shell_command);
bool cleanOk = false;
int error = system(shell_command.c_str());
if (error == 0) cleanOk = true;
return cleanOk;
std::vector<std::string> * MeshJobManager_i::_getResourceNames() {
// These part is just to control the available resources
Engines::ResourceParameters params;
Engines::ResourceList * resourceList = _resourcesManager->GetFittingResources(params);
Engines::ResourceDefinition * resourceDefinition = NULL;
LOG("### resource list:");
std::vector<std::string>* resourceNames = new std::vector<std::string>();
if (resourceList) {
for (int i = 0; i < resourceList->length(); i++) {
const char* aResourceName = (*resourceList)[i];
LOG("resource["<<i<<"] = "<<aResourceName);
resourceDefinition = _resourcesManager->GetResourceDefinition(aResourceName);
LOG("protocol["<<i<<"] = "<<resourceDefinition->protocol);
// Note: a ResourceDefinition is used to create a batch configuration
// in the Launcher. This operation is done at Launcher startup from
// the configuration file CatalogResources.xml provided by the
// SALOME application.
// In the code instructions, you just have to choose a resource
// configuration by its name and then define the ResourceParameters
// that specify additionnal properties for a specific job submission
// (use the attribute resource_required of the JobParameters).
return resourceNames;
char* MeshJobManager_i::getLastErrorMessage() {
return CORBA::string_dup(_lastErrorMessage.c_str());
// ==========================================================================
// Factory services
// ==========================================================================
extern "C"
PortableServer::ObjectId * MeshJobManagerEngine_factory( CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
const char *instanceName,
const char *interfaceName)
LOG("PortableServer::ObjectId * MeshJobManagerEngine_factory()");
MeshJobManager_i * myEngine = new MeshJobManager_i(orb, poa, contId, instanceName, interfaceName);
return myEngine->getId() ;