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// Copyright (C) 2007-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : SMDS_ElementFactory.hxx
// Module : SMESH
#ifndef _SMDS_ElementFactory_HeaderFile
#define _SMDS_ElementFactory_HeaderFile
#include "SMDS_MeshCell.hxx"
#include "SMDS_Position.hxx"
#include <Utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx>
#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp>
#include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <set>
#include <vtkType.h>
#include <smIdType.hxx>
class SMDS_ElementChunk;
class SMDS_Mesh;
class SMDS_MeshCell;
class SMDS_MeshNode;
struct _ChunkCompare {
bool operator () (const SMDS_ElementChunk* c1, const SMDS_ElementChunk* c2) const;
typedef boost::ptr_vector<SMDS_ElementChunk> TChunkVector;
typedef std::set<SMDS_ElementChunk*,_ChunkCompare> TChunkPtrSet;
* \brief Allocate SMDS_MeshElement's (SMDS_MeshCell's or SMDS_MeshNode's )
* and bind some attributes to elements:
* element ID, element VTK ID, sub-mesh ID, position on shape.
* Elements are allocated by chunks, so there are used and non-used elements
class SMDS_ElementFactory
bool myIsNodal; // what to allocate: nodes or cells
SMDS_Mesh* myMesh;
TChunkVector myChunks; // array of chunks of elements
TChunkPtrSet myChunksWithUnused; // sorted chunks having unused elements
std::vector< vtkIdType > myVtkIDs; // myVtkIDs[ smdsID-1 ] == vtkID
std::vector< smIdType > mySmdsIDs; // mySmdsIDs[ vtkID ] == smdsID - 1
smIdType myNbUsedElements; // counter of elements
friend class SMDS_ElementChunk;
SMDS_ElementFactory( SMDS_Mesh* mesh, const bool isNodal=false );
virtual ~SMDS_ElementFactory();
//! Return minimal ID of a non-used element
smIdType GetFreeID();
//! Return maximal ID of an used element
smIdType GetMaxID();
//! Return minimal ID of an used element
smIdType GetMinID();
//! Return an element by ID. NULL if the element with the given ID is already used
SMDS_MeshElement* NewElement( const smIdType id );
//! Return a SMDS_MeshCell by ID. NULL if the cell with the given ID is already used
SMDS_MeshCell* NewCell( const smIdType id ) { return static_cast<SMDS_MeshCell*>( NewElement( id )); }
//! Return an used element by ID. NULL if the element with the given ID is not yet used
const SMDS_MeshElement* FindElement( const smIdType id ) const;
//! Return a number of used elements
smIdType NbUsedElements() const { return myNbUsedElements; }
//! Return an iterator on all element filtered using a given filter.
// nbElemsToReturn is used to optimize by stopping the iteration as soon as
// all elements satisfying filtering condition encountered.
template< class ElemIterator >
boost::shared_ptr< ElemIterator > GetIterator( SMDS_MeshElement::Filter* filter,
size_t nbElemsToReturn = -1 );
//! Return an iterator on all element assigned to a given shape.
// nbElemsToReturn is used to optimize by stopping the iteration as soon as
// all elements assigned to the shape encountered.
// sm1stElem is used to quickly find the first chunk holding elements of the shape;
// it must have smallest ID between elements on the shape
template< class ElemIterator >
boost::shared_ptr< ElemIterator > GetShapeIterator( int shapeID,
size_t nbElemsToReturn,
const SMDS_MeshElement* sm1stElem );
//! Mark the element as non-used
void Free( const SMDS_MeshElement* );
//! Return an SMDS ID by a Vtk one
smIdType FromVtkToSmds( vtkIdType vtkID );
//! De-allocate all elements
virtual void Clear();
//! Remove unused elements located not at the end of the last chunk.
// Minimize allocated memory
virtual void Compact(std::vector<smIdType>& idCellsOldToNew);
//! Return true if Compact() will change IDs of elements
virtual bool CompactChangePointers();
//! Return a number of elements in a chunk
static int ChunkSize();
* \brief Allocate SMDS_MeshNode's
class SMDS_NodeFactory : public SMDS_ElementFactory
std::vector<char> myShapeDim; // dimension of shapes
SMDS_NodeFactory( SMDS_Mesh* mesh );
//! Return a SMDS_MeshNode by ID. NULL if the node with the given ID is already used
SMDS_MeshNode* NewNode( smIdType id ) { return (SMDS_MeshNode*) NewElement(id); }
//! Return an used node by ID. NULL if the node with the given ID is not yet used
const SMDS_MeshNode* FindNode( smIdType id ) { return (const SMDS_MeshNode*) FindElement(id); }
//! Set a total number of sub-shapes in the main shape
void SetNbShapes( size_t nbShapes );
//! Return a dimension of a shape
int GetShapeDim( int shapeID ) const;
//! Set a dimension of a shape
void SetShapeDim( int shapeID, int dim );
//! De-allocate all nodes
virtual void Clear();
//! Remove unused nodes located not at the end of the last chunk.
// Minimize allocated memory
virtual void Compact(std::vector<smIdType>& idNodesOldToNew);
//! Return true if Compact() will change IDs of node
virtual bool CompactChangePointers();
* \brief Range of elements in a chunk having the same attribute value
template< typename ATTR>
struct _Range
typedef ATTR attr_t;
attr_t myValue; // common attribute value
int my1st; // index in the chunk of the 1st element
_Range( int i0 = 0, attr_t v = 0 ): myValue( v ), my1st( i0 ) {}
bool operator < (const _Range& other) const { return my1st < other.my1st; }
typedef std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > TIndexRanges;
* \brief Sorted set of ranges
template< class RANGE >
struct _RangeSet
typedef typename RANGE::attr_t attr_t;
typedef boost::container::flat_set< RANGE > set_t;
typedef typename set_t::const_iterator set_iterator;
set_t mySet;
_RangeSet() { mySet.insert( RANGE( 0, 0 )); }
* \brief Return a number of ranges
size_t Size() const { return mySet.size(); }
* \brief Return a mutable _Range::my1st of a range pointed by an iterator
int& First( set_iterator rangePtr ) { return const_cast< int& >( rangePtr->my1st ); }
* \brief Return a number of elements in a range pointed by an iterator
size_t Size( set_iterator rangePtr ) const
int next1st =
( rangePtr + 1 == mySet.end() ) ? SMDS_ElementFactory::ChunkSize() : ( rangePtr + 1 )->my1st;
return next1st - rangePtr->my1st;
* \brief Return ranges of indices (from,to) of elements having a given value
bool GetIndices( const attr_t theValue, TIndexRanges & theIndices,
const attr_t* /*theMinValue*/ = 0, const attr_t* /*theMaxValue*/ = 0) const
bool isFound = false;
// if ( sizeof( attr_t ) == sizeof( int ) && theMinValue )
// if ( theValue < *theMinValue || theValue > *theMaxValue )
// return isFound;
for ( set_iterator it = mySet.begin(); it < mySet.end(); ++it )
if ( it->myValue == theValue )
theIndices.push_back( std::make_pair( it->my1st, it->my1st + Size( it )));
isFound = true;
++it; // the next range value differs from theValue
return isFound;
* \brief Return value of an element attribute
* \param [in] theIndex - element index
* \return attr_t - attribute value
attr_t GetValue( int theIndex ) const
set_iterator r = mySet.upper_bound( theIndex ) - 1;
return r->myValue;
* \brief Change value of an element attribute
* \param [in] theIndex - element index
* \param [in] theValue - attribute value
* \return attr_t - previous value
attr_t SetValue( int theIndex, attr_t theValue )
set_iterator rNext = mySet.end(); // case of adding elements
set_iterator r = rNext - 1;
if ( r->my1st > theIndex )
rNext = mySet.upper_bound( theIndex );
r = rNext - 1;
int rSize = Size( r ); // range size
attr_t rValue = r->myValue;
if ( rValue == theValue )
return rValue; // it happens while compacting
if ( r->my1st == theIndex ) // theIndex is the first in the range
bool joinPrev = // can join theIndex to the previous range
( r->my1st > 0 && ( r-1 )->myValue == theValue );
if ( rSize == 1 )
bool joinNext = // can join to the next range
( rNext != mySet.end() && rNext->myValue == theValue );
if ( joinPrev )
if ( joinNext ) // && joinPrev
mySet.erase( r, r + 2 );
else // joinPrev && !joinNext
mySet.erase( r );
if ( joinNext ) // && !joinPrev
r = mySet.erase( r ); // then r points to the next range
First( r )--;
else // !joinPrev && !joinNext
const_cast< attr_t & >( r->myValue ) = theValue;
else // if rSize > 1
if ( joinPrev )
First( r )++;
r = mySet.insert( r, RANGE( theIndex + 1, rValue )) - 1;
const_cast< attr_t & >( r->myValue ) = theValue;
else if ( r->my1st + rSize - 1 == theIndex ) // theIndex is last in the range
if ( rNext != mySet.end() && rNext->myValue == theValue ) // join to the next
First( rNext )--;
mySet.insert( r, RANGE( theIndex, theValue ));
else // theIndex in the middle of the range
r = mySet.insert( r, RANGE( theIndex, theValue ));
r = mySet.insert( r, RANGE( theIndex + 1, rValue ));
return rValue;
}; // struct _RangeSet
typedef _Range< int > _ShapeIDRange; // sub-mesh ID range
typedef _Range< bool > _UsedRange; // range of used elements
typedef _RangeSet< _ShapeIDRange > TSubIDRangeSet;
typedef _RangeSet< _UsedRange > TUsedRangeSet;
typedef boost::dynamic_bitset<> TBitSet;
//typedef float TParam;
typedef double TParam;
//typedef std::unordered_set<int> TSubIDSet;
* \brief Allocate SMDS_MeshElement's (SMDS_MeshCell's or SMDS_MeshNode's )
* and bind some attributes to elements:
* element ID, sub-shape ID, isMarked flag, parameters on shape
class SMDS_ElementChunk
SMDS_ElementFactory* myFactory; // holder of this chunk
SMDS_MeshElement* myElements; // array of elements
smIdType my1stID; // ID of myElements[0]
TBitSet myMarkedSet; // mark some elements
TUsedRangeSet myUsedRanges; // ranges of used/unused elements
TSubIDRangeSet mySubIDRanges; // ranges of elements on the same sub-shape
//TSubIDSet* mySubIDSet; // set of sub-shape IDs
// int myMinSubID; // min sub-shape ID
// int myMaxSubID; // max sub-shape ID
std::vector<TParam> myPositions; // UV parameters on shape: 2*param_t per an element
SMDS_ElementChunk( SMDS_ElementFactory* factory = 0, smIdType id0 = 0 );
//! Return an element by an index [0,ChunkSize()]
SMDS_MeshElement* Element(int index) { return & myElements[index]; }
//! Return an element by an index [0,ChunkSize()]
const SMDS_MeshElement* Element(int index) const { return & myElements[index]; }
//! Return ID of the first non-used element
smIdType GetUnusedID() const;
//! Mark an element as used
void UseElement( const int index );
//! Mark an element as non-used
void Free( const SMDS_MeshElement* e );
//! Check if a given range holds used or non-used elements
static bool IsUsed( const _UsedRange& r ) { return r.myValue; }
//! Return index of an element in the chunk
int Index( const SMDS_MeshElement* e ) const { return (int)( e - myElements ); }
//! Return ID of the 1st element in the chunk
smIdType Get1stID() const { return my1stID; }
//! Return pointer to on-shape-parameters of a node
TParam* GetPositionPtr( const SMDS_MeshElement* node, bool allocate=false );
//! Return ranges of used/non-used elements
const TUsedRangeSet& GetUsedRanges() const { return myUsedRanges; }
const TUsedRangeSet& GetUsedRangesMinMax( bool& min, bool& max ) const
{ min = false; max = true; return myUsedRanges; }
//! Return ranges of elements assigned to sub-shapes and min/max of sub-shape IDs
const TSubIDRangeSet& GetSubIDRangesMinMax( int& /*min*/, int& /*max*/ ) const
{ /*min = myMinSubID; max = myMaxSubID;*/ return mySubIDRanges; }
//! Minimize allocated memory
void Compact();
//! Print some data
void Dump() const; // debug
// Methods called by SMDS_MeshElement
smIdType GetID( const SMDS_MeshElement* e ) const;
vtkIdType GetVtkID( const SMDS_MeshElement* e ) const;
void SetVTKID( const SMDS_MeshElement* e, const vtkIdType id );
int GetShapeID( const SMDS_MeshElement* e ) const;
void SetShapeID( const SMDS_MeshElement* e, int shapeID ) const;
bool IsMarked ( const SMDS_MeshElement* e ) const;
void SetIsMarked( const SMDS_MeshElement* e, bool is );
SMDS_PositionPtr GetPosition( const SMDS_MeshNode* n ) const;
void SetPosition( const SMDS_MeshNode* n, const SMDS_PositionPtr& pos, int shapeID );
SMDS_Mesh* GetMesh() { return myFactory->myMesh; }
* \brief Iterator on elements in chunks
template< class ELEM_ITERATOR, class RANGE_SET >
struct _ChunkIterator : public ELEM_ITERATOR
typedef typename ELEM_ITERATOR::value_type element_type;
typedef SMDS_MeshElement::Filter* filter_ptr;
typedef typename RANGE_SET::attr_t attr_type;
typedef const RANGE_SET& (SMDS_ElementChunk::*get_rangeset_fun)(attr_type&, attr_type&) const;
const SMDS_MeshElement* myElement;
TIndexRanges myRanges;
int myRangeIndex;
const TChunkVector& myChunks;
int myChunkIndex;
get_rangeset_fun myGetRangeSetFun;
attr_type myValue;
attr_type myMinValue;
attr_type myMaxValue;
filter_ptr myFilter;
size_t myNbElemsToReturn;
size_t myNbReturned;
_ChunkIterator( const TChunkVector & theChunks,
get_rangeset_fun theGetRangeSetFun,
attr_type theAttrValue,
SMDS_MeshElement::Filter* theFilter,
size_t theNbElemsToReturn = -1,
int theChunkIndex = 0):
myElement( 0 ),
myRangeIndex( 0 ),
myChunks( theChunks ),
myChunkIndex( theChunkIndex-1 ),
myGetRangeSetFun( theGetRangeSetFun ),
myValue( theAttrValue ),
myFilter( theFilter ),
myNbElemsToReturn( theNbElemsToReturn ),
myNbReturned( 0 )
delete myFilter;
virtual bool more()
return myElement;
virtual element_type next()
element_type result = (element_type) myElement;
myNbReturned += bool( result );
myElement = 0;
if ( myNbReturned < myNbElemsToReturn )
while ( ! nextInRange() )
if ( ++myRangeIndex >= (int)myRanges.size() )
myRangeIndex = 0;
while ( ++myChunkIndex < (int)myChunks.size() &&
!getRangeSet().GetIndices( myValue, myRanges, &myMinValue, &myMaxValue ))
if ( myChunkIndex >= (int)myChunks.size() )
return result;
bool nextInRange()
if ( myRangeIndex < (int)myRanges.size() )
std::pair< int, int > & range = myRanges[ myRangeIndex ];
while ( range.first < range.second && !myElement )
myElement = myChunks[ myChunkIndex ].Element( range.first++ );
if ( !(*myFilter)( myElement ))
myElement = 0;
return myElement;
const RANGE_SET& getRangeSet()
return ( myChunks[ myChunkIndex ].*myGetRangeSetFun )( myMinValue, myMaxValue );
}; // struct _ChunkIterator
template< class ElemIterator >
boost::shared_ptr< ElemIterator >
SMDS_ElementFactory::GetIterator( SMDS_MeshElement::Filter* filter,
size_t nbElemsToReturn )
typedef _ChunkIterator< ElemIterator, TUsedRangeSet > TChuckIterator;
return boost::make_shared< TChuckIterator >( myChunks,
& SMDS_ElementChunk::GetUsedRangesMinMax,
nbElemsToReturn );
template< class ElemIterator >
boost::shared_ptr< ElemIterator >
SMDS_ElementFactory::GetShapeIterator( int shapeID,
size_t nbElemsToReturn,
const SMDS_MeshElement* sm1stElem )
smIdType iChunk = sm1stElem ? (( sm1stElem->GetID() - 1 ) / ChunkSize()) : 0;
typedef _ChunkIterator< ElemIterator, TSubIDRangeSet > TChuckIterator;
return boost::make_shared< TChuckIterator >( myChunks,
& SMDS_ElementChunk::GetSubIDRangesMinMax,
new SMDS_MeshElement::NonNullFilter(),
iChunk );