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# Extrusion along a Path
import math
import salome
# Geometry
import geompy
# 1. Create points
points = [[0, 0], [50, 30], [50, 110], [0, 150], [-80, 150], [-130, 70], [-130, -20]]
iv = 1
vertices = []
for point in points:
vert = geompy.MakeVertex(point[0], point[1], 0)
geompy.addToStudy(vert, "Vertex_" + `iv`)
iv += 1
# 2. Create edges and wires
Edge_straight = geompy.MakeEdge(vertices[0], vertices[4])
Edge_bezierrr = geompy.MakeBezier(vertices)
Wire_polyline = geompy.MakePolyline(vertices)
Edge_Circle = geompy.MakeCircleThreePnt(vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2])
geompy.addToStudy(Edge_straight, "Edge_straight")
geompy.addToStudy(Edge_bezierrr, "Edge_bezierrr")
geompy.addToStudy(Wire_polyline, "Wire_polyline")
geompy.addToStudy(Edge_Circle , "Edge_Circle")
# 3. Explode wire on edges, as they will be used for mesh extrusion
Wire_polyline_edges = geompy.SubShapeAll(Wire_polyline, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
for ii in range(len(Wire_polyline_edges)):
geompy.addToStudyInFather(Wire_polyline, Wire_polyline_edges[ii], "Edge_" + `ii + 1`)
# Mesh
import smesh
# Mesh the given shape with the given 1d hypothesis
def Mesh1D(shape1d, nbSeg, name):
mesh1d_tool = smesh.Mesh(shape1d, name)
algo = mesh1d_tool.Segment()
hyp = algo.NumberOfSegments(nbSeg)
isDone = mesh1d_tool.Compute()
if not isDone: print 'Mesh ', name, ': computation failed'
return mesh1d_tool
# Create a mesh with six nodes, seven edges and two quadrangle faces
def MakeQuadMesh2(mesh_name):
quad_1 = smesh.Mesh(name = mesh_name)
# six nodes
n1 = quad_1.AddNode(0, 20, 10)
n2 = quad_1.AddNode(0, 40, 10)
n3 = quad_1.AddNode(0, 40, 30)
n4 = quad_1.AddNode(0, 20, 30)
n5 = quad_1.AddNode(0, 0, 30)
n6 = quad_1.AddNode(0, 0, 10)
# seven edges
quad_1.AddEdge([n1, n2]) # 1
quad_1.AddEdge([n2, n3]) # 2
quad_1.AddEdge([n3, n4]) # 3
quad_1.AddEdge([n4, n1]) # 4
quad_1.AddEdge([n4, n5]) # 5
quad_1.AddEdge([n5, n6]) # 6
quad_1.AddEdge([n6, n1]) # 7
# two quadrangle faces
quad_1.AddFace([n1, n2, n3, n4]) # 8
quad_1.AddFace([n1, n4, n5, n6]) # 9
return [quad_1, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], [8,9]]
# Path meshes
Edge_straight_mesh = Mesh1D(Edge_straight, 7, "Edge_straight")
Edge_bezierrr_mesh = Mesh1D(Edge_bezierrr, 7, "Edge_bezierrr")
Wire_polyline_mesh = Mesh1D(Wire_polyline, 3, "Wire_polyline")
Edge_Circle_mesh = Mesh1D(Edge_Circle , 8, "Edge_Circle")
# Initial meshes (to be extruded)
[quad_1, ee_1, ff_1] = MakeQuadMesh2("quad_1")
[quad_2, ee_2, ff_2] = MakeQuadMesh2("quad_2")
[quad_3, ee_3, ff_3] = MakeQuadMesh2("quad_3")
[quad_4, ee_4, ff_4] = MakeQuadMesh2("quad_4")
[quad_5, ee_5, ff_5] = MakeQuadMesh2("quad_5")
[quad_6, ee_6, ff_6] = MakeQuadMesh2("quad_6")
[quad_7, ee_7, ff_7] = MakeQuadMesh2("quad_7")
# ExtrusionAlongPath
# IDsOfElements, PathMesh, PathShape, NodeStart,
# HasAngles, Angles, HasRefPoint, RefPoint
refPoint = smesh.PointStruct(0, 0, 0)
a10 = 10.0*math.pi/180.0
a45 = 45.0*math.pi/180.0
# 1. Extrusion of two mesh edges along a straight path
error = quad_1.ExtrusionAlongPath([1,2], Edge_straight_mesh, Edge_straight, 1,
0, [], 0, refPoint)
# 2. Extrusion of one mesh edge along a curved path
error = quad_2.ExtrusionAlongPath([2], Edge_bezierrr_mesh, Edge_bezierrr, 1,
0, [], 0, refPoint)
# 3. Extrusion of one mesh edge along a curved path with usage of angles
error = quad_3.ExtrusionAlongPath([2], Edge_bezierrr_mesh, Edge_bezierrr, 1,
1, [a45, a45, a45, 0, -a45, -a45, -a45], 0, refPoint)
# 4. Extrusion of one mesh edge along the path, which is a part of a meshed wire
error = quad_4.ExtrusionAlongPath([4], Wire_polyline_mesh, Wire_polyline_edges[0], 1,
1, [a10, a10, a10], 0, refPoint)
# 5. Extrusion of two mesh faces along the path, which is a part of a meshed wire
error = quad_5.ExtrusionAlongPath(ff_5 , Wire_polyline_mesh, Wire_polyline_edges[2], 4,
0, [], 0, refPoint)
# 6. Extrusion of two mesh faces along a closed path
error = quad_6.ExtrusionAlongPath(ff_6 , Edge_Circle_mesh, Edge_Circle, 1,
0, [], 0, refPoint)
# 7. Extrusion of two mesh faces along a closed path with usage of angles
error = quad_7.ExtrusionAlongPath(ff_7, Edge_Circle_mesh, Edge_Circle, 1,
1, [a45, -a45, a45, -a45, a45, -a45, a45, -a45], 0, refPoint)