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// Copyright (C) 2007-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : DriverCGNS_Write.cxx
// Created : Fri Aug 5 17:43:54 2011
// Author : Edward AGAPOV (eap)
#include "DriverCGNS_Write.hxx"
#include "SMDS_MeshNode.hxx"
#include "SMDS_VolumeTool.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_GroupBase.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Comment.hxx"
#include <limits>
#include <cgnslib.h>
#if CGNS_VERSION < 3100
# define cgsize_t int
using namespace std;
* \brief Return interlace and type of CGNS element for the given SMDSAbs_EntityType
const int* getInterlaceAndType( const SMDSAbs_EntityType smType,
CGNS_ENUMT( ElementType_t ) & cgType )
static vector< const int* > interlaces;
static vector< CGNS_ENUMT( ElementType_t )> cgTypes;
if ( interlaces.empty() )
interlaces.resize( SMDSEntity_Last, 0 );
cgTypes.resize( SMDSEntity_Last, CGNS_ENUMV( ElementTypeNull ));
static int ids[] = {0};
interlaces[SMDSEntity_0D] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_0D] = CGNS_ENUMV( NODE );
static int ids[] = { 0, 1 };
interlaces[SMDSEntity_Edge] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_Edge] = CGNS_ENUMV( BAR_2 );
static int ids[] = { 0, 1, 2 };
interlaces[SMDSEntity_Quad_Edge] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_Quad_Edge] = CGNS_ENUMV( BAR_3 );
static int ids[] = { 0, 2, 1 };
interlaces[SMDSEntity_Triangle] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_Triangle] = CGNS_ENUMV( TRI_3 );
static int ids[] = { 0, 2, 1, 5, 4, 3 };
interlaces[SMDSEntity_Quad_Triangle] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_Quad_Triangle] = CGNS_ENUMV( TRI_6 );
interlaces[SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Triangle] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Triangle] = CGNS_ENUMV( TRI_6 );
static int ids[] = { 0, 3, 2, 1 };
interlaces[SMDSEntity_Quadrangle] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_Quadrangle] = CGNS_ENUMV( QUAD_4 );
static int ids[] = { 0,3,2,1,7,6,5,4 };
interlaces[SMDSEntity_Quad_Quadrangle] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_Quad_Quadrangle] = CGNS_ENUMV( QUAD_8 );
static int ids[] = { 0,3,2,1,7,6,5,4,8 };
interlaces[SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Quadrangle] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Quadrangle] = CGNS_ENUMV( QUAD_9 );
static int ids[] = { 0, 2, 1, 3 };
interlaces[SMDSEntity_Tetra] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_Tetra] = CGNS_ENUMV( TETRA_4 );
static int ids[] = { 0,2,1,3,6,5,4,7,9,8 };
interlaces[SMDSEntity_Quad_Tetra] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_Quad_Tetra] = CGNS_ENUMV( TETRA_10 );
static int ids[] = { 0,3,2,1,4 };
interlaces[SMDSEntity_Pyramid] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_Pyramid] = CGNS_ENUMV( PYRA_5 );
static int ids[] = { 0,3,2,1,4,8,7,6,5,9,12,11,10 };
interlaces[SMDSEntity_Quad_Pyramid] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_Quad_Pyramid] = CGNS_ENUMV( PYRA_13 );
static int ids[] = { 0,2,1,3,5,4 };
interlaces[SMDSEntity_Penta] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_Penta] = CGNS_ENUMV( PENTA_6 );
static int ids[] = { 0,2,1,3,5,4,8,7,6,9,11,10,14,13,12 };
interlaces[SMDSEntity_Quad_Penta] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_Quad_Penta] = CGNS_ENUMV( PENTA_15 );
static int ids[] = { 0,3,2,1,4,7,6,5 };
interlaces[SMDSEntity_Hexa] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_Hexa] = CGNS_ENUMV( HEXA_8 );
static int ids[] = { 0,3,2,1,4,7,6,5,11,10,9,8,12,15,14,13,19,18,17,16 };
interlaces[SMDSEntity_Quad_Hexa] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_Quad_Hexa] = CGNS_ENUMV( HEXA_20 );
static int ids[] = { 0,3,2,1,4,7,6,5,11,10,9,8,12,15,14,13,19,18,17,16,
20, 24,23,22,21, 25, 26};
interlaces[SMDSEntity_TriQuad_Hexa] = ids;
cgTypes [SMDSEntity_TriQuad_Hexa] = CGNS_ENUMV( HEXA_27 );
cgTypes[SMDSEntity_Polygon] = CGNS_ENUMV( NGON_n );
cgTypes[SMDSEntity_Quad_Polygon] = CGNS_ENUMV( NGON_n );
cgTypes[SMDSEntity_Polyhedra] = CGNS_ENUMV( NFACE_n );
cgTypes[SMDSEntity_Hexagonal_Prism] = CGNS_ENUMV( NFACE_n );
cgType = cgTypes[ smType ];
return interlaces[ smType ];
* \brief Cut off type of boundary condition from the group name
CGNS_ENUMT( BCType_t ) getBCType( string& groupName )
CGNS_ENUMT( BCType_t ) bcType = CGNS_ENUMV( BCGeneral ); // default type
// boundary condition type starts from "BC"
size_t bcBeg = groupName.find("BC");
if ( bcBeg != string::npos )
for ( int t = 0; t < NofValidBCTypes; ++t )
CGNS_ENUMT( BCType_t ) type = CGNS_ENUMT( BCType_t )( t );
string typeName = cg_BCTypeName( type );
if ( typeName == &groupName[0] + bcBeg )
bcType = type;
while ( bcBeg > 0 && isspace( bcBeg-1 ))
if ( bcBeg == 0 )
groupName = "Group";
groupName = groupName.substr( 0, bcBeg-1 );
return bcType;
* \brief Sortable face of a polyhedron
struct TPolyhedFace
int _id; // id of NGON_n
vector< int > _nodes; // lowest node IDs used for sorting
TPolyhedFace( const SMDS_MeshNode** nodes, const int nbNodes, int ID):_id(ID)
set< int > ids;
for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i )
ids.insert( nodes[i]->GetID() );
_nodes.resize( 3 ); // std::min( nbNodes, 4 )); hope 3 nodes is enough
set< int >::iterator idIt = ids.begin();
for ( size_t j = 0; j < _nodes.size(); ++j, ++idIt )
_nodes[j] = *idIt;
bool operator< (const TPolyhedFace& o ) const
return _nodes < o._nodes;
* \brief Return CGNS id of an element
cgsize_t cgnsID( const SMDS_MeshElement* elem,
const map< const SMDS_MeshElement*, cgsize_t >& elem2cgID )
map< const SMDS_MeshElement*, cgsize_t >::const_iterator e2id = elem2cgID.find( elem );
return ( e2id == elem2cgID.end() ? elem->GetID() : e2id->second );
} // namespace
* \brief Write the mesh into the CGNS file
Driver_Mesh::Status DriverCGNS_Write::Perform()
if ( !myMesh || myMesh->GetMeshInfo().NbElements() < 1 )
return addMessage( !myMesh ? "NULL mesh" : "Empty mesh (no elements)", /*fatal = */true );
// open the file
if ( cg_open(myFile.c_str(), CG_MODE_MODIFY, &_fn) != CG_OK &&
cg_open(myFile.c_str(), CG_MODE_WRITE, &_fn) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// create a Base
// --------------
const int spaceDim = 3;
int meshDim = 1;
if ( myMesh->NbFaces() > 0 ) meshDim = 2;
if ( myMesh->NbVolumes() > 0 ) meshDim = 3;
if ( myMeshName.empty() )
int nbases = 0;
if ( cg_nbases( _fn, &nbases) == CG_OK )
myMeshName = ( SMESH_Comment("Base_") << nbases+1 );
myMeshName = "Base_0";
int iBase;
if ( cg_base_write( _fn, myMeshName.c_str(), meshDim, spaceDim, &iBase ))
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// create a Zone
// --------------
int nbCells = myMesh->NbEdges();
if ( meshDim == 3 )
nbCells = myMesh->NbVolumes();
else if ( meshDim == 2 )
nbCells = myMesh->NbFaces();
cgsize_t size[9] = { myMesh->NbNodes(), nbCells, /*NBoundVertex=*/0, 0,0,0,0,0,0 };
int iZone;
if ( cg_zone_write( _fn, iBase, "SMESH_Mesh", size,
CGNS_ENUMV( Unstructured ), &iZone) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// Map to store only elements whose an SMDS ID differs from a CGNS one
typedef map< const SMDS_MeshElement*, cgsize_t > TElem2cgIDMap;
vector< TElem2cgIDMap > elem2cgIDByEntity( SMDSEntity_Last );
TElem2cgIDMap::iterator elem2cgIDIter;
TElem2cgIDMap & n2cgID = elem2cgIDByEntity[ SMDSEntity_Node ];
// Write nodes
// ------------
vector< double > coords( myMesh->NbNodes() );
int iC;
// X
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = myMesh->nodesIterator( /*idInceasingOrder=*/true );
for ( int i = 0; nIt->more(); ++i ) coords[i] = nIt->next()->X();
if ( cg_coord_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, CGNS_ENUMV(RealDouble),
"CoordinateX", &coords[0], &iC) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// Y
nIt = myMesh->nodesIterator( /*idInceasingOrder=*/true );
for ( int i = 0; nIt->more(); ++i ) coords[i] = nIt->next()->Y();
if ( cg_coord_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, CGNS_ENUMV(RealDouble),
"CoordinateY", &coords[0], &iC) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// Z
nIt = myMesh->nodesIterator( /*idInceasingOrder=*/true );
for ( int i = 0; nIt->more(); ++i ) coords[i] = nIt->next()->Z();
if ( cg_coord_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, CGNS_ENUMV(RealDouble),
"CoordinateZ", &coords[0], &iC) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// store CGNS ids of nodes
nIt = myMesh->nodesIterator( /*idInceasingOrder=*/true );
for ( int i = 0; nIt->more(); ++i )
const SMDS_MeshElement* n = nIt->next();
if ( n->GetID() != i+1 )
n2cgID.insert( n2cgID.end(), make_pair( n, i+1 ));
// Write elements
// ---------------
cgsize_t cgID = 1, startID;
// write into a section all successive elements of one geom type
int iSec;
vector< cgsize_t > elemData;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt = myMesh->elementsIterator();
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = elemIt->next();
while ( elem )
const SMDSAbs_EntityType elemType = elem->GetEntityType();
CGNS_ENUMT( ElementType_t ) cgType;
const int* interlace = getInterlaceAndType( elemType, cgType );
TElem2cgIDMap & elem2cgID = elem2cgIDByEntity[ elemType ];
startID = cgID;
if ( interlace ) // STANDARD elements
int cgnsNbNodes; // get nb nodes by element type, that can be less that elem->NbNodes()
cg_npe( cgType, &cgnsNbNodes );
for ( int i = 0; i < cgnsNbNodes; ++i )
elemData.push_back( cgnsID( elem->GetNode( interlace[i] ), n2cgID ));
if ( elem->GetID() != cgID )
elem2cgID.insert( elem2cgID.end(), make_pair( elem, cgID ));
elem = elemIt->more() ? elemIt->next() : 0;
while ( elem && elem->GetEntityType() == elemType );
else if ( elemType == SMDSEntity_Polygon ) // POLYGONS
elemData.push_back( elem->NbNodes() );
for ( int i = 0, nb = elem->NbNodes(); i < nb; ++i )
elemData.push_back( cgnsID( elem->GetNode(i), n2cgID ));
if ( elem->GetID() != cgID )
elem2cgID.insert( elem2cgID.end(), make_pair( elem, cgID ));
elem = elemIt->more() ? elemIt->next() : 0;
while ( elem && elem->GetEntityType() == elemType );
else if ( elemType == SMDSEntity_Quad_Polygon ) // QUADRATIC POLYGONS
do // write as linear NGON_n
elemData.push_back( elem->NbNodes() );
interlace = & SMDS_MeshCell::interlacedSmdsOrder( SMDSEntity_Quad_Polygon,
elem->NbNodes() )[0];
for ( int i = 0, nb = elem->NbNodes(); i < nb; ++i )
elemData.push_back( cgnsID( elem->GetNode( interlace[i] ), n2cgID ));
if ( elem->GetID() != cgID )
elem2cgID.insert( elem2cgID.end(), make_pair( elem, cgID ));
elem = elemIt->more() ? elemIt->next() : 0;
while ( elem && elem->GetEntityType() == elemType );
else if ( elemType == SMDSEntity_Polyhedra ||
elemType == SMDSEntity_Hexagonal_Prism) // POLYHEDRA
// to save polyhedrons after all
const SMDS_MeshInfo& meshInfo = myMesh->GetMeshInfo();
if ( meshInfo.NbPolyhedrons() == meshInfo.NbElements() - cgID + 1 )
break; // only polyhedrons remain
while ( elem && elem->GetEntityType() == elemType )
elem = elemIt->more() ? elemIt->next() : 0;
SMESH_Comment sectionName( cg_ElementTypeName( cgType ));
sectionName << " " << startID << " - " << cgID-1;
if ( cg_section_write(_fn, iBase, iZone, sectionName.c_str(), cgType, startID,
cgID-1, /*nbndry=*/0, &elemData[0], &iSec) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
// Write polyhedral volumes
// -------------------------
if ( myMesh->GetMeshInfo().NbElements() > cgID-1 ) // polyhedra or hexagonal prisms remain
// the polyhedron (NFACE_n) is described as a set of signed face IDs,
// so first we are to write all polygones (NGON_n) bounding polyhedrons
vector< cgsize_t > faceData;
set< TPolyhedFace > faces;
set< TPolyhedFace >::iterator faceInSet;
vector<const SMDS_MeshNode *> faceNodesVec;
int nbPolygones = 0, faceID;
SMDS_VolumeTool vol;
int nbPolyhTreated = 0;
TElem2cgIDMap * elem2cgID = 0;
TElem2cgIDMap & n2cgID = elem2cgIDByEntity[ SMDSEntity_Node ];
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt = myMesh->elementsIterator();
while ( elemIt->more() )
elem = elemIt->next();
SMDSAbs_EntityType type = elem->GetEntityType();
if ( type == SMDSEntity_Polyhedra ||
type == SMDSEntity_Hexagonal_Prism )
vol.Set( elem );
const int nbFaces = vol.NbFaces();
elemData.push_back( nbFaces );
for ( int iF = 0; iF < nbFaces; ++iF )
const int nbNodes = vol.NbFaceNodes( iF );
const SMDS_MeshNode** faceNodes = vol.GetFaceNodes( iF );
faceNodesVec.assign( faceNodes, faceNodes + nbNodes );
if (( elem = myMesh->FindElement( faceNodesVec, SMDSAbs_Face, /*noMedium=*/false)))
// a face of the polyhedron is present in the mesh
faceID = cgnsID( elem, elem2cgIDByEntity[ elem->GetEntityType() ]);
else if ( vol.IsFreeFace( iF ))
// the face is not shared by volumes
faceID = cgID++;
faceData.push_back( nbNodes );
for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i )
faceData.push_back( cgnsID( faceNodes[i], n2cgID ));
TPolyhedFace face( faceNodes, nbNodes, cgID );
faceInSet = faces.insert( faces.end(), face );
if ( faceInSet->_id == cgID ) // the face encounters for the 1st time
faceID = cgID++;
faceData.push_back( nbNodes );
for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i )
faceData.push_back( cgnsID( faceNodes[i], n2cgID ));
// the face encounters for the 2nd time; we hope it won't encounter once more,
// for that we can erase it from the set of faces
faceID = -faceInSet->_id;
faces.erase( faceInSet );
elemData.push_back( faceID );
if ( nbPolygones > 0 )
if ( cg_section_write(_fn, iBase, iZone, "Faces of Polyhedrons",
CGNS_ENUMV( NGON_n ), cgID - nbPolygones, cgID-1,
/*nbndry=*/0, &faceData[0], &iSec) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
if ( cg_section_write(_fn, iBase, iZone, "Polyhedrons",
CGNS_ENUMV( NFACE_n ), cgID, cgID+nbPolyhTreated-1,
/*nbndry=*/0, &elemData[0], &iSec) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true );
if ( !myMesh->GetGroups().empty() )
// store CGNS ids of polyhedrons
elem2cgID = &elem2cgIDByEntity[ SMDSEntity_Polyhedra ];
elemIt = myMesh->elementsIterator();
while ( elemIt->more() )
elem = elemIt->next();
if ( elem->GetEntityType() == SMDSEntity_Polyhedra )
if ( elem->GetID() != cgID )
elem2cgID->insert( elem2cgID->end(), make_pair( elem, cgID ));
} // write polyhedral volumes
// Write groups as boundary conditions
// ------------------------------------
const set<SMESHDS_GroupBase*>& groups = myMesh->GetGroups();
set<SMESHDS_GroupBase*>::const_iterator grpIt = groups.begin();
set< string > groupNames; groupNames.insert(""); // to avoid duplicated and empty names
for ( ; grpIt != groups.end(); ++grpIt )
const SMESHDS_GroupBase* group = *grpIt;
// write BC location (default is Vertex)
CGNS_ENUMT( GridLocation_t ) location = CGNS_ENUMV( Vertex );
if ( group->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Node )
switch ( meshDim ) {
case 3:
switch ( group->GetType() ) {
case SMDSAbs_Volume: location = CGNS_ENUMV( FaceCenter ); break; // !!!
case SMDSAbs_Face: location = CGNS_ENUMV( FaceCenter ); break; // OK
case SMDSAbs_Edge: location = CGNS_ENUMV( EdgeCenter ); break; // OK
case 2:
switch ( group->GetType() ) {
case SMDSAbs_Face: location = CGNS_ENUMV( FaceCenter ); break; // ???
case SMDSAbs_Edge: location = CGNS_ENUMV( EdgeCenter ); break; // OK
case 1:
location = CGNS_ENUMV( EdgeCenter ); break; // ???
// try to extract type of boundary condition from the group name
string name = group->GetStoreName();
CGNS_ENUMT( BCType_t ) bcType = getBCType( name );
while ( !groupNames.insert( name ).second )
name = (SMESH_Comment( "Group_") << groupNames.size());
// write IDs of elements
vector< cgsize_t > pnts;
pnts.reserve( group->Extent() );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt = group->GetElements();
while ( elemIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = elemIt->next();
pnts.push_back( cgnsID( elem, elem2cgIDByEntity[ elem->GetEntityType() ]));
int iBC;
if ( cg_boco_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, name.c_str(), bcType,
CGNS_ENUMV( PointList ), pnts.size(), &pnts[0], &iBC) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */true);
// write BC location
if ( location != CGNS_ENUMV( Vertex ))
if ( cg_boco_gridlocation_write( _fn, iBase, iZone, iBC, location) != CG_OK )
return addMessage( cg_get_error(), /*fatal = */false);
return DRS_OK;
* \brief Constructor
DriverCGNS_Write::DriverCGNS_Write(): _fn(0)
* \brief Close the cgns file at destruction
if ( _fn > 0 )
cg_close( _fn );