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// Copyright (C) 2007-2019 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
#include "SMESHGUI_MeshInfo.h"
#include "SMDS_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Actor.h"
#include "SMESHGUI.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_FilterUtils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_IdPreview.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_IdValidator.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_SpinBox.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Utils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_VTKUtils.h"
#include <SUIT_FileDlg.h>
#include <SUIT_OverrideCursor.h>
#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
#include <SUIT_Session.h>
#include <SVTK_ViewWindow.h>
#include <LightApp_SelectionMgr.h>
#include <SALOMEDSClient_Study.hxx>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QButtonGroup>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QContextMenuEvent>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QItemDelegate>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QRadioButton>
#include <QStackedWidget>
#include <QStandardItemModel>
#include <QTabWidget>
#include <QTextBrowser>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QToolButton>
#include <QTreeWidget>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
/// \class Field
/// \brief Field widget.
/// \internal
class Field : public QLabel
Field( QWidget*, const QString& = QString() );
bool event( QEvent* );
\brief Constructor.
\param parent Parent widget.
\param name Field name. Defaults to null string.
Field::Field( QWidget* parent, const QString& name ): QLabel( parent )
setFrameStyle( QLabel::StyledPanel | QLabel::Sunken );
setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
setAutoFillBackground( true );
QPalette pal = palette();
QColor base = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base );
pal.setColor( QPalette::Window, base );
setPalette( pal );
setMinimumWidth( 60 );
if ( !name.isEmpty() )
setObjectName( name );
\brief Event handler. Redefined from QLabel.
bool Field::event( QEvent* e )
if ( e->type() == QEvent::DynamicPropertyChange )
QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent* ce = (QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent*)e;
if ( ce->propertyName() == "value" && property( "value" ).isValid() )
setText( QString::number( property( "value" ).toInt() ) );
setProperty( "value", QVariant() );
return true;
return QLabel::event( e );
/// \class TreeItemCreator
/// \brief Generic tree item creator.
/// \internal
class TreeItemCreator
TreeItemCreator() {}
virtual ~TreeItemCreator() {}
virtual QTreeWidgetItem* createItem( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ) = 0;
// General purpose services.
const int SPACING = 6;
const int MARGIN = 9;
Bold = 0x01,
Italic = 0x02,
AllColumns = 0x04,
Expanded = 0x08,
Editable = 0x10
GroupsId = 100,
TypeRole = Qt::UserRole + 10,
NodeConnectivity = 100,
\brief Get item's depth in the tree.
\param item Tree widget item.
\return Item's depth in the tree widget (top-level item has zero depth).
int itemDepth( QTreeWidgetItem* item )
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> parents;
parents << item;
while ( parents.last()->parent() )
parents << parents.last()->parent();
return parents.size()-1;
\brief Get chunk size.
\return Chunk size.
int blockSize()
return 10;
\brief Get spacer.
\return Spacer string.
QString spacing()
static int size = 1;
static QChar spacer = ' ';
return QString( size, spacer );
\brief Get indent.
\param length Indent size. Defaults to 1.
\return Indentation string.
QString indent( int length = 1 )
static int size = 4;
static QChar spacer = ' ';
return QString( size * length, spacer );
\brief Get indent.
\param spacer Spacer.
\param length Indent size. Defaults to 1.
\return Indentation string.
QString indent( const QString& spacer, uint length = 1 )
QString result;
while( length-- > 0 )
result += spacer;
return result;
\brief Get group separator.
\param length Length of ruler (number of symbols). Defaults to 80.
\return Ruler string.
QString ruler( int length = 80 )
static QChar ruler = '-';
return QString( length, ruler );
\brief Get text value from label.
\param w Widget (QLabel).
\return Value string.
QString widgetValue( QWidget* w )
QString v;
if ( qobject_cast<QLabel*>( w ) )
v = qobject_cast<QLabel*>( w )->text();
return v;
\brief Get font for given options.
\param font Initial font.
\param options Font attributes.
\return Font.
QFont fontFromOptions( const QFont& font, int options )
QFont f = font;
f.setBold( options & Bold );
f.setItalic( options & Italic );
return f;
\brief Set font attributes to given widget.
\param w Widget.
\param options Font attributes.
void setFontAttributes( QWidget* w, int options )
if ( w )
w->setFont( fontFromOptions( w->font(), options ) );
\brief Set attributes to given tree item.
\param item Tree widget item.
\param options Item attributes.
void setTreeItemAttributes( QTreeWidgetItem* item, int options )
if ( item && item->treeWidget() )
for ( int i = 0; i < item->treeWidget()->columnCount(); i++ )
if ( i == 0 || options & AllColumns )
item->setFont( i, fontFromOptions( item->font( 0 ), options) );
if ( options & Expanded )
item->setExpanded( true );
if ( options & Editable )
item->setFlags( item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable );
\brief Create label.
\param parent Parent widget.
\param options Label options. Defaults to 0 (none).
\return New label.
QLabel* createLabel( QWidget* parent, int options = 0 )
QLabel* lab = new QLabel( parent );
setFontAttributes( lab, options );
return lab;
\brief Create label.
\param text Label text.
\param parent Parent widget.
\param options Label options. Defaults to 0 (none).
\return New label.
QLabel* createLabel( const QString& text, QWidget* parent, int options = 0 )
QLabel* lab = createLabel( parent, options );
lab->setText( text );
return lab;
\brief Create information field.
\param parent Parent widget.
\param name Field's object. Default to null string.
\return New field.
QLabel* createField( QWidget* parent, const QString& name = QString() )
return new Field( parent, name );
\brief Create information field.
\param parent Parent widget.
\param options Label options.
\param name Field's object. Default to null string.
\return New field.
QLabel* createField( QWidget* parent, int options, const QString& name = QString() )
QLabel* field = createField( parent, name );
setFontAttributes( field, options );
return field;
\brief Create ruler.
\param parent Parent widget.
\param orientation Ruler orientation. Defaults to horizontal.
\return New ruler.
QWidget* createSeparator( QWidget* parent, Qt::Orientation orientation = Qt::Horizontal )
QFrame* line = new QFrame( parent );
line->setFrameShape( orientation == Qt::Horizontal ? QFrame::HLine : QFrame::HLine );
line->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken );
return line;
\brief Decorate text as bold.
\param text Initial text.
\return Decorated text.
QString bold( const QString& text )
return QString("<b>%1</b>").arg( text );
\brief Format connectivity data to string representation.
\param connectivity Connectivity map.
\param type Element type or face index if negative
\return Stringified representation of the connectivity.
QString formatConnectivity( SMESH::Connectivity connectivity, int type )
QStringList str;
QString result;
bool isNodal = ( type == SMDSAbs_Node || type < 0 );
type = qAbs( type );
if ( connectivity.contains( type ))
QList<int> elements = connectivity[ type ];
if ( !isNodal ) // order of nodes is important
qSort( elements );
foreach( int id, elements )
str << QString::number( id );
// wrap IDs into an html link, to be treated by QTextBrowser used by SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo
QString s = str.join( " " );
result = ( "<a href = \"" + // URL:
QString( isNodal ? "nodes" : "elems" ) + "://" + // protocol
QString( "host.com/") + // QUrl return nothing if host missing
s + "\">" + // path
s + "</a>" ); // anchor text
return result;
} // end of anonymous namespace
/// \class SMESHGUI_Info
/// \brief Base widget for all information panes.
\brief Constructor.
\param parent Parent widget. Defaults to 0.
SMESHGUI_Info::SMESHGUI_Info( QWidget* parent ): QWidget( parent )
/// \class ExtraWidget
/// \brief Auxiliary widget to browse between chunks of information.
/// \internal
class ExtraWidget : public QWidget
ExtraWidget( QWidget*, bool = false );
void updateControls( int, int );
QLabel* current;
QPushButton* prev;
QPushButton* next;
bool brief;
\brief Constructor.
\param parent Parent widget.
\param briefSummary Show summary in brief format. Defaults to \c false.
ExtraWidget::ExtraWidget( QWidget* parent, bool briefSummary ): QWidget( parent ), brief( briefSummary )
current = new QLabel( this );
current->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter );
prev = new QPushButton( "<<", this );
next = new QPushButton( ">>", this );
QHBoxLayout* hbl = new QHBoxLayout( this );
hbl->setMargin( 0 );
hbl->setSpacing( SPACING );
hbl->addWidget( current );
hbl->addWidget( prev );
hbl->addWidget( next );
\brief Update controls.
\param total Total number of items.
\param index Current index.
void ExtraWidget::updateControls( int total, int index )
setVisible( total > blockSize() );
QString format = brief ? QString( "%1-%2 / %3" ) : SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::tr( "X_FROM_Y_ITEMS_SHOWN" );
current->setText( format.arg( index*blockSize()+1 ).arg( qMin( index*blockSize()+blockSize(), total ) ).arg( total ) );
prev->setEnabled( index > 0 );
next->setEnabled( (index+1)*blockSize() < total );
/// \class DumpFileDlg
/// \brief Standard Save File dialog box, customized for dump info operation.
/// \internal
class DumpFileDlg : public SUIT_FileDlg
QMap<int, QCheckBox*> myControls;
DumpFileDlg( QWidget*, bool = true );
bool isChecked( int ) const;
void setChecked( int, bool );
\brief Constructor.
\param parent Parent widget.
\param showControls Show additional controls. Defaults to \c true.
DumpFileDlg::DumpFileDlg( QWidget* parent, bool showControls ): SUIT_FileDlg( parent, false, true, true )
if ( showControls )
QWidget* hB = new QWidget( this );
myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::BaseInfo] = new QCheckBox( SMESHGUI::tr( "PREF_DUMP_BASE_INFO" ), hB );
myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::ElemInfo] = new QCheckBox( SMESHGUI::tr( "PREF_DUMP_ELEM_INFO" ), hB );
myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::AddInfo] = new QCheckBox( SMESHGUI::tr( "PREF_DUMP_ADD_INFO" ), hB );
myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::CtrlInfo] = new QCheckBox( SMESHGUI::tr( "PREF_DUMP_CTRL_INFO" ), hB );
QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout( hB );
layout->setMargin( 0 );
layout->addWidget( myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::BaseInfo], 0, 0 );
layout->addWidget( myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::ElemInfo], 0, 1 );
layout->addWidget( myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::AddInfo], 1, 0 );
layout->addWidget( myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::CtrlInfo], 1, 1 );
addWidgets( 0, hB, 0 );
\brief Get control's value.
\param option Control identifier.
\return Control value.
bool DumpFileDlg::isChecked( int option ) const
return myControls.contains( option ) ? myControls[option]->isChecked() : false;
\brief Set control's initial value.
\param option Control identifier.
\param value Control value.
void DumpFileDlg::setChecked( int option, bool value )
if ( myControls.contains( option ) )
myControls[option]->setChecked( value );
/// \class SMESHGUI_BaseInfo
/// \brief Show basic information on selected object.
/// Displays the base information about selected object: mesh, sub-mesh, group
/// or arbitrary ID source.
/// \todo Hide unnecessary widgets (e.g. for mesh group).
\brief Constructor.
\param parent Parent widget. Defaults to 0.
SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::SMESHGUI_BaseInfo( QWidget* parent ): SMESHGUI_Info( parent )
QGridLayout* l = new QGridLayout( this );
l->setMargin( MARGIN );
l->setSpacing( SPACING );
// object info
// - name
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "NAME_LAB" ), this, Bold ), iName, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, "meshName" ), iName, iSingle, 4 )->setMinimumWidth( 150 );
// - type
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "OBJECT_LAB" ), this, Bold ), iObject, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, "meshType" ), iObject, iSingle, 4 )->setMinimumWidth( 150 );
// - --- (separator)
addWidget( createSeparator( this ), iObjectEnd, iLabel, 5 );
// node info
// - info
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "NODES_LAB" ), this, Bold ), iNodes, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, "nbNodes" ), iNodes, iTotal );
// - --- (separator)
addWidget( createSeparator( this ), iNodesEnd, iLabel, 5 );
// element info
// - title
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "ELEMENTS_LAB" ), this, Bold ), iElementsTitle, iLabel );
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "TOTAL_LAB" ), this, Italic ), iElementsTitle, iTotal );
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "LINEAR_LAB" ), this, Italic ), iElementsTitle, iLinear );
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "QUADRATIC_LAB" ), this, Italic ), iElementsTitle, iQuadratic );
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "BI_QUADRATIC_LAB" ), this, Italic ), iElementsTitle, iBiQuadratic );
// - --- (separator)
addWidget( createSeparator( this ), iElementsTitleEnd, iTotal, 4 );
// - summary
addWidget( createField( this, "totalNbElems" ), iElementsTotal, iTotal );
addWidget( createField( this, "totalNbLinearElems" ), iElementsTotal, iLinear );
addWidget( createField( this, "totalNbQuadraticElems" ), iElementsTotal, iQuadratic );
addWidget( createField( this, "totalNbBiQuadraticElems" ), iElementsTotal, iBiQuadratic );
// - --- (separator)
addWidget( createSeparator( this ), iElementsTotalEnd, iTotal, 4 );
// - 0D elements info
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "0D_LAB" ), this, Bold | Italic ), i0D, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, "nb0D" ), i0D, iTotal );
// - --- (separator)
addWidget( createSeparator( this ), i0DEnd, iTotal, 4 );
// - balls info
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "BALL_LAB" ), this, Bold | Italic ), iBalls, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, "nbBall" ), iBalls, iTotal );
// - --- (separator)
addWidget( createSeparator( this ), iBallsEnd, iTotal, 4 );
// - 1D elements info
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "1D_LAB" ), this, Bold | Italic ), i1D, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, "nb1D" ), i1D, iTotal );
addWidget( createField( this, "nbLinear1D" ), i1D, iLinear );
addWidget( createField( this, "nbQuadratic1D" ), i1D, iQuadratic );
// - --- (separator)
addWidget( createSeparator( this ), i1DEnd, iTotal, 4 );
// - 2D elements info
// --+ summary
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "2D_LAB" ), this, Bold | Italic ), i2D, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, "nb2D" ), i2D, iTotal );
addWidget( createField( this, "nbLinear2D" ), i2D, iLinear );
addWidget( createField( this, "nbQuadratic2D" ), i2D, iQuadratic );
addWidget( createField( this, "nbBiQuadratic2D" ), i2D, iBiQuadratic );
// --+ triangles
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "TRIANGLES_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i2DTriangles, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbTriangle" ), i2DTriangles, iTotal );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbLinearTriangle" ), i2DTriangles, iLinear );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQuadraticTriangle" ), i2DTriangles, iQuadratic );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbBiQuadraticTriangle" ), i2DTriangles, iBiQuadratic );
// --+ quadrangles
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "QUADRANGLES_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i2DQuadrangles, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQuadrangle" ), i2DQuadrangles, iTotal );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbLinearQuadrangle" ), i2DQuadrangles, iLinear );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQuadraticQuadrangle" ), i2DQuadrangles, iQuadratic );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbBiQuadraticQuadrangle" ), i2DQuadrangles, iBiQuadratic );
// --+ polygons
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "POLYGONS_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i2DPolygons, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbPolygon" ), i2DPolygons, iTotal );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbLinearPolygon" ), i2DPolygons, iLinear );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQuadraticPolygon" ), i2DPolygons, iQuadratic );
// - --- (separator)
addWidget( createSeparator( this ), i2DEnd, iTotal, 4 );
// - 3D elements info
// --+ summary
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "3D_LAB" ), this, Bold | Italic ), i3D, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, "nb3D" ), i3D, iTotal );
addWidget( createField( this, "nbLinear3D" ), i3D, iLinear );
addWidget( createField( this, "nbQuadratic3D" ), i3D, iQuadratic );
addWidget( createField( this, "nbBiQuadratic3D" ), i3D, iBiQuadratic );
// --+ tetras
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "TETRAHEDRONS_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i3DTetrahedrons, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbTetrahedron" ), i3DTetrahedrons, iTotal );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbLinearTetrahedron" ), i3DTetrahedrons, iLinear );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQudraticTetrahedron" ), i3DTetrahedrons, iQuadratic );
// --+ hexas
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "HEXAHEDONRS_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i3DHexahedrons, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbHexahedron" ), i3DHexahedrons, iTotal );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbLinearHexahedron" ), i3DHexahedrons, iLinear );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQuadraticHexahedron" ), i3DHexahedrons, iQuadratic );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbBiQuadraticHexahedron" ), i3DHexahedrons, iBiQuadratic );
// --+ pyramids
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "PYRAMIDS_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i3DPyramids, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbPyramid" ), i3DPyramids, iTotal );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbLinearPyramid" ), i3DPyramids, iLinear );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQuadraticPyramid" ), i3DPyramids, iQuadratic );
// --+ prisms
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "PRISMS_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i3DPrisms, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbPrism" ), i3DPrisms, iTotal );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbLinearPrism" ), i3DPrisms, iLinear );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQuadraticPrism" ), i3DPrisms, iQuadratic );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbBiQuadraticPrism" ), i3DPrisms, iBiQuadratic );
// --+ hexagonal prisms
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "HEX_PRISMS_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i3DHexaPrisms, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbHexagonalPrism" ), i3DHexaPrisms, iTotal );
// --+ polyhedrons
addWidget( createLabel( tr( "POLYHEDRONS_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i3DPolyhedrons, iLabel );
addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbPolyhedron" ), i3DPolyhedrons, iTotal );
// load button
QPushButton* loadBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "BUT_LOAD_MESH" ), this );
loadBtn->setAutoDefault( true );
connect( loadBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( loadMesh() ) );
addWidget( loadBtn, iEnd, iSingle, 4 );
// additional layout set-up
l->setColumnStretch( iLabel, 0 );
l->setColumnStretch( iTotal, 5 );
l->setColumnStretch( iLinear, 5 );
l->setColumnStretch( iQuadratic, 5 );
l->setColumnStretch( iBiQuadratic, 5 );
l->setRowStretch( iElementsEnd, 5 );
// set initial values
\brief Destructor.
\brief Show information on given object.
\param proxy Object to show information on (mesh, sub-mesh, group, ID source).
void SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy )
// reset panel
// then fill panel with data if object is not null
if ( proxy )
myProxy = proxy;
SMESH::MeshInfo info = proxy.meshInfo();
// object info
// - name
widget( iName, iSingle )->setProperty( "text", proxy.name() );
// - type
QString typeName;
SMESH::SelectionProxy::Type type = proxy.type();
if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::Mesh )
typeName = tr( "OBJECT_MESH" );
else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::Submesh )
typeName = tr( "OBJECT_SUBMESH" );
else if ( type >= SMESH::SelectionProxy::Group )
switch( proxy.groupElementType() )
case SMESH::NODE: typeName = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_NODES" ); break;
case SMESH::EDGE: typeName = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_EDGES" ); break;
case SMESH::FACE: typeName = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_FACES" ); break;
case SMESH::VOLUME: typeName = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_VOLUMES" ); break;
case SMESH::ELEM0D: typeName = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_0DELEMS" ); break;
case SMESH::BALL: typeName = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_BALLS" ); break;
default: typeName = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP" ); break;
QString subType;
if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupStd )
else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupGeom )
subType = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_GEOM" );
else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupFilter )
subType = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_FILTER" );
if ( !subType.isEmpty() )
typeName = QString( "%1 %2" ).arg( typeName, subType );
widget( iObject, iSingle )->setProperty( "text", typeName );
// node info
uint nbNodes = info[SMDSEntity_Node];
widget( iNodes, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbNodes );
// element info
// - 0D elements info
uint nb0d = info[SMDSEntity_0D];
widget( i0D, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nb0d );
// - balls info
uint nbBalls = info[SMDSEntity_Ball];
widget( iBalls, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbBalls );
// - 1D elements info
uint nb1dLin = info[SMDSEntity_Edge];
uint nb1dQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Edge];
uint nb1d = nb1dLin + nb1dQua;
widget( i1D, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nb1dLin );
widget( i1D, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nb1dQua );
widget( i1D, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nb1d );
// - 2D elements info
// --+ triangles
uint nbTriLin = info[SMDSEntity_Triangle];
uint nbTriQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Triangle];
uint nbTriBiq = info[SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Triangle];
uint nbTri = nbTriLin + nbTriQua + nbTriBiq;
widget( i2DTriangles, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbTriLin );
widget( i2DTriangles, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbTriQua );
widget( i2DTriangles, iBiQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbTriBiq );
widget( i2DTriangles, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbTri );
// --+ quadrangles
uint nbQuadLin = info[SMDSEntity_Quadrangle];
uint nbQuadQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Quadrangle];
uint nbQuadBiq = info[SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Quadrangle];
uint nbQuad = nbQuadLin + nbQuadQua + nbQuadBiq;
widget( i2DQuadrangles, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbQuadLin );
widget( i2DQuadrangles, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbQuadQua );
widget( i2DQuadrangles, iBiQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbQuadBiq );
widget( i2DQuadrangles, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbQuad );
// --+ polygons
uint nbPolyLin = info[SMDSEntity_Polygon];
uint nbPolyQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Polygon];
uint nbPoly = nbPolyLin + nbPolyQua;
widget( i2DPolygons, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbPolyLin );
widget( i2DPolygons, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbPolyQua );
widget( i2DPolygons, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbPoly );
// --+ summary
uint nb2dLin = nbTriLin + nbQuadLin + nbPolyLin;
uint nb2dQua = nbTriQua + nbQuadQua + nbPolyQua;
uint nb2dBiq = nbTriBiq + nbQuadBiq;
uint nb2d = nb2dLin + nb2dQua + nb2dBiq;
widget( i2D, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nb2dLin );
widget( i2D, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nb2dQua );
widget( i2D, iBiQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nb2dBiq );
widget( i2D, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nb2d );
// - 3D elements info
// --+ tetras
uint nbTetraLin = info[SMDSEntity_Tetra];
uint nbTetraQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Tetra];
uint nbTetra = nbTetraLin + nbTetraQua;
widget( i3DTetrahedrons, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbTetraLin );
widget( i3DTetrahedrons, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbTetraQua );
widget( i3DTetrahedrons, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbTetra );
// --+ hexas
uint nbHexaLin = info[SMDSEntity_Hexa];
uint nbHexaQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Hexa];
uint nbHexaBiq = info[SMDSEntity_TriQuad_Hexa];
uint nbHexa = nbHexaLin + nbHexaQua + nbHexaBiq;
widget( i3DHexahedrons, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbHexaLin );
widget( i3DHexahedrons, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbHexaQua );
widget( i3DHexahedrons, iBiQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbHexaBiq );
widget( i3DHexahedrons, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbHexa );
// --+ pyramids
uint nbPyraLin = info[SMDSEntity_Pyramid];
uint nbPyraQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Pyramid];
uint nbPyra = nbPyraLin + nbPyraQua;
widget( i3DPyramids, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbPyraLin );
widget( i3DPyramids, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbPyraQua );
widget( i3DPyramids, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbPyra );
// --+ prisms
uint nbPentaLin = info[SMDSEntity_Penta];
uint nbPentaQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Penta];
uint nbPentaBiq = info[SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Penta];
uint nbPenta = nbPentaLin + nbPentaQua + nbPentaBiq;
widget( i3DPrisms, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbPentaLin );
widget( i3DPrisms, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbPentaQua );
widget( i3DPrisms, iBiQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbPentaBiq );
widget( i3DPrisms, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbPenta );
// --+ hexagonal prisms
uint nbHexaPri = info[SMDSEntity_Hexagonal_Prism];
widget( i3DHexaPrisms, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbHexaPri );
// --+ polyhedrons
uint nbPolyhedra = info[SMDSEntity_Polyhedra];
widget( i3DPolyhedrons, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbPolyhedra );
// --+ summary
uint nb3dLin = nbTetraLin + nbHexaLin + nbPyraLin + nbPentaLin + nbHexaPri + nbPolyhedra;
uint nb3dQua = nbTetraQua + nbHexaQua + nbPyraQua + nbPentaQua;
uint nb3dBiq = nbHexaBiq + nbPentaBiq;
uint nb3d = nb3dLin + nb3dQua + nb3dBiq;
widget( i3D, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nb3dLin );
widget( i3D, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nb3dQua );
widget( i3D, iBiQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nb3dBiq );
widget( i3D, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nb3d );
// - summary
uint nbElemLin = nb1dLin + nb2dLin + nb3dLin;
uint nbElemQua = nb1dQua + nb2dQua + nb3dQua;
uint nbElemBiq = nb2dBiq + nb3dBiq;
uint nbElem = nb0d + nbBalls + nb1d + nb2d + nb3d;
widget( iElementsTotal, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbElemLin );
widget( iElementsTotal, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbElemQua );
widget( iElementsTotal, iBiQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbElemBiq );
widget( iElementsTotal, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbElem );
// show 'Load' button if data was not loaded yet
widget( iEnd, iSingle )->setVisible( !proxy.isValid() );
// until data is loaded from study file, type of elements in a sub-mesh or group
// can be undefined in some cases
if ( !proxy.isValid() )
// two cases are possible:
// 1. type of 2D or 3D elements is unknown but their nb is OK (for a sub-mesh)
// 2. there is no info at all (for a group on geom or on filter)
if ( info.count( SMDSEntity_Node, SMDSEntity_Last ) > 0 ) // believe it is a sub-mesh
if ( nb2dLin + nb2dQua + nb2dBiq > 0 )
// we know nothing about triangles, quadranges and polygons
for ( int i = i2DTriangles; i < i2DEnd; i++ )
for ( int j = iTotal; j < iNbColumns; j++ )
if ( widget( i, j ) )
widget( i, j )->setProperty( "text", "?" );
// we don't know if elements are linear, quadratic or bi-quadratic
for ( int j = iLinear; j < iNbColumns; j++ )
if ( widget( i2D, j ) )
widget( i2D, j )->setProperty( "text", "?" );
if ( widget( iElementsTotal, j ) )
widget( iElementsTotal, j )->setProperty( "text", "?" );
else if ( nb3dLin + nb3dQua + nb3dBiq > 0 )
// we know nothing about tetras, hexas, etc.
for ( int i = i3DTetrahedrons; i < i3DEnd; i++ )
for ( int j = iTotal; j < iNbColumns; j++ )
if ( widget( i, j ) )
widget( i, j )->setProperty( "text", "?" );
// we don't know if elements are linear, quadratic or bi-quadratic
for ( int j = iLinear; j < iNbColumns; j++ )
if ( widget( i3D, j ) )
widget( i3D, j )->setProperty( "text", "?" );
if ( widget( iElementsTotal, j ) )
widget( iElementsTotal, j )->setProperty( "text", "?" );
// we know nothing about nodes :(
widget( iNodes, iTotal )->setProperty( "text", "?" );
// we know nothing about elements :(
for ( int i = iElementsTotal; i < iElementsEnd; i++ )
for ( int j = iTotal; j < iNbColumns; j++ )
if ( widget( i, j ) )
widget( i, j )->setProperty( "text", "?" );
\brief Update information in panel.
void SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::updateInfo()
showInfo( myProxy );
\brief Load mesh from a study file.
void SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::loadMesh()
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( myProxy )
\brief Reset panel (clear all data).
void SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::clear()
// - name
widget( iName, iSingle )->setProperty( "text", QString() );
// - type
widget( iObject, iSingle )->setProperty( "text", QString() );
// - nodes
widget( iNodes, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", 0 );
// - elements
for ( int i = iElementsTotal; i < iElementsEnd; i++ )
for ( int j = iTotal; j < iNbColumns; j++ )
if ( widget( i, j ) )
widget( i, j )->setProperty( "value", 0 );
// hide 'Load' button
widget( iEnd, iSingle )->setVisible( false );
\brief Register widget in a grid.
\param w Widget being added.
\param row Row index in a grid.
\param column Column index in a grid.
\param colspan Number of columns to span in a grid. Defaults to 1.
\return Just added widget.
QWidget* SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::addWidget( QWidget* w, int row, int column, int colspan )
if ( !myWidgets.contains( row ) )
myWidgets[row] = wlist();
myWidgets[row][column] = w;
dynamic_cast<QGridLayout*>( layout() )->addWidget( w, row, column, 1, colspan );
return w;
\brief Get registered widget.
\param row Row index in a grid.
\param column Column index in a grid.
\return Widget stored in a given grid cell (0 if there's no widget).
QWidget* SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::widget( int row, int column ) const
return myWidgets.contains( row ) && myWidgets[row].contains( column ) ? myWidgets[row][column] : 0;
\brief Get text value from registered widget.
\param row Row index in a grid.
\param column Column index in a grid.
\return Value string (empty string if no label in given cell).
QString SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::value( int row, int column ) const
return widgetValue( widget( row, column ) );
\brief Show/hide group(s) of widgets.
\param startRow Starting grid row.
\param lastRow Last grid row.
\param on Visibility flag.
void SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::setFieldsVisible( int startRow, int lastRow, bool on )
startRow = qMax( 0, startRow );
lastRow = qMin( lastRow, (int)iEnd );
for ( int i = startRow; i <= lastRow; i++ )
wlist widgets = myWidgets[i];
foreach ( QWidget* w, widgets )
w->setVisible( on );
\brief Write information from panel to output stream.
\param out Text stream output.
void SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::saveInfo( QTextStream& out )
// title
QString title = tr( "BASE_INFO" );
out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl;
out << title << endl;
out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl;
out << endl;
// object info
// - name
out << tr( "NAME_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( iName, iSingle ) << endl;
// - type
out << tr( "OBJECT_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( iObject, iSingle ) << endl;
// - --- (separator)
out << endl;
// node info
out << tr( "NODES_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( iNodes, iTotal ) << endl;
// - --- (separator)
out << endl;
// element info
QString lin = tr( "LINEAR_LAB" ) + ":" + spacing();
QString qua = tr( "QUADRATIC_LAB" ) + ":" + spacing();
QString biq = tr( "BI_QUADRATIC_LAB" ) + ":" + spacing();
// - summary
out << tr( "ELEMENTS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( iElementsTotal, iTotal ) << endl;
out << indent(1) << lin << value( iElementsTotal, iLinear ) << endl;
out << indent(1) << qua << value( iElementsTotal, iQuadratic ) << endl;
out << indent(1) << biq << value( iElementsTotal, iBiQuadratic ) << endl;
// - --- (separator)
out << endl;
// - 0D elements info
out << indent(1) << tr( "0D_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i0D, iTotal ) << endl;
// - --- (separator)
out << endl;
// - balls info
out << indent(1) << tr( "BALL_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( iBalls, iTotal ) << endl;
// - --- (separator)
out << endl;
// - 1D elements info
out << indent(1) << tr( "1D_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i1D, iTotal ) << endl;
out << indent(2) << lin << value( i1D, iLinear ) << endl;
out << indent(2) << qua << value( i1D, iQuadratic ) << endl;
// - --- (separator)
out << endl;
// - 2D elements info
// - summary
out << indent(1) << tr( "2D_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i2D, iTotal ) << endl;
out << indent(2) << lin << value( i2D, iLinear ) << endl;
out << indent(2) << qua << value( i2D, iQuadratic ) << endl;
out << indent(2) << biq << value( i2D, iBiQuadratic ) << endl;
// - --- (separator)
out << endl;
// --+ triangles
out << indent(2) << tr( "TRIANGLES_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i2DTriangles, iTotal ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << lin << value( i2DTriangles, iLinear ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << qua << value( i2DTriangles, iQuadratic ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << biq << value( i2DTriangles, iBiQuadratic ) << endl;
// --+ quadrangles
out << indent(2) << tr( "QUADRANGLES_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i2DQuadrangles, iTotal ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << lin << value( i2DQuadrangles, iLinear ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << qua << value( i2DQuadrangles, iQuadratic ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << biq << value( i2DQuadrangles, iBiQuadratic ) << endl;
// --+ polygons
out << indent(2) << tr( "POLYGONS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i2DPolygons, iTotal ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << lin << value( i2DPolygons, iLinear ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << qua << value( i2DPolygons, iQuadratic ) << endl;
// - --- (separator)
out << endl;
// - 3D elements info
// --+ summary
out << indent(1) << tr( "3D_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i3D, iTotal ) << endl;
out << indent(2) << lin << value( i3D, iLinear ) << endl;
out << indent(2) << qua << value( i3D, iQuadratic ) << endl;
out << indent(2) << biq << value( i3D, iBiQuadratic ) << endl;
// - --- (separator)
out << endl;
// --+ tetras
out << indent(2) << tr( "TETRAHEDRONS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i3DTetrahedrons, iTotal ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << lin << value( i3DTetrahedrons, iLinear ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << qua << value( i3DTetrahedrons, iQuadratic ) << endl;
// --+ hexas
out << indent(2) << tr( "HEXAHEDONRS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i3DHexahedrons, iTotal ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << lin << value( i3DHexahedrons, iLinear ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << qua << value( i3DHexahedrons, iQuadratic ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << biq << value( i3DHexahedrons, iBiQuadratic ) << endl;
// --+ pyramids
out << indent(2) << tr( "PYRAMIDS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i3DPyramids, iTotal ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << lin << value( i3DPyramids, iLinear ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << qua << value( i3DPyramids, iQuadratic ) << endl;
// --+ prisms
out << indent(2) << tr( "PRISMS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i3DPrisms, iTotal ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << lin << value( i3DPrisms, iLinear ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << qua << value( i3DPrisms, iQuadratic ) << endl;
out << indent(3) << biq << value( i3DPrisms, iBiQuadratic ) << endl;
// --+ hexagonal prisms
out << indent(2) << tr( "HEX_PRISMS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i3DHexaPrisms, iTotal ) << endl;
// --+ polyhedrons
out << indent(2) << tr( "POLYHEDRONS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i3DPolyhedrons, iTotal ) << endl;
// - --- (separator)
out << endl;
/// \class InfoWriter
/// \brief Base info writer class.
/// \internal
class InfoWriter
int myPrecision;
bool myRecursive;
InfoWriter( bool = false );
void write( const QString&, bool = false );
void write( const QString&, const QString&, bool = false );
void write( const QString&, int, bool = false );
void write( const QString&, double, bool = false );
void write( const QString&, const SMESH::XYZ&, bool = false );
virtual void indent() {}
virtual void unindent() {}
virtual void separator() {}
virtual void put( const QString&, const QString&, bool = false ) = 0;
InfoWriter::InfoWriter( bool r ): myRecursive(r)
myPrecision = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "length_precision", 6 );
void InfoWriter::write( const QString& key, bool emphasize )
put( key, QString(), emphasize );
void InfoWriter::write( const QString& key, const QString& value, bool emphasize )
put( key, value, emphasize );
void InfoWriter::write( const QString& key, int value, bool emphasize )
put( key, QString::number( value ), emphasize );
void InfoWriter::write( const QString& key, double value, bool emphasize )
put( key, QString::number( value, myPrecision > 0 ? 'f' : 'g', qAbs( myPrecision ) ), emphasize );
void InfoWriter::write( const QString& key, const SMESH::XYZ& value, bool emphasize )
if ( myRecursive )
write( key, emphasize );
write( "X", value.x() );
write( "Y", value.y() );
write( "Z", value.z() );
QStringList vl;
vl << QString::number( value.x(), myPrecision > 0 ? 'f' : 'g', qAbs( myPrecision ) );
vl << QString::number( value.y(), myPrecision > 0 ? 'f' : 'g', qAbs( myPrecision ) );
vl << QString::number( value.z(), myPrecision > 0 ? 'f' : 'g', qAbs( myPrecision ) );
put( key, vl.join( ", " ), emphasize );
/// \class SimpleWriter
/// \brief Base text writer.
/// \internal
class SimpleWriter: public InfoWriter
int myIndent;
void indent();
void unindent();
void separator();
void put( const QString&, const QString&, bool );
virtual QString spacer() const;
virtual QString decorate( const QString& ) const;
virtual void dumpLine( const QString& ) = 0;
SimpleWriter::SimpleWriter(): InfoWriter(false), myIndent(0)
void SimpleWriter::indent()
myIndent += 1;
void SimpleWriter::unindent()
myIndent = qMax( myIndent-1, 0 );
void SimpleWriter::separator()
write( "" );
QString SimpleWriter::spacer() const
return " ";
QString SimpleWriter::decorate( const QString& s ) const
return s;
void SimpleWriter::put( const QString& key, const QString& value, bool emphasize )
QString line;
line += ::indent( spacer(), myIndent*4 );
line += decorate( key );
if ( !value.isEmpty() )
line += ":";
line += emphasize ? decorate( value ) : value;
dumpLine( line );
/// \class StreamWriter
/// \brief Writer for QTextStream.
/// \internal
class StreamWriter: public SimpleWriter
QTextStream& myOut;
StreamWriter( QTextStream& );
void dumpLine( const QString& );
StreamWriter::StreamWriter( QTextStream& out ): SimpleWriter(), myOut(out)
void StreamWriter::dumpLine( const QString& line )
myOut << line;
myOut << endl;
/// \class TextWriter
/// \brief Writer for QTextBrowser.
/// \internal
class TextWriter: public SimpleWriter
QTextBrowser* myInfo;
TextWriter( QTextBrowser* );
QString spacer() const;
QString decorate( const QString& ) const;
void dumpLine( const QString& );
TextWriter::TextWriter( QTextBrowser* w ): SimpleWriter(), myInfo(w)
QString TextWriter::spacer() const
return " ";
QString TextWriter::decorate( const QString& s ) const
return bold( s );
void TextWriter::dumpLine( const QString& line )
myInfo->append( line );
/// \class TreeWriter
/// \brief Writer for QTreeWidget.
/// \internal
class TreeWriter: public InfoWriter
QTreeWidget* myInfo;
QTreeWidgetItem* myCurrentItem;
TreeItemCreator* myCreator;
TreeWriter( QTreeWidget*, TreeItemCreator* );
void indent();
void unindent();
void put( const QString&, const QString&, bool = false );
TreeWriter::TreeWriter( QTreeWidget* w, TreeItemCreator* c ):
InfoWriter(true), myInfo(w), myCurrentItem(0), myCreator(c)
delete myCreator;
void TreeWriter::put( const QString& key, const QString& value, bool emphasize )
//std::string sss = myCurrentItem ? myCurrentItem->text(0).toStdString() : "";
int options = Bold;
if ( emphasize ) options |= AllColumns;
QTreeWidgetItem* item = myCreator->createItem( myCurrentItem, options );
item->setText( 0, key );
if ( !value.isEmpty() )
QString val = value;
if ( value.startsWith( "<a href" )) // connectivity encoded as: <a href = "nodes://host/1 2">1 2</a>
int role = ( value[11] == 'n' ) ? NodeConnectivity : ElemConnectivity;
val = value.mid( value.lastIndexOf( '>', -5 ) + 1 ); // ==> 1 2</a>
val.chop( 4 );
item->setData( 1, TypeRole, role );
item->setText( 1, val );
void TreeWriter::indent()
QTreeWidgetItem* item = myCurrentItem ? myCurrentItem : myInfo->invisibleRootItem();
if ( item->childCount() > 0 )
myCurrentItem = item->child( item->childCount()-1 );
void TreeWriter::unindent()
if ( myCurrentItem )
myCurrentItem = myCurrentItem->parent();
/// \class SMESHGUI_ElemInfo
/// \brief Base class for the mesh element information widget.
/// Displays the detail information about given mesh node(s) or element(s).
/// Default class does not provide working implementation but onle general
/// functionalities; main work is done in sub-classes.
\brief Constructor.
\param parent Parent widget. Defaults to 0.
SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::SMESHGUI_ElemInfo( QWidget* parent ): SMESHGUI_Info( parent ), myWhat( ShowNone )
myFrame = new QWidget( this );
myExtra = new ExtraWidget( this );
QVBoxLayout* vbl = new QVBoxLayout( this );
vbl->setMargin( 0 );
vbl->setSpacing( SPACING );
vbl->addWidget( myFrame );
vbl->addWidget( myExtra );
connect( myExtra->prev, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showPrevious() ) );
connect( myExtra->next, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showNext() ) );
\brief Destructor.
\brief Show information on given node / element.
\param proxy Object to compute information on (mesh, sub-mesh, group, ID source).
\param id Mesh node / element ID.
\param isElement If \c true, show element info; otherwise show node info.
void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy, uint id, bool isElement )
QSet<uint> ids;
ids << id;
showInfo( proxy, ids, isElement );
\brief Show information on given nodes / elements.
\param proxy Object to compute information on (mesh, sub-mesh, group, ID source).
\param ids Mesh nodes / elements IDs.
\param isElement If \c true, show element info; otherwise show node info.
void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy, QSet<uint> ids, bool isElement )
if ( !proxy )
QList<uint> newIds = ids.toList();
qSort( newIds );
int what = isElement ? ShowElements : ShowNodes;
if ( myProxy == proxy && myIDs == newIds && myWhat == what )
myProxy = proxy;
myProxy.refresh(); // try to re-initialize actor
myIDs = newIds;
myWhat = what;
myIndex = 0;
information( myIDs.mid( myIndex*blockSize(), blockSize() ) );
\brief Show information on given group.
\param proxy Object to compute information on (group).
void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy )
if ( !proxy || proxy.groupElementType() == SMESH::ALL ) // null proxy or not a group
showInfo( proxy, proxy.ids(), proxy.groupElementType() != SMESH::NODE );
\brief Reset panel (clear all data).
void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::clear()
myIndex = 0;
\brief Get central area widget.
\return Central widget.
QWidget* SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::centralWidget() const
return myFrame;
\brief Get current mesh proxy object information is shown on.
\return Current proxy.
SMESH::SelectionProxy SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::proxy() const
return myProxy;
\brief Get current info mode.
\return Current panel mode.
int SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::what() const
return myWhat;
\brief Get title for given element type.
\param type Mesh element type.
\param multiple Use plural form. Defaults to \c false.
\return Element type's title.
QString SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::type2str( int type, bool multiple )
QString title;
switch ( type )
case SMDSAbs_Edge:
title = multiple ? tr( "EDGES" ) : tr( "EDGE" ) ; break;
case SMDSAbs_Face:
title = multiple ? tr( "FACES" ) : tr( "FACE" ); break;
case SMDSAbs_Volume:
title = multiple ? tr( "VOLUMES" ) : tr( "VOLUME" ); break;
case SMDSAbs_0DElement:
title = multiple ? tr( "0D_ELEMENTS" ) : tr( "0D_ELEMENT" ); break;
case SMDSAbs_Ball:
title = multiple ? tr( "BALL_ELEMENTS" ) : tr( "BALL" ); break;
return title;
\brief Get title for given shape type.
\param type Shape type.
\return Shape type's title.
QString SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::stype2str( int type )
QString title;
switch ( type )
title = tr( "GEOM_VERTEX" ); break;
case GEOM::EDGE:
title = tr( "GEOM_EDGE" ); break;
case GEOM::FACE:
title = tr( "GEOM_FACE" ); break;
title = tr( "GEOM_SOLID" ); break;
return title;
\brief Get title for given element type.
\param type Mesh element type.
\return Element type's title.
QString SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::etype2str( int type )
QString title;
switch ( type )
case SMESH::Entity_0D:
title = tr( "SMESH_ELEM0D" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Edge:
title = tr( "SMESH_EDGE" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Edge:
title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_EDGE" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Triangle:
title = tr( "SMESH_TRIANGLE" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Triangle:
title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_BiQuad_Triangle:
title = tr( "SMESH_BIQUADRATIC_TRIANGLE" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Quadrangle:
title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRANGLE" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Quadrangle:
title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_BiQuad_Quadrangle:
title = tr( "SMESH_BIQUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Polygon:
title = tr( "SMESH_POLYGON" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Polygon:
title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_POLYGON" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Tetra:
title = tr( "SMESH_TETRAHEDRON" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Tetra:
title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_TETRAHEDRON" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Pyramid:
title = tr( "SMESH_PYRAMID" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Pyramid:
title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Hexa:
title = tr( "SMESH_HEXAHEDRON" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Hexa:
title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_TriQuad_Hexa:
case SMESH::Entity_Penta:
title = tr( "SMESH_PENTA" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Penta:
title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_BiQuad_Penta:
case SMESH::Entity_Hexagonal_Prism:
title = tr( "SMESH_HEX_PRISM" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Polyhedra:
title = tr( "SMESH_POLYEDRON" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Polyhedra:
title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_POLYEDRON" ); break;
case SMESH::Entity_Ball:
title = tr( "SMESH_BALL" ); break;
return title;
\brief Get title for given quality control.
\param type Mesh control type.
\return Quality control's title.
QString SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::ctrl2str( int control )
QString title;
switch ( control )
case SMESH::FT_AspectRatio:
title = tr( "ASPECTRATIO_ELEMENTS" ); break;
case SMESH::FT_AspectRatio3D:
title = tr( "ASPECTRATIO_3D_ELEMENTS" ); break;
case SMESH::FT_Warping:
title = tr( "WARP_ELEMENTS" ); break;
case SMESH::FT_MinimumAngle:
title = tr( "MINIMUMANGLE_ELEMENTS" ); break;
case SMESH::FT_Taper:
title = tr( "TAPER_ELEMENTS" ); break;
case SMESH::FT_Skew:
title = tr( "SKEW_ELEMENTS" ); break;
case SMESH::FT_Area:
title = tr( "AREA_ELEMENTS" ); break;
case SMESH::FT_Volume3D:
title = tr( "VOLUME_3D_ELEMENTS" ); break;
case SMESH::FT_MaxElementLength2D:
title = tr( "MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_2D" ); break;
case SMESH::FT_MaxElementLength3D:
title = tr( "MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_3D" ); break;
case SMESH::FT_Length:
title = tr( "LENGTH_EDGES" ); break;
case SMESH::FT_Length2D:
case SMESH::FT_Length3D:
title = tr( "MIN_ELEM_EDGE" ); break;
case SMESH::FT_BallDiameter:
title = tr( "BALL_DIAMETER" ); break;
return title;
\brief Write information on given mesh nodes / elements.
\param writer Information writer.
\param ids Nodes / elements IDs.
void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::writeInfo( InfoWriter* writer, const QList<uint>& ids )
if ( !proxy() )
bool grp_details = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "elem_info_grp_details", false );
int cprecision = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "use_precision", false ) ?
SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "controls_precision", -1 ) : -1;
SMESH::Connectivity connectivity;
SMESH::Position position;
bool ok;
foreach ( uint id, ids )
if ( what() == ShowNodes )
// show node info
// - check that node exists
if ( !proxy().hasNode( id ) )
// - id
writer->write( tr( "NODE" ), (int)id, true );
// - coordinates
ok = proxy().nodeCoordinates( id, xyz );
if ( ok )
writer->write( tr( "COORDINATES" ), xyz );
// - connectivity
ok = proxy().nodeConnectivity( id, connectivity );
if ( ok )
if ( !connectivity.isEmpty() )
writer->write( tr( "CONNECTIVITY" ) );
for ( int i = SMDSAbs_Edge; i <= SMDSAbs_Ball; i++ )
QString formatted = formatConnectivity( connectivity, i );
if ( !formatted.isEmpty() )
writer->write( type2str( i, true ), formatted );
writer->write( tr( "CONNECTIVITY" ), tr( "FREE_NODE" ) );
// - position
ok = proxy().nodePosition( id, position );
if ( ok && position.isValid() )
writer->write( tr( "POSITION" ), (stype2str( position.shapeType() ) + " #%1").arg( position.shapeId() ) );
if ( position.hasU() )
writer->write( tr("U_POSITION"), position.u() );
if ( position.hasV() )
writer->write( tr("V_POSITION"), position.v() );
// - groups node belongs to
QList<SMESH::SelectionProxy> groups = proxy().nodeGroups( id );
bool topCreated = false;
foreach( SMESH::SelectionProxy group, groups )
if ( group && !group.name().isEmpty() )
if ( !topCreated )
writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GROUPS" ) );
topCreated = true;
writer->write( group.name().trimmed() ); // trim name
if ( grp_details )
int type = group.type();
if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupStd )
writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "TYPE" ), SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "STANDALONE_GROUP" ) );
else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupGeom )
writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "TYPE" ), SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GROUP_ON_GEOMETRY" ) );
writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GEOM_OBJECT" ), group.shapeName() );
else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupFilter )
writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "TYPE" ), SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GROUP_ON_FILTER" ) );
int size = group.size();
if ( size != -1 );
writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "SIZE" ), size );
QColor color = group.color();
if ( color.isValid() )
writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "COLOR" ), color.name() );
if ( topCreated )
else if ( what() == ShowElements )
// show element info
// - check that element exists
if ( !proxy().hasElement( id ) )
// - id & type
int type = proxy().elementType( id );
if ( type == SMESH::ALL )
writer->write( type2str( type ), (int)id, true );
// - geometry type
type = proxy().elementEntityType( id );
writer->write( tr( "TYPE" ), etype2str( type ) );
// - connectivity
if ( type == SMESH::Entity_Polyhedra ||
type == SMESH::Entity_Quad_Polyhedra )
int nbNodes;
ok = proxy().perFaceConnectivity( id, connectivity, nbNodes );
if ( ok && !connectivity.isEmpty() )
writer->write( tr( "NB_NODES" ), nbNodes );
writer->write( tr( "CONNECTIVITY" ) );
int nbFaces = connectivity.size();
for ( int iF = 1; iF <= nbFaces; ++iF )
QString formatted = formatConnectivity( connectivity, -iF );
writer->write(( type2str( SMDSAbs_Face, 0 ) + " %1 / %2" ).arg( iF ).arg( nbFaces ),
formatted );
ok = proxy().elementConnectivity( id, connectivity );
if ( ok && !connectivity.isEmpty() )
QString formatted = formatConnectivity( connectivity, SMDSAbs_Node );
if ( !formatted.isEmpty() )
writer->write( tr( "NB_NODES" ), connectivity[ SMDSAbs_Node ].size() );
writer->write( tr( "CONNECTIVITY" ), formatted ); //todo: TypeRole: ElemConnectivity
// - position
ok = proxy().elementPosition( id, position );
if ( ok && position.isValid() )
writer->write( tr( "POSITION" ), (stype2str( position.shapeType() ) + " #%1").arg( position.shapeId() ) );
// - gravity center
ok = proxy().elementGravityCenter( id, xyz );
if ( ok )
writer->write( tr( "GRAVITY_CENTER" ), xyz );
// - normal vector
ok = proxy().elementNormal( id, xyz );
if ( ok )
writer->write( tr( "NORMAL_VECTOR" ), xyz );
// - controls
bool topCreated = false;
for ( int i = SMESH::FT_AspectRatio; i < SMESH::FT_Undefined; i++ )
QString ctrlTitle = ctrl2str( i );
if ( ctrlTitle.isEmpty() )
if ( !topCreated )
writer->write( tr( "CONTROLS" ) );
topCreated = true;
double value;
if ( proxy().elementControl( id, i, cprecision, value ) )
writer->write( ctrlTitle, value );
if ( topCreated )
// - groups element belongs to
QList<SMESH::SelectionProxy> groups = proxy().elementGroups( id );
topCreated = false;
foreach( SMESH::SelectionProxy group, groups )
if ( group && !group.name().isEmpty() )
if ( !topCreated )
writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GROUPS" ) );
topCreated = true;
writer->write( group.name().trimmed() ); // trim name
if ( grp_details )
int type = group.type();
if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupStd )
writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "TYPE" ), SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "STANDALONE_GROUP" ) );
else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupGeom )
writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "TYPE" ), SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GROUP_ON_GEOMETRY" ) );
writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GEOM_OBJECT" ), group.shapeName() );
else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupFilter )
writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "TYPE" ), SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GROUP_ON_FILTER" ) );
int size = group.size();
if ( size != -1 );
writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "SIZE" ), size );
QColor color = group.color();
if ( color.isValid() )
writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "COLOR" ), color.name() );
if ( topCreated )
\fn void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::information( const QList<uint>& ids )
\brief Show information on given mesh nodes / elements.
This function has to be redefined in sub-classes.
\param ids Nodes / elements IDs.
\brief Internal clean-up (reset panel).
Default implementation does nothing; the method has to be redefined
in sub-classes to perform internal clean-up.
void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::clearInternal()
\brief Show previous chunk of information.
void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::showPrevious()
myIndex = qMax( 0, myIndex-1 );
information( myIDs.mid( myIndex*blockSize(), blockSize() ) );
\brief Show next chunk of information.
void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::showNext()
myIndex = qMin( myIndex+1, myIDs.count() / blockSize() );
information( myIDs.mid( myIndex*blockSize(), blockSize() ) );
\brief Update control widget state.
void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::updateControls()
myExtra->updateControls( myIDs.count(), myIndex );
\brief Write information from panel to output stream.
\param out Text stream output.
void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::saveInfo( QTextStream &out )
// title
QString title = tr( "ELEM_INFO" );
out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl;
out << title << endl;
out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl;
// out << endl;
// info
StreamWriter writer( out );
writeInfo( &writer, myIDs );
out << endl;
/// \class SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo
/// \brief Show mesh element information in the simple text area.
\brief Constructor.
\param parent Parent widget. Defaults to 0.
SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo::SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo( QWidget* parent )
: SMESHGUI_ElemInfo( parent )
myInfo = new QTextBrowser( centralWidget() );
QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout( centralWidget() );
l->setMargin( 0 );
l->addWidget( myInfo );
connect( myInfo, SIGNAL( anchorClicked(QUrl)), this, SLOT( connectivityClicked( QUrl )));
\brief Show mesh element information.
\param ids Nodes / elements IDs.
void SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo::information( const QList<uint>& ids )
TextWriter writer( myInfo );
writeInfo( &writer, ids );
\brief Internal clean-up (reset widget)
void SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo::clearInternal()
void SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo::connectivityClicked(const QUrl & url)
int type = ( url.scheme()[0] == 'n' ) ? NodeConnectivity : ElemConnectivity;
QString ids = url.path(); // excess chars will be filtered off by SMESHGUI_IdValidator
emit( itemInfo( type, ids ));
/// \class SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemDelegate
/// \brief Item delegate for tree mesh info widget.
/// \internal
class SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemDelegate : public QItemDelegate
ItemDelegate( QObject* );
QWidget* createEditor( QWidget*, const QStyleOptionViewItem&, const QModelIndex& ) const;
\brief Constructor.
SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemDelegate::ItemDelegate( QObject* parent ): QItemDelegate( parent )
\brief Redefined from QItemDelegate.
QWidget* SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemDelegate::createEditor( QWidget* parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const
QWidget* w = index.column() == 0 ? 0: QItemDelegate::createEditor( parent, option, index );
if ( qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>( w ) )
qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>( w )->setReadOnly( true );
return w;
/// \class SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemCreator
/// \brief Item creator for tree mesh info widget.
/// \internal
class SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemCreator : public TreeItemCreator
SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo* myView;
ItemCreator( SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo* );
QTreeWidgetItem* createItem( QTreeWidgetItem*, int );
\brief Constructor.
\param view Parent view.
SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemCreator::ItemCreator( SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo* view ): TreeItemCreator(), myView( view )
\brief Create new tree item.
\param parent Parent tree item.
\param options Item options.
\return New tree widget item.
QTreeWidgetItem* SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemCreator::createItem( QTreeWidgetItem* parent, int options )
return myView->createItem( parent, options );
/// \class SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo
/// \brief Show mesh element information as the tree.
\brief Constructor.
\param parent Parent widget. Defaults to 0.
SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo( QWidget* parent )
: SMESHGUI_ElemInfo( parent )
myInfo = new QTreeWidget( centralWidget() );
myInfo->setColumnCount( 2 );
myInfo->setHeaderLabels( QStringList() << tr( "PROPERTY" ) << tr( "VALUE" ) );
myInfo->header()->setStretchLastSection( true );
myInfo->header()->setSectionResizeMode( 0, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents );
myInfo->setItemDelegate( new ItemDelegate( myInfo ) );
QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout( centralWidget() );
l->setMargin( 0 );
l->addWidget( myInfo );
connect( myInfo, SIGNAL( itemDoubleClicked( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ) ), this, SLOT( itemDoubleClicked( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ) ) );
connect( myInfo, SIGNAL( itemCollapsed( QTreeWidgetItem* )), this, SLOT( saveExpanded( QTreeWidgetItem* )) );
connect( myInfo, SIGNAL( itemExpanded( QTreeWidgetItem* )), this, SLOT( saveExpanded( QTreeWidgetItem* )) );
\brief Show mesh element information.
\param ids Nodes / elements IDs.
void SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::information( const QList<uint>& ids )
TreeWriter writer( myInfo, new ItemCreator( this ) );
writeInfo( &writer, ids );
\brief Show node information
\param node mesh node for showing
\param index index of current node
\param nbNodes number of unique nodes in element
\param parentItem parent item of tree
void SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::nodeInfo( const SMDS_MeshNode* node, int index,
int nbNodes, QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem )
// int precision = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "length_precision", 6 );
// // node number and ID
// QTreeWidgetItem* nodeItem = createItem( parentItem, Bold );
// nodeItem->setText( 0, QString( "%1 %2 / %3" ).arg( SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "NODE" )).arg( index ).arg( nbNodes ));
// nodeItem->setText( 1, QString( "#%1" ).arg( node->GetID() ));
// nodeItem->setData( 1, TypeRole, ElemConnectivity );
// nodeItem->setData( 1, IdRole, node->GetID() );
// nodeItem->setExpanded( false );
// // node coordinates
// QTreeWidgetItem* coordItem = createItem( nodeItem );
// coordItem->setText( 0, SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "COORDINATES" ));
// QTreeWidgetItem* xItem = createItem( coordItem );
// xItem->setText( 0, "X" );
// xItem->setText( 1, QString::number( node->X(), precision > 0 ? 'f' : 'g', qAbs( precision )) );
// QTreeWidgetItem* yItem = createItem( coordItem );
// yItem->setText( 0, "Y" );
// yItem->setText( 1, QString::number( node->Y(), precision > 0 ? 'f' : 'g', qAbs( precision )) );
// QTreeWidgetItem* zItem = createItem( coordItem );
// zItem->setText( 0, "Z" );
// zItem->setText( 1, QString::number( node->Z(), precision > 0 ? 'f' : 'g', qAbs( precision )) );
// // node connectivity
// QTreeWidgetItem* nconItem = createItem( nodeItem );
// nconItem->setText( 0, SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "CONNECTIVITY" ));
// Connectivity connectivity = nodeConnectivity( node );
// if ( !connectivity.isEmpty() ) {
// QString con = formatConnectivity( connectivity, SMDSAbs_0DElement );
// if ( !con.isEmpty() ) {
// QTreeWidgetItem* i = createItem( nconItem );
// i->setText( 0, SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "0D_ELEMENTS" ));
// i->setText( 1, con );
// }
// con = formatConnectivity( connectivity, SMDSAbs_Edge );
// if ( !con.isEmpty() ) {
// QTreeWidgetItem* i = createItem( nconItem );
// i->setText( 0, SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "EDGES" ));
// i->setText( 1, con );
// i->setData( 1, TypeRole, NodeConnectivity );
// }
// con = formatConnectivity( connectivity, SMDSAbs_Ball );
// if ( !con.isEmpty() ) {
// QTreeWidgetItem* i = createItem( nconItem );
// i->setText( 0, SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "BALL_ELEMENTS" ));
// i->setText( 1, con );
// i->setData( 1, TypeRole, NodeConnectivity );
// }
// con = formatConnectivity( connectivity, SMDSAbs_Face );
// if ( !con.isEmpty() ) {
// QTreeWidgetItem* i = createItem( nconItem );
// i->setText( 0, SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "FACES" ));
// i->setText( 1, con );
// i->setData( 1, TypeRole, NodeConnectivity );
// }
// con = formatConnectivity( connectivity, SMDSAbs_Volume );
// if ( !con.isEmpty() ) {
// QTreeWidgetItem* i = createItem( nconItem );
// i->setText( 0, SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "VOLUMES" ));
// i->setText( 1, con );
// i->setData( 1, TypeRole, NodeConnectivity );
// }
// }
\brief Internal clean-up (reset widget)
void SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::clearInternal()
\brief Create new item and add it to the tree.
\param parent Parent tree widget item. Defaults to 0 (top-level item).
\param options Item flags. Defaults to 0 (none).
\return New tree widget item.
QTreeWidgetItem* SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::createItem( QTreeWidgetItem* parent, int options )
QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem( parent ? parent : myInfo->invisibleRootItem() );
setTreeItemAttributes( item, options | Expanded | Editable );
if ( parent && parent->childCount() == 1 && itemDepth( parent ) == 1 )
QString resName = expandedResource( parent );
parent->setExpanded( SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue("SMESH", resName, true ));
return item;
void SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent* e )
QList< QTreeWidgetItem* > widgets = myInfo->selectedItems();
if ( widgets.isEmpty() ) return;
QTreeWidgetItem* aTreeItem = widgets.first();
int type = aTreeItem->data( 1, TypeRole ).toInt();
if (( type == ElemConnectivity || type == NodeConnectivity ) &&
( !aTreeItem->text( 1 ).isEmpty() ))
QMenu menu;
QAction* a = menu.addAction( tr( "SHOW_ITEM_INFO" ));
if ( menu.exec( e->globalPos() ) == a )
emit( itemInfo( type, aTreeItem->text( 1 )) );
void SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::itemDoubleClicked( QTreeWidgetItem* theItem, int theColumn )
if ( theItem ) {
int type = theItem->data( 1, TypeRole ).toInt();
emit( itemInfo( type, theItem->text( 1 )) );
void SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::saveExpanded( QTreeWidgetItem* theItem )
if ( theItem )
SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->setValue("SMESH", expandedResource( theItem ), theItem->isExpanded() );
QString SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::expandedResource( QTreeWidgetItem* theItem )
return QString("Expanded_") + ( what()==ShowElements ? "E_" : "N_" ) + theItem->text(0);
/// \class InfoComputor
/// \brief Mesh information computor.
/// \internal
/// The class is created for different computation operations. Currently it is
/// used to compute size and number of underlying nodes for given group.
\brief Constructor.
\param parent Parent object.
\param proxy Object to compute information on (group).
\param item Tree widget item, referenced by this computer.
\param operation Value to compute.
InfoComputor::InfoComputor( QObject* parent, const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy, int operation )
: QObject( parent ), myProxy( proxy ), myOperation( operation )
\brief Compute requested information.
void InfoComputor::compute()
if ( myProxy )
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
switch ( myOperation )
case GrpSize:
myProxy.size( true ); // force size computation
emit computed();
case GrpNbNodes:
myProxy.nbNodes( true ); // force size computation
emit computed();
/// \class SMESHGUI_AddInfo
/// \brief Show additional information on selected object.
/// Displays an additional information about selected object: mesh, sub-mesh
/// or group.
/// \todo Rewrite saveInfo() method to print all data, not currently shown only.
\brief Constructor.
\param parent Parent widget. Defaults to 0.
SMESHGUI_AddInfo::SMESHGUI_AddInfo( QWidget* parent ): SMESHGUI_Info( parent )
QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout( this );
l->setMargin( 0 );
l->setSpacing( SPACING );
myTree = new QTreeWidget( this );
myTree->setColumnCount( 2 );
myTree->header()->setStretchLastSection( true );
myTree->header()->setSectionResizeMode( 0, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents );
l->addWidget( myTree );
\brief Destructor.
\brief Show information on given object.
\param proxy Object to show information on (mesh, sub-mesh, group).
void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy )
// reset panel
setProperty( "group_index", 0 );
setProperty( "submesh_index", 0 );
// then fill panel with data if object is not null
if ( proxy )
myProxy = proxy;
// name
QTreeWidgetItem* nameItem = createItem( 0, Bold | AllColumns );
nameItem->setText( 0, tr( "NAME" ) );
nameItem->setText( 1, proxy.name() );
// object info
if ( proxy.type() == SMESH::SelectionProxy::Mesh )
meshInfo( proxy, nameItem );
else if ( proxy.type() == SMESH::SelectionProxy::Submesh )
subMeshInfo( proxy, nameItem );
else if ( proxy.type() >= SMESH::SelectionProxy::Group )
groupInfo( proxy, nameItem );
\brief Update information in panel.
void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::updateInfo()
showInfo( myProxy );
\brief Reset panel (clear all data).
void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::clear()
\brief Create new item and add it to the tree.
\param parent Parent tree widget item. Defaults to 0 (top-level item).
\param options Item flags. Defaults to 0 (none).
\return New tree widget item.
QTreeWidgetItem* SMESHGUI_AddInfo::createItem( QTreeWidgetItem* parent, int options )
QTreeWidgetItem* item = parent ? new QTreeWidgetItem( parent ) :
new QTreeWidgetItem( myTree->invisibleRootItem() );
setTreeItemAttributes( item, options | Expanded );
return item;
\brief Show information on mesh.
\param proxy Proxy object (mesh).
\param parent Parent tree item.
void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::meshInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy, QTreeWidgetItem* parent )
if ( !proxy )
QString shapeName = proxy.shapeName();
SMESH::MedInfo inf = proxy.medFileInfo();
// type
QTreeWidgetItem* typeItem = createItem( parent, Bold );
typeItem->setText( 0, tr( "TYPE" ) );
if ( !shapeName.isEmpty() )
typeItem->setText( 1, tr( "MESH_ON_GEOMETRY" ) );
// shape
QTreeWidgetItem* gobjItem = createItem( parent, Bold );
gobjItem->setText( 0, tr( "GEOM_OBJECT" ) );
gobjItem->setText( 1, shapeName );
else if ( inf.isValid() )
typeItem->setText( 1, tr( "MESH_FROM_FILE" ) );
// med file information
QTreeWidgetItem* fileItem = createItem( parent, Bold );
fileItem->setText( 0, tr( "FILE_NAME" ) );
fileItem->setText( 1, inf.fileName() );
QTreeWidgetItem* sizeItem = createItem( parent, Bold );
sizeItem->setText( 0, tr( "FILE_SIZE" ) );
sizeItem->setText( 1, QString::number( inf.size() ) );
QTreeWidgetItem* versionItem = createItem( parent, Bold );
versionItem->setText( 0, tr( "FILE_VERSION" ) );
versionItem->setText( 1, inf.version() != "0" ? inf.version() : tr( "VERSION_UNKNOWN" ) );
typeItem->setText( 1, tr( "STANDALONE_MESH" ) );
// groups
myGroups = proxy.groups();
// sub-meshes
mySubMeshes = proxy.submeshes();
\brief Show information on sub-mesh.
\param proxy Proxy object (sub-mesh).
\param parent Parent tree item.
void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::subMeshInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy, QTreeWidgetItem* parent )
if ( !proxy )
bool isShort = parent->parent() != 0;
if ( !isShort )
// parent mesh
SMESH::SelectionProxy meshProxy = proxy.mesh();
if ( meshProxy )
QTreeWidgetItem* nameItem = createItem( parent, Bold );
nameItem->setText( 0, tr( "PARENT_MESH" ) );
nameItem->setText( 1, meshProxy.name() );
// shape
QString shapeName = proxy.shapeName();
if ( !shapeName.isEmpty() )
QTreeWidgetItem* gobjItem = createItem( parent, Bold );
gobjItem->setText( 1, shapeName );
\brief Show information on group.
\param proxy Proxy object (group).
\param parent Parent tree item.
void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::groupInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy, QTreeWidgetItem* parent )
if ( !proxy )
bool isShort = parent->parent() != 0;
if ( !isShort )
// parent mesh
SMESH::SelectionProxy meshProxy = proxy.mesh();
if ( meshProxy )
QTreeWidgetItem* nameItem = createItem( parent, Bold );
nameItem->setText( 0, tr( "PARENT_MESH" ) );
nameItem->setText( 1, meshProxy.name() );
// type
SMESH::SelectionProxy::Type type = proxy.type();
QTreeWidgetItem* typeItem = createItem( parent, Bold );
typeItem->setText( 0, tr( "TYPE" ) );
if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupStd )
typeItem->setText( 1, tr( "STANDALONE_GROUP" ) );
else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupGeom )
typeItem->setText( 1, tr( "GROUP_ON_GEOMETRY" ) );
// shape
QTreeWidgetItem* gobjItem = createItem( parent, Bold );
gobjItem->setText( 0, tr( "GEOM_OBJECT" ) );
gobjItem->setText( 1, proxy.shapeName() );
else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupFilter )
typeItem->setText( 1, tr( "GROUP_ON_FILTER" ) );
// element type
int etype = proxy.groupElementType();
if ( !isShort )
QString typeName = tr( "UNKNOWN" );
switch( etype )
typeName = tr( "NODE" );
typeName = tr( "EDGE" );
typeName = tr( "FACE" );
typeName = tr( "VOLUME" );
typeName = tr( "0DELEM" );
typeName = tr( "BALL" );
QTreeWidgetItem* etypeItem = createItem( parent, Bold );
etypeItem->setText( 0, tr( "ENTITY_TYPE" ) );
etypeItem->setText( 1, typeName );
// size
// note: size is not computed for group on filter for performance reasons, see IPAL52831
bool meshLoaded = proxy.isMeshLoaded();
int size = proxy.size();
QTreeWidgetItem* sizeItem = createItem( parent, Bold );
sizeItem->setText( 0, tr( "SIZE" ) );
if ( size >= 0 )
sizeItem->setText( 1, QString::number( size ) );
QPushButton* btn = new QPushButton( meshLoaded ? tr( "COMPUTE" ) : tr( "LOAD" ), this );
myTree->setItemWidget( sizeItem, 1, btn );
InfoComputor* comp = new InfoComputor( this, proxy, InfoComputor::GrpSize );
connect( btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), comp, SLOT( compute() ) );
connect( comp, SIGNAL( computed() ), this, SLOT( updateInfo() ) );
myComputors.append( comp );
// color
QTreeWidgetItem* colorItem = createItem( parent, Bold );
colorItem->setText( 0, tr( "COLOR" ) );
colorItem->setBackground( 1, proxy.color() );
// nb of underlying nodes
if ( etype != SMESH::NODE )
QTreeWidgetItem* nodesItem = createItem( parent, Bold );
nodesItem->setText( 0, tr( "NB_NODES" ) );
int nbNodes = proxy.nbNodes();
if ( nbNodes >= 0 )
nodesItem->setText( 1, QString::number( nbNodes ) );
QPushButton* btn = new QPushButton( meshLoaded ? tr( "COMPUTE" ) : tr( "LOAD" ), this );
myTree->setItemWidget( nodesItem, 1, btn );
InfoComputor* comp = new InfoComputor( this, proxy, InfoComputor::GrpNbNodes );
connect( btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), comp, SLOT( compute() ) );
connect( comp, SIGNAL( computed() ), this, SLOT( updateInfo() ) );
myComputors.append( comp );
\brief Update information on child groups.
void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::showGroups()
// remove all computors
// tree root should be the first top level item
QTreeWidgetItem* parent = myTree->topLevelItemCount() > 0 ? myTree->topLevelItem( 0 ) : 0;
if ( !parent )
int idx = property( "group_index" ).toInt();
// find sub-meshes top-level container item
QTreeWidgetItem* itemGroups = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < parent->childCount() && !itemGroups; i++ )
if ( parent->child( i )->data( 0, Qt::UserRole ).toInt() == GroupsId )
itemGroups = parent->child( i );
// update controls
ExtraWidget* extra = dynamic_cast<ExtraWidget*>( myTree->itemWidget( itemGroups, 1 ) );
if ( extra )
extra->updateControls( myGroups.count(), idx );
// clear: remove all group items
while ( itemGroups->childCount() )
delete itemGroups->child( 0 );
QMap<int, QTreeWidgetItem*> grpItems;
for ( int i = idx*blockSize() ; i < qMin( (idx+1)*blockSize(), (int)myGroups.count() ); i++ )
SMESH::SelectionProxy grp = myGroups[i];
if ( !grp )
int grpType = grp.groupElementType();
// create top-level groups container item if it does not exist
if ( !itemGroups )
itemGroups = createItem( parent, Bold | AllColumns );
itemGroups->setText( 0, tr( "GROUPS" ) );
itemGroups->setData( 0, Qt::UserRole, GroupsId );
// if necessary, create extra widget to show information by chunks
if ( myGroups.count() > blockSize() )
ExtraWidget* extra = new ExtraWidget( this, true );
connect( extra->prev, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showPreviousGroups() ) );
connect( extra->next, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showNextGroups() ) );
myTree->setItemWidget( itemGroups, 1, extra );
extra->updateControls( myGroups.count(), idx );
// create container item corresponding to particular element type
if ( !grpItems.contains( grpType ) )
grpItems[ grpType ] = createItem( itemGroups, Bold | AllColumns );
grpItems[ grpType ]->setText( 0, tr( QString( "GROUPS_%1" ).arg( grpType ).toLatin1().constData() ) );
itemGroups->insertChild( grpType-1, grpItems[ grpType ] ); // -1 needed since 0 corresponds to SMESH::ALL
// name
QTreeWidgetItem* nameItem = createItem( grpItems[ grpType ] );
nameItem->setText( 0, grp.name().trimmed() ); // trim name
// group info
groupInfo( grp, nameItem );
\brief Update information on child sub-meshes.
void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::showSubMeshes()
// tree root should be the first top level item
QTreeWidgetItem* parent = myTree->topLevelItemCount() > 0 ? myTree->topLevelItem( 0 ) : 0;
if ( !parent )
int idx = property( "submesh_index" ).toInt();
// find sub-meshes top-level container item
QTreeWidgetItem* itemSubMeshes = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < parent->childCount() && !itemSubMeshes; i++ )
if ( parent->child( i )->data( 0, Qt::UserRole ).toInt() == SubMeshesId )
itemSubMeshes = parent->child( i );
// update controls
ExtraWidget* extra = dynamic_cast<ExtraWidget*>( myTree->itemWidget( itemSubMeshes, 1 ) );
if ( extra )
extra->updateControls( mySubMeshes.count(), idx );
// clear: remove all sub-mesh items
while ( itemSubMeshes->childCount() )
delete itemSubMeshes->child( 0 );
QMap<int, QTreeWidgetItem*> smItems;
for ( int i = idx*blockSize() ; i < qMin( (idx+1)*blockSize(), mySubMeshes.count() ); i++ )
SMESH::SelectionProxy sm = mySubMeshes[i];
if ( !sm )
int smType = sm.shapeType();
if ( smType < 0 )
else if ( smType == GEOM::COMPSOLID )
// create top-level sub-meshes container item if it does not exist
if ( !itemSubMeshes )
itemSubMeshes = createItem( parent, Bold | AllColumns );
itemSubMeshes->setText( 0, tr( "SUBMESHES" ) );
itemSubMeshes->setData( 0, Qt::UserRole, SubMeshesId );
// if necessary, create extra widget to show information by chunks
if ( mySubMeshes.count() > blockSize() )
ExtraWidget* extra = new ExtraWidget( this, true );
connect( extra->prev, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showPreviousSubMeshes() ) );
connect( extra->next, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showNextSubMeshes() ) );
myTree->setItemWidget( itemSubMeshes, 1, extra );
extra->updateControls( mySubMeshes.count(), idx );
// create container item corresponding to particular shape type
if ( !smItems.contains( smType ) )
smItems[ smType ] = createItem( itemSubMeshes, Bold | AllColumns );
smItems[ smType ]->setText( 0, tr( QString( "SUBMESHES_%1" ).arg( smType ).toLatin1().constData() ) );
itemSubMeshes->insertChild( smType, smItems[ smType ] );
// name
QTreeWidgetItem* nameItem = createItem( smItems[ smType ] );
nameItem->setText( 0, sm.name().trimmed() ); // trim name
// submesh info
subMeshInfo( sm, nameItem );
\brief Show previous chunk of information on child groups.
void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::showPreviousGroups()
int idx = property( "group_index" ).toInt();
setProperty( "group_index", idx-1 );
\brief Show next chunk of information on child groups.
void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::showNextGroups()
int idx = property( "group_index" ).toInt();
setProperty( "group_index", idx+1 );
\brief Show previous chunk of information on child sub-meshes.
void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::showPreviousSubMeshes()
int idx = property( "submesh_index" ).toInt();
setProperty( "submesh_index", idx-1 );
\brief Show next chunk of information on child sub-meshes.
void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::showNextSubMeshes()
int idx = property( "submesh_index" ).toInt();
setProperty( "submesh_index", idx+1 );
\brief Write information from panel to output stream.
\param out Text stream output.
void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::saveInfo( QTextStream &out )
// title
QString title = tr( "ADDITIONAL_INFO" );
out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl;
out << title << endl;
out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl;
out << endl;
// info
QTreeWidgetItemIterator it( myTree );
while ( *it )
if ( !( ( *it )->text(0) ).isEmpty() )
out << indent( itemDepth( *it ) ) << ( *it )->text(0);
if ( ( *it )->text(0) == tr( "COLOR" ) )
out << ":" << spacing() << ( ( ( *it )->background(1) ).color() ).name();
else if ( !( ( *it )->text(1) ).isEmpty() )
out << ":" << spacing() << ( *it )->text(1);
out << endl;
out << endl;
/// \class GroupCombo
/// \brief Customized combo box to manage list of mesh groups.
/// \internal
class GroupCombo: public QComboBox
class Item: public QStandardItem
SMESH::SelectionProxy myGroup;
Item( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& group )
myGroup = group;
setText( myGroup.name() );
SMESH::SelectionProxy group()
return myGroup;
SMESH::SelectionProxy myProxy;
GroupCombo( QWidget* );
void setSource( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& );
SMESH::SelectionProxy currentGroup() const;
\brief Constructor.
\param parent Parent widget.
GroupCombo::GroupCombo( QWidget* parent ): QComboBox( parent )
setModel( new QStandardItemModel( this ) );
\brief Set mesh source.
\param obj Mesh source.
void GroupCombo::setSource( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy )
if ( myProxy == proxy )
myProxy = proxy;
bool blocked = blockSignals( true );
QStandardItemModel* m = dynamic_cast<QStandardItemModel*>( model() );
if ( myProxy )
if ( myProxy.type() == SMESH::SelectionProxy::Mesh )
QList<SMESH::SelectionProxy> groups = myProxy.groups();
for ( int i = 0; i < groups.count(); ++i )
if ( groups[i] )
QString name = groups[i].name();
if ( !name.isEmpty() )
m->appendRow( new Item( groups[i] ) );
setCurrentIndex( -1 ); // for performance reasons
else if ( myProxy.type() >= SMESH::SelectionProxy::Group )
m->appendRow( new Item( myProxy ) );
setCurrentIndex( 0 );
blockSignals( blocked );
\brief Get currently selected group.
\return Selected group.
SMESH::SelectionProxy GroupCombo::currentGroup() const
SMESH::SelectionProxy group;
QStandardItemModel* m = dynamic_cast<QStandardItemModel*>( model() );
if ( currentIndex() >= 0 )
group = dynamic_cast<Item*>( m->item( currentIndex() ) )->group();
return group;
/// \class SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg
/// \brief Mesh information dialog box
/// \todo Move all business logic for element info to SMESHGUI_ElemInfo class.
/// \todo Add selection button to reactivate selection on move from other dlg.
\brief Constructor
\param parent Parent widget.
\param page Dialog page to show at start-up. Defaults to \c BaseInfo.
SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg( QWidget* parent, int page )
: QDialog( parent )
setModal( false );
setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true );
setWindowTitle( tr( "MESH_INFO" ) );
setSizeGripEnabled( true );
myTabWidget = new QTabWidget( this );
// base info
myBaseInfo = new SMESHGUI_BaseInfo( myTabWidget );
myTabWidget->addTab( myBaseInfo, tr( "BASE_INFO" ) );
// elem info
QWidget* w = new QWidget( myTabWidget );
myMode = new QButtonGroup( this );
myMode->addButton( new QRadioButton( tr( "NODE_MODE" ), w ), NodeMode );
myMode->addButton( new QRadioButton( tr( "ELEM_MODE" ), w ), ElemMode );
myMode->addButton( new QRadioButton( tr( "GROUP_MODE" ), w ), GroupMode );
myMode->button( NodeMode )->setChecked( true );
myID = new QLineEdit( w );
myID->setValidator( new SMESHGUI_IdValidator( this ) );
myGroups = new GroupCombo( w );
QStackedWidget* stack = new QStackedWidget( w );
stack->addWidget( myID );
stack->addWidget( myGroups );
myIDPreviewCheck = new QCheckBox( tr( "SHOW_IDS" ), w );
myIDPreview = new SMESHGUI_IdPreview( SMESH::GetViewWindow( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI() ) );
int mode = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "mesh_elem_info", 1 );
mode = qMin( 1, qMax( 0, mode ) );
if ( mode == 0 )
myElemInfo = new SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo( w );
myElemInfo = new SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo( w );
stack->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
QGridLayout* elemLayout = new QGridLayout( w );
elemLayout->setMargin( MARGIN );
elemLayout->setSpacing( SPACING );
elemLayout->addWidget( myMode->button( NodeMode ), 0, 0 );
elemLayout->addWidget( myMode->button( ElemMode ), 0, 1 );
elemLayout->addWidget( myMode->button( GroupMode ), 0, 2 );
elemLayout->addWidget( stack, 0, 3 );
elemLayout->addWidget( myIDPreviewCheck, 1, 0, 1, 4 );
elemLayout->addWidget( myElemInfo, 2, 0, 1, 4 );
myTabWidget->addTab( w, tr( "ELEM_INFO" ) );
// additional info
myAddInfo = new SMESHGUI_AddInfo( myTabWidget );
myTabWidget->addTab( myAddInfo, tr( "ADDITIONAL_INFO" ) );
// controls info
myCtrlInfo = new SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo( myTabWidget );
myTabWidget->addTab( myCtrlInfo, tr( "CTRL_INFO" ) );
// buttons
QPushButton* okBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_OK" ), this );
okBtn->setAutoDefault( true );
okBtn->setDefault( true );
QPushButton* dumpBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "BUT_DUMP_MESH" ), this );
dumpBtn->setAutoDefault( true );
QPushButton* helpBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_HELP" ), this );
helpBtn->setAutoDefault( true );
QHBoxLayout* btnLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
btnLayout->setSpacing( SPACING );
btnLayout->setMargin( 0 );
btnLayout->addWidget( okBtn );
btnLayout->addWidget( dumpBtn );
btnLayout->addStretch( 10 );
btnLayout->addWidget( helpBtn );
// arrange widgets
QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout ( this );
l->setMargin( MARGIN );
l->setSpacing( SPACING );
l->addWidget( myTabWidget );
l->addLayout( btnLayout );
// set initial page
myTabWidget->setCurrentIndex( qMax( (int)BaseInfo, qMin( (int)ElemInfo, page ) ) );
// set-up connections
connect( okBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) );
connect( dumpBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( dump() ) );
connect( helpBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( help() ) );
connect( myTabWidget, SIGNAL( currentChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( updateSelection() ) );
connect( myMode, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( modeChanged() ) );
connect( myGroups, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( modeChanged() ) );
connect( myID, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( idChanged() ) );
connect( myIDPreviewCheck, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( idPreviewChange( bool ) ) );
connect( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI(), SIGNAL( SignalDeactivateActiveDialog() ), this, SLOT( deactivate() ) );
connect( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI(), SIGNAL( SignalCloseAllDialogs() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) );
connect( myElemInfo, SIGNAL( itemInfo( int, QString ) ), this, SLOT( showItemInfo( int, QString ) ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( switchMode( int ) ), stack, SLOT( setCurrentIndex( int ) ) );
// initialize
myIDPreviewCheck->setChecked( SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "id_preview_resource", false ) );
\brief Destructor.
delete myIDPreview;
\brief Show mesh information on given object.
\param io Interactive object.
void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::showInfo( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& io )
if ( !io.IsNull() )
showInfo( SMESH::SelectionProxy( io ) );
\brief Show mesh information on given object.
\param proxy Selection proxy.
void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy )
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !proxy )
myProxy = proxy;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = myProxy.object();
// "Base info" tab
myBaseInfo->showInfo( proxy );
// "Additional info" tab
myAddInfo->showInfo( proxy );
// "Quality info" tab
// Note: for performance reasons we update it only if it is currently active
if ( myTabWidget->currentIndex() == CtrlInfo )
myCtrlInfo->showInfo( proxy );
// "Element info" tab
myGroups->setSource( proxy );
if ( myMode->checkedId() == GroupMode ) {
SMESH::SelectionProxy group = myGroups->currentGroup();
if ( group )
myElemInfo->showInfo( group );
else {
SVTK_Selector* selector = SMESH::GetSelector();
QString ID;
int nb = 0;
if ( myProxy.actor() && selector ) { //todo: actor()?
nb = myMode->checkedId() == NodeMode ?
SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedElements( selector, myProxy.io(), ID ) :
SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedNodes( selector, myProxy.io(), ID );
if ( nb > 0 ) {
myID->setText( ID.trimmed() );
QSet<uint> ids;
QStringList idTxt = ID.split( " ", QString::SkipEmptyParts );
foreach ( ID, idTxt )
ids << ID.trimmed().toUInt();
myElemInfo->showInfo( proxy, ids, myMode->checkedId() == ElemMode );
else {
\brief Update information.
void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::updateInfo()
SALOME_ListIO selected;
SMESHGUI::selectionMgr()->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.Extent() == 1 )
showInfo( selected.First() );
showInfo( myProxy );
\brief Clean-up on dialog closing.
void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::reject()
LightApp_SelectionMgr* selMgr = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SMESH::SetPointRepresentation( false );
if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* viewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow() )
viewWindow->SetSelectionMode( ActorSelection );
myIDPreview->SetPointsLabeled( false );
\brief Process keyboard event.
\param e Key press event.
void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* e )
QDialog::keyPressEvent( e );
if ( !e->isAccepted() && e->key() == Qt::Key_F1 ) {
\brief Set-up selection mode for currently selected page.
void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::updateSelection()
LightApp_SelectionMgr* selMgr = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
disconnect( selMgr, 0, this, 0 );
int selMode = ActorSelection;
if ( myTabWidget->currentIndex() == ElemInfo && myMode->checkedId() == NodeMode )
selMode = NodeSelection;
else if ( myTabWidget->currentIndex() == ElemInfo && myMode->checkedId() == ElemMode )
selMode = CellSelection;
SMESH::SetPointRepresentation( selMode == NodeSelection );
if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow() )
aViewWindow->SetSelectionMode( selMode );
SMESH::SelectionProxy previous = myProxy;
QString ids = myID->text().trimmed();
connect( selMgr, SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateInfo() ) );
if ( myProxy && myProxy == previous && !ids.isEmpty() ) {
myID->setText( ids );
\brief Show documentation on selected dialog page.
void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::help()
QString helpPage = "mesh_infos.html";
switch ( myTabWidget->currentIndex() )
case BaseInfo:
helpPage += "#advanced-mesh-infos-anchor";
case ElemInfo:
helpPage += "#mesh-element-info-anchor";
case AddInfo:
helpPage += "#mesh-addition-info-anchor";
case CtrlInfo:
helpPage += "#mesh-quality-info-anchor";
SMESH::ShowHelpFile( helpPage );
\brief Deactivate dialog box.
void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::deactivate()
disconnect( SMESHGUI::selectionMgr(), SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateInfo() ) );
\brief Called when users switches between node / element modes.
void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::modeChanged()
emit( switchMode( myMode->checkedId() == GroupMode ? 1 : 0 ) );
\brief Called when users prints mesh element ID in the corresponding field.
void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::idChanged()
myIDPreview->SetPointsLabeled( false );
if ( myProxy ) {
TColStd_MapOfInteger ID;
QSet<uint> ids;
std::vector<int> idVec;
std::list< gp_XYZ > aGrCentersXYZ;
const bool isElem = ( myMode->checkedId() == ElemMode );
QStringList idTxt = myID->text().split( " ", QString::SkipEmptyParts );
foreach ( QString tid, idTxt ) {
long id = tid.toUInt();
if ( isElem ? myProxy.hasElement( id ) : myProxy.hasNode( id ))
ID.Add( id );
ids << id;
if ( isElem && myProxy.actor() && myProxy.elementGravityCenter( id, xyz ))
idVec.push_back( id );
aGrCentersXYZ.push_back( xyz );
SVTK_Selector* selector = SMESH::GetSelector();
if ( myProxy.actor() && selector ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IO = myProxy.actor()->getIO();
selector->AddOrRemoveIndex( IO, ID, false );
if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow() )
if ( myMode->checkedId() == NodeMode )
myIDPreview->SetPointsData( myProxy.actor()->GetObject()->GetMesh(), ID );
myIDPreview->SetElemsData( idVec, aGrCentersXYZ );
bool showIDs = ( !ID.IsEmpty() &&
myIDPreviewCheck->isChecked() &&
myTabWidget->currentIndex() == ElemInfo );
myIDPreview->SetPointsLabeled( showIDs, myProxy.actor()->GetVisibility() );
aViewWindow->highlight( IO, true, true );
myElemInfo->showInfo( myProxy, ids, isElem );
* \brief Show IDs clicked
void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::idPreviewChange( bool isOn )
myIDPreview->SetPointsLabeled( isOn && !myID->text().simplified().isEmpty() );
SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->setValue("SMESH", "id_preview_resource", isOn );
if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow() )
void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::showItemInfo( int type, const QString& ids )
if ( !ids.isEmpty() && ( type == NodeConnectivity || type == ElemConnectivity )) {
myMode->button( type - NodeConnectivity )->click();
myID->setText( ids );
\brief Dump information to file.
void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::dump()
DumpFileDlg fd( this );
fd.setWindowTitle( tr( "SAVE_INFO" ) );
fd.setNameFilters( QStringList() << tr( "TEXT_FILES" ) );
fd.setChecked( BaseInfo, SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "info_dump_base", true ) );
fd.setChecked( ElemInfo, SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "info_dump_elem", true ) );
fd.setChecked( AddInfo, SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "info_dump_add", true ) );
fd.setChecked( CtrlInfo, SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "info_dump_ctrl", true ) );
if ( fd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
QString fileName = fd.selectedFile();
if ( !fileName.isEmpty() ) {
QFile file( fileName );
if ( !file.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
QTextStream out( &file );
if ( fd.isChecked( BaseInfo ) ) myBaseInfo->saveInfo( out );
if ( fd.isChecked( ElemInfo ) ) myElemInfo->saveInfo( out );
if ( fd.isChecked( AddInfo ) ) myAddInfo->saveInfo( out );
if ( fd.isChecked( CtrlInfo ) )
myCtrlInfo->showInfo( myProxy ); // it saves what is shown only
myCtrlInfo->saveInfo( out );
/// \class SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo
/// \brief Show quality statistics information on selected object.
/// Displays quality controls statistics about selected object: mesh, sub-mesh,
/// group or arbitrary ID source.
\brief Constructor.
\param parent Parent widget. Defaults to 0.
SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo( QWidget* parent ): SMESHGUI_Info( parent )
QGridLayout* l = new QGridLayout( this );
l->setMargin( MARGIN );
l->setSpacing( SPACING );
QIcon aComputeIcon( SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap( "SMESH", tr( "ICON_COMPUTE" ) ) );
SMESH::FilterManager_var aFilterMgr = SMESH::GetFilterManager();
// name
QLabel* aNameLab = createLabel( tr( "NAME_LAB" ), this, Bold );
QLabel* aName = createField( this, "ctrlName" );
aName->setMinimumWidth( 150 );
myWidgets << aName;
// nodes info
QLabel* aNodesLab = createLabel( tr( "NODES_INFO" ), this, Bold );
QLabel* aNodesFreeLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_FREE_NODES" ), this );
QLabel* aNodesFree = createField( this, "ctrlNodesFree" );
myWidgets << aNodesFree;
myPredicates << aFilterMgr->CreateFreeNodes();
QLabel* aNodesNbConnLab = new QLabel( tr( "MAX_NODE_CONNECTIVITY" ), this );
QLabel* aNodesNbConn = createField( this, "ctrlNodesCnty" );
myWidgets << aNodesNbConn;
myNodeConnFunctor = aFilterMgr->CreateNodeConnectivityNumber();
QLabel* aNodesDoubleLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_NODES" ), this );
QLabel* aNodesDouble = createField( this, "ctrlNodesDouble" );
myWidgets << aNodesDouble;
myPredicates << aFilterMgr->CreateEqualNodes();
QLabel* aToleranceLab = new QLabel( tr( "DOUBLE_NODES_TOLERANCE" ), this );
myToleranceWidget = new SMESHGUI_SpinBox( this );
myToleranceWidget->RangeStepAndValidator(0.0000000001, 1000000.0, 0.0000001, "length_precision" );
myToleranceWidget->setAcceptNames( false );
myToleranceWidget->SetValue( SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->doubleValue( "SMESH", "equal_nodes_tolerance", 1e-7 ) );
// edges info
QLabel* anEdgesLab = createLabel( tr( "EDGES_INFO" ), this, Bold );
QLabel* anEdgesDoubleLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_EDGES" ), this );
QLabel* anEdgesDouble = createField( this, "ctrlEdgesDouble" );
myWidgets << anEdgesDouble;
myPredicates << aFilterMgr->CreateEqualEdges();
// faces info
QLabel* aFacesLab = createLabel( tr( "FACES_INFO" ), this, Bold );
QLabel* aFacesDoubleLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_FACES" ), this );
QLabel* aFacesDouble = createField( this, "ctrlFacesDouble" );
myWidgets << aFacesDouble;
myPredicates << aFilterMgr->CreateEqualFaces();
QLabel* aFacesOverLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_OVER_CONSTRAINED" ), this );
QLabel* aFacesOver = createField( this, "ctrlFacesOver" );
myWidgets << aFacesOver;
myPredicates << aFilterMgr->CreateOverConstrainedFace();
QLabel* anAspectRatioLab = new QLabel( tr( "ASPECT_RATIO_HISTOGRAM" ), this );
myPlot = createPlot( this );
myAspectRatio = aFilterMgr->CreateAspectRatio();
// volumes info
QLabel* aVolumesLab = createLabel( tr( "VOLUMES_INFO" ), this, Bold );
QLabel* aVolumesDoubleLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_VOLUMES" ), this );
QLabel* aVolumesDouble = createField( this, "ctrlVolumesDouble" );
myWidgets << aVolumesDouble;
myPredicates << aFilterMgr->CreateEqualVolumes();
QLabel* aVolumesOverLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_OVER_CONSTRAINED" ), this );
QLabel* aVolumesOver = createField( this, "ctrlVolumesOver" );
myWidgets << aVolumesOver;
myPredicates << aFilterMgr->CreateOverConstrainedVolume();
QLabel* anAspectRatio3DLab = new QLabel( tr( "ASPECT_RATIO_3D_HISTOGRAM" ), this );
myPlot3D = createPlot( this );
myAspectRatio3D = aFilterMgr->CreateAspectRatio3D();
QToolButton* aFreeNodesBtn = new QToolButton( this );
myButtons << aFreeNodesBtn; //0
QToolButton* aNodesNbConnBtn = new QToolButton( this );
myButtons << aNodesNbConnBtn; //1
QToolButton* aDoubleNodesBtn = new QToolButton( this );
myButtons << aDoubleNodesBtn; //2
QToolButton* aDoubleEdgesBtn = new QToolButton( this );
myButtons << aDoubleEdgesBtn; //3
QToolButton* aDoubleFacesBtn = new QToolButton( this );
myButtons << aDoubleFacesBtn; //4
QToolButton* aOverContFacesBtn = new QToolButton( this );
myButtons << aOverContFacesBtn; //5
QToolButton* aComputeFaceBtn = new QToolButton( this );
myButtons << aComputeFaceBtn; //6
QToolButton* aDoubleVolumesBtn = new QToolButton( this );
myButtons << aDoubleVolumesBtn; //7
QToolButton* aOverContVolumesBtn = new QToolButton( this );
myButtons << aOverContVolumesBtn; //8
QToolButton* aComputeVolumeBtn = new QToolButton( this );
myButtons << aComputeVolumeBtn; //9
connect( aComputeFaceBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeAspectRatio() ) );
connect( aComputeVolumeBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeAspectRatio3D() ) );
connect( aFreeNodesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeFreeNodesInfo() ) );
connect( aNodesNbConnBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeNodesNbConnInfo() ) );
connect( aDoubleNodesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeDoubleNodesInfo() ) );
connect( aDoubleEdgesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeDoubleEdgesInfo() ) );
connect( aDoubleFacesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeDoubleFacesInfo() ) );
connect( aOverContFacesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeOverConstrainedFacesInfo() ) );
connect( aDoubleVolumesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeDoubleVolumesInfo() ) );
connect( aOverContVolumesBtn,SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeOverConstrainedVolumesInfo() ) );
connect( myToleranceWidget, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( setTolerance( double ) ) );
l->addWidget( aNameLab, 0, 0 ); //0
l->addWidget( aName, 0, 1, 1, 2 ); //1
l->addWidget( aNodesLab, 1, 0, 1, 3 ); //2
l->addWidget( aNodesFreeLab, 2, 0 ); //3
l->addWidget( aNodesFree, 2, 1 ); //4
l->addWidget( aFreeNodesBtn, 2, 2 ); //5
l->addWidget( aNodesNbConnLab, 3, 0 ); //6
l->addWidget( aNodesNbConn, 3, 1 ); //7
l->addWidget( aNodesNbConnBtn, 3, 2 ); //8
l->addWidget( aNodesDoubleLab, 4, 0 ); //9
l->addWidget( aNodesDouble, 4, 1 ); //10
l->addWidget( aDoubleNodesBtn, 4, 2 ); //11
l->addWidget( aToleranceLab, 5, 0 ); //12
l->addWidget( myToleranceWidget, 5, 1 ); //13
l->addWidget( anEdgesLab, 6, 0, 1, 3 ); //14
l->addWidget( anEdgesDoubleLab, 7, 0 ); //15
l->addWidget( anEdgesDouble, 7, 1 ); //16
l->addWidget( aDoubleEdgesBtn, 7, 2 ); //17
l->addWidget( aFacesLab, 8, 0, 1, 3 ); //18
l->addWidget( aFacesDoubleLab, 9, 0 ); //19
l->addWidget( aFacesDouble, 9, 1 ); //20
l->addWidget( aDoubleFacesBtn, 9, 2 ); //21
l->addWidget( aFacesOverLab, 10, 0 ); //22
l->addWidget( aFacesOver, 10, 1 ); //23
l->addWidget( aOverContFacesBtn, 10, 2 ); //24
l->addWidget( anAspectRatioLab, 11, 0 ); //25
l->addWidget( aComputeFaceBtn, 11, 2 ); //26
l->addWidget( myPlot, 12, 0, 1, 3 );//27
l->addWidget( aVolumesLab, 13, 0, 1, 3 );//28
l->addWidget( aVolumesDoubleLab, 14, 0 ); //29
l->addWidget( aVolumesDouble, 14, 1 ); //30
l->addWidget( aDoubleVolumesBtn, 14, 2 ); //31
l->addWidget( aVolumesOverLab, 15, 0 ); //32
l->addWidget( aVolumesOver, 15, 1 ); //33
l->addWidget( aOverContVolumesBtn,15, 2 ); //34
l->addWidget( anAspectRatio3DLab, 16, 0 ); //35
l->addWidget( aComputeVolumeBtn, 16, 2 ); //36
l->addWidget( myPlot3D, 17, 0, 1, 3 );//37
l->setColumnStretch( 0, 0 );
l->setColumnStretch( 1, 5 );
l->setRowStretch ( 12, 5 );
l->setRowStretch ( 17, 5 );
l->setRowStretch ( 18, 1 );
\brief Destructor.
\brief Create plot widget.
\param parent Parent widget.
\return New plot widget.
QwtPlot* SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::createPlot( QWidget* parent )
QwtPlot* aPlot = new QwtPlot( parent );
aPlot->setMinimumSize( 100, 100 );
QFont xFont = aPlot->axisFont( QwtPlot::xBottom );
xFont.setPointSize( 5 );
QFont yFont = aPlot->axisFont( QwtPlot::yLeft );
yFont.setPointSize( 5 );
aPlot->setAxisFont( QwtPlot::xBottom, xFont );
aPlot->setAxisFont( QwtPlot::yLeft, yFont );
return aPlot;
\brief Show information on given object.
\param proxy Object to show information on (mesh, sub-mesh, group, ID source).
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy )
if ( !proxy )
myProxy = proxy;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = proxy.object();
myWidgets[0]->setText( proxy.name() );
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = obj->GetMesh();
if ( mesh->_is_nil() ) return;
const bool meshLoaded = mesh->IsLoaded();
if ( !meshLoaded ) // mesh not yet loaded from the hdf file
// enable Compute buttons, just in case obj->GetNbElementsByType() fails
for ( int i = 0; i < myButtons.count(); ++i )
myButtons[i]->setEnabled( true );
SMESH::long_array_var nbElemsByType = obj->GetNbElementsByType();
if ( ! &nbElemsByType.in() ) return;
const CORBA::Long ctrlLimit =
meshLoaded ? SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "info_controls_limit", 3000 ) : -1;
// nodes info
const CORBA::Long nbNodes = nbElemsByType[ SMESH::NODE ];
// const CORBA::Long nbElems = ( nbElemsByType[ SMESH::EDGE ] +
// nbElemsByType[ SMESH::FACE ] +
// nbElemsByType[ SMESH::VOLUME ] );
if ( nbNodes > 0 ) {
if ( nbNodes <= ctrlLimit ) {
// free nodes
// node connectivity number
// double nodes
else {
myButtons[0]->setEnabled( true );
myButtons[1]->setEnabled( true );
myButtons[2]->setEnabled( true );
else {
for( int i=2; i<=13; i++)
dynamic_cast<QGridLayout*>(layout())->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false );
// edges info
if ( nbElemsByType[ SMESH::EDGE ] > 0 ) {
// double edges
if( nbElemsByType[ SMESH::EDGE ] <= ctrlLimit )
myButtons[3]->setEnabled( true );
else {
for( int i=14; i<=17; i++)
dynamic_cast<QGridLayout*>(layout())->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false );
// faces info
if ( nbElemsByType[ SMESH::FACE ] > 0 ) {
if ( nbElemsByType[ SMESH::FACE ] <= ctrlLimit ) {
// double faces
// over constrained faces
// aspect Ratio histogram
else {
myButtons[4]->setEnabled( true );
myButtons[5]->setEnabled( true );
myButtons[6]->setEnabled( true );
for( int i=25; i<=27; i++)
dynamic_cast<QGridLayout*>(layout())->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false );
else {
for( int i=18; i<=27; i++)
dynamic_cast<QGridLayout*>(layout())->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false );
// volumes info
if ( nbElemsByType[ SMESH::VOLUME ] > 0 ) {
if ( nbElemsByType[ SMESH::VOLUME ] <= ctrlLimit ) {
// double volumes
// over constrained volumes
// aspect Ratio 3D histogram
else {
myButtons[7]->setEnabled( true );
myButtons[8]->setEnabled( true );
myButtons[9]->setEnabled( true );
for( int i=35; i<=37; i++)
dynamic_cast<QGridLayout*>(layout())->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false );
else {
for( int i=28; i<=37; i++)
dynamic_cast<QGridLayout*>(layout())->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false );
* \brief Computes and shows nb of elements satisfying a given predicate
* \param [in] ft - a predicate type (SMESH::FunctorType)
* \param [in] iBut - index of one of myButtons to disable
* \param [in] iWdg - index of one of myWidgets to show the computed number
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeNb( int ft, int iBut, int iWdg )
myButtons[ iBut ]->setEnabled( false );
myWidgets[ iWdg ]->setText( "" );
if ( !myProxy )
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = myProxy.object();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = obj->GetMesh();
if ( !mesh->_is_nil() && !mesh->IsLoaded() )
showInfo( myProxy ); // try to show all values
if ( !myWidgets[ iWdg ]->text().isEmpty() )
return; // <ft> predicate already computed
// look for a predicate of type <ft>
for ( int i = 0; i < myPredicates.count(); ++i )
if ( myPredicates[i]->GetFunctorType() == ft )
CORBA::Long nb = myPredicates[i]->NbSatisfying( obj );
myWidgets[ iWdg ]->setText( QString::number( nb ) );
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeFreeNodesInfo()
computeNb( SMESH::FT_FreeNodes, 0, 1 );
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeDoubleNodesInfo()
computeNb( SMESH::FT_EqualNodes, 2, 3 );
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeDoubleEdgesInfo()
computeNb( SMESH::FT_EqualEdges, 3, 4 );
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeDoubleFacesInfo()
computeNb( SMESH::FT_EqualFaces, 4, 5 );
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeOverConstrainedFacesInfo()
computeNb( SMESH::FT_OverConstrainedFace, 5, 6 );
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeDoubleVolumesInfo()
computeNb( SMESH::FT_EqualVolumes, 7, 7 );
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeOverConstrainedVolumesInfo()
computeNb( SMESH::FT_OverConstrainedVolume, 8, 8 );
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeNodesNbConnInfo()
myButtons[ 1 ]->setEnabled( false );
myWidgets[ 2 ]->setText( "" );
if ( !myProxy )
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = myProxy.object();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = obj->GetMesh();
if ( !mesh->IsLoaded() )
showInfo( myProxy ); // try to show all values
if ( !myWidgets[ 2 ]->text().isEmpty() )
return; // already computed
myNodeConnFunctor->SetMesh( mesh );
SMESH::Histogram_var histogram =
myNodeConnFunctor->GetLocalHistogram( 1, /*isLogarithmic=*/false, obj );
myWidgets[ 2 ]->setText( QString::number( histogram[0].max ) );
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeAspectRatio()
myButtons[6]->setEnabled( false );
if ( !myProxy )
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = myProxy.object();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = obj->GetMesh();
Plot2d_Histogram* aHistogram = getHistogram( myAspectRatio );
if ( aHistogram && !aHistogram->isEmpty() ) {
QwtPlotItem* anItem = aHistogram->createPlotItem();
anItem->attach( myPlot );
delete aHistogram;
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeAspectRatio3D()
myButtons[9]->setEnabled( false );
if ( !myProxy )
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = myProxy.object();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = obj->GetMesh();
Plot2d_Histogram* aHistogram = getHistogram( myAspectRatio3D );
if ( aHistogram && !aHistogram->isEmpty() ) {
QwtPlotItem* anItem = aHistogram->createPlotItem();
anItem->attach( myPlot3D );
delete aHistogram;
\brief Internal clean-up (reset widget)
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::clearInternal()
for( int i=0; i<=37; i++)
dynamic_cast<QGridLayout*>(layout())->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( true );
for( int i=0; i<=9; i++)
myButtons[i]->setEnabled( false );
myWidgets[0]->setText( QString() );
for ( int i = 1; i < myWidgets.count(); i++ )
myWidgets[i]->setText( "" );
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::setTolerance( double theTolerance )
myButtons[2]->setEnabled( true );
for ( int i = 0; i < myPredicates.count(); ++i )
if ( myPredicates[i]->GetFunctorType() == SMESH::FT_EqualNodes )
SMESH::EqualNodes_var functor = SMESH::EqualNodes::_narrow( myPredicates[i] );
if ( !functor->_is_nil() )
functor->SetTolerance( theTolerance );
Plot2d_Histogram* SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::getHistogram( SMESH::NumericalFunctor_ptr aNumFun )
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = myProxy.object();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = obj->GetMesh();
if ( !mesh->IsLoaded() )
aNumFun->SetMesh( mesh );
CORBA::Long cprecision = 6;
if ( SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "use_precision", false ) )
cprecision = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "controls_precision", -1 );
aNumFun->SetPrecision( cprecision );
int nbIntervals = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "scalar_bar_num_colors", false );
SMESH::Histogram_var histogramVar = aNumFun->GetLocalHistogram( nbIntervals,
obj );
Plot2d_Histogram* aHistogram = new Plot2d_Histogram();
aHistogram->setColor( palette().color( QPalette::Highlight ) );
if ( &histogramVar.in() )
for ( size_t i = 0, nb = histogramVar->length(); i < nb; i++ )
aHistogram->addPoint( 0.5 * ( histogramVar[i].min + histogramVar[i].max ), histogramVar[i].nbEvents );
if ( histogramVar->length() >= 2 )
aHistogram->setWidth( ( histogramVar[0].max - histogramVar[0].min ) * 0.8 );
return aHistogram;
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::saveInfo( QTextStream &out )
// title
QString title = tr( "CTRL_INFO" );
out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl;
out << title << endl;
out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl;
out << endl;
// info
out << tr( "NAME_LAB" ) << " " << myWidgets[0]->text() << endl;
out << tr( "NODES_INFO" ) << endl;
out << indent() << tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_FREE_NODES" ) << ": " << myWidgets[1]->text() << endl;
out << indent() << tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_NODES" ) << ": " << myWidgets[3]->text() << endl;
out << tr( "EDGES_INFO" ) << endl;
out << indent() << tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_EDGES" ) << ": " << myWidgets[4]->text() << endl;
out << tr( "FACES_INFO" ) << endl;
out << indent() << tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_FACES" ) << ": " << myWidgets[5]->text() << endl;
out << indent() << tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_OVER_CONSTRAINED" ) << ": " << myWidgets[6]->text() << endl;
out << tr( "VOLUMES_INFO" ) << endl;
out << indent() << tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_VOLUMES" ) << ": " << myWidgets[7]->text() << endl;
out << indent() << tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_OVER_CONSTRAINED" ) << ": " << myWidgets[8]->text() << endl;
/// \class SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg
/// \brief Overall Mesh Quality dialog.
/// \todo Add selection button to reactivate selection on move from other dlg.
\brief Constructor
\param parent parent widget
SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg( QWidget* parent )
: QDialog( parent )
setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true );
setWindowTitle( tr( "CTRL_INFO" ) );
setMinimumSize( 400, 600 );
myCtrlInfo = new SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo( this );
// buttons
QPushButton* okBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_OK" ), this );
okBtn->setAutoDefault( true );
okBtn->setDefault( true );
QPushButton* dumpBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "BUT_DUMP_MESH" ), this );
dumpBtn->setAutoDefault( true );
QPushButton* helpBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_HELP" ), this );
helpBtn->setAutoDefault( true );
QHBoxLayout* btnLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
btnLayout->setSpacing( SPACING );
btnLayout->setMargin( 0 );
btnLayout->addWidget( okBtn );
btnLayout->addWidget( dumpBtn );
btnLayout->addStretch( 10 );
btnLayout->addWidget( helpBtn );
QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout ( this );
l->setMargin( 0 );
l->setSpacing( SPACING );
l->addWidget( myCtrlInfo );
l->addLayout( btnLayout );
connect( okBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) );
connect( dumpBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( dump() ) );
connect( helpBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( help() ) );
connect( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI(), SIGNAL( SignalDeactivateActiveDialog() ), this, SLOT( deactivate() ) );
connect( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI(), SIGNAL( SignalCloseAllDialogs() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) );
\brief Destructor
\brief Show mesh quality information on given object.
\param io Interactive object.
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::showInfo( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& io )
if ( !io.IsNull() )
showInfo( SMESH::SelectionProxy( io ) );
\brief Show mesh quality information on given object.
\param proxy Selection proxy.
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy )
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !proxy )
myProxy = proxy;
myCtrlInfo->showInfo( proxy );
\brief Show mesh information
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::updateInfo()
SALOME_ListIO selected;
SMESHGUI::selectionMgr()->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.Extent() == 1 )
showInfo( selected.First() );
showInfo( myProxy );
\brief Perform clean-up actions on the dialog box closing.
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::reject()
SMESH::SetPointRepresentation( false );
\brief Setup selection mode depending on the current dialog box state.
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::updateSelection()
LightApp_SelectionMgr* selMgr = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
disconnect( selMgr, 0, this, 0 );
SMESH::SetPointRepresentation( false );
connect( selMgr, SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateInfo() ) );
\brief Deactivate dialog box.
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::deactivate()
disconnect( SMESHGUI::selectionMgr(), SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateInfo() ) );
\brief Dump information to file.
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::dump()
DumpFileDlg fd( this, false );
fd.setWindowTitle( tr( "SAVE_INFO" ) );
fd.setNameFilters( QStringList() << tr( "TEXT_FILES" ) );
if ( fd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
QString fileName = fd.selectedFile();
if ( !fileName.isEmpty() ) {
QFile file( fileName );
if ( !file.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
QTextStream out( &file );
myCtrlInfo->saveInfo( out );
\brief Show documentation on dialog.
void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::help()
SMESH::ShowHelpFile( "mesh_infos.html#mesh-quality-info-anchor" );