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\page blsurf_hypo_page BLSURF Parameters hypothesis
\n BLSURF Parameters hypothesis works only with <b>BLSURF</b> 2d
algorithm. This algorithm is a commercial software.
<h1>General parameters</h1>
\image html blsurf_parameters.png
<li><b>Name</b> - allows defining the name of the hypothesis (BLSURF
Parameters_n by default).</li>
<li><b>Physical Mesh</b> - can be set to None, Custom or Size Map
<li>if set to "Custom", allows user input in the
in <b>User size</b>, <b>Max Physical Size</b> and <b>Min Physical
Size</b> fields.</li>
<li>if set to "Size Map", behaves like "Custom" mode and takes into account the custom elements sizes given in the Size Map tab.</li>
<li><b>User size</b> - defines the size of the generated mesh elements. </li>
<li><b>Max Physical Size</b> - defines the upper limit of mesh element size. </li>
<li><b>Min Physical Size</b> - defines the lower limit of mesh element size. </li>
<li><b>Geometrical mesh</b> - if set to "Custom", allows user input in
<b>Angle Mesh S</b>, <b>Angle Mesh C</b> and
<b>Gradation</b> fields. These fields control
computation of the element size, so called <i>geometrical size</i>, conform to
the surface geometry considering local curvatures. \n
If both the <b>User size</b> and the <i>geometrical size</i> are defined, the
eventual element size correspond to the least of the two. </li>
<li><b>Angle Mesh S</b> - maximum angle between the mesh face and the
tangent to the geometrical surface at each mesh node, in degrees. </li>
<li><b>Angle Mesh C</b> - maximum angle between the mesh edge and the
tangent to the geometrical curve at each mesh node, in degrees. </li>
<li><b>Max Geometrical Size</b> - defines the upper limit of the <i>geometrical size</i>.</li>
<li><b>Min Geometrical Size</b> - defines the lower limit of the <i>geometrical size</i>.</li>
<li><b>Gradation</b> - maximum ratio between the lengths of
two adjacent edges. </li>
<li><b>Allow Quadrangles</b> - if checked, allows the creation of quadrilateral elements.</li>
<li><b>Patch independent</b> - if checked, geometrical
edges are not respected and all geometrical faces are meshed as one
<h1>Advanced parameters</h1>
\image html blsurf_parameters_advanced.png
<li><b>Topology</b> - allows creation of a conform mesh on a shell of
not sewed faces.
<li>"From CAD" means that mesh conformity is assured by conformity
of a shape.</li>
<li>"Pre-process" and "Pre-process++" allow the BLSURF software to
pre-process the geometrical model to eventually produce a conform
mesh. </li>
<li><b>Verbosity level</b> - Defines the percentage of "verbosity" of
BLSURF [0-100].</li>
<li><b>Add option</b> - provides the choice of multiple advanced
options, which appear, if selected, in a table where it is possible to
input the value of the option and to edit it later.</li>
<li><b>Clear option</b> - removes the option selected in the table.
The following options are commonly usable. The notion of <i>diag</i>
used in the descriptions means
the diagonal of the bounding box of the geometrical object to mesh.
<li><b>topo_eps1</b> (real) - is the tolerance level inside a CAD
patch. By default is equal to <i>diag</i> <20> 10-4. This tolerance is used to
identify nodes to merge within one geometrical face when \b Topology
option is to pre-process. Default is <i>diag</i>/10.0.</li>
<li><b>topo_eps2</b> (real) - is the tolerance level between two CAD
patches. By default is equal to <i>diag</i> <20> 10-4. This tolerance is used to
identify nodes to merge over different geometrical faces when
\b Topology option is to pre-process. Default is <i>diag</i>/10.0.</li>
<li>\b LSS (real) - is an abbreviation for "length of sub-segment". It is
a maximal allowed length of a mesh edge. Default is 0.5.</li>
<li>\b frontal (integer)
<li> 1 - the mesh generator inserts points with an advancing front method.</li>
<li> 0 - it inserts them with an algebraic method (on internal edges). This method is
slightly faster but generates less regular meshes. </li>
Default is 0.</li>
\anchor blsurf_hinterpol_flag
<li>\b hinterpol_flag (integer) - determines the computation of an
interpolated value <i>v</i> between two points <i>P1</i> and <i>P2</i> on a
curve. Let <i>h1</i> be the value at point <i>P1,</i> <i>h2</i> be the value at point
<i>P2,</i> and <i>t</i> be a parameter varying from 0 to 1 when moving from <i>P1
to</i> <i>P2</i> .
<li>0 - the interpolation is linear: <i>v = h1 + t (h2 - h1 )</i></li>
<li>1 - the interpolation is geometric: <i>v = h1 * pow( h2/h1, t)</i></li>
<li>2 - the interpolation is sinusoidal: <i>v = (h1+h2)/2 +
Default is 0.</li>
\anchor blsurf_hmean_flag
<li>\b hmean_flag (integer) - determines the computation of the average of several
<li>-1 - the minimum is computed.</li>
<li>0 or 2 - the arithmetic average computed.
<li>1 - the geometric average is computed.</li>
Default is 0.</li>
<li>\b CheckAdjacentEdges, \b CheckCloseEdges and \b CheckWellDefined
(integers) - gives the number of calls of equally named subroutines the
purpose of which is to improve the mesh of domains having narrow
parts. At each iteration,\b CheckCloseEdges decreases the sizes of the
edges when two boundary curves are neighboring,\b CheckAdjacentEdges
balances the sizes of adjacent edges, and \b CheckWellDefined checks if
the parametric domain is well defined. Default values are 0.</li>
<li>\b CoefRectangle (real)- defines the relative thickness of the rectangles
used by subroutine \b CheckCloseEdges (see above). Default is 0.25.</li>
<li>\b eps_collapse (real) - if more than 0.0, BLSURF removes
curves whose lengths are less than \b eps_collapse. To obtain an
approximate value of the length of a curve, it is arbitrarily
split into 20 edges. Default is 0.0.</li>
<li>\b eps_ends (real) - is used to detect the curves whose lengths are very
small, which sometimes constitutes an error. A message is printed
if<i> fabs(P2-P1) < eps_ends</i>, where <i>P1</i> and <i>P2</i> are the
extremities of a curve. Default is <i>diag</i>/500.0.</li>
<li>\b prefix (char) - is a prefix of the files generated by
BLSURF. Default is "x".</li>
<li>\b refs (integer) - reference of a surface, used when exporting
files. Default is 1.</li>
The following advanced options are not documented and you can use them
at your own risk.
\n\n Integer variables:
<li> addsurf_ivertex</li>
<li> background </li>
<li> coiter </li>
<li> communication </li>
<li> decim </li>
<li> export_flag </li>
<li> file_h </li>
<li> gridnu </li>
<li> gridnv </li>
<li> intermedfile </li>
<li> memory </li>
<li> normals </li>
<li> optim </li>
<li> pardom_flag </li>
<li> pinch </li>
<li> rigid </li>
<li> surforient </li>
<li> tconf </li>
<li> topo_collapse </li>
Real variables:
<li> addsurf_angle </li>
<li> addsurf_R </li>
<li> addsurf_H </li>
<li> addsurf_FG </li>
<li> addsurf_r </li>
<li> addsurf_PA </li>
<li> angle_compcurv </li>
<li> angle_ridge </li>
<li> eps_pardom </li>
String variables:
<li> export_format </li>
<li> export_option </li>
<li> import_option </li>
<h1>Custom size map</h1>
\image html blsurf_parameters_sizemap.png
User sizes can be defined on faces, edges or vertices.
<li>The faces, edges and vertices can belong to the meshed geometrical
object or to its sub-shapes (created using <b>Explode</b> command).</li>
<li>Groups of faces, edges and vertices are also handled.</li>
<li>It is possible to attribute the same size to several geometries using multi-selection.</li>
<li>The sizes are constant values or python functions.</li>
<li>In case of a python function, the following rules must be respected:
<li>The name of the function is f.</li>
<li>If geometry is a face or a group of faces, the function is f(u,v).</li>
<li>If geometry is an edge or a group of edges, the function is f(t).</li>
<li>If geometry is a vertex or a group of vertices, the function is f().</li>
<li>The function must return a double.</li>
<br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of the \ref tui_blsurf "creation of a BLSurf hypothesis", including size map.
\anchor blsurf_sizemap_computation
<h2>Computation of the physical size</h2>
The physical size is obtained by querying sizemap functions associated to the input CAD object for surfaces, curves and points.
Each function can either return a value h (which is then trimmed
between the two bounds hphymin and hphymax), or "no answer" (by not
assigning a value to h), thus providing great flexibility in the
specification of the sizes. The computation depends on whether point P is internal to a surface, internal to a curve, or at the end of several curves:
<li> If point P is internal to a surface, the CAD surface size function is queried. If no answer is returned, one interpolates with the values at the vertices of the discretized interface curves.</li>
<li> If point P is internal to a curve, the CAD curve size function is queried first. If no answer is returned, the surface size function is queried for every adjacent surface and the mean value of the returned values is computed. If no answer is returned, sizes h1 and h2 at both ends of the curve are considered (see next item) and the interpolated value is computed.</li>
<li> If point P is at the extremity of several curves, the CAD point size function is queried first. If no answer is returned, the curve size function is queried for every adjacent curve and the mean value of the returned values is computed. If no answer is returned, the surface size function is queried for every adjacent surface and the mean value of the returned values is computed. If there is still no answer returned, the default value hphydef is kept.</li>
In order to compute the mean of several values, the arithmetic mean is used by default, but this can be modified by the parameter \ref blsurf_hmean_flag "hmean flag". In the same way, in order to interpolate two values, a linear interpolation is used by default, but this can be modified by \ref blsurf_hinterpol_flag "hinterpol flag".
<h1>Custom enforced vertices</h1>
\image html blsurf_parameters_enforced_vertices.png
It is possible to define some enforced vertices to BLSurf algorithm
without creating any vertices by CAD algorithms.
<li>The enforced vertex is the projection of a point defined by its
(x,y,z) coordinates on the selected face.</li>
<li>It is possible to define several enforced vertices on a face or a group of faces.</li>
<li>If the projected point is on the boundary or outside of the face, it will be ignored.</li>
<br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of the \ref tui_blsurf "creation of a BLSurf hypothesis", including enforced vertices.
Currently BLSURF plugin has the following limitations.
<li>The created mesh will contain inverted elements if it is based on a shape,
consisting of more than one face (box, cone, torus...) and if
the option "Allow Quadrangles (Test)" has been checked before
<li>SIGFPE exception is raised at the attempt to compute the mesh
based on a box when the option "Patch independent" is checked.</li>
<li>BLSURF algorithm cannot be used as a local algorithm (on
sub-meshes) or as a provider of a low-level
mesh for some 3D algorithms, because the BLSURF mesher (and
consequently plugin) does not provide the information on node
parameters on edges (U) and faces (U,V). For example the
following combinations of algorithms are impossible:
<li> global MEFISTO or Quadrangle(mapping) + local BLSURF;</li>
<li> BLSUFR + Projection 2D from faces meshed by BLSURF;</li>
<li> local BLSURF + Extrusion 3D;</li>