asozinov 66c7e4a32d [bos #32739][CEA] 3D warp
added new eControl
added new case for 3DWarp
Added new class for 3D Warp
Added 3D warp for use as filter

Threshold of criteria

Fix problem when the Threshold checkbox on Scalar Bar Properties does not remove elements outside of the range
2024-03-01 20:10:57 +00:00

917 lines
33 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2007-2024 CEA, EDF, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See or email :
// File : SMESHGUI_Selection.cxx
// Author : Alexander SOLOVYOV, Open CASCADE S.A.S.
// SMESH includes
#include "SMESHGUI_Selection.h"
#include "SMESHGUI.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_ComputeDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_ConvToQuadOp.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_GEOMGenUtils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Utils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_VTKUtils.h"
#include <SMESH_Type.h>
#include <SMESH_Actor.h>
#include <SMESH_ScalarBarActor.h>
// SALOME GUI includes
#include <SalomeApp_Application.h>
#include <LightApp_VTKSelector.h>
#include <SVTK_ViewWindow.h>
// IDL includes
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
//function : SMESHGUI_Selection
//purpose :
: LightApp_Selection()
//function : ~SMESHGUI_Selection
//purpose :
//function : init
//purpose :
void SMESHGUI_Selection::init( const QString& client, LightApp_SelectionMgr* mgr )
LightApp_Selection::init( client, mgr );
if( mgr )
for( int i=0, n=count(); i<n; i++ ) {
myTypes.append( typeName( type( entry( i ) ) ) );
myControls.append( controlMode( i ) );
//function : processOwner
//purpose :
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::processOwner( const LightApp_DataOwner* ow )
const LightApp_SVTKDataOwner* owner =
dynamic_cast<const LightApp_SVTKDataOwner*> ( ow );
if( owner ) {
myActors.append( dynamic_cast<SMESH_Actor*>( owner->GetActor() ) );
else if ( ow ) { // SVTK selection disabled
QString entry = ow->entry();
myActors.append( SMESH::FindActorByEntry( entry.toStdString().c_str() ));
else {
myActors.append( 0 );
return true;
//function : parameter
//purpose :
QVariant SMESHGUI_Selection::parameter( const int ind, const QString& p ) const
QVariant val;
if ( p=="client" ) val = QVariant( LightApp_Selection::parameter( p ) );
else if ( p=="type" ) val = QVariant( myTypes[ind] );
else if ( p=="hasActor" ) val = QVariant( getActor( ind ) != 0 );
else if ( p=="elemTypes" ) val = QVariant( elemTypes( ind, false ) );
else if ( p=="objElemTypes" ) val = QVariant( elemTypes( ind, true ) );
else if ( p=="isAutoColor" ) val = QVariant( isAutoColor( ind ) );
else if ( p=="numberOfNodes" ) val = QVariant( numberOfNodes( ind ) );
else if ( p=="dim" ) val = QVariant( dim( ind ) );
else if ( p=="labeledTypes" ) val = QVariant( labeledTypes( ind ) );
else if ( p=="shrinkMode" ) val = QVariant( shrinkMode( ind ) );
else if ( p=="entityMode" ) val = QVariant( entityMode( ind ) );
else if ( p=="isNumFunctor" ) val = QVariant( isNumFunctor( ind ) );
else if ( p=="displayMode" ) val = QVariant( displayMode( ind ) );
else if ( p=="hasAlgo" ) val = QVariant( hasAlgo( ind ) );
else if ( p=="hasErrors" ) val = QVariant( hasErrors( ind ) );
else if ( p=="isComputable" ) val = QVariant( isComputable( ind ) );
else if ( p=="isPreComputable" ) val = QVariant( isPreComputable( ind ) );
else if ( p=="hasGeomReference" ) val = QVariant( hasGeomReference( ind ) );
else if ( p=="isEditableHyp" ) val = QVariant( isEditableHyp( ind ) );
else if ( p=="isImported" ) val = QVariant( isImported( ind ) );
else if ( p=="facesOrientationMode" ) val = QVariant( facesOrientationMode( ind ) );
else if ( p=="groupType" ) val = QVariant( groupType( ind ) );
else if ( p=="isQuadratic" ) val = QVariant( isQuadratic( ind ) );
else if ( p=="quadratic2DMode") val = QVariant( quadratic2DMode( ind ) );
else if ( p=="isDistributionVisible") val = QVariant( isDistributionVisible( ind ) );
else if ( p=="isScalarBarVisible") val = QVariant( isScalarBarVisible( ind ) );
else if ( p=="hasChildren") val = QVariant( hasChildren( ind ) );
else if ( p=="nbChildren") val = QVariant( nbChildren( ind ) );
else if ( p=="isContainer") val = QVariant( isContainer( ind ) );
else if ( p=="guiState") val = QVariant( guiState() );
else if ( p=="canBreakLink") val = QVariant( canBreakLink(ind) );
if ( val.isValid() )
return val;
return LightApp_Selection::parameter( ind, p );
//function : parameter
//purpose :
QVariant SMESHGUI_Selection::parameter( const QString& p ) const
QVariant val;
if ( p=="controlMode" ) val = QVariant( controlMode() );
if ( val.isValid() )
return val;
return LightApp_Selection::parameter( p );
//function : getVtkOwner
//purpose :
SMESH_Actor* SMESHGUI_Selection::getActor( int ind ) const
if( ind >= 0 && ind < count() )
return myActors.isEmpty() ? 0 : ind );
return 0;
//function : elemTypes
//purpose : may return {'Elem0d' 'Edge' 'Face' 'Volume' 'BallElem'} at most
QList<QVariant> SMESHGUI_Selection::elemTypes( int ind, bool fromObj ) const
QList<QVariant> types;
SMESH_Actor* actor = getActor( ind );
if ( actor ) {
TVisualObjPtr object = actor->GetObject();
if ( object ) {
if ( object->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_Edge )) types.append( "Edge" );
if ( object->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_Face )) types.append( "Face" );
if ( object->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_Volume )) types.append( "Volume" );
if ( object->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_0DElement )) types.append( "Elem0d" );
if ( object->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_Ball )) types.append( "BallElem" );
else if ( fromObj )
if ( ind >= 0 && ind < myTypes.count() && myTypes[ind] != "Unknown" )
_PTR(SObject) sobj = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( entry( ind ).toUtf8().data() );
CORBA::Object_var obj = SMESH::SObjectToObject( sobj );
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var idSrc = SMESH::SMESH_IDSource::_narrow( obj );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( idSrc ) )
SMESH::array_of_ElementType_var typeVar = idSrc->GetTypes();
for ( CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < typeVar->length(); ++i )
switch ( typeVar[i] ) {
case SMESH::EDGE: types.append( "Edge" ); break;
case SMESH::FACE: types.append( "Face" ); break;
case SMESH::VOLUME: types.append( "Volume" ); break;
case SMESH::ELEM0D: types.append( "Elem0d" ); break;
case SMESH::BALL: types.append( "BallElem" ); break;
case SMESH::ALL:
return types;
//function : labeledTypes
//purpose : may return {'Point' 'Cell'} at most
QList<QVariant> SMESHGUI_Selection::labeledTypes( int ind ) const
QList<QVariant> types;
SMESH_Actor* actor = getActor( ind );
if ( actor ) {
if ( actor->GetPointsLabeled()) types.append( "Point" );
if ( actor->GetCellsLabeled()) types.append( "Cell" );
return types;
//function : displayMode
//purpose : return SMESH_Actor::EReperesent
QString SMESHGUI_Selection::displayMode( int ind ) const
SMESH_Actor* actor = getActor( ind );
if ( actor ) {
switch( actor->GetRepresentation() ) {
case SMESH_Actor::eEdge: return "eEdge";
case SMESH_Actor::eSurface: return "eSurface";
case SMESH_Actor::ePoint: return "ePoint";
default: break;
return "Unknown";
//function : isQuadratic
//purpose : return true if the mesh has quadratic/bi-quadratic type
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::isQuadratic( int ind ) const
_PTR(SObject) so = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( entry( ind ).toUtf8().data() );
if ( !so )
return false;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var idSource = SMESH::SObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_IDSource>( so );
if ( idSource->_is_nil() )
return false;
SMESHGUI_ConvToQuadOp::MeshDestinationType meshTgtType = SMESHGUI_ConvToQuadOp::DestinationMesh( idSource );
if ( meshTgtType & SMESHGUI_ConvToQuadOp::Linear )
return true;
return false;
//function : quadratic2DMode
//purpose : return SMESH_Actor::EQuadratic2DRepresentation
QString SMESHGUI_Selection::quadratic2DMode( int ind ) const
SMESH_Actor* actor = getActor( ind );
if ( actor ) {
switch( actor->GetQuadratic2DRepresentation() ) {
case SMESH_Actor::eLines: return "eLines";
case SMESH_Actor::eArcs: return "eArcs";
default: break;
return "Unknown";
//function : isDistributionVisible
//purpose : Visible/Invisible distribution of the ScalarBar Actor
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::isDistributionVisible(int ind) const {
SMESH_Actor* actor = getActor( ind );
return (actor && actor->GetScalarBarActor() && actor->GetScalarBarActor()->GetDistributionVisibility());
//function : isScalarBarVisible
//purpose : Visible/Invisible Scalar Bar
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::isScalarBarVisible(int ind) const {
SMESH_Actor* actor = getActor( ind );
return (actor && actor->GetScalarBarActor() && actor->GetScalarBarActor()->GetVisibility());
//function : shrinkMode
//purpose : return either 'IsSrunk', 'IsNotShrunk' or 'IsNotShrinkable'
QString SMESHGUI_Selection::shrinkMode( int ind ) const
SMESH_Actor* actor = getActor( ind );
if ( actor && actor->IsShrunkable() ) {
return actor->IsShrunk() ? "IsShrunk" : "IsNotShrunk";
return "IsNotShrinkable";
//function : entityMode
//purpose : may return {'Elem0d' 'Edge' 'Face' 'Volume' 'BallElem' } at most
QList<QVariant> SMESHGUI_Selection::entityMode( int ind ) const
QList<QVariant> types;
SMESH_Actor* actor = getActor( ind );
if ( actor ) {
unsigned int aMode = actor->GetEntityMode();
if ( aMode & SMESH_Actor::eVolumes ) types.append( "Volume" );
if ( aMode & SMESH_Actor::eFaces ) types.append( "Face" );
if ( aMode & SMESH_Actor::eEdges ) types.append( "Edge" );
if ( aMode & SMESH_Actor::e0DElements ) types.append( "Elem0d" );
if ( aMode & SMESH_Actor::eBallElem ) types.append( "BallElem" );
return types;
//function : controlMode
//purpose : return SMESH_Actor::eControl
QString SMESHGUI_Selection::controlMode( int ind ) const
SMESH_Actor* actor = getActor( ind );
QString mode = "eNone";
if ( actor ) {
switch( actor->GetControlMode() ) {
case SMESH_Actor::eLength: mode = "eLength"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eLength2D: mode = "eLength2D"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eDeflection2D: mode = "eDeflection2D"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eFreeEdges: mode = "eFreeEdges"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eFreeNodes: mode = "eFreeNodes"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eFreeBorders: mode = "eFreeBorders"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eFreeFaces: mode = "eFreeFaces"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eMultiConnection: mode = "eMultiConnection"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eMultiConnection2D: mode = "eMultiConnection2D"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eArea: mode = "eArea"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eVolume3D: mode = "eVolume3D"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eScaledJacobian: mode = "eScaledJacobian"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eMaxElementLength2D: mode = "eMaxElementLength2D"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eMaxElementLength3D: mode = "eMaxElementLength3D"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eTaper: mode = "eTaper"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eAspectRatio: mode = "eAspectRatio"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eAspectRatio3D: mode = "eAspectRatio3D"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eWarping3D: mode = "eWarping3D"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eMinimumAngle: mode = "eMinimumAngle"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eWarping: mode = "eWarping"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eSkew: mode = "eSkew"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eBareBorderFace: mode = "eBareBorderFace"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eBareBorderVolume: mode = "eBareBorderVolume"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eOverConstrainedFace: mode = "eOverConstrainedFace"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eOverConstrainedVolume: mode = "eOverConstrainedVolume"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eCoincidentNodes: mode = "eCoincidentNodes"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eCoincidentElems1D: mode = "eCoincidentElems1D"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eCoincidentElems2D: mode = "eCoincidentElems2D"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eCoincidentElems3D: mode = "eCoincidentElems3D"; break;
case SMESH_Actor::eCustomControl: mode = "eCustomControl"; break;
return mode;
//function : controlMode
//purpose : gets global control mode; return SMESH_Actor::eControl
QString SMESHGUI_Selection::controlMode() const
if( myControls.count() > 0 ) {
QString mode = myControls[0];
for( int ind = 1; ind < myControls.count(); ind++ ) {
if( mode != myControls[ind] )
return "eMixed"; // different controls used for different actors
return mode;
return "eNone";
//function : isNumFunctor
//purpose : return true if a given actor is shown using a numeric functor
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::isNumFunctor( int ind ) const
bool result = false;
SMESH_Actor* actor = getActor( ind );
if ( actor ) {
switch( actor->GetControlMode() ) {
case SMESH_Actor::eLength:
case SMESH_Actor::eLength2D:
case SMESH_Actor::eDeflection2D:
case SMESH_Actor::eMultiConnection:
case SMESH_Actor::eMultiConnection2D:
case SMESH_Actor::eArea:
case SMESH_Actor::eVolume3D:
case SMESH_Actor::eScaledJacobian:
case SMESH_Actor::eMaxElementLength2D:
case SMESH_Actor::eMaxElementLength3D:
case SMESH_Actor::eTaper:
case SMESH_Actor::eAspectRatio:
case SMESH_Actor::eAspectRatio3D:
case SMESH_Actor::eMinimumAngle:
case SMESH_Actor::eWarping:
case SMESH_Actor::eWarping3D:
case SMESH_Actor::eSkew:
result = true;
return result;
//function : facesOrientationMode
//purpose :
QString SMESHGUI_Selection::facesOrientationMode( int ind ) const
SMESH_Actor* actor = getActor( ind );
if ( actor ) {
return actor->GetFacesOriented() ? "IsOriented" : "IsNotOriented";
return "Unknown";
//function : isAutoColor
//purpose :
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::isAutoColor( int ind ) const
if ( ind >= 0 && ind < myTypes.count() && myTypes[ind] != "Unknown" )
_PTR(SObject) sobj = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( entry( ind ).toUtf8().data() );
CORBA::Object_var obj = SMESH::SObjectToObject( sobj );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( obj ) ) {
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow( obj );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( mesh ) )
return mesh->GetAutoColor();
return false;
//function : numberOfNodes
//purpose : this method is actually used to check if an object is empty or not
int SMESHGUI_Selection::numberOfNodes( int ind ) const
if ( ind >= 0 && ind < myTypes.count() && myTypes[ind] != "Unknown" )
_PTR(SObject) sobj = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( entry( ind ).toUtf8().data() );
CORBA::Object_var obj = SMESH::SObjectToObject( sobj );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( obj ) ) {
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow( obj );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( mesh ) )
return mesh->NbNodes();
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var aSubMeshObj = SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_narrow( obj );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( aSubMeshObj ) )
return aSubMeshObj->GetNumberOfNodes(true);
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroupObj = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_narrow( obj );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( aGroupObj ) )
return aGroupObj->IsEmpty() ? 0 : 1; // aGroupObj->Size();
return 0;
* \brief return dimension of elements of the selected object
* \retval int - 0 for 0D elements, -1 for an empty object (the rest as usual)
int SMESHGUI_Selection::dim( int ind ) const
int dim = -1;
if ( ind >= 0 && ind < myTypes.count() && myTypes[ind] != "Unknown" )
_PTR(SObject) sobj = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( entry( ind ).toUtf8().data() );
CORBA::Object_var obj = SMESH::SObjectToObject( sobj );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( obj ) ) {
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var idSrc = SMESH::SMESH_IDSource::_narrow( obj );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( idSrc ) )
SMESH::array_of_ElementType_var types = idSrc->GetTypes();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < types->length(); ++ i) {
switch ( types[i] ) {
case SMESH::EDGE : dim = std::max( dim, 1 ); break;
case SMESH::FACE : dim = std::max( dim, 2 ); break;
case SMESH::VOLUME: dim = std::max( dim, 3 ); break;
case SMESH::ELEM0D: dim = std::max( dim, 0 ); break;
case SMESH::BALL : dim = std::max( dim, 0 ); break;
default: break;
return dim;
//function : hasAlgo
//purpose : return true for a ready-to-compute [sub-]mesh
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::hasAlgo( int ind ) const
if ( ind >= 0 && ind < myTypes.count() && ( myTypes[ind] == "Mesh" ||
myTypes[ind].startsWith("Mesh " )))
QMap<int,int> modeMap;
_PTR(SObject) meshSO = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( entry( ind ).toStdString() );
SMESHGUI_PrecomputeOp::getAssignedAlgos( meshSO, modeMap );
return modeMap.size() > 0;
return false;
//function : hasAlgo
//purpose : return true if a mesh was computed with errors
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::hasErrors( int ind ) const
if ( ind >= 0 && ind < myTypes.count() && ( myTypes[ind] == "Mesh"))
_PTR(SObject) meshSO = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( entry( ind ).toStdString() );
CORBA::Object_var obj = SMESH::SObjectToObject( meshSO );
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow( obj );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( mesh ) )
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var geom = mesh->GetShapeToMesh();
SMESH::compute_error_array_var compErrors = gen->GetComputeErrors( mesh, geom );
return compErrors->length();
return false;
//function : isComputable
//purpose : Return true if a [sub-]mesh does not have "computed" icon
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::isComputable( int ind ) const
if ( ind >= 0 && ind < myTypes.count() && ( myTypes[ind] == "Mesh" ||
myTypes[ind].startsWith("Mesh " )))
_PTR(GenericAttribute) attr;
if ( _PTR(SObject) meshSO = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( entry( ind ).toStdString() ))
if ( meshSO->FindAttribute( attr, "AttributePixMap" ))
_PTR(AttributePixMap) pixmap = attr;
return ( pixmap->GetPixMap() != "ICON_SMESH_TREE_MESH" );
return false;
//function : isPreComputable
//purpose : returns true for a mesh with algorithms
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::isPreComputable( int ind ) const
if ( ind >= 0 && ind < myTypes.count() && myTypes[ind] == "Mesh" )
int maxDim = dim( ind );
if ( maxDim < 2 ) // we can preview 1D or 2D
QMap<int,int> modeMap;
_PTR(SObject) pMesh = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( entry( ind ).toUtf8().data() );
SMESHGUI_PrecomputeOp::getAssignedAlgos( pMesh, modeMap );
if ( modeMap.size() > 1 )
return (( modeMap.contains( SMESH::DIM_3D )) ||
( modeMap.contains( SMESH::DIM_2D ) && maxDim < 1 ));
return false;
//function : hasGeomReference
//purpose : returns true for a mesh or sub-mesh on geometry
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::hasGeomReference( int ind ) const
if ( ind >= 0 && ind < myTypes.count() && myTypes[ind] != "Unknown" )
_PTR(SObject) so = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( entry( ind ).toUtf8().data() );
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var shape = SMESH::GetShapeOnMeshOrSubMesh( so );
return !shape->_is_nil();
return false;
//function : canBreakLink
//purpose : returns true if selected object is a Shaper object and it can break link
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::canBreakLink( int ind ) const
if ( ind >= 0 && isReference(ind) ) {
QString aEntry = objectInfo(ind, OI_RefEntry).toString();
if (!aEntry.isEmpty()) {
_PTR(SObject) aSObject = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( aEntry.toStdString());
if (aSObject) {
_PTR(SObject) aFatherObj = aSObject->GetFather();
if (aFatherObj) {
_PTR(SComponent) aComponent = aFatherObj->GetFatherComponent();
if (aComponent && aComponent->ComponentDataType() == "SMESH") {
QString aObjEntry = entry(ind);
_PTR(SObject) aGeomSObject = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID(aObjEntry.toStdString());
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aObject = SMESH::SObjectToInterface<GEOM::GEOM_Object>(aGeomSObject);
if (!aObject->_is_nil())
return aObject->IsParametrical();
return false;
//function : isEditableHyp
//purpose :
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::isEditableHyp( int ind ) const
bool isEditable = true;
if ( ind >= 0 && ind < myTypes.count() && myTypes[ind] == "Hypothesis" )
_PTR(SObject) so = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( entry( ind ).toUtf8().data() );
SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_var hyp = SMESH::SObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis>( so );
if ( !hyp->_is_nil() )
isEditable = hyp->HasParameters();
return isEditable;
//function : isVisible
//purpose :
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::isVisible( int ind ) const
if ( ind >= 0 && ind < myTypes.count() && myTypes[ind] != "Unknown" )
SMESH_Actor* actor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( entry( ind ).toUtf8().data() );
if ( actor && actor->hasIO() ) {
if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetCurrentVtkView() )
return aViewWindow->isVisible( actor->getIO() );
return false;
//function : hasChildren
//purpose :
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::hasChildren( int ind ) const
if ( ind >= 0 )
_PTR(SObject) sobj = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( entry( ind ).toUtf8().data() );
if ( sobj )
return SMESH::getStudy()->GetUseCaseBuilder()->HasChildren( sobj );
return false;
//function : hasChildren
//purpose :
int SMESHGUI_Selection::nbChildren( int ind ) const
int nb = 0;
if ( ind >= 0 )
_PTR(Study) study = SMESH::getStudy();
_PTR(SObject) sobj = study->FindObjectID( entry( ind ).toUtf8().data() );
if ( sobj && study->GetUseCaseBuilder()->IsUseCaseNode( sobj ) ) {
_PTR(UseCaseIterator) it = study->GetUseCaseBuilder()->GetUseCaseIterator( sobj );
for ( it->Init( false ); it->More(); it->Next() ) nb++;
return nb;
//function : isContainer
//purpose :
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::isContainer( int ind ) const
return ind >= 0 && ind < myTypes.count() && myTypes[ind] == "Unknown";
//function : type
//purpose :
int SMESHGUI_Selection::type( const QString& entry )
int res = -1;
_PTR(SObject) obj = SalomeApp_Application::getStudy()->FindObjectID( entry.toUtf8().data() );
if ( obj ) {
_PTR(SObject) ref;
if ( obj->ReferencedObject( ref ) )
obj = ref;
_PTR(SObject) objFather = obj->GetFather();
_PTR(SComponent) objComponent = obj->GetFatherComponent();
if ( objComponent->ComponentDataType() == "SMESH" ) {
if ( objComponent->GetIOR() == obj->GetIOR() ) {
else {
int aLevel = obj->Depth() - objComponent->Depth(),
aFTag = objFather->Tag(),
anOTag = obj->Tag();
switch ( aLevel )
case 1:
if ( anOTag >= SMESH::Tag_FirstMeshRoot )
res = SMESH::MESH;
case 2:
switch ( aFTag )
case SMESH::Tag_HypothesisRoot: res = SMESH::HYPOTHESIS; break;
case SMESH::Tag_AlgorithmsRoot: res = SMESH::ALGORITHM; break;
default: break;
case 3:
switch ( aFTag )
case SMESH::Tag_SubMeshOnVertex: res = SMESH::SUBMESH_VERTEX; break;
case SMESH::Tag_SubMeshOnEdge: res = SMESH::SUBMESH_EDGE; break;
case SMESH::Tag_SubMeshOnFace: res = SMESH::SUBMESH_FACE; break;
case SMESH::Tag_SubMeshOnSolid: res = SMESH::SUBMESH_SOLID; break;
case SMESH::Tag_SubMeshOnCompound: res = SMESH::SUBMESH_COMPOUND; break;
if ( aFTag >= SMESH::Tag_FirstGroup) res = SMESH::GROUP;
else res = SMESH::SUBMESH;
return res;
//function : typeName
//purpose :
QString SMESHGUI_Selection::typeName( const int t )
QString res = "Unknown";
switch( t )
res = "Hypothesis"; break;
res = "Algorithm"; break;
res = "Mesh"; break;
res = "SubMesh"; break;
res = "Mesh or submesh"; break;
res = "Mesh vertex"; break;
res = "Mesh edge"; break;
res = "Mesh face"; break;
res = "Mesh solid"; break;
res = "Mesh compound"; break;
res = "Group"; break;
res = "Component"; break;
return res;
bool SMESHGUI_Selection::isImported( const int ind ) const
bool res = false;
_PTR(SObject) sobj = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( entry( ind ).toUtf8().constData() );
if ( sobj )
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow( SMESH::SObjectToObject( sobj ) );
if( !aMesh->_is_nil() )
SMESH::MedFileInfo_var inf = aMesh->GetMEDFileInfo();
res = strlen( (char*)inf->fileName ) > 0;
return res;
//function : guiState
//purpose :
int SMESHGUI_Selection::guiState()
return SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI() ? SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI()->GetState() : -1;
//function : groupType
//purpose :
QString SMESHGUI_Selection::groupType( int ind ) const
_PTR(SObject) sobj = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( entry( ind ).toUtf8().constData() );
if ( sobj )
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var g = SMESH::SObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_Group>( sobj );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( g ) )
return "Group";
SMESH::SMESH_GroupOnGeom_var gog = SMESH::SObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_GroupOnGeom>( sobj );
if( !CORBA::is_nil( gog ) )
return "GroupOnGeom";
SMESH::SMESH_GroupOnFilter_var gof = SMESH::SObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_GroupOnFilter>( sobj );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( gof ) )
return "GroupOnFilter";
return "";