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New meshers implemented
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// SMESH SMESH : idl implementation based on 'SMESH' unit's calsses
// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils.cxx
// Created : Fri Oct 27 10:24:28 2006
// Author : Edward AGAPOV (eap)
#include "StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils.hxx"
#include "StdMeshers_ProjectionSource1D.hxx"
#include "StdMeshers_ProjectionSource2D.hxx"
#include "StdMeshers_ProjectionSource3D.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Algo.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Block.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Gen.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Hypothesis.hxx"
#include "SMESH_IndexedDataMapOfShapeIndexedMapOfShape.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MeshEditor.hxx"
#include "SMESH_subMesh.hxx"
#include "SMDS_EdgePosition.hxx"
#include "utilities.h"
#include <BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
#include <BRepTools.hxx>
#include <BRepTools_WireExplorer.hxx>
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <Bnd_Box.hxx>
#include <TopAbs.hxx>
#include <TopTools_Array1OfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_ListOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_MapOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
#include <gp_Ax3.hxx>
#include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
#include <gp_Trsf.hxx>
#include <gp_Vec.hxx>
#define RETURN_BAD_RESULT(msg) { MESSAGE(msg); return false; }
#define SHOW_VERTEX(v,msg) // { \
// if ( v.IsNull() ) cout << msg << " NULL SHAPE" << endl; \
// else if (v.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX) {\
// gp_Pnt p = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex( v ));\
// cout << msg << (v).TShape().operator->()<<" ( " <<p.X()<<", "<<p.Y()<<", "<<p.Z()<<" )"<<endl;}\
// else {\
// cout << msg << " "; TopAbs::Print(v.ShapeType(),cout) <<" "<<(v).TShape().operator->()<<endl;}\
// }
#define SHOW_LIST(msg,l) \
// { \
// cout << msg << " ";\
// list< TopoDS_Edge >::const_iterator e = l.begin();\
// for ( int i = 0; e != l.end(); ++e, ++i ) {\
// cout << i << "V (" << TopExp::FirstVertex( *e, true ).TShape().operator->() << ") "\
// << i << "E (" << e->TShape().operator->() << "); "; }\
// cout << endl;\
// }
namespace {
* \brief Reverse order of edges in a list and their orientation
* \param edges - list of edges to reverse
* \param nbEdges - number of edges to reverse
void Reverse( list< TopoDS_Edge > & edges, const int nbEdges )
list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator eIt = edges.begin();
if ( edges.size() == nbEdges )
else // reverse only the given nb of edges
// look for the last edge to be reversed
list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator eBackIt = edges.begin();
for ( int i = 1; i < nbEdges; ++i )
// reverse
while ( eIt != eBackIt ) {
std::swap( *eIt, *eBackIt );
if ( (++eIt) != eBackIt )
for ( eIt = edges.begin(); eIt != edges.end(); ++eIt )
* \brief Check if propagation is possible
* \param theMesh1 - source mesh
* \param theMesh2 - target mesh
* \retval bool - true if possible
bool IsPropagationPossible( SMESH_Mesh* theMesh1, SMESH_Mesh* theMesh2 )
if ( theMesh1 != theMesh2 ) {
TopoDS_Shape mainShape1 = theMesh1->GetMeshDS()->ShapeToMesh();
TopoDS_Shape mainShape2 = theMesh2->GetMeshDS()->ShapeToMesh();
return mainShape1.IsSame( mainShape2 );
return true;
* \brief Fix up association of edges in faces by possible propagation
* \param nbEdges - nb of edges in an outer wire
* \param edges1 - edges of one face
* \param edges2 - matching edges of another face
* \param theMesh1 - mesh 1
* \param theMesh2 - mesh 2
void FixAssocByPropagation( const int nbEdges,
list< TopoDS_Edge > & edges1,
list< TopoDS_Edge > & edges2,
SMESH_Mesh* theMesh1,
SMESH_Mesh* theMesh2)
if ( nbEdges == 2 && IsPropagationPossible( theMesh1, theMesh2 ) )
list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator eIt2 = ++edges2.begin(); // 2nd edge of the 2nd face
TopoDS_Edge edge2 =
StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::GetPropagationEdge( theMesh1, *eIt2, edges1.front() );
if ( !edge2.IsNull() ) // propagation found for the second edge
Reverse( edges2, nbEdges );
* \brief Looks for association of all subshapes of two shapes
* \param theShape1 - shape 1
* \param theMesh1 - mesh built on shape 1
* \param theShape2 - shape 2
* \param theMesh2 - mesh built on shape 2
* \param theAssociation - association map to be filled that may
* contain association of one or two pairs of vertices
* \retval bool - true if association found
bool StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::FindSubShapeAssociation(const TopoDS_Shape& theShape1,
SMESH_Mesh* theMesh1,
const TopoDS_Shape& theShape2,
SMESH_Mesh* theMesh2,
TShapeShapeMap & theMap)
if ( theShape1.ShapeType() != theShape2.ShapeType() )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Different shape types");
bool bidirect = ( !theShape1.IsSame( theShape2 ));
if ( !theMap.IsEmpty())
switch ( theShape1.ShapeType() ) {
case TopAbs_EDGE: {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( theMap.Extent() != 2 )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Wrong map extent " << theMap.Extent() );
TopoDS_Edge edge1 = TopoDS::Edge( theShape1 );
TopoDS_Edge edge2 = TopoDS::Edge( theShape2 );
TopoDS_Vertex VV1[2], VV2[2];
TopExp::Vertices( edge1, VV1[0], VV1[1] );
TopExp::Vertices( edge2, VV2[0], VV2[1] );
int i1 = 0, i2 = 0;
if ( theMap.IsBound( VV1[ i1 ] )) i1 = 1;
if ( theMap.IsBound( VV2[ i2 ] )) i2 = 1;
InsertAssociation( VV1[ i1 ], VV2[ i2 ], theMap, bidirect);
return true;
case TopAbs_FACE: {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
TopoDS_Face face1 = TopoDS::Face( theShape1 );
TopoDS_Face face2 = TopoDS::Face( theShape2 );
TopoDS_Vertex VV1[2], VV2[2];
// find a not closed edge of face1 both vertices of which are associated
int nbEdges = 0;
TopExp_Explorer exp ( face1, TopAbs_EDGE );
for ( ; VV2[ 1 ].IsNull() && exp.More(); exp.Next(), ++nbEdges ) {
TopExp::Vertices( TopoDS::Edge( exp.Current() ), VV1[0], VV1[1] );
if ( theMap.IsBound( VV1[0] ) ) {
VV2[ 0 ] = TopoDS::Vertex( theMap( VV1[0] ));
if ( theMap.IsBound( VV1[1] ) && !VV1[0].IsSame( VV1[1] ))
VV2[ 1 ] = TopoDS::Vertex( theMap( VV1[1] ));
if ( VV2[ 1 ].IsNull() ) { // 2 bound vertices not found
if ( nbEdges > 1 ) {
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("2 bound vertices not found" );
} else {
VV2[ 1 ] = VV2[ 0 ];
list< TopoDS_Edge > edges1, edges2;
int nbE = FindFaceAssociation( face1, VV1, face2, VV2, edges1, edges2 );
if ( !nbE ) RETURN_BAD_RESULT("FindFaceAssociation() failed");
FixAssocByPropagation( nbE, edges1, edges2, theMesh1, theMesh2 );
list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator eIt1 = edges1.begin();
list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator eIt2 = edges2.begin();
for ( ; eIt1 != edges1.end(); ++eIt1, ++eIt2 )
InsertAssociation( *eIt1, *eIt2, theMap, bidirect);
VV1[0] = TopExp::FirstVertex( *eIt1, true );
VV2[0] = TopExp::FirstVertex( *eIt2, true );
InsertAssociation( VV1[0], VV2[0], theMap, bidirect);
return true;
case TopAbs_SHELL:
case TopAbs_SOLID: {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
TopoDS_Vertex VV1[2], VV2[2];
// find a not closed edge of shape1 both vertices of which are associated
TopoDS_Edge edge1;
TopExp_Explorer exp ( theShape1, TopAbs_EDGE );
for ( ; VV2[ 1 ].IsNull() && exp.More(); exp.Next() ) {
edge1 = TopoDS::Edge( exp.Current() );
TopExp::Vertices( edge1 , VV1[0], VV1[1] );
if ( theMap.IsBound( VV1[0] )) {
VV2[ 0 ] = TopoDS::Vertex( theMap( VV1[0] ));
if ( theMap.IsBound( VV1[1] ) && !VV1[0].IsSame( VV1[1] ))
VV2[ 1 ] = TopoDS::Vertex( theMap( VV1[1] ));
if ( VV2[ 1 ].IsNull() ) // 2 bound vertices not found
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("2 bound vertices not found" );
TopoDS_Edge edge2 = GetEdgeByVertices( theMesh2, VV2[ 0 ], VV2[ 1 ]);
if ( edge2.IsNull() )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("GetEdgeByVertices() failed");
// get a face sharing edge1
TopoDS_Shape F1, F2, FF2[2];
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ancestIt = theMesh1->GetAncestors( edge1 );
for ( ; F1.IsNull() && ancestIt.More(); ancestIt.Next() )
if ( ancestIt.Value().ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE )
F1 = ancestIt.Value().Oriented( TopAbs_FORWARD );
if ( F1.IsNull() )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT(" Face1 not found");
// get 2 faces sharing edge2
ancestIt = theMesh2->GetAncestors( edge2 );
for ( int i = 0; FF2[1].IsNull() && ancestIt.More(); ancestIt.Next() )
if ( ancestIt.Value().ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE )
FF2[ i++ ] = ancestIt.Value().Oriented( TopAbs_FORWARD );
if ( FF2[1].IsNull() )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("2 faces not found");
// get oriented edge1 and edge2 from F1 and FF2[0]
for ( exp.Init( F1, TopAbs_EDGE ); exp.More(); exp.Next() )
if ( edge1.IsSame( exp.Current() )) {
edge1 = TopoDS::Edge( exp.Current() );
for ( exp.Init( FF2[ 0 ], TopAbs_EDGE ); exp.More(); exp.Next() )
if ( edge2.IsSame( exp.Current() )) {
edge2 = TopoDS::Edge( exp.Current() );
// compare first vertices of edge1 and edge2
TopExp::Vertices( edge1, VV1[0], VV1[1], true );
TopExp::Vertices( edge2, VV2[0], VV2[1], true );
F2 = FF2[ 0 ];
if ( !VV1[ 0 ].IsSame( theMap( VV2[ 0 ]))) {
F2 = FF2[ 1 ];
TopTools_MapOfShape boundEdges;
// association of face subshapes and neighbour faces
list< pair < TopoDS_Face, TopoDS_Edge > > FE1, FE2;
list< pair < TopoDS_Face, TopoDS_Edge > >::iterator fe1, fe2;
FE1.push_back( make_pair( TopoDS::Face( F1 ), edge1 ));
FE2.push_back( make_pair( TopoDS::Face( F2 ), edge2 ));
for ( fe1 = FE1.begin(), fe2 = FE2.begin(); fe1 != FE1.end(); ++fe1, ++fe2 )
const TopoDS_Face& face1 = fe1->first;
if ( theMap.IsBound( face1 ) ) continue;
const TopoDS_Face& face2 = fe2->first;
edge1 = fe1->second;
edge2 = fe2->second;
TopExp::Vertices( edge1, VV1[0], VV1[1], true );
TopExp::Vertices( edge2, VV2[0], VV2[1], true );
list< TopoDS_Edge > edges1, edges2;
int nbE = FindFaceAssociation( face1, VV1, face2, VV2, edges1, edges2 );
if ( !nbE ) RETURN_BAD_RESULT("FindFaceAssociation() failed");
FixAssocByPropagation( nbE, edges1, edges2, theMesh1, theMesh2 );
InsertAssociation( face1, face2, theMap, bidirect); // assoc faces
list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator eIt1 = edges1.begin();
list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator eIt2 = edges2.begin();
for ( ; eIt1 != edges1.end(); ++eIt1, ++eIt2 )
if ( !boundEdges.Add( *eIt1 )) continue; // already associated
InsertAssociation( *eIt1, *eIt2, theMap, bidirect); // assoc edges
VV1[0] = TopExp::FirstVertex( *eIt1, true );
VV2[0] = TopExp::FirstVertex( *eIt2, true );
InsertAssociation( VV1[0], VV2[0], theMap, bidirect); // assoc vertices
// add adjacent faces to process
TopoDS_Face nextFace1 = GetNextFace( theMesh1, *eIt1, face1 );
TopoDS_Face nextFace2 = GetNextFace( theMesh2, *eIt2, face2 );
if ( !nextFace1.IsNull() && !nextFace2.IsNull() ) {
FE1.push_back( make_pair( nextFace1, *eIt1 ));
FE2.push_back( make_pair( nextFace2, *eIt2 ));
return true;
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Unexpected shape type");
} // end switch by shape type
} // end case of available initial vertex association
switch ( theShape1.ShapeType() ) {
case TopAbs_EDGE: {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
TopoDS_Edge edge1 = TopoDS::Edge( theShape1 );
TopoDS_Edge edge2 = TopoDS::Edge( theShape2 );
if ( IsPropagationPossible( theMesh1, theMesh2 ))
TopoDS_Edge prpEdge = GetPropagationEdge( theMesh1, edge2, edge1 );
if ( !prpEdge.IsNull() )
TopoDS_Vertex VV1[2], VV2[2];
TopExp::Vertices( edge1, VV1[0], VV1[1], true );
TopExp::Vertices( prpEdge, VV2[0], VV2[1], true );
InsertAssociation( VV1[ 0 ], VV2[ 0 ], theMap, bidirect);
InsertAssociation( VV1[ 1 ], VV2[ 1 ], theMap, bidirect);
if ( VV1[0].IsSame( VV1[1] ) || // one of edges is closed
VV2[0].IsSame( VV2[1] ) )
InsertAssociation( edge1, prpEdge, theMap, bidirect); // insert with a proper orientation
return true; // done
if ( IsClosedEdge( edge1 ) && IsClosedEdge( edge2 ))
// TODO: find out a proper orientation (is it possible?)
InsertAssociation( edge1, edge2, theMap, bidirect); // insert with a proper orientation
InsertAssociation( TopExp::FirstVertex(edge1), TopExp::FirstVertex(edge2),
theMap, bidirect);
return true; // done
break; // try by vertex closeness
case TopAbs_FACE: {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( IsPropagationPossible( theMesh1, theMesh2 )) // try by propagation in one mesh
TopoDS_Face face1 = TopoDS::Face(theShape1);
TopoDS_Face face2 = TopoDS::Face(theShape2);
// get outer edge of theShape1
TopoDS_Edge edge1 = TopoDS::Edge( OuterShape( face1, TopAbs_EDGE ));
// find out if any edge of face2 is a propagation edge of outer edge1
for ( TopExp_Explorer exp( face2, TopAbs_EDGE ); exp.More(); exp.Next() ) {
TopoDS_Edge edge2 = TopoDS::Edge( exp.Current() );
edge2 = GetPropagationEdge( theMesh1, edge2, edge1 );
if ( !edge2.IsNull() ) // propagation found
TopoDS_Vertex VV1[2], VV2[2];
TopExp::Vertices( edge1, VV1[0], VV1[1], true );
TopExp::Vertices( edge2, VV2[0], VV2[1], true );
list< TopoDS_Edge > edges1, edges2;
int nbE = FindFaceAssociation( face1, VV1, face2, VV2, edges1, edges2 );
if ( !nbE ) RETURN_BAD_RESULT("FindFaceAssociation() failed");
if ( nbE == 2 ) // only 2 edges
// take care of proper association of propagated edges
bool same1 = edge1.IsSame( edges1.front() );
bool same2 = edge2.IsSame( edges2.front() );
if ( same1 != same2 )
Reverse(edges2, nbE);
// store association
list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator eIt1 = edges1.begin();
list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator eIt2 = edges2.begin();
for ( ; eIt1 != edges1.end(); ++eIt1, ++eIt2 )
InsertAssociation( *eIt1, *eIt2, theMap, bidirect);
VV1[0] = TopExp::FirstVertex( *eIt1, true );
VV2[0] = TopExp::FirstVertex( *eIt2, true );
InsertAssociation( VV1[0], VV2[0], theMap, bidirect);
return true;
break; // try by vertex closeness
// Find association by closeness of vertices
// ------------------------------------------
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape vMap1, vMap2;
TopExp::MapShapes( theShape1, TopAbs_VERTEX, vMap1 );
TopExp::MapShapes( theShape2, TopAbs_VERTEX, vMap2 );
if ( vMap1.Extent() != vMap2.Extent() )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Different nb of vertices");
if ( vMap1.Extent() == 1 ) {
InsertAssociation( vMap1(1), vMap2(1), theMap, bidirect);
if ( theShape1.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE )
return true;
return FindSubShapeAssociation( theShape1, theMesh1, theShape2, theMesh2, theMap);
// Find transformation to make the shapes be of similar size at same location
Bnd_Box box[2];
for ( int i = 1; i <= vMap1.Extent(); ++i ) {
box[ 0 ].Add( BRep_Tool::Pnt ( TopoDS::Vertex( vMap1( i ))));
box[ 1 ].Add( BRep_Tool::Pnt ( TopoDS::Vertex( vMap2( i ))));
gp_Pnt gc[2]; // box center
double x0,y0,z0, x1,y1,z1;
box[0].Get( x0,y0,z0, x1,y1,z1 );
gc[0] = 0.5 * ( gp_XYZ( x0,y0,z0 ) + gp_XYZ( x1,y1,z1 ));
box[1].Get( x0,y0,z0, x1,y1,z1 );
gc[1] = 0.5 * ( gp_XYZ( x0,y0,z0 ) + gp_XYZ( x1,y1,z1 ));
// 1 -> 2
gp_Vec vec01( gc[0], gc[1] );
double scale = sqrt( box[1].SquareExtent() / box[0].SquareExtent() );
// Find 2 closest vertices
TopoDS_Vertex VV1[2], VV2[2];
// get 2 linked vertices of shape 1 not belonging to an inner wire of a face
TopoDS_Shape edge = theShape1;
TopExp_Explorer expF( theShape1, TopAbs_FACE ), expE;
for ( ; expF.More(); expF.Next() ) {
TopoDS_Shape wire = OuterShape( TopoDS::Face( expF.Current() ), TopAbs_WIRE );
for ( expE.Init( wire, TopAbs_EDGE ); edge.IsNull() && expE.More(); expE.Next() )
if ( !IsClosedEdge( TopoDS::Edge( expE.Current() )))
edge = expE.Current();
if ( !edge.IsNull() )
if ( edge.IsNull() || edge.ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Edge not found");
TopExp::Vertices( TopoDS::Edge( edge ), VV1[0], VV1[1]);
if ( VV1[0].IsSame( VV1[1] ))
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Only closed edges");
// find vertices closest to 2 linked vertices of shape 1
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < 2; ++i1 )
double dist2 = DBL_MAX;
gp_Pnt p1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt( VV1[ i1 ]);
p1.Translate( vec01 );
p1.Scale( gc[1], scale );
for ( int i2 = 1; i2 <= vMap2.Extent(); ++i2 )
TopoDS_Vertex V2 = TopoDS::Vertex( vMap2( i2 ));
gp_Pnt p2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt ( V2 );
double d2 = p1.SquareDistance( p2 );
if ( d2 < dist2 && !V2.IsSame( VV2[ 0 ])) {
VV2[ i1 ] = V2; dist2 = d2;
InsertAssociation( VV1[ 0 ], VV2 [ 0 ], theMap, bidirect);
InsertAssociation( VV1[ 1 ], VV2 [ 1 ], theMap, bidirect);
if ( theShape1.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE )
return true;
return FindSubShapeAssociation( theShape1, theMesh1, theShape2, theMesh2, theMap );
* \brief Find association of edges of faces
* \param face1 - face 1
* \param VV1 - vertices of face 1
* \param face2 - face 2
* \param VV2 - vertices of face 2 associated with oned of face 1
* \param edges1 - out list of edges of face 1
* \param edges2 - out list of edges of face 2
* \retval int - nb of edges in an outer wire in a success case, else zero
int StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::FindFaceAssociation(const TopoDS_Face& face1,
TopoDS_Vertex VV1[2],
const TopoDS_Face& face2,
TopoDS_Vertex VV2[2],
list< TopoDS_Edge > & edges1,
list< TopoDS_Edge > & edges2)
list< int > nbVInW1, nbVInW2;
if ( SMESH_Block::GetOrderedEdges( face1, VV1[0], edges1, nbVInW1) !=
SMESH_Block::GetOrderedEdges( face2, VV2[0], edges2, nbVInW2) )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Different number of wires in faces ");
if ( nbVInW1.front() != nbVInW2.front() )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Different number of edges in faces: " <<
nbVInW1.front() << " != " << nbVInW2.front());
// Define if we need to reverse one of wires to make edges in lists match each other
bool reverse = false;
list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator eBackIt;
if ( !VV1[1].IsSame( TopExp::LastVertex( edges1.front(), true ))) {
eBackIt = --edges1.end();
// check if the second vertex belongs to the first or last edge in the wire
if ( !VV1[1].IsSame( TopExp::FirstVertex( *eBackIt, true ))) {
bool KO = true; // belongs to none
if ( nbVInW1.size() > 1 ) { // several wires
eBackIt = edges1.begin();
for ( int i = 1; i < nbVInW1.front(); ++i ) ++eBackIt;
KO = !VV1[1].IsSame( TopExp::FirstVertex( *eBackIt, true ));
if ( KO )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("GetOrderedEdges() failed");
reverse = true;
eBackIt = --edges2.end();
if ( !VV2[1].IsSame( TopExp::LastVertex( edges2.front(), true ))) {
// check if the second vertex belongs to the first or last edge in the wire
if ( !VV2[1].IsSame( TopExp::FirstVertex( *eBackIt, true ))) {
bool KO = true; // belongs to none
if ( nbVInW2.size() > 1 ) { // several wires
eBackIt = edges2.begin();
for ( int i = 1; i < nbVInW2.front(); ++i ) ++eBackIt;
KO = !VV2[1].IsSame( TopExp::FirstVertex( *eBackIt, true ));
if ( KO )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("GetOrderedEdges() failed");
reverse = !reverse;
if ( reverse )
Reverse( edges2 , nbVInW2.front());
if (( VV1[1].IsSame( TopExp::LastVertex( edges1.front(), true ))) !=
( VV2[1].IsSame( TopExp::LastVertex( edges2.front(), true ))))
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("GetOrderedEdges() failed");
return nbVInW2.front();
//function : InitVertexAssociation
//purpose :
void StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::InitVertexAssociation( const SMESH_Hypothesis* theHyp,
TShapeShapeMap & theAssociationMap)
string hypName = theHyp->GetName();
if ( hypName == "ProjectionSource1D" ) {
const StdMeshers_ProjectionSource1D * hyp =
static_cast<const StdMeshers_ProjectionSource1D*>( theHyp );
if ( hyp->HasVertexAssociation() ) {
InsertAssociation( hyp->GetSourceVertex(),hyp->GetTargetVertex(),theAssociationMap);
else if ( hypName == "ProjectionSource2D" ) {
const StdMeshers_ProjectionSource2D * hyp =
static_cast<const StdMeshers_ProjectionSource2D*>( theHyp );
if ( hyp->HasVertexAssociation() ) {
InsertAssociation( hyp->GetSourceVertex(1),hyp->GetTargetVertex(1),theAssociationMap);
InsertAssociation( hyp->GetSourceVertex(2),hyp->GetTargetVertex(2),theAssociationMap);
else if ( hypName == "ProjectionSource3D" ) {
const StdMeshers_ProjectionSource3D * hyp =
static_cast<const StdMeshers_ProjectionSource3D*>( theHyp );
if ( hyp->HasVertexAssociation() ) {
InsertAssociation( hyp->GetSourceVertex(1),hyp->GetTargetVertex(1),theAssociationMap);
InsertAssociation( hyp->GetSourceVertex(2),hyp->GetTargetVertex(2),theAssociationMap);
* \brief Inserts association theShape1 <-> theShape2 to TShapeShapeMap
* \param theShape1 - shape 1
* \param theShape2 - shape 2
* \param theAssociationMap - association map
* \retval bool - true if there was no association for these shapes before
bool StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::InsertAssociation( const TopoDS_Shape& theShape1,
const TopoDS_Shape& theShape2,
TShapeShapeMap & theAssociationMap,
const bool theBidirectional)
if ( !theShape1.IsNull() && !theShape2.IsNull() ) {
SHOW_VERTEX(theShape1,"Assoc ");
SHOW_VERTEX(theShape2," to ");
bool isNew = ( theAssociationMap.Bind( theShape1, theShape2 ));
if ( theBidirectional )
theAssociationMap.Bind( theShape2, theShape1 );
return isNew;
return false;
//function : IsSubShape
//purpose :
bool StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::IsSubShape( const TopoDS_Shape& shape,
SMESH_Mesh* aMesh )
if ( shape.IsNull() || !aMesh )
return false;
return aMesh->GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( shape );
//function : IsSubShape
//purpose :
bool StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::IsSubShape( const TopoDS_Shape& shape,
const TopoDS_Shape& mainShape )
if ( !shape.IsNull() && !mainShape.IsNull() )
for ( TopExp_Explorer exp( mainShape, shape.ShapeType());
exp.Next() )
if ( shape.IsSame( exp.Current() ))
return true;
return false;
* \brief Finds an edge by its vertices in a main shape of the mesh
* \param aMesh - the mesh
* \param V1 - vertex 1
* \param V2 - vertex 2
* \retval TopoDS_Edge - found edge
TopoDS_Edge StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::GetEdgeByVertices( SMESH_Mesh* theMesh,
const TopoDS_Vertex& theV1,
const TopoDS_Vertex& theV2)
if ( theMesh && !theV1.IsNull() && !theV2.IsNull() )
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ancestorIt( theMesh->GetAncestors( theV1 ));
for ( ; ancestorIt.More(); ancestorIt.Next() )
if ( ancestorIt.Value().ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE )
for ( TopExp_Explorer expV ( ancestorIt.Value(), TopAbs_VERTEX );
expV.Next() )
if ( theV2.IsSame( expV.Current() ))
return TopoDS::Edge( ancestorIt.Value() );
return TopoDS_Edge();
* \brief Return another face sharing an edge
* \param aMesh - mesh
* \param edge - edge
* \param face - face
* \retval TopoDS_Face - found face
TopoDS_Face StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::GetNextFace( SMESH_Mesh* mesh,
const TopoDS_Edge& edge,
const TopoDS_Face& face)
if ( mesh && !edge.IsNull() && !face.IsNull() )
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ancestorIt( mesh->GetAncestors( edge ));
for ( ; ancestorIt.More(); ancestorIt.Next() )
if ( ancestorIt.Value().ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE &&
!face.IsSame( ancestorIt.Value() ))
return TopoDS::Face( ancestorIt.Value() );
return TopoDS_Face();
* \brief Return a propagation edge
* \param aMesh - mesh
* \param theEdge - edge to find by propagation
* \param fromEdge - start edge for propagation
* \retval TopoDS_Edge - found edge
TopoDS_Edge StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::GetPropagationEdge( SMESH_Mesh* aMesh,
const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge,
const TopoDS_Edge& fromEdge)
SMESH_IndexedMapOfShape aChain;
// List of edges, added to chain on the previous cycle pass
TopTools_ListOfShape listPrevEdges;
listPrevEdges.Append(fromEdge/*.Oriented( TopAbs_FORWARD )*/);
// Collect all edges pass by pass
while (listPrevEdges.Extent() > 0) {
// List of edges, added to chain on this cycle pass
TopTools_ListOfShape listCurEdges;
// Find the next portion of edges
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itE (listPrevEdges);
for (; itE.More(); itE.Next()) {
TopoDS_Shape anE = itE.Value();
// Iterate on faces, having edge <anE>
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itA (aMesh->GetAncestors(anE));
for (; itA.More(); itA.Next()) {
TopoDS_Shape aW = itA.Value();
// There are objects of different type among the ancestors of edge
if (aW.ShapeType() == TopAbs_WIRE) {
TopoDS_Shape anOppE;
BRepTools_WireExplorer aWE (TopoDS::Wire(aW));
Standard_Integer nb = 1, found = 0;
TopTools_Array1OfShape anEdges (1,4);
for (; aWE.More(); aWE.Next(), nb++) {
if (nb > 4) {
found = 0;
anEdges(nb) = aWE.Current();
if (anEdges(nb).IsSame(anE)) found = nb;
if (nb == 5 && found > 0) {
// Quadrangle face found, get an opposite edge
Standard_Integer opp = found + 2;
if (opp > 4) opp -= 4;
anOppE = anEdges(opp);
// add anOppE to aChain if ...
if (!aChain.Contains(anOppE)) { // ... anOppE is not in aChain
// Add found edge to the chain oriented so that to
// have it co-directed with a forward MainEdge
TopAbs_Orientation ori = anE.Orientation();
if ( anEdges(opp).Orientation() == anEdges(found).Orientation() )
ori = TopAbs::Reverse( ori );
anOppE.Orientation( ori );
if ( anOppE.IsSame( theEdge ))
return TopoDS::Edge( anOppE );
} // if (nb == 5 && found > 0)
} // if (aF.ShapeType() == TopAbs_WIRE)
} // for (; itF.More(); itF.Next())
} // for (; itE.More(); itE.Next())
listPrevEdges = listCurEdges;
} // while (listPrevEdges.Extent() > 0)
return TopoDS_Edge();
* \brief Find corresponding nodes on two faces
* \param face1 - the first face
* \param mesh1 - mesh containing elements on the first face
* \param face2 - the second face
* \param mesh2 - mesh containing elements on the second face
* \param assocMap - map associating subshapes of the faces
* \param node1To2Map - map containing found matching nodes
* \retval bool - is a success
bool StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::
FindMatchingNodesOnFaces( const TopoDS_Face& face1,
SMESH_Mesh* mesh1,
const TopoDS_Face& face2,
SMESH_Mesh* mesh2,
const TShapeShapeMap & assocMap,
TNodeNodeMap & node1To2Map)
SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS1 = mesh1->GetMeshDS();
SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS2 = mesh2->GetMeshDS();
SMESH_MesherHelper helper1( *mesh1 );
SMESH_MesherHelper helper2( *mesh2 );
// Get corresponding submeshes and roughly check match of meshes
SMESHDS_SubMesh * SM2 = meshDS2->MeshElements( face2 );
SMESHDS_SubMesh * SM1 = meshDS1->MeshElements( face1 );
if ( !SM2 || !SM1 )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Empty submeshes");
if ( SM2->NbNodes() != SM1->NbNodes() ||
SM2->NbElements() != SM1->NbElements() )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Different meshes on corresponding faces "
<< meshDS1->ShapeToIndex( face1 ) << " and "
<< meshDS2->ShapeToIndex( face2 ));
if ( SM2->NbElements() == 0 )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Empty submeshes");
helper1.SetSubShape( face1 );
helper2.SetSubShape( face2 );
if ( helper1.HasSeam() != helper2.HasSeam() )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Different faces' geometry");
// Data to call SMESH_MeshEditor::FindMatchingNodes():
// 1. Nodes of corresponding links:
// get 2 matching edges, not seam ones
TopoDS_Edge edge1, edge2;
TopExp_Explorer eE( OuterShape( face2, TopAbs_WIRE ), TopAbs_EDGE );
do {
edge2 = TopoDS::Edge( eE.Current() );
} while ( BRep_Tool::IsClosed( edge2, face2 ) && eE.More());
if ( !assocMap.IsBound( edge2 ))
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Association not found for edge " << meshDS2->ShapeToIndex( edge2 ));
edge1 = TopoDS::Edge( assocMap( edge2 ));
if ( !IsSubShape( edge1, face1 ))
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Wrong association, edge " << meshDS1->ShapeToIndex( edge1 ) <<
" isn't a subshape of face " << meshDS1->ShapeToIndex( face1 ));
// get 2 matching vertices
TopoDS_Shape V2 = TopExp::FirstVertex( TopoDS::Edge( edge2 ));
if ( !assocMap.IsBound( V2 ))
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Association not found for vertex " << meshDS2->ShapeToIndex( V2 ));
TopoDS_Shape V1 = assocMap( V2 );
// nodes on vertices
SMESHDS_SubMesh * vSM1 = meshDS1->MeshElements( V1 );
SMESHDS_SubMesh * vSM2 = meshDS2->MeshElements( V2 );
if ( !vSM1 || !vSM2 || vSM1->NbNodes() != 1 || vSM2->NbNodes() != 1 )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Bad node submesh");
const SMDS_MeshNode* vNode1 = vSM1->GetNodes()->next();
const SMDS_MeshNode* vNode2 = vSM2->GetNodes()->next();
// nodes on edges linked with nodes on vertices
const SMDS_MeshNode* nullNode = 0;
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode*> eNode1( 2, nullNode );
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode*> eNode2( 2, nullNode );
int nbNodeToGet = 1;
if ( IsClosedEdge( edge1 ) || IsClosedEdge( edge2 ) )
nbNodeToGet = 2;
for ( int is2 = 0; is2 < 2; ++is2 )
TopoDS_Edge & edge = is2 ? edge2 : edge1;
SMESHDS_Mesh * smDS = is2 ? meshDS2 : meshDS1;
SMESHDS_SubMesh* edgeSM = smDS->MeshElements( edge );
// nodes linked with ones on vertices
const SMDS_MeshNode* vNode = is2 ? vNode2 : vNode1;
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode*>& eNode = is2 ? eNode2 : eNode1;
int nbGotNode = 0;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr vElem = vNode->GetInverseElementIterator();
while ( vElem->more() && nbGotNode != nbNodeToGet ) {
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = vElem->next();
if ( elem->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Edge && edgeSM->Contains( elem ))
eNode[ nbGotNode++ ] =
( elem->GetNode(0) == vNode ) ? elem->GetNode(1) : elem->GetNode(0);
if ( nbGotNode > 1 ) // sort found nodes by param on edge
SMESH_MesherHelper* helper = is2 ? &helper2 : &helper1;
double u0 = helper->GetNodeU( edge, eNode[ 0 ]);
double u1 = helper->GetNodeU( edge, eNode[ 1 ]);
if ( u0 > u1 ) std::swap( eNode[ 0 ], eNode[ 1 ]);
if ( nbGotNode == 0 )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Found no nodes on edge " << smDS->ShapeToIndex( edge ) <<
" linked to " << vNode );
// 2. face sets
set<const SMDS_MeshElement*> Elems1, Elems2;
for ( int is2 = 0; is2 < 2; ++is2 )
set<const SMDS_MeshElement*> & elems = is2 ? Elems2 : Elems1;
SMESHDS_SubMesh* sm = is2 ? SM2 : SM1;
SMESH_MesherHelper* helper = is2 ? &helper2 : &helper1;
const TopoDS_Face & face = is2 ? face2 : face1;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr eIt = sm->GetElements();
if ( !helper->IsSeamShape( is2 ? edge2 : edge1 ))
while ( eIt->more() ) elems.insert( eIt->next() );
// there is only seam edge in a face, i.e. it is a sphere.
// FindMatchingNodes() will not know which way to go from any edge.
// So we ignore all faces having nodes on edges or vertices except
// one of faces sharing current start nodes
// find a face to keep
const SMDS_MeshElement* faceToKeep = 0;
const SMDS_MeshNode* vNode = is2 ? vNode2 : vNode1;
const SMDS_MeshNode* eNode = is2 ? eNode2[0] : eNode1[0];
std::map<int,const SMDS_MeshElement*> inSet, notInSet;
const SMDS_MeshElement* f1 =
SMESH_MeshEditor::FindFaceInSet( vNode, eNode, inSet, notInSet );
if ( !f1 ) RETURN_BAD_RESULT("The first face on seam not found");
SMESH_MeshEditor::Insert( f1, notInSet );
const SMDS_MeshElement* f2 =
SMESH_MeshEditor::FindFaceInSet( vNode, eNode, inSet, notInSet );
if ( !f2 ) RETURN_BAD_RESULT("The second face on seam not found");
// select a face with less UV of vNode
const SMDS_MeshNode* notSeamNode[2] = {0, 0};
for ( int iF = 0; iF < 2; ++iF ) {
const SMDS_MeshElement* f = ( iF ? f2 : f1 );
for ( int i = 0; !notSeamNode[ iF ] && i < f->NbNodes(); ++i ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = f->GetNode( i );
if ( !helper->IsSeamShape( node->GetPosition()->GetShapeId() ))
notSeamNode[ iF ] = node;
gp_Pnt2d uv1 = helper->GetNodeUV( face, vNode, notSeamNode[0] );
gp_Pnt2d uv2 = helper->GetNodeUV( face, vNode, notSeamNode[1] );
if ( uv1.X() + uv1.Y() > uv2.X() + uv2.Y() )
faceToKeep = f2;
faceToKeep = f1;
// fill elem set
elems.insert( faceToKeep );
while ( eIt->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshElement* f = eIt->next();
int nbNodes = f->NbNodes();
if ( f->IsQuadratic() )
nbNodes /= 2;
bool onBnd = false;
for ( int i = 0; !onBnd && i < nbNodes; ++i ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = f->GetNode( i );
onBnd = ( node->GetPosition()->GetTypeOfPosition() != SMDS_TOP_FACE);
if ( !onBnd )
elems.insert( f );
} // case on a sphere
} // loop on 2 faces
int res = SMESH_MeshEditor::FindMatchingNodes( Elems1, Elems2,
vNode1, vNode2,
eNode1[0], eNode2[0],
if ( res != SMESH_MeshEditor::SEW_OK )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("FindMatchingNodes() result " << res );
// On a sphere, add matching nodes on the edge
if ( helper1.IsSeamShape( edge1 ))
// sort nodes on edges by param on edge
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* > u2nodesMaps[2];
for ( int is2 = 0; is2 < 2; ++is2 )
TopoDS_Edge & edge = is2 ? edge2 : edge1;
SMESHDS_Mesh * smDS = is2 ? meshDS2 : meshDS1;
SMESHDS_SubMesh* edgeSM = smDS->MeshElements( edge );
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* > & pos2nodes = u2nodesMaps[ is2 ];
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = edgeSM->GetNodes();
while ( nIt->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = nIt->next();
const SMDS_EdgePosition* pos =
static_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>(node->GetPosition().get());
pos2nodes.insert( make_pair( pos->GetUParameter(), node ));
if ( pos2nodes.size() != edgeSM->NbNodes() )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Equal params of nodes on edge "
<< smDS->ShapeToIndex( edge ) << " of face " << is2 );
if ( u2nodesMaps[0].size() != u2nodesMaps[1].size() )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Different nb of new nodes on edges or wrong params");
// compare edge orientation
double u1 = helper1.GetNodeU( edge1, vNode1 );
double u2 = helper2.GetNodeU( edge2, vNode2 );
bool isFirst1 = ( u1 < u2nodesMaps[0].begin()->first );
bool isFirst2 = ( u2 < u2nodesMaps[1].begin()->first );
bool reverse ( isFirst1 != isFirst2 );
// associate matching nodes
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* >::iterator u_Node1, u_Node2, end1;
map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode* >::reverse_iterator uR_Node2;
u_Node1 = u2nodesMaps[0].begin();
u_Node2 = u2nodesMaps[1].begin();
uR_Node2 = u2nodesMaps[1].rbegin();
end1 = u2nodesMaps[0].end();
for ( ; u_Node1 != end1; ++u_Node1 ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = u_Node1->second;
const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = ( reverse ? (uR_Node2++)->second : (u_Node2++)->second );
node1To2Map.insert( make_pair( n1, n2 ));
// associate matching nodes on the last vertices
V2 = TopExp::LastVertex( TopoDS::Edge( edge2 ));
if ( !assocMap.IsBound( V2 ))
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Association not found for vertex " << meshDS2->ShapeToIndex( V2 ));
V1 = assocMap( V2 );
vSM1 = meshDS1->MeshElements( V1 );
vSM2 = meshDS2->MeshElements( V2 );
if ( !vSM1 || !vSM2 || vSM1->NbNodes() != 1 || vSM2->NbNodes() != 1 )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Bad node submesh");
vNode1 = vSM1->GetNodes()->next();
vNode2 = vSM2->GetNodes()->next();
node1To2Map.insert( make_pair( vNode1, vNode2 ));
return true;
* \brief Check if the first and last vertices of an edge are the same
* \param anEdge - the edge to check
* \retval bool - true if same
bool StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::IsClosedEdge( const TopoDS_Edge& anEdge )
return TopExp::FirstVertex( anEdge ).IsSame( TopExp::LastVertex( anEdge ));
* \brief Return any subshape of a face belonging to the outer wire
* \param face - the face
* \param type - type of subshape to return
* \retval TopoDS_Shape - the found subshape
TopoDS_Shape StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::OuterShape( const TopoDS_Face& face,
TopAbs_ShapeEnum type)
TopExp_Explorer exp( BRepTools::OuterWire( face ), type );
if ( exp.More() )
return exp.Current();
return TopoDS_Shape();
* \brief Check that submeshis is computed and try to compute it if is not
* \param sm - submesh to compute
* \param iterationNb - int used to stop infinite recursive call
* \retval bool - true if computed
bool StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::MakeComputed(SMESH_subMesh * sm, const int iterationNb)
if ( iterationNb > 10 )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Infinite recursive projection");
if ( !sm )
if ( sm->IsMeshComputed() )
return true;
SMESH_Mesh* mesh = sm->GetFather();
SMESH_Gen* gen = mesh->GetGen();
SMESH_Algo* algo = gen->GetAlgo( *mesh, sm->GetSubShape() );
if ( !algo )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("No algo assigned to submesh " << sm->GetId());
string algoType = algo->GetName();
if ( algoType.substr(0, 11) != "Projection_")
return gen->Compute( *mesh, sm->GetSubShape() );
// try to compute source mesh
const list <const SMESHDS_Hypothesis *> & hyps =
algo->GetUsedHypothesis( *mesh, sm->GetSubShape() );
TopoDS_Shape srcShape;
SMESH_Mesh* srcMesh = 0;
list <const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>::const_iterator hIt = hyps.begin();
for ( ; srcShape.IsNull() && hIt != hyps.end(); ++hIt ) {
string hypName = (*hIt)->GetName();
if ( hypName == "ProjectionSource1D" ) {
const StdMeshers_ProjectionSource1D * hyp =
static_cast<const StdMeshers_ProjectionSource1D*>( *hIt );
srcShape = hyp->GetSourceEdge();
srcMesh = hyp->GetSourceMesh();
else if ( hypName == "ProjectionSource2D" ) {
const StdMeshers_ProjectionSource2D * hyp =
static_cast<const StdMeshers_ProjectionSource2D*>( *hIt );
srcShape = hyp->GetSourceFace();
srcMesh = hyp->GetSourceMesh();
else if ( hypName == "ProjectionSource3D" ) {
const StdMeshers_ProjectionSource3D * hyp =
static_cast<const StdMeshers_ProjectionSource3D*>( *hIt );
srcShape = hyp->GetSource3DShape();
srcMesh = hyp->GetSourceMesh();
if ( srcShape.IsNull() ) // no projection source defined
return gen->Compute( *mesh, sm->GetSubShape() );
if ( srcShape.IsSame( sm->GetSubShape() ))
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Projection from self");
if ( !srcMesh )
srcMesh = mesh;
return MakeComputed( srcMesh->GetSubMesh( srcShape ), iterationNb + 1 );
* \brief Count nb of subshapes
* \param shape - the shape
* \param type - the type of subshapes to count
* \retval int - the calculated number
int StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::Count(const TopoDS_Shape& shape,
const TopAbs_ShapeEnum type,
const bool ignoreSame)
if ( ignoreSame ) {
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape map;
TopExp::MapShapes( shape, type, map );
return map.Extent();
else {
int nb = 0;
for ( TopExp_Explorer exp( shape, type ); exp.More(); exp.Next() )
return nb;
// bull shit
// Standard_Real f1,l1, f2,l2;
// BRep_Tool::Range( edge1, f1,l1 );
// BRep_Tool::Range( edge2, f2,l2 );
// BRepAdaptor_Curve e1( edge1 ), e2( edge2 );
// gp_Pnt pf1, pf2;
// gp_Vec dirX1, dirX2; // 1st derivatives
// e1.D1( f1, pf1, dirX1 );
// e2.D1( f2, pf2, dirX2 );
// gp_Pnt pm1 = e1.Value( 0.5 * ( f1 + l1 ));
// gp_Pnt pm2 = e2.Value( 0.5 * ( f2 + l2 ));
// gp_Vec dirZ1( pf1, pm1 ), dirZ2( pf2, pm2 );
// gp_Trsf trsf;
// gp_Ax3 fromSys( pf1, dirZ1, dirX1 ), toSys( pf2, dirZ2, dirX2 );
// trsf.SetTransformation( fromSys, toSys );
// dirX1.Transform( trsf );
// bool reverse = ( dirX1 * dirX2 < 0 );
// if ( reverse ) edge2.Reverse();