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// Copyright (C) 2007-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : SMESHGUI.cxx
// Author : Nicolas REJNERI, Open CASCADE S.A.S.
#include <Standard_math.hxx> // E.A. must be included before Python.h to fix compilation on windows
#undef HAVE_FINITE // VSR: avoid compilation warning on Linux : "HAVE_FINITE" redefined
#include "Python.h"
// SMESH includes
#include "SMESHGUI.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Add0DElemsOnAllNodesDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_AddMeshElementDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_ClippingDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_ComputeDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_ConvToQuadOp.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_CreatePolyhedralVolumeDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_DeleteGroupDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_DisplayEntitiesDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Displayer.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_DuplicateNodesDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_ExtrusionDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_FaceGroupsSeparatedByEdgesDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_FieldSelectorWdg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_FileInfoDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_FileValidator.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_FilterDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_FilterLibraryDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_FilterUtils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_FindElemByPointDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_GEOMGenUtils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_GroupDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_GroupOnShapeDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_GroupOpDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_GroupUtils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Hypotheses.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_HypothesesUtils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_MakeNodeAtPointDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Measurements.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_MergeDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_MeshInfo.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_MeshOp.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_MeshOrderOp.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_MeshPatternDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_MeshUtils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_MultiEditDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_NodesDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_OffsetDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Operations.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_PatternUtils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Preferences_ScalarBarDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_RemoveElementsDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_RemoveNodesDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_RenumberingDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_ReorientFacesDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_RevolutionDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_RotationDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_ScaleDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Selection.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_SewingDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_SingleEditDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_SmoothingDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_SpinBox.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_SplitBiQuad.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_SymmetryDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_TranslationDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_TransparencyDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Utils.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_VTKUtils.h"
#include "SMESH_version.h"
#include "SMESH_Actor.h"
#include "SMESH_ActorUtils.h"
#include "SMESH_Client.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Comment.hxx"
#include "SMESH_ControlsDef.hxx"
#include "SMESH_ScalarBarActor.h"
#include "SMESH_TypeFilter.hxx"
// SALOME GUI includes
#include <LightApp_DataOwner.h>
#include <LightApp_NameDlg.h>
#include <LightApp_Preferences.h>
#include <LightApp_SelectionMgr.h>
#include <LightApp_UpdateFlags.h>
#include <QtxFontEdit.h>
#include <QtxPopupMgr.h>
#include <QtxInfoPanel.h>
#include <SALOME_ListIO.hxx>
#include <SUIT_Desktop.h>
#include <SUIT_FileDlg.h>
#include <SUIT_MessageBox.h>
#include <SUIT_OverrideCursor.h>
#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
#include <SUIT_Session.h>
#include <SVTK_Renderer.h>
#include <SVTK_ViewManager.h>
#include <SVTK_ViewModel.h>
#include <SVTK_ViewWindow.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Application.h>
#include <SalomeApp_CheckFileDlg.h>
#include <SalomeApp_DataObject.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Study.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Tools.h>
#include <VTKViewer_Algorithm.h>
#include <SPlot2d_ViewModel.h>
#include <SPlot2d_Histogram.h>
// IDL includes
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
#include CORBA_CLIENT_HEADER(SMESH_Measurements)
// Qt includes
// #define INCLUDE_MENUITEM_DEF // VSR commented ????????
#include <QApplication>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QLayout>
#include <QListView>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QTreeView>
// BOOST includes
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
// VTK includes
#include <vtkCallbackCommand.h>
#include <vtkCamera.h>
#include <vtkLookupTable.h>
#include <vtkPlane.h>
#include <vtkRenderer.h>
// SALOME KERNEL includes
#include <SALOMEDSClient_ClientFactory.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDSClient_IParameters.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDSClient_SComponent.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDSClient_StudyBuilder.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDS_Study.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDS_SObject.hxx>
#include "utilities.h"
#include <SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA.hxx>
// OCCT includes
#include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx>
#include <NCollection_DataMap.hxx>
#include <NCollection_DoubleMap.hxx>
#include <Basics_Utils.hxx>
// Below macro, when uncommented, switches on simplified (more performant) algorithm
// of auto-color picking up
// Declarations
void ImportMeshesFromFile(SMESH::SMESH_Gen_ptr theComponentMesh,
int theCommandID);
void ExportMeshToFile(int theCommandID);
void SetDisplayMode(int theCommandID, VTK::MarkerMap& theMarkerMap);
void SetDisplayEntity(int theCommandID);
int ActionToControl( int theID, bool theReversed = false );
void Control( int theCommandID );
// Definitions
* \brief Reads meshes from file
void ImportMeshesFromFile( SMESH::SMESH_Gen_ptr theComponentMesh,
int theCommandID )
QStringList filter;
std::string myExtension;
if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpImportMED ||
theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPopupImportMED ) {
filter.append( QObject::tr( "MED_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.*med)" );
filter.append( QObject::tr( "ALL_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*)" );
else if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpImportUNV ||
theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPopupImportUNV ) {
filter.append( QObject::tr( "IDEAS_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.unv)" );
else if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpImportDAT ||
theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPopupImportDAT ) {
filter.append( QObject::tr( "DAT_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.dat)" );
else if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpImportSTL ||
theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPopupImportSTL ) {
filter.append( QObject::tr( "STL_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.stl)" );
else if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpImportCGNS ||
theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPopupImportCGNS ) {
filter.append( QObject::tr( "CGNS_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.cgns)" );
else if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpImportSAUV ||
theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPopupImportSAUV ) {
filter.append( QObject::tr( "SAUV_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.sauv *.sauve)" );
filter.append( QObject::tr( "ALL_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*)" );
else if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpImportGMF ||
theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPopupImportGMF ) {
filter.append( QObject::tr( "GMF_ASCII_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.mesh)" );
filter.append( QObject::tr( "GMF_BINARY_FILES_FILTER") + " (*.meshb)" );
QString anInitialPath = "";
if ( SUIT_FileDlg::getLastVisitedPath().isEmpty() )
anInitialPath = QDir::currentPath();
QStringList filenames;
bool toCreateGroups = true;
// if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpImportGMF ) { // GMF
// SalomeApp_CheckFileDlg* fd = new SalomeApp_CheckFileDlg
// ( SMESHGUI::desktop(), true, QObject::tr("SMESH_REQUIRED_GROUPS"), true, true );
// fd->setWindowTitle( QObject::tr( "SMESH_IMPORT_MESH" ) );
// fd->setNameFilters( filter );
// fd->SetChecked( true );
// if ( fd->exec() )
// filenames << fd->selectedFile();
// toCreateGroups = fd->IsChecked();
// delete fd;
// }
// else
filenames = SUIT_FileDlg::getOpenFileNames( SMESHGUI::desktop(),
QObject::tr( "SMESH_IMPORT_MESH" ) );
if ( filenames.count() > 0 )
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
_PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::getStudy();
QStringList errors;
QStringList anEntryList;
bool isEmpty = false;
for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = filenames.begin(); it != filenames.end(); ++it )
QString filename = *it;
SMESH::mesh_array_var aMeshes = new SMESH::mesh_array;
try {
switch ( theCommandID ) {
case SMESHOp::OpImportDAT:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupImportDAT:
// DAT format (currently unsupported)
errors.append( QString( "%1 :\n\t%2" ).arg( filename ).
arg( QObject::tr( "SMESH_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_FORMAT" ) ) );
case SMESHOp::OpImportUNV:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupImportUNV:
// UNV format
aMeshes->length( 1 );
aMeshes[0] = theComponentMesh->CreateMeshesFromUNV( filename.toUtf8().constData() );
if ( aMeshes[0]->_is_nil() )
errors.append( QString( "%1 :\n\t%2" ).arg( filename ).
arg( QObject::tr( "SMESH_ERR_UNKNOWN_IMPORT_ERROR" ) ) );
case SMESHOp::OpImportMED:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupImportMED:
// MED format
SMESH::DriverMED_ReadStatus res;
aMeshes = theComponentMesh->CreateMeshesFromMED( filename.toUtf8().constData(), res );
if ( res != SMESH::DRS_OK ) {
errors.append( QString( "%1 :\n\t%2" ).arg( filename ).
arg( QObject::tr( QString( "SMESH_DRS_%1" ).arg( res ).toLatin1().data() ) ) );
case SMESHOp::OpImportSTL:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupImportSTL:
// STL format
aMeshes->length( 1 );
aMeshes[0] = theComponentMesh->CreateMeshesFromSTL( filename.toUtf8().constData() );
if ( aMeshes[0]->_is_nil() ) {
errors.append( QString( "%1 :\n\t%2" ).arg( filename ).
arg( QObject::tr( "SMESH_ERR_UNKNOWN_IMPORT_ERROR" ) ) );
case SMESHOp::OpImportCGNS:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupImportCGNS:
// CGNS format
SMESH::DriverMED_ReadStatus res;
aMeshes = theComponentMesh->CreateMeshesFromCGNS( filename.toUtf8().constData(), res );
if ( res != SMESH::DRS_OK ) {
errors.append( QString( "%1 :\n\t%2" ).arg( filename ).
arg( QObject::tr( QString( "SMESH_DRS_%1" ).arg( res ).toLatin1().data() ) ) );
case SMESHOp::OpImportSAUV:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupImportSAUV:
// SAUV format
SMESH::DriverMED_ReadStatus res;
aMeshes = theComponentMesh->CreateMeshesFromSAUV( filename.toUtf8().constData(), res );
if ( res != SMESH::DRS_OK ) {
errors.append( QString( "%1 :\n\t%2" ).arg( filename ).
arg( QObject::tr( QString( "SMESH_DRS_%1" ).arg( res ).toLatin1().data() ) ) );
case SMESHOp::OpImportGMF:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupImportGMF:
// GMF format
SMESH::ComputeError_var res;
aMeshes->length( 1 );
aMeshes[0] = theComponentMesh->CreateMeshesFromGMF( filename.toUtf8().constData(),
res.out() );
if ( res->code != SMESH::DRS_OK ) {
errors.append( QString( "%1 :\n\t%2" ).arg( filename ).
arg( QObject::tr( QString( "SMESH_DRS_%1" ).arg( res->code ).toLatin1().data() ) ) );
if ( strlen( res->comment.in() ) > 0 ) {
errors.back() += ": ";
errors.back() += res->comment.in();
catch ( const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& S_ex ) {
errors.append( QString( "%1 :\n\t%2" ).arg( filename ).
arg( QObject::tr( "SMESH_ERR_UNKNOWN_IMPORT_ERROR" ) ) );
for ( int i = 0, iEnd = aMeshes->length(); i < iEnd; i++ )
_PTR(SObject) aMeshSO = SMESH::FindSObject( aMeshes[i] );
if ( aMeshSO ) {
_PTR(StudyBuilder) aBuilder = aStudy->NewBuilder();
_PTR(AttributePixMap) aPixmap = aBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute( aMeshSO, "AttributePixMap" );
if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpImportUNV ) // mesh names aren't taken from the file for UNV import
SMESH::SetName( aMeshSO, QFileInfo(filename).fileName() );
anEntryList.append( aMeshSO->GetID().c_str() );
else {
isEmpty = true;
// update Object browser
// browse to the published meshes
if( LightApp_Application* anApp =
dynamic_cast<LightApp_Application*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() ) )
anApp->browseObjects( anEntryList );
// show Error message box if there were errors
if ( errors.count() > 0 ) {
SUIT_MessageBox::critical( SMESHGUI::desktop(),
QObject::tr( "SMESH_ERROR" ),
QObject::tr( "SMESH_IMPORT_ERRORS" ) + "\n" + errors.join( "\n" ) );
// show warning message box, if some imported mesh is empty
if ( isEmpty ) {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( SMESHGUI::desktop(),
QObject::tr( "SMESH_WRN_WARNING" ),
QObject::tr( "SMESH_DRS_SOME_EMPTY" ) );
* \brief Export selected meshes or groups into a file
void ExportMeshToFile( int theCommandID )
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
const bool isDAT = ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpExportDAT ||
theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPopupExportDAT );
const bool isMED = ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpExportMED ||
theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPopupExportMED );
const bool isUNV = ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpExportUNV ||
theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPopupExportUNV );
const bool isSTL = ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpExportSTL ||
theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPopupExportSTL );
const bool isCGNS= ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpExportCGNS ||
theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPopupExportCGNS );
const bool isSAUV= ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpExportSAUV ||
theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPopupExportSAUV );
const bool isGMF = ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpExportGMF ||
theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPopupExportGMF );
const bool multiMeshSupported = ( isMED || isCGNS ); // file can hold several meshes
if ( selected.Extent() == 0 || ( selected.Extent() > 1 && !multiMeshSupported ))
SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
bool aCheckWarn = true;
if ( resMgr )
aCheckWarn = resMgr->booleanValue( "SMESH", "show_warning", false );
// get mesh object from selection and check duplication of their names
bool hasDuplicatedMeshNames = false;
QList< QPair< SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var, QString > > aMeshList;
QList< QPair< SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var, QString > >::iterator aMeshIter;
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected );
for( ; It.More(); It.Next() )
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIObject = It.Value();
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var aMeshItem =
if ( aMeshItem->_is_nil() ) {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( SMESHGUI::desktop(),
QObject::tr( "SMESH_WRN_WARNING" ),
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroup = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_narrow( aMeshItem );
if ( aCheckWarn && !aGroup->_is_nil() )
QMessageBox msgBox(SUIT_MessageBox::Warning,
QCheckBox dontShowCheckBox(QObject::tr("SMESH_WRN_SHOW_DLG_CHECKBOX"));
QGridLayout* lt = qobject_cast<QGridLayout*>(msgBox.layout());
QDialogButtonBox* btnbox = msgBox.findChild<QDialogButtonBox*>();
lt->addWidget(&dontShowCheckBox, lt->rowCount(), lt->columnCount()-1, lt->rowCount(), lt->columnCount());
lt->addWidget(btnbox, lt->rowCount(), 0, lt->rowCount(), lt->columnCount());
if ( msgBox.exec() != QMessageBox::Ok )
if ( dontShowCheckBox.checkState() == Qt::Checked && resMgr )
resMgr->setValue( "SMESH", "show_warning", false);
QString aMeshName = anIObject->getName();
// check for name duplications
if ( !hasDuplicatedMeshNames )
for( aMeshIter = aMeshList.begin(); aMeshIter != aMeshList.end(); aMeshIter++ ) {
if( aMeshName == (*aMeshIter).second ) {
hasDuplicatedMeshNames = true;
aMeshList.append( QPair< SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var, QString >( aMeshItem, aMeshName ) );
if( hasDuplicatedMeshNames && isMED ) {
int aRet = SUIT_MessageBox::warning(SMESHGUI::desktop(),
QObject::tr("SMESH_BUT_NO"), 0, 1);
if (aRet != 0)
aMeshIter = aMeshList.begin();
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var aMeshOrGroup = (*aMeshIter).first;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = aMeshOrGroup->GetMesh();
QString aMeshName = (*aMeshIter).second;
if ( isMED || isCGNS || isSAUV ) // formats where group names must be unique
// check for equal group names within each mesh
for( aMeshIter = aMeshList.begin(); aMeshIter != aMeshList.end(); aMeshIter++ ) {
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMeshItem = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow( (*aMeshIter).first );
if ( !aMeshItem->_is_nil() && aMeshItem->HasDuplicatedGroupNamesMED()) {
int aRet = SUIT_MessageBox::warning
QObject::tr("SMESH_BUT_NO"), 0, 1);
if (aRet != 0)
// Warn the user about presence of not supported elements
QString format;
std::vector< SMESH::EntityType > notSupportedElemTypes, presentNotSupported;
if ( isDAT )
format = "DAT";
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_0D );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Ball );
else if ( isUNV )
format = "UNV";
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Polygon );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Quad_Polygon );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Polyhedra );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Quad_Polyhedra );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Pyramid );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Hexagonal_Prism );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_0D );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Ball );
else if ( isSTL )
format = "STL";
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Edge );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Quad_Edge );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_0D );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Ball );
else if ( isCGNS )
format = "CGNS";
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Ball );
else if ( isSAUV )
format = "SAUV";
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Ball );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_BiQuad_Triangle );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_BiQuad_Quadrangle );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_TriQuad_Hexa );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Hexagonal_Prism );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Polygon );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Quad_Polygon );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Polyhedra );
else if ( isGMF )
format = "GMF";
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_0D );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Polygon );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Quad_Polygon );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Quad_Pyramid );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Quad_Penta );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_BiQuad_Penta );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Hexagonal_Prism );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Polyhedra );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Quad_Polyhedra );
notSupportedElemTypes.push_back( SMESH::Entity_Ball );
if ( ! notSupportedElemTypes.empty() )
SMESH::long_array_var nbElems = aMeshOrGroup->GetMeshInfo();
for ( size_t iType = 0; iType < notSupportedElemTypes.size(); ++iType )
if ( nbElems[ notSupportedElemTypes[ iType ]] > 0 )
presentNotSupported.push_back( notSupportedElemTypes[ iType ]);
if ( !presentNotSupported.empty() )
QString typeNames;
const char* typeMsg[] = {
// is typeMsg complete? (compilation failure mains that enum SMDSAbs_EntityType changed)
const int nbTypes = sizeof( typeMsg ) / sizeof( const char* );
int _assert[( nbTypes == SMESH::Entity_Last ) ? 2 : -1 ]; _assert[0]=_assert[1]=0;
QString andStr = " " + QObject::tr("SMESH_AND") + " ", comma(", ");
for ( size_t iType = 0; iType < presentNotSupported.size(); ++iType ) {
typeNames += QObject::tr( typeMsg[ presentNotSupported[ iType ]]);
if ( iType != presentNotSupported.size() - 1 )
typeNames += ( iType == presentNotSupported.size() - 2 ) ? andStr : comma;
int aRet = SUIT_MessageBox::warning
QObject::tr("SMESH_BUT_NO"), 0, 1);
if (aRet != 0)
// Get parameters of export operation
QString aFilename;
int aFormat =-1; // for MED version used for write
bool isOkToWrite = true; // to check MED file version compatibility before adding a mesh in an existing file
// Init the parameters with the default values
bool aIsASCII_STL = true;
bool toCreateGroups = false;
if ( resMgr )
toCreateGroups = resMgr->booleanValue( "SMESH", "auto_groups", false );
bool toOverwrite = true;
bool toFindOutDim = true;
double zTol = resMgr ? resMgr->doubleValue( "SMESH", "med_ztolerance", 0. ) : 0.;
QString aFilter, aTitle = QObject::tr("SMESH_EXPORT_MESH");
QString anInitialPath = "";
if ( SUIT_FileDlg::getLastVisitedPath().isEmpty() )
anInitialPath = QDir::currentPath();
QList< QPair< GEOM::ListOfFields_var, QString > > aFieldList;
// Get a file name to write in and additional options
if ( isUNV || isDAT || isGMF ) // Export w/o options
if ( isUNV )
aFilter = QObject::tr( "IDEAS_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.unv)";
else if ( isDAT )
aFilter = QObject::tr( "DAT_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.dat)";
else if ( isGMF )
aFilter = QObject::tr( "GMF_ASCII_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.mesh)" +
";;" + QObject::tr( "GMF_BINARY_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.meshb)";
if ( anInitialPath.isEmpty() ) anInitialPath = SUIT_FileDlg::getLastVisitedPath();
aFilename = SUIT_FileDlg::getFileName(SMESHGUI::desktop(),
anInitialPath + QString("/") + aMeshName,
aFilter, aTitle, false);
else if ( isCGNS )// Export to CGNS
const char* theByTypeResource = "cgns_group_elems_by_type";
toCreateGroups = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", theByTypeResource, false );
QStringList checkBoxes;
checkBoxes << QObject::tr("CGNS_EXPORT_ELEMS_BY_TYPE");
SalomeApp_CheckFileDlg* fd =
new SalomeApp_CheckFileDlg ( SMESHGUI::desktop(), false, checkBoxes, true, true );
fd->setWindowTitle( aTitle );
fd->setNameFilter( QObject::tr( "CGNS_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.cgns)" );
if ( !anInitialPath.isEmpty() )
fd->setDirectory( anInitialPath );
SMESHGUI_FileValidator* fv = new SMESHGUI_FileValidator( fd );
fd->setValidator( fv );
fd->SetChecked( toCreateGroups, 0 );
if ( fd->exec() )
aFilename = fd->selectedFile();
toOverwrite = fv->isOverwrite(aFilename);
toCreateGroups = fd->IsChecked(0);
SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->setValue("SMESH", theByTypeResource, toCreateGroups );
delete fd;
else if ( isSTL ) // Export to STL
QMap<QString, int> aFilterMap;
aFilterMap.insert( QObject::tr( "STL_ASCII_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.stl)", 1 );
aFilterMap.insert( QObject::tr( "STL_BIN_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.stl)", 0 );
QStringList filters;
QMap<QString, int>::const_iterator it = aFilterMap.begin();
for ( ; it != aFilterMap.end(); ++it )
filters.push_back( it.key() );
SUIT_FileDlg* fd = new SUIT_FileDlg( SMESHGUI::desktop(), false, true, true );
fd->setWindowTitle( aTitle );
fd->setNameFilters( filters );
fd->selectNameFilter( QObject::tr( "STL_ASCII_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.stl)" );
if ( !anInitialPath.isEmpty() )
fd->setDirectory( anInitialPath );
bool is_ok = false;
while (!is_ok) {
if ( fd->exec() )
aFilename = fd->selectedFile();
aIsASCII_STL = (aFilterMap[fd->selectedNameFilter()]) == 1 ? true: false;
is_ok = true;
delete fd;
else if ( isMED || isSAUV ) // Export to MED or SAUV
int defaultVersion = 0;
QMap<QString, int> aFilterMap;
if ( isMED ) {
//filters << QObject::tr( "MED_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.med)";
//QString vmed (aMesh->GetVersionString(-1, 2));
SMESH::long_array_var mvok = aMesh->GetMEDVersionsCompatibleForAppend();
if ( mvok->length() > 0)
defaultVersion = mvok[0]; // the current version to set the default filter on it
for ( CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < mvok->length(); ++i )
QString vs = (char*)( SMESH_Comment( mvok[i]/10 ) << "." << mvok[i]%10 );
MESSAGE("MED version: " << vs.toStdString());
aFilterMap.insert( QObject::tr( "MED_VX_FILES_FILTER" ).arg( vs ) + " (*.med)", mvok[i]);
else { // isSAUV
aFilterMap.insert("All files (*)", -1 );
aFilterMap.insert("SAUV files (*.sauv)", defaultVersion ); // 0 = default filter (defaultVersion)
aFilterMap.insert("SAUV files (*.sauve)", -1 );
QStringList filters;
QMap<QString, int>::const_iterator it = aFilterMap.begin();
QString aDefaultFilter = it.key();
for ( ; it != aFilterMap.end(); ++it ) {
filters.push_back( it.key() );
if (it.value() == defaultVersion) // explicit default for MED = current MED version
aDefaultFilter = it.key();
QStringList checkBoxes;
checkBoxes << QObject::tr("SMESH_AUTO_GROUPS") << QObject::tr("SMESH_AUTO_DIM");
SMESHGUI_FieldSelectorWdg* fieldSelWdg = new SMESHGUI_FieldSelectorWdg();
QList< QWidget* > wdgList;
if ( fieldSelWdg->GetAllFields( aMeshList, aFieldList ))
wdgList.append( fieldSelWdg );
QWidget* zTolWdg = new QWidget();
QCheckBox* zTolCheck = new QCheckBox( QObject::tr( "SMESH_ZTOLERANCE" ), zTolWdg );
SMESHGUI_SpinBox* zTolSpin = new SMESHGUI_SpinBox( zTolWdg );
QHBoxLayout* zTolLayout = new QHBoxLayout( zTolWdg );
zTolLayout->addWidget( zTolCheck );
zTolLayout->addWidget( zTolSpin );
zTolLayout->setMargin( 0 );
zTolSpin->RangeStepAndValidator( 0, 1e+100, 1., "length_precision" );
zTolSpin->setValue( zTol );
QObject::connect( zTolCheck, SIGNAL( toggled(bool)), zTolSpin, SLOT( setEnabled(bool)));
zTolCheck->setChecked( resMgr->booleanValue( "SMESH", "enable_ztolerance", false ));
zTolSpin ->setEnabled( zTolCheck->isChecked() );
wdgList.append( zTolWdg );
SalomeApp_CheckFileDlg* fd =
new SalomeApp_CheckFileDlg ( SMESHGUI::desktop(), false, checkBoxes, true, true, wdgList );
fd->setWindowTitle( aTitle );
fd->setNameFilters( filters );
fd->selectNameFilter( aDefaultFilter );
fd->SetChecked( toCreateGroups, 0 );
fd->SetChecked( toFindOutDim, 1 );
if ( !anInitialPath.isEmpty() )
fd->setDirectory( anInitialPath );
QListView *lview = fd->findChild<QListView*>("listView");
if( lview ) {
QTreeView *tview = fd->findChild<QTreeView*>("treeView");
if( tview ) {
SMESHGUI_FileValidator* fv = new SMESHGUI_FileValidator( fd );
fd->setValidator( fv );
bool is_ok = false;
while (!is_ok)
//MESSAGE("******* Loop on file dialog ***********");
isOkToWrite =true;
if ( fd->exec() )
aFilename = fd->selectedFile();
else {
aFilename = QString::null;
aFormat = aFilterMap[fd->selectedNameFilter()];
//MESSAGE("selected version: " << aFormat << " file: " << aFilename.toUtf8().constData());
toOverwrite = fv->isOverwrite(aFilename);
//MESSAGE("toOverwrite:" << toOverwrite);
is_ok = true;
if ( !aFilename.isEmpty() ) {
if( !toOverwrite ) {
// append is only possible if the existing file format is compatible
bool isVersionOk = SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGen()->CheckWriteCompatibility( aFilename.toUtf8().constData() );
MESSAGE("Append check, isVersionOk:" << isVersionOk);
if ( !isVersionOk ) {
int aRet = SUIT_MessageBox::warning(SMESHGUI::desktop(),
QObject::tr("SMESH_BUT_NO"), 0, 1);
if (aRet == 0)
toOverwrite = true;
//MESSAGE("incompatible MED file version for add, overwrite accepted");
isOkToWrite = false;
is_ok = false;
//MESSAGE("incompatible MED file version for add, overwrite refused");
QStringList aMeshNamesCollisionList;
SMESH::string_array_var aMeshNames = SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGen()->GetMeshNames( aFilename.toUtf8().constData() );
for( int i = 0, n = aMeshNames->length(); i < n; i++ ) {
QString anExistingMeshName( aMeshNames[ i ] );
for( aMeshIter = aMeshList.begin(); aMeshIter != aMeshList.end(); aMeshIter++ ) {
QString anExportMeshName = (*aMeshIter).second;
if( anExportMeshName == anExistingMeshName ) {
aMeshNamesCollisionList.append( anExportMeshName );
if( !aMeshNamesCollisionList.isEmpty() ) {
isOkToWrite = false;
QString aMeshNamesCollisionString = aMeshNamesCollisionList.join( ", " );
int aRet = SUIT_MessageBox::warning(SMESHGUI::desktop(),
QObject::tr("SMESH_BUT_CANCEL"), 0, 2);
MESSAGE("answer collision name " << aRet);
if (aRet == 0) {
toOverwrite = true;
isOkToWrite = true;
else if (aRet == 2)
is_ok = false;
toCreateGroups = fd->IsChecked(0);
toFindOutDim = fd->IsChecked(1);
zTol = zTolCheck->isChecked() ? zTolSpin->value() : -1;
if ( resMgr ) resMgr->setValue( "SMESH", "enable_ztolerance", zTolCheck->isChecked() );
if ( !fieldSelWdg->parent() )
delete fieldSelWdg;
if ( !zTolWdg->parent() )
delete zTolWdg;
delete fd;
// Perform export
if ( !aFilename.isEmpty() ) {
// Check whether the file already exists and delete it if yes
QFile aFile( aFilename );
if ( aFile.exists() && toOverwrite )
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
try {
// Renumbering is not needed since SMDS redesign in V6.2.0 (Nov 2010)
// bool Renumber = false;
// // PAL 14172 : Check of we have to renumber or not from the preferences before export
// if (resMgr)
// Renumber= resMgr->booleanValue("renumbering");
// if (Renumber){
// SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_var aMeshEditor = aMesh->GetMeshEditor();
// aMeshEditor->RenumberNodes();
// aMeshEditor->RenumberElements();
// if ( SMESHGUI::automaticUpdate() )
// SMESH::UpdateView();
// }
if ( isMED && isOkToWrite)
MESSAGE("OK to write MED file "<< aFilename.toUtf8().constData());
aMeshIter = aMeshList.begin();
for( int aMeshIndex = 0; aMeshIter != aMeshList.end(); aMeshIter++, aMeshIndex++ )
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var aMeshOrGroup = (*aMeshIter).first;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMeshItem = aMeshOrGroup->GetMesh();
const GEOM::ListOfFields& fields = aFieldList[ aMeshIndex ].first.in();
const QString& geoAssFields = aFieldList[ aMeshIndex ].second;
const bool hasFields = ( fields.length() || !geoAssFields.isEmpty() );
if ( !hasFields && aMeshOrGroup->_is_equivalent( aMeshItem ) && zTol < 0 )
aMeshItem->ExportMED( aFilename.toUtf8().data(), toCreateGroups, aFormat,
toOverwrite && aMeshIndex == 0, toFindOutDim );
aMeshItem->ExportPartToMED( aMeshOrGroup, aFilename.toUtf8().data(),
toCreateGroups, aFormat,
toOverwrite && aMeshIndex == 0, toFindOutDim,
fields, geoAssFields.toLatin1().data(), zTol );
else if ( isSAUV )
for( aMeshIter = aMeshList.begin(); aMeshIter != aMeshList.end(); aMeshIter++ )
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMeshItem = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_narrow( (*aMeshIter).first );
if( !aMeshItem->_is_nil() )
aMeshItem->ExportSAUV( aFilename.toUtf8().data(), toCreateGroups );
else if ( isDAT )
if ( aMeshOrGroup->_is_equivalent( aMesh ))
aMesh->ExportDAT( aFilename.toUtf8().data() );
aMesh->ExportPartToDAT( aMeshOrGroup, aFilename.toUtf8().data() );
else if ( isUNV )
if ( aMeshOrGroup->_is_equivalent( aMesh ))
aMesh->ExportUNV( aFilename.toUtf8().data() );
aMesh->ExportPartToUNV( aMeshOrGroup, aFilename.toUtf8().data() );
else if ( isSTL )
if ( aMeshOrGroup->_is_equivalent( aMesh ))
aMesh->ExportSTL( aFilename.toUtf8().data(), aIsASCII_STL );
aMesh->ExportPartToSTL( aMeshOrGroup, aFilename.toUtf8().data(), aIsASCII_STL );
else if ( isCGNS )
aMeshIter = aMeshList.begin();
for( int aMeshIndex = 0; aMeshIter != aMeshList.end(); aMeshIter++, aMeshIndex++ )
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var aMeshOrGroup = (*aMeshIter).first;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMeshItem = aMeshOrGroup->GetMesh();
aMeshItem->ExportCGNS( aMeshOrGroup,
toOverwrite && aMeshIndex == 0,
toCreateGroups );
else if ( isGMF )
toCreateGroups = true;
aMesh->ExportGMF( aMeshOrGroup, aFilename.toUtf8().data(), toCreateGroups );
catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& S_ex){
QObject::tr("SMESH_EXPORT_FAILED") + SalomeApp_Tools::ExceptionToString(S_ex));
inline void InverseEntityMode(unsigned int& theOutputMode,
unsigned int theMode)
bool anIsNotPresent = ~theOutputMode & theMode;
theOutputMode |= theMode;
theOutputMode &= ~theMode;
void SetDisplayEntity(int theCommandID)
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if ( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.Extent() >= 1 ) {
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected );
for( ; It.More(); It.Next()){
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
if(SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry(IObject->getEntry())){
unsigned int aMode = anActor->GetEntityMode();
case SMESHOp::OpDE0DElements: InverseEntityMode(aMode,SMESH_Actor::e0DElements); break;
case SMESHOp::OpDEEdges: InverseEntityMode(aMode,SMESH_Actor::eEdges); break;
case SMESHOp::OpDEFaces: InverseEntityMode(aMode,SMESH_Actor::eFaces); break;
case SMESHOp::OpDEVolumes: InverseEntityMode(aMode,SMESH_Actor::eVolumes); break;
case SMESHOp::OpDEBalls: InverseEntityMode(aMode,SMESH_Actor::eBallElem); break;
case SMESHOp::OpDEAllEntity: aMode = SMESH_Actor::eAllEntity; break;
void AutoColor()
SalomeApp_Application* app =
dynamic_cast< SalomeApp_Application* >( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
if ( !app )
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSel = app->selectionMgr();
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( app->activeStudy() );
if ( !aSel || !appStudy )
SALOME_ListIO selected;
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.IsEmpty() )
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIObject = selected.First();
_PTR(Study) aStudy = appStudy->studyDS();
_PTR(SObject) aMainSObject = aStudy->FindObjectID( anIObject->getEntry() );
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMainObject = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_Mesh>(anIObject);
if ( aMainObject->_is_nil() )
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
aMainObject->SetAutoColor( true ); // mesh groups are re-colored here
QList<SALOMEDS::Color> aReservedColors;
SMESH::ListOfGroups aListOfGroups = *aMainObject->GetGroups();
for ( int i = 0, n = aListOfGroups.length(); i < n; i++ )
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroupObject = aListOfGroups[i];
#ifdef SIMPLE_AUTOCOLOR // simplified algorithm for auto-colors
SALOMEDS::Color aColor = SMESHGUI::getPredefinedUniqueColor();
#else // old algorithm for auto-colors
SALOMEDS::Color aColor = SMESHGUI::getUniqueColor( aReservedColors );
aReservedColors.append( aColor );
aGroupObject->SetColor( aColor );
_PTR(SObject) aGroupSObject = SMESH::FindSObject(aGroupObject);
if ( aGroupSObject ) {
QColor c;
int delta;
if ( SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry(aGroupSObject->GetID().c_str())) {
switch ( aGroupObject->GetType ()) {
anActor->SetNodeColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B ); break;
anActor->SetEdgeColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B ); break;
anActor->Set0DColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B ); break;
anActor->SetBallColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B ); break;
SMESH::GetColor("SMESH", "volume_color", c, delta, "255,0,170|-100");
anActor->SetVolumeColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B, delta ); break;
SMESH::GetColor("SMESH", "fill_color", c, delta, "0,170,255|-100");
anActor->SetSufaceColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B, delta );
void OverallMeshQuality()
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.IsEmpty() ) return;
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected );
for ( ; It.More(); It.Next() ) {
SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg* ctrlDlg = new SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg( SMESHGUI::desktop() );
ctrlDlg->showInfo( It.Value() );
QString functorToString( SMESH::Controls::FunctorPtr f )
QString type = QObject::tr( "UNKNOWN_CONTROL" );
if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::Volume* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "VOLUME_3D_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::MaxElementLength2D* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_2D" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::MaxElementLength3D* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_3D" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::MinimumAngle* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "MINIMUMANGLE_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::AspectRatio* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "ASPECTRATIO_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::AspectRatio3D* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "ASPECTRATIO_3D_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::Warping* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "WARP_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::Taper* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "TAPER_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::Skew* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "SKEW_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::Area* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "AREA_ELEMENTS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::Length* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "LENGTH_EDGES" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::Length2D* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "LENGTH2D_EDGES" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::Deflection2D* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "DEFLECTION2D_FACES" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::MultiConnection* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "MULTI_BORDERS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::MultiConnection2D* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "MULTI2D_BORDERS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::FreeNodes* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "FREE_NODES" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::FreeEdges* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "FREE_EDGES" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::FreeBorders* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "FREE_BORDERS" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::FreeFaces* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "FREE_FACES" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::BareBorderVolume* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "BARE_BORDER_VOLUME" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::BareBorderFace* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "BARE_BORDER_FACE" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::OverConstrainedVolume* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "OVER_CONSTRAINED_VOLUME" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::OverConstrainedFace* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "OVER_CONSTRAINED_FACE" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::CoincidentNodes* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "EQUAL_NODE" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::CoincidentElements1D* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "EQUAL_EDGE" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::CoincidentElements2D* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "EQUAL_FACE" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::CoincidentElements3D* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "EQUAL_VOLUME" );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SMESH::Controls::NodeConnectivityNumber* >( f.get() ) )
type = QObject::tr( "NODE_CONNECTIVITY_NB" );
return type;
void SaveDistribution()
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if ( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.Extent() == 1 ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = selected.First();
if ( anIO->hasEntry() ) {
SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( anIO->getEntry() );
if ( anActor &&
anActor->GetScalarBarActor() &&
anActor->GetControlMode() != SMESH_Actor::eNone )
SMESH_ScalarBarActor* aScalarBarActor = anActor->GetScalarBarActor();
SMESH::Controls::FunctorPtr aFunctor = anActor->GetFunctor();
if ( aScalarBarActor && aFunctor ) {
SMESH::Controls::NumericalFunctor* aNumFun =
dynamic_cast<SMESH::Controls::NumericalFunctor*>( aFunctor.get() );
if ( aNumFun ) {
std::vector<int> elements;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_Mesh>(anIO);
if ( mesh->_is_nil() ) {
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var idSource =
if ( !idSource->_is_nil() )
SMESH::long_array_var ids = idSource->GetIDs();
elements.resize( ids->length() );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i )
elements[i] = ids[i];
int nbIntervals = aScalarBarActor->GetMaximumNumberOfColors();
vtkLookupTable* lookupTable =
double * minmax = lookupTable->GetRange();
bool isLogarithmic = lookupTable->GetScale() == VTK_SCALE_LOG10;
std::vector<int> nbEvents;
std::vector<double> funValues;
aNumFun->GetHistogram( nbIntervals, nbEvents, funValues,
elements, minmax, isLogarithmic );
QString anInitialPath = "";
if ( SUIT_FileDlg::getLastVisitedPath().isEmpty() )
anInitialPath = QDir::currentPath();
QString aMeshName = anIO->getName();
QStringList filter;
filter.append( QObject::tr( "TEXT_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*.txt)" );
filter.append( QObject::tr( "ALL_FILES_FILTER" ) + " (*)" );
QString aFilename = anInitialPath + "/" + aMeshName + "_" +
functorToString( aFunctor ).toLower().simplified().replace( QRegExp( " |-" ), "_" ) + ".txt";
aFilename = SUIT_FileDlg::getFileName( SMESHGUI::desktop(),
false );
if ( !aFilename.isEmpty() ) {
QFile f( aFilename );
if ( f.open( QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate ) ) {
QTextStream out( &f );
out << "# Mesh: " << aMeshName << endl;
out << "# Control: " << functorToString( aFunctor ) << endl;
out << "#" << endl;
out.setFieldWidth( 10 );
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)qMin( nbEvents.size(), funValues.size()-1 ); i++ )
out << funValues[i] << "\t" << funValues[i+1] << "\t" << nbEvents[i] << endl;
void ShowElement( int theCommandID )
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if ( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.Extent() == 1 ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = selected.First();
if ( anIO->hasEntry() ) {
SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( anIO->getEntry() );
if ( anActor &&
anActor->GetScalarBarActor() &&
anActor->GetControlMode() != SMESH_Actor::eNone )
SMESH_ScalarBarActor *aScalarBarActor = anActor->GetScalarBarActor();
if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpShowDistribution ) {
else if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpShowScalarBar ) {
aScalarBarActor->SetVisibility( !aScalarBarActor->GetVisibility());
void PlotDistribution()
SalomeApp_Application* app =
dynamic_cast< SalomeApp_Application* >( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
if( !app )
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if ( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.Extent() == 1 ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = selected.First();
if ( anIO->hasEntry() ) {
//Find Actor by entry before getting Plot2d viewer,
//because after call getViewManager( Plot2d_Viewer::Type(), true ) active window is Plot2d Viewer
SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( anIO->getEntry() );
SUIT_ViewManager* aViewManager =
app->getViewManager( Plot2d_Viewer::Type(), true ); // create if necessary
if( !aViewManager )
SPlot2d_Viewer* aView = dynamic_cast<SPlot2d_Viewer*>(aViewManager->getViewModel());
if ( !aView )
Plot2d_ViewFrame* aPlot = aView->getActiveViewFrame();
if ( !aPlot )
if ( anActor && anActor->GetControlMode() != SMESH_Actor::eNone )
SPlot2d_Histogram* aHistogram = anActor->UpdatePlot2Histogram();
QString functorName = functorToString( anActor->GetFunctor());
QString aHistogramName("%1 : %2");
aHistogramName = aHistogramName.arg(anIO->getName()).arg(functorName);
aPlot->displayObject(aHistogram, true);
void DisableAutoColor()
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if ( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.Extent() ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIObject = selected.First();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_Mesh>(anIObject);
if ( !aMesh->_is_nil() ) {
aMesh->SetAutoColor( false );
void sortChildren()
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if ( aSel ) {
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.Extent() )
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIObject = selected.First();
_PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::getStudy();
_PTR(SObject) aSObj = aStudy->FindObjectID(anIObject->getEntry());
if (aSObj) {
if ( aStudy->GetUseCaseBuilder()->SortChildren( aSObj, true/*AscendingOrder*/ ) ) {
// Break link with Shaper model
void breakShaperLink()
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if (aSel) {
if (selected.Extent()) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIObject = selected.First();
_PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::getStudy();
std::string aEntry = anIObject->getEntry();
_PTR(SObject) aSObj = aStudy->FindObjectID(aEntry);
if (aSObj) {
std::string aName = aSObj->GetName();
QMessageBox::StandardButton aRes = SUIT_MessageBox::warning(SMESHGUI::desktop(),
SUIT_MessageBox::Yes | SUIT_MessageBox::No, SUIT_MessageBox::No);
if (aRes == SUIT_MessageBox::Yes) {
SUIT_DataOwnerPtrList aList;
aSel->selected(aList, "ObjectBrowser", true);
SUIT_DataOwner* aOwn = aList.first();
LightApp_DataOwner* sowner = dynamic_cast<LightApp_DataOwner*>(aOwn);
QString aREntry = sowner->entry();
static GEOM::GEOM_Gen_var geomGen;
if (CORBA::is_nil(geomGen)) {
SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>
if (app) {
SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA* ls = new SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA(app->namingService());
Engines::EngineComponent_var comp =
ls->FindOrLoad_Component("FactoryServer", "SHAPERSTUDY");
geomGen = GEOM::GEOM_Gen::_narrow(comp);
if (!CORBA::is_nil(geomGen))
// remove actors whose objects are removed by BreakLink()
QList<SUIT_ViewWindow*> wndList = SMESHGUI::desktop()->windows();
SUIT_ViewWindow* wnd;
foreach(wnd, wndList)
* \brief Return true if a mesh icon == ICON_SMESH_TREE_GEOM_MODIF
* which means that the mesh can't be modified. It should be either re-computed
* or breakShaperLink()'ed. Warn the user about it.
bool warnOnGeomModif()
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if ( LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr() )
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected );
for ( ; It.More(); It.Next() )
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io = It.Value();
if ( !io->hasEntry() ) continue;
_PTR(SObject) so = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( io->getEntry() );
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh;
while ( mesh->_is_nil() && so && so->GetID() != "0:" )
CORBA::Object_var obj = SMESH::SObjectToObject( so );
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var isrc = SMESH::SMESH_IDSource::_narrow( obj );
if ( isrc->_is_nil() )
so = so->GetFather();
mesh = isrc->GetMesh();
if ( mesh->_is_nil() ) continue;
so = SMESH::FindSObject( mesh );
if ( !so ) continue;
_PTR(GenericAttribute) attr;
so->FindAttribute( attr, "AttributePixMap" );
_PTR(AttributePixMap) pixmap = attr;
if ( !pixmap ) continue;
if ( pixmap->GetPixMap() == "ICON_SMESH_TREE_GEOM_MODIF" )
return true;
return false;
void SetDisplayMode(int theCommandID, VTK::MarkerMap& theMarkerMap)
SALOME_ListIO selected;
SalomeApp_Application* app =
dynamic_cast< SalomeApp_Application* >( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
if ( !app )
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( app->activeStudy() );
if ( !aSel || !appStudy )
if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpClipping ) { // Clipping dialog can be activated without selection
if ( SMESHGUI* aModule = SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI() ) {
if( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( aModule ) )
(new SMESHGUI_ClippingDlg( aModule, aViewWindow ))->show();
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.Extent() >= 1 )
switch ( theCommandID ) {
case SMESHOp::OpTransparency:
(new SMESHGUI_TransparencyDlg( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI() ))->show();
case SMESHOp::OpProperties:
double color[3];
QColor faceColor, edgeColor, nodeColor, elem0dColor, ballColor;
QColor orientationColor, outlineColor, volumeColor;
int deltaF = 0, deltaV = 0;
int elem0dSize = 1;
//int ballSize = 1;
double ballScale = 1.0;
int edgeWidth = 1;
int outlineWidth = 1;
double shrinkCoef = 0.0;
double orientationScale = 0.0;
bool orientation3d = false;
VTK::MarkerType markerType = VTK::MT_NONE;
VTK::MarkerScale markerScale = VTK::MS_NONE;
int markerId = 0;
bool hasNodes = false;
int presentEntities = 0;
bool firstTime = true;
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected );
for ( ; It.More(); It.Next() ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
if ( !IObject->hasEntry() ) continue;
SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( IObject->getEntry() );
if ( !anActor || !anActor->GetObject() ) continue;
if ( firstTime ) {
// nodes: color, marker
anActor->GetNodeColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
nodeColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
markerType = anActor->GetMarkerType();
markerScale = anActor->GetMarkerScale();
markerId = anActor->GetMarkerTexture();
// edges: color, width
anActor->GetEdgeColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
edgeColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
edgeWidth = qMax( (int)anActor->GetLineWidth(), 1 ); // minimum allowed width is 1
// faces: front color, back color (delta)
anActor->GetSufaceColor( color[0], color[1], color[2], deltaF );
faceColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
// faces: front color, back color (delta)
anActor->GetVolumeColor( color[0], color[1], color[2], deltaV );
volumeColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
// 0d elements: color, size
anActor->Get0DColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
elem0dColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
elem0dSize = qMax( (int)anActor->Get0DSize(), 1 ); // minimum allowed size is 1
// balls: color, size
anActor->GetBallColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
ballColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
//ballSize = qMax( (int)anActor->GetBallSize(), 1 ); // minimum allowed size is 1
ballScale = qMax( (double)anActor->GetBallScale(), 1e-2 ); // minimum allowed scale is 1e-2
// outlines: color
anActor->GetOutlineColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
outlineColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
outlineWidth = qMax( (int)anActor->GetOutlineWidth(), 1 ); // minimum allowed width is 1
// orientation vectors: color, scale, 3d flag
anActor->GetFacesOrientationColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
orientationColor.setRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
orientationScale = anActor->GetFacesOrientationScale();
orientation3d = anActor->GetFacesOrientation3DVectors();
// shrink factor
shrinkCoef = anActor->GetShrinkFactor();
firstTime = false; // we only take properties from first object (for performance reasons)
if ( !hasNodes )
hasNodes = anActor->GetObject()->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_Node );
if ( !(presentEntities & SMESH_Actor::eEdges) && anActor->GetObject()->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_Edge ) )
presentEntities = presentEntities | SMESH_Actor::eEdges;
if ( !(presentEntities & SMESH_Actor::eFaces) && anActor->GetObject()->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_Face ) )
presentEntities = presentEntities | SMESH_Actor::eFaces;
if ( !(presentEntities & SMESH_Actor::eVolumes) && anActor->GetObject()->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_Volume ) )
presentEntities = presentEntities | SMESH_Actor::eVolumes;
if ( !(presentEntities & SMESH_Actor::e0DElements) && anActor->GetObject()->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_0DElement ) )
presentEntities = presentEntities | SMESH_Actor::e0DElements;
if ( !(presentEntities & SMESH_Actor::eBallElem) && anActor->GetObject()->GetNbEntities( SMDSAbs_Ball ) )
presentEntities = presentEntities | SMESH_Actor::eBallElem;
// as we know that all types of elements are present, we can exit the loop
if ( presentEntities == SMESH_Actor::eAllEntity )
SMESHGUI_PropertiesDlg dlg( theMarkerMap, SMESHGUI::desktop() );
// nodes: color, marker
dlg.setNodeColor( nodeColor );
if( markerType != VTK::MT_USER )
dlg.setNodeMarker( markerType, markerScale );
dlg.setNodeCustomMarker( markerId );
// edges: color, line width
dlg.setEdgeColor( edgeColor );
dlg.setEdgeWidth( edgeWidth );
// faces: front color, back color
dlg.setFaceColor( faceColor, deltaF );
// volumes: normal color, reversed color
dlg.setVolumeColor( volumeColor, deltaV );
// outlines: color, line width
dlg.setOutlineColor( outlineColor );
dlg.setOutlineWidth( outlineWidth );
// 0d elements: color, size
dlg.setElem0dColor( elem0dColor );
dlg.setElem0dSize( elem0dSize );
// balls: color, size
dlg.setBallColor( ballColor );
//dlg.setBallSize( ballSize );
dlg.setBallScale( ballScale );
// orientation: color, scale, 3d flag
dlg.setOrientationColor( orientationColor );
dlg.setOrientationSize( int( orientationScale * 100. ) );
dlg.setOrientation3d( orientation3d );
// shrink: scale factor
dlg.setShrinkCoef( int( shrinkCoef * 100. ) );
// hide unused controls
dlg.showControls( presentEntities, hasNodes );
if ( dlg.exec() ) {
nodeColor = dlg.nodeColor();
markerType = dlg.nodeMarkerType();
markerScale = dlg.nodeMarkerScale();
markerId = dlg.nodeMarkerId();
edgeColor = dlg.edgeColor();
edgeWidth = dlg.edgeWidth();
faceColor = dlg.faceColor();
deltaF = dlg.faceColorDelta();
volumeColor = dlg.volumeColor();
deltaV = dlg.volumeColorDelta();
outlineColor = dlg.outlineColor();
outlineWidth = dlg.outlineWidth();
elem0dColor = dlg.elem0dColor();
elem0dSize = dlg.elem0dSize();
ballColor = dlg.ballColor();
// ballSize = dlg.ballSize();
ballScale = dlg.ballScale();
orientationColor = dlg.orientationColor();
orientationScale = dlg.orientationSize() / 100.;
orientation3d = dlg.orientation3d();
shrinkCoef = dlg.shrinkCoef() / 100.;
// store point markers that might be changed by the user
theMarkerMap = dlg.customMarkers();
// set properties from dialog box to the presentations
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected );
for ( ; It.More(); It.Next() ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
if ( !IObject->hasEntry() ) continue;
SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( IObject->getEntry() );
if ( !anActor ) continue;
// nodes: color, marker
anActor->SetNodeColor( nodeColor.redF(), nodeColor.greenF(), nodeColor.blueF() );
if ( markerType != VTK::MT_USER ) {
anActor->SetMarkerStd( markerType, markerScale );
else {
VTK::MarkerMap::const_iterator iter = theMarkerMap.find( markerId );
if ( iter != theMarkerMap.end() )
anActor->SetMarkerTexture( markerId, iter->second.second );
// volumes: normal color, reversed color (delta)
anActor->SetVolumeColor( volumeColor.redF(), volumeColor.greenF(), volumeColor.blueF(), deltaV );
// faces: front color, back color (delta)
anActor->SetSufaceColor( faceColor.redF(), faceColor.greenF(), faceColor.blueF(), deltaF );
// edges: color, width
anActor->SetEdgeColor( edgeColor.redF(), edgeColor.greenF(), edgeColor.blueF() );
anActor->SetLineWidth( edgeWidth );
// outlines: color
anActor->SetOutlineColor( outlineColor.redF(), outlineColor.greenF(), outlineColor.blueF() );
anActor->SetOutlineWidth( outlineWidth );
// 0D elements: color, size
anActor->Set0DColor( elem0dColor.redF(), elem0dColor.greenF(), elem0dColor.blueF() );
anActor->Set0DSize( elem0dSize );
// balls: color, size
anActor->SetBallColor( ballColor.redF(), ballColor.greenF(), ballColor.blueF() );
// anActor->SetBallSize( ballSize );
anActor->SetBallScale( ballScale );
// orientation: color, scale, 3d flag
anActor->SetFacesOrientationColor( orientationColor.redF(), orientationColor.greenF(), orientationColor.blueF() );
anActor->SetFacesOrientationScale( orientationScale );
anActor->SetFacesOrientation3DVectors( orientation3d );
// shrink factor
anActor->SetShrinkFactor( shrinkCoef );
// for groups, set also proper color
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroupObject = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase>(IObject);
if ( !aGroupObject->_is_nil() ) {
SMESH::ElementType anElementType = aGroupObject->GetType();
QColor aColor;
switch( anElementType ) {
aColor = nodeColor; break;
aColor = edgeColor; break;
aColor = faceColor; break;
aColor = volumeColor; break;
aColor = elem0dColor; break;
aColor = ballColor; break;
default: break;
if ( aColor.isValid() ) {
SALOMEDS::Color aGroupColor;
aGroupColor.R = aColor.redF();
aGroupColor.G = aColor.greenF();
aGroupColor.B = aColor.blueF();
aGroupObject->SetColor( aGroupColor );
} // if ( !aGroupObject->_is_nil() )
} // for ( ; It.More(); It.Next() )
} // if ( dlg.exec() )
} // case SMESHOp::OpProperties:
} // switch(theCommandID)
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected );
for( ; It.More(); It.Next()){
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
if(SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry(IObject->getEntry())){
case SMESHOp::OpDMWireframe:
case SMESHOp::OpDMShading:
case SMESHOp::OpDMShrink:
case SMESHOp::OpDMNodes:
case SMESHOp::OpRepresentationLines:
if(anActor->GetQuadratic2DRepresentation() != SMESH_Actor::eLines)
case SMESHOp::OpRepresentationArcs:
if(anActor->GetQuadratic2DRepresentation() != SMESH_Actor::eArcs)
int ActionToControl( int theID, bool theReversed )
NCollection_DoubleMap<int,int> ActionControl;
ActionControl.Bind( 0, SMESH_Actor::eNone );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpFreeNode, SMESH_Actor::eFreeNodes );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpEqualNode, SMESH_Actor::eCoincidentNodes );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpNodeConnectivityNb, SMESH_Actor::eNodeConnectivityNb );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpFreeEdge, SMESH_Actor::eFreeEdges );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpFreeBorder, SMESH_Actor::eFreeBorders );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpLength, SMESH_Actor::eLength );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpConnection, SMESH_Actor::eMultiConnection );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpEqualEdge, SMESH_Actor::eCoincidentElems1D );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpFreeFace, SMESH_Actor::eFreeFaces );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpBareBorderFace, SMESH_Actor::eBareBorderFace );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedFace, SMESH_Actor::eOverConstrainedFace );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpLength2D, SMESH_Actor::eLength2D );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpDeflection2D, SMESH_Actor::eDeflection2D );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpConnection2D, SMESH_Actor::eMultiConnection2D );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpArea, SMESH_Actor::eArea );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpTaper, SMESH_Actor::eTaper );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio, SMESH_Actor::eAspectRatio );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpMinimumAngle, SMESH_Actor::eMinimumAngle );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpWarpingAngle, SMESH_Actor::eWarping );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpSkew, SMESH_Actor::eSkew );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength2D, SMESH_Actor::eMaxElementLength2D );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpEqualFace, SMESH_Actor::eCoincidentElems2D );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio3D, SMESH_Actor::eAspectRatio3D );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpVolume, SMESH_Actor::eVolume3D );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength3D, SMESH_Actor::eMaxElementLength3D );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpBareBorderVolume, SMESH_Actor::eBareBorderVolume );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedVolume, SMESH_Actor::eOverConstrainedVolume );
ActionControl.Bind( SMESHOp::OpEqualVolume, SMESH_Actor::eCoincidentElems3D );
if ( theReversed )
return ActionControl.IsBound2( theID ) ? ActionControl.Find2( theID ) : 0;
return ActionControl.IsBound1( theID ) ? ActionControl.Find1( theID ) : 0;
void Control( int theCommandID )
SMESH_Actor::eControl aControl = SMESH_Actor::eControl( ActionToControl( theCommandID ));
_PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::getStudy();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if ( LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr() )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( !selected.IsEmpty() ) {
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It(selected);
for ( ; It.More(); It.Next())
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = It.Value();
if ( !anIO.IsNull() ) {
_PTR(SObject) SO = aStudy->FindObjectID( It.Value()->getEntry() );
if ( SO ) {
CORBA::Object_var aObject = SMESH::SObjectToObject( SO );
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var anIDSrc = SMESH::SMESH_IDSource::_narrow( aObject );
if ( !anIDSrc->_is_nil() ) {
SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( anIO->getEntry());
if (( !anActor && selected.Extent() == 1 ) &&
( anActor = SMESH::CreateActor( anIO->getEntry() )))
anActor->SetControlMode( aControl );
SMESH::DisplayActor( SMESH::GetCurrentVtkView(), anActor );
SMESH::UpdateView ( SMESH::eDisplay, anIO->getEntry() );
if ( anActor )
if ( anActor->GetControlMode() != aControl )
anActor->SetControlMode( aControl );
QString functorName = functorToString( anActor->GetFunctor() );
int anEntitiesCount = anActor->GetNumberControlEntities();
if (anEntitiesCount >= 0)
functorName = functorName + ": " + QString::number(anEntitiesCount);
anActor->GetScalarBarActor()->SetTitle( functorName.toUtf8().constData() );
if ( anActor->GetPlot2Histogram() ) {
SPlot2d_Histogram* aHistogram = anActor->UpdatePlot2Histogram();
QString aHistogramName("%1 : %2");
aHistogramName = aHistogramName.arg( anIO->getName() ).arg( functorName );
aHistogram->setName( aHistogramName );
aHistogram->setHorTitle( functorName );
SMESH::ProcessIn2DViewers( anActor );
bool CheckOIType(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) & theIO,
SMESH::MeshObjectType theType,
const QString theInTypeName,
QString & theOutTypeName)
SMESH_TypeFilter aTypeFilter( theType );
QString entry;
if ( !theIO.IsNull() )
entry = theIO->getEntry();
LightApp_DataOwner owner( entry );
if ( aTypeFilter.isOk( &owner )) {
theOutTypeName = theInTypeName;
return true;
return false;
QString CheckTypeObject(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) & theIO)
_PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::getStudy();
_PTR(SObject) aSObj = aStudy->FindObjectID(theIO->getEntry());
if (aSObj) {
_PTR(SComponent) aSComp = aSObj->GetFatherComponent();
CORBA::String_var anID = aSComp->GetID().c_str();
if ( !strcmp(anID.in(),theIO->getEntry()) )
return "Component";
QString aTypeName;
if (
CheckOIType ( theIO, SMESH::HYPOTHESIS, "Hypothesis", aTypeName ) ||
CheckOIType ( theIO, SMESH::ALGORITHM, "Algorithm", aTypeName ) ||
CheckOIType ( theIO, SMESH::MESH, "Mesh", aTypeName ) ||
CheckOIType ( theIO, SMESH::SUBMESH, "SubMesh", aTypeName ) ||
CheckOIType ( theIO, SMESH::GROUP, "Group", aTypeName )
return aTypeName;
return "NoType";
// QString CheckHomogeneousSelection()
// {
// LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
// SALOME_ListIO selected;
// if ( aSel )
// aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
// QString RefType = CheckTypeObject(selected.First());
// SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It(selected);
// for ( ; It.More(); It.Next())
// {
// Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
// QString Type = CheckTypeObject(IObject);
// if ( Type.compare(RefType) != 0 )
// return "Heterogeneous Selection";
// }
// return RefType;
// }
uint randomize( uint size )
static bool initialized = false;
if ( !initialized ) {
qsrand( QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() );
initialized = true;
uint v = qrand();
v = uint( (double)( v ) / RAND_MAX * size );
v = qMax( uint(0), qMin ( v, size-1 ) );
return v;
} //namespace
void SMESHGUI::OnEditDelete()
// VSR 17/11/04: check if all objects selected belong to SMESH component --> start
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected; aSel->selectedObjects( selected, QString::null, false );
_PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::getStudy();
_PTR(StudyBuilder) aStudyBuilder = aStudy->NewBuilder();
_PTR(GenericAttribute) anAttr;
_PTR(AttributeIOR) anIOR;
const int objectCountLimit = 30; // PAL23599
int objectCount = 0;
QString aNameList;
QString aParentComponent = QString::null;
for( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO anIt( selected ); anIt.More(); anIt.Next() )
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = anIt.Value();
if ( anIO.IsNull() ) continue;
QString father = "unknown", name;
_PTR(SObject) aSO = aStudy->FindObjectID( anIO->getEntry() );
if (aSO) {
father = QString::fromStdString( aSO->GetFatherComponent()->ComponentDataType() );
// check if object is reference
_PTR(SObject) aRefSObj;
if ( aSO->ReferencedObject( aRefSObj ) ) {
name = QString::fromStdString ( aRefSObj->GetName() );
father = QString::fromStdString ( aRefSObj->GetFatherComponent()->ComponentDataType() );
name = anIO->getName();
if ( objectCount < objectCountLimit ) { // avoid occupying the whole screen
aNameList.append("\n - ");
aNameList.append( name );
if( aParentComponent.isNull() )
aParentComponent = father;
else if( !aParentComponent.isEmpty() && aParentComponent!=father )
aParentComponent = "";
if ( objectCount >= objectCountLimit )
aNameList.append("\n - ...");
if ( objectCount == 0 )
return; // No Valid Objects Selected
if ( aParentComponent != SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI()->name() ) {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( SMESHGUI::desktop(),
QObject::tr("NON_SMESH_OBJECTS_SELECTED").arg( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI()->moduleName() ) );
// VSR 17/11/04: check if all objects selected belong to SMESH component <-- finish
if (SUIT_MessageBox::warning
QObject::tr("SMESH_REALLY_DELETE").arg( objectCount ).arg( aNameList ),
SUIT_MessageBox::Yes | SUIT_MessageBox::No,
SUIT_MessageBox::Yes) != SUIT_MessageBox::Yes)
SalomeApp_Application* anApp = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
// Put one level of sub-objects of the selected SO's into a list
// in order to get objects inside folders like "Assigned Algorithms"
std::list< _PTR(SObject) > listSO;
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It(selected);
for( ; It.More(); It.Next()) // loop on selected IO's
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
if(IObject->hasEntry()) {
_PTR(SObject) aSO = aStudy->FindObjectID(IObject->getEntry());
// disable removal of "SMESH" component object
if(aSO->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeIOR")){
anIOR = anAttr;
if ( engineIOR() == anIOR->Value().c_str() )
//Check the referenced object
_PTR(SObject) aRefSObject;
if ( aSO && aSO->ReferencedObject( aRefSObject ) )
aSO = aRefSObject; // Delete main Object instead of reference
listSO.push_back( aSO );
_PTR(ChildIterator) it = aStudy->NewChildIterator( aSO );
for (it->InitEx(false); it->More(); it->Next())
listSO.push_back( it->Value() );
// Check if none of objects to delete is referred from outside
std::list< _PTR(SObject) >::reverse_iterator ritSO;
std::vector< _PTR(SObject) > subSO;
for ( ritSO = listSO.rbegin(); ritSO != listSO.rend(); ++ritSO )
_PTR(SObject) SO = *ritSO;
if ( !SO ) continue;
int nbChildren = SO->GetLastChildTag();
subSO.reserve( 1 + nbChildren );
subSO.push_back( SO );
if ( nbChildren > 0 )
_PTR(ChildIterator) it = aStudy->NewChildIterator( SO );
for ( it->InitEx( true ); it->More(); it->Next() )
subSO.push_back( it->Value() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < subSO.size(); ++i )
std::vector<_PTR(SObject)> aReferences = aStudy->FindDependances( subSO[i] );
for ( size_t j = 0; j < aReferences.size(); j++ ) {
_PTR(SComponent) aComponent = aReferences[j]->GetFatherComponent();
std::string type = aComponent->ComponentDataType();
if ( type != "SMESH" )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( anApp->desktop(),
QObject::tr("DEP_OBJECT") );
return; // outside SMESH, there is an object depending on a SMESH object
// Treat SO's in the list starting from the back
aStudyBuilder->NewCommand(); // There is a transaction
for ( ritSO = listSO.rbegin(); ritSO != listSO.rend(); ++ritSO )
_PTR(SObject) SO = *ritSO;
if ( !SO ) continue;
std::string anEntry = SO->GetID();
/** Erase graphical object and remove all its data **/
if ( SO->FindAttribute( anAttr, "AttributeIOR" )) {
SMESH::RemoveVisualObjectWithActors( anEntry.c_str(), true);
/** Remove an object from data structures **/
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroup = SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_narrow( SMESH::SObjectToObject( SO ));
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var aSubMesh = SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_narrow( SMESH::SObjectToObject( SO ));
if ( !aGroup->_is_nil() ) { // DELETE GROUP
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = aGroup->GetMesh();
aMesh->RemoveGroup( aGroup );
else if ( !aSubMesh->_is_nil() ) { // DELETE SUBMESH
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = aSubMesh->GetFather();
aMesh->RemoveSubMesh( aSubMesh );
else {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = new SALOME_InteractiveObject
( anEntry.c_str(), engineIOR().toLatin1().data(), SO->GetName().c_str() );
QString objType = CheckTypeObject(IObject);
if ( objType == "Hypothesis" || objType == "Algorithm" ) {// DELETE HYPOTHESIS
aStudyBuilder->RemoveObjectWithChildren( SO );
else {// default action: remove SObject from the study
// san - it's no use opening a transaction here until UNDO/REDO is provided in SMESH
//SUIT_Operation *op = new SALOMEGUI_ImportOperation(myActiveStudy);
aStudyBuilder->RemoveObjectWithChildren( SO );
} /* listSO back loop */
/* Clear any previous selection */
aSel->setSelectedObjects( l1 );
extern "C" {
SMESHGUI_EXPORT CAM_Module* createModule()
return new SMESHGUI();
SMESHGUI_EXPORT char* getModuleVersion() {
return (char*)SMESH_VERSION_STR;
SMESH::SMESH_Gen_var SMESHGUI::myComponentSMESH = SMESH::SMESH_Gen::_nil();
SalomeApp_Module( "SMESH" )
if ( CORBA::is_nil( myComponentSMESH ) )
CORBA::Boolean anIsEmbeddedMode;
myComponentSMESH = SMESH_Client::GetSMESHGen(getApp()->orb(),anIsEmbeddedMode);
//MESSAGE("-------------------------------> anIsEmbeddedMode=" << anIsEmbeddedMode);
// 0019923: EDF 765 SMESH : default values of hypothesis
SUIT_ResourceMgr* aResourceMgr = SMESH::GetResourceMgr(this);
int nbSeg = aResourceMgr->integerValue( "SMESH", "segmentation", 10 );
myComponentSMESH->SetBoundaryBoxSegmentation( nbSeg );
nbSeg = aResourceMgr->integerValue( "SMESH", "nb_segments_per_edge", 15 );
myComponentSMESH->SetDefaultNbSegments( nbSeg );
const char* options[] = { "historical_python_dump", "forget_mesh_on_hyp_modif", "default_grp_color" };
for ( size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(options)/sizeof(char*); ++i )
if ( aResourceMgr->hasValue( "SMESH", options[i] ))
QString val = aResourceMgr->stringValue( "SMESH", options[i] );
myComponentSMESH->SetOption( options[i], val.toLatin1().constData() );
myActiveDialogBox = 0;
myFilterLibraryDlg = 0;
myState = -1;
myDisplayer = 0;
myEventCallbackCommand = vtkCallbackCommand::New();
myEventCallbackCommand->SetClientData( this );
myEventCallbackCommand->SetCallback( SMESHGUI::ProcessEvents );
myPriority = 0.0;
/* load resources for all available meshers */
LightApp_SelectionMgr* SMESHGUI::selectionMgr()
SalomeApp_Application* anApp = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
if( anApp )
return dynamic_cast<LightApp_SelectionMgr*>( anApp->selectionMgr() );
return 0;
bool SMESHGUI::automaticUpdate(unsigned int requestedSize, bool* limitExceeded)
SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
if ( !resMgr )
return false;
bool autoUpdate = resMgr->booleanValue( "SMESH", "auto_update", false );
long updateLimit = resMgr->integerValue( "SMESH", "update_limit", 500000 );
bool exceeded = updateLimit > 0 && requestedSize > updateLimit;
if ( limitExceeded ) *limitExceeded = autoUpdate && exceeded;
return autoUpdate && !exceeded;
bool SMESHGUI::automaticUpdate( SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theMesh,
int* entities, bool* limitExceeded, int* hidden, long* nbElements )
SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
if ( !resMgr )
return false;
bool autoUpdate = resMgr->booleanValue( "SMESH", "auto_update", false );
long updateLimit = resMgr->integerValue( "SMESH", "update_limit", 500000 );
bool incrementalLimit = resMgr->booleanValue( "SMESH", "incremental_limit", false );
SMESH::long_array_var info = theMesh->GetMeshInfo();
long nbOdElems = info[SMDSEntity_0D];
long nbEdges = info[SMDSEntity_Edge] + info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Edge];
long nbFaces = info[SMDSEntity_Triangle] + info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Triangle] + info[SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Triangle] +
info[SMDSEntity_Quadrangle] + info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Quadrangle] + info[SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Quadrangle] +
info[SMDSEntity_Polygon] + info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Polygon];
long nbVolumes = info[SMDSEntity_Tetra] + info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Tetra] +
info[SMDSEntity_Hexa] + info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Hexa] + info[SMDSEntity_TriQuad_Hexa] +
info[SMDSEntity_Pyramid] + info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Pyramid] +
info[SMDSEntity_Penta] + info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Penta] + info[SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Penta] +
info[SMDSEntity_Polyhedra] +
long nbBalls = info[SMDSEntity_Ball];
long requestedSize = nbOdElems + nbBalls + nbEdges + nbFaces + nbVolumes;
*nbElements = requestedSize;
*entities = SMESH_Actor::eAllEntity;
*hidden = 0;
bool exceeded = updateLimit > 0 && requestedSize > updateLimit;
if ( limitExceeded ) *limitExceeded = autoUpdate && exceeded;
if ( incrementalLimit ) {
long total = 0;
if ( nbOdElems > 0 ) {
if ( total + nbOdElems > updateLimit ) {
*entities = *entities & ~SMESH_Actor::e0DElements;
*hidden = *hidden | SMESH_Actor::e0DElements;
exceeded = false;
total += nbOdElems;
if ( nbEdges > 0 ) {
if ( total + nbEdges > updateLimit ) {
*entities = *entities & ~SMESH_Actor::eEdges;
*hidden = *hidden | SMESH_Actor::eEdges;
exceeded = false;
total += nbEdges;
if ( nbFaces > 0 ) {
if ( total + nbFaces > updateLimit ) {
*entities = *entities & ~SMESH_Actor::eFaces;
*hidden = *hidden | SMESH_Actor::eFaces;
exceeded = false;
total += nbFaces;
if ( nbVolumes > 0 ) {
if ( total + nbVolumes > updateLimit ) {
*entities = *entities & ~SMESH_Actor::eVolumes;
*hidden = *hidden | SMESH_Actor::eVolumes;
exceeded = false;
total += nbVolumes;
if ( nbBalls > 0 ) {
if ( total + nbBalls > updateLimit ) {
*entities = *entities & ~SMESH_Actor::eBallElem;
*hidden = *hidden | SMESH_Actor::eBallElem;
exceeded = false;
total += nbBalls;
return autoUpdate && !exceeded;
SUIT_ResourceMgr* SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()
return dynamic_cast<SUIT_ResourceMgr*>( SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr() );
SMESHGUI* smeshMod = 0;
SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>(SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication());
if ( app )
CAM_Module* module = app->module( "Mesh" );
smeshMod = dynamic_cast<SMESHGUI*>( module );
return smeshMod;
extern "C"
Standard_EXPORT SMESHGUI* GetComponentGUI()
void SMESHGUI::SetState(int aState)
myState = aState;
void SMESHGUI::ResetState()
myState = -1;
void SMESHGUI::EmitSignalDeactivateDialog()
emit SignalDeactivateActiveDialog();
void SMESHGUI::EmitSignalStudyFrameChanged()
emit SignalStudyFrameChanged();
void SMESHGUI::EmitSignalCloseAllDialogs()
emit SignalCloseAllDialogs();
void SMESHGUI::EmitSignalVisibilityChanged()
emit SignalVisibilityChanged();
void SMESHGUI::EmitSignalCloseView()
emit SignalCloseView();
void SMESHGUI::EmitSignalActivatedViewManager()
emit SignalActivatedViewManager();
QDialog *SMESHGUI::GetActiveDialogBox()
return myActiveDialogBox;
void SMESHGUI::SetActiveDialogBox(QDialog * aDlg)
myActiveDialogBox = (QDialog *) aDlg;
SUIT_Desktop* SMESHGUI::desktop()
SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
if( app )
return app->desktop();
return 0;
SalomeApp_Study* SMESHGUI::activeStudy()
SUIT_Application* app = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication();
if( app )
return dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( app->activeStudy() );
return NULL;
void SMESHGUI::Modified( bool theIsUpdateActions )
if( SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() ) ) {
if( SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( app->activeStudy() ) ) {
if( theIsUpdateActions )
bool SMESHGUI::DefineDlgPosition(QWidget * aDlg, int &x, int &y)
/* Here the position is on the bottom right corner - 10 */
// aDlg->resize(QSize().expandedTo(aDlg->minimumSizeHint()));
SUIT_Desktop *PP = desktop();
x = abs(PP->x() + PP->size().width() - aDlg->size().width() - 10);
y = abs(PP->y() + PP->size().height() - aDlg->size().height() - 10);
return true;
* \brief Verifies whether study of operation is locked
* \param theMess - specifies whether message box must be shown if study is locked
* \return State of study.
* Verifies whether study of operation is locked. If second parameter is TRUE and study
* is locked when corresponding message box appears
bool SMESHGUI::isStudyLocked( bool theMessage )
if ( SMESH::getStudy()->GetProperties()->IsLocked() )
if ( theMessage )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( SMESHGUI::desktop(),
QObject::tr( "WRN_WARNING" ),
QObject::tr( "WRN_STUDY_LOCKED" ) );
return true;
return false;
bool SMESHGUI::OnGUIEvent( int theCommandID )
SalomeApp_Application* anApp = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( application() );
if( !anApp )
return false;
SUIT_ResourceMgr* mgr = resourceMgr();
if( !mgr )
return false;
SUIT_ViewWindow* view = application()->desktop()->activeWindow();
SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkwnd = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>( view );
//QAction* act = action( theCommandID );
switch (theCommandID) {
case SMESHOp::OpDelete:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
case SMESHOp::OpImportDAT:
case SMESHOp::OpImportUNV:
case SMESHOp::OpImportMED:
case SMESHOp::OpImportSTL:
case SMESHOp::OpImportCGNS:
case SMESHOp::OpImportSAUV:
case SMESHOp::OpImportGMF:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupImportDAT:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupImportUNV:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupImportMED:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupImportSTL:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupImportCGNS:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupImportSAUV:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupImportGMF:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
case SMESHOp::OpFileInformation:
SALOME_ListIO selected;
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
if( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
if( selected.Extent() )
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIObject = selected.First();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_Mesh>(anIObject);
if ( !aMesh->_is_nil() )
SMESHGUI_FileInfoDlg dlg( desktop(), aMesh->GetMEDFileInfo() );
case SMESHOp::OpExportDAT:
case SMESHOp::OpExportMED:
case SMESHOp::OpExportUNV:
case SMESHOp::OpExportSTL:
case SMESHOp::OpExportCGNS:
case SMESHOp::OpExportSAUV:
case SMESHOp::OpExportGMF:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupExportDAT:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupExportMED:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupExportUNV:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupExportSTL:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupExportCGNS:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupExportSAUV:
case SMESHOp::OpPopupExportGMF:
case SMESHOp::OpReset: // SCALAR BAR
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO it(selected);
for( ; it.More(); it.Next()) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = it.Value();
if( anIO->hasEntry() ) {
if( SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( anIO->getEntry() ) ) {
anActor->SetControlMode( SMESH_Actor::eNone );
case SMESHOp::OpScalarBarProperties:
SMESHGUI_Preferences_ScalarBarDlg::ScalarBarProperties( this );
case SMESHOp::OpShowScalarBar:
// show/hide scalar bar
case SMESHOp::OpSaveDistribution:
// dump control distribution data to the text file
case SMESHOp::OpShowDistribution:
// show/hide distribution
case SMESHOp::OpPlotDistribution:
// plot distribution
// Auto-color
case SMESHOp::OpAutoColor:
case SMESHOp::OpDisableAutoColor:
case SMESHOp::OpClipping:
case SMESHOp::OpTransparency:
case SMESHOp::OpProperties: // Display preferences (colors, shrink size, line width, ...)
// Display Mode
case SMESHOp::OpDMWireframe:
case SMESHOp::OpDMShading:
case SMESHOp::OpDMNodes:
case SMESHOp::OpDMShrink:
::SetDisplayMode(theCommandID, myMarkerMap);
//2D quadratic representation
case SMESHOp::OpRepresentationLines:
case SMESHOp::OpRepresentationArcs:
::SetDisplayMode(theCommandID, myMarkerMap);
// Display Entity
case SMESHOp::OpDE0DElements:
case SMESHOp::OpDEEdges:
case SMESHOp::OpDEFaces:
case SMESHOp::OpDEVolumes:
case SMESHOp::OpDEBalls:
case SMESHOp::OpDEAllEntity:
// Choose entities to be displayed
case SMESHOp::OpDEChoose:
( new SMESHGUI_DisplayEntitiesDlg( SMESHGUI::desktop() ) )->exec();
case SMESHOp::OpOrientationOnFaces:
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
LightApp_SelectionMgr* mgr = selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected; mgr->selectedObjects( selected );
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO it(selected);
for( ; it.More(); it.Next()) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIObject = it.Value();
if(anIObject->hasEntry()) {
if(SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry(anIObject->getEntry())){
anActor->SetFacesOriented( !anActor->GetFacesOriented() );
case SMESHOp::OpUpdate:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
try {
catch (std::bad_alloc&) { // PAL16774 (Crash after display of many groups)
catch (...) { // PAL16774 (Crash after display of many groups)
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
aSel->selectedObjects( l );
aSel->setSelectedObjects( l );
case SMESHOp::OpHide:
case SMESHOp::OpShow:
case SMESHOp::OpShowOnly:
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SMESH::EDisplaing anAction;
switch (theCommandID) {
case SMESHOp::OpHide: anAction = SMESH::eErase; break;
case SMESHOp::OpShow: anAction = SMESH::eDisplay; break;
case SMESHOp::OpShowOnly: anAction = SMESH::eDisplayOnly; break;
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO sel_objects, to_process;
if (aSel)
aSel->selectedObjects( sel_objects );
if ( theCommandID==SMESHOp::OpShowOnly )
//MESSAGE("anAction = SMESH::eDisplayOnly");
startOperation( myEraseAll );
extractContainers( sel_objects, to_process );
try {
if (vtkwnd) {
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( to_process );
for ( ; It.More(); It.Next())
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IOS = It.Value();
if ( IOS->hasEntry() )
if ( !SMESH::UpdateView( anAction, IOS->getEntry() )) {
break; // PAL16774 (Crash after display of many groups)
if (anAction == SMESH::eDisplayOnly)
anAction = SMESH::eDisplay;
// PAL13338 + PAL15161 -->
if ( ( theCommandID==SMESHOp::OpShow || theCommandID==SMESHOp::OpShowOnly ) && !isStudyLocked()) {
// PAL13338 + PAL15161 <--
catch (...) { // PAL16774 (Crash after display of many groups)
if (anAction == SMESH::eErase) {
aSel->setSelectedObjects( l1 );
aSel->setSelectedObjects( to_process );
if ( vtkwnd && vtkwnd->GetRenderer() && !isStudyLocked() &&
( theCommandID==SMESHOp::OpShow || theCommandID==SMESHOp::OpShowOnly ) )
case SMESHOp::OpNode:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( vtkwnd ) {
( new SMESHGUI_NodesDlg( this ) )->show();
else {
case SMESHOp::OpEditMeshOrSubMesh:
case SMESHOp::OpEditMesh:
case SMESHOp::OpEditSubMesh:
case SMESHOp::OpMeshOrder:
case SMESHOp::OpCreateSubMesh:
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
// fall through
case SMESHOp::OpCreateMesh:
case SMESHOp::OpCompute:
case SMESHOp::OpComputeSubMesh:
case SMESHOp::OpPreCompute:
case SMESHOp::OpEvaluate:
case SMESHOp::OpShowErrors:
startOperation( theCommandID );
case SMESHOp::OpRecompute:
if ( isStudyLocked() )
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if ( LightApp_SelectionMgr *sel = selectionMgr() )
sel->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.Extent() == 1 ) {
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::GetMeshByIO( selected.First() );
if ( !aMesh->_is_nil() )
startOperation( SMESHOp::OpCompute );
case SMESHOp::OpCopyMesh:
if (isStudyLocked()) break;
( new SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg( this ) )->show();
case SMESHOp::OpBuildCompoundMesh:
if (isStudyLocked()) break;
( new SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlg( this ) )->show();
case SMESHOp::OpDiagonalInversion:
case SMESHOp::OpUnionOfTwoTriangle:
if ( !vtkwnd )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( desktop(), tr( "SMESH_WRN_WARNING" ), tr( "NOT_A_VTK_VIEWER" ) );
if ( isStudyLocked() )
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
/*Standard_Boolean aRes;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_Mesh>(IObject);
if ( aMesh->_is_nil() )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning(GetDesktop(), tr( "SMESH_WRN_WARNING" ),
if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpDiagonalInversion )
( new SMESHGUI_TrianglesInversionDlg( this ) )->show();
( new SMESHGUI_UnionOfTwoTrianglesDlg( this ) )->show();
case SMESHOp::OpOrientation:
case SMESHOp::OpUnionOfTriangles:
case SMESHOp::OpCuttingOfQuadrangles:
case SMESHOp::OpSplitVolumes:
if ( !vtkwnd )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( desktop(), tr( "SMESH_WRN_WARNING" ), tr( "NOT_A_VTK_VIEWER" ) );
if ( isStudyLocked() )
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
SMESHGUI_MultiEditDlg* aDlg = NULL;
if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpOrientation )
aDlg = new SMESHGUI_ChangeOrientationDlg(this);
else if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpUnionOfTriangles )
aDlg = new SMESHGUI_UnionOfTrianglesDlg(this);
else if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpSplitVolumes )
aDlg = new SMESHGUI_SplitVolumesDlg(this);
aDlg = new SMESHGUI_CuttingOfQuadsDlg(this);
case SMESHOp::OpSmoothing:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if( vtkwnd ) {
( new SMESHGUI_SmoothingDlg( this ) )->show();
else {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning(desktop(), tr("SMESH_WRN_WARNING"), tr("SMESH_WRN_VIEWER_VTK"));
case SMESHOp::OpExtrusion:
if (isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if (vtkwnd) {
( new SMESHGUI_ExtrusionDlg ( this ) )->show();
} else {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning(desktop(),tr("SMESH_WRN_WARNING"), tr("SMESH_WRN_VIEWER_VTK"));
case SMESHOp::OpExtrusionAlongAPath:
if (isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if (vtkwnd) {
( new SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg( this ) )->show();
} else {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning(desktop(),tr("SMESH_WRN_WARNING"), tr("SMESH_WRN_VIEWER_VTK"));
case SMESHOp::OpRevolution:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if( vtkwnd ) {
( new SMESHGUI_RevolutionDlg( this ) )->show();
else {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning(desktop(),tr("SMESH_WRN_WARNING"), tr("SMESH_WRN_VIEWER_VTK"));
case SMESHOp::OpPatternMapping:
if ( isStudyLocked() )
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if ( vtkwnd )
( new SMESHGUI_MeshPatternDlg( this ) )->show();
else {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning(desktop(),tr("SMESH_WRN_WARNING"), tr("SMESH_WRN_VIEWER_VTK"));
case SMESHOp::OpSplitBiQuadratic:
case SMESHOp::OpConvertMeshToQuadratic:
case SMESHOp::OpCreateBoundaryElements: // create 2D mesh from 3D
case SMESHOp::OpReorientFaces:
case SMESHOp::OpCreateGeometryGroup:
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
startOperation( theCommandID );
case SMESHOp::OpCreateGroup:
if ( !vtkwnd )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( desktop(), tr( "SMESH_WRN_WARNING" ),tr( "NOT_A_VTK_VIEWER" ) );
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_nil();
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
int nbSel = selected.Extent();
if (nbSel == 1) {
// check if mesh is selected
aMesh = SMESH::GetMeshByIO( selected.First() );
SMESHGUI_GroupDlg *aDlg = new SMESHGUI_GroupDlg( this, aMesh);
case SMESHOp::OpConstructGroup:
if ( !vtkwnd )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( desktop(), tr( "SMESH_WRN_WARNING" ),tr( "NOT_A_VTK_VIEWER" ) );
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
int nbSel = selected.Extent();
if (nbSel == 1) {
// check if submesh is selected
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = selected.First();
if (IObject->hasEntry()) {
_PTR(SObject) aSObj = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID(IObject->getEntry());
if( aSObj ) {
SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var aSubMesh = SMESH::SMESH_subMesh::_narrow( SMESH::SObjectToObject( aSObj ) );
if (!aSubMesh->_is_nil()) {
try {
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = aSubMesh->GetFather();
// get submesh elements list by types
SMESH::long_array_var aNodes = aSubMesh->GetElementsByType(SMESH::NODE);
SMESH::long_array_var aEdges = aSubMesh->GetElementsByType(SMESH::EDGE);
SMESH::long_array_var aFaces = aSubMesh->GetElementsByType(SMESH::FACE);
SMESH::long_array_var aVolumes = aSubMesh->GetElementsByType(SMESH::VOLUME);
// create group for each type o elements
QString aName = IObject->getName();
QStringList anEntryList;
if (aNodes->length() > 0) {
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var aGroup = SMESH::AddGroup(aMesh, SMESH::NODE, aName + "_Nodes");
if( _PTR(SObject) aSObject = SMESH::ObjectToSObject( aGroup ) )
anEntryList.append( aSObject->GetID().c_str() );
if (aEdges->length() > 0) {
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var aGroup = SMESH::AddGroup(aMesh, SMESH::EDGE, aName + "_Edges");
if( _PTR(SObject) aSObject = SMESH::ObjectToSObject( aGroup ) )
anEntryList.append( aSObject->GetID().c_str() );
if (aFaces->length() > 0) {
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var aGroup = SMESH::AddGroup(aMesh, SMESH::FACE, aName + "_Faces");
if( _PTR(SObject) aSObject = SMESH::ObjectToSObject( aGroup ) )
anEntryList.append( aSObject->GetID().c_str() );
if (aVolumes->length() > 0) {
SMESH::SMESH_Group_var aGroup = SMESH::AddGroup(aMesh, SMESH::VOLUME, aName + "_Volumes");
if( _PTR(SObject) aSObject = SMESH::ObjectToSObject( aGroup ) )
anEntryList.append( aSObject->GetID().c_str() );
anApp->browseObjects( anEntryList );
catch(const SALOME::SALOME_Exception & S_ex){
else if(nbSel==0) {
case SMESHOp::OpEditGroup:
if ( !vtkwnd )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( desktop(), tr( "SMESH_WRN_WARNING" ),tr( "NOT_A_VTK_VIEWER" ) );
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It (selected);
int nbSelectedGroups = 0;
for ( ; It.More(); It.Next() )
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroup =
if (!aGroup->_is_nil()) {
SMESHGUI_GroupDlg *aDlg = new SMESHGUI_GroupDlg( this, aGroup);
if (nbSelectedGroups == 0)
SMESHGUI_GroupDlg *aDlg = new SMESHGUI_GroupDlg( this, SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase::_nil());
case SMESHOp::OpAddElemGroupPopup: // Add elements to group
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if (myState == 800) {
SMESHGUI_GroupDlg *aDlg = (SMESHGUI_GroupDlg*) myActiveDialogBox;
if (aDlg) aDlg->onAdd();
case SMESHOp::OpRemoveElemGroupPopup: // Remove elements from group
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if (myState == 800) {
SMESHGUI_GroupDlg *aDlg = (SMESHGUI_GroupDlg*) myActiveDialogBox;
if (aDlg) aDlg->onRemove();
case SMESHOp::OpEditGeomGroupAsGroup:
if ( !vtkwnd )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( desktop(), tr( "SMESH_WRN_WARNING" ),tr( "NOT_A_VTK_VIEWER" ) );
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It (selected);
for ( ; It.More(); It.Next() )
SMESH::SMESH_GroupOnGeom_var aGroup =
if (!aGroup->_is_nil()) {
SMESHGUI_GroupDlg *aDlg = new SMESHGUI_GroupDlg( this, aGroup, true );
SMESH::SMESH_GroupOnFilter_var aGroup =
if (!aGroup->_is_nil()) {
SMESHGUI_GroupDlg *aDlg = new SMESHGUI_GroupDlg( this, aGroup, true );
case SMESHOp::OpUnionGroups:
case SMESHOp::OpIntersectGroups:
case SMESHOp::OpCutGroups:
if ( !vtkwnd )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( desktop(), tr( "SMESH_WRN_WARNING" ),tr( "NOT_A_VTK_VIEWER" ) );
if ( isStudyLocked() )
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
SMESHGUI_GroupOpDlg* aDlg = 0;
if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpUnionGroups )
aDlg = new SMESHGUI_UnionGroupsDlg( this );
else if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpIntersectGroups )
aDlg = new SMESHGUI_IntersectGroupsDlg( this );
aDlg = new SMESHGUI_CutGroupsDlg( this );
case SMESHOp::OpGroupUnderlyingElem: // Create groups of entities from existing groups of superior dimensions
if ( isStudyLocked() )
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
SMESHGUI_GroupOpDlg* aDlg = new SMESHGUI_DimGroupDlg( this );
case SMESHOp::OpFaceGroupsByEdges: // Create face groups separated by sharp edges
if ( isStudyLocked() )
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
SMESHGUI_FaceGroupsSeparatedByEdgesDlg* aDlg = new SMESHGUI_FaceGroupsSeparatedByEdgesDlg( this );
case SMESHOp::OpDeleteGroup: // Delete groups with their contents
if ( !vtkwnd )
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( desktop(), tr( "SMESH_WRN_WARNING" ),tr( "NOT_A_VTK_VIEWER" ) );
if ( isStudyLocked() )
( new SMESHGUI_DeleteGroupDlg( this ) )->show();
case SMESHOp::OpMeshInformation:
case SMESHOp::OpWhatIs:
int page = theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpMeshInformation ? SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::BaseInfo : SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::ElemInfo;
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.Extent() > 1 ) { // a dlg for each IO
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected );
for ( ; It.More(); It.Next() ) {
SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg* dlg = new SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg( SMESHGUI::desktop(), page );
dlg->showInfo( It.Value() );
else {
SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg* dlg = new SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg( SMESHGUI::desktop(), page );
case SMESHOp::OpFindElementByPoint:
startOperation( theCommandID );
case SMESHOp::OpEditHypothesis:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
int nbSel = selected.Extent();
if (nbSel == 1) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIObject = selected.First();
SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_var aHypothesis = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis>(anIObject);
if ( !aHypothesis->_is_nil() )
SMESHGUI_GenericHypothesisCreator* aCreator =
SMESH::GetHypothesisCreator( SMESH::toQStr( aHypothesis->GetName() ));
if (aCreator)
// set geometry of mesh and sub-mesh to aCreator
aSel->selectedObjects( selected, "", /*convertReferences=*/false);
if ( selected.Extent() == 1 )
QString subGeomID, meshGeomID;
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) hypIO = selected.First();
if ( SMESH::GetGeomEntries( hypIO, subGeomID, meshGeomID ))
if ( subGeomID.isEmpty() ) subGeomID = meshGeomID;
aCreator->setShapeEntry( subGeomID );
aCreator->setMainShapeEntry( meshGeomID );
aCreator->edit( aHypothesis.in(), anIObject->getName(), desktop(), this, SLOT( onHypothesisEdit( int ) ) );
// report error
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if( aSel )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected, QString::null, false );
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It(selected);
for (int i = 0; It.More(); It.Next(), i++) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = It.Value();
aSel->setSelectedObjects( l1 );
case SMESHOp::OpElem0D:
case SMESHOp::OpBall:
case SMESHOp::OpEdge:
case SMESHOp::OpTriangle:
case SMESHOp::OpQuadrangle:
case SMESHOp::OpPolygon:
case SMESHOp::OpTetrahedron:
case SMESHOp::OpHexahedron:
case SMESHOp::OpPentahedron:
case SMESHOp::OpPyramid:
case SMESHOp::OpHexagonalPrism:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if ( vtkwnd ) {
SMDSAbs_EntityType type = SMDSEntity_Edge;
switch (theCommandID) {
case SMESHOp::OpElem0D: type = SMDSEntity_0D; break;
case SMESHOp::OpBall: type = SMDSEntity_Ball; break;
case SMESHOp::OpTriangle: type = SMDSEntity_Triangle; break;
case SMESHOp::OpQuadrangle: type = SMDSEntity_Quadrangle; break;
case SMESHOp::OpTetrahedron: type = SMDSEntity_Tetra; break;
case SMESHOp::OpPolygon: type = SMDSEntity_Polygon; break;
case SMESHOp::OpHexahedron: type = SMDSEntity_Hexa; break;
case SMESHOp::OpPentahedron: type = SMDSEntity_Penta; break;
case SMESHOp::OpPyramid: type = SMDSEntity_Pyramid; break;
case SMESHOp::OpHexagonalPrism: type = SMDSEntity_Hexagonal_Prism; break;
( new SMESHGUI_AddMeshElementDlg( this, type ) )->show();
else {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning(desktop(),tr("SMESH_WRN_WARNING"), tr("SMESH_WRN_VIEWER_VTK"));
case SMESHOp::OpPolyhedron:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if ( vtkwnd ) {
( new SMESHGUI_CreatePolyhedralVolumeDlg( this ) )->show();
else {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning(desktop(),tr("SMESH_WRN_WARNING"), tr("SMESH_WRN_VIEWER_VTK"));
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticEdge:
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticTriangle:
case SMESHOp::OpBiQuadraticTriangle:
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticQuadrangle:
case SMESHOp::OpBiQuadraticQuadrangle:
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticPolygon:
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticTetrahedron:
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticPyramid:
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticPentahedron:
case SMESHOp::OpBiQuadraticPentahedron:
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticHexahedron:
case SMESHOp::OpTriQuadraticHexahedron:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if ( vtkwnd ) {
SMDSAbs_EntityType type = SMDSEntity_Last;
switch (theCommandID) {
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticEdge: type = SMDSEntity_Quad_Edge; break;
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticTriangle: type = SMDSEntity_Quad_Triangle; break;
case SMESHOp::OpBiQuadraticTriangle: type = SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Triangle; break;
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticQuadrangle: type = SMDSEntity_Quad_Quadrangle; break;
case SMESHOp::OpBiQuadraticQuadrangle: type = SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Quadrangle; break;
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticPolygon: type = SMDSEntity_Quad_Polygon; break;
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticTetrahedron: type = SMDSEntity_Quad_Tetra; break;
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticPyramid: type = SMDSEntity_Quad_Pyramid; break;
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticPentahedron: type = SMDSEntity_Quad_Penta; break;
case SMESHOp::OpBiQuadraticPentahedron: type = SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Penta; break;
case SMESHOp::OpQuadraticHexahedron: type = SMDSEntity_Quad_Hexa; break;
case SMESHOp::OpTriQuadraticHexahedron: type = SMDSEntity_TriQuad_Hexa; break;
default: break;
if ( type != SMDSEntity_Last )
( new SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg( this, type ) )->show();
else {
case SMESHOp::OpRemoveNodes:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if ( vtkwnd ) {
( new SMESHGUI_RemoveNodesDlg( this ) )->show();
else {
case SMESHOp::OpRemoveElements: // REMOVES ELEMENTS
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if( vtkwnd ) {
( new SMESHGUI_RemoveElementsDlg( this ) )->show();
case SMESHOp::OpClearMesh: {
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if( LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr() )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It (selected);
for ( ; It.More(); It.Next() )
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IOS = It.Value();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_Mesh>(IOS);
if ( aMesh->_is_nil()) continue;
try {
if ( aMesh->NbNodes() == 0 ) // imported mesh is not empty
SMESH::RemoveVisualObjectWithActors(IOS->getEntry(), true);
_PTR(SObject) aMeshSObj = SMESH::FindSObject(aMesh);
// hide groups and submeshes
_PTR(ChildIterator) anIter =
SMESH::getStudy()->NewChildIterator( aMeshSObj );
for ( anIter->InitEx(true); anIter->More(); anIter->Next() )
_PTR(SObject) so = anIter->Value();
SMESH::RemoveVisualObjectWithActors(so->GetID().c_str(), true);
catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& S_ex){
case SMESHOp::OpRemoveOrphanNodes:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if( LightApp_SelectionMgr *aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr() )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.Extent() == 1 ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = selected.First();
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::GetMeshByIO(anIO);
if ( !aMesh->_is_nil() ) {
bool confirm = SUIT_MessageBox::question( SMESHGUI::desktop(),
SUIT_MessageBox::Yes |
SUIT_MessageBox::No ) == SUIT_MessageBox::Yes;
if( confirm ) {
try {
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_var aMeshEditor = aMesh->GetMeshEditor();
int removed = aMeshEditor->RemoveOrphanNodes();
if ( removed > 0 ) {
catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& S_ex) {
catch (...) {
case SMESHOp::OpRenumberingNodes:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if( vtkwnd ) {
( new SMESHGUI_RenumberingDlg( this, 0 ) )->show();
case SMESHOp::OpRenumberingElements:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if ( vtkwnd ) {
( new SMESHGUI_RenumberingDlg( this, 1 ) )->show();
case SMESHOp::OpTranslation:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if ( vtkwnd ) {
( new SMESHGUI_TranslationDlg( this ) )->show();
else {
case SMESHOp::OpRotation:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if( vtkwnd ) {
( new SMESHGUI_RotationDlg( this ) )->show();
else {
case SMESHOp::OpSymmetry:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if(vtkwnd) {
( new SMESHGUI_SymmetryDlg( this ) )->show();
else {
case SMESHOp::OpScale:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if ( vtkwnd ) {
( new SMESHGUI_ScaleDlg( this ) )->show();
else {
case SMESHOp::OpOffset:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if ( vtkwnd ) {
( new SMESHGUI_OffsetDlg( this ) )->show();
else {
case SMESHOp::OpSewing:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if(vtkwnd) {
( new SMESHGUI_SewingDlg( this ) )->show();
else {
case SMESHOp::OpMergeNodes:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if(vtkwnd) {
( new SMESHGUI_MergeDlg( this, 0 ) )->show();
else {
case SMESHOp::OpMergeElements:
if (isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if (vtkwnd) {
( new SMESHGUI_MergeDlg( this, 1 ) )->show();
} else {
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
startOperation( SMESHOp::OpMoveNode );
case SMESHOp::OpDuplicateNodes:
if(isStudyLocked()) break;
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
if ( vtkwnd ) {
( new SMESHGUI_DuplicateNodesDlg( this ) )->show();
else {
case SMESHOp::OpElem0DOnElemNodes: // 0D_ON_ALL_NODES
if ( warnOnGeomModif() )
break; // action forbidden as geometry modified
startOperation( SMESHOp::OpElem0DOnElemNodes );
case SMESHOp::OpSelectFiltersLibrary: // Library of selection filters
static QList<int> aTypes;
if ( aTypes.isEmpty() )
aTypes.append( SMESH::NODE );
aTypes.append( SMESH::EDGE );
aTypes.append( SMESH::FACE );
aTypes.append( SMESH::VOLUME );
if (!myFilterLibraryDlg)
myFilterLibraryDlg = new SMESHGUI_FilterLibraryDlg( this, SMESH::GetDesktop( this ), aTypes, SMESHGUI_FilterLibraryDlg::EDIT );
else if (myFilterLibraryDlg->isHidden())
myFilterLibraryDlg->Init( aTypes, SMESHGUI_FilterLibraryDlg::EDIT );
case SMESHOp::OpFreeNode:
case SMESHOp::OpEqualNode:
case SMESHOp::OpNodeConnectivityNb:
case SMESHOp::OpFreeEdge:
case SMESHOp::OpFreeBorder:
case SMESHOp::OpLength:
case SMESHOp::OpConnection:
case SMESHOp::OpEqualEdge:
case SMESHOp::OpFreeFace:
case SMESHOp::OpBareBorderFace:
case SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedFace:
case SMESHOp::OpLength2D:
case SMESHOp::OpDeflection2D:
case SMESHOp::OpConnection2D:
case SMESHOp::OpArea:
case SMESHOp::OpTaper:
case SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio:
case SMESHOp::OpMinimumAngle:
case SMESHOp::OpWarpingAngle:
case SMESHOp::OpSkew:
case SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength2D:
case SMESHOp::OpEqualFace:
case SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio3D:
case SMESHOp::OpVolume:
case SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength3D:
case SMESHOp::OpBareBorderVolume:
case SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedVolume:
case SMESHOp::OpEqualVolume:
if ( vtkwnd ) {
LightApp_SelectionMgr* mgr = selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected; mgr->selectedObjects( selected );
if( !selected.IsEmpty() ) {
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
::Control( theCommandID );
else {
tr( "NOT_A_VTK_VIEWER" ) );
case SMESHOp::OpOverallMeshQuality:
case SMESHOp::OpNumberingNodes:
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
LightApp_SelectionMgr* mgr = selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected; mgr->selectedObjects( selected );
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO it(selected);
for( ; it.More(); it.Next()) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIObject = it.Value();
if(anIObject->hasEntry()) {
if(SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry(anIObject->getEntry())){
anActor->SetPointsLabeled( !anActor->GetPointsLabeled() );
case SMESHOp::OpNumberingElements:
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
LightApp_SelectionMgr* mgr = selectionMgr();
SALOME_ListIO selected; mgr->selectedObjects( selected );
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO it(selected);
for( ; it.More(); it.Next()) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIObject = it.Value();
if(SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry(anIObject->getEntry())){
anActor->SetCellsLabeled( !anActor->GetCellsLabeled() );
case SMESHOp::OpPropertiesLength:
case SMESHOp::OpPropertiesArea:
case SMESHOp::OpPropertiesVolume:
case SMESHOp::OpMinimumDistance:
case SMESHOp::OpBoundingBox:
case SMESHOp::OpAngle:
int page = SMESHGUI_MeasureDlg::MinDistance;
if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpBoundingBox )
page = SMESHGUI_MeasureDlg::BoundingBox;
else if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPropertiesLength )
page = SMESHGUI_MeasureDlg::Length;
else if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPropertiesArea )
page = SMESHGUI_MeasureDlg::Area;
else if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpPropertiesVolume )
page = SMESHGUI_MeasureDlg::Volume;
else if ( theCommandID == SMESHOp::OpAngle )
page = SMESHGUI_MeasureDlg::Angle;
SMESHGUI_MeasureDlg* dlg = new SMESHGUI_MeasureDlg( SMESHGUI::desktop(), page );
case SMESHOp::OpSortChild:
case SMESHOp::OpBreakLink:
anApp->updateActions(); //SRN: To update a Save button in the toolbar
return true;
bool SMESHGUI::OnMousePress( QMouseEvent * /*pe*/, SUIT_ViewWindow * /*wnd*/ )
return false;
bool SMESHGUI::OnMouseMove( QMouseEvent * /*pe*/, SUIT_ViewWindow * /*wnd*/ )
return true;
bool SMESHGUI::OnKeyPress( QKeyEvent * /*pe*/, SUIT_ViewWindow * /*wnd*/ )
return true;
/*! Method: BuildPresentation(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& theIO)
* Purpose: ensures that the actor for the given <theIO> exists in the active VTK view
void SMESHGUI::BuildPresentation( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) & theIO,
SUIT_ViewWindow* wnd )
//SUIT_ViewWindow* wnd = SMESH::GetActiveWindow();
// function : createSMESHAction
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI::createSMESHAction( const int id, const QString& po_id, const QString& icon_id,
const int key, const bool toggle, const QString& shortcutAction )
QIcon icon;
QWidget* parent = application()->desktop();
SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = resourceMgr();
QPixmap pix;
if ( !icon_id.isEmpty() )
pix = resMgr->loadPixmap( "SMESH", tr( icon_id.toLatin1().data() ) );
pix = resMgr->loadPixmap( "SMESH", tr( QString( "ICON_%1" ).arg( po_id ).toLatin1().data() ), false );
if ( !pix.isNull() )
icon = QIcon( pix );
QString tooltip = tr( QString( "TOP_%1" ).arg( po_id ).toLatin1().data() ),
menu = tr( QString( "MEN_%1" ).arg( po_id ).toLatin1().data() ),
status_bar = tr( QString( "STB_%1" ).arg( po_id ).toLatin1().data() );
createAction( id, tooltip, icon, menu, status_bar, key, parent,
toggle, this, SLOT( OnGUIEvent() ), shortcutAction );
// function : createPopupItem
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI::createPopupItem( const int id,
const QString& clients,
const QString& types,
const QString& theRule,
const int pId )
if( !popupMgr()->contains( popupMgr()->actionId( action( id ) ) ) )
popupMgr()->insert( action( id ), pId, 0 );
QString lc = "$"; // VSR : instead of QtxPopupSelection::defEquality();
QString dc = "selcount"; // VSR : instead of QtxPopupSelection::defSelCountParam()
QString rule = "(%1) and (%2) and (%3)";
rule = rule.arg( QString( "%1>0" ).arg( dc ) );
if( clients.isEmpty() )
rule = rule.arg( QString( "true" ) );
rule = rule.arg( QString( "%1client in {%2}" ).arg( lc ).arg( clients ) );
rule = rule.arg( QString( "%1type in {%2}" ).arg( lc ).arg( types ) );
rule += theRule;
bool cont = myRules.contains( id );
if( cont )
rule = QString( "%1 or (%2)" ).arg( myRules[ id ] ).arg( rule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( id ), rule, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
myRules[ id ] = QString( cont ? "%1" : "(%1)" ).arg( rule );
// function : initialize
// purpose :
void SMESHGUI::initialize( CAM_Application* app )
SalomeApp_Module::initialize( app );
// SUIT_ResourceMgr* mgr = app->resourceMgr();
// if ( mgr )
/* Automatic Update flag */
// myAutomaticUpdate = mgr->booleanValue( "SMESH", "AutomaticUpdate", myAutomaticUpdate );
// ----- create actions --------------
//createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpImportDAT, "IMPORT_DAT", "", (Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_B) );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpImportUNV, "IMPORT_UNV", "", (Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_I) );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpImportMED, "IMPORT_MED", "", (Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_M) );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpImportSTL, "IMPORT_STL" );
#ifdef WITH_CGNS
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpImportCGNS, "IMPORT_CGNS" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpImportSAUV, "IMPORT_SAUV" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpImportGMF, "IMPORT_GMF" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPopupImportUNV, "IMPORT_UNV");
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPopupImportMED, "IMPORT_MED");
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPopupImportSTL, "IMPORT_STL" );
#ifdef WITH_CGNS
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPopupImportCGNS, "IMPORT_CGNS" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPopupImportSAUV, "IMPORT_SAUV" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPopupImportGMF, "IMPORT_GMF" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpExportDAT, "DAT" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpExportMED, "MED" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpExportUNV, "UNV" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpExportSTL, "STL" );
#ifdef WITH_CGNS
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpExportCGNS, "CGNS");
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpExportSAUV, "SAUV");
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpExportGMF, "GMF" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPopupExportDAT, "DAT" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPopupExportMED, "MED" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPopupExportUNV, "UNV" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPopupExportSTL, "STL" );
#ifdef WITH_CGNS
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPopupExportCGNS, "CGNS");
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPopupExportSAUV, "SAUV");
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPopupExportGMF, "GMF" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpFileInformation, "FILE_INFO" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDelete, "DELETE", "ICON_DELETE", Qt::Key_Delete );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpSelectFiltersLibrary, "SEL_FILTER_LIB" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpCreateMesh, "CREATE_MESH", "ICON_DLG_INIT_MESH" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpEditMesh, "EDIT_MESH", "ICON_DLG_EDIT_MESH" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpCopyMesh, "COPY_MESH", "ICON_COPY_MESH" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpCompute, "COMPUTE", "ICON_COMPUTE" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpComputeSubMesh, "COMPUTE_SUBMESH", "ICON_COMPUTE" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpRecompute, "RE_COMPUTE", "ICON_COMPUTE" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpShowErrors, "SHOW_ERRORS", "ICON_SHOW_ERRORS" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpEvaluate, "EVALUATE", "ICON_EVALUATE" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpMeshOrder, "MESH_ORDER", "ICON_MESH_ORDER");
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpCreateGeometryGroup, "CREATE_GEO_GROUP", "ICON_CREATE_GEO_GROUP" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpEditGroup, "EDIT_GROUP", "ICON_EDIT_GROUP" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpUnionGroups, "UN_GROUP", "ICON_UNION" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpIntersectGroups, "INT_GROUP", "ICON_INTERSECT" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpCutGroups, "CUT_GROUP", "ICON_CUT" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpAddElemGroupPopup, "ADD_TO_GROUP" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpRemoveElemGroupPopup, "REMOVE_FROM_GROUP" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDeleteGroup, "DEL_GROUP", "ICON_DEL_GROUP" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpMeshInformation , "ADV_INFO", "ICON_ADV_INFO" );
//createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpStdInfo, "STD_INFO", "ICON_STD_INFO" );
//createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpWhatIs, "WHAT_IS", "ICON_WHAT_IS" ); // VSR: issue #0021242 (eliminate "Mesh Element Information" command)
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpFindElementByPoint, "FIND_ELEM", "ICON_FIND_ELEM" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpFreeNode, "FREE_NODE", "ICON_FREE_NODE", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpEqualNode, "EQUAL_NODE", "ICON_EQUAL_NODE", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpNodeConnectivityNb, "NODE_CONNECTIVITY_NB", "ICON_NODE_CONN_NB", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpFreeEdge, "FREE_EDGE", "ICON_FREE_EDGE", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpFreeBorder, "FREE_BORDER", "ICON_FREE_EDGE_2D", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpLength, "LENGTH", "ICON_LENGTH", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpConnection, "CONNECTION", "ICON_CONNECTION", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpEqualEdge, "EQUAL_EDGE", "ICON_EQUAL_EDGE", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpFreeFace, "FREE_FACES", "ICON_FREE_FACES", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpBareBorderFace, "BARE_BORDER_FACE", "ICON_BARE_BORDER_FACE", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedFace, "OVER_CONSTRAINED_FACE", "ICON_OVER_CONSTRAINED_FACE", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpLength2D, "LENGTH_2D", "ICON_LENGTH_2D", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDeflection2D, "DEFLECTION_2D", "ICON_DEFLECTION_2D", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpConnection2D, "CONNECTION_2D", "ICON_CONNECTION_2D", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpArea, "AREA", "ICON_AREA", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpTaper, "TAPER", "ICON_TAPER", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio, "ASPECT", "ICON_ASPECT", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpMinimumAngle, "MIN_ANG", "ICON_ANGLE", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpWarpingAngle, "WARP", "ICON_WARP", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpSkew, "SKEW", "ICON_SKEW", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength2D, "MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_2D", "ICON_MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_2D", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpEqualFace, "EQUAL_FACE", "ICON_EQUAL_FACE", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio3D, "ASPECT_3D", "ICON_ASPECT_3D", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpVolume, "VOLUME_3D", "ICON_VOLUME_3D", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength3D, "MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_3D", "ICON_MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_3D", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpBareBorderVolume, "BARE_BORDER_VOLUME", "ICON_BARE_BORDER_VOLUME", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpEqualVolume, "EQUAL_VOLUME", "ICON_EQUAL_VOLUME", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpNode, "NODE", "ICON_DLG_NODE" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpElem0D, "ELEM0D", "ICON_DLG_ELEM0D" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpElem0DOnElemNodes, "0D_ON_ALL_NODES", "ICON_0D_ON_ALL_NODES" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpBall, "BALL", "ICON_DLG_BALL" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpEdge, "EDGE", "ICON_DLG_EDGE" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpTriangle, "TRIANGLE", "ICON_DLG_TRIANGLE" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpQuadrangle, "QUAD", "ICON_DLG_QUADRANGLE" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPolygon, "POLYGON", "ICON_DLG_POLYGON" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpTetrahedron, "TETRA", "ICON_DLG_TETRAS" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpHexahedron, "HEXA", "ICON_DLG_HEXAS" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPentahedron, "PENTA", "ICON_DLG_PENTA" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPyramid , "PYRAMID", "ICON_DLG_PYRAMID" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpHexagonalPrism, "OCTA", "ICON_DLG_OCTA" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpRemoveNodes, "REMOVE_NODES", "ICON_DLG_REM_NODE" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpClearMesh, "CLEAR_MESH", "ICON_CLEAR_MESH" );
//createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpRenumberingNodes, "RENUM_NODES", "ICON_DLG_RENUMBERING_NODES" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpRotation, "ROT", "ICON_DLG_MESH_ROTATION" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpScale, "SCALE", "ICON_DLG_MESH_SCALE" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpMergeNodes, "MERGE", "ICON_SMESH_MERGE_NODES" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDiagonalInversion, "INV", "ICON_DLG_MESH_DIAGONAL" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpUnionOfTwoTriangle, "UNION2", "ICON_UNION2TRI" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpReorientFaces, "REORIENT_2D", "ICON_REORIENT_2D" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpUnionOfTriangles, "UNION", "ICON_UNIONTRI" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpCuttingOfQuadrangles, "CUT", "ICON_CUTQUAD" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpSplitVolumes, "SPLIT_TO_TETRA", "ICON_SPLIT_TO_TETRA" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpSplitBiQuadratic, "SPLIT_BIQUAD", "ICON_SPLIT_BIQUAD" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpSmoothing, "SMOOTH", "ICON_DLG_SMOOTHING" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpExtrusion, "EXTRUSION", "ICON_EXTRUSION" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpRevolution, "REVOLUTION", "ICON_REVOLUTION" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPatternMapping, "MAP", "ICON_MAP" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpConvertMeshToQuadratic, "CONV_TO_QUAD", "ICON_CONV_TO_QUAD" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpCreateBoundaryElements, "2D_FROM_3D", "ICON_2D_FROM_3D" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpReset, "RESET" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpScalarBarProperties, "SCALAR_BAR_PROP" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpShowScalarBar, "SHOW_SCALAR_BAR","",0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpSaveDistribution, "SAVE_DISTRIBUTION" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpShowDistribution, "SHOW_DISTRIBUTION","",0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPlotDistribution, "PLOT_DISTRIBUTION" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDMWireframe, "WIRE", "ICON_WIRE", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDMShading, "SHADE", "ICON_SHADE", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDMNodes, "NODES", "ICON_POINTS", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDMShrink, "SHRINK", "ICON_SHRINK", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpUpdate, "UPDATE", "ICON_UPDATE" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDE0DElements, "ELEMS0D", "ICON_DLG_ELEM0D", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDEEdges, "EDGES", "ICON_DLG_EDGE", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDEFaces, "FACES", "ICON_DLG_TRIANGLE", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDEVolumes, "VOLUMES", "ICON_DLG_TETRAS", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDEBalls, "BALLS", "ICON_DLG_BALL", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDEChoose, "CHOOSE", "ICON_DLG_CHOOSE", 0, false );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDEAllEntity, "ALL", "ICON_DLG_CHOOSE_ALL", 0, false );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpOrientationOnFaces, "FACE_ORIENTATION", "", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpRepresentationLines, "LINE_REPRESENTATION", "", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpRepresentationArcs, "ARC_REPRESENTATION", "", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpEditHypothesis, "EDIT_HYPO" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpUnassign, "UNASSIGN" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpNumberingNodes, "NUM_NODES", "", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpNumberingElements, "NUM_ELEMENTS", "", 0, true );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpProperties, "COLORS" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpTransparency, "TRANSP" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpClipping, "CLIP" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpAutoColor, "AUTO_COLOR" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDisableAutoColor, "DISABLE_AUTO_COLOR" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPropertiesLength, "MEASURE_LENGTH", "ICON_MEASURE_LENGTH" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPropertiesArea, "MEASURE_AREA", "ICON_MEASURE_AREA" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPropertiesVolume, "MEASURE_VOLUME", "ICON_MEASURE_VOLUME" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpHide, "HIDE", "ICON_HIDE" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpShow, "SHOW", "ICON_SHOW" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpShowOnly, "DISPLAY_ONLY" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpSortChild, "SORT_CHILD_ITEMS" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpBreakLink, "BREAK_SHAPER_LINK" );
QList<int> aCtrlActions;
aCtrlActions << SMESHOp::OpFreeNode << SMESHOp::OpEqualNode
<< SMESHOp::OpNodeConnectivityNb // node controls
<< SMESHOp::OpFreeEdge << SMESHOp::OpFreeBorder
<< SMESHOp::OpLength << SMESHOp::OpConnection << SMESHOp::OpEqualEdge // edge controls
<< SMESHOp::OpDeflection2D
<< SMESHOp::OpFreeFace << SMESHOp::OpLength2D << SMESHOp::OpConnection2D
<< SMESHOp::OpArea << SMESHOp::OpTaper << SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio
<< SMESHOp::OpMinimumAngle << SMESHOp::OpWarpingAngle << SMESHOp::OpSkew
<< SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength2D << SMESHOp::OpBareBorderFace
<< SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedFace << SMESHOp::OpEqualFace // face controls
<< SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio3D << SMESHOp::OpVolume
<< SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength3D << SMESHOp::OpBareBorderVolume
<< SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedVolume << SMESHOp::OpEqualVolume; // volume controls
QActionGroup* aCtrlGroup = new QActionGroup( application()->desktop() );
aCtrlGroup->setExclusive( true );
for( int i = 0; i < aCtrlActions.size(); i++ )
aCtrlGroup->addAction( action( aCtrlActions[i] ) );
// ----- create menu --------------
int fileId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_FILE" ), -1, 1 ),
editId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_EDIT" ), -1, 3 ),
toolsId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_TOOLS" ), -1, 5, 50 ),
meshId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_MESH" ), -1, 70, 10 ),
ctrlId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_CTRL" ), -1, 60, 10 ),
modifyId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_MODIFY" ), -1, 40, 10 ),
measureId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_MEASURE" ), -1, 50, 10 ),
viewId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_VIEW" ), -1, 2 );
createMenu( separator(), fileId );
QMenu* nodeMenu = new QMenu(); QMenu* edgeMenu = new QMenu();
QMenu* faceMenu = new QMenu(); QMenu* volumeMenu = new QMenu();
int importId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_IMPORT" ), fileId, -1, 10 ),
exportId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_EXPORT" ), fileId, -1, 10 ),
nodeId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_NODE_CTRL" ), ctrlId, -1, 10, -1, nodeMenu ),
edgeId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_EDGE_CTRL" ), ctrlId, -1, 10, -1, edgeMenu ),
faceId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_FACE_CTRL" ), ctrlId, -1, 10, -1, faceMenu ),
volumeId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_VOLUME_CTRL" ), ctrlId, -1, 10, -1, volumeMenu ),
addId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_ADD" ), modifyId, 402 ),
removeId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_REMOVE" ), modifyId, 403 ),
//renumId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_RENUM" ), modifyId, 404 ),
transfId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_TRANSF" ), modifyId, 405 ),
basicPropId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_BASIC_PROPERTIES" ), measureId, -1, 10 );
//createMenu( SMESHOp::OpImportDAT, importId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpImportUNV, importId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpImportMED, importId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpImportSTL, importId, -1 );
#ifdef WITH_CGNS
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpImportCGNS, importId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpImportSAUV, importId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpImportGMF, importId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpExportDAT, exportId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpExportMED, exportId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpExportUNV, exportId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpExportSTL, exportId, -1 );
#ifdef WITH_CGNS
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpExportCGNS, exportId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpExportSAUV, exportId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpExportGMF, exportId, -1 );
createMenu( separator(), fileId, 10 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpDelete, editId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpSelectFiltersLibrary, toolsId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpCreateMesh, meshId, -1 ); // "Mesh" menu
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpCreateSubMesh, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpEditMeshOrSubMesh, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpBuildCompoundMesh, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpCopyMesh, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( separator(), meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpCompute, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpPreCompute, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpEvaluate, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpMeshOrder, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( separator(), meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpCreateGroup, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpCreateGeometryGroup, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpConstructGroup, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpEditGroup, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpEditGeomGroupAsGroup, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( separator(), meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpUnionGroups, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpIntersectGroups, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpCutGroups, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( separator(), meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpGroupUnderlyingElem, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpFaceGroupsByEdges, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( separator(), meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpMeshInformation, meshId, -1 );
//createMenu( SMESHOp::OpStdInfo, meshId, -1 );
//createMenu( SMESHOp::OpWhatIs, meshId, -1 ); // VSR: issue #0021242 (eliminate "Mesh Element Information" command)
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpFindElementByPoint, meshId, -1 );
createMenu( separator(), meshId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpFreeNode, nodeId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpEqualNode, nodeId, -1 );
//createMenu( SMESHOp::OpNodeConnectivityNb, nodeId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpFreeBorder, edgeId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpLength, edgeId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpConnection, edgeId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpEqualEdge, edgeId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpFreeEdge, faceId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpFreeFace, faceId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpBareBorderFace, faceId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedFace, faceId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpLength2D, faceId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpConnection2D, faceId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpArea, faceId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpTaper, faceId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio, faceId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpMinimumAngle, faceId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpWarpingAngle, faceId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpSkew, faceId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength2D, faceId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpEqualFace, faceId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpDeflection2D, faceId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio3D, volumeId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpVolume, volumeId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength3D, volumeId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpBareBorderVolume, volumeId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedVolume, volumeId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpEqualVolume, volumeId, -1 );
createMenu( separator(), ctrlId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpReset, ctrlId, -1 );
createMenu( separator(), ctrlId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpOverallMeshQuality, ctrlId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpNode, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpElem0D, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpElem0DOnElemNodes, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpBall, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpEdge, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpTriangle, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpQuadrangle, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpPolygon, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpTetrahedron, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpHexahedron, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpPentahedron, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpPyramid, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpHexagonalPrism, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpPolyhedron, addId, -1 );
createMenu( separator(), addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticEdge, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticTriangle, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpBiQuadraticTriangle , addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticQuadrangle, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpBiQuadraticQuadrangle, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticPolygon, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticTetrahedron, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticPyramid, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticPentahedron, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpBiQuadraticPentahedron, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticHexahedron, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpTriQuadraticHexahedron, addId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpRemoveNodes, removeId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpRemoveElements, removeId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpRemoveOrphanNodes, removeId, -1 );
createMenu( separator(), removeId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpDeleteGroup, removeId, -1 );
createMenu( separator(), removeId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpClearMesh, removeId, -1 );
//createMenu( SMESHOp::OpRenumberingNodes, renumId, -1 );
//createMenu( SMESHOp::OpRenumberingElements, renumId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpMergeNodes, transfId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpMergeElements, transfId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpTranslation, transfId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpRotation, transfId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpSymmetry, transfId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpScale, transfId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpOffset, transfId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpSewing, transfId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpDuplicateNodes, transfId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpConvertMeshToQuadratic, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpCreateBoundaryElements, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpExtrusion, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpExtrusionAlongAPath, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpRevolution, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpOrientation, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpReorientFaces, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpMoveNode, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpDiagonalInversion, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpUnionOfTwoTriangle, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpUnionOfTriangles, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpCuttingOfQuadrangles, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpSplitVolumes, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpSplitBiQuadratic, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpSmoothing, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpPatternMapping, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpMinimumDistance, measureId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpBoundingBox, measureId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpAngle, measureId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpPropertiesLength, basicPropId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpPropertiesArea, basicPropId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpPropertiesVolume, basicPropId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpUpdate, viewId, -1 );
connect( nodeMenu, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, SLOT( onUpdateControlActions() ) );
connect( edgeMenu, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, SLOT( onUpdateControlActions() ) );
connect( faceMenu, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, SLOT( onUpdateControlActions() ) );
connect( volumeMenu, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, SLOT( onUpdateControlActions() ) );
// ----- create toolbars --------------
int meshTb = createTool( tr( "TB_MESH" ), QString( "SMESHMeshToolbar" ) ),
info = createTool( tr( "TB_INFO" ), QString( "SMESHInformationToolbar" ) ),
groupTb = createTool( tr( "TB_GROUP" ), QString( "SMESHGroupToolbar" ) ),
ctrl0dTb = createTool( tr( "TB_CTRL0D" ), QString( "SMESHNodeControlsToolbar" ) ),
ctrl1dTb = createTool( tr( "TB_CTRL1D" ), QString( "SMESHEdgeControlsToolbar" ) ),
ctrl2dTb = createTool( tr( "TB_CTRL2D" ), QString( "SMESHFaceControlsToolbar" ) ),
ctrl3dTb = createTool( tr( "TB_CTRL3D" ), QString( "SMESHVolumeControlsToolbar" ) ),
addElemTb = createTool( tr( "TB_ADD" ), QString( "SMESHAddElementToolbar" ) ),
addNonElemTb = createTool( tr( "TB_ADDNON" ), QString( "SMESHAddElementToolbar" ) ),
remTb = createTool( tr( "TB_REM" ), QString( "SMESHRemoveToolbar" ) ),
//renumbTb = createTool( tr( "TB_RENUMBER" ), QString( "SMESHRenumberingToolbar" ) ),
transformTb = createTool( tr( "TB_TRANSFORM" ), QString( "SMESHTransformationToolbar" ) ),
modifyTb = createTool( tr( "TB_MODIFY" ), QString( "SMESHModificationToolbar" ) ),
measuremTb = createTool( tr( "TB_MEASUREM" ), QString( "SMESHMeasurementsToolbar" ) ),
dispModeTb = createTool( tr( "TB_DISP_MODE" ), QString( "SMESHDisplayModeToolbar" ) );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpCreateMesh, meshTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpCreateSubMesh, meshTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpEditMeshOrSubMesh, meshTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpBuildCompoundMesh, meshTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpCopyMesh, meshTb );
createTool( separator(), meshTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpCompute, meshTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpPreCompute, meshTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpEvaluate, meshTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpMeshOrder, meshTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpCreateGroup, groupTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpCreateGeometryGroup, groupTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpConstructGroup, groupTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpEditGroup, groupTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpMeshInformation, info );
//createTool( SMESHOp::OpStdInfo, meshTb );
//createTool( SMESHOp::OpWhatIs, meshTb ); // VSR: issue #0021242 (eliminate "Mesh Element Information" command)
createTool( SMESHOp::OpFindElementByPoint, info );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpFreeNode, ctrl0dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpEqualNode, ctrl0dTb );
//createTool( SMESHOp::OpNodeConnectivityNb, ctrl0dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpFreeBorder, ctrl1dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpLength, ctrl1dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpConnection, ctrl1dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpEqualEdge, ctrl1dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpFreeEdge, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpFreeFace, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpBareBorderFace, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedFace, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpLength2D, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpConnection2D, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpArea, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpTaper, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpMinimumAngle, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpWarpingAngle, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpSkew, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength2D, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpEqualFace, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpDeflection2D, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio3D, ctrl3dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpVolume, ctrl3dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength3D, ctrl3dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpBareBorderVolume, ctrl3dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedVolume, ctrl3dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpEqualVolume, ctrl3dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpNode, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpElem0D, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpElem0DOnElemNodes, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpBall, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpEdge, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpTriangle, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpQuadrangle, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpPolygon, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpTetrahedron, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpHexahedron, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpPentahedron, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpPyramid, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpHexagonalPrism, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpPolyhedron, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticEdge, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticTriangle, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpBiQuadraticTriangle, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticQuadrangle, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpBiQuadraticQuadrangle, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticPolygon, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticTetrahedron, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticPyramid, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticPentahedron, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpBiQuadraticPentahedron, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticHexahedron, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpTriQuadraticHexahedron, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpRemoveNodes, remTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpRemoveElements, remTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpRemoveOrphanNodes, remTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpClearMesh, remTb );
//createTool( SMESHOp::OpRenumberingNodes, renumbTb );
//createTool( SMESHOp::OpRenumberingElements, renumbTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpMergeNodes, transformTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpMergeElements, transformTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpTranslation, transformTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpRotation, transformTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpSymmetry, transformTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpScale, transformTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpOffset, transformTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpSewing, transformTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpDuplicateNodes, transformTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpConvertMeshToQuadratic, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpCreateBoundaryElements, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpExtrusion, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpExtrusionAlongAPath, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpRevolution, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpOrientation, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpReorientFaces, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpMoveNode, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpDiagonalInversion, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpUnionOfTwoTriangle, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpUnionOfTriangles, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpCuttingOfQuadrangles, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpSplitVolumes, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpSplitBiQuadratic, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpSmoothing, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpPatternMapping, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpMinimumDistance, measuremTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpUpdate, dispModeTb );
QString lc = "$"; // VSR : instead of QtxPopupSelection::defEquality();
QString dc = "selcount"; // VSR : instead of QtxPopupSelection::defSelCountParam()
OB = "'ObjectBrowser'",
View = "'" + SVTK_Viewer::Type() + "'",
pat = "'%1'",
mesh = pat.arg( SMESHGUI_Selection::typeName( SMESH::MESH ) ),
group = pat.arg( SMESHGUI_Selection::typeName( SMESH::GROUP ) ),
hypo = pat.arg( SMESHGUI_Selection::typeName( SMESH::HYPOTHESIS ) ),
algo = pat.arg( SMESHGUI_Selection::typeName( SMESH::ALGORITHM ) ),
smesh = pat.arg( SMESHGUI_Selection::typeName( SMESH::COMPONENT ) ),
elems = QString( "'%1' '%2' '%3' '%4' '%5' '%6'" ).
arg( SMESHGUI_Selection::typeName( SMESH::SUBMESH_VERTEX ) ).
arg( SMESHGUI_Selection::typeName( SMESH::SUBMESH_EDGE ) ).
arg( SMESHGUI_Selection::typeName( SMESH::SUBMESH_FACE ) ).
arg( SMESHGUI_Selection::typeName( SMESH::SUBMESH_SOLID ) ).
arg( SMESHGUI_Selection::typeName( SMESH::SUBMESH_COMPOUND ) ).
arg( SMESHGUI_Selection::typeName( SMESH::SUBMESH ) ),
subMesh = elems,
mesh_part = mesh + " " + subMesh + " " + group,
mesh_group = mesh + " " + group,
mesh_submesh = mesh + " " + subMesh,
hyp_alg = hypo + " " + algo;
// popup for object browser
isInvisible("not( isVisible )"),
isEmpty("numberOfNodes = 0"),
isNotEmpty("numberOfNodes <> 0"),
// has nodes, edges, etc in VISIBLE! actor
hasNodes("(numberOfNodes > 0 ) && hasActor"),
hasElems("(count( elemTypes ) > 0)"),
hasDifferentElems("(count( elemTypes ) > 1)"),
hasDifferentObjElems("(count( objElemTypes ) > 1)"),
hasBalls("({'BallElem'} in elemTypes)"),
hasElems0d("({'Elem0d'} in elemTypes)"),
hasEdges("({'Edge'} in elemTypes)"),
hasFaces("({'Face'} in elemTypes)"),
hasVolumes("({'Volume'} in elemTypes)"),
hasFacesOrVolumes("(({'Face'} in elemTypes) || ({'Volume'} in elemTypes)) ");
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpEditMesh, OB, mesh, "&& selcount=1" );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpCreateSubMesh, OB, mesh, "&& hasGeomReference");
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpMeshOrder, OB, mesh, "&& selcount=1 && hasAlgo && hasGeomReference" );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpEditSubMesh, OB, subMesh, "&& selcount=1 && hasGeomReference" );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpEditGroup, OB, group );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpEditGeomGroupAsGroup, OB, group, "&& groupType != 'Group'" );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpCompute, OB, mesh, "&& selcount=1 && hasAlgo && isComputable" );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpRecompute, OB, mesh, "&& selcount=1 && hasAlgo && (" + isNotEmpty + " || hasErrors )");
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpShowErrors, OB, mesh, "&& selcount=1 && hasErrors" );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpComputeSubMesh, OB, subMesh, "&& selcount=1 && hasAlgo && isComputable" );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpPreCompute, OB, mesh, "&& selcount=1 && hasAlgo && isPreComputable" );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpEvaluate, OB, mesh, "&& selcount=1 && hasAlgo && isComputable" );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpFileInformation, OB, mesh, "&& selcount=1 && isImported" );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpMeshInformation, OB, mesh_part );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpFindElementByPoint,OB, mesh_group, "&& selcount=1 && " + hasElems );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpOverallMeshQuality,OB, mesh_part );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpCreateGroup, OB, mesh, "&& selcount=1" );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpCreateGeometryGroup, OB, mesh, "&& selcount=1 && hasGeomReference" );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpConstructGroup, OB, subMesh );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpEditHypothesis, OB, hypo, "&& isEditableHyp");
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpUnassign, OB, hyp_alg );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpConvertMeshToQuadratic, OB, mesh_submesh, "&& " + hasElems );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpCreateBoundaryElements, OB, mesh_group, "&& selcount=1 && dim>=2");
//popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
//popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
QString only_one_non_empty = QString( " && %1=1 && numberOfNodes>0" ).arg( dc );
QString multiple_non_empty = QString( " && %1>0 && numberOfNodes>0" ).arg( dc );
QString only_one_2D = only_one_non_empty + " && dim>1";
int anId = popupMgr()->insert( tr( "MEN_EXPORT" ), -1, -1 ); // EXPORT submenu
popupMgr()->findMenu( anId )->menuAction()->setIcon( resourceMgr()->loadPixmap( "SMESH", tr( "ICON_EXPORT" )));
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpPopupExportMED, OB, mesh_group, multiple_non_empty, anId );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpPopupExportUNV, OB, mesh_group, only_one_non_empty, anId );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpPopupExportSTL, OB, mesh_group, only_one_2D, anId );
#ifdef WITH_CGNS
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpPopupExportCGNS, OB, mesh_group, multiple_non_empty, anId );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpPopupExportSAUV, OB, mesh_group, only_one_non_empty, anId );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpPopupExportGMF, OB, mesh_group, only_one_non_empty, anId );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpPopupExportDAT, OB, mesh_group, only_one_non_empty, anId );
anId = popupMgr()->insert( tr( "MEN_IMPORT" ), -1, -1 ); // IMPORT submenu
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpPopupImportMED, OB, smesh, "", anId );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpPopupImportUNV, OB, smesh, "", anId );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpPopupImportSTL, OB, smesh, "", anId );
#ifdef WITH_CGNS
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpPopupImportCGNS, OB, smesh, "", anId );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpPopupImportSAUV, OB, smesh, "", anId );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpPopupImportGMF, OB, smesh, "", anId );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpPopupImportDAT, OB, smesh, "", anId );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpClearMesh, OB, mesh );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpDelete, OB, mesh_part + " " + hyp_alg );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpDeleteGroup, OB, group );
// popup for viewer
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpEditGroup, View, group );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpAddElemGroupPopup, View, elems, "&& guiState = 800" );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpRemoveElemGroupPopup, View, elems, "&& guiState = 800" );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpMeshInformation, View, mesh_part );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpOverallMeshQuality, View, mesh_part );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpFindElementByPoint, View, mesh, "&& " + hasElems);
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpUpdate, OB + " " + View, mesh_part );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpAutoColor, OB + " " + View, mesh, "&& (not isAutoColor)" );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpDisableAutoColor, OB + " " + View, mesh, "&& isAutoColor" );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
QString aClient = QString( "%1client in {%2}" ).arg( lc ).arg( "'VTKViewer'" );
QString aType = QString( "%1type in {%2}" ).arg( lc );
aType = aType.arg( mesh_part );
QString aMeshInVTK = aClient + "&&" + aType;
aClient = "($client in {'VTKViewer' 'ObjectBrowser'})";
QString anActiveVTK = QString("activeView = '%1'").arg(SVTK_Viewer::Type());
QString aSelCount = QString( "%1 > 0" ).arg( dc );
// Numbering
anId = popupMgr()->insert( tr( "MEN_NUM" ), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpNumberingNodes ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpNumberingNodes ), aMeshInVTK + "&& isVisible &&" + hasNodes, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpNumberingNodes ), "{'Point'} in labeledTypes", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpNumberingElements ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpNumberingElements ), aMeshInVTK + "&& isVisible &&" + hasElems, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpNumberingElements ), "{'Cell'} in labeledTypes", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, -1 );
// Display Mode
anId = popupMgr()->insert( tr( "MEN_DISPMODE" ), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpDMWireframe ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDMWireframe ), aMeshInVTK + "&&" + hasElems, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDMWireframe ), "displayMode = 'eEdge'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpDMShading ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDMShading ),aMeshInVTK+ "&& (" + hasFaces + "||" + hasVolumes + ")", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule);
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDMShading ), "displayMode = 'eSurface'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpDMNodes ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDMNodes ), aMeshInVTK + "&&" + hasNodes + "&&" + hasElems, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDMNodes ), "displayMode = 'ePoint'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpDMShrink ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDMShrink ), aMeshInVTK + "&& shrinkMode <> 'IsNotShrinkable' && displayMode <> 'ePoint'", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule);
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDMShrink ), "shrinkMode = 'IsShrunk'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
// Display Entity
QString aDiffElemsInVTK = aMeshInVTK + "&&" + hasDifferentElems;
anId = popupMgr()->insert( tr( "MEN_DISP_ENT" ), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpDE0DElements ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDE0DElements ), aDiffElemsInVTK + "&& isVisible &&" + hasElems0d, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule);
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDE0DElements ), "{'Elem0d'} in entityMode", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule);
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpDEEdges ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDEEdges ), aDiffElemsInVTK + "&& isVisible &&" + hasEdges, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDEEdges ), "{'Edge'} in entityMode", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpDEFaces ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDEFaces ), aDiffElemsInVTK + "&& isVisible &&" + hasFaces, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDEFaces ), "{'Face'} in entityMode", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpDEVolumes ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDEVolumes ), aDiffElemsInVTK + "&& isVisible &&" + hasVolumes, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDEVolumes ), "{'Volume'} in entityMode", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpDEBalls ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDEBalls ), aDiffElemsInVTK + "&& isVisible &&" + hasBalls, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDEBalls ), "{'BallElem'} in entityMode", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpDEChoose ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDEChoose ), aClient + "&& $type in {" + mesh + "} &&" + hasDifferentObjElems, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpDEAllEntity ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDEAllEntity ), aDiffElemsInVTK + "&& isVisible && not( elemTypes in entityMode )", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
// Representation of the 2D Quadratic elements
anId = popupMgr()->insert( tr( "MEN_QUADRATIC_REPRESENT" ), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpRepresentationLines ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpRepresentationLines ), aMeshInVTK + "&& isVisible && isQuadratic",QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpRepresentationLines ), "quadratic2DMode = 'eLines'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpRepresentationArcs ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpRepresentationArcs ), aMeshInVTK + "&& isVisible && isQuadratic", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpRepresentationArcs ), "quadratic2DMode = 'eArcs'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
// Orientation of faces
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpOrientationOnFaces ), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpOrientationOnFaces ), aMeshInVTK + "&& isVisible", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule);
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpOrientationOnFaces ), "facesOrientationMode = 'IsOriented'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
// Color / Size
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpProperties ), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpProperties ), aMeshInVTK + "&& isVisible", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
// Transparency
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpTransparency ), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpTransparency ), aMeshInVTK + "&& isVisible", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
// Controls
aMeshInVtkHasNodes = aMeshInVTK + "&&" + hasNodes,
aMeshInVtkHasEdges = aMeshInVTK + "&&" + hasEdges,
aMeshInVtkHasFaces = aMeshInVTK + "&&" + hasFaces,
aMeshInVtkHasVolumes = aMeshInVTK + "&&" + hasVolumes;
anId = popupMgr()->insert( tr( "MEN_CTRL" ), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpReset ), anId, -1 ); // RESET
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpReset ), aMeshInVTK + "&& controlMode <> 'eNone'", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), anId, -1 );
int aSubId = popupMgr()->insert( tr( "MEN_NODE_CTRL" ), anId, -1 ); // NODE CONTROLS
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpFreeNode ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpFreeNode ), aMeshInVtkHasNodes, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpFreeNode ), "controlMode = 'eFreeNodes'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpEqualNode ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpEqualNode ), aMeshInVtkHasNodes, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpEqualNode ), "controlMode = 'eCoincidentNodes'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule);
// popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpNodeConnectivityNb ), aSubId, -1 );
// popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpNodeConnectivityNb ), aMeshInVtkHasNodes, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
// popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpNodeConnectivityNb ), "controlMode = 'eNodeConnectivityNb'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
aSubId = popupMgr()->insert( tr( "MEN_EDGE_CTRL" ), anId, -1 ); // EDGE CONTROLS
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpFreeBorder ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpFreeBorder ), aMeshInVTK + "&&" + hasEdges + "&&" + hasFacesOrVolumes, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpFreeBorder ), "controlMode = 'eFreeBorders'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpLength ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpLength ), aMeshInVtkHasEdges, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpLength ), "controlMode = 'eLength'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpConnection ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpConnection ), aMeshInVtkHasEdges, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpConnection ), "controlMode = 'eMultiConnection'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpEqualEdge ), aSubId, -1 ); // EQUAL_EDGE
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpEqualEdge ), aMeshInVtkHasEdges, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpEqualEdge ), "controlMode = 'eCoincidentElems1D'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule);
aSubId = popupMgr()->insert( tr( "MEN_FACE_CTRL" ), anId, -1 ); // FACE CONTROLS
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpFreeEdge ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpFreeEdge ), aMeshInVtkHasFaces, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpFreeEdge ), "controlMode = 'eFreeEdges'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpFreeFace ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpFreeFace ), aMeshInVtkHasFaces /*aMeshInVtkHasVolumes*/,
QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpFreeFace ), "controlMode = 'eFreeFaces'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpLength2D ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpLength2D ), aMeshInVtkHasFaces, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpLength2D ), "controlMode = 'eLength2D'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpConnection2D ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpConnection2D ), aMeshInVtkHasFaces, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpConnection2D ), "controlMode = 'eMultiConnection2D'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpArea ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpArea ), aMeshInVtkHasFaces, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpArea ), "controlMode = 'eArea'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpTaper ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpTaper ), aMeshInVtkHasFaces, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpTaper ), "controlMode = 'eTaper'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio ), aMeshInVtkHasFaces, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio ), "controlMode = 'eAspectRatio'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpMinimumAngle ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpMinimumAngle ), aMeshInVtkHasFaces, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpMinimumAngle ), "controlMode = 'eMinimumAngle'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpWarpingAngle ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpWarpingAngle ), aMeshInVtkHasFaces, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpWarpingAngle ), "controlMode = 'eWarping'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpSkew ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpSkew ), aMeshInVtkHasFaces, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpSkew ), "controlMode = 'eSkew'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength2D ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength2D ), aMeshInVtkHasFaces, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength2D ), "controlMode = 'eMaxElementLength2D'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpBareBorderFace ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpBareBorderFace ), aMeshInVtkHasFaces, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpBareBorderFace ), "controlMode = 'eBareBorderFace'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedFace ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedFace ), aMeshInVtkHasFaces, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedFace ), "controlMode = 'eOverConstrainedFace'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpEqualFace ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpEqualFace ), aMeshInVtkHasFaces, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpEqualFace ), "controlMode = 'eCoincidentElems2D'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpDeflection2D ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDeflection2D ), aMeshInVtkHasFaces + " && hasGeomReference", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpDeflection2D ), "controlMode = 'eDeflection2D'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
aSubId = popupMgr()->insert( tr( "MEN_VOLUME_CTRL" ), anId, -1 ); // VOLUME CONTROLS
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio3D ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio3D ), aMeshInVtkHasVolumes, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio3D ), "controlMode = 'eAspectRatio3D'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpVolume ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpVolume ), aMeshInVtkHasVolumes, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpVolume ), "controlMode = 'eVolume3D'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength3D ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength3D ), aMeshInVtkHasVolumes, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength3D ), "controlMode = 'eMaxElementLength3D'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpBareBorderVolume ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpBareBorderVolume ), aMeshInVtkHasVolumes, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpBareBorderVolume ), "controlMode = 'eBareBorderVolume'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedVolume ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedVolume ), aMeshInVtkHasVolumes, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedVolume ), "controlMode = 'eOverConstrainedVolume'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert ( action( SMESHOp::OpEqualVolume ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpEqualVolume ), aMeshInVtkHasVolumes, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpEqualVolume ), "controlMode = 'eCoincidentElems3D'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpShowScalarBar ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpShowScalarBar ), aMeshInVTK + "&& controlMode <> 'eNone'", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpShowScalarBar ), aMeshInVTK + "&& controlMode <> 'eNone' && isScalarBarVisible", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpScalarBarProperties ), anId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpScalarBarProperties ), aMeshInVTK + "&& controlMode <> 'eNone'", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), anId, -1 );
aSubId = popupMgr()->insert( tr( "MEN_DISTRIBUTION_CTRL" ), anId, -1 ); // NODE CONTROLS
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpSaveDistribution ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpSaveDistribution ), aMeshInVTK + "&& isNumFunctor", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpShowDistribution ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpShowDistribution ), aMeshInVTK + "&& isNumFunctor", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpShowDistribution ), aMeshInVTK + "&& isNumFunctor && isScalarBarVisible && isDistributionVisible", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule);
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpPlotDistribution ), aSubId, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpPlotDistribution ), aMeshInVTK + "&& isNumFunctor", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
// Show / Hide
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, -1 );
QString aRule = "$component={'SMESH'} and ( type='Component' or (" + aClient + " and " +
aType + " and " + aSelCount + " and " + anActiveVTK + " and " + isNotEmpty + " %1 ) )";
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpShow ), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpShow ), aRule.arg( "and (not isVisible)" ), QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpHide ), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpHide ), aRule.arg( "and isVisible" ), QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpShowOnly ), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpShowOnly ), aRule.arg( "" ), QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, -1 );
// Clipping
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpClipping ), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpClipping ), "client='VTKViewer'", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpSortChild ), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpSortChild ), "$component={'SMESH'} and client='ObjectBrowser' and isContainer and nbChildren>1", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->insert( action( SMESHOp::OpBreakLink), -1, -1 );
popupMgr()->setRule( action( SMESHOp::OpBreakLink), "$component={'SHAPERSTUDY'} and client='ObjectBrowser' and canBreakLink", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
connect( application(), SIGNAL( viewManagerActivated( SUIT_ViewManager* ) ),
this, SLOT( onViewManagerActivated( SUIT_ViewManager* ) ) );
connect( application(), SIGNAL( viewManagerRemoved( SUIT_ViewManager* ) ),
this, SLOT( onViewManagerRemoved( SUIT_ViewManager* ) ) );
* \brief Return true if SMESH or GEOM objects are selected.
* Is called form LightApp_Module::activateModule() which clear selection if
* not isSelectionCompatible()
bool SMESHGUI::isSelectionCompatible()
bool isCompatible = true;
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if ( LightApp_SelectionMgr *Sel = selectionMgr() )
Sel->selectedObjects( selected );
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected );
for ( ; isCompatible && It.More(); It.Next())
isCompatible =
( strcmp("GEOM", It.Value()->getComponentDataType()) == 0 ) ||
( strcmp("SHAPERSTUDY", It.Value()->getComponentDataType()) == 0 ) ||
( strcmp("SMESH", It.Value()->getComponentDataType()) == 0 );
return isCompatible;
bool SMESHGUI::reusableOperation( const int id )
// compute, evaluate and precompute are not reusable operations
return ( id == SMESHOp::OpCompute || id == SMESHOp::OpPreCompute || id == SMESHOp::OpEvaluate || id == SMESHOp::OpRecompute ) ? false : SalomeApp_Module::reusableOperation( id );
QString wrap(const QString& text, const QString& tag)
{ return QString("<%1>%2</%3>").arg(tag).arg(text).arg(tag);}
bool SMESHGUI::activateModule( SUIT_Study* study )
bool res = SalomeApp_Module::activateModule( study );
setMenuShown( true );
setToolShown( true );
// Fill in Help Panel
SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( application() );
int gb = app->infoPanel()->addGroup(tr("INFO_GRP_CREATE_MESH"));
QString lab;
QStringList items;
lab = tr("INFO_DEFINE_ALGOS") + "<br/>";
lab = lab + tr("INFO_DEFINE_HYPOS") + "<br/>";
lab = lab + tr("INFO_COMPUTE") + "<br/>";
lab = lab + tr("INFO_REFINE") + ":";
items << wrap(tr("INFO_REFINE_LOCAL_SIZE"), "li")
<< wrap(tr("INFO_REFINE_SUBMESH"), "li");
lab = lab + wrap(items.join(""), "ul");
app->infoPanel()->addLabel(lab, gb);
gb = app->infoPanel()->addGroup(tr("INFO_GRP_IMPORT_MESH"));
items << wrap("UNV", "li")
<< wrap("MED", "li")
<< wrap("STL", "li")
<< wrap("CGNS", "li")
<< wrap("SAUV", "li")
<< wrap("GMF", "li");
lab = tr("INFO_AVAILABLE_FORMATS") + ":" + wrap(items.join(""), "ul");
app->infoPanel()->addLabel(lab, gb);
gb = app->infoPanel()->addGroup(tr("INFO_GRP_CHECK_MESH"));
lab = tr("INFO_DISPLAY") + "<br/>";
items << wrap(tr("INFO_QUALITY_AREA"), "li")
<< wrap(tr("INFO_QUALITY_VOLUME"), "li")
<< wrap(tr("INFO_QUALITY_ASPECT_RATION"), "li")
<< wrap("...", "li");
lab = lab + tr("INFO_QUALITY_INFO") + ":" + wrap(items.join(""), "ul");
lab = lab + tr("INFO_CLIPPING");
app->infoPanel()->addLabel(lab, gb);
// << Help Panel
// import Python module that manages SMESH plugins (need to be here because SalomePyQt API uses active module)
PyGILState_STATE gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
PyObject* pluginsmanager = PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock((char*)"salome_pluginsmanager");
if ( !pluginsmanager ) {
else {
PyObject* result = PyObject_CallMethod( pluginsmanager, (char*)"initialize", (char*)"isss",1,"smesh",tr("MEN_MESH").toUtf8().data(),tr("SMESH_PLUGINS_OTHER").toUtf8().data());
if ( !result )
// end of SMESH plugins loading
// Reset actions accelerator keys
action(SMESHOp::OpDelete)->setEnabled(true); // Delete: Key_Delete
// 0020210. Make SMESH_Gen update meshes at switching GEOM->SMESH
// get all view currently opened in the study and connect their signals to
// the corresponding slots of the class.
SUIT_Desktop* aDesk = study->application()->desktop();
if ( aDesk ) {
QList<SUIT_ViewWindow*> wndList = aDesk->windows();
SUIT_ViewWindow* wnd;
foreach ( wnd, wndList )
connectView( wnd );
// remove actors whose objects are removed in GetSMESHGen()->UpdateStudy()
return res;
bool SMESHGUI::deactivateModule( SUIT_Study* study )
setMenuShown( false );
setToolShown( false );
// Unset actions accelerator keys
action(SMESHOp::OpDelete)->setEnabled(false); // Delete: Key_Delete
return SalomeApp_Module::deactivateModule( study );
void SMESHGUI::studyClosed( SUIT_Study* s )
if( !s )
SalomeApp_Module::studyClosed( s );
void SMESHGUI::OnGUIEvent()
const QObject* obj = sender();
if ( !obj || !obj->inherits( "QAction" ) )
int id = actionId((QAction*)obj);
if ( id != -1 )
OnGUIEvent( id );
if ( CORBA::is_nil( myComponentSMESH ) )
SMESHGUI aGUI; //SRN BugID: IPAL9186: Create an instance of SMESHGUI to initialize myComponentSMESH
return aGUI.myComponentSMESH;
return myComponentSMESH;
QString SMESHGUI::engineIOR() const
CORBA::ORB_var anORB = getApp()->orb();
CORBA::String_var anIOR = anORB->object_to_string(GetSMESHGen());
return QString( anIOR.in() );
void SMESHGUI::contextMenuPopup( const QString& client, QMenu* menu, QString& title )
SalomeApp_Module::contextMenuPopup( client, menu, title );
SALOME_ListIO lst;
selectionMgr()->selectedObjects( lst );
if ( ( client == "OCCViewer" || client == "VTKViewer" ) && lst.Extent() == 1 ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io = lst.First();
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( application()->activeStudy() );
_PTR(Study) study = appStudy->studyDS();
_PTR(SObject) obj = study->FindObjectID( io->getEntry() );
if ( obj ) {
QString aName = SMESH::fromUtf8( obj->GetName());
while ( !aName.isEmpty() && aName.at( aName.length() - 1 ) == ' ' ) // Remove extraspaces in Name of Popup
aName.remove(( aName.length() - 1 ), 1 );
title = aName;
LightApp_Selection* SMESHGUI::createSelection() const
return new SMESHGUI_Selection();
void SMESHGUI::windows( QMap<int, int>& aMap ) const
aMap.insert( SalomeApp_Application::WT_ObjectBrowser, Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea );
aMap.insert( SalomeApp_Application::WT_NoteBook, Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea );
aMap.insert( SalomeApp_Application::WT_InfoPanel, Qt::RightDockWidgetArea);
aMap.insert( SalomeApp_Application::WT_PyConsole, Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea );
void SMESHGUI::viewManagers( QStringList& list ) const
list.append( SVTK_Viewer::Type() );
void SMESHGUI::onViewManagerActivated( SUIT_ViewManager* mgr )
if ( dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewManager*>( mgr ) ) {
SMESH::UpdateSelectionProp( this );
QVector<SUIT_ViewWindow*> aViews = mgr->getViews();
for(int i = 0; i < aViews.count() ; i++){
SUIT_ViewWindow *sf = aViews[i];
connectView( sf );
void SMESHGUI::onViewManagerRemoved( SUIT_ViewManager* theViewManager )
if( theViewManager && theViewManager->getType() == SVTK_Viewer::Type() )
myClippingPlaneInfoMap.erase( theViewManager );
void SMESHGUI::addActorAsObserver( SMESH_Actor* theActor )
theActor->AddObserver( SMESH::DeleteActorEvent,
myPriority );
void SMESHGUI::ProcessEvents( vtkObject* theObject,
unsigned long theEvent,
void* theClientData,
void* /*theCallData*/ )
if( SMESHGUI* aSMESHGUI = reinterpret_cast<SMESHGUI*>( theClientData ) ) {
if( theObject && (int) theEvent == SMESH::DeleteActorEvent ) {
if( SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH_Actor::SafeDownCast( theObject ) ) {
SMESHGUI_ClippingPlaneInfoMap& aClippingPlaneInfoMap = aSMESHGUI->getClippingPlaneInfoMap();
SMESHGUI_ClippingPlaneInfoMap::iterator anIter1 = aClippingPlaneInfoMap.begin();
for( ; anIter1 != aClippingPlaneInfoMap.end(); anIter1++ ) {
SMESHGUI_ClippingPlaneInfoList& aClippingPlaneInfoList = anIter1->second;
SMESHGUI_ClippingPlaneInfoList::iterator anIter2 = aClippingPlaneInfoList.begin();
for( ; anIter2 != aClippingPlaneInfoList.end(); anIter2++ ) {
SMESH::ClippingPlaneInfo& aClippingPlaneInfo = *anIter2;
std::list<vtkActor*>& anActorList = aClippingPlaneInfo.ActorList;
SMESH::TActorList::iterator anIter3 = anActorList.begin();
for ( ; anIter3 != anActorList.end(); anIter3++ ) {
if( anActor == *anIter3 ) {
anActorList.erase( anIter3 );
void SMESHGUI::createPreferences()
// General tab ------------------------------------------------------------------------
int genTab = addPreference( tr( "PREF_TAB_GENERAL" ) );
int autoUpdate = addPreference( tr( "PREF_AUTO_UPDATE" ), genTab, LightApp_Preferences::Auto, "SMESH", "auto_update" );
setPreferenceProperty( autoUpdate, "columns", 2 );
int lim = addPreference( tr( "PREF_UPDATE_LIMIT" ), autoUpdate, LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "update_limit" );
setPreferenceProperty( lim, "min", 0 );
setPreferenceProperty( lim, "max", 100000000 );
setPreferenceProperty( lim, "step", 1000 );
setPreferenceProperty( lim, "special", tr( "PREF_UPDATE_LIMIT_NOLIMIT" ) );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_INCREMENTAL_LIMIT" ), autoUpdate, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "incremental_limit" );
int dispgroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_DISPLAY_MODE_GROUP" ), genTab );
setPreferenceProperty( dispgroup, "columns", 2 );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_FITALL_ON_DISPLAYONLY" ), dispgroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "fitall_on_displayonly" );
int dispmode = addPreference( tr( "PREF_DISPLAY_MODE" ), dispgroup, LightApp_Preferences::Selector, "SMESH", "display_mode" );
QStringList modes;
modes.append( tr("MEN_WIRE") );
modes.append( tr("MEN_SHADE") );
modes.append( tr("MEN_NODES") );
modes.append( tr("MEN_SHRINK") );
QList<QVariant> indices;
indices.append( 0 );
indices.append( 1 );
indices.append( 2 );
indices.append( 3 );
setPreferenceProperty( dispmode, "strings", modes );
setPreferenceProperty( dispmode, "indexes", indices );
int arcgroup = addPreference( tr( "QUADRATIC_REPRESENT_MODE_GROUP" ), genTab );
setPreferenceProperty( arcgroup, "columns", 2 );
int quadraticmode = addPreference( tr( "QUADRATIC_REPRESENT_MODE" ), arcgroup, LightApp_Preferences::Selector, "SMESH", "quadratic_mode" );
QStringList quadraticModes;
indices.append( 0 );
indices.append( 1 );
setPreferenceProperty( quadraticmode, "strings", quadraticModes );
setPreferenceProperty( quadraticmode, "indexes", indices );
int maxAngle = addPreference( tr( "MAX_ARC_ANGLE" ), arcgroup, LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin,
"SMESH", "max_angle" );
setPreferenceProperty( maxAngle, "min", 1 );
setPreferenceProperty( maxAngle, "max", 90 );
int qaGroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GROUP_QUALITY" ), genTab );
setPreferenceProperty( qaGroup, "columns", 2 );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_DISPLAY_ENTITY" ), qaGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "display_entity" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_PRECISION_USE" ), qaGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "use_precision" );
int prec = addPreference( tr( "PREF_PRECISION_VALUE" ), qaGroup, LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "controls_precision" );
setPreferenceProperty( prec, "min", 0 );
setPreferenceProperty( prec, "max", 100 );
int doubleNodesTol = addPreference( tr( "PREF_EQUAL_NODES_TOL" ), qaGroup, LightApp_Preferences::DblSpin, "SMESH", "equal_nodes_tolerance" );
setPreferenceProperty( doubleNodesTol, "precision", 10 );
setPreferenceProperty( doubleNodesTol, "min", 0.0000000001 );
setPreferenceProperty( doubleNodesTol, "max", 1000000.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( doubleNodesTol, "step", 0.0000001 );
int cinc = addPreference(tr("PREF_CONTROLS_INCREMENT"), qaGroup, LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "controls_increment");
setPreferenceProperty( cinc, "min", 0 );
setPreferenceProperty( cinc, "max", 5 );
int exportgroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GROUP_EXPORT" ), genTab );
setPreferenceProperty( exportgroup, "columns", 2 );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_AUTO_GROUPS" ), exportgroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "auto_groups" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_SHOW_WARN" ), exportgroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "show_warning" );
int zTol = addPreference( tr( "PREF_ZTOLERANCE" ), exportgroup, LightApp_Preferences::DblSpin, "SMESH", "med_ztolerance" );
setPreferenceProperty( zTol, "precision", 10 );
setPreferenceProperty( zTol, "min", 0.0000000001 );
setPreferenceProperty( zTol, "max", 1000000.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( zTol, "step", 1. );
//addPreference( tr( "PREF_RENUMBER" ), exportgroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "renumbering" );
int computeGroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GROUP_COMPUTE" ), genTab );
setPreferenceProperty( computeGroup, "columns", 2 );
int notifyMode = addPreference( tr( "PREF_NOTIFY_MODE" ), computeGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Selector, "SMESH", "show_result_notification" );
modes.append( tr( "PREF_NOTIFY_NEVER" ) );
modes.append( tr( "PREF_NOTIFY_ERROR" ) );
modes.append( tr( "PREF_NOTIFY_ALWAYS" ) );
indices.append( 0 );
indices.append( 1 );
indices.append( 2 );
setPreferenceProperty( notifyMode, "strings", modes );
setPreferenceProperty( notifyMode, "indexes", indices );
int infoGroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GROUP_INFO" ), genTab );
setPreferenceProperty( infoGroup, "columns", 2 );
int elemInfo = addPreference( tr( "PREF_ELEM_INFO" ), infoGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Selector, "SMESH", "mesh_elem_info" );
modes.append( tr( "PREF_ELEM_INFO_SIMPLE" ) );
modes.append( tr( "PREF_ELEM_INFO_TREE" ) );
indices.append( 0 );
indices.append( 1 );
setPreferenceProperty( elemInfo, "strings", modes );
setPreferenceProperty( elemInfo, "indexes", indices );
int nodesLim = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GPP_NODES_LIMIT" ), infoGroup, LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "info_groups_nodes_limit" );
setPreferenceProperty( nodesLim, "min", 0 );
setPreferenceProperty( nodesLim, "max", 10000000 );
setPreferenceProperty( nodesLim, "step", 10000 );
setPreferenceProperty( nodesLim, "special", tr( "PREF_UPDATE_LIMIT_NOLIMIT" ) );
int ctrlLim = addPreference( tr( "PREF_CTRL_LIMIT" ), infoGroup, LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "info_controls_limit" );
setPreferenceProperty( ctrlLim, "special", tr( "PREF_UPDATE_LIMIT_NOLIMIT" ) );
setPreferenceProperty( ctrlLim, "min", 0 );
setPreferenceProperty( ctrlLim, "max", 10000000 );
setPreferenceProperty( ctrlLim, "step", 1000 );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_ELEM_INFO_GRP_DETAILS" ), infoGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "elem_info_grp_details" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_DUMP_BASE_INFO" ), infoGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "info_dump_base" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_DUMP_ELEM_INFO" ), infoGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "info_dump_elem" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_DUMP_ADD_INFO" ), infoGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "info_dump_add" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_DUMP_CTRL_INFO" ), infoGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "info_dump_ctrl" );
int segGroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GROUP_SEGMENT_LENGTH" ), genTab );
setPreferenceProperty( segGroup, "columns", 2 );
int segLen = addPreference( tr( "PREF_SEGMENT_LENGTH" ), segGroup, LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin,
"SMESH", "segmentation" );
setPreferenceProperty( segLen, "min", 1 );
setPreferenceProperty( segLen, "max", 10000000 );
int nbSeg = addPreference( tr( "PREF_NB_SEGMENTS" ), segGroup, LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin,
"SMESH", "nb_segments_per_edge" );
setPreferenceProperty( nbSeg, "min", 1 );
setPreferenceProperty( nbSeg, "max", 10000000 );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_USE_MESHGEMS_HYPOSET" ), segGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "use-meshgems-hypo-sets" );
int loadGroup = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_PREF_MESH_LOADING" ), genTab );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_FORGET_MESH_AT_HYP_MODIF" ), loadGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool,
"SMESH", "forget_mesh_on_hyp_modif" );
// Quantities with individual precision settings
int precGroup = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_PREF_GROUP_PRECISION" ), genTab );
setPreferenceProperty( precGroup, "columns", 2 );
const int nbQuantities = 6;
int precs[nbQuantities], ii = 0;
precs[ii++] = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_PREF_length_precision" ), precGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "length_precision" );
precs[ii++] = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_PREF_angle_precision" ), precGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "angle_precision" );
precs[ii++] = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_PREF_len_tol_precision" ), precGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "len_tol_precision" );
precs[ii++] = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_PREF_parametric_precision" ), precGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "parametric_precision" );
precs[ii++] = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_PREF_area_precision" ), precGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "area_precision" );
precs[ii ] = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_PREF_vol_precision" ), precGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "vol_precision" );
// Set property for precision value for spinboxes
for ( ii = 0; ii < nbQuantities; ii++ ){
setPreferenceProperty( precs[ii], "min", -14 );
setPreferenceProperty( precs[ii], "max", 14 );
setPreferenceProperty( precs[ii], "precision", 2 );
int previewGroup = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_PREF_GROUP_PREVIEW" ), genTab );
setPreferenceProperty( previewGroup, "columns", 2 );
int chunkSize = addPreference( tr( "PREF_PREVIEW_CHUNK_SIZE" ), previewGroup, LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "preview_actor_chunk_size" );
setPreferenceProperty( chunkSize, "min", 1 );
setPreferenceProperty( chunkSize, "max", 1000 );
setPreferenceProperty( chunkSize, "step", 50 );
int pyDumpGroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_PYTHON_DUMP" ), genTab );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_HISTORICAL_PYTHON_DUMP" ), pyDumpGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "historical_python_dump" );
// Mesh tab ------------------------------------------------------------------------
int meshTab = addPreference( tr( "PREF_TAB_MESH" ) );
int nodeGroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GROUP_NODES" ), meshTab );
setPreferenceProperty( nodeGroup, "columns", 3 );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_COLOR" ), nodeGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "node_color" );
int typeOfMarker = addPreference( tr( "PREF_TYPE_OF_MARKER" ), nodeGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Selector, "SMESH", "type_of_marker" );
SUIT_ResourceMgr* aResourceMgr = SMESH::GetResourceMgr(this);
QList<QVariant> aMarkerTypeIndicesList;
QList<QVariant> aMarkerTypeIconsList;
for ( int i = VTK::MT_POINT; i < VTK::MT_USER; i++ ) {
QString icoFile = QString( "ICON_VERTEX_MARKER_%1" ).arg( i );
QPixmap pixmap = aResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( qPrintable( icoFile ) ) );
aMarkerTypeIndicesList << i;
aMarkerTypeIconsList << pixmap;
setPreferenceProperty( typeOfMarker, "indexes", aMarkerTypeIndicesList );
setPreferenceProperty( typeOfMarker, "icons", aMarkerTypeIconsList );
int markerScale = addPreference( tr( "PREF_MARKER_SCALE" ), nodeGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Selector, "SMESH", "marker_scale" );
QList<QVariant> aMarkerScaleIndicesList;
QStringList aMarkerScaleValuesList;
for ( int i = VTK::MS_10; i <= VTK::MS_70; i++ ) {
aMarkerScaleIndicesList << i;
//aMarkerScaleValuesList << QString::number( (i-(int)VTK::MS_10)*0.5 + 1.0 );
aMarkerScaleValuesList << QString::number( i );
setPreferenceProperty( markerScale, "strings", aMarkerScaleValuesList );
setPreferenceProperty( markerScale, "indexes", aMarkerScaleIndicesList );
int elemGroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GROUP_ELEMENTS" ), meshTab );
//setPreferenceProperty( elemGroup, "columns", 2 );
int ColorId = addPreference( tr( "PREF_FILL" ), elemGroup, LightApp_Preferences::BiColor, "SMESH", "fill_color" );
setPreferenceProperty( ColorId, "text", tr("PREF_BACKFACE") );
ColorId = addPreference( tr( "PREF_VOLUME" ), elemGroup, LightApp_Preferences::BiColor, "SMESH", "volume_color" );
setPreferenceProperty( ColorId, "text", tr("PREF_REVERSEDVOLUME") );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_COLOR_0D" ), elemGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "elem0d_color" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_BALL_COLOR" ), elemGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "ball_elem_color" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_OUTLINE" ), elemGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "outline_color" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_WIREFRAME" ), elemGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "wireframe_color" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_PREVIEW_COLOR" ), elemGroup, LightApp_Preferences::BiColor, "SMESH", "preview_color" );
int grpGroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GROUP_GROUPS" ), meshTab );
setPreferenceProperty( grpGroup, "columns", 2 );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_GRP_NAMES" ), grpGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "group_name_color" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_GRP_DEF_COLOR" ), grpGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "default_grp_color" );
int size0d = addPreference(tr("PREF_SIZE_0D"), elemGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "elem0d_size");
/* int ballSize = addPreference(tr("PREF_BALL_SIZE"), elemGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "ball_elem_size"); */
double ballDiameter = addPreference(tr("PREF_BALL_DIAMETER"), elemGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::DblSpin, "SMESH", "ball_elem_diameter");
double ballScale = addPreference(tr("PREF_BALL_SCALE"), elemGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::DblSpin, "SMESH", "ball_elem_scale");
int elemW = addPreference(tr("PREF_WIDTH"), elemGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "element_width");
int outW = addPreference(tr("PREF_OUTLINE_WIDTH"), elemGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "outline_width");
int shrink = addPreference(tr("PREF_SHRINK_COEFF"), elemGroup,
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "shrink_coeff");
setPreferenceProperty( size0d, "min", 1 );
setPreferenceProperty( size0d, "max", 10 );
// setPreferenceProperty( ballSize, "min", 1 );
// setPreferenceProperty( ballSize, "max", 10 );
setPreferenceProperty( ballDiameter, "min", 1e-7 );
setPreferenceProperty( ballDiameter, "max", 1e9 );
setPreferenceProperty( ballDiameter, "step", 0.1 );
setPreferenceProperty( ballScale, "min", 1e-2 );
setPreferenceProperty( ballScale, "max", 1e7 );
setPreferenceProperty( ballScale, "step", 0.5 );
setPreferenceProperty( elemW, "min", 1 );
setPreferenceProperty( elemW, "max", 5 );
setPreferenceProperty( outW, "min", 1 );
setPreferenceProperty( outW, "max", 5 );
setPreferenceProperty( shrink, "min", 0 );
setPreferenceProperty( shrink, "max", 100 );
int numGroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GROUP_NUMBERING" ), meshTab );
setPreferenceProperty( numGroup, "columns", 2 );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_NUMBERING_NODE" ), numGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "numbering_node_color" );
addVtkFontPref( tr( "PREF_NUMBERING_FONT" ), numGroup, "numbering_node_font", true );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_NUMBERING_ELEM" ), numGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "numbering_elem_color" );
addVtkFontPref( tr( "PREF_NUMBERING_FONT" ), numGroup, "numbering_elem_font", true );
int orientGroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GROUP_FACES_ORIENTATION" ), meshTab );
setPreferenceProperty( orientGroup, "columns", 1 );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_ORIENTATION_COLOR" ), orientGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "orientation_color" );
int orientScale = addPreference( tr( "PREF_ORIENTATION_SCALE" ), orientGroup, LightApp_Preferences::DblSpin, "SMESH", "orientation_scale" );
setPreferenceProperty( orientScale, "min", 0.05 );
setPreferenceProperty( orientScale, "max", 0.5 );
setPreferenceProperty( orientScale, "step", 0.05 );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_ORIENTATION_3D_VECTORS" ), orientGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "orientation_3d_vectors" );
// Selection tab ------------------------------------------------------------------------
int selTab = addPreference( tr( "PREF_TAB_SELECTION" ) );
int selGroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GROUP_SELECTION" ), selTab );
setPreferenceProperty( selGroup, "columns", 2 );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_OBJECT_COLOR" ), selGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "selection_object_color" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_ELEMENT_COLOR" ), selGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "selection_element_color" );
int preGroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GROUP_PRESELECTION" ), selTab );
setPreferenceProperty( preGroup, "columns", 2 );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR" ), preGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "highlight_color" );
int precSelGroup = addPreference( tr( "PREF_GROUP_PRECISION" ), selTab );
setPreferenceProperty( precSelGroup, "columns", 2 );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_NODES" ), precSelGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Double, "SMESH", "selection_precision_node" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_ELEMENTS" ), precSelGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Double, "SMESH", "selection_precision_element" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_OBJECTS" ), precSelGroup, LightApp_Preferences::Double, "SMESH", "selection_precision_object" );
int sinc = addPreference(tr("PREF_SELECTION_INCREMENT"), selTab, LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "selection_increment");
setPreferenceProperty( sinc, "min", 0 );
setPreferenceProperty( sinc, "max", 5 );
// Scalar Bar tab ------------------------------------------------------------------------
int sbarTab = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_SCALARBAR" ) );
int fontGr = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_FONT_SCALARBAR" ), sbarTab );
setPreferenceProperty( fontGr, "columns", 2 );
addVtkFontPref( tr( "SMESH_TITLE" ), fontGr, "scalar_bar_title_font" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_TITLE_COLOR" ), fontGr, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "scalar_bar_title_color" );
addVtkFontPref( tr( "SMESH_LABELS" ), fontGr, "scalar_bar_label_font" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_LABELS_COLOR" ), fontGr, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "scalar_bar_label_color" );
int colorsLabelsGr = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_LABELS_COLORS_SCALARBAR" ), sbarTab );
setPreferenceProperty( colorsLabelsGr, "columns", 2 );
int numcol = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_NUMBEROFCOLORS" ), colorsLabelsGr, LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "scalar_bar_num_colors" );
setPreferenceProperty( numcol, "min", 2 );
setPreferenceProperty( numcol, "max", 256 );
int numlab = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_NUMBEROFLABELS" ), colorsLabelsGr, LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "SMESH", "scalar_bar_num_labels" );
setPreferenceProperty( numlab, "min", 2 );
setPreferenceProperty( numlab, "max", 65 );
int orientGr = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_ORIENTATION" ), sbarTab );
setPreferenceProperty( orientGr, "columns", 2 );
int orient = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_ORIENTATION" ), orientGr, LightApp_Preferences::Selector, "SMESH", "scalar_bar_orientation" );
QStringList orients;
orients.append( tr( "SMESH_VERTICAL" ) );
orients.append( tr( "SMESH_HORIZONTAL" ) );
indices.clear(); indices.append( 0 ); indices.append( 1 );
setPreferenceProperty( orient, "strings", orients );
setPreferenceProperty( orient, "indexes", indices );
int posVSizeGr = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_POSITION_SIZE_SCALARBAR" ) + " " + tr( "SMESH_VERTICAL" ), sbarTab );
setPreferenceProperty( posVSizeGr, "columns", 2 );
int xv = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_X_SCALARBAR" ), posVSizeGr, LightApp_Preferences::DblSpin, "SMESH", "scalar_bar_vertical_x" );
int yv = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_Y_SCALARBAR" ), posVSizeGr, LightApp_Preferences::DblSpin, "SMESH", "scalar_bar_vertical_y" );
int wv = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_WIDTH" ), posVSizeGr, LightApp_Preferences::DblSpin, "SMESH", "scalar_bar_vertical_width" );
int hv = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_HEIGHT" ), posVSizeGr, LightApp_Preferences::DblSpin, "SMESH", "scalar_bar_vertical_height" );
setPreferenceProperty( xv, "step", 0.1 );
setPreferenceProperty( xv, "min", 0.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( xv, "max", 1.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( yv, "step", 0.1 );
setPreferenceProperty( yv, "min", 0.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( yv, "max", 1.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( wv, "step", 0.1 );
setPreferenceProperty( wv, "min", 0.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( wv, "max", 1.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( hv, "min", 0.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( hv, "max", 1.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( hv, "step", 0.1 );
int posHSizeGr = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_POSITION_SIZE_SCALARBAR" ) + " " + tr( "SMESH_HORIZONTAL" ), sbarTab );
setPreferenceProperty( posHSizeGr, "columns", 2 );
int xh = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_X_SCALARBAR" ), posHSizeGr, LightApp_Preferences::DblSpin, "SMESH", "scalar_bar_horizontal_x" );
int yh = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_Y_SCALARBAR" ), posHSizeGr, LightApp_Preferences::DblSpin, "SMESH", "scalar_bar_horizontal_y" );
int wh = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_WIDTH" ), posHSizeGr, LightApp_Preferences::DblSpin, "SMESH", "scalar_bar_horizontal_width" );
int hh = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_HEIGHT" ), posHSizeGr, LightApp_Preferences::DblSpin, "SMESH", "scalar_bar_horizontal_height" );
setPreferenceProperty( xv, "min", 0.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( xv, "max", 1.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( xv, "step", 0.1 );
setPreferenceProperty( xh, "min", 0.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( xh, "max", 1.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( xh, "step", 0.1 );
setPreferenceProperty( yh, "min", 0.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( yh, "max", 1.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( yh, "step", 0.1 );
setPreferenceProperty( wh, "min", 0.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( wh, "max", 1.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( wh, "step", 0.1 );
setPreferenceProperty( hh, "min", 0.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( hh, "max", 1.0 );
setPreferenceProperty( hh, "step", 0.1 );
int distributionGr = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_DISTRIBUTION_SCALARBAR" ), sbarTab, LightApp_Preferences::Auto, "SMESH", "distribution_visibility" );
int coloringType = addPreference( tr( "SMESH_DISTRIBUTION_COLORING_TYPE" ), distributionGr, LightApp_Preferences::Selector, "SMESH", "distribution_coloring_type" );
setPreferenceProperty( distributionGr, "columns", 3 );
QStringList types;
types.append( tr( "SMESH_MONOCOLOR" ) );
types.append( tr( "SMESH_MULTICOLOR" ) );
indices.clear(); indices.append( 0 ); indices.append( 1 );
setPreferenceProperty( coloringType, "strings", types );
setPreferenceProperty( coloringType, "indexes", indices );
addPreference( tr( "SMESH_DISTRIBUTION_COLOR" ), distributionGr, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "distribution_color" );
void SMESHGUI::preferencesChanged( const QString& sect, const QString& name )
if ( sect=="SMESH" ) {
float sbX1 = 0.01, sbY1 = 0.01, sbW = 0.08, sbH = 0.08;
float aTol = 1.00000009999999;
std::string aWarning;
SUIT_ResourceMgr* aResourceMgr = SMESH::GetResourceMgr(this);
if ( name == "selection_object_color" ||
name == "selection_element_color" ||
name == "highlight_color" ||
name == "selection_precision_node" ||
name == "selection_precision_element" ||
name == "selection_precision_object" ||
name == "selection_increment")
SMESH::UpdateSelectionProp( this );
else if (name == "scalar_bar_vertical_x" || name == "scalar_bar_vertical_width")
sbX1 = aResourceMgr->doubleValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_vertical_x", sbX1);
sbW = aResourceMgr->doubleValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_vertical_width", sbW);
if ( sbX1+sbW > aTol ) {
aWarning = "Origin and Size Vertical: X+Width > 1\n";
sbX1 = 0.01;
sbW = 0.08;
aResourceMgr->setValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_vertical_x", sbX1);
aResourceMgr->setValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_vertical_width", sbW);
else if (name == "scalar_bar_vertical_y" || name == "scalar_bar_vertical_height" )
sbY1 = aResourceMgr->doubleValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_vertical_y", sbY1);
sbH = aResourceMgr->doubleValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_vertical_height",sbH);
if ( sbY1 + sbH > aTol ) {
aWarning = "Origin and Size Vertical: Y+Height > 1\n";
aResourceMgr->setValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_vertical_y", sbY1);
aResourceMgr->setValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_vertical_height",sbH);
else if (name == "scalar_bar_horizontal_x" || name == "scalar_bar_horizontal_width")
sbX1 = aResourceMgr->doubleValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_horizontal_x", sbX1);
sbW = aResourceMgr->doubleValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_horizontal_width", sbW);
if ( sbX1 + sbW > aTol ) {
aWarning = "Origin and Size Horizontal: X+Width > 1\n";
sbW =0.08;
aResourceMgr->setValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_horizontal_x", sbX1);
aResourceMgr->setValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_horizontal_width", sbW);
else if (name == "scalar_bar_horizontal_y" || name == "scalar_bar_horizontal_height")
sbY1 = aResourceMgr->doubleValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_horizontal_y", sbY1);
sbH = aResourceMgr->doubleValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_horizontal_height",sbH);
if ( sbY1 + sbH > aTol ) {
aWarning = "Origin and Size Horizontal: Y+Height > 1\n";
sbH =0.08;
aResourceMgr->setValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_horizontal_y", sbY1);
aResourceMgr->setValue("SMESH", "scalar_bar_horizontal_height",sbH);
else if ( name == "segmentation" )
int nbSeg = aResourceMgr->integerValue( "SMESH", "segmentation", 10 );
myComponentSMESH->SetBoundaryBoxSegmentation( nbSeg );
else if ( name == "nb_segments_per_edge" )
int nbSeg = aResourceMgr->integerValue( "SMESH", "nb_segments_per_edge", 15 );
myComponentSMESH->SetDefaultNbSegments( nbSeg );
else if ( name == "historical_python_dump" || name == "forget_mesh_on_hyp_modif" || name == "default_grp_color" )
QString val = aResourceMgr->stringValue( "SMESH", name );
myComponentSMESH->SetOption( name.toLatin1().constData(), val.toLatin1().constData() );
else if ( name == "numbering_node_color" || name == "numbering_node_font" )
SMESH::UpdateFontProp( this );
else if ( name == "numbering_elem_color" || name == "numbering_elem_font" )
SMESH::UpdateFontProp( this );
if ( aWarning.size() != 0 ) {
aWarning += "The default values are applied instead.";
* \brief Update something in accordance with update flags
* \param theFlags - update flags
* Update viewer or/and object browser etc. in accordance with update flags ( see
* LightApp_UpdateFlags enumeration ).
void SMESHGUI::update( const int flags )
if ( (flags & UF_Viewer) | (flags & UF_Forced) )
SalomeApp_Module::update( flags );
* \brief Set default selection mode
* SLOT called when operation committed. Sets default selection mode
void SMESHGUI::onOperationCommited( SUIT_Operation* )
SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkWnd =
dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>( application()->desktop()->activeWindow() );
if ( vtkWnd )
vtkWnd->SetSelectionMode( ActorSelection );
* \brief Set default selection mode
* SLOT called when operation aborted. Sets default selection mode
void SMESHGUI::onOperationAborted( SUIT_Operation* )
SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkWnd =
dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>( application()->desktop()->activeWindow() );
if ( vtkWnd )
vtkWnd->SetSelectionMode( ActorSelection );
* \brief Creates operation with given identifier
* \param id - identifier of operation to be started
* \return Pointer on created operation or NULL if operation is not created
* Virtual method redefined from the base class creates operation with given id.
* It is called called automatically from startOperation method of base class.
LightApp_Operation* SMESHGUI::createOperation( const int id ) const
LightApp_Operation* op = 0;
// to do : create operation here
switch( id )
case SMESHOp::OpSplitBiQuadratic:
op = new SMESHGUI_SplitBiQuadOp();
case SMESHOp::OpConvertMeshToQuadratic:
op = new SMESHGUI_ConvToQuadOp();
case SMESHOp::OpCreateBoundaryElements: // create 2D mesh as boundary on 3D
op = new SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp();
case SMESHOp::OpReorientFaces:
op = new SMESHGUI_ReorientFacesOp();
case SMESHOp::OpCreateMesh:
op = new SMESHGUI_MeshOp( true, true );
case SMESHOp::OpCreateSubMesh:
op = new SMESHGUI_MeshOp( true, false );
case SMESHOp::OpEditMeshOrSubMesh:
case SMESHOp::OpEditMesh:
case SMESHOp::OpEditSubMesh:
op = new SMESHGUI_MeshOp( false );
case SMESHOp::OpCompute:
case SMESHOp::OpComputeSubMesh:
op = new SMESHGUI_ComputeOp();
case SMESHOp::OpShowErrors:
op = new SMESHGUI_ShowErrorsOp();
case SMESHOp::OpPreCompute:
op = new SMESHGUI_PrecomputeOp();
case SMESHOp::OpEvaluate:
op = new SMESHGUI_EvaluateOp();
case SMESHOp::OpMeshOrder:
op = new SMESHGUI_MeshOrderOp();
case SMESHOp::OpCreateGeometryGroup:
op = new SMESHGUI_GroupOnShapeOp();
case SMESHOp::OpFindElementByPoint:
op = new SMESHGUI_FindElemByPointOp();
case SMESHOp::OpMoveNode: // Make mesh pass through point
op = new SMESHGUI_MakeNodeAtPointOp();
case SMESHOp::OpElem0DOnElemNodes: // Create 0D elements on all nodes
op = new SMESHGUI_Add0DElemsOnAllNodesOp();
if( !op )
op = SalomeApp_Module::createOperation( id );
return op;
* \brief Stops current operations and starts a given one
* \param id - The id of the operation to start
void SMESHGUI::switchToOperation(int id)
startOperation( id );
LightApp_Displayer* SMESHGUI::displayer()
if( !myDisplayer )
myDisplayer = new SMESHGUI_Displayer( getApp() );
return myDisplayer;
SALOMEDS::Color SMESHGUI::getUniqueColor( const QList<SALOMEDS::Color>& theReservedColors )
int aHue = -1;
int aTolerance = 64;
int anIterations = 0;
int aPeriod = 5;
while( 1 )
if( anIterations % aPeriod == 0 )
aTolerance /= 2;
if( aTolerance < 1 )
aHue = (int)( 360.0 * rand() / RAND_MAX );
bool ok = true;
QList<SALOMEDS::Color>::const_iterator it = theReservedColors.constBegin();
QList<SALOMEDS::Color>::const_iterator itEnd = theReservedColors.constEnd();
for( ; it != itEnd; ++it )
SALOMEDS::Color anAutoColor = *it;
QColor aQColor( (int)( anAutoColor.R * 255.0 ), (int)( anAutoColor.G * 255.0 ), (int)( anAutoColor.B * 255.0 ) );
int h, s, v;
aQColor.getHsv( &h, &s, &v );
if( abs( h - aHue ) < aTolerance )
ok = false;
if( ok )
QColor aColor;
aColor.setHsv( aHue, 255, 255 );
SALOMEDS::Color aSColor;
aSColor.R = aColor.redF();
aSColor.G = aColor.greenF();
aSColor.B = aColor.blueF();
return aSColor;
const char* gSeparator = "_"; // character used to separate parameter names
const char* gDigitsSep = ":"; // character used to separate numeric parameter values (color = r:g:b)
const char* gPathSep = "|"; // character used to separate paths
* \brief Store visual parameters
* This method is called just before the study document is saved.
* Store visual parameters in AttributeParameter attribute(s)
void SMESHGUI::storeVisualParameters (int savePoint)
// localizing
Kernel_Utils::Localizer loc;
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>(application()->activeStudy());
if (!appStudy || !appStudy->studyDS())
_PTR(Study) studyDS = appStudy->studyDS();
// componentName is used for encoding of entries when storing them in IParameters
std::string componentName = myComponentSMESH->ComponentDataType();
//_PTR(SComponent) aSComponent = studyDS->FindComponent("SMESH");
//if (!aSComponent) return;
// IParameters
_PTR(AttributeParameter) ap = studyDS->GetModuleParameters("Interface Applicative",
_PTR(IParameters) ip = ClientFactory::getIParameters(ap);
// store custom markers
if( !myMarkerMap.empty() )
VTK::MarkerMap::const_iterator anIter = myMarkerMap.begin();
for( ; anIter != myMarkerMap.end(); anIter++ )
int anId = anIter->first;
VTK::MarkerData aMarkerData = anIter->second;
std::string aMarkerFileName = aMarkerData.first;
VTK::MarkerTexture aMarkerTexture = aMarkerData.second;
if( aMarkerTexture.size() < 3 )
continue; // should contain at least width, height and the first value
QString aPropertyName( "texture" );
aPropertyName += gSeparator;
aPropertyName += QString::number( anId );
QString aPropertyValue = aMarkerFileName.c_str();
aPropertyValue += gPathSep;
VTK::MarkerTexture::const_iterator aTextureIter = aMarkerTexture.begin();
ushort aWidth = *aTextureIter++;
ushort aHeight = *aTextureIter++;
aPropertyValue += QString::number( aWidth ); aPropertyValue += gDigitsSep;
aPropertyValue += QString::number( aHeight ); aPropertyValue += gDigitsSep;
for( ; aTextureIter != aMarkerTexture.end(); aTextureIter++ )
aPropertyValue += QString::number( *aTextureIter );
ip->setProperty( aPropertyName.toStdString(), aPropertyValue.toStdString() );
// viewers counters are used for storing view_numbers in IParameters
int vtkViewers = 0;
// main cycle to store parameters of displayed objects
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> lst;
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*>::Iterator it;
for (it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); it++)
SUIT_ViewManager* vman = *it;
QString vType = vman->getType();
// saving VTK actors properties
if (vType == SVTK_Viewer::Type())
// store the clipping planes attached to the view manager
SMESHGUI_ClippingPlaneInfoList aClippingPlaneInfoList;
SMESHGUI_ClippingPlaneInfoMap::const_iterator anIter = myClippingPlaneInfoMap.find( vman );
if( anIter != myClippingPlaneInfoMap.end() )
aClippingPlaneInfoList = anIter->second;
if( !aClippingPlaneInfoList.empty() ) {
SMESHGUI_ClippingPlaneInfoList::const_iterator anIter = aClippingPlaneInfoList.begin();
for( int anId = 0; anIter != aClippingPlaneInfoList.end(); anIter++, anId++ )
const SMESH::ClippingPlaneInfo& aClippingPlaneInfo = *anIter;
SMESH::OrientedPlane* aPlane = aClippingPlaneInfo.Plane;
QString aPropertyName( "ClippingPlane" );
aPropertyName += gSeparator;
aPropertyName += QString::number( vtkViewers );
aPropertyName += gSeparator;
aPropertyName += QString::number( anId );
QString aPropertyValue = QString::number( (int)aPlane->PlaneMode ).toLatin1().constData();
aPropertyValue += gDigitsSep;
aPropertyValue += QString::number( aPlane->IsOpenGLClipping ).toLatin1().constData();
aPropertyValue += gDigitsSep;
if ( aPlane->PlaneMode == SMESH::Absolute ) {
aPropertyValue += QString::number( aPlane->myAbsoluteOrientation ).toLatin1().constData();
aPropertyValue += gDigitsSep;
aPropertyValue += QString::number( aPlane->X ).toLatin1().constData();
aPropertyValue += gDigitsSep;
aPropertyValue += QString::number( aPlane->Y ).toLatin1().constData();
aPropertyValue += gDigitsSep;
aPropertyValue += QString::number( aPlane->Z ).toLatin1().constData();
aPropertyValue += gDigitsSep;
aPropertyValue += QString::number( aPlane->Dx ).toLatin1().constData();
aPropertyValue += gDigitsSep;
aPropertyValue += QString::number( aPlane->Dy ).toLatin1().constData();
aPropertyValue += gDigitsSep;
aPropertyValue += QString::number( aPlane->Dz ).toLatin1().constData();
else if ( aPlane->PlaneMode == SMESH::Relative ) {
aPropertyValue += QString::number( (int)aPlane->myRelativeOrientation ).toLatin1().constData();
aPropertyValue += gDigitsSep;
aPropertyValue += QString::number( aPlane->GetDistance() ).toLatin1().constData();
aPropertyValue += gDigitsSep;
aPropertyValue += QString::number( aPlane->myAngle[0] ).toLatin1().constData();
aPropertyValue += gDigitsSep;
aPropertyValue += QString::number( aPlane->myAngle[1] ).toLatin1().constData();
ip->setProperty( aPropertyName.toStdString(), aPropertyValue.toStdString() );
QVector<SUIT_ViewWindow*> views = vman->getViews();
for (int i = 0, iEnd = vman->getViewsCount(); i < iEnd; i++)
if (SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkView = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>(views[i]))
VTK::ActorCollectionCopy aCopy(vtkView->getRenderer()->GetActors());
vtkActorCollection* allActors = aCopy.GetActors();
while (vtkActor* actor = allActors->GetNextActor())
if (actor->GetVisibility()) // store only visible actors
SMESH_Actor* aSmeshActor = 0;
if (actor->IsA("SMESH_Actor"))
aSmeshActor = SMESH_Actor::SafeDownCast(actor);
if (aSmeshActor && aSmeshActor->hasIO())
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io = aSmeshActor->getIO();
if (io->hasEntry())
// entry is "encoded" = it does NOT contain component address,
// since it is a subject to change on next component loading
std::string entry = ip->encodeEntry(io->getEntry(), componentName);
std::string param, vtkParam = vType.toLatin1().data();
vtkParam += gSeparator;
vtkParam += QString::number(vtkViewers).toLatin1().data();
vtkParam += gSeparator;
// Visibility
param = vtkParam + "Visibility";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, "On");
// Representation
param = vtkParam + "Representation";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number
// IsShrunk
param = vtkParam + "IsShrunk";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number
// Displayed entities
unsigned int aMode = aSmeshActor->GetEntityMode();
bool isE = aMode & SMESH_Actor::eEdges;
bool isF = aMode & SMESH_Actor::eFaces;
bool isV = aMode & SMESH_Actor::eVolumes;
bool is0d = aMode & SMESH_Actor::e0DElements;
bool isB = aMode & SMESH_Actor::eBallElem;
QString modeStr ("e");
modeStr += gDigitsSep; modeStr += QString::number(isE);
modeStr += gDigitsSep; modeStr += "f";
modeStr += gDigitsSep; modeStr += QString::number(isF);
modeStr += gDigitsSep; modeStr += "v";
modeStr += gDigitsSep; modeStr += QString::number(isV);
modeStr += gDigitsSep; modeStr += "0d";
modeStr += gDigitsSep; modeStr += QString::number(is0d);
modeStr += gDigitsSep; modeStr += "b";
modeStr += gDigitsSep; modeStr += QString::number(isB);
param = vtkParam + "Entities";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, modeStr.toLatin1().data());
// Colors
double r, g, b;
int delta;
aSmeshActor->GetSufaceColor(r, g, b, delta);
QStringList colorStr;
colorStr << "surface";
colorStr << QString::number(r);
colorStr << QString::number(g);
colorStr << QString::number(b);
colorStr << "backsurface";
colorStr << QString::number(delta);
aSmeshActor->GetVolumeColor(r, g, b, delta);
colorStr << "volume";
colorStr << QString::number(r);
colorStr << QString::number(g);
colorStr << QString::number(b);
colorStr << QString::number(delta);
aSmeshActor->GetEdgeColor(r, g, b);
colorStr << "edge";
colorStr << QString::number(r);
colorStr << QString::number(g);
colorStr << QString::number(b);
aSmeshActor->GetNodeColor(r, g, b);
colorStr << "node";
colorStr << QString::number(r);
colorStr << QString::number(g);
colorStr << QString::number(b);
aSmeshActor->GetOutlineColor(r, g, b);
colorStr << "outline";
colorStr << QString::number(r);
colorStr << QString::number(g);
colorStr << QString::number(b);
aSmeshActor->Get0DColor(r, g, b);
colorStr << "elem0d";
colorStr << QString::number(r);
colorStr << QString::number(g);
colorStr << QString::number(b);
aSmeshActor->GetBallColor(r, g, b);
colorStr << "ball";
colorStr << QString::number(r);
colorStr << QString::number(g);
colorStr << QString::number(b);
aSmeshActor->GetFacesOrientationColor(r, g, b);
colorStr << "orientation";
colorStr << QString::number(r);
colorStr << QString::number(g);
colorStr << QString::number(b);
param = vtkParam + "Colors";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, qPrintable(colorStr.join(gDigitsSep)));
// Sizes
QStringList sizeStr;
sizeStr << "line";
sizeStr << QString::number((int)aSmeshActor->GetLineWidth());
sizeStr << "outline";
sizeStr << QString::number((int)aSmeshActor->GetOutlineWidth());
sizeStr << "elem0d";
sizeStr << QString::number((int)aSmeshActor->Get0DSize());
sizeStr << "ball";
//sizeStr << QString::number((int)aSmeshActor->GetBallSize());
sizeStr << QString::number((double)aSmeshActor->GetBallSize());
sizeStr << QString::number((double)aSmeshActor->GetBallScale());
sizeStr << "shrink";
sizeStr << QString::number(aSmeshActor->GetShrinkFactor());
sizeStr << "orientation";
sizeStr << QString::number(aSmeshActor->GetFacesOrientationScale());
sizeStr << QString::number(aSmeshActor->GetFacesOrientation3DVectors());
param = vtkParam + "Sizes";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, qPrintable(sizeStr.join(gDigitsSep)));
// Point marker
QString markerStr;
VTK::MarkerType aMarkerType = aSmeshActor->GetMarkerType();
if( aMarkerType == VTK::MT_USER ) {
markerStr += "custom";
markerStr += gDigitsSep;
markerStr += QString::number( aSmeshActor->GetMarkerTexture() );
else {
markerStr += "std";
markerStr += gDigitsSep;
markerStr += QString::number( (int)aMarkerType );
markerStr += gDigitsSep;
markerStr += QString::number( (int)aSmeshActor->GetMarkerScale() );
param = vtkParam + "PointMarker";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, markerStr.toLatin1().data());
// Opacity
param = vtkParam + "Opacity";
ip->setParameter(entry, param,
// Clipping
param = vtkParam + "ClippingPlane";
int aPlaneId = 0;
if( !aClippingPlaneInfoList.empty() ) {
SMESHGUI_ClippingPlaneInfoList::const_iterator anIter1 = aClippingPlaneInfoList.begin();
for( int anId = 0; anIter1 != aClippingPlaneInfoList.end(); anIter1++, anId++ )
const SMESH::ClippingPlaneInfo& aClippingPlaneInfo = *anIter1;
std::list<vtkActor*> anActorList = aClippingPlaneInfo.ActorList;
SMESH::TActorList::iterator anIter2 = anActorList.begin();
for ( ; anIter2 != anActorList.end(); anIter2++ ) {
if( aSmeshActor == *anIter2 ) {
ip->setParameter( entry, param + QString::number( ++aPlaneId ).toLatin1().constData(),
QString::number( anId ).toLatin1().constData() );
if( aPlaneId == 0 )
ip->setParameter( entry, param, "Off" );
} // if (io->hasEntry())
} // SMESH_Actor && hasIO
} // isVisible
} // while.. actors traversal
} // if (vtkView)
} // for (views)
} // if (SVTK view model)
} // for (viewManagers)
// data structures for clipping planes processing
typedef struct {
int Id;
int Mode;
bool isOpenGLClipping;
vtkIdType RelativeOrientation;
double Distance;
double Angle[2];
int AbsoluteOrientation;
double X, Y, Z, Dx, Dy, Dz;
} TPlaneData;
typedef std::list<TPlaneData> TPlaneDataList;
typedef std::map<int, TPlaneDataList> TPlaneDataMap;
typedef std::list<vtkActor*> TActorList;
typedef struct {
int PlaneId;
TActorList ActorList;
SUIT_ViewManager* ViewManager;
} TPlaneInfo;
typedef std::list<TPlaneInfo> TPlaneInfoList;
typedef std::map<int, TPlaneInfoList> TPlaneInfoMap;
* \brief Restore visual parameters
* This method is called after the study document is opened.
* Restore visual parameters from AttributeParameter attribute(s)
void SMESHGUI::restoreVisualParameters (int savePoint)
// localizing
Kernel_Utils::Localizer loc;
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>(application()->activeStudy());
if (!appStudy || !appStudy->studyDS())
_PTR(Study) studyDS = appStudy->studyDS();
// componentName is used for encoding of entries when storing them in IParameters
std::string componentName = myComponentSMESH->ComponentDataType();
// IParameters
_PTR(AttributeParameter) ap = studyDS->GetModuleParameters("Interface Applicative",
_PTR(IParameters) ip = ClientFactory::getIParameters(ap);
// restore custom markers and map of clipping planes
TPlaneDataMap aPlaneDataMap;
std::vector<std::string> properties = ip->getProperties();
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator propIt = properties.begin(); propIt != properties.end(); ++propIt)
std::string property = *propIt;
QString aPropertyName( property.c_str() );
QString aPropertyValue( ip->getProperty( property ).c_str() );
QStringList aPropertyNameList = aPropertyName.split( gSeparator, QString::SkipEmptyParts );
if( aPropertyNameList.isEmpty() )
QString aPropertyType = aPropertyNameList[0];
if( aPropertyType == "texture" )
if( aPropertyNameList.size() != 2 )
bool ok = false;
int anId = aPropertyNameList[1].toInt( &ok );
if( !ok || anId < 1 )
QStringList aPropertyValueList = aPropertyValue.split( gPathSep, QString::SkipEmptyParts );
if( aPropertyValueList.size() != 2 )
std::string aMarkerFileName = aPropertyValueList[0].toStdString();
QString aMarkerTextureString = aPropertyValueList[1];
QStringList aMarkerTextureStringList = aMarkerTextureString.split( gDigitsSep, QString::SkipEmptyParts );
if( aMarkerTextureStringList.size() != 3 )
ok = false;
ushort aWidth = aMarkerTextureStringList[0].toUShort( &ok );
if( !ok )
ok = false;
ushort aHeight = aMarkerTextureStringList[1].toUShort( &ok );
if( !ok )
VTK::MarkerTexture aMarkerTexture;
aMarkerTexture.push_back( aWidth );
aMarkerTexture.push_back( aHeight );
QString aMarkerTextureData = aMarkerTextureStringList[2];
for( int i = 0, n = aMarkerTextureData.length(); i < n; i++ )
QChar aChar = aMarkerTextureData.at( i );
if( aChar.isDigit() )
aMarkerTexture.push_back( aChar.digitValue() );
myMarkerMap[ anId ] = VTK::MarkerData( aMarkerFileName, aMarkerTexture );
else if( aPropertyType == "ClippingPlane" )
if( aPropertyNameList.size() != 3 )
bool ok = false;
int aViewId = aPropertyNameList[1].toInt( &ok );
if( !ok || aViewId < 0 )
ok = false;
int aClippingPlaneId = aPropertyNameList[2].toInt( &ok );
if( !ok || aClippingPlaneId < 0 )
QStringList aPropertyValueList = aPropertyValue.split( gDigitsSep, QString::SkipEmptyParts );
if( aPropertyValueList.size() != 6 && aPropertyValueList.size() != 9 )
TPlaneData aPlaneData;
aPlaneData.AbsoluteOrientation = false;
aPlaneData.RelativeOrientation = 0;
aPlaneData.Distance = aPlaneData.Angle[0] = aPlaneData.Angle[1] = 0;
aPlaneData.X = aPlaneData.Y = aPlaneData.Z = 0;
aPlaneData.Dx = aPlaneData.Dy = aPlaneData.Dz = 0;
aPlaneData.Id = aClippingPlaneId;
ok = false;
aPlaneData.Mode = aPropertyValueList[0].toInt( &ok );
if( !ok )
ok = false;
aPlaneData.isOpenGLClipping = aPropertyValueList[1].toInt( &ok );
if( !ok )
if ( (SMESH::Mode)aPlaneData.Mode == SMESH::Absolute )
ok = false;
aPlaneData.AbsoluteOrientation = aPropertyValueList[2].toInt( &ok );
if( !ok )
ok = false;
aPlaneData.X = aPropertyValueList[3].toDouble( &ok );
if( !ok )
ok = false;
aPlaneData.Y = aPropertyValueList[4].toDouble( &ok );
if( !ok )
ok = false;
aPlaneData.Z = aPropertyValueList[5].toDouble( &ok );
if( !ok )
ok = false;
aPlaneData.Dx = aPropertyValueList[6].toDouble( &ok );
if( !ok )
ok = false;
aPlaneData.Dy = aPropertyValueList[7].toDouble( &ok );
if( !ok )
ok = false;
aPlaneData.Dz = aPropertyValueList[8].toDouble( &ok );
if( !ok )
else if ( (SMESH::Mode)aPlaneData.Mode == SMESH::Relative ) {
ok = false;
aPlaneData.RelativeOrientation = aPropertyValueList[2].toInt( &ok );
if( !ok )
ok = false;
aPlaneData.Distance = aPropertyValueList[3].toDouble( &ok );
if( !ok )
ok = false;
aPlaneData.Angle[0] = aPropertyValueList[4].toDouble( &ok );
if( !ok )
ok = false;
aPlaneData.Angle[1] = aPropertyValueList[5].toDouble( &ok );
if( !ok )
TPlaneDataList& aPlaneDataList = aPlaneDataMap[ aViewId ];
aPlaneDataList.push_back( aPlaneData );
TPlaneInfoMap aPlaneInfoMap;
std::vector<std::string> entries = ip->getEntries();
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator entIt = entries.begin(); entIt != entries.end(); ++entIt)
// entry is a normal entry - it should be "decoded" (setting base address of component)
QString entry (ip->decodeEntry(*entIt).c_str());
// Check that the entry corresponds to a real object in the Study
// as the object may be deleted or modified after the visual state is saved.
_PTR(SObject) so = studyDS->FindObjectID(entry.toUtf8().data());
if (!so) continue; //Skip the not existent entry
std::vector<std::string> paramNames = ip->getAllParameterNames( *entIt );
std::vector<std::string> paramValues = ip->getAllParameterValues( *entIt );
std::vector<std::string>::iterator namesIt = paramNames.begin();
std::vector<std::string>::iterator valuesIt = paramValues.begin();
// actors are stored in a map after displaying of them for
// quicker access in the future: map < viewID to actor >
NCollection_DataMap<int, SMESH_Actor*> vtkActors;
for (; namesIt != paramNames.end(); ++namesIt, ++valuesIt)
// visual parameters are stored in strings as follows: ViewerType_ViewIndex_ParamName.
// '_' is used as separator and should not be used in viewer type or parameter names.
QStringList lst = QString((*namesIt).c_str()).split(gSeparator, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (lst.size() != 3)
QString viewerTypStr = lst[0];
QString viewIndexStr = lst[1];
QString paramNameStr = lst[2];
bool ok;
int viewIndex = viewIndexStr.toUInt(&ok);
if (!ok) // bad conversion of view index to integer
// viewers
if (viewerTypStr == SVTK_Viewer::Type())
SMESH_Actor* aSmeshActor = 0;
if (vtkActors.IsBound(viewIndex))
aSmeshActor = vtkActors.Find(viewIndex);
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> lst;
getApp()->viewManagers(viewerTypStr, lst);
// SVTK ViewManager always has 1 ViewWindow, so view index is index of view manager
SUIT_ViewManager* vman = NULL;
if (viewIndex >= 0 && viewIndex < lst.count())
vman = lst.at(viewIndex);
if (paramNameStr == "Visibility")
if (!aSmeshActor && displayer() && vman)
SUIT_ViewModel* vmodel = vman->getViewModel();
// SVTK view model can be casted to SALOME_View
displayer()->Display(entry, true, dynamic_cast<SALOME_View*>(vmodel));
// store displayed actor in a temporary map for quicker
// access later when restoring other parameters
SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkView = (SVTK_ViewWindow*) vman->getActiveView();
vtkRenderer* Renderer = vtkView->getRenderer();
VTK::ActorCollectionCopy aCopy(Renderer->GetActors());
vtkActorCollection* theActors = aCopy.GetActors();
bool isFound = false;
vtkActor *ac = theActors->GetNextActor();
for (; ac != NULL && !isFound; ac = theActors->GetNextActor()) {
if (ac->IsA("SMESH_Actor")) {
SMESH_Actor* aGeomAc = SMESH_Actor::SafeDownCast(ac);
if (aGeomAc->hasIO()) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io = aGeomAc->getIO();
if (io->hasEntry() && strcmp(io->getEntry(), entry.toUtf8().data()) == 0) {
isFound = true;
vtkActors.Bind(viewIndex, aGeomAc);
} // if (paramNameStr == "Visibility")
// the rest properties "work" with SMESH_Actor
if (aSmeshActor)
QString val ((*valuesIt).c_str());
// Representation
if (paramNameStr == "Representation") {
// IsShrunk
else if (paramNameStr == "IsShrunk") {
if (val.toInt()) {
if (!aSmeshActor->IsShrunk())
else {
if (aSmeshActor->IsShrunk())
// Displayed entities
else if (paramNameStr == "Entities") {
QStringList mode = val.split(gDigitsSep, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
int aEntityMode = SMESH_Actor::eAllEntity;
for ( int i = 0; i < mode.count(); i+=2 ) {
if ( i < mode.count()-1 ) {
QString type = mode[i];
bool val = mode[i+1].toInt();
if ( type == "e" && !val )
aEntityMode = aEntityMode & ~SMESH_Actor::eEdges;
else if ( type == "f" && !val )
aEntityMode = aEntityMode & ~SMESH_Actor::eFaces;
else if ( type == "v" && !val )
aEntityMode = aEntityMode & ~SMESH_Actor::eVolumes;
else if ( type == "0d" && !val )
aEntityMode = aEntityMode & ~SMESH_Actor::e0DElements;
else if ( type == "b" && !val )
aEntityMode = aEntityMode & ~SMESH_Actor::eBallElem;
aSmeshActor->SetEntityMode( aEntityMode );
// Colors
else if (paramNameStr == "Colors") {
QStringList colors = val.split(gDigitsSep, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
QColor nodeColor;
QColor edgeColor;
QColor faceColor;
QColor volumeColor;
QColor elem0dColor;
QColor ballColor;
QColor outlineColor;
QColor orientationColor;
int deltaF;
int deltaV;
QColor c;
double r, g, b;
bool bOk;
// below lines are required to get default values for delta coefficients
// of backface color for faces and color of reversed volumes
SMESH::GetColor( "SMESH", "fill_color", c, deltaF, "0,170,255|-100" );
SMESH::GetColor( "SMESH", "volume_color", c, deltaV, "255,0,170|-100" );
for ( int i = 0; i < colors.count(); i++ ) {
QString type = colors[i];
if ( type == "surface" ) {
// face color is set by 3 values r:g:b, where
// - r,g,b - is rgb color components
if ( i+1 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
r = colors[i+1].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+2 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
g = colors[i+2].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+3 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
b = colors[i+3].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
faceColor.setRgbF( r, g, b );
i += 3;
else if ( type == "backsurface" ) {
// backface color can be defined in several ways
// - in old versions, it is set as rgb triple r:g:b - this was is unsupported now
// - in latest versions, it is set as delta coefficient
bool rgbOk = false, deltaOk;
if ( i+1 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
r = colors[i+1].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
int delta = colors[i+1].toInt( &deltaOk );
i++; // shift index
if ( i+1 < colors.count() ) // index is shifted to 1
g = colors[i+1].toDouble( &rgbOk );
if ( rgbOk ) i++; // shift index
if ( rgbOk && i+1 < colors.count() ) // index is shifted to 2
b = colors[i+1].toDouble( &rgbOk );
if ( rgbOk ) i++;
// - as currently there's no way to set directly backsurface color as it was before,
// we ignore old dump where r,g,b triple was set
// - also we check that delta parameter is set properly
if ( !rgbOk && deltaOk )
deltaF = delta;
else if ( type == "volume" ) {
// volume color is set by 4 values r:g:b:delta, where
// - r,g,b - is a normal volume rgb color components
// - delta - is a reversed volume color delta coefficient
if ( i+1 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
r = colors[i+1].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+2 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
g = colors[i+2].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+3 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
b = colors[i+3].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+4 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
int delta = colors[i+4].toInt( &bOk );
if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
volumeColor.setRgbF( r, g, b );
deltaV = delta;
i += 4;
else if ( type == "edge" ) {
// edge color is set by 3 values r:g:b, where
// - r,g,b - is rgb color components
if ( i+1 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
r = colors[i+1].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+2 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
g = colors[i+2].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+3 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
b = colors[i+3].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
edgeColor.setRgbF( r, g, b );
i += 3;
else if ( type == "node" ) {
// node color is set by 3 values r:g:b, where
// - r,g,b - is rgb color components
if ( i+1 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
r = colors[i+1].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+2 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
g = colors[i+2].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+3 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
b = colors[i+3].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
nodeColor.setRgbF( r, g, b );
i += 3;
else if ( type == "elem0d" ) {
// 0d element color is set by 3 values r:g:b, where
// - r,g,b - is rgb color components
if ( i+1 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
r = colors[i+1].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+2 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
g = colors[i+2].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+3 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
b = colors[i+3].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
elem0dColor.setRgbF( r, g, b );
i += 3;
else if ( type == "ball" ) {
// ball color is set by 3 values r:g:b, where
// - r,g,b - is rgb color components
if ( i+1 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
r = colors[i+1].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+2 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
g = colors[i+2].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+3 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
b = colors[i+3].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
ballColor.setRgbF( r, g, b );
i += 3;
else if ( type == "outline" ) {
// outline color is set by 3 values r:g:b, where
// - r,g,b - is rgb color components
if ( i+1 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
r = colors[i+1].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+2 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
g = colors[i+2].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+3 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
b = colors[i+3].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
outlineColor.setRgbF( r, g, b );
i += 3;
else if ( type == "orientation" ) {
// orientation color is set by 3 values r:g:b, where
// - r,g,b - is rgb color components
if ( i+1 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
r = colors[i+1].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+2 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
g = colors[i+2].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+3 >= colors.count() ) break; // format error
b = colors[i+3].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
orientationColor.setRgbF( r, g, b );
i += 3;
// node color
if ( nodeColor.isValid() )
aSmeshActor->SetNodeColor( nodeColor.redF(), nodeColor.greenF(), nodeColor.blueF() );
// edge color
if ( edgeColor.isValid() )
aSmeshActor->SetEdgeColor( edgeColor.redF(), edgeColor.greenF(), edgeColor.blueF() );
// face color
if ( faceColor.isValid() )
aSmeshActor->SetSufaceColor( faceColor.redF(), faceColor.greenF(), faceColor.blueF(), deltaF );
// volume color
if ( volumeColor.isValid() )
aSmeshActor->SetVolumeColor( volumeColor.redF(), volumeColor.greenF(), volumeColor.blueF(), deltaV );
else if ( faceColor.isValid() ) // backward compatibility (no separate color for volumes)
aSmeshActor->SetVolumeColor( faceColor.redF(), faceColor.greenF(), faceColor.blueF(), deltaF );
// 0d element color
if ( elem0dColor.isValid() )
aSmeshActor->Set0DColor( elem0dColor.redF(), elem0dColor.greenF(), elem0dColor.blueF() );
// ball color
if ( ballColor.isValid() )
aSmeshActor->SetBallColor( ballColor.redF(), ballColor.greenF(), ballColor.blueF() );
// outline color
if ( outlineColor.isValid() )
aSmeshActor->SetOutlineColor( outlineColor.redF(), outlineColor.greenF(), outlineColor.blueF() );
// orientation color
if ( orientationColor.isValid() )
aSmeshActor->SetFacesOrientationColor( orientationColor.redF(), orientationColor.greenF(), orientationColor.blueF() );
// Sizes
else if (paramNameStr == "Sizes") {
QStringList sizes = val.split(gDigitsSep, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
bool bOk;
int lineWidth = -1;
int outlineWidth = -1;
int elem0dSize = -1;
//int ballSize = -1;
double ballDiameter = -1.0;
double ballScale = -1.0;
double shrinkSize = -1;
double orientationSize = -1;
bool orientation3d = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < sizes.count(); i++ ) {
QString type = sizes[i];
if ( type == "line" ) {
// line (wireframe) width is given as single integer value
if ( i+1 >= sizes.count() ) break; // format error
int v = sizes[i+1].toInt( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
lineWidth = v;
if ( type == "outline" ) {
// outline width is given as single integer value
if ( i+1 >= sizes.count() ) break; // format error
int v = sizes[i+1].toInt( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
outlineWidth = v;
else if ( type == "elem0d" ) {
// 0d element size is given as single integer value
if ( i+1 >= sizes.count() ) break; // format error
int v = sizes[i+1].toInt( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
elem0dSize = v;
else if ( type == "ball" ) {
// balls are specified by two values: size:scale, where
// - size - is a integer value specifying size
// - scale - is a double value specifying scale factor
if ( i+1 >= sizes.count() ) break; // format error
//int v1 = sizes[i+1].toInt( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
double v1 = sizes[i+1].toInt( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+2 >= sizes.count() ) break; // format error
double v2 = sizes[i+2].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
//ballSize = v1;
ballDiameter = v1;
ballScale = v2;
i += 2;
else if ( type == "shrink" ) {
// shrink factor is given as single floating point value
if ( i+1 >= sizes.count() ) break; // format error
double v = sizes[i+1].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
shrinkSize = v;
else if ( type == "orientation" ) {
// orientation vectors are specified by two values size:3d, where
// - size - is a floating point value specifying scale factor
// - 3d - is a boolean
if ( i+1 >= sizes.count() ) break; // format error
double v1 = sizes[i+1].toDouble( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
if ( i+2 >= sizes.count() ) break; // format error
int v2 = sizes[i+2].toInt( &bOk ); if ( !bOk ) break; // format error
orientationSize = v1;
orientation3d = (bool)v2;
i += 2;
// line (wireframe) width
if ( lineWidth > 0 )
aSmeshActor->SetLineWidth( lineWidth );
// outline width
if ( outlineWidth > 0 )
aSmeshActor->SetOutlineWidth( outlineWidth );
else if ( lineWidth > 0 ) // backward compatibility (no separate width for outlines)
aSmeshActor->SetOutlineWidth( lineWidth );
// 0d element size
if ( elem0dSize > 0 )
aSmeshActor->Set0DSize( elem0dSize );
// ball size
/*if ( ballSize > 0 )
aSmeshActor->SetBallSize( ballSize );*/
// ball diameter
if ( ballDiameter > 0 )
aSmeshActor->SetBallSize( ballDiameter );
// ball scale
if ( ballScale > 0.0 )
aSmeshActor->SetBallScale( ballScale );
// shrink factor
if ( shrinkSize > 0 )
aSmeshActor->SetShrinkFactor( shrinkSize );
// orientation vectors
if ( orientationSize > 0 ) {
aSmeshActor->SetFacesOrientationScale( orientationSize );
aSmeshActor->SetFacesOrientation3DVectors( orientation3d );
// Point marker
else if (paramNameStr == "PointMarker") {
QStringList data = val.split(gDigitsSep, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if( data.count() >= 2 ) {
bool ok = false;
int aParam1 = data[1].toInt( &ok );
if( ok ) {
if( data[0] == "std" && data.count() == 3 ) {
int aParam2 = data[2].toInt( &ok );
aSmeshActor->SetMarkerStd( (VTK::MarkerType)aParam1, (VTK::MarkerScale)aParam2 );
else if( data[0] == "custom" ) {
VTK::MarkerMap::const_iterator markerIt = myMarkerMap.find( aParam1 );
if( markerIt != myMarkerMap.end() ) {
VTK::MarkerData aMarkerData = markerIt->second;
aSmeshActor->SetMarkerTexture( aParam1, aMarkerData.second );
// Opacity
else if (paramNameStr == "Opacity") {
// Clipping
else if (paramNameStr.startsWith("ClippingPlane")) {
QStringList vals = val.split(gDigitsSep, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
// old format - val looks like "Off" or "1:0:0:0.5:0:0"
// (mode(relative), is OpenGL clipping plane, orientation, distance, two angles)
// or "0:1:1:10.5:1.0:1.0:15.0:10.0:10.0"
// (mode(absolute), is OpenGL clipping plane, orientation, base point(x, y, z), direction (dx, dy, dz))
// new format - val looks like "Off" or "0" (plane id)
// (note: in new format "Off" value is used only for consistency,
// so it is processed together with values in old format)
bool anIsOldFormat = ( vals.count() == 6 || vals.count() == 9 || val == "Off" );
if( anIsOldFormat ) {
if (paramNameStr == "ClippingPlane1" || val == "Off")
if (val != "Off") {
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> lst;
getApp()->viewManagers(viewerTypStr, lst);
// SVTK ViewManager always has 1 ViewWindow, so view index is index of view manager
if (viewIndex >= 0 && viewIndex < lst.count()) {
SUIT_ViewManager* vman = lst.at(viewIndex);
SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkView = (SVTK_ViewWindow*) vman->getActiveView();
SMESHGUI_ClippingPlaneInfoList& aClippingPlaneInfoList = myClippingPlaneInfoMap[ vman ];
SMESH::TActorList anActorList;
anActorList.push_back( aSmeshActor );
SMESH::OrientedPlane* aPlane = SMESH::OrientedPlane::New( vtkView );
aPlane->myViewWindow = vtkView;
SMESH::Mode aMode = ( SMESH::Mode )vals[0].toInt();
aPlane->PlaneMode = aMode;
bool isOpenGLClipping = ( bool )vals[1].toInt();
aPlane->IsOpenGLClipping = isOpenGLClipping;
if ( aMode == SMESH::Absolute ) {
aPlane->myAbsoluteOrientation = vals[2].toInt();
aPlane->X = vals[3].toFloat();
aPlane->Y = vals[4].toFloat();
aPlane->Z = vals[5].toFloat();
aPlane->Dx = vals[6].toFloat();
aPlane->Dy = vals[7].toFloat();
aPlane->Dz = vals[8].toFloat();
else if ( aMode == SMESH::Relative ) {
aPlane->myRelativeOrientation = (SMESH::Orientation)vals[2].toInt();
aPlane->myDistance = vals[3].toFloat();
aPlane->myAngle[0] = vals[4].toFloat();
aPlane->myAngle[1] = vals[5].toFloat();
if( aPlane ) {
if ( SMESHGUI_ClippingDlg::AddPlane( anActorList, aPlane ) ) {
SMESH::ClippingPlaneInfo aClippingPlaneInfo;
aClippingPlaneInfo.Plane = aPlane;
aClippingPlaneInfo.ActorList = anActorList;
aClippingPlaneInfoList.push_back( aClippingPlaneInfo );
else {
bool ok = false;
int aPlaneId = val.toInt( &ok );
if( ok && aPlaneId >= 0 ) {
bool anIsDefinedPlane = false;
TPlaneInfoList& aPlaneInfoList = aPlaneInfoMap[ viewIndex ];
TPlaneInfoList::iterator anIter = aPlaneInfoList.begin();
for( ; anIter != aPlaneInfoList.end(); anIter++ ) {
TPlaneInfo& aPlaneInfo = *anIter;
if( aPlaneInfo.PlaneId == aPlaneId ) {
aPlaneInfo.ActorList.push_back( aSmeshActor );
anIsDefinedPlane = true;
if( !anIsDefinedPlane ) {
TPlaneInfo aPlaneInfo;
aPlaneInfo.PlaneId = aPlaneId;
aPlaneInfo.ActorList.push_back( aSmeshActor );
aPlaneInfo.ViewManager = vman;
// to make the list sorted by plane id
anIter = aPlaneInfoList.begin();
for( ; anIter != aPlaneInfoList.end(); anIter++ ) {
const TPlaneInfo& aPlaneInfoRef = *anIter;
if( aPlaneInfoRef.PlaneId > aPlaneId )
aPlaneInfoList.insert( anIter, aPlaneInfo );
} // if (aSmeshActor)
} // other parameters than Visibility
} // for names/parameters iterator
} // for entries iterator
// take into account planes with empty list of actors referred to them
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> aVMList;
getApp()->viewManagers(SVTK_Viewer::Type(), aVMList);
TPlaneDataMap::const_iterator aPlaneDataIter = aPlaneDataMap.begin();
for( ; aPlaneDataIter != aPlaneDataMap.end(); aPlaneDataIter++ ) {
int aViewId = aPlaneDataIter->first;
if( aViewId >= 0 && aViewId < aVMList.count() ) {
SUIT_ViewManager* aViewManager = aVMList.at( aViewId );
const TPlaneDataList& aPlaneDataList = aPlaneDataIter->second;
TPlaneInfoList& aPlaneInfoList = aPlaneInfoMap[ aViewId ];
TPlaneDataList::const_iterator anIter2 = aPlaneDataList.begin();
for( ; anIter2 != aPlaneDataList.end(); anIter2++ ) {
const TPlaneData& aPlaneData = *anIter2;
int aPlaneId = aPlaneData.Id;
bool anIsFound = false;
TPlaneInfoList::const_iterator anIter3 = aPlaneInfoList.begin();
for( ; anIter3 != aPlaneInfoList.end(); anIter3++ ) {
const TPlaneInfo& aPlaneInfo = *anIter3;
if( aPlaneInfo.PlaneId == aPlaneId ) {
anIsFound = true;
if( !anIsFound ) {
TPlaneInfo aPlaneInfo; // ActorList field is empty
aPlaneInfo.PlaneId = aPlaneId;
aPlaneInfo.ViewManager = aViewManager;
// to make the list sorted by plane id
TPlaneInfoList::iterator anIter4 = aPlaneInfoList.begin();
for( ; anIter4 != aPlaneInfoList.end(); anIter4++ ) {
const TPlaneInfo& aPlaneInfoRef = *anIter4;
if( aPlaneInfoRef.PlaneId > aPlaneId )
aPlaneInfoList.insert( anIter4, aPlaneInfo );
// add clipping planes to actors according to the restored parameters
// and update the clipping plane map
TPlaneInfoMap::const_iterator anIter1 = aPlaneInfoMap.begin();
for( ; anIter1 != aPlaneInfoMap.end(); anIter1++ ) {
int aViewId = anIter1->first;
const TPlaneInfoList& aPlaneInfoList = anIter1->second;
TPlaneDataMap::const_iterator anIter2 = aPlaneDataMap.find( aViewId );
if( anIter2 == aPlaneDataMap.end() )
const TPlaneDataList& aPlaneDataList = anIter2->second;
TPlaneInfoList::const_iterator anIter3 = aPlaneInfoList.begin();
for( ; anIter3 != aPlaneInfoList.end(); anIter3++ ) {
const TPlaneInfo& aPlaneInfo = *anIter3;
int aPlaneId = aPlaneInfo.PlaneId;
const TActorList& anActorList = aPlaneInfo.ActorList;
SUIT_ViewManager* aViewManager = aPlaneInfo.ViewManager;
if( !aViewManager )
SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>( aViewManager->getActiveView() );
if( !aViewWindow )
SMESHGUI_ClippingPlaneInfoList& aClippingPlaneInfoList = myClippingPlaneInfoMap[ aViewManager ];
TPlaneDataList::const_iterator anIter4 = aPlaneDataList.begin();
for( ; anIter4 != aPlaneDataList.end(); anIter4++ ) {
const TPlaneData& aPlaneData = *anIter4;
if( aPlaneData.Id == aPlaneId ) {
SMESH::OrientedPlane* aPlane = SMESH::OrientedPlane::New( aViewWindow );
aPlane->myViewWindow = aViewWindow;
aPlane->PlaneMode = (SMESH::Mode)aPlaneData.Mode;
aPlane->IsOpenGLClipping = aPlaneData.isOpenGLClipping;
if ( aPlane->PlaneMode == SMESH::Absolute ) {
aPlane->myAbsoluteOrientation = aPlaneData.AbsoluteOrientation;
aPlane->X = aPlaneData.X;
aPlane->Y = aPlaneData.Y;
aPlane->Z = aPlaneData.Z;
aPlane->Dx = aPlaneData.Dx;
aPlane->Dy = aPlaneData.Dy;
aPlane->Dz = aPlaneData.Dz;
else if ( aPlane->PlaneMode == SMESH::Relative ) {
aPlane->myRelativeOrientation = (SMESH::Orientation)aPlaneData.RelativeOrientation;
aPlane->myDistance = aPlaneData.Distance;
aPlane->myAngle[0] = aPlaneData.Angle[0];
aPlane->myAngle[1] = aPlaneData.Angle[1];
if( aPlane ) {
if ( SMESHGUI_ClippingDlg::AddPlane( anActorList, aPlane ) ) {
SMESH::ClippingPlaneInfo aClippingPlaneInfo;
aClippingPlaneInfo.Plane = aPlane;
aClippingPlaneInfo.ActorList = anActorList;
aClippingPlaneInfoList.push_back( aClippingPlaneInfo );
// update all VTK views
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> lst;
for (QList<SUIT_ViewManager*>::Iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); it++) {
SUIT_ViewModel* vmodel = (*it)->getViewModel();
if (vmodel && vmodel->getType() == SVTK_Viewer::Type()) {
SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkView = (SVTK_ViewWindow*) (*it)->getActiveView();
// set OpenGL clipping planes
VTK::ActorCollectionCopy aCopy( vtkView->getRenderer()->GetActors() );
vtkActorCollection* anAllActors = aCopy.GetActors();
while( vtkActor* aVTKActor = anAllActors->GetNextActor() )
if( SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH_Actor::SafeDownCast( aVTKActor ) )
\brief Adds preferences for dfont of VTK viewer
\param label label
\param pIf group identifier
\param param parameter
\return identifier of preferences
int SMESHGUI::addVtkFontPref( const QString& label, const int pId, const QString& param, const bool needSize )
int tfont = addPreference( label, pId, LightApp_Preferences::Font, "SMESH", param );
setPreferenceProperty( tfont, "mode", QtxFontEdit::Custom );
QStringList fam;
fam.append( tr( "SMESH_FONT_ARIAL" ) );
fam.append( tr( "SMESH_FONT_COURIER" ) );
fam.append( tr( "SMESH_FONT_TIMES" ) );
setPreferenceProperty( tfont, "fonts", fam );
int f = QtxFontEdit::Family | QtxFontEdit::Bold | QtxFontEdit::Italic | QtxFontEdit::Shadow;
if ( needSize ) f = f | QtxFontEdit::Size;
setPreferenceProperty( tfont, "features", f );
return tfont;
\brief Actions after hypothesis edition
Updates object browser after hypothesis edition
void SMESHGUI::onHypothesisEdit( int result )
if( result == 1 )
updateObjBrowser( true );
\brief Actions after choosing menu of control modes
Updates control mode actions according to current selection
void SMESHGUI::onUpdateControlActions()
SALOME_ListIO selected;
if ( LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSel = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr() )
aSel->selectedObjects( selected );
SMESH_Actor::eControl aControl = SMESH_Actor::eNone;
if ( selected.Extent() ) {
if ( selected.First()->hasEntry() ) {
if ( SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( selected.First()->getEntry() )) {
aControl = anActor->GetControlMode();
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO it(selected);
for ( it.Next(); it.More(); it.Next() ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = it.Value();
if ( anIO->hasEntry() ) {
if ( SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( anIO->getEntry() ) ) {
if ( aControl != anActor->GetControlMode() ) {
aControl = SMESH_Actor::eNone;
int anAction = ActionToControl( aControl, true );
if ( anAction)
action( anAction )->setChecked( true );
else {
QMenu* send = (QMenu*)sender();
QList<QAction*> actions = send->actions();
for ( int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++ )
actions[i]->setChecked( false );
\brief Signal handler closing(SUIT_ViewWindow*) of a view
\param pview view being closed
void SMESHGUI::onViewClosed( SUIT_ViewWindow* pview ) {
//Crear all Plot2d Viewers if need.
void SMESHGUI::message( const QString& msg )
// dispatch message
QStringList data = msg.split("/");
if ( data.count() > 0 ) {
if ( data.first() == "mesh_loading" ) {
// get mesh entry
QString entry = data.count() > 1 ? data[1] : QString();
if ( entry.isEmpty() )
// get study
_PTR(Study) study = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( application()->activeStudy() )->studyDS();
// get mesh name
_PTR(SObject) obj = study->FindObjectID( entry.toUtf8().constData() );
QString name;
if ( obj )
name = SMESH::fromUtf8(obj->GetName());
if ( name.isEmpty() )
if ( data.last() == "stop" )
application()->putInfo( tr( "MESH_LOADING_MSG_FINISHED" ).arg( name ) );
application()->putInfo( tr( "MESH_LOADING_MSG" ).arg( name ) );
\brief Connects or disconnects signals about activating and cloning view on the module slots
\param pview view which is connected/disconnected
void SMESHGUI::connectView( const SUIT_ViewWindow* pview ) {
SUIT_ViewManager* viewMgr = pview->getViewManager();
if ( viewMgr ) {
disconnect( viewMgr, SIGNAL( deleteView( SUIT_ViewWindow* ) ),
this, SLOT( onViewClosed( SUIT_ViewWindow* ) ) );
connect( viewMgr, SIGNAL( deleteView( SUIT_ViewWindow* ) ),
this, SLOT( onViewClosed( SUIT_ViewWindow* ) ) );
\brief Return \c true if object can be renamed
bool SMESHGUI::renameAllowed( const QString& entry) const {
SalomeApp_Application* anApp = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( application() );
if( !anApp )
return false;
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( anApp->activeStudy() );
if( !appStudy )
return false;
SalomeApp_DataObject* obj = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_DataObject*>(appStudy->findObjectByEntry(entry));
return false;
if(appStudy->isComponent(entry) || obj->isReference())
return false;
// check type to prevent renaming of inappropriate objects
int aType = SMESHGUI_Selection::type(qPrintable(entry));
if (aType == SMESH::MESH || aType == SMESH::GROUP ||
return true;
return false;
Rename object by entry.
\param entry entry of the object
\param name new name of the object
\brief Return \c true if rename operation finished successfully, \c false otherwise.
bool SMESHGUI::renameObject( const QString& entry, const QString& name) {
SalomeApp_Application* anApp = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( application() );
if( !anApp )
return false;
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( anApp->activeStudy() );
return false;
_PTR(Study) aStudy = appStudy->studyDS();
return false;
bool aLocked = (_PTR(AttributeStudyProperties)(appStudy->studyDS()->GetProperties()))->IsLocked();
if ( aLocked ) {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning ( anApp->desktop(), QObject::tr("WRN_WARNING"), QObject::tr("WRN_STUDY_LOCKED") );
return false;
_PTR(SObject) obj = aStudy->FindObjectID( qPrintable(entry) );
_PTR(GenericAttribute) anAttr;
_PTR(AttributeName) aName;
if ( obj ) {
if ( obj->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeName") ) {
aName = anAttr;
// check type to prevent renaming of inappropriate objects
int aType = SMESHGUI_Selection::type( qPrintable(entry));
if (aType == SMESH::MESH || aType == SMESH::GROUP ||
if ( !name.isEmpty() ) {
SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGen()->SetName(obj->GetIOR().c_str(), qUtf8Printable(name) );
// update name of group object and its actor
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject =
new SALOME_InteractiveObject ( qPrintable(entry), "SMESH", qPrintable(name) );
SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroupObject = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase>(IObject);
if( !aGroupObject->_is_nil() ) {
aGroupObject->SetName( qUtf8Printable(name) );
if ( SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry( qPrintable(entry) ) )
anActor->setName( qUtf8Printable(name) );
return true;
return false;
SALOMEDS::Color SMESHGUI::getPredefinedUniqueColor()
static QList<QColor> colors;
if ( colors.isEmpty() ) {
for (int s = 0; s < 2 ; s++)
for (int v = 100; v >= 40; v = v - 20)
for (int h = 0; h < 359 ; h = h + 60)
colors.append(QColor::fromHsv(h, 255 - s * 127, v * 255 / 100));
static int currentColor = randomize( colors.size() );
SALOMEDS::Color color;
color.R = (double)colors[currentColor].red() / 255.0;
color.G = (double)colors[currentColor].green() / 255.0;
color.B = (double)colors[currentColor].blue() / 255.0;
currentColor = (currentColor+1) % colors.count();
return color;