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bool IsFreeFace( int faceIndex, const SMDS_MeshElement** otherVol=0 ) const; - // Check that all volumes built on the face nodes lays on one side + // Fast check that only one volume is built on nodes of a given face + // otherVol returns another volume sharing the given facet + + bool IsFreeFaceAdv( int faceIndex, const SMDS_MeshElement** otherVol=0 ) const; + // Thorough check that all volumes built on the face nodes lays on one side + bool IsPoly() const { return myPolyedre; }
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// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// SMESH SMDS : implementaion of Salome mesh data structure
// File : SMDS_VolumeTool.hxx
// Module : SMESH
// Created : Tue Jul 13 11:27:17 2004
// Author : Edward AGAPOV (eap)
#ifndef SMDS_VolumeTool_HeaderFile
#define SMDS_VolumeTool_HeaderFile
#include "SMESH_SMDS.hxx"
class SMDS_MeshElement;
class SMDS_MeshNode;
class SMDS_VtkVolume;
class SMDS_MeshVolume;
#include <vector>
#include <set>
// =========================================================================
// Class providing topological and other information about SMDS_MeshVolume:
// allows iteration on faces or, to be precise, on nodes of volume sides;
// provides info on nodes connection etc.
// =========================================================================
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_VolumeTool
enum VolumeType { UNKNOWN = -1, TETRA = 0, PYRAM, PENTA, HEXA,
POLYHEDA, NB_VOLUME_TYPES }; // to keep synchronised with GetSize()!
SMDS_VolumeTool ();
~SMDS_VolumeTool ();
SMDS_VolumeTool (const SMDS_MeshElement* theVolume,
const bool ignoreCentralNodes=true);
bool Set (const SMDS_MeshElement* theVolume,
const bool ignoreCentralNodes=true);
// Set volume.
// Return false if theVolume is not of type SMDSAbs_Volume.
// ignoreCentralNodes makes skip nodes at face centers when returning
// nodes of faces of SMDSEntity_TriQuad_Hexa
const SMDS_MeshVolume* Element() const;
// return element
int ID() const;
// return element ID
bool IsPoly() const { return myPolyedre; }
// -----------------------
// general info
// -----------------------
VolumeType GetVolumeType() const;
bool IsForward() const { return myVolForward; }
// Check volume orientation. can be changed by Inverse().
// See node order of forward volumes at the file bottom
void Inverse();
// Change nodes order as if the volume changes its orientation:
// top and bottom faces are reversed.
// Result of IsForward() and methods returning nodes change
const SMDS_MeshNode** GetNodes() { return myVolumeNodes; }
// Return array of volume nodes
int NbNodes() { return myVolumeNbNodes; }
// Return array of volume nodes
double GetSize() const;
// Return element volume
bool GetBaryCenter (double & X, double & Y, double & Z) const;
bool IsOut(double X, double Y, double Z, double tol) const;
// Classify a point
// -----------------------
// info on node connection
// -----------------------
bool IsLinked (const SMDS_MeshNode* theNode1,
const SMDS_MeshNode* theNode2,
const bool theIgnoreMediumNodes=false) const;
// Return true if theNode1 is linked with theNode2.
// If theIgnoreMediumNodes then corner nodes of quadratic cell are considered linked as well
bool IsLinked (const int theNode1Index,
const int theNode2Index,
bool theIgnoreMediumNodes=false) const;
// Return true if the node with theNode1Index is linked
// with the node with theNode2Index
// If theIgnoreMediumNodes then corner nodes of quadratic cell are considered linked as well
int GetNodeIndex(const SMDS_MeshNode* theNode) const;
// Return an index of theNode
int GetAllExistingEdges(std::vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> & edges) const;
// Fill vector with boundary edges existing in the mesh
double MinLinearSize2() const;
// Return minimal square distance between connected corner nodes
double MaxLinearSize2() const;
// Return maximal square distance between connected corner nodes
// -------------
// info on faces
// -------------
// For all elements, 0-th face is bottom based on the first nodes.
// For prismatic elements (tetra,hexa,prisms), 1-th face is a top one.
// For all elements, side faces follow order of bottom nodes
void SetExternalNormal ();
// Node order in faces will be so that faces normals are external.
int NbFaces() const { return myNbFaces; }
// Return number of faces of the volume. In the following
// methods 0 <= faceIndex < NbFaces()
int NbFaceNodes( int faceIndex ) const;
// Return number of nodes in the array of face nodes
const int* GetFaceNodesIndices( int faceIndex ) const;
// Return the array of face nodes indices
// To comfort link iteration, the array
// length == NbFaceNodes( faceIndex ) + 1 and
// the last node index == the first one, except for
// SMDSEntity_TriQuad_Hexa at ignoreCentralNodes==false.
// NOTE: for the quadratic volume, node indices are in the order the nodes encounter
// in face boundary and not the order they are in the mesh face
const SMDS_MeshNode** GetFaceNodes( int faceIndex ) const;
// Return the array of face nodes.
// To comfort link iteration, the array
// length == NbFaceNodes( faceIndex ) + 1 and
// the last node == the first one, except for
// SMDSEntity_TriQuad_Hexa at ignoreCentralNodes==false.
// NOTE: for the quadratic volume, nodes are in the order they encounter in face boundary
// and not the order they are in the mesh face
// WARNING: do not modify the array, some methods
// work basing on its contents
bool GetFaceNodes (int faceIndex,
std::set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& theFaceNodes ) const;
// Return a set of face nodes.
bool IsFaceExternal( int faceIndex ) const;
// Check normal orientation of a face.
// SetExternalNormal() is taken into account.
bool IsFreeFace( int faceIndex, const SMDS_MeshElement** otherVol=0 ) const;
// Fast check that only one volume is built on nodes of a given face
// otherVol returns another volume sharing the given facet
bool IsFreeFaceAdv( int faceIndex, const SMDS_MeshElement** otherVol=0 ) const;
// Thorough check that all volumes built on the face nodes lays on one side
// otherVol returns another volume sharing the given facet
bool GetFaceNormal (int faceIndex, double & X, double & Y, double & Z) const;
// Return a normal to a face
bool GetFaceBaryCenter (int faceIndex, double & X, double & Y, double & Z) const;
// Return barycenter of a face
double GetFaceArea( int faceIndex ) const;
// Return face area
int GetOppFaceIndex( int faceIndex ) const;
// Return index of the opposite face if it exists, else -1.
int GetCenterNodeIndex( int faceIndex ) const;
// Return index of the node located at face center of a quadratic element like HEX27
int GetFaceIndex( const std::set<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& theFaceNodes ) const;
// Return index of a face formed by theFaceNodes.
// Return -1 if a face not found
//int GetFaceIndex( const std::set<int>& theFaceNodesIndices );
// Return index of a face formed by theFaceNodesIndices
// Return -1 if a face not found
int GetAllExistingFaces(std::vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> & faces) const;
// Fill vector with boundary faces existing in the mesh
// ------------------------
// static methods for faces
// ------------------------
static VolumeType GetType(int nbNodes);
// return VolumeType by nb of nodes in a volume
static int NbFaces( VolumeType type );
// return nb of faces by volume type
static const int* GetFaceNodesIndices(VolumeType type,
int faceIndex,
bool external);
// Return the array of face nodes indices
// To comfort link iteration, the array
// length == NbFaceNodes( faceIndex ) + 1 and
// the last node index == the first one.
// Nodes at face centers of SMDSEntity_TriQuad_Hexa are ignored
static int NbFaceNodes(VolumeType type, int faceIndex );
// Return number of nodes in the array of face nodes
// Nodes at face centers of SMDSEntity_TriQuad_Hexa are ignored
static int NbCornerNodes(VolumeType type);
// Useful to know nb of corner nodes of a quadratic volume
bool setFace( int faceIndex ) const;
const SMDS_MeshElement* myVolume;
const SMDS_VtkVolume* myPolyedre;
bool myIgnoreCentralNodes;
bool myVolForward;
int myNbFaces;
int myVolumeNbNodes;
const SMDS_MeshNode** myVolumeNodes;
std::vector< int > myPolyIndices;
mutable bool myExternalFaces;
mutable const int* myAllFacesNodeIndices_F;
mutable const int* myAllFacesNodeIndices_RE;
mutable const int* myAllFacesNbNodes;
mutable int myMaxFaceNbNodes;
mutable int myCurFace;
mutable int myFaceNbNodes;
mutable int* myFaceNodeIndices;
mutable const SMDS_MeshNode** myFaceNodes;
// N3
// +
// /|\
// / | \
// / | \
// N0 +---|---+ N1 TETRAHEDRON
// \ | /
// \ | /
// \ | /
// \|/
// +
// N2
// + N4
// /|\
// / | \
// / | \
// / | \
// N3 +---------+ N5
// | | |
// | + N1 |
// | / \ | PENTAHEDRON
// | / \ |
// | / \ |
// |/ \|
// N0 +---------+ N2
// N5+----------+N6
// /| /|
// / | / |
// / | / |
// N4+----------+N7 |
// | | | | HEXAHEDRON
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | N1+------|---+N2
// | / | /
// | / | /
// |/ |/
// N0+----------+N3