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+ Optimize SMDS_VolumeTool::IsFreeFace() + Add icons for Evaluate and Change Sub-mesh order + Make "Meduim nodes on geometry" ON by default + Disable "Group on geometry" if mesh is not on geometry + SMESHGUI_MeshOp: fix switch from Sub-mesh creation to Sub-mesh edition
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\page grouping_elements_page Grouping elements
In Mesh module it is possible to create groups of mesh entities:
nodes, edges, faces, volumes, 0D elements or balls. One group contains
elements of only one type. Groups, unlike sub-meshes, are exported
along with mesh entities into the files of following formats: MED, UNV,
and CGNS. The group has a color attribute which is used for
visualization only and is not exported.
There are three types of groups different by their internal
<li><b>Standalone group</b> is a static set of mesh entities. Its
contents can be explicitely controlled by the user. Upon removal of
the entities included into the group, the group becomes empty and
the user is to pay efforts to restore its contents. Hence it is
resonable to create standalone groups when the mesh generation is
finished and mesh quality is verified.
\warning Creation and edition of large standalone groups in
\ref creating_groups_page "Create group" dialog using manual edition
is problematic due to poor performance of the dialog.</li>
<li><b>Group on geomerty</b> is associated to one or a group of
sub-shapes of the main shape and includes mesh entities generated on
this geometrical entities. The association to geometry is
established at group construction and can't be changed. The group
contents is always up-to-date without user's efforts, hence the
group can be created even before mesh elements generation.</li>
<li><b>Group on filter</b> encapsulates a filter which is used to
select mesh entities composing the group from the whole
mesh. Criteria of the filter can be changed at any time. The
group contents is always up-to-date without user's efforts, hence
the group can be created even before mesh elements generation.</li>
The group on geometry and group on filter can be converted to
the standalone group.
\image html groups_in_OB.png "Groups of different types look differently in the Object Browser"
The following ways of group creation are possible:
- \subpage creating_groups_page "Create group" dialog allows creation of
a group of any of all the three types:
\ref standalone_group "Standalone group",
\ref group_on_geom "Group on geometry" and
\ref group_on_filter "Group on filter" using dedicated tabs.
- \subpage create_groups_from_geometry_page "Create Groups from Geometry"
dialog allows creation of several groups on geometry at once.
- Standalone groups of all nodes and elements of the chosen sub-mesh
(type of elements depends on dimension of sub-mesh geometry) can
be created using <b>Mesh -> Construct Group</b> menu item (available
in context menu as well).
- Standalone groups of any element type can be created basing on nodes
of other groups - using \subpage group_of_underlying_elements_page
"Group based on nodes of other groups" dialog.
- Standalone groups can be created by applying
\subpage using_operations_on_groups_page "Boolean operations" to
other groups.
- Creation of standalone groups is an option of many
\ref modifying_meshes_page "mesh modification" operations.
The created groups can be later:
- \subpage editing_groups_page "Edited"
- \subpage deleting_groups_page "Deleted", either as an object or
together with contained elements.
- The group on geometry and group on filter can be
\ref convert_to_standalone "converted into the standalone" group.
- \ref importing_exporting_meshes_page "Exported" into a file as a
whole mesh.
In the Object Browser, if groups container item includes more
than one group, it is possible to sort the groups by name in
ascending order. For this, select the groups container in the Object
Browser and choose <b>Sort children</b> context menu item.
\image html smesh_sort_groups.png "Sorting groups"
An important tool, providing filters for creation of standalone
groups and groups on filter is \ref selection_filter_library_page.