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EURIWARE BO: Homogenize the formulas used to calculate the Controls in SMESH to fit with those of ParaView. The library used by ParaView for those calculations can be reused in SMESH.
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3881 lines
109 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
#include "SMESH_ControlsDef.hxx"
#include <set>
#include <limits>
#include <BRepAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
#include <BRepClass_FaceClassifier.hxx>
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <TopAbs.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Face.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Iterator.hxx>
#include <Geom_CylindricalSurface.hxx>
#include <Geom_Plane.hxx>
#include <Geom_Surface.hxx>
#include <Precision.hxx>
#include <TColStd_MapIteratorOfMapOfInteger.hxx>
#include <TColStd_MapOfInteger.hxx>
#include <TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString.hxx>
#include <TColgp_Array1OfXYZ.hxx>
#include <gp_Ax3.hxx>
#include <gp_Cylinder.hxx>
#include <gp_Dir.hxx>
#include <gp_Pln.hxx>
#include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
#include <gp_Vec.hxx>
#include <gp_XYZ.hxx>
#include "SMDS_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMDS_Iterator.hxx"
#include "SMDS_MeshElement.hxx"
#include "SMDS_MeshNode.hxx"
#include "SMDS_VolumeTool.hxx"
#include "SMDS_QuadraticFaceOfNodes.hxx"
#include "SMDS_QuadraticEdge.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_GroupBase.hxx"
#include <vtkMeshQuality.h>
inline gp_XYZ gpXYZ(const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode )
return gp_XYZ(aNode->X(), aNode->Y(), aNode->Z() );
inline double getAngle( const gp_XYZ& P1, const gp_XYZ& P2, const gp_XYZ& P3 )
gp_Vec v1( P1 - P2 ), v2( P3 - P2 );
return v1.Magnitude() < gp::Resolution() ||
v2.Magnitude() < gp::Resolution() ? 0 : v1.Angle( v2 );
inline double getArea( const gp_XYZ& P1, const gp_XYZ& P2, const gp_XYZ& P3 )
gp_Vec aVec1( P2 - P1 );
gp_Vec aVec2( P3 - P1 );
return ( aVec1 ^ aVec2 ).Magnitude() * 0.5;
inline double getArea( const gp_Pnt& P1, const gp_Pnt& P2, const gp_Pnt& P3 )
return getArea( P1.XYZ(), P2.XYZ(), P3.XYZ() );
inline double getDistance( const gp_XYZ& P1, const gp_XYZ& P2 )
double aDist = gp_Pnt( P1 ).Distance( gp_Pnt( P2 ) );
return aDist;
int getNbMultiConnection( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh, const int theId )
if ( theMesh == 0 )
return 0;
const SMDS_MeshElement* anEdge = theMesh->FindElement( theId );
if ( anEdge == 0 || anEdge->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Edge/* || anEdge->NbNodes() != 2 */)
return 0;
// for each pair of nodes in anEdge (there are 2 pairs in a quadratic edge)
// count elements containing both nodes of the pair.
// Note that there may be such cases for a quadratic edge (a horizontal line):
// Case 1 Case 2
// | | | | |
// | | | | |
// +-----+------+ +-----+------+
// | | | |
// | | | |
// result sould be 2 in both cases
int aResult0 = 0, aResult1 = 0;
// last node, it is a medium one in a quadratic edge
const SMDS_MeshNode* aLastNode = anEdge->GetNode( anEdge->NbNodes() - 1 );
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode0 = anEdge->GetNode( 0 );
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode1 = anEdge->GetNode( 1 );
if ( aNode1 == aLastNode ) aNode1 = 0;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anElemIter = aLastNode->GetInverseElementIterator();
while( anElemIter->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = anElemIter->next();
if ( anElem != 0 && anElem->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Edge ) {
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anIter = anElem->nodesIterator();
while ( anIter->more() ) {
if ( const SMDS_MeshElement* anElemNode = anIter->next() ) {
if ( anElemNode == aNode0 ) {
if ( !aNode1 ) break; // not a quadratic edge
else if ( anElemNode == aNode1 )
int aResult = std::max ( aResult0, aResult1 );
// TColStd_MapOfInteger aMap;
// SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anIter = anEdge->nodesIterator();
// if ( anIter != 0 ) {
// while( anIter->more() ) {
// const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = (SMDS_MeshNode*)anIter->next();
// if ( aNode == 0 )
// return 0;
// SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anElemIter = aNode->GetInverseElementIterator();
// while( anElemIter->more() ) {
// const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = anElemIter->next();
// if ( anElem != 0 && anElem->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Edge ) {
// int anId = anElem->GetID();
// if ( anIter->more() ) // i.e. first node
// aMap.Add( anId );
// else if ( aMap.Contains( anId ) )
// aResult++;
// }
// }
// }
// }
return aResult;
gp_XYZ getNormale( const SMDS_MeshFace* theFace, bool* ok=0 )
int aNbNode = theFace->NbNodes();
gp_XYZ q1 = gpXYZ( theFace->GetNode(1)) - gpXYZ( theFace->GetNode(0));
gp_XYZ q2 = gpXYZ( theFace->GetNode(2)) - gpXYZ( theFace->GetNode(0));
gp_XYZ n = q1 ^ q2;
if ( aNbNode > 3 ) {
gp_XYZ q3 = gpXYZ( theFace->GetNode(3)) - gpXYZ( theFace->GetNode(0));
n += q2 ^ q3;
double len = n.Modulus();
bool zeroLen = ( len <= numeric_limits<double>::min());
if ( !zeroLen )
n /= len;
if (ok) *ok = !zeroLen;
return n;
using namespace SMESH::Controls;
Class : NumericalFunctor
Description : Base class for numerical functors
myPrecision = -1;
void NumericalFunctor::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
myMesh = theMesh;
bool NumericalFunctor::GetPoints(const int theId,
TSequenceOfXYZ& theRes ) const
if ( myMesh == 0 )
return false;
return GetPoints( myMesh->FindElement( theId ), theRes );
bool NumericalFunctor::GetPoints(const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem,
TSequenceOfXYZ& theRes )
if ( anElem == 0)
return false;
theRes.reserve( anElem->NbNodes() );
// Get nodes of the element
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anIter;
if ( anElem->IsQuadratic() ) {
switch ( anElem->GetType() ) {
case SMDSAbs_Edge:
anIter = dynamic_cast<const SMDS_VtkEdge*>
case SMDSAbs_Face:
anIter = dynamic_cast<const SMDS_VtkFace*>
anIter = anElem->nodesIterator();
//return false;
else {
anIter = anElem->nodesIterator();
if ( anIter ) {
while( anIter->more() ) {
if ( const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( anIter->next() ))
theRes.push_back( gp_XYZ( aNode->X(), aNode->Y(), aNode->Z() ) );
return true;
long NumericalFunctor::GetPrecision() const
return myPrecision;
void NumericalFunctor::SetPrecision( const long thePrecision )
myPrecision = thePrecision;
myPrecisionValue = pow( 10., (double)( myPrecision ) );
double NumericalFunctor::GetValue( long theId )
double aVal = 0;
myCurrElement = myMesh->FindElement( theId );
TSequenceOfXYZ P;
if ( GetPoints( theId, P ))
aVal = Round( GetValue( P ));
return aVal;
double NumericalFunctor::Round( const double & aVal )
return ( myPrecision >= 0 ) ? floor( aVal * myPrecisionValue + 0.5 ) / myPrecisionValue : aVal;
* \brief Return histogram of functor values
* \param nbIntervals - number of intervals
* \param nbEvents - number of mesh elements having values within i-th interval
* \param funValues - boundaries of intervals
* \param elements - elements to check vulue of; empty list means "of all"
* \param minmax - boundaries of diapason of values to divide into intervals
void NumericalFunctor::GetHistogram(int nbIntervals,
std::vector<int>& nbEvents,
std::vector<double>& funValues,
const vector<int>& elements,
const double* minmax)
if ( nbIntervals < 1 ||
!myMesh ||
!myMesh->GetMeshInfo().NbElements( GetType() ))
nbEvents.resize( nbIntervals, 0 );
funValues.resize( nbIntervals+1 );
// get all values sorted
std::multiset< double > values;
if ( elements.empty() )
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt = myMesh->elementsIterator(GetType());
while ( elemIt->more() )
values.insert( GetValue( elemIt->next()->GetID() ));
vector<int>::const_iterator id = elements.begin();
for ( ; id != elements.end(); ++id )
values.insert( GetValue( *id ));
if ( minmax )
funValues[0] = minmax[0];
funValues[nbIntervals] = minmax[1];
funValues[0] = *values.begin();
funValues[nbIntervals] = *values.rbegin();
// case nbIntervals == 1
if ( nbIntervals == 1 )
nbEvents[0] = values.size();
// case of 1 value
if (funValues.front() == funValues.back())
nbEvents.resize( 1 );
nbEvents[0] = values.size();
funValues[1] = funValues.back();
funValues.resize( 2 );
// generic case
std::multiset< double >::iterator min = values.begin(), max;
for ( int i = 0; i < nbIntervals; ++i )
// find end value of i-th interval
double r = (i+1) / double( nbIntervals );
funValues[i+1] = funValues.front() * (1-r) + funValues.back() * r;
// count values in the i-th interval if there are any
if ( min != values.end() && *min <= funValues[i+1] )
// find the first value out of the interval
max = values.upper_bound( funValues[i+1] ); // max is greater than funValues[i+1], or end()
nbEvents[i] = std::distance( min, max );
min = max;
// add values larger than minmax[1]
nbEvents.back() += std::distance( min, values.end() );
//function : GetValue
//purpose :
double Volume::GetValue( long theElementId )
if ( theElementId && myMesh ) {
SMDS_VolumeTool aVolumeTool;
if ( aVolumeTool.Set( myMesh->FindElement( theElementId )))
return aVolumeTool.GetSize();
return 0;
//function : GetBadRate
//purpose : meaningless as it is not quality control functor
double Volume::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const
return Value;
//function : GetType
//purpose :
SMDSAbs_ElementType Volume::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Volume;
Class : MaxElementLength2D
Description : Functor calculating maximum length of 2D element
double MaxElementLength2D::GetValue( long theElementId )
TSequenceOfXYZ P;
if( GetPoints( theElementId, P ) ) {
double aVal = 0;
const SMDS_MeshElement* aElem = myMesh->FindElement( theElementId );
SMDSAbs_ElementType aType = aElem->GetType();
int len = P.size();
switch( aType ) {
case SMDSAbs_Face:
if( len == 3 ) { // triangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 ));
aVal = Max(L1,Max(L2,L3));
else if( len == 4 ) { // quadrangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 1 ));
double D1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 3 ));
double D2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 4 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(D1,D2));
else if( len == 6 ) { // quadratic triangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )) + getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )) + getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 1 ));
aVal = Max(L1,Max(L2,L3));
else if( len == 8 ) { // quadratic quadrangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )) + getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )) + getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 7 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 1 ));
double D1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 ));
double D2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 7 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(D1,D2));
if( myPrecision >= 0 )
double prec = pow( 10., (double)myPrecision );
aVal = floor( aVal * prec + 0.5 ) / prec;
return aVal;
return 0.;
double MaxElementLength2D::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const
return Value;
SMDSAbs_ElementType MaxElementLength2D::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Face;
Class : MaxElementLength3D
Description : Functor calculating maximum length of 3D element
double MaxElementLength3D::GetValue( long theElementId )
TSequenceOfXYZ P;
if( GetPoints( theElementId, P ) ) {
double aVal = 0;
const SMDS_MeshElement* aElem = myMesh->FindElement( theElementId );
SMDSAbs_ElementType aType = aElem->GetType();
int len = P.size();
switch( aType ) {
case SMDSAbs_Volume:
if( len == 4 ) { // tetras
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 4 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 4 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
else if( len == 5 ) { // pyramids
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 1 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 5 ));
double L7 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 5 ));
double L8 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(L7,L8));
else if( len == 6 ) { // pentas
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 4 ));
double L7 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 4 ));
double L8 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 5 ));
double L9 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 6 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(L7,L8),L9));
else if( len == 8 ) { // hexas
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 1 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 7 ));
double L7 = getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 8 ));
double L8 = getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 5 ));
double L9 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 ));
double L10= getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 6 ));
double L11= getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 7 ));
double L12= getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 8 ));
double D1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 7 ));
double D2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 8 ));
double D3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 5 ));
double D4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 6 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(L7,L8),Max(L9,L10)));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(L11,L12));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(D1,D2),Max(D3,D4)));
else if( len == 10 ) { // quadratic tetras
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 )) + getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 7 )) + getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 1 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 4 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 4 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 4 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
else if( len == 13 ) { // quadratic pyramids
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 7 )) + getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 4 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 1 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 5 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 11 )) + getDistance(P( 11 ),P( 5 ));
double L7 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 12 )) + getDistance(P( 12 ),P( 5 ));
double L8 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 13 )) + getDistance(P( 13 ),P( 5 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(L7,L8));
else if( len == 15 ) { // quadratic pentas
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 7 )) + getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 1 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 5 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 11 )) + getDistance(P( 11 ),P( 6 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 12 )) + getDistance(P( 12 ),P( 4 ));
double L7 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 13 )) + getDistance(P( 13 ),P( 4 ));
double L8 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 14 )) + getDistance(P( 14 ),P( 5 ));
double L9 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 15 )) + getDistance(P( 15 ),P( 6 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(L7,L8),L9));
else if( len == 20 ) { // quadratic hexas
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 11 )) + getDistance(P( 11 ),P( 4 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 12 )) + getDistance(P( 12 ),P( 1 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 13 )) + getDistance(P( 13 ),P( 6 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 14 )) + getDistance(P( 14 ),P( 7 ));
double L7 = getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 15 )) + getDistance(P( 15 ),P( 8 ));
double L8 = getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 16 )) + getDistance(P( 16 ),P( 5 ));
double L9 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 17 )) + getDistance(P( 17 ),P( 5 ));
double L10= getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 18 )) + getDistance(P( 18 ),P( 6 ));
double L11= getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 19 )) + getDistance(P( 19 ),P( 7 ));
double L12= getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 20 )) + getDistance(P( 20 ),P( 8 ));
double D1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 7 ));
double D2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 8 ));
double D3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 5 ));
double D4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 6 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(L7,L8),Max(L9,L10)));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(L11,L12));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(D1,D2),Max(D3,D4)));
else if( len > 1 && aElem->IsPoly() ) { // polys
// get the maximum distance between all pairs of nodes
for( int i = 1; i <= len; i++ ) {
for( int j = 1; j <= len; j++ ) {
if( j > i ) { // optimization of the loop
double D = getDistance( P(i), P(j) );
aVal = Max( aVal, D );
if( myPrecision >= 0 )
double prec = pow( 10., (double)myPrecision );
aVal = floor( aVal * prec + 0.5 ) / prec;
return aVal;
return 0.;
double MaxElementLength3D::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const
return Value;
SMDSAbs_ElementType MaxElementLength3D::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Volume;
Class : MinimumAngle
Description : Functor for calculation of minimum angle
double MinimumAngle::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
double aMin;
if (P.size() <3)
return 0.;
aMin = getAngle(P( P.size() ), P( 1 ), P( 2 ));
aMin = Min(aMin,getAngle(P( P.size()-1 ), P( P.size() ), P( 1 )));
for (int i=2; i<P.size();i++){
double A0 = getAngle( P( i-1 ), P( i ), P( i+1 ) );
aMin = Min(aMin,A0);
return aMin * 180.0 / PI;
double MinimumAngle::GetBadRate( double Value, int nbNodes ) const
//const double aBestAngle = PI / nbNodes;
const double aBestAngle = 180.0 - ( 360.0 / double(nbNodes) );
return ( fabs( aBestAngle - Value ));
SMDSAbs_ElementType MinimumAngle::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Face;
Class : AspectRatio
Description : Functor for calculating aspect ratio
double AspectRatio::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
// According to "Mesh quality control" by Nadir Bouhamau referring to
// Pascal Jean Frey and Paul-Louis George. Maillages, applications aux elements finis.
// Hermes Science publications, Paris 1999 ISBN 2-7462-0024-4
// PAL10872
int nbNodes = P.size();
if ( nbNodes < 3 )
return 0;
// Compute aspect ratio
if ( nbNodes == 3 ) {
// Compute lengths of the sides
std::vector< double > aLen (nbNodes);
for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes - 1; i++ )
aLen[ i ] = getDistance( P( i + 1 ), P( i + 2 ) );
aLen[ nbNodes - 1 ] = getDistance( P( 1 ), P( nbNodes ) );
// Q = alfa * h * p / S, where
// alfa = sqrt( 3 ) / 6
// h - length of the longest edge
// p - half perimeter
// S - triangle surface
const double alfa = sqrt( 3. ) / 6.;
double maxLen = Max( aLen[ 0 ], Max( aLen[ 1 ], aLen[ 2 ] ) );
double half_perimeter = ( aLen[0] + aLen[1] + aLen[2] ) / 2.;
double anArea = getArea( P( 1 ), P( 2 ), P( 3 ) );
if ( anArea <= Precision::Confusion() )
return 0.;
return alfa * maxLen * half_perimeter / anArea;
else if ( nbNodes == 6 ) { // quadratic triangles
// Compute lengths of the sides
std::vector< double > aLen (3);
aLen[0] = getDistance( P(1), P(3) );
aLen[1] = getDistance( P(3), P(5) );
aLen[2] = getDistance( P(5), P(1) );
// Q = alfa * h * p / S, where
// alfa = sqrt( 3 ) / 6
// h - length of the longest edge
// p - half perimeter
// S - triangle surface
const double alfa = sqrt( 3. ) / 6.;
double maxLen = Max( aLen[ 0 ], Max( aLen[ 1 ], aLen[ 2 ] ) );
double half_perimeter = ( aLen[0] + aLen[1] + aLen[2] ) / 2.;
double anArea = getArea( P(1), P(3), P(5) );
if ( anArea <= Precision::Confusion() )
return 0.;
return alfa * maxLen * half_perimeter / anArea;
else if( nbNodes == 4 ) { // quadrangle
// Compute lengths of the sides
std::vector< double > aLen (4);
aLen[0] = getDistance( P(1), P(2) );
aLen[1] = getDistance( P(2), P(3) );
aLen[2] = getDistance( P(3), P(4) );
aLen[3] = getDistance( P(4), P(1) );
// Compute lengths of the diagonals
std::vector< double > aDia (2);
aDia[0] = getDistance( P(1), P(3) );
aDia[1] = getDistance( P(2), P(4) );
// Compute areas of all triangles which can be built
// taking three nodes of the quadrangle
std::vector< double > anArea (4);
anArea[0] = getArea( P(1), P(2), P(3) );
anArea[1] = getArea( P(1), P(2), P(4) );
anArea[2] = getArea( P(1), P(3), P(4) );
anArea[3] = getArea( P(2), P(3), P(4) );
// Q = alpha * L * C1 / C2, where
// alpha = sqrt( 1/32 )
// L = max( L1, L2, L3, L4, D1, D2 )
// C1 = sqrt( ( L1^2 + L1^2 + L1^2 + L1^2 ) / 4 )
// C2 = min( S1, S2, S3, S4 )
// Li - lengths of the edges
// Di - lengths of the diagonals
// Si - areas of the triangles
const double alpha = sqrt( 1 / 32. );
double L = Max( aLen[ 0 ],
Max( aLen[ 1 ],
Max( aLen[ 2 ],
Max( aLen[ 3 ],
Max( aDia[ 0 ], aDia[ 1 ] ) ) ) ) );
double C1 = sqrt( ( aLen[0] * aLen[0] +
aLen[1] * aLen[1] +
aLen[2] * aLen[2] +
aLen[3] * aLen[3] ) / 4. );
double C2 = Min( anArea[ 0 ],
Min( anArea[ 1 ],
Min( anArea[ 2 ], anArea[ 3 ] ) ) );
if ( C2 <= Precision::Confusion() )
return 0.;
return alpha * L * C1 / C2;
else if( nbNodes == 8 ){ // nbNodes==8 - quadratic quadrangle
// Compute lengths of the sides
std::vector< double > aLen (4);
aLen[0] = getDistance( P(1), P(3) );
aLen[1] = getDistance( P(3), P(5) );
aLen[2] = getDistance( P(5), P(7) );
aLen[3] = getDistance( P(7), P(1) );
// Compute lengths of the diagonals
std::vector< double > aDia (2);
aDia[0] = getDistance( P(1), P(5) );
aDia[1] = getDistance( P(3), P(7) );
// Compute areas of all triangles which can be built
// taking three nodes of the quadrangle
std::vector< double > anArea (4);
anArea[0] = getArea( P(1), P(3), P(5) );
anArea[1] = getArea( P(1), P(3), P(7) );
anArea[2] = getArea( P(1), P(5), P(7) );
anArea[3] = getArea( P(3), P(5), P(7) );
// Q = alpha * L * C1 / C2, where
// alpha = sqrt( 1/32 )
// L = max( L1, L2, L3, L4, D1, D2 )
// C1 = sqrt( ( L1^2 + L1^2 + L1^2 + L1^2 ) / 4 )
// C2 = min( S1, S2, S3, S4 )
// Li - lengths of the edges
// Di - lengths of the diagonals
// Si - areas of the triangles
const double alpha = sqrt( 1 / 32. );
double L = Max( aLen[ 0 ],
Max( aLen[ 1 ],
Max( aLen[ 2 ],
Max( aLen[ 3 ],
Max( aDia[ 0 ], aDia[ 1 ] ) ) ) ) );
double C1 = sqrt( ( aLen[0] * aLen[0] +
aLen[1] * aLen[1] +
aLen[2] * aLen[2] +
aLen[3] * aLen[3] ) / 4. );
double C2 = Min( anArea[ 0 ],
Min( anArea[ 1 ],
Min( anArea[ 2 ], anArea[ 3 ] ) ) );
if ( C2 <= Precision::Confusion() )
return 0.;
return alpha * L * C1 / C2;
return 0;
double AspectRatio::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const
// the aspect ratio is in the range [1.0,infinity]
// 1.0 = good
// infinity = bad
return Value / 1000.;
SMDSAbs_ElementType AspectRatio::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Face;
Class : AspectRatio3D
Description : Functor for calculating aspect ratio
inline double getHalfPerimeter(double theTria[3]){
return (theTria[0] + theTria[1] + theTria[2])/2.0;
inline double getArea(double theHalfPerim, double theTria[3]){
return sqrt(theHalfPerim*
inline double getVolume(double theLen[6]){
double a2 = theLen[0]*theLen[0];
double b2 = theLen[1]*theLen[1];
double c2 = theLen[2]*theLen[2];
double d2 = theLen[3]*theLen[3];
double e2 = theLen[4]*theLen[4];
double f2 = theLen[5]*theLen[5];
double P = 4.0*a2*b2*d2;
double Q = a2*(b2+d2-e2)-b2*(a2+d2-f2)-d2*(a2+b2-c2);
double R = (b2+d2-e2)*(a2+d2-f2)*(a2+d2-f2);
return sqrt(P-Q+R)/12.0;
inline double getVolume2(double theLen[6]){
double a2 = theLen[0]*theLen[0];
double b2 = theLen[1]*theLen[1];
double c2 = theLen[2]*theLen[2];
double d2 = theLen[3]*theLen[3];
double e2 = theLen[4]*theLen[4];
double f2 = theLen[5]*theLen[5];
double P = a2*e2*(b2+c2+d2+f2-a2-e2);
double Q = b2*f2*(a2+c2+d2+e2-b2-f2);
double R = c2*d2*(a2+b2+e2+f2-c2-d2);
double S = a2*b2*d2+b2*c2*e2+a2*c2*f2+d2*e2*f2;
return sqrt(P+Q+R-S)/12.0;
inline double getVolume(const TSequenceOfXYZ& P){
gp_Vec aVec1( P( 2 ) - P( 1 ) );
gp_Vec aVec2( P( 3 ) - P( 1 ) );
gp_Vec aVec3( P( 4 ) - P( 1 ) );
gp_Vec anAreaVec( aVec1 ^ aVec2 );
return fabs(aVec3 * anAreaVec) / 6.0;
inline double getMaxHeight(double theLen[6])
double aHeight = std::max(theLen[0],theLen[1]);
aHeight = std::max(aHeight,theLen[2]);
aHeight = std::max(aHeight,theLen[3]);
aHeight = std::max(aHeight,theLen[4]);
aHeight = std::max(aHeight,theLen[5]);
return aHeight;
double AspectRatio3D::GetValue( long theId )
double aVal = 0;
myCurrElement = myMesh->FindElement( theId );
if ( myCurrElement && myCurrElement->GetVtkType() == VTK_TETRA )
// Action from CoTech | ACTION 31.3:
// EURIWARE BO: Homogenize the formulas used to calculate the Controls in SMESH to fit with
// those of ParaView. The library used by ParaView for those calculations can be reused in SMESH.
vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myCurrElement->getMeshId()]->getGrid();
if ( vtkCell* avtkCell = grid->GetCell( myCurrElement->getVtkId() ))
aVal = Round( vtkMeshQuality::TetAspectRatio( avtkCell ));
TSequenceOfXYZ P;
if ( GetPoints( myCurrElement, P ))
aVal = Round( GetValue( P ));
return aVal;
double AspectRatio3D::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
double aQuality = 0.0;
if(myCurrElement->IsPoly()) return aQuality;
int nbNodes = P.size();
if(myCurrElement->IsQuadratic()) {
if(nbNodes==10) nbNodes=4; // quadratic tetrahedron
else if(nbNodes==13) nbNodes=5; // quadratic pyramid
else if(nbNodes==15) nbNodes=6; // quadratic pentahedron
else if(nbNodes==20) nbNodes=8; // quadratic hexahedron
else return aQuality;
case 4:{
double aLen[6] = {
getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )), // a
getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )), // b
getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 )), // c
getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 4 )), // d
getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )), // e
getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 4 )) // f
double aTria[4][3] = {
{aLen[0],aLen[1],aLen[2]}, // abc
{aLen[0],aLen[3],aLen[5]}, // adf
{aLen[1],aLen[3],aLen[4]}, // bde
{aLen[2],aLen[4],aLen[5]} // cef
double aSumArea = 0.0;
double aHalfPerimeter = getHalfPerimeter(aTria[0]);
double anArea = getArea(aHalfPerimeter,aTria[0]);
aSumArea += anArea;
aHalfPerimeter = getHalfPerimeter(aTria[1]);
anArea = getArea(aHalfPerimeter,aTria[1]);
aSumArea += anArea;
aHalfPerimeter = getHalfPerimeter(aTria[2]);
anArea = getArea(aHalfPerimeter,aTria[2]);
aSumArea += anArea;
aHalfPerimeter = getHalfPerimeter(aTria[3]);
anArea = getArea(aHalfPerimeter,aTria[3]);
aSumArea += anArea;
double aVolume = getVolume(P);
//double aVolume = getVolume(aLen);
double aHeight = getMaxHeight(aLen);
static double aCoeff = sqrt(2.0)/12.0;
if ( aVolume > DBL_MIN )
aQuality = aCoeff*aHeight*aSumArea/aVolume;
case 5:{
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 3 ),P( 5 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 5 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 4 ),P( 5 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 5 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
case 6:{
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 4 ),P( 6 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 4 ),P( 3 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 6 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 3 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 4 ),P( 6 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 4 ),P( 3 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
case 8:{
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 3 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 4 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 7 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 8 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 3 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 4 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 7 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 8 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 5 ),P( 3 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 5 ),P( 4 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 5 ),P( 7 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 5 ),P( 8 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 1 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 2 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 5 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 6 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 7 ),P( 1 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 7 ),P( 2 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 7 ),P( 5 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 7 ),P( 6 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 7 ),P( 1 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 7 ),P( 2 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 7 ),P( 5 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 7 ),P( 6 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 7 ),P( 2 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 4 ),P( 5 ),P( 8 ),P( 2 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 4 ),P( 5 ),P( 3 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 6 ),P( 7 ),P( 1 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 3 ),P( 6 ),P( 4 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 5 ),P( 6 ),P( 8 ),P( 3 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 7 ),P( 8 ),P( 6 ),P( 1 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 4 ),P( 7 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 2 ),P( 5 )};
aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality);
if ( nbNodes > 4 ) {
// avaluate aspect ratio of quadranle faces
AspectRatio aspect2D;
SMDS_VolumeTool::VolumeType type = SMDS_VolumeTool::GetType( nbNodes );
int nbFaces = SMDS_VolumeTool::NbFaces( type );
TSequenceOfXYZ points(4);
for ( int i = 0; i < nbFaces; ++i ) { // loop on faces of a volume
if ( SMDS_VolumeTool::NbFaceNodes( type, i ) != 4 )
const int* pInd = SMDS_VolumeTool::GetFaceNodesIndices( type, i, true );
for ( int p = 0; p < 4; ++p ) // loop on nodes of a quadranle face
points( p + 1 ) = P( pInd[ p ] + 1 );
aQuality = std::max( aQuality, aspect2D.GetValue( points ));
return aQuality;
double AspectRatio3D::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const
// the aspect ratio is in the range [1.0,infinity]
// 1.0 = good
// infinity = bad
return Value / 1000.;
SMDSAbs_ElementType AspectRatio3D::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Volume;
Class : Warping
Description : Functor for calculating warping
double Warping::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
if ( P.size() != 4 )
return 0;
gp_XYZ G = ( P( 1 ) + P( 2 ) + P( 3 ) + P( 4 ) ) / 4.;
double A1 = ComputeA( P( 1 ), P( 2 ), P( 3 ), G );
double A2 = ComputeA( P( 2 ), P( 3 ), P( 4 ), G );
double A3 = ComputeA( P( 3 ), P( 4 ), P( 1 ), G );
double A4 = ComputeA( P( 4 ), P( 1 ), P( 2 ), G );
return Max( Max( A1, A2 ), Max( A3, A4 ) );
double Warping::ComputeA( const gp_XYZ& thePnt1,
const gp_XYZ& thePnt2,
const gp_XYZ& thePnt3,
const gp_XYZ& theG ) const
double aLen1 = gp_Pnt( thePnt1 ).Distance( gp_Pnt( thePnt2 ) );
double aLen2 = gp_Pnt( thePnt2 ).Distance( gp_Pnt( thePnt3 ) );
double L = Min( aLen1, aLen2 ) * 0.5;
if ( L < Precision::Confusion())
return 0.;
gp_XYZ GI = ( thePnt2 + thePnt1 ) / 2. - theG;
gp_XYZ GJ = ( thePnt3 + thePnt2 ) / 2. - theG;
gp_XYZ N = GI.Crossed( GJ );
if ( N.Modulus() < gp::Resolution() )
return PI / 2;
double H = ( thePnt2 - theG ).Dot( N );
return asin( fabs( H / L ) ) * 180. / PI;
double Warping::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const
// the warp is in the range [0.0,PI/2]
// 0.0 = good (no warp)
// PI/2 = bad (face pliee)
return Value;
SMDSAbs_ElementType Warping::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Face;
Class : Taper
Description : Functor for calculating taper
double Taper::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
if ( P.size() != 4 )
return 0.;
// Compute taper
double J1 = getArea( P( 4 ), P( 1 ), P( 2 ) ) / 2.;
double J2 = getArea( P( 3 ), P( 1 ), P( 2 ) ) / 2.;
double J3 = getArea( P( 2 ), P( 3 ), P( 4 ) ) / 2.;
double J4 = getArea( P( 3 ), P( 4 ), P( 1 ) ) / 2.;
double JA = 0.25 * ( J1 + J2 + J3 + J4 );
if ( JA <= Precision::Confusion() )
return 0.;
double T1 = fabs( ( J1 - JA ) / JA );
double T2 = fabs( ( J2 - JA ) / JA );
double T3 = fabs( ( J3 - JA ) / JA );
double T4 = fabs( ( J4 - JA ) / JA );
return Max( Max( T1, T2 ), Max( T3, T4 ) );
double Taper::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const
// the taper is in the range [0.0,1.0]
// 0.0 = good (no taper)
// 1.0 = bad (les cotes opposes sont allignes)
return Value;
SMDSAbs_ElementType Taper::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Face;
Class : Skew
Description : Functor for calculating skew in degrees
static inline double skewAngle( const gp_XYZ& p1, const gp_XYZ& p2, const gp_XYZ& p3 )
gp_XYZ p12 = ( p2 + p1 ) / 2.;
gp_XYZ p23 = ( p3 + p2 ) / 2.;
gp_XYZ p31 = ( p3 + p1 ) / 2.;
gp_Vec v1( p31 - p2 ), v2( p12 - p23 );
return v1.Magnitude() < gp::Resolution() || v2.Magnitude() < gp::Resolution() ? 0. : v1.Angle( v2 );
double Skew::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
if ( P.size() != 3 && P.size() != 4 )
return 0.;
// Compute skew
static double PI2 = PI / 2.;
if ( P.size() == 3 )
double A0 = fabs( PI2 - skewAngle( P( 3 ), P( 1 ), P( 2 ) ) );
double A1 = fabs( PI2 - skewAngle( P( 1 ), P( 2 ), P( 3 ) ) );
double A2 = fabs( PI2 - skewAngle( P( 2 ), P( 3 ), P( 1 ) ) );
return Max( A0, Max( A1, A2 ) ) * 180. / PI;
gp_XYZ p12 = ( P( 1 ) + P( 2 ) ) / 2.;
gp_XYZ p23 = ( P( 2 ) + P( 3 ) ) / 2.;
gp_XYZ p34 = ( P( 3 ) + P( 4 ) ) / 2.;
gp_XYZ p41 = ( P( 4 ) + P( 1 ) ) / 2.;
gp_Vec v1( p34 - p12 ), v2( p23 - p41 );
double A = v1.Magnitude() <= gp::Resolution() || v2.Magnitude() <= gp::Resolution()
? 0. : fabs( PI2 - v1.Angle( v2 ) );
//BUG SWP12743
if ( A < Precision::Angular() )
return 0.;
return A * 180. / PI;
double Skew::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const
// the skew is in the range [0.0,PI/2].
// 0.0 = good
// PI/2 = bad
return Value;
SMDSAbs_ElementType Skew::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Face;
Class : Area
Description : Functor for calculating area
double Area::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
double val = 0.0;
if ( P.size() > 2 ) {
gp_Vec aVec1( P(2) - P(1) );
gp_Vec aVec2( P(3) - P(1) );
gp_Vec SumVec = aVec1 ^ aVec2;
for (int i=4; i<=P.size(); i++) {
gp_Vec aVec1( P(i-1) - P(1) );
gp_Vec aVec2( P(i) - P(1) );
gp_Vec tmp = aVec1 ^ aVec2;
val = SumVec.Magnitude() * 0.5;
return val;
double Area::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const
// meaningless as it is not a quality control functor
return Value;
SMDSAbs_ElementType Area::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Face;
Class : Length
Description : Functor for calculating length off edge
double Length::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
switch ( P.size() ) {
case 2: return getDistance( P( 1 ), P( 2 ) );
case 3: return getDistance( P( 1 ), P( 2 ) ) + getDistance( P( 2 ), P( 3 ) );
default: return 0.;
double Length::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const
// meaningless as it is not quality control functor
return Value;
SMDSAbs_ElementType Length::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Edge;
Class : Length2D
Description : Functor for calculating length of edge
double Length2D::GetValue( long theElementId)
TSequenceOfXYZ P;
if (GetPoints(theElementId,P)){
//for(int jj=1; jj<=P.size(); jj++)
// cout<<"jj="<<jj<<" P("<<P(jj).X()<<","<<P(jj).Y()<<","<<P(jj).Z()<<")"<<endl;
double aVal;// = GetValue( P );
const SMDS_MeshElement* aElem = myMesh->FindElement( theElementId );
SMDSAbs_ElementType aType = aElem->GetType();
int len = P.size();
switch (aType){
case SMDSAbs_All:
case SMDSAbs_Node:
case SMDSAbs_Edge:
if (len == 2){
aVal = getDistance( P( 1 ), P( 2 ) );
else if (len == 3){ // quadratic edge
aVal = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 3 )) + getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 2 ));
case SMDSAbs_Face:
if (len == 3){ // triangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 ));
aVal = Max(L1,Max(L2,L3));
else if (len == 4){ // quadrangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 1 ));
aVal = Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4));
if (len == 6){ // quadratic triangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )) + getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )) + getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 1 ));
aVal = Max(L1,Max(L2,L3));
//cout<<"L1="<<L1<<" L2="<<L2<<"L3="<<L3<<" aVal="<<aVal<<endl;
else if (len == 8){ // quadratic quadrangles
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )) + getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )) + getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 7 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 1 ));
aVal = Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4));
case SMDSAbs_Volume:
if (len == 4){ // tetraidrs
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 4 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 4 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
else if (len == 5){ // piramids
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 1 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 5 ));
double L7 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 5 ));
double L8 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(L7,L8));
else if (len == 6){ // pentaidres
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 4 ));
double L7 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 4 ));
double L8 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 5 ));
double L9 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 6 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(L7,L8),L9));
else if (len == 8){ // hexaider
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 1 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 7 ));
double L7 = getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 8 ));
double L8 = getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 5 ));
double L9 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 ));
double L10= getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 6 ));
double L11= getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 7 ));
double L12= getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 8 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(L7,L8),Max(L9,L10)));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(L11,L12));
if (len == 10){ // quadratic tetraidrs
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 )) + getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 7 )) + getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 1 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 4 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 4 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 4 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
else if (len == 13){ // quadratic piramids
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 7 )) + getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 4 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 1 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 5 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 11 )) + getDistance(P( 11 ),P( 5 ));
double L7 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 12 )) + getDistance(P( 12 ),P( 5 ));
double L8 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 13 )) + getDistance(P( 13 ),P( 5 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(L7,L8));
else if (len == 15){ // quadratic pentaidres
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 7 )) + getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 1 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 5 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 11 )) + getDistance(P( 11 ),P( 6 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 12 )) + getDistance(P( 12 ),P( 4 ));
double L7 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 13 )) + getDistance(P( 13 ),P( 4 ));
double L8 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 14 )) + getDistance(P( 14 ),P( 5 ));
double L9 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 15 )) + getDistance(P( 15 ),P( 6 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(L7,L8),L9));
else if (len == 20){ // quadratic hexaider
double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 2 ));
double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 3 ));
double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 11 )) + getDistance(P( 11 ),P( 4 ));
double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 12 )) + getDistance(P( 12 ),P( 1 ));
double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 13 )) + getDistance(P( 13 ),P( 6 ));
double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 14 )) + getDistance(P( 14 ),P( 7 ));
double L7 = getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 15 )) + getDistance(P( 15 ),P( 8 ));
double L8 = getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 16 )) + getDistance(P( 16 ),P( 5 ));
double L9 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 17 )) + getDistance(P( 17 ),P( 5 ));
double L10= getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 18 )) + getDistance(P( 18 ),P( 6 ));
double L11= getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 19 )) + getDistance(P( 19 ),P( 7 ));
double L12= getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 20 )) + getDistance(P( 20 ),P( 8 ));
aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(L7,L8),Max(L9,L10)));
aVal = Max(aVal,Max(L11,L12));
default: aVal=-1;
if (aVal <0){
return 0.;
if ( myPrecision >= 0 )
double prec = pow( 10., (double)( myPrecision ) );
aVal = floor( aVal * prec + 0.5 ) / prec;
return aVal;
return 0.;
double Length2D::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const
// meaningless as it is not quality control functor
return Value;
SMDSAbs_ElementType Length2D::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Face;
Length2D::Value::Value(double theLength,long thePntId1, long thePntId2):
myPntId[0] = thePntId1; myPntId[1] = thePntId2;
if(thePntId1 > thePntId2){
myPntId[1] = thePntId1; myPntId[0] = thePntId2;
bool Length2D::Value::operator<(const Length2D::Value& x) const{
if(myPntId[0] < x.myPntId[0]) return true;
if(myPntId[0] == x.myPntId[0])
if(myPntId[1] < x.myPntId[1]) return true;
return false;
void Length2D::GetValues(TValues& theValues){
TValues aValues;
SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->facesIterator();
for(; anIter->more(); ){
const SMDS_MeshFace* anElem = anIter->next();
if(anElem->IsQuadratic()) {
const SMDS_VtkFace* F =
dynamic_cast<const SMDS_VtkFace*>(anElem);
// use special nodes iterator
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anIter = F->interlacedNodesElemIterator();
long aNodeId[4];
gp_Pnt P[4];
double aLength;
const SMDS_MeshElement* aNode;
aNode = anIter->next();
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNodes = (SMDS_MeshNode*) aNode;
P[0] = P[1] = gp_Pnt(aNodes->X(),aNodes->Y(),aNodes->Z());
aNodeId[0] = aNodeId[1] = aNode->GetID();
aLength = 0;
for(; anIter->more(); ){
const SMDS_MeshNode* N1 = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*> (anIter->next());
P[2] = gp_Pnt(N1->X(),N1->Y(),N1->Z());
aNodeId[2] = N1->GetID();
aLength = P[1].Distance(P[2]);
if(!anIter->more()) break;
const SMDS_MeshNode* N2 = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*> (anIter->next());
P[3] = gp_Pnt(N2->X(),N2->Y(),N2->Z());
aNodeId[3] = N2->GetID();
aLength += P[2].Distance(P[3]);
Value aValue1(aLength,aNodeId[1],aNodeId[2]);
Value aValue2(aLength,aNodeId[2],aNodeId[3]);
P[1] = P[3];
aNodeId[1] = aNodeId[3];
aLength += P[2].Distance(P[0]);
Value aValue1(aLength,aNodeId[1],aNodeId[2]);
Value aValue2(aLength,aNodeId[2],aNodeId[0]);
else {
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr aNodesIter = anElem->nodesIterator();
long aNodeId[2];
gp_Pnt P[3];
double aLength;
const SMDS_MeshElement* aNode;
aNode = aNodesIter->next();
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNodes = (SMDS_MeshNode*) aNode;
P[0] = P[1] = gp_Pnt(aNodes->X(),aNodes->Y(),aNodes->Z());
aNodeId[0] = aNodeId[1] = aNode->GetID();
aLength = 0;
for(; aNodesIter->more(); ){
aNode = aNodesIter->next();
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNodes = (SMDS_MeshNode*) aNode;
long anId = aNode->GetID();
P[2] = gp_Pnt(aNodes->X(),aNodes->Y(),aNodes->Z());
aLength = P[1].Distance(P[2]);
Value aValue(aLength,aNodeId[1],anId);
aNodeId[1] = anId;
P[1] = P[2];
aLength = P[0].Distance(P[1]);
Value aValue(aLength,aNodeId[0],aNodeId[1]);
Class : MultiConnection
Description : Functor for calculating number of faces conneted to the edge
double MultiConnection::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
return 0;
double MultiConnection::GetValue( long theId )
return getNbMultiConnection( myMesh, theId );
double MultiConnection::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const
// meaningless as it is not quality control functor
return Value;
SMDSAbs_ElementType MultiConnection::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Edge;
Class : MultiConnection2D
Description : Functor for calculating number of faces conneted to the edge
double MultiConnection2D::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P )
return 0;
double MultiConnection2D::GetValue( long theElementId )
int aResult = 0;
const SMDS_MeshElement* aFaceElem = myMesh->FindElement(theElementId);
SMDSAbs_ElementType aType = aFaceElem->GetType();
switch (aType) {
case SMDSAbs_Face:
int i = 0, len = aFaceElem->NbNodes();
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anIter = aFaceElem->nodesIterator();
if (!anIter) break;
const SMDS_MeshNode *aNode, *aNode0;
TColStd_MapOfInteger aMap, aMapPrev;
for (i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
aMapPrev = aMap;
int aNb = 0;
if (anIter->more()) {
aNode = (SMDS_MeshNode*)anIter->next();
} else {
if (i == len)
aNode = aNode0;
if (!aNode) break;
if (i == 0) aNode0 = aNode;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anElemIter = aNode->GetInverseElementIterator();
while (anElemIter->more()) {
const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = anElemIter->next();
if (anElem != 0 && anElem->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Face) {
int anId = anElem->GetID();
if (aMapPrev.Contains(anId)) {
aResult = Max(aResult, aNb);
aResult = 0;
return aResult;
double MultiConnection2D::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const
// meaningless as it is not quality control functor
return Value;
SMDSAbs_ElementType MultiConnection2D::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Face;
MultiConnection2D::Value::Value(long thePntId1, long thePntId2)
myPntId[0] = thePntId1; myPntId[1] = thePntId2;
if(thePntId1 > thePntId2){
myPntId[1] = thePntId1; myPntId[0] = thePntId2;
bool MultiConnection2D::Value::operator<(const MultiConnection2D::Value& x) const{
if(myPntId[0] < x.myPntId[0]) return true;
if(myPntId[0] == x.myPntId[0])
if(myPntId[1] < x.myPntId[1]) return true;
return false;
void MultiConnection2D::GetValues(MValues& theValues){
SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->facesIterator();
for(; anIter->more(); ){
const SMDS_MeshFace* anElem = anIter->next();
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr aNodesIter;
if ( anElem->IsQuadratic() )
aNodesIter = dynamic_cast<const SMDS_VtkFace*>
aNodesIter = anElem->nodesIterator();
long aNodeId[3];
//int aNbConnects=0;
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode0;
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode1;
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode2;
aNode0 = (SMDS_MeshNode*) aNodesIter->next();
aNode1 = aNode0;
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNodes = (SMDS_MeshNode*) aNode1;
aNodeId[0] = aNodeId[1] = aNodes->GetID();
for(; aNodesIter->more(); ) {
aNode2 = (SMDS_MeshNode*) aNodesIter->next();
long anId = aNode2->GetID();
aNodeId[2] = anId;
Value aValue(aNodeId[1],aNodeId[2]);
MValues::iterator aItr = theValues.find(aValue);
if (aItr != theValues.end()){
aItr->second += 1;
//aNbConnects = nb;
else {
theValues[aValue] = 1;
//aNbConnects = 1;
//cout << "NodeIds: "<<aNodeId[1]<<","<<aNodeId[2]<<" nbconn="<<aNbConnects<<endl;
aNodeId[1] = aNodeId[2];
aNode1 = aNode2;
Value aValue(aNodeId[0],aNodeId[2]);
MValues::iterator aItr = theValues.find(aValue);
if (aItr != theValues.end()) {
aItr->second += 1;
//aNbConnects = nb;
else {
theValues[aValue] = 1;
//aNbConnects = 1;
//cout << "NodeIds: "<<aNodeId[0]<<","<<aNodeId[2]<<" nbconn="<<aNbConnects<<endl;
Class : BadOrientedVolume
Description : Predicate bad oriented volumes
myMesh = 0;
void BadOrientedVolume::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
myMesh = theMesh;
bool BadOrientedVolume::IsSatisfy( long theId )
if ( myMesh == 0 )
return false;
SMDS_VolumeTool vTool( myMesh->FindElement( theId ));
return !vTool.IsForward();
SMDSAbs_ElementType BadOrientedVolume::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Volume;
Class : BareBorderVolume
bool BareBorderVolume::IsSatisfy(long theElementId )
SMDS_VolumeTool myTool;
if ( myTool.Set( myMesh->FindElement(theElementId)))
for ( int iF = 0; iF < myTool.NbFaces(); ++iF )
if ( myTool.IsFreeFace( iF ))
const SMDS_MeshNode** n = myTool.GetFaceNodes(iF);
vector< const SMDS_MeshNode*> nodes( n, n+myTool.NbFaceNodes(iF));
if ( !myMesh->FindElement( nodes, SMDSAbs_Face, /*Nomedium=*/false))
return true;
return false;
Class : BareBorderFace
bool BareBorderFace::IsSatisfy(long theElementId )
bool ok = false;
if ( const SMDS_MeshElement* face = myMesh->FindElement(theElementId))
if ( face->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Face )
int nbN = face->NbCornerNodes();
for ( int i = 0; i < nbN && !ok; ++i )
// check if a link is shared by another face
const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = face->GetNode( i );
const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = face->GetNode( (i+1)%nbN );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr fIt = n1->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Face );
bool isShared = false;
while ( !isShared && fIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* f = fIt->next();
isShared = ( f != face && f->GetNodeIndex(n2) != -1 );
if ( !isShared )
myLinkNodes.resize( 2 + face->IsQuadratic());
myLinkNodes[0] = n1;
myLinkNodes[1] = n2;
if ( face->IsQuadratic() )
myLinkNodes[2] = face->GetNode( i+nbN );
ok = !myMesh->FindElement( myLinkNodes, SMDSAbs_Edge, /*noMedium=*/false);
return ok;
Class : OverConstrainedVolume
bool OverConstrainedVolume::IsSatisfy(long theElementId )
// An element is over-constrained if it has N-1 free borders where
// N is the number of edges/faces for a 2D/3D element.
SMDS_VolumeTool myTool;
if ( myTool.Set( myMesh->FindElement(theElementId)))
int nbSharedFaces = 0;
for ( int iF = 0; iF < myTool.NbFaces(); ++iF )
if ( !myTool.IsFreeFace( iF ) && ++nbSharedFaces > 1 )
return ( nbSharedFaces == 1 );
return false;
Class : OverConstrainedFace
bool OverConstrainedFace::IsSatisfy(long theElementId )
// An element is over-constrained if it has N-1 free borders where
// N is the number of edges/faces for a 2D/3D element.
if ( const SMDS_MeshElement* face = myMesh->FindElement(theElementId))
if ( face->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Face )
int nbSharedBorders = 0;
int nbN = face->NbCornerNodes();
for ( int i = 0; i < nbN; ++i )
// check if a link is shared by another face
const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = face->GetNode( i );
const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = face->GetNode( (i+1)%nbN );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr fIt = n1->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Face );
bool isShared = false;
while ( !isShared && fIt->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* f = fIt->next();
isShared = ( f != face && f->GetNodeIndex(n2) != -1 );
if ( isShared && ++nbSharedBorders > 1 )
return ( nbSharedBorders == 1 );
return false;
Class : FreeBorders
Description : Predicate for free borders
myMesh = 0;
void FreeBorders::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
myMesh = theMesh;
bool FreeBorders::IsSatisfy( long theId )
return getNbMultiConnection( myMesh, theId ) == 1;
SMDSAbs_ElementType FreeBorders::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Edge;
Class : FreeEdges
Description : Predicate for free Edges
myMesh = 0;
void FreeEdges::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
myMesh = theMesh;
bool FreeEdges::IsFreeEdge( const SMDS_MeshNode** theNodes, const int theFaceId )
TColStd_MapOfInteger aMap;
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anElemIter = theNodes[ i ]->GetInverseElementIterator();
while( anElemIter->more() )
const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = anElemIter->next();
if ( anElem != 0 && anElem->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Face )
int anId = anElem->GetID();
if ( i == 0 )
aMap.Add( anId );
else if ( aMap.Contains( anId ) && anId != theFaceId )
return false;
return true;
bool FreeEdges::IsSatisfy( long theId )
if ( myMesh == 0 )
return false;
const SMDS_MeshElement* aFace = myMesh->FindElement( theId );
if ( aFace == 0 || aFace->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face || aFace->NbNodes() < 3 )
return false;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anIter;
if ( aFace->IsQuadratic() ) {
anIter = dynamic_cast<const SMDS_VtkFace*>
else {
anIter = aFace->nodesIterator();
if ( anIter == 0 )
return false;
int i = 0, nbNodes = aFace->NbNodes();
std::vector <const SMDS_MeshNode*> aNodes( nbNodes+1 );
while( anIter->more() )
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = (SMDS_MeshNode*)anIter->next();
if ( aNode == 0 )
return false;
aNodes[ i++ ] = aNode;
aNodes[ nbNodes ] = aNodes[ 0 ];
for ( i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++ )
if ( IsFreeEdge( &aNodes[ i ], theId ) )
return true;
return false;
SMDSAbs_ElementType FreeEdges::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Face;
FreeEdges::Border::Border(long theElemId, long thePntId1, long thePntId2):
myPntId[0] = thePntId1; myPntId[1] = thePntId2;
if(thePntId1 > thePntId2){
myPntId[1] = thePntId1; myPntId[0] = thePntId2;
bool FreeEdges::Border::operator<(const FreeEdges::Border& x) const{
if(myPntId[0] < x.myPntId[0]) return true;
if(myPntId[0] == x.myPntId[0])
if(myPntId[1] < x.myPntId[1]) return true;
return false;
inline void UpdateBorders(const FreeEdges::Border& theBorder,
FreeEdges::TBorders& theRegistry,
FreeEdges::TBorders& theContainer)
if(theRegistry.find(theBorder) == theRegistry.end()){
void FreeEdges::GetBoreders(TBorders& theBorders)
TBorders aRegistry;
SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->facesIterator();
for(; anIter->more(); ){
const SMDS_MeshFace* anElem = anIter->next();
long anElemId = anElem->GetID();
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr aNodesIter;
if ( anElem->IsQuadratic() )
aNodesIter = static_cast<const SMDS_VtkFace*>(anElem)->
aNodesIter = anElem->nodesIterator();
long aNodeId[2];
const SMDS_MeshElement* aNode;
aNode = aNodesIter->next();
aNodeId[0] = aNodeId[1] = aNode->GetID();
for(; aNodesIter->more(); ){
aNode = aNodesIter->next();
long anId = aNode->GetID();
Border aBorder(anElemId,aNodeId[1],anId);
aNodeId[1] = anId;
//std::cout<<aBorder.myPntId[0]<<"; "<<aBorder.myPntId[1]<<"; "<<aBorder.myElemId<<endl;
Border aBorder(anElemId,aNodeId[0],aNodeId[1]);
//std::cout<<aBorder.myPntId[0]<<"; "<<aBorder.myPntId[1]<<"; "<<aBorder.myElemId<<endl;
//std::cout<<"theBorders.size() = "<<theBorders.size()<<endl;
Class : FreeNodes
Description : Predicate for free nodes
myMesh = 0;
void FreeNodes::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
myMesh = theMesh;
bool FreeNodes::IsSatisfy( long theNodeId )
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = myMesh->FindNode( theNodeId );
if (!aNode)
return false;
return (aNode->NbInverseElements() < 1);
SMDSAbs_ElementType FreeNodes::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Node;
Class : FreeFaces
Description : Predicate for free faces
myMesh = 0;
void FreeFaces::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
myMesh = theMesh;
bool FreeFaces::IsSatisfy( long theId )
if (!myMesh) return false;
// check that faces nodes refers to less than two common volumes
const SMDS_MeshElement* aFace = myMesh->FindElement( theId );
if ( !aFace || aFace->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face )
return false;
int nbNode = aFace->NbNodes();
// collect volumes check that number of volumss with count equal nbNode not less than 2
typedef map< SMDS_MeshElement*, int > TMapOfVolume; // map of volume counters
typedef map< SMDS_MeshElement*, int >::iterator TItrMapOfVolume; // iterator
TMapOfVolume mapOfVol;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nodeItr = aFace->nodesIterator();
while ( nodeItr->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>(nodeItr->next());
if ( !aNode ) continue;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr volItr = aNode->GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_Volume);
while ( volItr->more() ) {
SMDS_MeshElement* aVol = (SMDS_MeshElement*)volItr->next();
TItrMapOfVolume itr = mapOfVol.insert(make_pair(aVol, 0)).first;
int nbVol = 0;
TItrMapOfVolume volItr = mapOfVol.begin();
TItrMapOfVolume volEnd = mapOfVol.end();
for ( ; volItr != volEnd; ++volItr )
if ( (*volItr).second >= nbNode )
// face is not free if number of volumes constructed on thier nodes more than one
return (nbVol < 2);
SMDSAbs_ElementType FreeFaces::GetType() const
return SMDSAbs_Face;
Class : LinearOrQuadratic
Description : Predicate to verify whether a mesh element is linear
myMesh = 0;
void LinearOrQuadratic::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
myMesh = theMesh;
bool LinearOrQuadratic::IsSatisfy( long theId )
if (!myMesh) return false;
const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = myMesh->FindElement( theId );
if ( !anElem || (myType != SMDSAbs_All && anElem->GetType() != myType) )
return false;
return (!anElem->IsQuadratic());
void LinearOrQuadratic::SetType( SMDSAbs_ElementType theType )
myType = theType;
SMDSAbs_ElementType LinearOrQuadratic::GetType() const
return myType;
Class : GroupColor
Description : Functor for check color of group to whic mesh element belongs to
bool GroupColor::IsSatisfy( long theId )
return (myIDs.find( theId ) != myIDs.end());
void GroupColor::SetType( SMDSAbs_ElementType theType )
myType = theType;
SMDSAbs_ElementType GroupColor::GetType() const
return myType;
static bool isEqual( const Quantity_Color& theColor1,
const Quantity_Color& theColor2 )
// tolerance to compare colors
const double tol = 5*1e-3;
return ( fabs( theColor1.Red() - theColor2.Red() ) < tol &&
fabs( theColor1.Green() - theColor2.Green() ) < tol &&
fabs( theColor1.Blue() - theColor2.Blue() ) < tol );
void GroupColor::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
const SMESHDS_Mesh* aMesh = dynamic_cast<const SMESHDS_Mesh*>(theMesh);
if ( !aMesh )
int nbGrp = aMesh->GetNbGroups();
if ( !nbGrp )
// iterates on groups and find necessary elements ids
const std::set<SMESHDS_GroupBase*>& aGroups = aMesh->GetGroups();
set<SMESHDS_GroupBase*>::const_iterator GrIt = aGroups.begin();
for (; GrIt != aGroups.end(); GrIt++) {
SMESHDS_GroupBase* aGrp = (*GrIt);
if ( !aGrp )
// check type and color of group
if ( !isEqual( myColor, aGrp->GetColor() ) )
if ( myType != SMDSAbs_All && myType != (SMDSAbs_ElementType)aGrp->GetType() )
SMDSAbs_ElementType aGrpElType = (SMDSAbs_ElementType)aGrp->GetType();
if ( myType == aGrpElType || (myType == SMDSAbs_All && aGrpElType != SMDSAbs_Node) ) {
// add elements IDS into control
int aSize = aGrp->Extent();
for (int i = 0; i < aSize; i++)
myIDs.insert( aGrp->GetID(i+1) );
void GroupColor::SetColorStr( const TCollection_AsciiString& theStr )
TCollection_AsciiString aStr = theStr;
aStr.RemoveAll( ' ' );
aStr.RemoveAll( '\t' );
for ( int aPos = aStr.Search( ";;" ); aPos != -1; aPos = aStr.Search( ";;" ) )
aStr.Remove( aPos, 2 );
Standard_Real clr[3];
clr[0] = clr[1] = clr[2] = 0.;
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
TCollection_AsciiString tmpStr = aStr.Token( ";", i+1 );
if ( !tmpStr.IsEmpty() && tmpStr.IsRealValue() )
clr[i] = tmpStr.RealValue();
myColor = Quantity_Color( clr[0], clr[1], clr[2], Quantity_TOC_RGB );
// name : GetRangeStr
// Purpose : Get range as a string.
// Example: "1,2,3,50-60,63,67,70-"
void GroupColor::GetColorStr( TCollection_AsciiString& theResStr ) const
theResStr += TCollection_AsciiString( myColor.Red() );
theResStr += TCollection_AsciiString( ";" ) + TCollection_AsciiString( myColor.Green() );
theResStr += TCollection_AsciiString( ";" ) + TCollection_AsciiString( myColor.Blue() );
Class : ElemGeomType
Description : Predicate to check element geometry type
myMesh = 0;
myType = SMDSAbs_All;
myGeomType = SMDSGeom_TRIANGLE;
void ElemGeomType::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
myMesh = theMesh;
bool ElemGeomType::IsSatisfy( long theId )
if (!myMesh) return false;
const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = myMesh->FindElement( theId );
if ( !anElem )
return false;
const SMDSAbs_ElementType anElemType = anElem->GetType();
if ( myType != SMDSAbs_All && anElemType != myType )
return false;
const int aNbNode = anElem->NbNodes();
bool isOk = false;
switch( anElemType )
case SMDSAbs_Node:
isOk = (myGeomType == SMDSGeom_POINT);
case SMDSAbs_Edge:
isOk = (myGeomType == SMDSGeom_EDGE);
case SMDSAbs_Face:
if ( myGeomType == SMDSGeom_TRIANGLE )
isOk = (!anElem->IsPoly() && (anElem->IsQuadratic() ? aNbNode == 6 : aNbNode == 3));
else if ( myGeomType == SMDSGeom_QUADRANGLE )
isOk = (!anElem->IsPoly() && (anElem->IsQuadratic() ? aNbNode == 8 : aNbNode == 4));
else if ( myGeomType == SMDSGeom_POLYGON )
isOk = anElem->IsPoly();
case SMDSAbs_Volume:
if ( myGeomType == SMDSGeom_TETRA )
isOk = (!anElem->IsPoly() && (anElem->IsQuadratic() ? aNbNode == 10 : aNbNode == 4));
else if ( myGeomType == SMDSGeom_PYRAMID )
isOk = (!anElem->IsPoly() && (anElem->IsQuadratic() ? aNbNode == 13 : aNbNode == 5));
else if ( myGeomType == SMDSGeom_PENTA )
isOk = (!anElem->IsPoly() && (anElem->IsQuadratic() ? aNbNode == 15 : aNbNode == 6));
else if ( myGeomType == SMDSGeom_HEXA )
isOk = (!anElem->IsPoly() && (anElem->IsQuadratic() ? aNbNode == 20 : aNbNode == 8));
else if ( myGeomType == SMDSGeom_POLYHEDRA )
isOk = anElem->IsPoly();
default: break;
return isOk;
void ElemGeomType::SetType( SMDSAbs_ElementType theType )
myType = theType;
SMDSAbs_ElementType ElemGeomType::GetType() const
return myType;
void ElemGeomType::SetGeomType( SMDSAbs_GeometryType theType )
myGeomType = theType;
SMDSAbs_GeometryType ElemGeomType::GetGeomType() const
return myGeomType;
* \brief Class CoplanarFaces
: myMesh(0), myFaceID(0), myToler(0)
bool CoplanarFaces::IsSatisfy( long theElementId )
if ( myCoplanarIDs.empty() )
// Build a set of coplanar face ids
if ( !myMesh || !myFaceID || !myToler )
return false;
const SMDS_MeshElement* face = myMesh->FindElement( myFaceID );
if ( !face || face->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face )
return false;
bool normOK;
gp_Vec myNorm = getNormale( static_cast<const SMDS_MeshFace*>(face), &normOK );
if (!normOK)
return false;
const double radianTol = myToler * PI180;
typedef SMDS_StdIterator< const SMDS_MeshElement*, SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr > TFaceIt;
std::set<const SMDS_MeshElement*> checkedFaces, checkedNodes;
std::list<const SMDS_MeshElement*> faceQueue( 1, face );
while ( !faceQueue.empty() )
face = faceQueue.front();
if ( checkedFaces.insert( face ).second )
gp_Vec norm = getNormale( static_cast<const SMDS_MeshFace*>(face), &normOK );
if (!normOK || myNorm.Angle( norm ) <= radianTol)
myCoplanarIDs.insert( face->GetID() );
std::set<const SMDS_MeshElement*> neighborFaces;
for ( int i = 0; i < face->NbCornerNodes(); ++i )
const SMDS_MeshNode* n = face->GetNode( i );
if ( checkedNodes.insert( n ).second )
neighborFaces.insert( TFaceIt( n->GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_Face)),
faceQueue.insert( faceQueue.end(), neighborFaces.begin(), neighborFaces.end() );
return myCoplanarIDs.count( theElementId );
*Class : RangeOfIds
*Description : Predicate for Range of Ids.
* Range may be specified with two ways.
* 1. Using AddToRange method
* 2. With SetRangeStr method. Parameter of this method is a string
* like as "1,2,3,50-60,63,67,70-"
// name : RangeOfIds
// Purpose : Constructor
myMesh = 0;
myType = SMDSAbs_All;
// name : SetMesh
// Purpose : Set mesh
void RangeOfIds::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
myMesh = theMesh;
// name : AddToRange
// Purpose : Add ID to the range
bool RangeOfIds::AddToRange( long theEntityId )
myIds.Add( theEntityId );
return true;
// name : GetRangeStr
// Purpose : Get range as a string.
// Example: "1,2,3,50-60,63,67,70-"
void RangeOfIds::GetRangeStr( TCollection_AsciiString& theResStr )
TColStd_SequenceOfInteger anIntSeq;
TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString aStrSeq;
TColStd_MapIteratorOfMapOfInteger anIter( myIds );
for ( ; anIter.More(); anIter.Next() )
int anId = anIter.Key();
TCollection_AsciiString aStr( anId );
anIntSeq.Append( anId );
aStrSeq.Append( aStr );
for ( int i = 1, n = myMin.Length(); i <= n; i++ )
int aMinId = myMin( i );
int aMaxId = myMax( i );
TCollection_AsciiString aStr;
if ( aMinId != IntegerFirst() )
aStr += aMinId;
aStr += "-";
if ( aMaxId != IntegerLast() )
aStr += aMaxId;
// find position of the string in result sequence and insert string in it
if ( anIntSeq.Length() == 0 )
anIntSeq.Append( aMinId );
aStrSeq.Append( aStr );
if ( aMinId < anIntSeq.First() )
anIntSeq.Prepend( aMinId );
aStrSeq.Prepend( aStr );
else if ( aMinId > anIntSeq.Last() )
anIntSeq.Append( aMinId );
aStrSeq.Append( aStr );
for ( int j = 1, k = anIntSeq.Length(); j <= k; j++ )
if ( aMinId < anIntSeq( j ) )
anIntSeq.InsertBefore( j, aMinId );
aStrSeq.InsertBefore( j, aStr );
if ( aStrSeq.Length() == 0 )
theResStr = aStrSeq( 1 );
for ( int j = 2, k = aStrSeq.Length(); j <= k; j++ )
theResStr += ",";
theResStr += aStrSeq( j );
// name : SetRangeStr
// Purpose : Define range with string
// Example of entry string: "1,2,3,50-60,63,67,70-"
bool RangeOfIds::SetRangeStr( const TCollection_AsciiString& theStr )
TCollection_AsciiString aStr = theStr;
aStr.RemoveAll( ' ' );
aStr.RemoveAll( '\t' );
for ( int aPos = aStr.Search( ",," ); aPos != -1; aPos = aStr.Search( ",," ) )
aStr.Remove( aPos, 2 );
TCollection_AsciiString tmpStr = aStr.Token( ",", 1 );
int i = 1;
while ( tmpStr != "" )
tmpStr = aStr.Token( ",", i++ );
int aPos = tmpStr.Search( '-' );
if ( aPos == -1 )
if ( tmpStr.IsIntegerValue() )
myIds.Add( tmpStr.IntegerValue() );
return false;
TCollection_AsciiString aMaxStr = tmpStr.Split( aPos );
TCollection_AsciiString aMinStr = tmpStr;
while ( aMinStr.Search( "-" ) != -1 ) aMinStr.RemoveAll( '-' );
while ( aMaxStr.Search( "-" ) != -1 ) aMaxStr.RemoveAll( '-' );
if ( (!aMinStr.IsEmpty() && !aMinStr.IsIntegerValue()) ||
(!aMaxStr.IsEmpty() && !aMaxStr.IsIntegerValue()) )
return false;
myMin.Append( aMinStr.IsEmpty() ? IntegerFirst() : aMinStr.IntegerValue() );
myMax.Append( aMaxStr.IsEmpty() ? IntegerLast() : aMaxStr.IntegerValue() );
return true;
// name : GetType
// Purpose : Get type of supported entities
SMDSAbs_ElementType RangeOfIds::GetType() const
return myType;
// name : SetType
// Purpose : Set type of supported entities
void RangeOfIds::SetType( SMDSAbs_ElementType theType )
myType = theType;
// name : IsSatisfy
// Purpose : Verify whether entity satisfies to this rpedicate
bool RangeOfIds::IsSatisfy( long theId )
if ( !myMesh )
return false;
if ( myType == SMDSAbs_Node )
if ( myMesh->FindNode( theId ) == 0 )
return false;
const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = myMesh->FindElement( theId );
if ( anElem == 0 || (myType != anElem->GetType() && myType != SMDSAbs_All ))
return false;
if ( myIds.Contains( theId ) )
return true;
for ( int i = 1, n = myMin.Length(); i <= n; i++ )
if ( theId >= myMin( i ) && theId <= myMax( i ) )
return true;
return false;
Class : Comparator
Description : Base class for comparators
void Comparator::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
if ( myFunctor )
myFunctor->SetMesh( theMesh );
void Comparator::SetMargin( double theValue )
myMargin = theValue;
void Comparator::SetNumFunctor( NumericalFunctorPtr theFunct )
myFunctor = theFunct;
SMDSAbs_ElementType Comparator::GetType() const
return myFunctor ? myFunctor->GetType() : SMDSAbs_All;
double Comparator::GetMargin()
return myMargin;
Class : LessThan
Description : Comparator "<"
bool LessThan::IsSatisfy( long theId )
return myFunctor && myFunctor->GetValue( theId ) < myMargin;
Class : MoreThan
Description : Comparator ">"
bool MoreThan::IsSatisfy( long theId )
return myFunctor && myFunctor->GetValue( theId ) > myMargin;
Class : EqualTo
Description : Comparator "="
bool EqualTo::IsSatisfy( long theId )
return myFunctor && fabs( myFunctor->GetValue( theId ) - myMargin ) < myToler;
void EqualTo::SetTolerance( double theToler )
myToler = theToler;
double EqualTo::GetTolerance()
return myToler;
Class : LogicalNOT
Description : Logical NOT predicate
bool LogicalNOT::IsSatisfy( long theId )
return myPredicate && !myPredicate->IsSatisfy( theId );
void LogicalNOT::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
if ( myPredicate )
myPredicate->SetMesh( theMesh );
void LogicalNOT::SetPredicate( PredicatePtr thePred )
myPredicate = thePred;
SMDSAbs_ElementType LogicalNOT::GetType() const
return myPredicate ? myPredicate->GetType() : SMDSAbs_All;
Class : LogicalBinary
Description : Base class for binary logical predicate
void LogicalBinary::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
if ( myPredicate1 )
myPredicate1->SetMesh( theMesh );
if ( myPredicate2 )
myPredicate2->SetMesh( theMesh );
void LogicalBinary::SetPredicate1( PredicatePtr thePredicate )
myPredicate1 = thePredicate;
void LogicalBinary::SetPredicate2( PredicatePtr thePredicate )
myPredicate2 = thePredicate;
SMDSAbs_ElementType LogicalBinary::GetType() const
if ( !myPredicate1 || !myPredicate2 )
return SMDSAbs_All;
SMDSAbs_ElementType aType1 = myPredicate1->GetType();
SMDSAbs_ElementType aType2 = myPredicate2->GetType();
return aType1 == aType2 ? aType1 : SMDSAbs_All;
Class : LogicalAND
Description : Logical AND
bool LogicalAND::IsSatisfy( long theId )
myPredicate1 &&
myPredicate2 &&
myPredicate1->IsSatisfy( theId ) &&
myPredicate2->IsSatisfy( theId );
Class : LogicalOR
Description : Logical OR
bool LogicalOR::IsSatisfy( long theId )
myPredicate1 &&
myPredicate2 &&
(myPredicate1->IsSatisfy( theId ) ||
myPredicate2->IsSatisfy( theId ));
void Filter::SetPredicate( PredicatePtr thePredicate )
myPredicate = thePredicate;
template<class TElement, class TIterator, class TPredicate>
inline void FillSequence(const TIterator& theIterator,
TPredicate& thePredicate,
Filter::TIdSequence& theSequence)
if ( theIterator ) {
while( theIterator->more() ) {
TElement anElem = theIterator->next();
long anId = anElem->GetID();
if ( thePredicate->IsSatisfy( anId ) )
theSequence.push_back( anId );
GetElementsId( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh,
PredicatePtr thePredicate,
TIdSequence& theSequence )
if ( !theMesh || !thePredicate )
thePredicate->SetMesh( theMesh );
SMDSAbs_ElementType aType = thePredicate->GetType();
case SMDSAbs_Node:
FillSequence<const SMDS_MeshNode*>(theMesh->nodesIterator(),thePredicate,theSequence);
case SMDSAbs_Edge:
FillSequence<const SMDS_MeshElement*>(theMesh->edgesIterator(),thePredicate,theSequence);
case SMDSAbs_Face:
FillSequence<const SMDS_MeshElement*>(theMesh->facesIterator(),thePredicate,theSequence);
case SMDSAbs_Volume:
FillSequence<const SMDS_MeshElement*>(theMesh->volumesIterator(),thePredicate,theSequence);
case SMDSAbs_All:
FillSequence<const SMDS_MeshElement*>(theMesh->edgesIterator(),thePredicate,theSequence);
FillSequence<const SMDS_MeshElement*>(theMesh->facesIterator(),thePredicate,theSequence);
FillSequence<const SMDS_MeshElement*>(theMesh->volumesIterator(),thePredicate,theSequence);
Filter::GetElementsId( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh,
Filter::TIdSequence& theSequence )
typedef std::set<SMDS_MeshFace*> TMapOfFacePtr;
Internal class Link
ManifoldPart::Link::Link( SMDS_MeshNode* theNode1,
SMDS_MeshNode* theNode2 )
myNode1 = theNode1;
myNode2 = theNode2;
myNode1 = 0;
myNode2 = 0;
bool ManifoldPart::Link::IsEqual( const ManifoldPart::Link& theLink ) const
if ( myNode1 == theLink.myNode1 &&
myNode2 == theLink.myNode2 )
return true;
else if ( myNode1 == theLink.myNode2 &&
myNode2 == theLink.myNode1 )
return true;
return false;
bool ManifoldPart::Link::operator<( const ManifoldPart::Link& x ) const
if(myNode1 < x.myNode1) return true;
if(myNode1 == x.myNode1)
if(myNode2 < x.myNode2) return true;
return false;
bool ManifoldPart::IsEqual( const ManifoldPart::Link& theLink1,
const ManifoldPart::Link& theLink2 )
return theLink1.IsEqual( theLink2 );
myMesh = 0;
myAngToler = Precision::Angular();
myIsOnlyManifold = true;
myMesh = 0;
void ManifoldPart::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
myMesh = theMesh;
SMDSAbs_ElementType ManifoldPart::GetType() const
{ return SMDSAbs_Face; }
bool ManifoldPart::IsSatisfy( long theElementId )
return myMapIds.Contains( theElementId );
void ManifoldPart::SetAngleTolerance( const double theAngToler )
{ myAngToler = theAngToler; }
double ManifoldPart::GetAngleTolerance() const
{ return myAngToler; }
void ManifoldPart::SetIsOnlyManifold( const bool theIsOnly )
{ myIsOnlyManifold = theIsOnly; }
void ManifoldPart::SetStartElem( const long theStartId )
{ myStartElemId = theStartId; }
bool ManifoldPart::process()
if ( !myMesh )
return false;
// collect all faces into own map
SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr anFaceItr = myMesh->facesIterator();
for (; anFaceItr->more(); )
SMDS_MeshFace* aFacePtr = (SMDS_MeshFace*)anFaceItr->next();
myAllFacePtr.push_back( aFacePtr );
myAllFacePtrIntDMap[aFacePtr] = myAllFacePtr.size()-1;
SMDS_MeshFace* aStartFace = (SMDS_MeshFace*)myMesh->FindElement( myStartElemId );
if ( !aStartFace )
return false;
// the map of non manifold links and bad geometry
TMapOfLink aMapOfNonManifold;
TColStd_MapOfInteger aMapOfTreated;
// begin cycle on faces from start index and run on vector till the end
// and from begin to start index to cover whole vector
const int aStartIndx = myAllFacePtrIntDMap[aStartFace];
bool isStartTreat = false;
for ( int fi = aStartIndx; !isStartTreat || fi != aStartIndx ; fi++ )
if ( fi == aStartIndx )
isStartTreat = true;
// as result next time when fi will be equal to aStartIndx
SMDS_MeshFace* aFacePtr = myAllFacePtr[ fi ];
if ( aMapOfTreated.Contains( aFacePtr->GetID() ) )
aMapOfTreated.Add( aFacePtr->GetID() );
TColStd_MapOfInteger aResFaces;
if ( !findConnected( myAllFacePtrIntDMap, aFacePtr,
aMapOfNonManifold, aResFaces ) )
TColStd_MapIteratorOfMapOfInteger anItr( aResFaces );
for ( ; anItr.More(); anItr.Next() )
int aFaceId = anItr.Key();
aMapOfTreated.Add( aFaceId );
myMapIds.Add( aFaceId );
if ( fi == ( myAllFacePtr.size() - 1 ) )
fi = 0;
} // end run on vector of faces
return !myMapIds.IsEmpty();
static void getLinks( const SMDS_MeshFace* theFace,
ManifoldPart::TVectorOfLink& theLinks )
int aNbNode = theFace->NbNodes();
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr aNodeItr = theFace->nodesIterator();
int i = 1;
SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = 0;
for ( ; aNodeItr->more() && i <= aNbNode; )
SMDS_MeshNode* aN1 = (SMDS_MeshNode*)aNodeItr->next();
if ( i == 1 )
aNode = aN1;
SMDS_MeshNode* aN2 = ( i >= aNbNode ) ? aNode : (SMDS_MeshNode*)aNodeItr->next();
ManifoldPart::Link aLink( aN1, aN2 );
theLinks.push_back( aLink );
bool ManifoldPart::findConnected
( const ManifoldPart::TDataMapFacePtrInt& theAllFacePtrInt,
SMDS_MeshFace* theStartFace,
ManifoldPart::TMapOfLink& theNonManifold,
TColStd_MapOfInteger& theResFaces )
if ( !theAllFacePtrInt.size() )
return false;
if ( getNormale( theStartFace ).SquareModulus() <= gp::Resolution() )
myMapBadGeomIds.Add( theStartFace->GetID() );
return false;
ManifoldPart::TMapOfLink aMapOfBoundary, aMapToSkip;
ManifoldPart::TVectorOfLink aSeqOfBoundary;
theResFaces.Add( theStartFace->GetID() );
ManifoldPart::TDataMapOfLinkFacePtr aDMapLinkFace;
expandBoundary( aMapOfBoundary, aSeqOfBoundary,
aDMapLinkFace, theNonManifold, theStartFace );
bool isDone = false;
while ( !isDone && aMapOfBoundary.size() != 0 )
bool isToReset = false;
ManifoldPart::TVectorOfLink::iterator pLink = aSeqOfBoundary.begin();
for ( ; !isToReset && pLink != aSeqOfBoundary.end(); ++pLink )
ManifoldPart::Link aLink = *pLink;
if ( aMapToSkip.find( aLink ) != aMapToSkip.end() )
// each link could be treated only once
aMapToSkip.insert( aLink );
ManifoldPart::TVectorOfFacePtr aFaces;
// find next
if ( myIsOnlyManifold &&
(theNonManifold.find( aLink ) != theNonManifold.end()) )
getFacesByLink( aLink, aFaces );
// filter the element to keep only indicated elements
ManifoldPart::TVectorOfFacePtr aFiltered;
ManifoldPart::TVectorOfFacePtr::iterator pFace = aFaces.begin();
for ( ; pFace != aFaces.end(); ++pFace )
SMDS_MeshFace* aFace = *pFace;
if ( myAllFacePtrIntDMap.find( aFace ) != myAllFacePtrIntDMap.end() )
aFiltered.push_back( aFace );
aFaces = aFiltered;
if ( aFaces.size() < 2 ) // no neihgbour faces
else if ( myIsOnlyManifold && aFaces.size() > 2 ) // non manifold case
theNonManifold.insert( aLink );
// compare normal with normals of neighbor element
SMDS_MeshFace* aPrevFace = aDMapLinkFace[ aLink ];
ManifoldPart::TVectorOfFacePtr::iterator pFace = aFaces.begin();
for ( ; pFace != aFaces.end(); ++pFace )
SMDS_MeshFace* aNextFace = *pFace;
if ( aPrevFace == aNextFace )
int anNextFaceID = aNextFace->GetID();
if ( myIsOnlyManifold && theResFaces.Contains( anNextFaceID ) )
// should not be with non manifold restriction. probably bad topology
// check if face was treated and skipped
if ( myMapBadGeomIds.Contains( anNextFaceID ) ||
!isInPlane( aPrevFace, aNextFace ) )
// add new element to connected and extend the boundaries.
theResFaces.Add( anNextFaceID );
expandBoundary( aMapOfBoundary, aSeqOfBoundary,
aDMapLinkFace, theNonManifold, aNextFace );
isToReset = true;
isDone = !isToReset;
return !theResFaces.IsEmpty();
bool ManifoldPart::isInPlane( const SMDS_MeshFace* theFace1,
const SMDS_MeshFace* theFace2 )
gp_Dir aNorm1 = gp_Dir( getNormale( theFace1 ) );
gp_XYZ aNorm2XYZ = getNormale( theFace2 );
if ( aNorm2XYZ.SquareModulus() <= gp::Resolution() )
myMapBadGeomIds.Add( theFace2->GetID() );
return false;
if ( aNorm1.IsParallel( gp_Dir( aNorm2XYZ ), myAngToler ) )
return true;
return false;
void ManifoldPart::expandBoundary
( ManifoldPart::TMapOfLink& theMapOfBoundary,
ManifoldPart::TVectorOfLink& theSeqOfBoundary,
ManifoldPart::TDataMapOfLinkFacePtr& theDMapLinkFacePtr,
ManifoldPart::TMapOfLink& theNonManifold,
SMDS_MeshFace* theNextFace ) const
ManifoldPart::TVectorOfLink aLinks;
getLinks( theNextFace, aLinks );
int aNbLink = (int)aLinks.size();
for ( int i = 0; i < aNbLink; i++ )
ManifoldPart::Link aLink = aLinks[ i ];
if ( myIsOnlyManifold && (theNonManifold.find( aLink ) != theNonManifold.end()) )
if ( theMapOfBoundary.find( aLink ) != theMapOfBoundary.end() )
if ( myIsOnlyManifold )
// remove from boundary
theMapOfBoundary.erase( aLink );
ManifoldPart::TVectorOfLink::iterator pLink = theSeqOfBoundary.begin();
for ( ; pLink != theSeqOfBoundary.end(); ++pLink )
ManifoldPart::Link aBoundLink = *pLink;
if ( aBoundLink.IsEqual( aLink ) )
theSeqOfBoundary.erase( pLink );
theMapOfBoundary.insert( aLink );
theSeqOfBoundary.push_back( aLink );
theDMapLinkFacePtr[ aLink ] = theNextFace;
void ManifoldPart::getFacesByLink( const ManifoldPart::Link& theLink,
ManifoldPart::TVectorOfFacePtr& theFaces ) const
std::set<SMDS_MeshCell *> aSetOfFaces;
// take all faces that shared first node
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anItr = theLink.myNode1->facesIterator();
for ( ; anItr->more(); )
SMDS_MeshFace* aFace = (SMDS_MeshFace*)anItr->next();
if ( !aFace )
aSetOfFaces.insert( aFace );
// take all faces that shared second node
anItr = theLink.myNode2->facesIterator();
// find the common part of two sets
for ( ; anItr->more(); )
SMDS_MeshFace* aFace = (SMDS_MeshFace*)anItr->next();
if ( aSetOfFaces.count( aFace ) )
theFaces.push_back( aFace );
myMesh = 0;
myType = SMDSAbs_All;
myToler = Precision::Confusion();
myUseBoundaries = false;
myMesh = 0;
void ElementsOnSurface::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh )
if ( myMesh == theMesh )
myMesh = theMesh;
bool ElementsOnSurface::IsSatisfy( long theElementId )
return myIds.Contains( theElementId );
SMDSAbs_ElementType ElementsOnSurface::GetType() const
{ return myType; }
void ElementsOnSurface::SetTolerance( const double theToler )
if ( myToler != theToler )
myToler = theToler;
double ElementsOnSurface::GetTolerance() const
{ return myToler; }
void ElementsOnSurface::SetUseBoundaries( bool theUse )
if ( myUseBoundaries != theUse ) {
myUseBoundaries = theUse;
SetSurface( mySurf, myType );
void ElementsOnSurface::SetSurface( const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
const SMDSAbs_ElementType theType )
myType = theType;
if ( theShape.IsNull() || theShape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_FACE )
mySurf = TopoDS::Face( theShape );
BRepAdaptor_Surface SA( mySurf, myUseBoundaries );
u1 = SA.FirstUParameter(),
u2 = SA.LastUParameter(),
v1 = SA.FirstVParameter(),
v2 = SA.LastVParameter();
Handle(Geom_Surface) surf = BRep_Tool::Surface( mySurf );
myProjector.Init( surf, u1,u2, v1,v2 );
void ElementsOnSurface::process()
if ( mySurf.IsNull() )
if ( myMesh == 0 )
if ( myType == SMDSAbs_Face || myType == SMDSAbs_All )
myIds.ReSize( myMesh->NbFaces() );
SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->facesIterator();
for(; anIter->more(); )
process( anIter->next() );
if ( myType == SMDSAbs_Edge || myType == SMDSAbs_All )
myIds.ReSize( myIds.Extent() + myMesh->NbEdges() );
SMDS_EdgeIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->edgesIterator();
for(; anIter->more(); )
process( anIter->next() );
if ( myType == SMDSAbs_Node )
myIds.ReSize( myMesh->NbNodes() );
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->nodesIterator();
for(; anIter->more(); )
process( anIter->next() );
void ElementsOnSurface::process( const SMDS_MeshElement* theElemPtr )
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr aNodeItr = theElemPtr->nodesIterator();
bool isSatisfy = true;
for ( ; aNodeItr->more(); )
SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = (SMDS_MeshNode*)aNodeItr->next();
if ( !isOnSurface( aNode ) )
isSatisfy = false;
if ( isSatisfy )
myIds.Add( theElemPtr->GetID() );
bool ElementsOnSurface::isOnSurface( const SMDS_MeshNode* theNode )
if ( mySurf.IsNull() )
return false;
gp_Pnt aPnt( theNode->X(), theNode->Y(), theNode->Z() );
// double aToler2 = myToler * myToler;
// if ( mySurf->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Plane)))
// {
// gp_Pln aPln = Handle(Geom_Plane)::DownCast(mySurf)->Pln();
// if ( aPln.SquareDistance( aPnt ) > aToler2 )
// return false;
// }
// else if ( mySurf->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_CylindricalSurface)))
// {
// gp_Cylinder aCyl = Handle(Geom_CylindricalSurface)::DownCast(mySurf)->Cylinder();
// double aRad = aCyl.Radius();
// gp_Ax3 anAxis = aCyl.Position();
// gp_XYZ aLoc = aCyl.Location().XYZ();
// double aXDist = anAxis.XDirection().XYZ() * ( aPnt.XYZ() - aLoc );
// double aYDist = anAxis.YDirection().XYZ() * ( aPnt.XYZ() - aLoc );
// if ( fabs(aXDist*aXDist + aYDist*aYDist - aRad*aRad) > aToler2 )
// return false;
// }
// else
// return false;
myProjector.Perform( aPnt );
bool isOn = ( myProjector.IsDone() && myProjector.LowerDistance() <= myToler );
return isOn;
: myMesh(0),
myCurShapeType = TopAbs_SHAPE;
void ElementsOnShape::SetMesh (const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh)
if (myMesh != theMesh) {
myMesh = theMesh;
SetShape(myShape, myType);
bool ElementsOnShape::IsSatisfy (long theElementId)
return myIds.Contains(theElementId);
SMDSAbs_ElementType ElementsOnShape::GetType() const
return myType;
void ElementsOnShape::SetTolerance (const double theToler)
if (myToler != theToler) {
myToler = theToler;
SetShape(myShape, myType);
double ElementsOnShape::GetTolerance() const
return myToler;
void ElementsOnShape::SetAllNodes (bool theAllNodes)
if (myAllNodesFlag != theAllNodes) {
myAllNodesFlag = theAllNodes;
SetShape(myShape, myType);
void ElementsOnShape::SetShape (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
const SMDSAbs_ElementType theType)
myType = theType;
myShape = theShape;
if (myMesh == 0) return;
switch (myType)
case SMDSAbs_All:
myIds.ReSize(myMesh->NbEdges() + myMesh->NbFaces() + myMesh->NbVolumes());
case SMDSAbs_Node:
case SMDSAbs_Edge:
case SMDSAbs_Face:
case SMDSAbs_Volume:
void ElementsOnShape::addShape (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape)
if (theShape.IsNull() || myMesh == 0)
if (!myShapesMap.Add(theShape)) return;
myCurShapeType = theShape.ShapeType();
switch (myCurShapeType)
case TopAbs_COMPOUND:
case TopAbs_COMPSOLID:
case TopAbs_SHELL:
case TopAbs_WIRE:
TopoDS_Iterator anIt (theShape, Standard_True, Standard_True);
for (; anIt.More(); anIt.Next()) addShape(anIt.Value());
case TopAbs_SOLID:
case TopAbs_FACE:
TopoDS_Face aFace = TopoDS::Face(theShape);
BRepAdaptor_Surface SA (aFace, true);
u1 = SA.FirstUParameter(),
u2 = SA.LastUParameter(),
v1 = SA.FirstVParameter(),
v2 = SA.LastVParameter();
Handle(Geom_Surface) surf = BRep_Tool::Surface(aFace);
myCurProjFace.Init(surf, u1,u2, v1,v2);
myCurFace = aFace;
case TopAbs_EDGE:
TopoDS_Edge anEdge = TopoDS::Edge(theShape);
Standard_Real u1, u2;
Handle(Geom_Curve) curve = BRep_Tool::Curve(anEdge, u1, u2);
myCurProjEdge.Init(curve, u1, u2);
case TopAbs_VERTEX:
TopoDS_Vertex aV = TopoDS::Vertex(theShape);
myCurPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(aV);
void ElementsOnShape::process()
if (myShape.IsNull() || myMesh == 0)
if (myType == SMDSAbs_Node)
SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->nodesIterator();
while (anIter->more())
if (myType == SMDSAbs_Edge || myType == SMDSAbs_All)
SMDS_EdgeIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->edgesIterator();
while (anIter->more())
if (myType == SMDSAbs_Face || myType == SMDSAbs_All)
SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->facesIterator();
while (anIter->more()) {
if (myType == SMDSAbs_Volume || myType == SMDSAbs_All)
SMDS_VolumeIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->volumesIterator();
while (anIter->more())
void ElementsOnShape::process (const SMDS_MeshElement* theElemPtr)
if (myShape.IsNull())
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr aNodeItr = theElemPtr->nodesIterator();
bool isSatisfy = myAllNodesFlag;
gp_XYZ centerXYZ (0, 0, 0);
while (aNodeItr->more() && (isSatisfy == myAllNodesFlag))
SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = (SMDS_MeshNode*)aNodeItr->next();
gp_Pnt aPnt (aNode->X(), aNode->Y(), aNode->Z());
centerXYZ += aPnt.XYZ();
switch (myCurShapeType)
case TopAbs_SOLID:
myCurSC.Perform(aPnt, myToler);
isSatisfy = (myCurSC.State() == TopAbs_IN || myCurSC.State() == TopAbs_ON);
case TopAbs_FACE:
isSatisfy = (myCurProjFace.IsDone() && myCurProjFace.LowerDistance() <= myToler);
if (isSatisfy)
// check relatively the face
Quantity_Parameter u, v;
myCurProjFace.LowerDistanceParameters(u, v);
gp_Pnt2d aProjPnt (u, v);
BRepClass_FaceClassifier aClsf (myCurFace, aProjPnt, myToler);
isSatisfy = (aClsf.State() == TopAbs_IN || aClsf.State() == TopAbs_ON);
case TopAbs_EDGE:
isSatisfy = (myCurProjEdge.NbPoints() > 0 && myCurProjEdge.LowerDistance() <= myToler);
case TopAbs_VERTEX:
isSatisfy = (aPnt.Distance(myCurPnt) <= myToler);
isSatisfy = false;
if (isSatisfy && myCurShapeType == TopAbs_SOLID) { // Check the center point for volumes MantisBug 0020168
centerXYZ /= theElemPtr->NbNodes();
gp_Pnt aCenterPnt (centerXYZ);
myCurSC.Perform(aCenterPnt, myToler);
if ( !(myCurSC.State() == TopAbs_IN || myCurSC.State() == TopAbs_ON))
isSatisfy = false;
if (isSatisfy)
TSequenceOfXYZ::TSequenceOfXYZ(size_type n) : myArray(n)
TSequenceOfXYZ::TSequenceOfXYZ(size_type n, const gp_XYZ& t) : myArray(n,t)
TSequenceOfXYZ::TSequenceOfXYZ(const TSequenceOfXYZ& theSequenceOfXYZ) : myArray(theSequenceOfXYZ.myArray)
template <class InputIterator>
TSequenceOfXYZ::TSequenceOfXYZ(InputIterator theBegin, InputIterator theEnd): myArray(theBegin,theEnd)
TSequenceOfXYZ& TSequenceOfXYZ::operator=(const TSequenceOfXYZ& theSequenceOfXYZ)
myArray = theSequenceOfXYZ.myArray;
return *this;
gp_XYZ& TSequenceOfXYZ::operator()(size_type n)
return myArray[n-1];
const gp_XYZ& TSequenceOfXYZ::operator()(size_type n) const
return myArray[n-1];
void TSequenceOfXYZ::clear()
void TSequenceOfXYZ::reserve(size_type n)
void TSequenceOfXYZ::push_back(const gp_XYZ& v)
TSequenceOfXYZ::size_type TSequenceOfXYZ::size() const
return myArray.size();